key: cord-0941161-ufl22r8e authors: Gautam, Sneha; Setu, Shamsunnahar; Khan, Mohd Golam Quader; Khan, Md. Badiuzzaman title: Analysis of the health, economic and environmental impacts of COVID-19: The Bangladesh perspective date: 2021-11-02 journal: nan DOI: 10.1016/j.geogeo.2021.100011 sha: bc0e93366c09dcad1892e695551ee2753a11a528 doc_id: 941161 cord_uid: ufl22r8e Although COVID-19 has given an opportunity to the earth to restore her ecosystem, its role in bringing changes in every sector including social, economic, agricultural, industrial, education and health is enormous. The study was conducted to assess the socio-economic impacts of COVID-19 in Bangladesh by collecting data from different sources. The result depicted that during the first wave of COVID-19, the detection rate was less than 5%, exceeding almost 30% after detecting the deadlier Indian variant where 65% of the death is noticed by the people older than 50 years. Among all the frontline service providers during Covid, the highest rate of death was observed for doctors in Bangladesh. This study also discussed the impact of COVID-19 on mental health and found that women faced more depression and anxiety than men as well as 43% of children had subthreshold mental disturbances. Three-fourths of the adolescents have been distressed with household stress during the pandemic. Women and girls have encountered increased domestic violence whereas early marriages dropped out many rural girls from education. Decreasing remittance from non-residents and shutting down of RMG industry resulted loss of job and have badly affected economic section. Almost 20 million workers lost their jobs in Bangladesh from the informal sector. Moreover, the healthcare workers who have treated the corona virus patients have been socially stigmatized due to the fear of infection. Corona Virus has jeopardized the agriculture sector and 66 % farmers (53% crop and vegetables, 99% fish farmers) got lower price than they used to get in a normal situation. Together with Government, non-government organizations, researchers, doctors, industrialists, international organization as well as individuals should come forward to handle this pandemic. showed that 43% of children had subthreshold mental disturbances, 30.5% had mild, 18.3% had 153 moderate, and 7.2% had severe disorders. Corona Virus has jeopardized the agriculture sector, due to the decline of demand in the market, the May 2020 period. Getting lower prices and higher expenses of inputs, decrease demand for dairy, 255 fisheries and fowl products. In the case of vegetables, it is assumed that Bangladesh will lose $ 20 256 million export earnings due to the outbreak of COVID-19 (BRAC, 2020). Bangladesh Poultry 257 Industries Central Council (BPICC) said that price of poultry chicken and eggs dropped in the 258 market due to nationwide shutdown. BPICC as of now anticipated their misfortune will be between 259 1150-1650 Crore Taka (The Business Standard, 2020). Flower farmers experienced 3000 million 260 BDT losses as they could not sell their blooms on last spring in the market (Sarker, 2020) . Suppose 261 COVID-19 scenario continues even in the subsequent season. In that case, many of the farmers will quit this profession, and it will bear a significant impact on food production, supply chain, food 263 system ultimately country"s overall food security. platform, but failed to deliver. In most cases, they had to restrict their daily orders, and in some cases 294 the product took more than a day to deliver. Leading food manufacturer E-commerce platform like 295 Aarong Diary, Kazi Farms, Golden Harvest even Daraz, and othoba com. offer home 296 delivery as people were unable to go outside during lockdown. That is how the grocery retail 297 e-commerce market system evolved during the ongoing coronavirus crisis. 298 COVID-19 has paid off havoc around the world and every critical sector like education has been hit 300 hard since its late outbreak in December 2019. Students, teachers, colleges and universities badly 301 impacted. United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) said that, 302 over 800 million learners around the world have been affected, 1 in 5 students cannot go to school, 1 303 in 4 cannot attend college and more than 102 countries have ordered schools to close across the 304 country, while 11 have local school closings carried out (Global Campaign for Education, 2020). 305 The number of students is about 17 million in primary, 13 million in secondary, and 4 million in 306 tertiary education in Bangladesh (BBS, 2017). COVID-19 pandemic has brought a disaster in the 307 education sector by declaration of shutting down all educational institutions for uncertain period. On 308 March 16, 2020 all educational institutions went to vacation for the next April 04, 2020 but later 309 extending period declares September 31, 2021 one by one declaration from the Ministry of 310 Education. This longer period vacation results in increasing tension, mental stress, lack of 311 confidence among the students ultimately leads attempt to suicide. Bangladesh has recorded 70% 312 more suicides than COVID-19 deaths in the last year and180 students died from suicide during 313 COVID-19 (Amader Shomoy, 2021). Family problems, relationship stress, financial crisis and 314 educational reasons responsible for suicidal cases 35%, 24%, 4% and 1% respectively in Bangladesh 315 (Dhaka Tribune, 2021). 316 The COVID-19 pandemic is likely to result in significant long-term education costs. By quantifying 317 learning loss in terms of job market performance, the average Bangladeshi student will face a 318 decrease in annual income of around $ 335, nearly 6.8% of their annual income for all students in 319 Bangladesh. For all Bangladeshi graduates entering into the labor market for a projected period of 10 320 years, it would cost the country's economy up to $ 114 billion in gross domestic product. Since A rapid assessment Impact of COVID-19 on Education in Bangladesh from BRAC stated that 16% 334 students have expressed anxiety and panic due to the pandemic (Change and Programme, 2020). 335 With a total of 31 million school-going children, the number can be as many as 5 million 336 panic-stricken children in the country. 34% of the panic-stricken students have become cranky, show 337 tantrums or remain agitated most of the time. 28% of them have lost enthusiasm to study or play 338 while 25% hesitant to speak to outsiders. 20% of them are suffering from monophobia, and 28% 339 scared of seeing outsiders. The students with disabilities (16%) have been the worst victims of 340 abuse. Survey data suggest that only 2% of female students were the victims of abuse. The 341 coronavirus pandemic seems to have made 13% of students less interested in studying while 14% do 342 not study (Change and Programme, 2020). Economic Impact 531 of COVID-19 on the Vulnerable Population of Bangladesh Ministry of Health and Family Welfare Management Information System-Directorate General Health System Covid-19 dynamic dashboard for Bangladesh Analyzing COVID-19 Challenges in Bangladesh Improved 541 air quality and associated mortalities in India under COVID-19 lockdown Spatio-temporal analysis of air 544 quality and its relationship with major COVID-19 hotspot places in India Global assessment of tropospheric 548 and ground air pollutants and its correlation with COVID-19 Churches cancel Sunday service, move online amid coronavirus outbreak Psychosocial Anxiety from Lockdown Due to COVID-19 to Income Earner of the 555 Family: An Evidence from Northern Bangladesh Rare dolphin sighting as Cox"s Bazar lockdown under COVID-19 Biomedical waste 561 amid COVID-19: perspectives from Bangladesh. The Lancet Combatting the impact of COVID-19 school closures in 564 Bangladesh COVID-19 and mental health: A review of the existing literature Mitigating Covid-19 impacts on food and agriculture COVID-19 Induced Lockdown 573 Consequences on Air Quality and Economy -A Case Study of Bangladesh Impact of COVID19 on Bangladesh Agriculture Global Conference on The Daily Star, 2021. Indian variant Coronavirus found in Bangladesh Trading Economics, 2021. Bangladesh Remittance Bangladesh 2021. Beyond Recovery: 596 Towards Coronavirus: Millions will be left in poverty As COVID-19 spreads, no major concern for global 602 food security yet | IFPRI : International Food Policy Research Institute Mitigate the effects of home 606 confinement on children during the COVID-19 outbreak WHO Director-General"s opening remarks at the Member States information 609 session on COVID-19 -11 marks-at-the-member-states-information-session-on-covid Losing Livelihoods: The Labor Market Impacts of COVID-19 in Impact of COVID-19 pandemic on the mental health of children in Bangladesh: 620 A cross-sectional study. Children and youth services review COVID-19: the curious case of a green virus 16.74% in 2020 compared to 2019 . Restriction of international flights in many 358 countries reducing CO 2 concentration in the atmosphere like China deducted nearly 17% CO 2 359 emission compared to January 20, 2020 (Zogopoulos, 2020) . Increasing amount generation of 360 medical waste due to COVID-19 possess a great hazard to human health and environment. 361Approximately, 206 m tons of medical waste are generated in Dhaka City per day because of 362 COVID-19 . As medical waste is hazardous waste, their proper management 363 has become a significant challenge to the concerned authorities. In developing country like India and 364Bangladesh, water pollution is a major phenomenon as domestic and industrial waste water 365 discharge in the environment without treatment. During the lockdown period, water pollution has 366 reduced in the beach area in many countries, including Bangladesh, Malaysia, Thailand, Maldives, 367and Indonesia (Rahman, 2020) . 368 This study gives a synopsis of the socio-economic and environmental impact of the COVID-19 in 370Bangladesh. This is not only an economic crisis but also an immense social crisis. The detection rate 371 varied from less than 5% to 30% during COVID-19 and both infected and death rates are much 372 higher for male than female. There are insufficient ICU beds with ventilators facilities, a shortage of 373 personal protective equipment (PPE) for health care workers, testing kits, and sufficient national 374 funds. A large number of people are suffered mentally from depression and anxiety. The healthcare 375 workers who have treated the corona virus patients have been socially stigmatized. Almost 20 376 million workers lost their jobs in Bangladesh from the informal sector out of 60.8 million people 377 working in both formal and informal sectors. Corona Virus has jeopardized the agriculture sector, 378 due to the decline of demand in the market. 66 % farmers (53% crop and vegetables, 99% fish 379 farmers) got lower price than they used to get in a normal situation. COVID-19 pandemic creates 380 "ripple effects" in the garments sectors by affecting millions of workers and enterprises in the supply 381 chains. COVID-19 pandemic has brought a disaster in the education sector by declaration of shutting 382 down all educational institutions for uncertain period that resulted tension, mental stress, lack of 383 confidence among the students. Although increasing amount and new types of medical waste 384 generated due to COVID-19, air quality of Dhaka city was improved considerably during the 385 lockdown. The government tried hard and soul with limited resources to protect the pandemic 386 outbreak by buying necessary testing kids, sufficient amount of vaccines, providing social protective 387 measures and food and cash directly to the poor people. Proper full vaccination and raising 388 awareness among the people to wear face mask, social distancing, use sanitizers is important to 389 control Corona Virus spreading in Bangladesh. As vaccination is a long-term process, collaboration 390 of native pharmaceuticals industry with the Government is warranted. Together with Government, 391 non-government organizations, researchers, doctors, industrialists, international organization as well 392 as individuals should come forward to handle this pandemic. By and large, the country"s partners 393 ought to make an execution approach to play down the widespread impacts by bringing innovation, 394 monetary speculation, and investigation in each division. The Business Standard, 2020. Deadly Covid-19 Pandemic Impact: Poultry sector stares at over 584 Tk1,150 crore losses . 585 586 es-63472 (Accessed 29 August,2021).