key: cord-0941905-6k7b3i0m authors: Inselman, Jonathan W.; Rank, Matthew A.; Zawada, Stephanie K.; Jeffery, Molly M. title: Which people with asthma are most likely to be hospitalized with COVID-19 in the US? date: 2021-03-05 journal: J Allergy Clin Immunol Pract DOI: 10.1016/j.jaip.2021.02.050 sha: 50ecc5c3cd80dabaa9691f958b89d9f0d615324c doc_id: 941905 cord_uid: 6k7b3i0m nan The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) currently classifies moderate-to-severe asthma as a disease where people might be at an increased risk for 33 severe illness from the virus that causes Multicenter analyses suggest that 34 severe asthma, but not mild asthma, is associated with COVID-19-related mortality in 35 the UK 2 and Korea. 3 In Spain, older age and comorbidities are associated with COVID-36 19-related hospital admission in people with asthma. 4 In the US, multiple single center 37 studies suggest some people with asthma are at higher risk for severe illness from 38 COVID-19, while a systematic review and meta-analysis of 131 studies conducted in 40 39 different countries concluded that asthma is not associated with higher COVID-19 40 severity or worse prognosis. 5 Thus, it is important to discern risk levels for poor COVID- People who lost insurance coverage between March 9 and June 30 are retained in the 52 analysis for their entire period of coverage. We are unable to perfectly distinguish 53 people who discontinue insurance due to death vs. loss or change of insurance 54 coverage. Among this cohort, we identified people with COVID-19 diagnostic codes (U07.1 or 56 U07.2) linked to a hospitalization from during the observation period of March 9, 2020 57 through June 30, 2020. 7 Next, univariate and multivariable analyses were performed 58 with independent variables age, gender, race, geographic region, income, insurance, 59 Charlson comorbidity counts, specific comorbid conditions (COPD, hypertension, 60 rhinitis, sinusitis, obesity), asthma medication claims, and history of severe asthma 61 exacerbation as defined by ED or hospitalization for asthma in 2019, and the dependent 62 variable COVID-19 hospitalization. We included a category for missing data because 63 they were unlikely to be missing at random. We included the length of follow up as an 64 exposure term in the model: a Poisson regression with robust standard errors. 0%) 12.96 2.4474 (2.0932 ,2.8616)* 2.0036 (1.6965 ,2.3662)* Northeast region