key: cord-0939900-9rn8kzst authors: Dancer, S.J. title: Cleaning and decontamination of the healthcare environment date: 2014-02-25 journal: Decontamination in Hospitals and Healthcare DOI: 10.1533/9780857096692.2.370 sha: ed06f620b9ed0630a9ea6c1c0805b741518e31d7 doc_id: 939900 cord_uid: 9rn8kzst Evidence is accumulating for the role of cleaning in controlling hospital infections. Hospital pathogens such as meticillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), vancomycin-resistant enterococci (VRE), norovirus, multi-resistant Gram-negative bacilli and Clostridium difficile persist in the healthcare environment for considerable lengths of time. Cleaning with both detergent and disinfectant-based regimens help control these pathogens in both routine and outbreak situations. The most important transmission risk comes from organisms on frequently handled items because hand contact with a contaminated site could deliver a pathogen to a patient. Cleaning practices should be tailored to clinical risk, near-patient areas and hand-touch-sites and scientifically evaluated for all surfaces and equipment in today’s hospitals. There remains debate over clean hospitals when considering hospitalacquired infections (HAIs). 1,2 A visual experience of dirty hospitals is automatically linked with infection risk but this is diffi cult to prove for a number of reasons. Firstly, there are already several known risks for patients acquiring infection in hospital -antimicrobial consumption, insuffi cient isolation rooms and poor hand hygiene, for example. Secondly, since cleaning has never been investigated as a discrete scientifi c entity, it is impossible to determine just how important it might be towards overall infection control. 1 Finding the evidence to support cleaning as a signifi cant intervention for preventing infection has been seriously disadvantaged because there are no accepted risk-based standards to verify whether a hospital is truly clean and safe. 3 Finally, there is confusion between nursing and domestic personnel over allocation of cleaning responsibilities. Even established cleaning regimens do not necessarily target high-risk reservoirs due to a lack of evidence and education. Visual inspection of the hospital environment does not provide a reliable qualitative nor quantitative assessment of the infection risk for patients. 2, 3 Microbes are invisible and they are not necessarily associated with visual dirt. The impression of cleanliness is confounded by clutter, excess equipment; cramped wards and fabric defi cits. Visual assessment will inevitably be subject to bias under these circumstances, as well as subject to an individual ' s perception. 1 Despite this, there is general consensus that environmental cleanliness is important for controlling infection. This is largely due to historical infl uences as well as the large number of outbreak reports, which nearly always mention cleaning as an integral part of the control package. 4 There has been much recent interest in the role of the environment in promoting transmission of pathogens as well as articles examining basic principles underlying the importance of cleaning. 5, 6 Novel biocides, antimicrobial coatings and new types of cleaning equipment are constantly appearing, although few have been modelled against patient outcome. There is an increasing need to prioritise surface level cleaning in the prevention and control of hospital infection, particularly as pathogens are becoming more resistant to antimicrobial agents. Hospital cleaning in the 21st century deserves further investigation for both routine and outbreak practices. If a microbial pathogen can retain viability on surfaces outside the human body, there is a risk that it could be picked up by hands or air currents and transmitted to a patient. 4 The longer it survives, the more likely it will ultimately reach a patient at a vulnerable site and cause infection. Robust pathogens will persist in an appropriate environmental niche for days unless removed through some cleaning process. 1, 7 Organisms that are particularly good at resisting drying or desiccation are more likely to be associated with epidemic spread. [8] [9] [10] Whilst the ability of bacterial spores to withstand intemperate environments is well known, survival patterns of vegetative bacteria and viruses in healthcare institutions are less predictable. It has been assumed that Gram-negative bacilli are more vulnerable to exposure on surfaces, and therefore pose less of a risk to patients. 1 This assumption has been challenged by studies that detail prolonged survival periods for some Gramnegative species. 7 For example, Escherichia coli and Klebsiella spp. have been shown to survive more than a year under certain conditions, and Serratia marcescens up to 2 months. 7 In contrast, methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) has been shown to survive for a year in Decontamination in hospitals and healthcare hospital dust, the spores of Clostridium diffi cile for fi ve months and epidemic vancomycin-resistant enterococci (VRE) for up to four years. [10] [11] [12] Acinetobacter can survive in surface dust for at least a month, with some strains reportedly surviving for up to 3 years. 8 Pseudomonas aeruginosa usually only survives for a couple of days but will persist for fi ve weeks on a dry fl oor. 7, 13 Along with Stenotrophomonas maltophilia , Pseudomonas spp. demonstrate long-term persistence within biofi lm adherent to hospital plumbing components and other water-exposed sites. 14, 15 Most respiratory viruses such as coronavirus, rhinovirus and infl uenza can survive on dry surfaces for a few days, with gastrointestinal viruses retaining viability for a couple of months. Norovirus is found in the hospital environment for days after an outbreak, demonstrating survivability despite terminal cleaning with bleach-based products. 16, 17 Fungi such as Candida spp. may persist in hospitals for up to four months, although there are very few reports detailing the risk of cross-infection from an environmental source. 7, 18, 19 Given the proven ability of these microorganisms to survive on surfaces for relatively long periods of time, it is obvious that the healthcare environment facilitates cross-transmission and outbreaks of many hospital pathogens. The risks of cross-transmission are exaggerated by heavy workload, understaffi ng, high bed occupancy rates and rapid bed turnover. Furthermore, in an era of cost cutting, those with cleaning responsibilities cannot hope to decontaminate all high-risk surfaces as often as required when a hospital is full to capacity and patients with attendant microorganisms are transferred between wards day and night. 4 Pathogens can be recovered from the environment using a variety of microbiological techniques. Most organisms can be found in the air and ultimately on the fl oors, but almost any surface can host a range of microbes for differing lengths of time. These include general surfaces such as shelves and ledges; curtains, linen and clothes; furniture and computers, telephones, patients' beds and items of clinical equipment. 1, 12, [20] [21] [22] [23] [24] [25] Gram-negative organisms such as Pseudomonas spp. and Stenotrophomonas are associated with damp places such as taps, sinks, showers and baths. 1, 13, 15, 26, 27 Coliforms such as Klebsiella and Serratia have been identifi ed from buckets, bowls, mops and liquids. 1, 28 Thus, traditional sites for Gram-negative microbes have been sites constantly or intermittently exposed to water, but this is not always the case. Dry sites, e.g. patient charts, can also host a range of Gram-negative organisms. 23 About 5% of near-patient sites demonstrate presence of Gram-negative bacilli indistinguishable to those from the patient. 22 Organisms identifi ed included E.coli , Enterobacter , Serratia and Klebsiella , and these organisms were recovered from a range of sites including linen and nightwear; bedside table, bed rail and chair; door handle; infusion pump and respirator; and expected bathroom sites. The most prevalent site for the patients' own isolate was the perineal region of the patients themselves, thus demonstrating the major reservoir for Gram-negative bacteria. 22 The perineum has already been highlighted as an important source of environmental contamination for hands of both patients and staff. 29 Pathogens normally resident in the gastrointestinal system, such as norovirus, C. diffi cile and VRE, are predominantly recovered from bathrooms, toilets or commodes, although the propensity for survival of these particular organisms means that they can be found from many other sites in the healthcare environment. 12, 17, 30, 31 Indeed, spores of C. diffi cile persist on hands and under fi ngernails, and could be carried between wards on the soles of shoes. 12, 32, 33 Spores may disseminate through the air, confounding attempts at controlling infection and invalidating terminal cleaning protocols. 34 Norovirus easily spreads in air and on surfaces throughout an entire ward, although this usually refl ects the situation during seasonal outbreaks. 17 Dust-loving MRSA and Acinetobacter contaminate rarely cleaned and/or inaccessible surfaces, such as shelves, tops of monitors, patient notes and computer keyboards. 25, [35] [36] [37] [38] The most frequently contaminated sites for MRSA on an acute ward are top of the bedside locker; overbed table and bed frame. 22, 39 Airborne spread of MRSA and Acinetobacter has also been documented but remains poorly investigated. [40] [41] [42] [43] Even Pseudomonas has been recovered from air, and similarly implicated in spread between patients. 13 The more traditional airborne pathogens, ubiquitous Aspergillus and Bacillus spp., are dispersed through the hospital particularly during hot dry weather, and often associated with construction or renovation. 1, 44, 45 Coliforms and Pseudomonas may frequent 'wet' sites such as sinks and baths, with differences between the recovery rate from sinks on separate wards within the same hospital. 46 Few coliforms persisted in intensive care unit (ICU) sinks, as opposed to sinks on medical wards, with Pseudomonastype bacteria more frequently isolated from ICU sinks than those on the medical wards. This was attributed to more frequent dispensing of alcohol and chlorhexidine for the purposes of hand disinfection in ICU. All environmental bacteria recovered from ICU were signifi cantly more resistant to antibiotics than those from the medical wards. Antibiotic consumption appears to infl uence the resistance profi les of organisms on fl oors and other surfaces within a defi ned local environment such as a hospital ward. 46 Prior room occupancy has been shown to be a risk for acquisition of both Gram-negative and Gram-positive organisms. 5, [47] [48] [49] [50] [51] This suggests that Decontamination in hospitals and healthcare terminal cleaning and/or disinfection regimens for isolation rooms containing patients colonised and/or infected with MRSA, VRE, C. diffi cile , Acinetobacter and Pseudomonas fail to remove all microbial contamination, thus exposing a new admission to the remnants of a persistent environmental reservoir. 52 Given that this risk has been verifi ed by many different authors, it strengthens the role of the environment in HAI. 53 A patient admitted into a room previously occupied by an infected patient remains at risk of acquiring the same organism, regardless of hand hygiene compliance rates by attendant clinical staff. 54 Once a hospital pathogen reaches an appropriate environmental niche, it will persist, unless removed through some cleaning process. It then has the potential to contaminate hands or be uplifted by air currents and deposited upon a patient or onto surfaces beside the patient. 29, 34, 55, 56 The greatest risk for infection for most patients emanates from surfaces beside or on beds, e.g. linen, bed frames, lockers and overbed tables. 3, 24, 39, 57 Contamination of near-patient bedside sites provides an opportunity for everyone ' s hands, including those of the patient, to acquire pathogens and/ or transfer them elsewhere. 29, 58, 59 Items or surfaces that are frequently touched provide the largest risk of contamination by pathogens spread on hands. 3, 25 These sites then act as reservoirs for subsequent dispersal. Seeding pieces of caulifl ower mosaic virus onto a ward telephone allowed researchers to track the movement and spread of the viral marker around the unit, from hand-touch site to hand-touch site over the course of hours and days. 60 A similar communitybased study placed viral components onto a door handle in a students' fl at and charted the movement of the markers from site to site via hands. 61 These studies confi rm the role of hands in mobilising microbial markers between hand-touch reservoirs, and the sites most likely to host pathogens. In addition, the community study showed how direct hand-to-hand contact, as occurs during handshaking, was able to spread marker virus to a succession of people following initial contamination of a door handle. 61 Many previous studies have demonstrated transient and persistent carriage of hospital organisms on the hands of healthcare workers. 9, 27, 29, 32, 55, [62] [63] [64] [65] [66] [67] [68] About 40% nurses' hands yield coliforms without prior disinfection, although rates depend upon the type of unit in which sampling takes place. 29, 63 Another study showed that 17% ICU staff carried Klebsiella on their hands, and that these strains were probably related to those colonising or infecting patients resident on the unit. 55 Of clinical staff caring for patients with C. diffi cile , 59% had positive cultures for C. diffi cile from their hands. 32 About 17% (9-25%) of contacts between a healthcare worker and an MRSA-colonised patient result in transmission of MRSA from a patient to the gloves of a healthcare worker. 66 Staff also acquire organisms directly from the hospital environment. 29, 55, 65, [69] [70] [71] [72] Indeed, they are just as likely to acquire pathogens after touching environmental sites as they are after caring for patients. 65, [70] [71] [72] Coliforms can be recovered from the hands of nurses after touching patients' washing materials and clothing, as well as after bed making, sluice room activities, handling bedlinen and curtains, and even after a drug round. 29 Once acquired, hands may then be responsible for contaminating additional environmental sites. 7, 56, 73 Contamination of hands or gloves with hospital organisms provides a highly plausible route of transmission between patients on a ward. 7, 55, 63, 64 Hand hygiene is an easy practical method of interrupting such transmission but compliance rarely reaches the levels required to remove the risk of HAI for many different reasons. 54, 74 Even when staff know that a patient is isolated because they are colonised or infected with a hospital pathogen, hand hygiene compliance is still only about 50%. 74 It is also possible that hand hygiene is insuffi cient to stop pathogen transmission. 70, 75 Neither chlorhexidine, alcohol, nor soap and water necessarily remove contamination from hands, and some hand cleansing products are ineffective against specifi c pathogens. 63, 70, [76] [77] [78] Whilst there remains little evidence for the benefi ts of general surface cleaning alone, cleaning is often mentioned as an integral part of a multifaceted response to an outbreak lacking an identifi ed common source. 79 Numerous reports detail cleaning as a major control component for outbreaks of MRSA; VRE; C. diffi cile ; norovirus; and drug-resistant Acinetobacter . These pathogens thrive in dust and dirt in the temperate hospital environment and contaminate numerous sites on surfaces and equipment, particularly during an outbreak. There is some evidence that cleaning removes MRSA from the ward environment with benefi t for patients. 35, 59 MRSA was isolated from 13 patients on the dermatology ward over a 14-month period. 80 Extensive environmental culturing revealed that a blood pressure cuff and the patients' communal shower were positive for MRSA, with pulsed fi eld gel electrophoresis (PFGE) demonstrating identical DNA typing patterns from the majority of patient isolates and both environmental sources. Control was achieved after changing of blood pressure cuffs between patients and more stringent cleaning of communal areas. 80 Another MRSA outbreak on a urological ward resisted all the usual infection control interventions such as hand hygiene promotion and isolation of patients. 81 After the outbreak strain was isolated from the ward environment, the number of domestic cleaning hours was doubled from 60 to 120 hours per week and the number of patients affected immediately decreased. The cleaning intervention was thought to have played a signifi cant role in the termination of the outbreak and saved at least £28 000. 81 An outbreak of glycopeptide-intermediate Staph. aureus (GISA) in an intensive therapy unit (ITU) proved diffi cult to control until further control measures, including enhanced cleaning, were introduced. 82 Again, this probably helped to stop the outbreak, although it was not possible to determine the relative roles of barrier precautions and environmental decontamination. Outwith the outbreak situation, the effects of enhanced cleaning were monitored on two matched surgical wards in a prospective controlled cross-over trial for two 6-month periods. 59 There were nine wardacquired MRSA infections during routine cleaning periods, but only four when the wards received extra cleaning, notably targeting hand-touch sites and clinical equipment. More MRSA patient-days during the enhanced cleaning periods predicted at least 13 new cases instead of the 4 that actually occurred. The study concluded that targeted cleaning using detergent wipes and water could be a cost-effective mechanism of reducing MRSA infections. 59 Environmental cleaning might also be important for controlling VRE. 83, 84 One study describes the impact of improved cleaning on the spread of VRE in a medical ICU, with and without promotion of hand hygiene compliance. 85 Enforcing cleaning measures along with improved hand hygiene was associated with less surface contamination with VRE, cleaner healthcare worker hands and a signifi cant reduction in VRE cross-transmission among patients. The authors concluded that decreasing environmental contamination might help to control the spread of VRE in hospitals. 85 Introducing an educational programme, contact precautions and reinforcement of environmental cleaning was the response to escalating VRE cases in a Brazilian hospital. 86 Enhanced cleaning emphasised use of bleach for bathroom surfaces and 70% alcohol for furniture and patient equipment. The overall package helped prevent dissemination of VRE throughout the hospital, including intensive care, with a decrease in attack rate from 1.49 to 0.33 ( p < 0.001). 86 Bleach-based terminal cleaning was used for an earlier study to control VRE in a haemato-oncology unit, again as part of an intervention package. 84 Another package of interventions, including extensive cleaning of environmental surfaces and environmental cultures, was implemented in three ICUs by a team in South Korea. 87 During the outbreak, a total of 50 patients with VRE were identifi ed by clinical and surveillance cultures, and 46 had vancomycin-resistant Enterococcus faecium (VREF). PFGE analysis of VREF isolates during the initial two months disclosed six types and clusters of two major types. Environmental surfaces were rigorously cleaned three times a day using 5% sodium hypochlorite. The outbreak was terminated 5 months after implementation of the interventions, with the weekly prevalence rate reduced from 9.1/100 to 0.6/100 patient-days, and rectal acquisition rate down from 6.9/100 to 0/100 patient-days. 87 The benefi ts of cleaning for control of C. diffi cile are well established. 88, 89 Following a rise in C. diffi cile cases, one hospital introduced enhanced cleaning with hypochlorite into two ICUs. 90 One of the ICUs applied the extra cleaning to all areas, including rooms used solely by staff, and sensitive clinical equipment was wiped over twice daily using hypochloriteimpregnated cloths. The other unit introduced the intensive hypochlorite clean into isolation rooms housing patients already infected with C. diffi cile . Rates of infection decreased in both units over several months and appeared to be maintained at a lower rate for at least 2 years after the cleaning intervention, despite some relaxation of the initial regimen. 90 Increased rates of C. diffi cile infection (CDI) in three American hospitals prompted terminal room cleaning of those affected with dilute bleach instead of the usual quaternary ammonium compound. 91 All surfaces, fl oor to ceiling, were wiped with dilute bleach applied with towels to thoroughly wet the surfaces. The prevalence density of C. diffi cile fell by 48%, with a sustained and signifi cant reduction on the rate of nosocomial CDI. Another group implemented daily cleaning with 0.55% bleach wipes on two medical wards with a high incidence of C. diffi cile . 92 Pre-intervention, there was a total of 31 new cases of C. diffi cile on the wards. After the cleaning strategy, there were 4 cases on these wards over the following year, representing a 7-fold decrease in cases of C. diffi cile . There were no other interventions introduced other than targeted cleaning with bleach wipes. 92 Use of chlorine-releasing disinfectants in rooms contaminated with C. diffi cile spores reduces the number of spores in the environment, with some evidence to suggest that this reduces the risk of recurrence and spread C. diffi cile -associated disease of (CDAD). 93 Evidence is strongest for products with higher concentrations of disinfecting agents (e.g. 5000 mg/L free Decontamination in hospitals and healthcare chlorine). The benefi ts of chlorine use might be greater in units where rates of CDAD are high (e.g. geriatric rehabilitation or assessment units) or in response to outbreaks. Additionally, effectiveness of cleaning agents used in the hospital environment on levels of spores and, more important, rates of CDAD, might be related to training and time-constraints of cleaning staff. 93,94 The importance of cleaning in controlling outbreaks of Acinetobacter spp. has been emphasised in previous studies. [95] [96] [97] One of these describes an outbreak caused by multiply resistant strains of A. baumannii involving more than 30 patients in two ICUs. 96 Environmental contamination was recognised as an important reservoir of the epidemic strains and the outbreak ceased only after both ICUs were closed for terminal cleaning and disinfection. 96 Another study examined the levels of environmental contamination with Acinetobacter in a neurosurgical ICU during a prolonged outbreak. 98 Near-patient hand-touch sites frequently yielded the epidemic strain, and there was a signifi cant association between the amount of environmental contamination and patient colonisation. The conclusion was that high standards of cleaning play an integral role in controlling outbreaks of Acinetobacter in the intensive care setting, although little is known about the best way to clean in non-outbreak settings. 98 A further study describes what happened following the introduction of bedside computers in a paediatric burns ward. 37 There was a sudden increase in the number of patients acquiring Acinetobacter and environmental screening demonstrated the organism on various surfaces in the patients' rooms, especially the plastic covers on the computer keyboards. Targeted infection control measures that included the use of gloves before using the computer and thorough disinfection of the plastic covers effectively terminated the outbreak. Before the outbreak occurred, no one had thought to include the computers in a routine cleaning specifi cation. 37 A 3-year prospective study was conducted in intensive care and coronary care units to evaluate interventions including contact isolation precautions, hand hygiene, active surveillance, cohorting patients colonised or infected with pandrug-resistant A. baumannii and environmental cleaning with 1:100 sodium hypochlorite. 99 The rate of A. baumannii colonisation and/or infection was 3.6 cases per 1000 patient-days before the intervention. One year after the intervention, the rate of A. baumannii colonization and/or infection decreased by 66% to 1.2 cases per 1000 patient-days ( p < .001) and two years later by 76% to 0.85 cases per 1000 patient-days ( p < .001). 99 The importance of cleaning in controlling outbreaks of Gram-negative microorganisms other than Acinetobacter is diffi cult to ascertain, given that enhanced cleaning usually comes as part of an overall package in response to cross-infection or outbreak. Despite this, there is general consensus that environmental cleanliness is important for controlling infection. Certainly, the literature is littered with reports of outbreaks of coliforms traced to discrete pieces of equipment, specifi c environmental site or particular product or practice. 1 This is probably because terminating an outbreak caused by single source contamination is a lot easier than implementing a routine cleaning regimen that prevents infection from a multitude of general surfaces. Identifi cation of a single reservoir and eradicating it usually curtails the outbreak. 28, [100] [101] [102] Persistent reservoirs of resistant Klebsiella pneumoniae were traced to multiple contaminated sink components in an Aberdeen teaching hospital. 100 More recently, four patients in a neurosurgical ITU became infected or colonised with extended-spectrum β -lactamase-(ESBC)-producing K. pneumoniae over a period over 7 months. 102 An investigation revealed that the source of this outbreak was also a contaminated sink. By replacing the sink and its plumbing and improving routines regarding sink usage and cleaning, the outbreak was terminated. 102 Biofi lm-forming K. pneumoniae strains, such as those demonstrating prolonged survival in plumbing components, are more likely to produce ESBLs. 103 Another outbreak of resistant K. pneumoniae among neonates highlights the risks of reusing disposable equipment. 101 The investigation showed that most of the babies were infected a few days after birth or just after hospitalisation. The only common feature was that those presenting with respiratory distress received mucus aspiration a few days before becoming symptomatic. Although a new aspiration tube was used for each case, the tubes had been rinsed in tap water between each aspiration for the same baby. This tap water was not changed between babies and the bowl used was not properly cleaned either. The tap water was found to be contaminated with the same type of K. pneumoniae . 101 The lack of evidence for benefi ts from general surface cleaning alone is well recognised, even as a response to an outbreak. 104 There is one recent report emphasising additional cleaning following the identifi cation of a carbapenemase-producing K. pneumoniae in a ward in a UK hospital. 105 Chlorine-based cleaning was implemented throughout the ward, including patient-related items. Enhanced cleaning was only part of the overall infection control package, however, along with a urinary catheter care bundle; patient note tagging; hand hygiene emphasis; and contact precautions for patient cases. 105 Another report describes an educational intervention to improve hand hygiene and environmental cleaning in an 11-bedded ICU. 106 The number of patients colonised with ESBL Enterobacteriaciae during a three month pre-intervention period decreased from 70% to 40% during a post-intervention period, although it is possible that the initial high proportion of colonised patients represented an underlying outbreak. 106 Pseudomonas and Stenotrophomonas originating from water outlets have the potential to colonise and infect patients despite a lack of evidence for specifi c transmission pathways. 107 Only one previous report details transmission of P. aeruginosa from sinks to hands during handwashing. 27 Whilst survival on dry surfaces may be only transient, persistent reservoirs of these organisms can be traced to biofi lm within sink components, water lines and hospital drains. 13, 108 This complex living deposit on internal plumbing surfaces hosts and protects a multitude of water-loving organisms, some of which pose a threat to debilitated patients, particularly those in ITU. Bacteria within biofi lm are more likely to be able to withstand chlorine and other types of disinfectants along with greater capacity for antimicrobial resistance. 109 Various outbreak investigations have shown that recovery of pathogens from water sources, surrounding surfaces, and patient isolates demonstrate indistinguishable strains of Pseudomonas and Stenotrophomonas . 26, 98, 102, 110, 111 An outbreak of Burkholderia cepacia on a paediatric unit was attributed to sinks, possibly linked with the presence of aerator fi lters fi tted to the taps. 112 Tap aerators have also been shown to be a source of patient colonisation with Stenotrophomonas maltophilia . 26 For this reason, aerators should be replaced with fl ow straighteners in healthcare premises. Disinfection using chlorinated products, without disruption of biofi lm, only offers limited control; a comprehensive cleaning initiative is required to physically remove the biofi lm lining the surfaces of affected plumbing components. 111, 113 These are often diffi cult to access and require close collaboration between Estates and domestic staff. Complete eradication is almost impossible but regular cleaning and disinfection with chlorine products will hinder further cases if it is part of a long-term maintenance programme. 4,107 The importance of environmental cleaning in the control of outbreaks of norovirus is widely accepted. 114, 115 All general cleaning, especially toilet and bathroom areas, should use a chlorine-containing disinfectant or bleach at a specifi ed concentration. Detergent-based cleaning often fails to eradicate the virus from the environment. 56 One study recently reported indistinguishable genotypes of norovirus from both patient and environmental sources, including detection of viable virus in the environment following terminal cleaning. 17 The authors found expected reservoirs near toilets in bathrooms but also on numerous types of clinical equipment, e.g. pulse and blood pressure machine; alcohol gel containers, and near-patient sites. Persistence of viral reservoirs means that new admissions will be exposed to norovirus, and with current pressures to reduce the length of stay, there is a higher throughput of increasing numbers of patients vulnerable to norovirus. 17 Without scrupulous cleaning attention, outbreaks will quickly resume. Outside hospitals, norovirus outbreaks can be devastating in closed or semi-closed communities. 116 These include sudden and extensive outbreaks in hotels or prisons, but outbreaks can also occur in nursing and residential homes, cruise-ships and schools. 117, 118 An outbreak reported recently in a primary school involved 79 pupils and 24 members of staff. 118 Subsequent investigation of the outbreak showed that person-to-person contact was a major factor in the transmission of the virus, but there was evidence that the environment was also implicated. A strain of norovirus, indistinguishable from patient strains, was isolated from a computer keyboard and mouse in one particular classroom despite cleaning with bleach the previous day. Public health offi cials recommended hand hygiene, exclusion of symptomatic persons and thorough environmental disinfection with a diluted (1:50 concentration) bleach solution, to include sites that were not commonly cleaned. 118 There is not much point in implementing comprehensive cleaning schedules if cleaning agents or equipment themselves are contaminated. Poor choice of cleaning methods or agents, or inadequate maintenance of equipment will result in environmental contamination of the very surfaces that need attention. There are numerous examples of different types of cleaning cloths, including microfi bre products, that spread microbes across surfaces rather than removing them. 56, 73, [119] [120] [121] Cleaning equipment may also become contaminated with hospital pathogens and disperse these into the hospital environment. 1, 28, 122, 123 Disinfectants are more effective at killing pathogens than in-use detergents but some hospital pathogens can resist bactericidal effect of a particular agent. 124 Both multi-drug resistant S. marcescens and extremely-drug-resistant strains of K. pneumoniae have demonstrated increasing tolerance to chlorhexidine. 125, 126 Other cleaning fl uids can become contaminated with Gram-negative bacilli during use; indeed, some Decontamination in hospitals and healthcare formulations may encourage acquisition of resistance elements by Gramnegative organisms. 127, 128 Microorganisms use an inadequately cleaned niche to exchange genetic material coding for antimicrobial resistance and other survival mechanisms, including resistance or tolerance to disinfectants. 129, 130 Once established, these hardy strains will ultimately infect debilitated patients. 130 Hospital waste water has been shown to harbour KPC-2-producing K. pneumoniae , suggesting widespread contamination throughout the healthcare environment. 131 Various scientifi c methods to measure environmental soil have been devised, since visual inspection cannot ascertain the infection risk for patients. 2 A validated and risk assessed technique is needed to determine cleanliness, rather than the subjective assessment currently provided by visual inspection and clipboards. Chemical (ATP bioluminescence) and microbiological methods have been utilised by the food industry for years, and have been tested in hospitals. 2, 3 Measurements from these systems have provided a range of values to model against patient risk; from these, it might be possible to choose an appropriate benchmark for routine monitoring. Hospital staff need to know exactly which levels are acceptable for patient safety purposes. 2, 3, 4, 132 Currently, aerobic colony counts of < 2.5-5 colony forming units (cfu) per cm 2 on hand-touch sites have been tested as microbiological benchmarks. 2, 3, 39, 59, [132] [133] [134] These levels have not been standardised for use in hospitals, but similar counts have been established in the food industry. Retail and food manufacturers, plus additional agencies, also use microbiological standards incorporating the presence of indicator organisms, identifi cation of which depends upon risk to human health from the medium monitored. 135, 136 Since coagulase-positive staphylococci provide a reliable indicator of environmental hygiene, studies examining the utility of microbiological standards in hospitals have chosen both Staph. aureus and MRSA to help monitor cleanliness. 3, 39, [132] [133] [134] 137 ATP systems have varying benchmarks depending upon the type of luminometer used. These range from 25 to 500 relative light units (RLUs) for 10-100 cm 2 on hospital surfaces, 133, 134, 138 but there is concern that some systems are not suffi ciently sensitive to detect very low microbial counts ( < 10 cfu/cm 2 ). 139, 140 One study found that benchmark categories of 100 RLUs and microbial growth < 2.5 cfu/cm 2 were loosely associated, since there was approximately 60% agreement between them on whether a surface should pass or fail. 134 Clearly, more work needs to be done on fi nding the most appropriate method for detecting microbial soil. 141 ATP measurements can be confounded by food and drink residues; disinfectants; microfi bre products; and manufactured plastics found in the cleaning and laundering industries. 2, 141, 142 Chosen benchmarks should refl ect patient risk; surfaces in outpatient clinics are not necessarily as critical for infection risk as sites beside a ventilated patient receiving intensive care. Once these benchmarks are established, routine monitoring should be able to indicate trends in hospital cleanliness and workload, and, most importantly, when enhanced cleaning activity is required before patients are exposed to serious risk of infection or even an outbreak. 132, 133 There are alternative methods of environmental assessment, notably cleaning inspections; education; monitoring; and feedback; all of which encourage enhanced performance by housekeepers. Placing invisible fl uorescent markers at key sites for later inspection and feedback for domestic staff also improves overall cleaning compliance, along with reduction of key hospital pathogens. 143 Use of ATP monitoring demonstrates pronounced effect on cleaners when they received concomitant educational guidance. 138 Domestic staff react quickly to an environmental monitoring programme because they are concerned that their jobs may be at risk. 4, 85 Further studies have demonstrated differing effects between direct observation, supervision and education of staff as they clean, again showing reduction of important hospital pathogens. [144] [145] [146] There is a concern that these interventions might lose impact over time, since cleaning is physically demanding, poorly paid and subject to inadequate staffi ng. 147 Hence training and continual evidence-based reassessment are required as part of staff development. New methods for environmental decontamination are constantly appearing on the market. Disinfectants tend to be expensive and environmentally unfriendly. 148 Some formulations persist in the water courses underlying towns and cities and exert long-term effects on other biological systems. This has encouraged 'greener' alternatives, particularly those that ultimately degrade into harmless components. Examples include ultra-heated steam; electrolysed water; ozone and hydrogen peroxide, amongst others. [149] [150] [151] [152] Electrolysed water products have already shown potential for decontamination of the healthcare environment. 153, 154 In addition to these, are novel cleaning materials and equipment such as microfi bre; scrubbing machines; microbicidal gases, vapours and antifogging or mist systems; ultraviolet (UV) light-emitting devices; air ionisers; and a range of high-pressure steam cleaners. 152,155-162 A recent paper describes the effect of a newly developed portable pulsed ultraviolet (UV) radiation device on bactericidal activity and its impact on the labour burden when implemented in a hospital ward. 161 The use of pulsed UV in daily disinfection of housekeeping surfaces reduced the working hours by half in comparison with manual disinfection using ethanol wipes. 161 There are new types of antimicrobial coatings available for linen, equipment, furniture and general surfaces such fl oors, walls and doors. 163, 164 Practically anything that can be impregnated with chemicals, or coated with microbicidal paint, could potentially be marketed as 'antibacterial' for healthcare environments. Bioactive surfaces or coatings can contain heavy metals (or their derivatives) such as copper, zinc, silver or titanium, or antiseptics and biocides. [165] [166] [167] [168] [169] [170] There is evidence that coating near-patient hand-touch sites with copper reduces organisms such as MRSA and consequently, the risk of HAI. 169, 171 There are also electrostatic and inhibitory surfaces that repel microbial adhesion and even coatings marketed as 'self-cleaning'. 163, 172 Different variations on a theme appear at frequent intervals, using ever more innovative technology. One recent example is a coating of nano-silver particles combined with titanium dioxide to form highly reactive TiO 2 Ag particles. 173 This invisible protective nanocoating can be applied onto a range of surfaces under low temperatures, which means that virtually all environmental surfaces in a hospital could theoretically be treated. 173 Numerous guidelines emphasise the importance of cleaning but offer little practical advice on how to achieve this, or how often sites should receive cleaning attention. Microbial reservoirs are likely to fl uctuate at different sites throughout the day. However delivered, viable organisms will persist according to their capacity for survival, unless removed by an effective cleaning regimen. Even if cleaning occurs on a regular basis, pathogens may recontaminate surfaces or equipment immediately after the cleaning process. [174] [175] [176] Using agents or surfaces with residual microbiocidal activity to repel contamination would mean that hand hygiene might not be quite so critical, although staff should obviously not abandon their hand washing. 54, 177, 178 Provided such products could be shown to function as postulated, without signifi cant toxicity, surface cleaning might also become less of an issue, although as with clinical staff and hand hygiene, routine cleaning practices should still be retained. Alternatively, a high-frequency cleaning regimen would theoretically discourage the accumulation of potential pathogens continually deposited on surfaces. 179 Despite future promise from these products, traditional cleaning methods should not be relaxed or abandoned even if the whole hospital is treated to novel cleaning methods or coated with bioactive veneer. 30 No one single process will remove all relevant microbial soil from the hospital. There have already been problems reported with some of the methods mentioned, such as microfi bre, steam cleaning, ozone, hydrogen peroxide and high-intensity light irradiation. 121, 151, 155, 156, 160, 174, [180] [181] [182] [183] [184] Furthermore, concern remains over activity of disinfectants in the fi eld, since laboratory testing does not necessarily predict what happens on hospital surfaces. 185 There are always toxicity and cost issues to consider, and potential cross-resistance between disinfectants, antiseptics and antimicrobial agents. 148, 186 All novel cleaning methods require a comprehensive assessment in association with patient outcome before widespread adoption in healthcare systems. Cash-strapped hospitals should not invest in potentially toxic and/ or expensive cleaning methods or agents without good reason. It goes without saying that traditional detergent-based cleaning should also receive a full and thorough appraisal. 79 It is possible that simply increasing the cleaning frequency of established high-risk sites with detergent could be a crucial factor in reducing infection risk, rather than an expensive and potentially toxic biocide. 79, 179 Microbiological screening has demonstrated numerous types of pathogen surviving throughout our hospitals. There is evidence to show that these resilient organisms pose a real and substantive infection risk for patients. The cleaning process could potentially have a huge impact on this risk, if it is aimed at the most frequently contaminated sites, physically removes or kills viable organisms; and takes place a suffi cient number of times to inhibit the accumulation of pathogens delivered by air or hands. Whilst there are a fl ourishing number of novel disinfectants, antimicrobial surfaces and equipment now on the market, few have been properly assessed against patient infection risk and potential toxicity represents a long-term environmental threat. Establishing risk-based standards for all surfaces throughout the hospital would allow monitoring, measurement and scientifi c evaluation for the benefi t of all patients and staff. 187 Frequent application of detergent-based cleaning requires urgent appraisal in order to be able to adequately and comprehensively compare future alternatives for cleaning our hospitals. Mopping up hospital infection Use of audit tools to evaluate the effi cacy of cleaning systems in hospitals How do we assess hospital cleaning? A proposal for microbiological standards for surface hygiene in hospitals Hospital cleaning in the 21st century Evaluating hygienic cleaning in healthcare settings: What you do not know can harm your patients Role of hospital surfaces in the transmission of emerging health care-associated pathogens: norovirus, Clostridium diffi cile , and Acinetobacter How long do nosocomial pathogens persist on inanimate surfaces? A systematic review Survival of Acinetobacter baumannii on dry surfaces: comparison of outbreak and sporadic isolates Survival of multiply-resistant Klebsiella aerogenes and other Gram-negative bacilli on fi nger-tips Better environmental survival of outbreak vs. sporadic MRSA isolates Environmental survival of Enterococcus faecium Epidemiology of antibiotic-associated colitis: isolation of Clostridium diffi cile from the hospital environment Environmental contamination with an epidemic strain of Pseudomonas aeruginosa in a Liverpool cystic fi brosis centre, and study of its survival on dry surfaces Biofi lms: survival mechanisms of clinically relevant microorganisms Molecular epidemiology of Stenotrophomonas maltophilia isolated from clinical specimens from patients with cystic fi brosis and associated environmental samples Persistence of Norwalk virus on environmental surfaces and its transfer to food Norovirus in the hospital setting: virus introduction and spread within the hospital environment An outbreak of candidiasis in a special care baby unit: the use of a resistogram typing method Epidemiologic and molecular characterization of an outbreak of Candida parapsilosis bloodstream infections in a community hospital Contamination of the environment of spinal cord injured patients by organisms causing urinary tract infection Environmental contamination by organisms causing urinary tract infection Distribution of multi-resistant Gram-negative versus Gram-positive bacteria in the hospital inanimate environment The inanimate environment of an intensive care unit as a potential source of nosocomial bacteria: evidence for long survival of Acinetobacter calcoaceticus Pyjamas and sheets as a potential source of nosocomial pathogens Computer keyboards and faucet handles as reservoirs of nosocomial pathogens in the intensive care unit Faucet aerators: a source of patient colonisation with Stenotrophomonas maltophilia Distribution and transmission of Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Burkholderia cepacia in a hospital ward Bowls and bacteria Recovery of coliforms from the hands of nurses and patients: activities leading to contamination UV-visible marker confi rms that environmental persistence of Clostridium diffi cile spores in toilets of patients with C. diffi cileassociated diarrhoea is associated with lack of compliance with cleaning protocol The toilet as a transmission vector of vancomycin-resistant enterococci Nosocomial acquisition of Clostridium diffi cile infection A sustained outbreak of Clostridium diffi cile in a general hospital: persistence of a toxigenic clone in four units Aerial dissemination of Clostridium diffi cile spores Importance of the environment in meticillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus acquisition: the case for hospital cleaning Environmental contamination because of multidrug-resistant Acinetobacter baumanii surrounding infected or colonised patients Computer keyboards as reservoirs for Acinetobacter baumannii in a burn hospital Plasmid DNA profi les of Acinetobacter baumannii : clinical application in a complex endemic setting Monitoring environmental cleanliness on two surgical wards Evaluation of bedmaking-related airborne and surface methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus contamination Signifi cance of airborne transmission of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus in an otolaryngologyhead and neck surgery unit Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus and Acinetobacter baumannii : an unexpected difference in epidemiologic behavior Hospital outbreak of multi-resistant Acinetobacter anitratus : an airborne mode of spread? Hot and steamy: outbreak of Bacillus cereus in Singapore associated with construction work and laundry practices Airborne Aspergillus contamination during hospital construction works: effi cacy of protective measures Environmental organisms from hospital wards with differing antibiotic exposure Risk of acquiring antibiotic-resistant bacteria from prior room occupants Evaluation of hospital room assignment and acquisition of Clostridium diffi cile infection Control of an outbreak of multidrugresistant Acinetobacter baumanii calcoaceticus colonization and infection in an Intensive Care Unit (ICU) without closing the ICU or placing patients in isolation Prior environmental contamination increases the risk of acquisition of vancomycin-resistant enterococci Risk of acquiring multi-drug-resistant Gram-negative bacilli from prior room occupants in the intensive care unit Presence of biofi lm containing viable multiresistant organisms despite terminal cleaning on clinical surfaces in an intensive care unit All that glistens may be neither gold nor clean Control of transmission of infection in hospitals requires more than clean hands Hands as route of transmission for Klebsiella species Effects of cleaning and disinfection in reducing the spread of norovirus contamination via environmental surfaces Acquisition of nosocomial pathogens on hands after contact with environmental surfaces near hospitalised patients Cross-transmission audit of environmental surfaces, clinical equipment and patient: who touches what? Measuring the effect of enhanced cleaning in a UK hospital: a prospective cross-over study Detection of pathogen transmission in neonatal nurseries using DNA markers as surrogate indicators Transmission of viruses via contact in a household setting: experiments using bacteriophage straight phiX174 as a mode virus Hand contamination of personnel as a mechanism of cross-infection in nosocomial infections with antibiotic resistant Escherichia coli and Klebsiella-Aerobacter Gram-negative bacilli as non-transient fl ora on the hands of hospital personnel Outbreaks of infection with methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus on neonatal and burns units of a new hospital Risk of hand or glove contamination after contact with patients colonized with vancomycinresistant enterococcus or the colonized patients' environment An investigation of contact transmission of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus Transfer of vancomycin-resistant enterococci via healthcare worker hands Transfer of multidrug-resistant bacteria to healthcare workers' gloves and gowns after patient contact increases with environmental contamination Environmental contamination due to methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus : possible infection control implications When are the hands of healthcare workers positive for meticillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus ? Acquisition of spores on gloved hands after contact with the skin of patients with Clostridium diffi cile infection and with environmental surfaces in their rooms Contamination of hands with methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus after contact with environmental surfaces and after contact with the skin of colonized patients The survival and transfer of microbial contamination via cloths, hands and utensils Compliance with hand hygiene in patients with meticillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus and extended-spectrum β -lactamase-producing enterobacteria Hand rub consumption and hand hygiene compliance are not indicators of pathogen transmission in intensive care units Failure of bland soap handwash to prevent hand transfer of patient bacteria to urethral catheters Effectiveness of alcohol-based hand rubs for removal of Clostridium diffi cile spores from hands In-vivo effi cacy of hand sanitisers against feline caliciviruses: a surrogate for norovirus The role of environmental cleaning in the control of hospitalacquired infection An outbreak of mupirocinresistant Staphylococcus aureus on a dermatology ward associated with an environmental reservoir Evidence that hospital hygiene is important in the control of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus Control and outcome of a large outbreak of colonization and infection with glycopeptide-intermediate Staphylococcus aureus in an intensive care unit Role of environmental contamination as a risk factor for acquisition of vancomycinresistant enterococci in patients treated in a medical intensive care unit An outbreak of vancomycin-resistant enterococci in a hematology-oncology unit: control by patient cohorting and terminal cleaning of the environment Reduction in acquisition of vancomycin-resistant Enterococcus after enforcement of routine environmental cleaning measures Successful prevention of the transmission of vancomycin-resistant enterococci in a Brazilian public teaching hospital Epidemiology and control of an outbreak of vancomycin-resistant enterococci in the intensive care units Acquisition of Clostridium diffi cile from the hospital environment Comparison of the effect of detergent versus hypochlorite cleaning on environmental contamination and incidence of Clostridium diffi cile infection Use of hypochlorite solution to decrease rates of Clostridium diffi cileassociated diarrhoea Signifi cant impact of terminal room cleaning with bleach on reducing nosocomial Clostridium diffi cile A targeted strategy to wipe out Clostridium diffi cile Effi cacy of cleaning products for Clostridium diffi cile Clinical and cost-effectiveness of eight disinfection methods for terminal disinfection of hospital isolation rooms contaminated with Clostridium diffi cile 027 Nosocomial outbreak caused by a multiresistant clone of Acinetobacter baumannii : results of the case-control and molecular epidemiologic investigations Characterisation of a hospital outbreak of imipenem-resistant Acinetobacter baumannii by phenotypic and genotypic typing methods Control of an outbreak of Acinetobacter baumannii infections using vaporized hydrogen peroxide Role of environmental cleaning in controlling an outbreak of Acinetobacter baumannii on a neurosurgical intensive care unit A multifaceted intervention to reduce pandrug-resistant Acinetobacter baumannii colonization and infection in 3 intensive care units in a Thai tertiary care center: a 3-year study An outbreak of multiply-resistant Klebsiella pneumoniae in the Grampian region of Scotland Role of contaminated aspiration tubes in nosocomial outbreak of Klebsiella pneumoniae producing SHV-2 and CTX-M-15 extended-spectrum β -lactamases Minor outbreak of extended-spectrum β -lactamaseproducing Klebsiella pneumoniae in an intensive care unit due to a contaminated sink Biofi lm-forming Klebsiella pneumoniae strains have greater likelihood of producing extended-spectrum β -lactamases The effi cacy of infection control interventions in reducing the incidence of extended-spectrum β -lactamase-producing Enterobacteriaceae in the non-outbreak setting: a systematic review Klebsiella pneumoniae producing KPC carbapenemase in a district general hospital in the UK Decreased transmission of Enterobacteriaceae with extended-spectrum beta-lactamases in an intensive care unit by nursing reorganisation Pseudomonas aeruginosa : a formidable and everpresent adversary Bacterial succession within a biofi lm in water supply lines of dental air-water syringes Bacterial biofi lms in nature and disease Generation of Pseudomonas aeruginosa aerosols during hand-washing from contaminated sink drains, transmission to hands of hospital personnel, and its prevention by use of a new heating device Outbreak of multi-drug resistant Pseudomonas aeruginosa colonisation and infection secondary to imperfect Intensive Care Unit room design Outbreak of Burkholderia cepacia complex among ventilated pediatric patients linked to hospital sinks Inorganic hypochlorite (bleach) use in healthcare facilities The role of environmental contamination with small round structured viruses in a hospital outbreak investigated by reverse-transcriptase polymerase chain reaction assay A norovirus outbreak at a long-term-care facility: the role of environmental surface contamination A large hotel outbreak of Norwalk-like virus gastroenteritis among three large groups of guests and hotel employees in Virginia Cruise ship environmental hygiene and the risk of norovirus infection outbreaks: an objective assessment of 56 vessels over 3 years Norovirus outbreak in an elementary school -District of Columbia Routine disinfection of patients' environmental surfaces: Myth or reality? A laboratory evaluation of the decontamination properties of microfi bre cloths Spread of bacteria on surfaces when cleaning with microfi bre cloths Pseudomonas aeruginosa outbreak in a haematology-oncology unit associated with contaminated surface cleaning equipment Buckets and mops in operating theatres Infection with Pseudomonas maltophilia : hospital outbreak due to contaminated disinfectant Serratia marcescens outbreak in a paediatric oncology unit traced to contaminated chlorhexidine Reduced susceptibility to chlorhexidine among extremely-drug-resistant strains of Klebsiella pneumoniae Contamination of detergent cleaning solutions during hospital cleaning Does the wide use of quaternary ammonium compounds enhance the selection and spread of antimicrobial resistance and thus threaten our health? Control of infection with multiple antibiotic resistant bacteria in a hospital renal unit: the value of plasmid characterisation Gentamicinresistance plasmids in an intensive care unit Occurrence of KPC-2-producing Klebsiella pneumoniae strains in hospital wastewater Are hygiene standards useful in assessing infection risk? A modifi ed ATP benchmark for evaluating the cleaning of some hospital environmental surfaces Finding a benchmark for monitoring hospital cleanliness Derivation of numerical values for the World Health Organization guidelines for recreational waters The index of microbial air contamination Is it really clean? An evaluation of the effi cacy of four methods for determining hospital cleanliness Monitoring the effectiveness of hospital cleaning practices by use of an adenosine triphosphate bioluminescence assay Evaluation of ATP bioluminescence assays for potential use in a hospital setting Silliker Inc . Performance evaluation of various ATP detecting units . Food Science Center Estimating bacterial surface contamination by means of ATP determinations: 20 pence short of a pound Do surface and cleaning chemistries interfere with ATP measurement systems for monitoring patient room hygiene? Improved cleaning of patient rooms using a new targeting method Reduction of Clostridium diffi cile and vancomycin-resistant Enterococcus contamination of environmental surfaces after an intervention to improve cleaning methods Beyond the 'Hawthorne Effect': Reduction of Clostridium diffi cile environmental contamination through active intervention to improve cleaning practices Impact of an environmental cleaning intervention on the presence of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus and vancomycin-resistant enterococci on surfaces in intensive care unit rooms Maintenance of environmental services cleaning and disinfection in the ICU after a performance improvement project. Poster no. 15-216 Signifi cance of antibiotics in the environment Infection control: the role of disinfection and sterilization Microbicidal effect of electrolysed water Investigation of gaseous ozone for MRSA decontamination of hospital side-rooms Department of Health . An integrated approach to hospital cleaning: microfi bre cloth and steam cleaning technology Comparison of cleaning effi cacy between in-use disinfectant and electrolysed water in an English residential care home Control of bacterial contamination of washbasin taps and output water using Ecasol: a one-year study A laboratory evaluation of the decontamination properties of microfi ber cloths Airborne hydrogen peroxide for disinfection of the hospital environment and infection control: a systematic review Ozone gas is an effective and practical antibacterial agent Evaluation of an alcohol-based power sanitizing system for decontamination of hospital rooms of patients with methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus carriage Environmental decontamination of a hospital isolation room using high-intensity narrow-spectrum light Evaluation of an automated ultraviolet radiation device for decontamination of Clostridium diffi cile and other healthcare-associated pathogens in hospital rooms A comparative study of the bactericidal activity and daily disinfection housekeeping surfaces by a new portable pulsed UV radiation device Effect of negative air ions on the potential for bacterial contamination of plastic medical equipment Antimicrobial surfaces and their potential in reducing the role of the inanimate environment in the incidence of hospitalacquired infections Antimicrobial mortar surfaces for improvement of hygienic conditions Biosynthesis of silver nanoparticles from Staphylococcus aureus and its antimicrobial activity against MRSA and MRSE Survival of Clostridium diffi cile on copper and steel: futuristic options for hospital hygiene Reduction of bacterial contamination in a healthcare environment by silver antimicrobial technology A novel bactericidal fabric coating with potent in vitro activity against meticillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) Role of copper in reducing hospital environment contamination Antimicrobials in plastics: a global review Sustained reduction of microbial burden on common hospital surfaces through introduction of copper Self-cleaning coatings Preparation of TiO(2)/Ag colloids with ultraviolet resistance and antibacterial property using short chain polyethylene glycol Rapid recontamination with MRSA of the environment of an intensive care unit after decontamination with hydrogen peroxide vapour Evaluation of the effi cacy of a conventional cleaning regimen in removing methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus from contaminated surfaces in an intensive care unit Persistent silver disinfectant for the environmental control of pathogenic bacteria Intrinsic bacterial burden associated with intensive care unit hospital beds: Effects of disinfection on population recovery and mitigation of potential infection risk Closing the gap of inconsistent hand and surface sanitation How quickly do hospital surfaces become contaminated after detergent cleaning? Gaseous and air decontamination technologies for Clostridium diffi cile in the healthcare environment Hospital cleaning: problems with steam cleaning and microfi bre Evaluation of the decontamination effi cacy of new and reprocessed microfi ber cleaning cloth compared with other commonly used cleaning cloths in the hospital Applications of ultraviolet germicidal irradiation disinfection in health care facilities: effective adjunct, but not stand-alone technology Can hospital computers be disinfected using a hand-held UV light source? Promises and pitfalls of recent advances in chemical means of preventing the spread of nosocomial infections by environmental surfaces Bacterial adaptation and resistance to antiseptics, disinfectants and preservatives is not a new phenomenon Hospital cleanliness: establishing a new science