key: cord-0944499-hg4qdgj8 authors: Bukovac, Domen; Makše, Urška title: Comment on “Androgenetic alopecia present in the majority of patients hospitalized with COVID-19” date: 2020-08-26 journal: J Am Acad Dermatol DOI: 10.1016/j.jaad.2020.08.087 sha: 2d6be587c54a9ef87b80e3ff0793ace95634df57 doc_id: 944499 cord_uid: hg4qdgj8 nan In supplement 2, authors compared the frequency of HNS >3 in COVID-19 patients to the 51 prevalence of full AGA type in Severi's study 3 . Full AGA type includes men with rating 52 HNS >3. However, men rated with HNS = 4a or HNS = 5 as well fit frontal only and vertex 53 only AGA types (Figure 1 ). There is no information on how many men rated with HNS = 4,5 54 in Wambier's study would contribute to which of the adapted AGA types. 55 The paper in question claims that 70% of examined SARS-CoV-2 infected men in the age 57 group 65-69 years had full AGA. The authors compared this frequency to the prevalence of 58 33% in Severi's study, showing a significant difference. However, 60% of men were rated 59 >5). Hence, the actual prevalence of full AGA of COVID-19 patients in this age group lies 61 between 10% and 70%. 62 We analyzed raw data from Wambier's study and age-matched it to results in Severi's. Due 64 to the limitation of Severi's study, we were not able to match men aged below 40 years. 65 Nevertheless, 96% of examined men were above that age. For men aged above 69 years, we 66 matched AGA prevalence in a population to the one in the oldest age group (85%: HNS >1) 67 in Severi's study 4 . The frequency of AGA in COVID-19 patients over 40 years was 79% 68 (95% confidence interval, 72%-87%), while the expected prevalence in the age-matched 69 population was estimated to be 76%. Results suggest that a higher prevalence of AGA in Androgenetic Alopecia Present in the 77 Majority of Hospitalized covid-19 Patients -the "Gabrin sign Androgenetic alopecia in men aged 40-69 years: prevalence and risk factors Androgenetic Alopecia JAAD data age group comparison with other references Prevalence of Male and Female Pattern Hair Loss in 88