key: cord-0936730-tn6u7ebj authors: Reyes Fernández, Salvador; García Verónica, Alicia; Hernández Treviño, Natalia; Cobos Cruz, Xenia Teresa; Sandoval Guevara, Daniel; Serna Radilla, Víctor Othón; Romero Castro, Norma Samanta title: The dental office: A safe place against COVID19 and other future pandemics date: 2022-05-13 journal: nan DOI: 10.1016/j.adoms.2022.100305 sha: b35c2f732daad13d32396cf92c0603c7fb743342 doc_id: 936730 cord_uid: tn6u7ebj Background The pandemic caused by the spread of COVID19 generated throughout the world great changes in all areas of life. Social distancing was carried out very drastically in some countries, and even in the field of dental care, some countries prohibited the practice of dentistry. Objective To demonstrate that the dental office is safe regarding the possibility of contagion of SRasCov2 as long as good biosecurity protocols are used. Methods A structured survey of 19 questions was applied to 103 patients who subsequently attended a periodontics and oral and maxillofacial surgery office in Mexico to receive care from these specialties between April 2020 and July 2021. The questions posed in this survey were aimed at knowing the opinion of the patients regarding the measures that this establishment has for the prevention of the transmission of COVID19, as well as questions regarding the possible effects of attending this office in contagion of the disease from patients and their families. Results A total of 18 (17.5%) patients reported having suffered COVID19, and none reported that they fell ill after the consultation. None of the clinic's specialists and assistants have fallen ill with COVID-19 during the pandemic. Conclusions It is not necessary to suspend or condition dental care during times of pandemics such as what happened with COVID19, as long as strict safety protocols are observed within clinical facilities. In the month of December 2019, in the Chinese city of Wuham, Hubei province, a group 28 of people were reported with a type of pneumonia. 1 These people used to buy or work 29 in a market in that city where meat from wild animals, including bats, is sold. The initial The protocol for removing the overalls and boots was as follows: removing them 122 backwards and placing them in an exclusive bag for dirty clothes, which was taken to 123 the laundry area where the following protocol was followed: all clothing was placed 124 inside a container with water and sodium hypochlorite and later it was introduced in the 125 washing machine with common detergent to finally proceed to dry in a tumble dryer. 4. Between patient and patient, gloves were removed, hands were washed thoroughly, 128 gel was placed on the hands and the operator was sprayed with alcohol spray. Urgent dental care for patients during the COVID-263 19 pandemic Acute endodontic and dental trauma provision during the COVID-19 Guidelines for dental care provision during the 268 COVID-19 pandemic Coronavirus disease 19 271 (COVID-19): implications for clinical dental care Infection 274 control in dental practice during the COVID-19 pandemic Environmental disinfection of a dental clinic 277 during the Covid-19 pandemic: a narrative insight COVID-19 transmission in dental practice: 280 brief review of preventive measures in Italy Time to restart: A comparative compilation of triage 286 recommendations in dentistry during the Covid− 19 pandemic Incremental innovations in pediatric 289 ophthalmology department during the COVID-19 pandemic: An experience from a 290 tertiary eye care hospital Biosafety for dental patients during dentistry care after COVID-19: A review 294 of the literature. Disaster medicine and public health preparedness