key: cord-0944234-9k2bmpmr authors: Ling, Yunchao; Cao, Ruifang; Qian, Jiaqiang; Li, Jiefu; Zhou, Haokui; Yuan, Liyun; Wang, Zhen; Ma, Liangxiao; Zheng, Guangyong; Zhao, Guoping; Wang, Zefeng; Zhang, Guoqing; Li, Yixue title: An interactive viral genome evolution network analysis system enabling rapid large-scale molecular tracing of SARS-CoV-2 date: 2022-01-10 journal: Sci Bull (Beijing) DOI: 10.1016/j.scib.2022.01.001 sha: 716d748e3baac6cb64013e3183523171f83c042a doc_id: 944234 cord_uid: 9k2bmpmr nan The comprehensive analyses of the SARS-CoV-2 genomes could provide a global picture of how the virus was transmitted among different populations, which may help predict the oncoming trends of the pandemic. The main approach for the molecular tracing of viral transmission is to thoroughly compare the genomes of different viral strains, leading to a series of phylogenetic trees or evolution networks that can also help to interpret the genomic mutations along with transmission [1] [2] [3] . Previously Lu and colleagues [4] used linkage disequilibrium and haplotype map to analyze genomes of 103 SARS-CoV-2 samples, and classified the viral genomes into type L and S. Similarly, a phylogenetic network was also constructed by Forster et al. using 160 viral genomes, which classified the viruses into three types (A/B/C) based on the nucleotide variants at five genomic loci [5] . However, construction and interpretation of the viral genome evolution network had become increasingly complicated with the rapid accumulation of available viral genomes, and therefore to artificially genotype and cluster the viruses from the network has become almost impossible. To meet the challenge of constructing a single high-quality tree from a huge number of sequences, Rochman et al. [6] developed a compromised method using a "divide and conquer" strategy to analyze over 300,000 SARS-CoV-2 genomes and reconstruct a global phylogeny. In addition, since the construction of the evolution network involves extensive calculations of large matrices, single-threaded analysis tools are unable to complete the analysis within a reasonable time limit in order to continuously track the dynamic changes of viral mutational patterns. Facing these challenges, we developed a new software pipeline, the viral genome evolutionary analysis system (VENAS), which enables integrated analyses of genomic variations within a newly constructed evolution network. We also adopted a highly paralleled multi-processing strategy to maximize the computation efficiency in calculating the distance matrices. The VENAS further applied a community detection method to transform the evolution network into a two-dimensional isomorphic topological space, and used a network disassortativity trimming algorithm to extract the backbone network of the topological space. The development of VENAS enables researchers to rapidly construct a large-scale evolution network at a reduced time and computational cost, enabling interactive tracing of the viral evolution and core mutations among distinct strains. VENAS is cross-platform open-source software available at It can be easily installed using source code or pre-build binary. To trace viral mutations along transmission routes using daily updated SARS-CoV-2 genomes, we seek to develop reliable computational algorithms to build an integrative genomic analysis system. The resulting system, VENAS, was constructed through a series of steps (Fig 1) . Briefly, we first collected all available SARS-CoV-2 genome datasets with stringent quality-control (Fig 1a) . Each genome was assigned with a series of binary labels (PIS, ν) that identify the parsimonious information sites (PISs) and their corresponding allele frequencies, where a unique set of PISs present a distinct genome type. The PISs with frequencies above a user-defined threshold (i.e., effective PISs, or ePIS) was used to calculate the Hamming distance between distinct genome types [7] (Fig. 1b and Supplementary methods online). We further sorted the distances between different genome types and sequentially connected all types using the neighbor-joining method, resulting in a fully connected network with the shortest sum of distance (Fig. 1c , the nodes present genome types and the edges present adjusted Hamming distances). The pairs of genome types with the same distance were adjusted by the minor allele frequencies (MAFs) of differential ePISs, where the pairs with lower MAFs (i.e., higher conservation) were given a higher rank (see Supplementary methods online). Importantly, this evolution network was constructed with multiple linkages, whereas the conventional phylogenetic trees have bifurcate limitations. Therefore, unlike the phylogenetic tree, we provide additional spatial freedom to the network that is more consistent with the simultaneous mutation accumulation during the viral transmission. Since the number of genomic mutations that occurred during a single human to human transmission is relatively small, this method effectively combined viral genomic alterations with transmission events to reliably construct a network of viral evolution. We next used a disjoint community detection method to cluster the evolution network into topologically linked subdomains, which represent different evolution clades containing many closely-connected genome types (Fig. 1d ). Such segmentation enabled us to subjectively identify the topological clades with "tight" intraclade connectivity and the "sparse" interclade connectivity, which reflect the relationship of different genome types among viral communities formed during natural transmission. Finally, we used the network disassortativity trimming algorithm to extract the core nodes from the evolution network, and further calculated the shortest paths between the core nodes using the Dijkstra algorithm [8] , generating a "backbone network" that recapitulates the main mutational paths ( Fig. 1e and Supplementary methods online). Many SARS-CoV-2 genome samples also contain associated epidemiological information, including the sampling time, location and protocol, sequencing platform and organization, patient's travel and exposure history, etc., which was further integrated into the VENAS network (by labeling the relevant nodes) to directly infer the viral evolution patterns at critical points of transmission. The computation of MAF-adjusted Hamming distance matrices is the rate-limiting step during the construction of the viral evolution network of VENAS. To improve the computing efficiency, we took advantage of the multi-core and multi-threaded features in high-performance computers and developed a highly parallel network construction pipeline (Supplementary results online). Compared with previous tools (POPART [9] and Pegas [10] ), VENAS achieved a dramatic improvement of computational efficiency and completed the analysis of >10,000 genomes in ~10 min, making it possible to handle the future accumulation of big data that is beyond the capacity of existing analysis tools (Table S1 online). The resulting VENAS network can be visualized with a general relationship graph or force-directed graph tools, such as the web-based Apache Echarts (, d3.js (, or the application-based Gephi. Evolution networks have an advantage over phylogenetic trees due to additional spatial freedom of connectivity. We first examined if the VENAS can recapitulate the SARS-CoV-2 haplotype network in an early study using a small number of genomes before March 2020 [4] , and confirmed that the community detection method in VENAS can reliably separate the L/S type into two clades with the same core mutations reported earlier (Fig. S1 online) . We next applied VENAS to analyze the early stages of global transmission using a dataset containing all 1050 high-quality entries released by 25 March 2020. VENAS produced a "backbone network" with 16 major viral clades in the topological space that reflect the possible transmission paths (Fig. 1e) . Each pair of viral clades was separated by core variants that also were identified by comparing PIS sites in these clades (Table S2 online) . For example, the core variants C8782T/T28144C recognized as the PIS between clades 1 and 2 (i.e., separating the Clades 2, 3, and 4 from the other clades), which was also reported to distinguish the "type L/S" [4, 5] ; The variants G11083T between Clades 1 and 5 were first identified from the patients in Diamond Princess Cruise and were also reported by Sekizuka et al [11] . Interestingly, Clades 1 and 12 were connected by a set of tightly-linked variants (C241T/C3037T/A23403G), which can cause single amino acid substitution in S protein. This mutational event coincided with a single patient who traveled from Shanghai to Bavaria for a business meeting of Webasto [12] . By October 2021, more than 4 million SARS-CoV-2 genomes have been sequenced worldwide, with several variants of concern (VOC) and variants of interest (VOI) showing higher transmission ability than the original type. We applied VENAS to analyze the up-to-date data, and found that VENAS can efficiently generate a comprehensive evolution network with precise annotation of the evolutional relationship between different genome types (Fig. 1f) . We also mapped the 4 VOCs and 2 VOIs on the viral evolution network with PANGO nomenclature [13] Pangolin software [14] . Moreover, the evolutionary relationships from VENAS have important clinical implications, as the treatment option of new variants can be developed based on the studies from its neighbor or nearby branches. Previously, the common method to study viral genome variations was through the construction of phylogenetic trees, often using a neighbor-joining algorithm [15] . We made an important improvement in VENAS by changing the binary structure into a multi-dimensional force-directed graph and adjusting the order of ambiguous connections with MAFs. The VENAS effectively clustered the viral genome types into clades by the topological layout of the graph, which reflected the major evolutionary patterns between virus genomes within each clade and provided a basic data model for the study of virus transmission trends. We filtered PISs with a threshold of variant frequency to obtain ePISs, which increased the confidence level and enabled a direct comparison of MAFs even with sequencing errors or incomplete sequencing. VENAS combined a biological measurement of variation frequency (MAF) with the Hamming distance by assigning the MAF as a weight of Hamming distance, and thus the differential genome types with the maximum conservation were firstly connected to enhance the robustness of the network. It should be noted that the VENAS network is a non-directional acyclic graph, and thus people should combine the epidemiological information when inferring transmission path from the network. For example, the sampling times in the VENAS network may reveal the direction of virus transmission, the locations of the earliest sample may help to trace the possible origin of the local outbreak, and the sampling organization or sequencing method can help us to exclude potential artifacts and sequence errors. Another caveat during network interpretation is that the "variant reversion" could be mistakenly called in some areas because the neighbor-joining method tends to force a fully connected network despite missing samples. In such a case, a base at a specific locus may appear to be mutated back and forth on two adjacent or nearby edges. The insufficient sampling of some specific genome types can lead to a missing node that is required to construct a coherent path of nodes reflecting the real transmission events. In such a situation, the algorithm will "enforce" the network construction through a neighbor node that is the closest to the real node. This problem may potentially be mitigated by multiple rounds of network reconstruction. The increasing amount of genome sequences has surpassed the capacity of existing analysis tools such as Pegas and POPART. By optimizing the data analysis process, intermediate data storage structure, and parallel computing efficiency, VENAS can compute millions of sequences simultaneously in a reasonable time (Supplementary material and Table S1 online). The accumulation of new data also enables the comparison of NEVAS networks at different transmission stages, which may allow us to generate a predictive model on how the network is changing along the time and thus to forecast the oncoming trends of transmission. We speculate that the most valuable information will be the topological change of the evolution network, which can be simulated with new algorithms. Such simulation could also be used to identify branches/sub-branches as the potential initiation site for new VOC. In conclusion, our platform can handle the massive amount of viral genomic data and rapidly generate the evolution network using a highly paralleled computation protocol. The topology-based community detection and the network disassortativity The authors declare that they have no conflict of interest. Zefeng Wang is a researcher at Shanghai Institute for Nutrition and Health, CAS. He obtained his Ph.D. degree in biological chemistry from Johns Hopkins Medical School. His main research interest is to study the regulation of RNA processing in eukaryotic cells using a combination of computational and experimental approaches. Guoqing Zhang is the vice director and principal investigator of Bio-Med Big Data Center of Shanghai Institute of Nutrition and Health, CAS. He received his Ph.D. degree from Huazhong University of Science and Technology. His research interest includes bioinformatics database and knowledge base, focusing on the integration and mining of omics data, literature data, and clinical data in the fields, such as precision medicine, large population cohort, the development of personalized drugs, microbiome, and synthetic biology. Metagenomic sequencing at the epicenter of the Nigeria 2018 Lassa fever outbreak Travel surveillance and genomics uncover a hidden Zika outbreak during the waning epidemic Molecular evolution of the SARS coronavirus during the course of the SARS epidemic in China On the origin and continuing evolution of SARS-CoV-2 Phylogenetic network analysis of SARS-CoV-2 genomes Ongoing global and regional adaptive evolution of SARS-CoV-2 Error detecting and error correcting codes A note on two problems in connexion with graphs Popart: Full-feature software for haplotype network construction pegas: An R package for population genetics with an integrated-modular approach Haplotype networks of SARS-CoV-2 infections in the Diamond Princess cruise ship outbreak Investigation of a COVID-19 outbreak in Germany resulting from a single travel-associated primary case: A case series A dynamic nomenclature proposal for SARS-CoV-2 lineages to assist genomic epidemiology Assignment of epidemiological lineages in an emerging pandemic using the pangolin tool Phylogenetic classification and the universal tree His research interest focuses on bioinformatics and systems biology, cancer genomics, biomedical database construction and data analysis algorithms, disease animal model genomics This work was supported by the National Key Research and Development We want to thank GISAID EpiFlu™ Database, the NCBI Genbank Database, and all contributors for selflessly sharing the SARS-CoV-2 sequences and metadata. Supplementary materials to this article can be found online.