key: cord-0931808-b9z5yjcg authors: Sinkovics, Joseph G. title: Horizontal Gene Transfers with or without Cell Fusions in All Categories of the Living Matter date: 2011-04-11 journal: Cell Fusion in Health and Disease DOI: 10.1007/978-94-007-0782-5_2 sha: 538e0c7258dd7078e66bb662aa17f453724217c4 doc_id: 931808 cord_uid: b9z5yjcg This article reviews the history of widespread exchanges of genetic segments initiated over 3 billion years ago, to be part of their life style, by sphero-protoplastic cells, the ancestors of archaea, prokaryota, and eukaryota. These primordial cells shared a hostile anaerobic and overheated environment and competed for survival. “Coexist with, or subdue and conquer, expropriate its most useful possessions, or symbiose with it, your competitor” remain cellular life’s basic rules. This author emphasizes the role of viruses, both in mediating cell fusions, such as the formation of the first eukaryotic cell(s) from a united crenarchaeon and prokaryota, and the transfer of host cell genes integrated into viral (phages) genomes. After rising above the Darwinian threshold, rigid rules of speciation and vertical inheritance in the three domains of life were established, but horizontal gene transfers with or without cell fusions were never abolished. The author proves with extensive, yet highly selective documentation, that not only unicellular microorganisms, but the most complex multicellular entities of the highest ranks resort to, and practice, cell fusions, and donate and accept horizontally (laterally) transferred genes. Cell fusions and horizontally exchanged genetic materials remain the fundamental attributes and inherent characteristics of the living matter, whether occurring accidentally or sought after intentionally. These events occur to cells stagnating for some 3 milliard years at a lower yet amazingly sophisticated level of evolution, and to cells achieving the highest degree of differentiation, and thus functioning in dependence on the support of a most advanced multicellular host, like those of the human brain. No living cell is completely exempt from gene drains or gene insertions. The CTXϕ phage enters the vibrio through its type IV pilus, TCP (vide supra). The cluster of vibrio genes encoding the pilus can be transmitted between vibrios by unknown mechanisms [30] . The OrfU (open reading frame) protein binds CTXϕ phage particles to TCP, as their attachment receptor. The pili serve the bacterium as essential colonization factors in the human small intestine. The bacterial flagellae penetrate the mucosal layers of the small intestine. Flagella loss (Fgl -) releases the anti-sigma and alternative sigma factors and these repress quorum sensing regulators with the release of virulence factors [31] . Excessive colonization frequently assumes the form of biofilms [32, 33] . The CTXϕ phages infecting classical and El Tor vibrios are distinct, but diverged from a common ancestor. It is the orfU and zot (zona occludens toxin) genes of these CTXϕ lineages that show this divergence. It was not the ancestral CTXϕ that infected an ancestral vibrio, but rather it was its two lineages, which infected separately the classical and El Tor vibrios. Phage CTXϕ of Vibrio cholerae could infect Vibrio mimicus and transfer horizontally the cluster of these genes with their regulatory sequences into its new host. V. cholerae and V. mimicus diverged from a common ancestor, and their acquisition of CTXϕ occurred after their divergence. First V. cholerae might have been infected, and from there ctxAB operon was horizontally transferred by CTXϕ into V. mimicus [28] . The highly epidemic new strain of V. cholerae, O139 Bengal, emerged in 1992-1993. It replaced the pre-existing O1 serogroup El Tor strain. In 1994, the O1 serogroup El Tor strain recurred and re-occupied its territory. Later in 1996, O139 re-emerged and thereafter co-existed with O1 El Tor V. cholerae [34] . The new O139 V. cholerae strain derived from an ancestral El Tor vibrio with preservation of its virulence factors, but with new and different serotype. V. cholerae O139 exhibits the insertion of a large new genomic region foreign to the pre-existing O1 El Tor strains, while the O139 vibrio suffered a deletion all of its O1 antigen-specific gene cluster. The O-antigen biosynthesis gene cluster occupies the wbf (wild-type biofilm) region in the genome of the vibrio O139. The O139 LPS is antigenically different from that of the O1 El Tor vibrio. Patients recovering from O1 El Tor vibrio-caused cholera remain susceptible to infection with the vibrio O139. A large portion (22-kb) of DNA strands of the regulator of biofilm region (wbf; rfb) was deleted in the O139 vibrio. This deleted region is replaced by a new fully sequenced 35-kb wbf region encoding the O139 antigen. It is also possible that the new DNA segment was not transposed from an outside source, but that it originated by homologous recombination events within the ancestral El Tor vibrio residing in biofilm colonies on chitin surfaces (chitin skeletons of crustaceans) in aquatic reservoirs, where resistance acquired against bacteriophages were the driving force. The emergence of O139 vibrios in the intestinal tract of individuals who survived prior exposure to O1 El Tor V. cholerae indicates that ineffective host immune reactions might be another driving force of the transformation [35] [36] [37] . Chitin-induced natural transformation resulting in O1 conversion to a different serogroup (non-139 and O139) occurred experimentally. It is the O1 recipient (the El Tor vibrio) that acquires a new O139 LPS-antigen-encoding cassette. These cassettes are incorporated into the recipient genomes by homologous recombination. The exact mechanism of such large gene cluster (operons) transfers from the transformed vibrios into not yet transformed vibrios remains unclear. Under consideration are conjugative plasmids as vectors, transducing but as yet undiscovered phages, and other as yet unrecognized mechanisms. In addition to phage-mediated CTXAB, cholera vibrios express the protein synthesis inhibitor cholix toxin [38] and hemolysins, which render bilayered plasma membranes of eukaryotic cells nonselectively and indiscriminately permeable [39] . The multifunctional autoprocessing repeats-in toxin (MARTX) destroys the actin cytoskeleton in eukaryotic cells [40, 41] . Some of the hemolysin genes (hly :Hly) encoding these toxins may reside in the virulence islands of the vibrios, but they appear to be genuine vertically transferred bacterial genes. Enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli (ETEC) produces an enzymatically active A subunit toxin and a receptor-binding pentamer B subunit toxin. Its Longus pilus induces self-aggregation and adherence of the bacteria to intestinal epithelial cells. The ETEC lytic phage enters the bacterium through a colonization factor pilus [42] [43] [44] [45] . Phages lytic to ETEC cells are well known, but toxin-encoding phages remain elusive. The C57 pilus is the entry site of most ETEC phages. The porcine ETEC phage phiEcoM-GJ1 is a recombinant of a Myoviridae, a Podoviridae and a Siphoviridae bacteriophage with Myoviridae outside morphology (icosahedral head, contractile tail with fibers). There are no toxin-encoding genes in the genome of this lytic phage [46, 47] . Lambdoid bacteriophages possess and spread Shiga toxin (stx) genes in populations of E. coli bacteria: for example, Shiga toxin-(Stx-) producing E. coli (STEC), such as E. coli strain O157:H7 of cattle origin [48] . From the point of view of the bacterium, the toxin promotes its colonization in the gut of cattle (or human patients) and protects it from bactivorous protozoa, like Tetrahymena pyriformis in the colon of the cattle [49] . Through unknown ancient mechanisms, Shiga toxin-encoding bacteriophage 933W acquired and operates a eukaryotic-like ATP-binding and phosphotransfering serine/threonine tyrosine protein kinase-encoding gene (stk) [50] . The High Pathogenicity Islands (HPI) may travel with excessive speed and long distances in between human communities and from hospitals to hospitals infecting strains of Enterobacteriaceae through horizontal routes of transfer. The Enterobacter hormaechei outbreak in the Netherlands occurred by transfer of a new variant HPI to E. coli and K. pneumoniae. Both the genomic islands (GI) containing the virulence genes (named in the article) and the genomic modules (GM), five GMs listed one by one in the article, were transferred. The new HPI contained integration sites to a mobile DNA element. The mobile DNA element was able to excise, circularize and insert the HPI at multiple sites: multiple combinatorial transfers of both GI and GM occurred [51] . In the USA, uropathogenic E. coli, and in France, Salmonella typhimurium, enterohemorrhagic and uropathogenic E. coli are suspect to have acquired through horizontal transfer HPIs. This subject matter will be returned to later in the discussion of horizontal gene transfers across prokaryotic lineages through rapid pathway evolution against the background of the evolution of prokaryotic genomes (vide infra, in The Darwinian threshold). One of the filamentous phages of V. cholerae is CTXphi (CTXϕ). This phage carries the cholera toxin (CT) genes ctxAB. The 6.9-kb genome of CTXϕ integrates into the genome of its host, the vibrio (V. cholerae). Replication sequences (RS) encode the enzymes needed for the integration of the viral genome into the host genome. The genome of the classical El Tor vibrio does not offer an integration site to the phage. In this host, the CTXϕ phage exists as an extrachromosomal circular DNA plasmid. Several genuine phage genes encode the structural proteins of the virus and their assembly into a particle (among them open reading frame U, orfU, and zona occludens toxin, zot). The non-integrated plasmid is the replicative form (RF) of the phage and produces an abundance of viral particles. These plasmids lack ctxAB and ToxR binding sites, but possess a zot sequence, which is different from the zot gene of the pathogenic ctxAB-containing integrated phage. These plasmids must have derived from the ancestral preCTXϕ phages. Not the host cell, but ctxA and ctxB gene-carrier phages encode the cholera toxins CTXAB. The GC content (34-37%) of the three ctxAB genes (CTX ETϕ , CTX classϕ , CTX calcϕ ) significantly differ from that of the genuine phage genes. The ctxAB phage genes must have evolved differently from the genuine phage genes. There is no similarity, indeed there is a lack of congruence, between the genuine vibrio gene mdh (encoding malate dehydrogenase) and the two phage genes orfU and zot (required for coat proteins and their assembly). The mdh genes are identical in classical and El Tor epidemic V. cholerae isolates, whereas the CTXϕ genes are widely divergent. Thus, CTXϕ genes behave like mobile genetic elements [28] . Indeed, ctxB contains a Mariner-based transposon [52] . The pathogenicity genes of V. cholerae operate from pathogenicity islands of the genome. Vibrio pathogenicity island-2 (VPI-2) encodes integrase, recombinase, a restriction modification system, Mu phage-like proteins, neuraminidase and glycosylhydrolase, and other sialic acid metabolizing enzymes; these enzymes expose GM1 gangliosides, which serve as receptors for cholera toxin. El Tor and O139 cholera vibrios operate the vibrio seventh pandemic island (VSP). These islands can excise and re-insert themselves from and to the vibrios' genome [53] : ready for horizontal transfer and insertion. These horizontally transferred and genomically inserted virulence genes have been acquired "recently" and repeatedly, are clustered in several chromosomal regions and derived from an unknown original source [54] . The core region of the CTXϕ prophage encodes CT, structural proteins for its morphogenesis and the repeat sequence region-2 (RS2) for regulation of its replication and integration. Another RS element (RS1) is inserted next to and flanking the integrated phage genome. This RS1 segment contains all open reading frames of RS2 and the truncated gene rstC. The RS1 element can exist in a singlestranded circularized form and in an excised double-stranded replicative form (RF) and as such it may enter host cell genomes horizontally [55] [56] [57] . V. cholerae Mozambique 2004 strains carry a tandem repeat of the CTXϕ prophage integrated both into its small and large chromosomes; RS1 element cla, env, and CTX elements env and rstR (env) are integrated in the vibrio's large chromosome [58] . It was unexpected that the Mozambique 2004 cholera epidemic was caused by the O1 serotype El Tor vibrio infected not with the CTX ETϕ , but with the CTX classϕ phage; another Indian (Kolkota, India) El Tor vibrio strain is infected with the CTX classϕ phage. The difference was the absence of the El Torspecific free RS1 element of the prophage in the Mozambique vibrio, while the Indian vibrio strain possessed this element [59] . The O139 strains isolated in 1992-1993 harbored two copies CTX ETϕ connected to an RS1 element (vide supra). The O139 strains spreading upward from Bangladesh through the Ganges delta and to the Indian continent held three copies of the CTX prophage in tandem arrangement. One of these prophages is different from the CTX ETϕ in its rstR gene, which encodes the repressor protein of CTXϕ; it is referred to as the CTX calϕ (Calcutta) prophage. Thereafter O139 isolates form different ribotypes and undergo further genetic diversity and genetic reassortments [36, 60, 61] The antibiotic resistance (SXT, vide supra) genes in O139 were acquired by 62-kb self-transmissible transposonlike elements; these genes are also transmissible by conjugation (vide supra). Indeed, by the transfers selective advantage (phage; host immunity and antibiotic resistance) was conferred to the recipients [37] . Vibriophage-mediated CT gene horizontal transfers between donor O1 El Tor to recipient non-O1/O139 vibrios occurred recently in California coastal waters [62] . Repeat sequences (RS1, 2) flank the integrated CTXϕ gene (vide supra). The ds replicative form (RF) of the RS1 element was marked with a kanamycin resistance (Kmr) marker (pRS1-Km). The pRS1-KM construct in O1 vibrios acted like the filamentous phage RS1-Kmϕ. All classical, El Tor and O139 vibrios are susceptible to this phage; nontoxigenic (CTX -) vibrios encoding TCP are the most susceptible. Using the integration sequence attRS (attachment), the RS1ϕ genomes also integrate into vibrio chromosomes. Only fused genomes of RS1-KmϕCTXϕ generated extracellular phage particles. Thus, these phages are transmitted vertically in the host vibrios, but are able to propagate horizontally as well. The cholera toxin-encoding, ctxAB gene-carrier CTXϕ integrates into host cell chromosome at attachment site attRS due to the RS2 region within the CTXϕ genome. The RS region encodes regulatory, replicative, and integrative functions of the CTXϕ phage. The integrated toxigenic CTXϕ genomes are flanked by the RS1 element possessing ORFs rstA, B, R; RS1 expresses one additional ORF, rstC. The RS1 excised from the chromosome may act as a filamentous phage particle, but without containing CTXϕ genomic elements. In contrast, in CTXϕ virions the RS1 gene rstC is replaced by the core genes of CTXϕ. The RS1 genome encodes the RstR repressor protein. The CTXϕ genome carries the gene for the RS2-encoded repressor protein. Phage-induced repressor proteins in many phage-carrier bacterial genera maintain the lysogenic state. By the acquisition of its own new core genes, CTXϕ separated from its ancestor, the RS1 element, and became a new phage. Its RS1 ancestry is further evidenced by the ability of CTXϕ to integrate into its host cells' genome [63a] . The RS1ϕ phage remains a satellite phage in the genome of the vibrio. CTX-negative vibrios do not replicate the RS1ϕ phage. The exception is the non-toxigenic V. cholerae strain 55V71. Thus, the 55V71 genes are essential for the replication of the RS1ϕ phage. V. cholerae strain55V71 harbors another filamentous phage. The 7.5-kb ssDNA of the 55V71 gene cluster acts as if it were the genome of another filamentous phage, KSF-1ϕ. This phage enters the vibrio through its mannose-sensitive hemagglutinin pilus. The presence of this phage genome in the vibrio promotes full maturation and horizontal transfer from vibrio-to-vibrio of RS-1ϕ phage particles. Thus, there is a close cooperation of at least three phages (CTXϕ, RS-1ϕ, KSF-1ϕ) in the transformation of non-toxigenic to toxigenic strains of V. cholerae [56, 57, 63a] . Not one or two, but several filamentous phages cooperate to encode the cholera toxin: the well known filamentous lysogenic phage CTXϕ, the replicase-encoding toxin-linked cryptic element, TLC, whose genome consists of the morphogenesis-encoding satellite filamentous phage, fs2ϕ, and the phage genomes encoding infectious TLC-Knϕ phage particles. The recombination sequence encoded by the TLC-Knϕ phage is used by phage CTXϕ to integrate its genome into the vibrio's genome. The ssDNA genome of phage fs2 is the circularized variant of the TLC genome. In order to achieve the acquisition of toxigenicity by a pandemic V. cholerae, two satellite filamentous phages (TLCϕ, RS1ϕ), three helper filamentous phages (fs2ϕ, CTXϕ, KSFϕ) and two type IV pilus-based phage receptors (MSHA, TCP) have to establish molecular interactions. (KnR = kanamycin resistance; MSHA = mannose-sensitive hemagglutinin; RS = repeat sequence region; KSF = Kamruzzaman, Sack, Faruque; TCP = toxin-coregulated pilus; type IV cholera vibrio pilus) [63b] . It is now well understood how filamentous cholera vibrio phages insert the toxin gene(s) into the bacterial host's genome and how they encode the toxin from the genome of the host bacterium. It remains to achieve a grasp of the origin of the toxin genes that were horizontally transferred originally into the phages' genome from an unknown source (a vibrio ancestor that acquired the toxin gene(s) from a mysterious eukaryotic host still in hiding). The planktonic marine and estuarine aquatic environments vibrios inhabit, is close to be saturated with archaea, prokaryotes and protozoa and their viruses. Just the tailed phage particles in the environment are estimated to number 10 7 /ml, all phage particles 2.5×10 8 /ml, and in total on the planet 10 31 particles. The estimate was offered that 10 25 phage infections occur/sec worldwide; counting retroactively for 3 billion years, the number of phage infections that had taken place on Earth is incalculable (cited in [64] ). Metagenomic characterization of the viral flora is discovering innumerable new members of viral genera. Metagenomic analysis (pan-viral microarrays, polymerase gene sequencing, high throughput sequencing) of seawater and reclaimed water samples for "marine viromes," "marine phage genomics" and "global virospheres" revealed an abundance of free bacterial genes, bacteriophages, pathogenic plant viruses, eukaryotic nucleocytoplasmic large dsDNA viruses and picorna-like eukaryotic RNA viruses [65] [66] [67] [68] [69] [70] [71] . This is the environment in which V. cholerae and its phage CTXϕ acquired the CT genes ctxAB from an unknown external source. What is the biological function of the gene product proteins, the CTAB, in the vibrio? It is in the virulence island where the genes tcp encoding the pilus TCP reside. It was by sequential acquisition that the predecessor of V. cholerae acquired then the tcp and ctxAB genes [64] . However, the biochemical function of the CTAB in the human small intestine (vide supra) indicates that these molecules fit best into eukaryotic biological systems, thus must have originated from a eukaryote host. The non-choleragenic serogroup vibrios can cause watery diarrhoea and enterocolitis (vide supra). Were the non-choleragenic vibrios exposed to CTXϕ and related phages, but successfully defended of shrimp and expresses hemolysin gene(s) (vhh). Shrimps or lobsters (Homarus sp.) with hemorrhagic and ulcerative enteritis carry vibrio sp. without proven etiologic relationship to the disease in their intestinal tract [95] [96] [97] . Is it far-fetched to consider the acquisition of the disease-causing genes from these hosts by the vibrios and from the vibrios by their phages, which promiscuously infect other species of vibrios including vibrio species with human pathogenicity? Zooplankton blooms precede the outbreaks of cholera epidemics [98] . Is there a so far hidden niche for the ctxAB operon in zooplanktons or crustaceans (vide infra)? An imaginary sequence of events is envisioned, in which a toxin-producer marine/aquatic-estuarian eukaryotic host is infected by a phage-carrier bacterium: a vibrio. The bacterium acquires the toxin gene from its host and gains invasiveness and proliferative advantage. The lysogenic phage integrated its genome into the genome of its host bacterium, the vibrio. The phage excises its genome from the bacterial genome. The genuine phage genes in the excised genome include full or close to full sequences of the toxin gene(s). At burst, the liberated phage particles find another host bacterium, which they invade and into whose genome they integrate their phage genome. That newly infected bacterium has pathogenicity (virulence) islands towards mammalian (including human) hosts. The integrated toxin gene-carrier phage genome encodes the toxin. The bacterium gains invasiveness and proliferative advantages in his infected host due to the expression of the toxin proteins. The infected host dies due to the pathophysiological effects of the toxin (vide infra). An abbreviated listing of Shrimp and Prawn viruses: Baculovirus [99a] ; Dicistroviruses [100] ; Hepatopancreatic parvovirus [99b, 101] ; Taura syndrome virus [102] [103] [104] ; Yellow head nidovirus [105] ; Gill-associated and yellow head okavirus [106] ; Whispovirus. White spot syndrome virus [107] [108] [109] [110] ; Loose shell syndrome virus [111] ; Crustacean antiviral immunity [112] . Chloroplasts derive from cyanobacteria; the gene orders preserved in chloroplasts prove their cyanobacterial origin [113] . Extreme intraphylum diversity characterizes cyanobacterial aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases. Horizontal gene insertions, deletions and gene duplications created inconsistencies in the evolutionary course of these enzymes, the intraphylum diversity of aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases [114] . Filamentous freshwater cyanobacteria and the dinoflagellates Alexandrium spp. produce paralytic shellfish poisoning toxins, but encoded from different gene clusters [115a] . The 26 putative saxitoxin genes (stxA to stxZ : STX) were identified in toxic cyanobacteria (not to be mistaken for the STX antibiotic resistance gene-product proteins). Some of these genes (17 of them) are of cyanobacterial origin. Other genes in the cluster originate from different other cyanobacteria species, a halodurans archaea, the delta-proteobacterium Myxococcus xanthus, and the actinobacterium, Frankia. A methyltransferase may be of the dinoflagellate Alexandrium tamarense derivation. The noncyanobacterial genes were acquired through horizontal transfers. Did the dinoflagellate Alexandrium receive cyanobacterial toxin genes in exchange? The abundant cyanobacterial phages (myo-, podo-, and siphoviruses) are diligent vectors of host cell genes. For example, the bacterial photosystem-I and II genes are propagated by cyanophages. A unique, not T4-like myovirus cyanophage infects the blooming and toxic cyanobacterium Microcystis aeruginosa. The M. aeruginosa toxin induces hepatocellular carcinoma in experimental animals. This phage possesses a large 162, 109 bp genome containing 184 protein-coding genes. While several host bacterial genes have been incorporated into the genome of this phage, the bacterial toxin-encoding genes could not be found among these horizontally trsnsferred genes [115b] . Were the cyanobacterium a human pathogen, and the phage a carrier of the toxin-encoding genes, a system analogous to that of V. cholerae would have been identified. The chromalveolate diatoms possess genes of red algal origin; endosymbiotic red algae delivered these genes into the nuclei of diatoms [116] . Bacteria attached to the surface of dinoflagellate cells (dinos, Greek: rotation, eddy) were not transformed into toxin-producers [117] The blooming Raphidophyceae family member microalga Heterosigma akashiwo causes red tides. Chinook salmons and amberjacks die in the red tides. The large DNA H. akashiwo virus (HaV) kills the microalga and as a lytic algicidal virus is able to clear red tides, not in natural, but at least in experimental conditions [118] . The hemolytic and cytotoxic karlotoxin and ichthyotoxin from the marine dinoflagellate Karlodinium veneficum kill fish [119] . Other dinoflagellate toxins (pectenotoxin, yessotoxin, okadaic acid toxins) are hepatotoxic and cardiotoxic in experimentally exposed mice [120] . Yessotoxin poisons bivalve mollusks; when injected intraperitoneally into mice, it inhibits phagocytosis of Candida albicans by macrophages [121] . Gambierdiscus spp. dinoflagellate microalgae produce ciguatoxins (abbreviated as CTX: not to be mistaken for cholera toxin) [122] . The alga Karenia brevis in the Gulf of Mexico, produces brevetoxin and its antagonist brevenal; lower water salinity favors more toxin and less antitoxin production [123] . Blooming phyto-and zooplanktons release the toxins that are frequently lethal to crustaceans, shellfish, and higher metazoans, including human patients, if these toxins enter the food chain. The same dinoflagellates, algae, amoebas and diatomes carry a large number of bacterial, fungal and protozoal symbionts (including vibrios, like V. alginolyticus), and viruses, both lytic and symbiotic, either attached extracellularly, or invading intracellularly [124] . Juvenile coral cells take up for intracellular endosymbiosis zooxanthellae Symbiodinium algae, and thus gain photosynthetically produced carbon-rich nutrients. Free-living symbiodinium cells do not, but these cells in symbiosis with coral cells do activate their H + -ATPase. This 105 kDa protein works as a proton pump, dehydrates bicarbonates by carbonic anhydrase and liberates inorganic carbon. The chloroplast-encoded ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (rubisCO) enzymes provide the fixed carbon both for the symbiont and its host [125] . Both the nuclear and mitochondrial genomes of the coral cell and the genome of the symbiont were sequenced. The symbiont resides in the gastrodermal cells of the coral and provides fixed carbon to these cells. The symbiotic relationship depends on the acceptance of symbiodinium sub-clade by the haplotype coral [126] [127] [128] [129] [130] . Entry of the symbiont in a stealth manner leaves the host cell's transcriptome undisturbed. Juvenile corals are rapidly dominated by the symbiont, whereas adult or parental coral cells are less tolerant toward the symbiont. Compatible symbionts are accepted without a reaction, but incompatible symbionts massively excite the recipient's transcriptosomes [131]; The expression of metabolic genes (carbohydrate and lipid metabolism, transmembrane ion transport) is intensified in corals possessing symbiont algae [132] . Possession of the symbiont keeps the coral from senescence in that its telomere length is preserved by continuous telomerase activity [133] . Rejection of the unacceptable symbiont is carried out by caspase-activated apoptosis of the algal cells [134] . Mature corals may lose the symbionts during "bleaching" events. Loss of the symbionts frequently leads to the demise of coral colonies. Corals retaining the symbionts during the bleaching event survive [135] . Coral colonies attacked by Vibrio coralliilyticus undergo bleaching and die. The target of the vibrio protease is more the intracellular symbiont, than the coral tissue [136] . It is most peculiar that a coral-pathogenic vibrio (V. coralliilyticus) in the Mediterranean sea would be multiple antibiotics-resistant [137] . Antibiotic resistance genes must have evolved under natural circumstances predating with millions of years the discovery and use of penicillin: "the soil antibiotic resistomes." A transposon-induced mutant of V. coralliilyticus lost its flagellum, and with it its pathogenicity [ The blooming and toxic photosynthetic dinoflagellate member of Dinophyceae, the Heterocapsa circularisquama, harbors two ancient viruses: a positive sense ssRNA virus and a dsDNA virus. In this host, the RNA and the DNA viruses tolerate each other. In the human host, DNA herpes-and RNA retroviruses synergize with one another (vide infra). The HcRNAV encounters sensitive, resistant and delayed lysis-udergoing hosts. The initiation codon for viral replication is the universal AUG. Sensitive hosts undergo rapid lysis and release viral particles. Resistant cells inhibit viral replication. Viral ORF-1 encodes the RdRp (RNA-dependent RNA-polymerase). The phylogenetic derivation of some land viruses (mushroom bacilliform virus, and others) from marine viruses is supported by the similarities of their RdRp to that of HcRNAV. Viral ORF-2 encodes the viral coat protein [148] [149] [150] . A giant dsDNA virus, HcDNAV, infects and lyses H. circularisquama cells and thus it can control this blooming toxic dinoflagellate. The viral capsid is icosahedral up to 210 nm in diameter; the DNA genome consists of 356 kbp. Viral replication takes place in the cytoplasmic viroplasms. By its looks, the virus was made a member of the PhycoDNAviridae, but by its biochemistry it does not fit into that group of large marine dsDNA viruses (vide infra). The amino acid sequence of its PolB (type B DNA polymerase) gene differed from that of the phycodnaviruses. This gene sequence was related closest to that of the Asfarviridae member, African swine fever virus (ASFV). Thus, this ancient marine virus and the much later evolved terrestrial mammalian virus have preserved their phylogenetical relationship [151] . Algae are generous gene-donors: stress-related algal genes (ascorbate peroxidases, metacaspases) operate in choanoflagellata [152] . The green alga Paramecium bursaria chlorella virus, and the coccolithovirus of Emiliania huxleyi (EhV) fit into the group of PhycoDNAviridae, the nucleocytoplasmic large dsDNA viruses. The haptophyta E. huxleyi represents one of the deepest branching lineages of the eukaryotic tree of life. Its exoskeleton displays carbonate scales, the coccoliths. The icosahedral 1,900 Å diameter chlorella virus (PBCV-1) genome encodes 365 proteins and is capable of glycosylating its major capsid proteins (without any help from the host cell's endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi apparatus). Beneath the glycoprotein capsid, lipid bilayer membrane surrounds the dsDNA core [153, 154] . The coccolithovirus EhV enters its host cell of the diploid calcified phytoplankton microalga E. huxleyi by envelope fusion and endocytosis [155] . The haploid phase of the E. huxleyi life cycle disallows viral entry and survives uninfected [156] . EhV encodes cytotoxic glycosphingolipids, which induce apoptotic death in infected cells [157] . There are seven sphingolipid biosynthetic genes (named in the article), one of them is longevity assurance factor, LAG1: wise little creature, E. huxleyi! EhV acquired these host genes via horizontal transfer; or vice versa, was it the virus that transferred these genes to its host? The virus needs lipid metabolism to construct its lipid membrane. Since lipid metabolism was present in eukaryotic cells ancestral to E. huxleyi, the direction of gene transfer was very likely from host cell to its virus [158] . The picoeukaryotic photosynthetic green alga, Ostreococcus tauri harbors a large linear dsDNA virus, OtV5, a phycodnavirus. The host cell is so small, and a virus particle is so large, that at burst only 25 virus particles can be released. One of the viral coding sequences (CDS, flanked by start and stop codons) encodes praline dehydrogenase. This stress-reactive enzyme is coming from a horizontally transferred gene, probably bacterial-to-algal-to-viral derivation [159] . While the algal viruses may pick up host cell genes, being eukaryotic viruses, they could not integrate their genomes into bacteria; thus, these algal viruses can not be depicted as vectors of the dinoflagellate toxin genes to higher mammalian hosts, which they may not even be able to infect. The Asfarviridae hemorrhagic swine fever virus (ASFV) acquired its PolB gene on a long distance phylogenetic scale (vide supra). However, dinoflagellates may associate with bacteria (among them phage-carrier vibrios), which may acquire dinoflagellate toxin genes by horizontal transfers. These toxin genes may flank of, or fuse with, integrated phage genomes and thus may be spread by promiscuous phages to new bacterial hosts pathogenic to mammalian, including human, hosts. The large nuclear-cytoplasmic dsDNA viruses (poxviruses, asfarviruses, iridoviruses, phycodnaviruses) show monophyletic origin. Poxviruses are grouped with asfarviruses and mimiviruses are grouped with iridoviruses and phycodnaviruses. In a most peculiar way, divergence of these viral families appears to have predated the divergence of the major eukaryotic lineages. After the divergence of the host cell lineages, further evolution of the viral genomes occurred due to horizontal receipt and incorporation of genes from their host cells and co-infecting bacteria and viruses. These large dsDNA viruses co-evolving not only with dinoflagellates, but with animal hosts (asfarviruses, iridoviruses, mimiviruses, mimicking microbes) acquired anti-apoptotic and immunosuppressive genes. The genes acquired from bacteria include bacteriophage genes [160, 161] . The viral B family DNA polymerases (PolB) are conserved in the large dsDNA viruses, herpes-and baculoviruses and show low frequency of recent horizontal transfers. Comparable PolB genes occur in archaea viruses and in the three archaeal lineages (Nanoarchaeota, Crenarchaeota, Euryarchaeota). In the mimiviridae group, the 16 PolB fragments underwent substantial segment variations. Viral PolBs show much higher diversity than bacterial PolBs [161] . Acanthamoeba polyphaga harbors mimivirus; with its 750 nm size and 1.2 Mbp genome, it is the largest known dsDNA virus. Mimivirus is closely related to the large dsDNA algal viruses. The ancestral mimivirus infected microalgae of the phytoplankton. The mimiviral genome containing both DNA and RNA stands on the boundary between viruses and bacteria (or even eukaryotic protocells). Of the four mimivirus aminoacyl-tRNA synthetase genes, two (TyrRS; MetRS) are archaea/eukaryotarelated, except for their anticodon binding sites [162] . Mimivirus-like PolB and amino acid sequences occur in algal phycodnaviruses of the Norwegian coastal waters: CeV01 (Chrisochromulina ericina), PpVo1 (Phaeocystis pouchetii) and PoV01 (Pyramimonas orientalis). The mimivirus PolB sequence exhibits 45, 41, and 31% identity with the PolB sequences of PoV01, CeV01 and PpV01. These icosahedral viruses are smaller than the mimivirus, being of 160-220 nm in diameter with genome sizes of 485-560 kb. For comparison, the genome of the phycodnavirus EhV-86 is 407 kb [155, 163] . In the host amoeba, the mimivirus genome is allowed to grow rather than retract. Instead of genome reduction it gains genome size by the acquisition of horizontally transferred genes and mobilomes. The viral genome enlarges within the amoeba by lineage-specific gene duplications, lateral gene transfers from the host and accretion of mobile genetic elements (transposons and retrotransposons) [164] . It was proposed that poxviruses accept host cell mRNAs reversely transcribed into cDNA, ready for integration. Among horizontally acquired poxvirus genes are those of IL-10, thymidine kinase, ribonucleotide reductase, glutathione peroxidase (for oxidative damage protection), deoxyribopyrimidine photolysase (for repair of ultraviolet light damage). The IL-10 gene in the poxvirus genome (yatapox, canarypox viruses) is the result of horizontal transfers from eukaryotic hosts [165] . Ancient poxviruses vectored retrotransposons from reptiles to mammals [166] . The amoeba is a "melting pot of genes and evolution" in reference to mimivirus and the 368 kb genomic Marseillevirus residing in it [167, 168] . The arrangement of major capsid proteins of large dsDNA viruses (chlorella virus, PBCV1; Sulfolobus turreted icosahedral virus, isolated from the acidic hot springs (90 • C) of Yellowstone park, where it infects the hyperthermophilic crenarchaea Sulfolobus solfataricus (vide supra), the photosynthetic marine cyanobacteriophage PM2, and coliphage Period A, PRD1, show by X-ray crystallography close identity. Even though these viruses infect host cells of wide variety (archaea, prokaryota, eukaryota), they derive from a common precursor [169, 170] . The crenarchaeota viruses, however, display unique features suggesting an evolutionary path with gene gains from both their hosts and also from prokaryota [171] . The enveloped dsDNA acidianus filamentous virus-1 (AFV-1) of the Lipothrixviridae class infects a crenarchaeal host in the acidic hot springs of Yellowstone Park and its gene repertoire is quite unique [172] . The organization of the mimivirus capsid, the starfish-shaped arrangement of its capsomers and fiber components, indicates that its encoding genes are of prokaryotic and eukaryotic derivation [173] . Viruses (coronavirus; human immunodeficiency virus-1 (HIV-1)) usually utilize host cell cyclophilins; mimivirus encodes its own cyclophilin [174] . The mimivirus genome can encode 911 proteins; of these, 298 have recognized functions (translation enzymes, DNA repair pathways, topoisomerases). This virus resides also in corals and sponges [175, 176] . The two cytochrome p450 genes of the mimivirus show 23-26% identity with bacterial (Proteus mirabilis), fungal (Aspergillus), streptomyces (S. peucetius) and caenorhabditis cytochromes. The short region of mimivirus dysferlin (Ca 2+ -binding protein) has 35% homology with that of the sea urchin (Stongylocentrotus purpuratus). The ADP-ribosyltransferase pierisin-1 shows 24% identity with that of Pieris rapae (the lepidopteran pest of cruciferous vegetable crops) [177, 178] . If large dsDNA viruses existed before cells were formed, then viral genes were donated to protocells, and not vice-versa. The transcriptional gene silencing Tgs eukaryal enzymes methylate the N2 atom of-7-CH 3 guanosine nucleotides. The Giardia Tgs protein and the mimivirus Tgs protein are unique and similar in their capacity to methylate guanine-N2 in the absence of prior N7 methylation [179] . In addition to amoebae, corals and sponges may host as yet unidentified mimivirus relatives [175, 176] . Of the new proteins encoded by the mimivirus genome there are four aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases. Several non-coding RNAs are prominently expressed. Gene expression late promoters of the mimivirus were shared with its phage, the sputnik. Polyadenylated transcripts derived from new gene (previously unknown: no database homolog) with gene product proteins of unknown function. Mimiviral tRNA methyltransferases and aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases (new for a virus to encode it) are activated early. In response, a burst in the transcription of mitochondrial genes of the amoeba takes place. This event coincides with the viral "eclipse phase", during which neither formed, nor functional viral elements are present in the viroplasms. The eclipse phase is followed by the upsurge of mimiviral, and the decrease of amoebal gene transcripts. For comparison, Fig. 2 .1 shows the eclipse phase of influenza A virus adapted to chicken embryo, or to mouse lung ( Fig. 2.1 ) [180] . The synthesis of the LPS-like outer layer of the viral particle is a late event. Mimiviral genes encoding capsid proteins and collagen-domain proteins are among the last to be activated [181] . The cellular nucleoside diphosphate kinases are small 150 aa proteins highly conserved within archaea, bacteria and eukaryota (>40% identity). The cellular nucleoside diphosphate kinases (NDKs) do not distinguish ribonucleotides from deoxyribonucleotides, acting equally in both, transferring phosphate groups from nucleoside triphosphates (NTP, other than adenosine triphosphates, ATP) to nucleoside diphosphates (NTP to NDP). In contrast to the cellular enzymes, mimiviral NDKs display distinct affinity for deoxypyrimidine nucleotides. The mimiviral enzyme is ancestral to the cellular (including that of the amoeba) NDK enzymes. The mimiviral enzyme clusters with euryarchaeal, crenarchaeal and bacterial sequences. The Acantamoeba (A. castellani) enzyme clusters with fungal, and metazoan sequences. The viral enzyme was not acquired from a eukaryotic organism by horizontal gene transfer [182] . An icosahedral dsDNA virus 50 nm in size packing a 18 kb circular genome replicates only in the viroplasm of the mimivirus. In the presence of the replicating "sputnik", the mimivirus can not mature into complete particles; its capsid assembly becomes distorted. It is not lysed; yet the sputnik acts like a phage to the mimivirus: a "virophage". Three sputnik genes encode proteins of mimivirus derivation; other sputnik genes encoding integrase, helicase, ATPase and transposase are of bacteriophage and eukaryotic viral derivations. The sputnik displays a double jelly-roll capsid. Sputnik lacks RNA-and DNA polymerases and borrows mimiviral transciptosome. The palindromic signal characteristics of mRNA polyadenylation sites in many sputnik genes are those of the mimivirus; so is its late protein element [181, 183, 184] . Intraamoebal bacteria, Legionella drancourtii and Coxiella burnetii, possess a gene of aquatic viridiplantae origin. This gene encodes the enzyme sterol delta-7 reductase; the intraamoebal mimivirus also transcribes this gene. The host amoeba generously donates its genes to its parasites, the intraamoebal viruses and bacteria. The intraamoebal parasites exhibit genomes larger than that of their extraamoebal relatives. However, in the case of the sterol delta-7 reductase and another eukaryotic enzyme, the ATP/ADP translocase, the gene donor was not the amoeba, but a chlamydia. The chlamydia acquired the gene from a parasitized aquatic plant. Upon transferring itself into the amoeba, there the chlamydia encountered other guests of the amoeba. Through another horizontal transfer, these genes were implanted from the chlamydia to the bacteria (and to the mimivirus) [185] . The Acanthameba polyphaga mimivirus (APMV) has the potential to infect the lungs of intubated patients in the intensive care units. Macrophages of the respiratory tract take up the mimivirus by phagocytosis. Patients with ventilator-associated pneumonia develop antibodies to mimivirales [186] [187] [188] . "Multiple Nervenentzündung (Polyneuritis) bei Hühnern" described in 1907 in the Deutsche tierärztliche Wochenschrift by the Hungarian veterinarian József Marek was a new disease entity characterized by heavy lymphocytic infiltrates in multiple organs, but especially in nerve sheaths and in the meninges. The causative agent of the "Mareksche Geflügellähmung", which was recognized to be a neoplastic entity, was transferable by filtrates. Thus, the viral etiology of the lymphomatous tumors was declared [189] . The replication of the Marek virus in tissue cultures was shown first in B. R. Burmesters's laboratory [190, 191] . The first Marek's herpesvirus strains were isolated in chicken kidney cell cultures by J. L. Spencer [192] . The co-operative interactions in malignant lymphoma induction between Marek's herpesvirus and chicken leukosis and chicken sarcoma (Rous) retroviruses were first documented in tissue cultures at Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey, by J. W. Frankel and Vincent Groupé [193] and confirmed and elaborated on at Columbia University in New York and in the germ-free animal laboratories of Life Sciences in St. Petersburg, Florida [194] . Leuko-, lympho-and sarcomagenic retroviruses were recently shown in a condensed tabulated form [195] . The T strain of chicken reticuloendotheliosis virus (REV-T; REL) transforms chicken lymphocytes, but not chicken embryonic fibroblasts. This virus infects both CD4 and CD8 T lymphocytes [196] . The length of its sequenced proviral genome is in the range of 8,284 nucleotides [197] . The v-rel oncogene and its cellular homologue c-rel encode the p59v-Rel phospho-oncoprotein. The oncoprotein remains in the cytoplasm of transformed spleen cells, but in transformed E26 myeloid cells the p59v-Rel oncoprotein translocates from cytoplasm into the nucleus [198] . The natural protein Rel/NF-κB is an inducer of inflammatory and immune responses, promotes cell-proliferation and it exerts anti-apoptotic effects. The viral oncoprotein transforms lymphoid cells and induces malignant tumors resembling human mediastinal B cell lymphomas and Hodgkin's disease. In the human counterparts of such tumors, overexpressed or mutated c-Rel oncoprotein activates the expression of antiapoptotic and pro-proliferative genes in the nucleus. The vRel oncoprotein promotes the expression of telomerase reverse transcriptase (TERT), thus preventing the shortening of telomeres at cell divisions. The viral transcription activation domain (vTAD) interacts with CAPERα, which synergistically modulates the transactivation by vTAD. The co-activator of activating protein-1 (AP-1) and estrogen receptors (CAPERα) is expressed in liver cirrhosis and in hepatocellular carcinoma. In vRel-mediated lymphomagenesis, CAPERα acts as a transcriptional co-regulator and antagonist of the transforming activity of vRel oncoprotein. Neutralizing CAPERα mRNA by siRNA in vRel-transformed lymphoma cells increased the cells malignancy, as expressed by their enhanced colony formation. Tumor suppressor CAPERα has to be silenced by siRNA or by disabling mutation for the cRel oncoprotein to act uninhibited in human lymphoma cells. In human Reed-Sternberg cells of Hodgkin's disease, cRel is an active oncogene. In avian malignant lymphomas transcriptional co-activation of vTAD by CAPERα is promotional to its antagonism for vRel's transforming activity [199] . Three oncogenic viruses, avian leukosis virus (ALV), reticuloendotheliosis virus (REV) and Marek's disease virus (MDV) downregulate the expression of the non-coding tumor-suppressive gga-microRNA-26a (Gallus gallus), the regulator of tumor suppressor PTEN gene (phosphatase and tensin homologue deleted on chromosome ten). One of the tumor-suppressive effects of gga-miRNA-26a is antagonism to the "T cell growth factor" IL-2 expression in these avian tumors [200] . The JARID2 gene product histone lysine demethylizing proteins (Jmj, jumonji, cruciform in Japanese) bind to cyclin D1 promoter and repress the transcription of cyclin D1. Jmj forms complexes with histone methyltransferases and reacts with the cyclin D1 promoter, thus increasing histone methylation, while cyclin D1 is repressed. Jmj family proteins regulate both methylation and demethylation of histones (J. jumonji in Japan; ARID, AT-rich interaction domain) [201] . In chicken B cell lymphomas, REV-T induces the oncogenic miRNA-155 for targeting JARID2. Part of the histone methyltransferase complex, JARID2, rapidly loses its pro-apoptotic activity under the effect of the antagonistic miRNA-155. The pro-survival function of miRNA-155 promotes lymphoma cell growth in the absence of JARID2 activity [202] . Phylogenetic relationship of gallid herpesvirus-2, MDV, did not reveal how its oncogenes meq and pp38 evolved [203] . The MDV encodes oncoprotein Meq, a homologue of cellular proto-oncogenes fos and jun (fos, Finkel osteosarcoma murine retrovirus oncogene; jun, ju-nana Japanese for seventeen, after avian sarcoma virus ASV-17). MDV also encodes the immediate-early transactivator protein, ICP4, to which a small antisense RNA is expressed in lymphoma cells [204] . MDV-related abbreviations: the lytic antigen pp38 (Meq, Marek's EcoRI-Q DNA restriction one minifragment probe, Eco from Escherichia coli; pp38, phosphoprotein-38). The MDV-encoded RNA telomerase subunit (vTR) shows 88% sequence identity with the chicken gene cTR. The MDV vTR maintains telomere length in transformed cells [205] . The virus releases a number of miRNAs (similarly to Epstein-Barr virus, EBV, and HHV-8, Kaposi sarcoma-associated herpesvirus, KSHV). The MDV miRNAs interact with viral oncogene meq and with the viral latency associated transcript (LAT) [206] . MDV may either lay latent in avian CD4 T cells, or it malignantly transforms them. In a REV-transformed lymphoid cell line, latent MDV expressed its Meq oncoprotein antigen and contributed to the cells' apoptosis resistance. Treatment with bromodeoxyuridine induced the expression of MDV lytic antigens [207] . The Meq oncoprotein due to its Pro-Leu-Asp-Leu-Ser motif binds C-terminal binding protein (CtBP), a transcriptional co-repressor. The Meq-CtBP complex is essential for oncogenesis: cells with mutated CtBP are exempted from MEq-induced oncogenesis. The EBV oncoprotein EBNA3A/3C (nuclear antigen) also interact with CtBP. MDV vaccine strains do not encode the Meq oncoprotein and do not interact with CtBP [208] . Syngeneic and allogeneic cell-mediated cytotoxicity against Marek's disease virus-(MDV-) transformed lymphoblastoid tumor cell lines revealed brisk alloantigen-directed (allogeneic) reactions, and rare syngeneic reactions by host lymphocytes [209] . Targeting lymphocytes against specific oncoproteins (phosphoprotein pp38 of MDV), or harvesting them from REV-sensitized donors, yielded virus-specific syngeneic cytotoxic lymphocytes [210] . Splenic lymphocytes of MDV-sensitized donors killed transformed syngeneic lymphocytes expressing MDV oncoprotein antigens pp38 and Meq [211] . These types of lymphocyte-mediated immune reactions directed at human sarcoma cells were observed already in the late 1960s and early 1970s in the author's laboratory at M. D. Anderson Hospital, Houston, TX. The autologous (or syngeneic) reactions were mediated by immune T cells, whereas the allogeneic reactions were mediated by large granular lymphocytes that were later designated to be natural killer (NK) cells [212] [213] [214] . These observations are documented and illustrated in Sinkovics' monograph "Cytolytic Immune Lymphocytes. . ." (Fig. 2.2a,b) [213] . REV-transformed avian T-lymphoblastoid cells accept co-infection with MDV [215, 216] . The two avian T cell lymphoma viruses (MDV and REV) synergized their pathogenicity, as the MDV genome accepted the insertion of the REV genome. Tumor cells co-infected with these two viruses either in vitro or in vivo, yielded MDV isolates that accepted the insertions of retroviral genomic segments in their genomes. It was the long terminal repeat (LTR) of REV that penetrated the MDV genome; both attenuated and virulent strains of MDV exhibited such insertions [217] . Herpes-and retroviruses were known to synergize their infectious and cell-transforming processes by augmenting each other's efficacy in malignant transformation [193, 218] . The Rous sarcoma virus LTR was transactivated by MDV [219] . The LTR of HIV-1 yielded to transactivation by human herpesvirus-1 (HHV-1) and other [213] . Permission to re-publish is from Schenk Buchverlag, Passau and Budapest DNA viruses [220] . Vice-versa, MDV transactivated the promoters of avian leukemia and sarcoma (Rous) viruses [221, 222] . The phenomena of retroviral genomic segmental insertions into the genome of DNA viruses were observed naturally and induced artificially. The two avian T cell lymphoma viruses, MDV and REV, synergized their pathogenicity as the MDV genome accepts inserted segments of the REV genome [217] Transcripts of the REV's LTR promoters enhanced the expression of MDV US (unique short) genes [223, 224] . Insertions of the retroviral genome occur within one or two passages in MDVinfected cells. The retroviral insertion sites are two, 1 kb region each at the junction of the short unique and short repeat regions of the MDV genome. To the malignancy of a MDV-transformed lymphoma cell line, REV contributed the activation of the c-myb (myeloblast) proto-oncogene [225] . A clone of MDV derived through REV genomic insertion exhibited attenuated oncogenicity, but remained infectious by contact, caused thymic and bursal atrophy and induced severe immunosuppression [226] . In MDV-and REV-co-infected cells, chimeric molecules were formed from REV-LTR and MDV flanking proteins [227] . In comparing the horizontal transmissibility of MDV-GX-0101 field strain harboring the LTR of REV, LTR-deleted viral clones were more immunosuppressive and less transmissible through horizontal routes, than the original REV LTR-positive strain [228] . Fowlpox virus (Avipoxvirus) vaccines were frequently contaminated with REV. Fowlpox vaccine virus isolates in the chorioallanois membranes of chicken embryos grew in lesions yielding both fowlpox virus and REV. It could not be distinguished if proviral REV DNA was integrated in the cells' DNA and/or into fowlpox virus DNA. The REV-contaminated fowlpox virus vaccine in inoculated chickens caused fowlpox lesions and feathering defects and proventriculitis [229] . In fowlpox virus field isolates, the integrated genomic segments of REV env gene were identified. Fowlpox virus vaccines carrying integrated REV genomic sequences induce weak protection against fowlpox [230] . In some fowlpox vaccine viruses, the full genome of REV was found integrated. These integrated REV full length genomic sequences (gag, pol, env and LTR) are replication competent [231] , gag, group-associated antigens are the virions' structural proteins, pol, polymerase, encodes the viral enzymes: protease, integrase and reverse transcriptase; env, envelope proteins. REV-free field isolates of fowlpox virus (both chicken and turkey) exist. Some fowlpox virus isolates from wild birds or from poultry harbor none, or only remnants of REV LTR, and no REV env genes [232] The production of REV-free fowlpox virus vaccines is possible. A refined quantitative multiplex real time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) is available to select out REV-free fowlpox virus strains [233] . It is with the MDV vaccines and the fowlpox virus vaccines, where the biological importance of horizontal viral gene transfers and recombinations between unrelated viruses are surpassed by the practical urgency of the problem. Over ten million years of coexistence in sharing the same hosts in Africa and co-evolving with each other and with their simian and hominid hosts, created a special relationship between herpes-and retroviruses. Instead of interference with each other, herpes-and retroviruses co-operate. Their cooperation consists of either suppression of lethal infections by the partner virus in the interest of keeping the host alive; or of the activation of the other virus to gain growth factors (cytokines and chemokines), have access to transformed host cells protected against apoptotic deaths, into which to integrate, and benefit from immunosuppression of the host by creating a Th2-type environment, and thus eliminating IFN-γ and TNF-α production in the host. From the human point of view, the cooperation between herpes-and retroviruses is a form of "criminal collusion" [213] . The MDV increases the rate of transcription of the avian leukemia virus, Rous-sarcoma-associated retrovirus (RAV-2 ALV). Five-to tenfold RAV-2 AVL RNA and viral structural proteins are produced in the presence of MDV [221] . The phenomena of latent retrovirus activation in herpesvirally co-infected human tumor cells have been well recognized [234] [235] [236] [237] [238] [239] [240] [241] . The widely spread leukemogenic-sarcomagenic retrovirales of vertebrates from the fish up to Old World simians are not expressed in human leukemia and sarcoma cells [195, 213] . However, in herpesvirally (HHV-8; KSHV) induced human Kaposi sarcoma cells there appears an activated endogenous retrovirus ( Fig. 2 .3a,b) [213] . If there is a latent human sarcoma retrovirus not lost during human evolution and still is in hidden existence, it may be found in EBV-infected leiomyosarcoma cells of children [213] . The ancestors of alligators, crocodiles and turtles coexisted with dinosaurs (deinos, Greek, terrible; sauros, Greek, lizard) and avian genera descended from feathered "bird-footed" "beast-footed" theropod (therio, Greek, wild carnivorous beast) dinosaurs. The ancestors and the "missing links" are preserved in the Gobi desert and elsewhere (Liaoning, China) possessing melanosomes for the spectacular coloring of their skins and plumage [242] [243] [244] [245] [246] [247] . There is a gap between extant herpes-and retroviruses of crocodilians, reptilians, amphibians and Aves represented by the viral flora of the extinct dinosaurs (Archosauria). Turtles are at the base to re-publish is from Schenk Buchverlag, Passau and Budapest of the crocodile-bird branch [248, 249] . Reptilian α-herpesviruses cause the chelonid fibropapillomatosis in marine turtles (Chelonia sp.). Marine leeches (Ozobranchus sp.) vector huge loads of the fibropapilloma-associated turtle herpesvirus [250] [251] [252] [253] [254] [255] [256] . The herpesviruses infecting loggerhead turtles (Caretta caretta) cause fibropapillomatosis, tissue ulceration and necrosis and cell syncytia formation with intranuclear inclusion bodies [257] . Thus, new families of Herpesviridae emerge to include the bivalve (oysters), fish, reptile, turtle and tortoise, lizard, snake, crocodilian and amphibian herpesviruses [258, 259] . The herpesviruses form three distinct groups: (1) reptilian, avian and mammalian (reflecting to "ancient coevolution of these virus lines with the development of birds and mammals from reptilian progenitors"); (2) fish and amphibian; and (3) invertebrate bivalvian herpesviruses [260, 261] . Tortoises (Testudinidae) carry pathogenic herpesviruses causing glossitis and gastritis. Multifocal hyperemic-hemorrhagic nodules and plaques of the cloacal and phallic mucosa of juvenile alligators (A, mississippiensis) yielded isolates of tortoise herpesvirus-1; the lesions were infiltrated by monomorphic round cells resembling monoclonal lymphocyte populations. The isolates fitted into a phylogenetic tree of α-herpesviruses in comparison with turtle, tortoise, crocodylid and varanid herpesviruses; other herpesviruses in this phylogenetic tree were the gallid HV-2 (Marek's virus), bovine, equine, feline and human herpes simplex viruses-1, 2 and psittacid HV-1 [262] . The psittacid HV-1 causes cloacal papillomatosis in the Amazonian parrots (A. aestiva). These birds eventually succumbed to bile duct and pancreatic adenocarcinomas. The principle of Koch's postulates for herpesviral etiology for the adenocarcinomas has not been satisfied [263] . In the evolution of Aves in the families of Archosauria, there were gene preservations and gene losses. Mitochondrial DNA sequences identify Archosauria descendants (crocodilians and birds) and Lepidosauria (lizards and snakes) [264] . Conserved nuclear genomic sequences are reptilian olfactory receptor genes in birds [265] ; melanosomal matrix genes [266] ; the interspersed repetitive elements of chicken repeats (CR1) [267] ; alligator isochors as GC-rich bird isochors [268] ; the glycine-proline-tyrosine rich beta-keratin protein similarities in crocodilians and birds; reptilian beta-keratins as glycine-rich feather keratins and cornifications in feather morphogenesis [269] [270] [271] . Tuatara (Sphenodon sp.) reptilian chromosomal segmental regions show homology and orthology with chicken chromosomal segments, among them some tuatara autosomal regions are homologous with the sex chromosomes of birds and mammals [272] . Sex chromosomes remain highly conserved: chicken Z chromosome corresponds to turtle chromosome 6q, snake chromosome 2p and crocodile chromosome 3 with the order of genes preserved. The absence of homology between bird Z chromosome and snake and turtle Z sex chromosome indicates that these sex chromosome genes have had different origins [273] . Nucleotide and aa sequence alignment of saltwater crocodiles' oocyte maturation factor (C-mos) display strong similarities with that of birds (chicken and zebra finch) [274] . Ancient syntenies are conserved in fish, reptilian, avian and mammalian microchromosomes [275] . The chemokine IL-8 (CXCL8) shows up first in the reptilian turtle genome [276] and remains conserved through birds [277] [278] [279] and mammals up to Homo [280] . Genomic sequences "lost in translation" are IgD of the gecko missing in birds [281] ; the Na + -Ca 2+ exchanger NCX family regulators of teleosts, amphibians and reptilians missing in birds and mammals [282] ; of the tooth-forming genes, the dentin matrix protein-1 gene lost in birds [283] . The abundant presence of retroviral sequences in vertebrate genomes so far failed to detect the evolutionary connections between reptilian progenitors of birds and mammals [284] . In extant descendants of Archosauria, the crocodiles and birds, the CR1-like retrotransposons are active and the encoded C-mos (vide supra) between crocodiles and birds reveal significant sequence similarity [274] . Retrovirally (avian sarcoma retrovirus) mediated gene insertions into young chickens revealed those genes that are essential to feather morphogenesis. These genes are those of the bone morphogenetic protein-4 (BMP) for interacting with noggin (BMP antagonists noggin and dickkopf) to induce rachis formation, barb fusion and barb branching; and for the sonic hedgehog protein (Shh) to remove by apoptosis induction marginal plate epithelial cells in between barbs [285] . Was it retrotransposons that horizontally inserted such genes into theropod dinosaurs? Were the first flights of the pterosaurs 250 million years ago bat-like or fathered bird-like? Pterosaurs were flying 150 million years before bats, and 70 million years before birds, whereas the first placental mammals appeared just over 100 million years ago. In the Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary 65 million years ago, the first primates diverged from ungulates and a cataclysmic extinction of the dinosaurs occurred, but the crocodilian ancestors survived [286] . The Pan and Homo lineages separated about 7 million years ago, and Australopithecus afarensis lived 3.7 million years ago in what is Hadar, Ethiopia, today. Both birds and flying bats constricted the sizes of their genomes; retrospectively calculated (Markov chain Monte Carlo approach), pterosaurs operated with a much constricted genome [287] . Conserved genomic segmental overlaps occur between alligators, turtles, emu and chicken, despite a drastic reduction of the chickens genome size in comparison with the sizes of the reptilian genomes [288] . Even though a scrutiny of herpes-and retroviral agents active in birds, especially the Marek's virus (vide supra), so far failed to identify with exact precision the reptilian or amphibian ancestors of these avian viruses (vide infra), the descent of Aves from theropod dinosaurs is strongly supported by genetic evidence. Whether it was exclusively through a vertical line of evolution how birds emerged from reptilian ancestry, and/or was it with the help of horizontally inserted genes, it will be determined by renewed further research. May be, the answers will come from the International Chicken Genome Sequencing Consortium (Washington University School of Medicine, Campus Box 8501, 4444 Forest Park Avenue, St. Louis, Missouri 63108, USA). Is there a chain of herpesviral viral evolution in which ancestral reptilian and amphibian herpesviruses (the ancestor of the fibropapillomavirus of extant turtles) (vide supra) infected the dinosaurs? Before their extinction, the dinosaurs passed these viruses to the ancestors of Aves. Extant species of Aves are infected with the descendants of these ancestral herpesviruses (gallic herpesvirus 2, the MDV; psittacine cloacal papillomatosis herpesvirus). After the divergence of the reptilian/amphibian and the mammalian lineages, the mammalian species continued to harbor the descendants of the ancient reptilian-amphibian herpesviruses (the ancestor of the fibropapillomavirus of extant turtles) and expressed them up to the simian lineages. These herpesviruses are known as the baboon, green monkey, mandril and rhesus rhadinoviruses, the retroperitoneal fibromatosis herpesviruses. These ancient rhadino-herpesviruses (herpes, erpein, creepeing-creeper; rhadino, fragile viral DNA); already encode an IL-6 homolog and their LANA (latent nuclear antigen) is an ortholog of the HHV-8/Kaposi sarcoma HV ORF73 product protein (reviewed in [213] ). The anti-apoptotic LANA proteins promote cells survival and "immortalization" [289] . The polymerase enzyme of the chimpanzee rhadinovirus shows 82% nucleotide sequence homology and 93% aa identity with the HHV-8/KSHV (but chimpanzees do not develop Kaposi sarcoma-like tumors) (reviewed in [213] ). In KS cells HHV-8/KSHV activates the MAPK pathway (mitogen-activated kinase) [290] . The ORF (open reading frame) K12-product kaposin [291, 292] , and other oncogenes of HHV-8 (v-Bcl-2; the ORF72 product v-cyclin D; the ORF74 product G-protein-coupled receptor, long unique region, cyclooxygenase-2) [293] are new acquisitions of KSHV (HHV-8), which are not yet present in the chimpanzee rhadinovirus (reviewed in [213] ). In the latent form of HHV-8/KSHV, the viral genome is circularized in an epigenetic extrachromosomal location. Hypomethylation of the promoter of replication and transcription activator, and histone acetylation trigger the "lytic switch" and thus the active replication of the virus leading to cytolysis [294] . It is not only HIV-1-induced immunosuppression that activates the latent HHV-8/KSHV The HIV-1 tat gene product transactivator protein Tat activates the MAPK pathway in the host and the kaposin gene in the latent HHV-8/KSHV [295] . Kaposi sarcoma cells through human leukocyte antigen HLA-A2 express epitopes that attract cytotoxic lymphocytes. These are aa 16-25 in latent antigen kaposin and aa 59-68 in lytic antigen glycoprotein H. The lymphocyte donors were healthy volunteers [296, 297] . This author presented microphotographs of the phenomena of cytotoxicity by autologous lymphocytes to KS sarcoma cells in the pre-AIDS era [298] [299] [300] . The coexistence of the herpesviral pathogens (HHV-8/KSHV) and an as yet unidentified endogenous retrovirus in pre-AIDS era "classical" KS cells is shown in Fig. 2 .3a,b. The pathogenicity-and proto-oncogenes of HHV-8/KSHV very likely are host cell gene derivatives expropriated through horizontal transfers by the ancestral rhadinovirus as it was following the hominid lineage after the divergence from the Pan lineage some 7 million years ago. These horizontal new gene acquisitions by the ancestral rhadinovirus must have taken place during its residence in the ancestors of Homo (the Australopithecus afarensis and upward). The ancestry of the other human "lymphocryptovirus," the Epstein-Barr virus (HHV4/EBV) can be traced back to New World marmoset (owl and squirrel) monkeys diverging from the Old World simian lineages some 33 million years ago and represented by the oncogenic Herpesvirus saimiri in its host the squirrel monkey, Saimiri sciureus [301] . In New World (South American) monkeys, in contrast to retroviruses dominating in Old World (African) monkeys, the lymphogenic viruses are herpesviruses [302] . Further down, in the Cambrian sea and at the time of the emergence of the ancestral sharks (Placoderms; carcharhine sharks, chondrichthyes, gnathostomata), an ancestral lymphocryptovirus might have been instrumental in inserting genes to encode the basic elements of adaptive immunity (vide infra). Many new viral genomes emerge from the sea (through metagenomics, vide supra), that encode proteins so far unknown in multicellular organisms ("viral hallmark genes") [303] . Thus, a "primordial virus world scenario" has been envisioned [304] [305] [306] . Some of the large dsDNA viruses of dinoflagellates replicate exclusively in the host cells' cytoplasm, where they create "virus factories" or "viroplasms" (vide supra). These events reflect back to the most ancient times at the origin of precellular and protocellular life, and to the forms in which predecessors of the protocells in the "virus world" existed ("Abiogenese der Virusarten. Eine weitere Möglichkeit der Entstehung der Virusarten ist, daß sie, aus leblosen Stoffen stammend, als erste Lebewesen auf der Erde erschienen") [180] . There, RNA viruses, then retroid elements (RNA → DNA), and then DNA viruses formed sequentially. A network of interacting nucleic acids segments existed before protocells were formed [303, 304] . Viruses pre-dating the origin of and not fitting into the tree of life of the cellular living formations [307] , entered the first archaea, prokaryota and eukaryota cells from the outside. Or was it ancestral cellular genomes from which the first viral nucleic acid segments excised themselves ("Endogene Abstammung der Virusarten") [180] . Or was it intracellular bacterial symbionts, that through gene losses became what is now known as the lymphogranuloma inguinale virus, molluscum contagiosum virus, psittacosisvirus, trachomavirus ("die Abstammung der Viren von den Mikroben der Urzeit"), whose replication by fission of large "initial bodies" resembles that of pleuropneumonia bacteria, or L-forms ("in Elementarkörperchen zerfallende große Gebilde", "Plaquebildung", "Matrixmaterial"?) [180] . This is how the trachoma virus became Chlamydia trachomatis. As the large nucleocytoplasmic dsDNA viruses are replicating in "virus factories" or "viroplasms" exclusively in the cytoplasm (vide supra), they reactivate the idea that the first nuclei were formed in the large dsDNA virus-infected cells [308a,b, 309] . Protocells needed thymidylate synthetase enzymes (ThyA/ThyX) for the production of deoxythymidylate to build DNA. Rampant lateral transfers of these enzymes occurred between the three domains of ancient life and phages/viruses were enlisted as vectors [310] . It is well accepted and reviewed that fused archaea and prokaryota cells might have formed the first eukaryotic cells [311] [312] [313] . Ancient fusogenic viruses, like the ancestor of the extant mycoplasma phage MV-L3 (from Acheloplasma laidlawiii) might have mediated the first such unisons of Crenarchaeota and prokaryota spheroplasts [213, [314] [315] [316] , since Crenarchaeota and eukaryota are evolutionarily related due to similarities of their cell divisional machinery [317, 318] . This seminal experiment of Nature can be repeated in the laboratory today by fusing extant crenarchaeal and prokaryotic proto-spheroplasts with fusogenic mycoplasma viruses for the production of some primordial eukaryota-like cells [315, 316] . The rRNA studies of C. Woese aimed at the phylogenetic evolution of prokaryota lead to the discovery of archaea. Ribosomal proteins reflect backwards to the phylogenesis of the species. The universal ribosomal proteins functioned in coalesced protoplastic-spheroplastic cells prior to the separation of the phyla archaea and prokaryota. These cells exchanged large portions of their genomes by massive horizontal transfers. Speciation ("the origin of species") has taken its beginning when the first domain-specific ribosomal proteins appeared. At that point, the Darwinian threshold was established and the uncontrolled exchanges of genetic material became replaced by the rules and regulations of vertical inheritance. The 16S and 23S rRNAs established their sequence identity. Structural signatures of 16S and 23S rRNAs clearly distinguish archaea and prokaryota (bacteria), while the universal rRNA genes and proteins remain conserved and recognizable. The relative ordering of the universal r-protein genes within the rRNA gene cluster in archaea and prokaryota (bacteria) preserve their very extensive similarities, Hyperthermophilic archaea survive at 90 • C. Archaea preserved their genomes by vertical inheritance, but were gene donors to prokaryota and eukaryota beneath the Darwinian threshold. The hyperthermophilic bacteria (Aquifex aeolicus; T. maritima) expropriated the archaeal genes of thermophily. The Thermus thermophilus megaplasmid is operational in Deinococcus radiodurans; if these two entities shared a common ancestor, it was through vertical inheritance, otherwise by horizontal gene transfer that they possess this megaplasmid. The archaeal stem diverged into the three lineages (Crenarchaeota, Euryarchaeota, Nanoarchaea) forming the first domain of life on the primordial Earth (prokaryota, second, and eukaryota, third). Euryarchaeota are methanogenic. The ribosomal superoperon consisting of some 50 cotranscribed and coregulated genes encoding ribosomal proteins is operational in both archaea and prokaryota. N. equitans lives as a parasite of the archaeon Ignicoccus hospitalis [319] [320] [321] [322] [323] . In the genus of Neisseria, widely dispersed genomic clusters identical with those of other Neisseria species and other bacterial genera, suggested to Maynard Smith that the excess of horizontal gene transfers obliterated speciation and that "there are no such entities as species in these pathogenic bacteria" [324, 325] . Horizontal gene exchanges between ancestral archaea and prokaryota were so pervasive that the early evolution of cells did not follow the vertical outbranchings of a Darwinian phylogenetic tree. Thereafter the vertical outbranchings of the Tree of Life gained dominance and continuing horizontal gene transfers failed to significantly alter the course of evolution. The central trend prevailed undisturbed by random horizontal gene transfers. At and after the level of the radiation of archaeal and prokaryotic phyla, the central trend representing vertical inheritance remained quite discernible [326] . There are examples of horizontally (laterally) occurred gene acquisitions for practically all bacterial functions (photosynthesis, aerobic respiration, nitrogen fixation, sulfate reduction, methylotrophy, isoprenoid biosynthesis, quorum sensing, flotation on gas bubbles, thermophily, and halophily) [327] . The EMBO Conference on Molecular Microbiology, Heidelberg, 2006, discussed noncoding regulatory RNA, RNases and gene expression, genomics, evolution and bacteriophages, signal transductions, protein interactions and networks, pathogenicity, virulence and endosymbiosis, chromosome dynamics, DNA uptake, and other subject matters. These presentations were published with extensive literature quotations [328] . Here is the background and the environment in which horizontally transferred genes are released and accepted. The PLoS Genetics review specializes on those horizontal gene transfers in prokaryotes that accelerated the evolution of the recipients [329] (vide supra). One example is the lack of lysine biogenesis pathway in "the last common ancestor of life" and the acquisition of this pathway by ancestors of Crenarchaeota, Deinococcus-Thermus and Pyrococcus occurred through horizontal gene transfer from prokaryota. The prokaryotic genomes evolved rapidly due to horizontally transferred genes of whatever means of transfer, other than vertical [323] . Reverse gyrase of the hyperthermophilic archaeon, Sulfolobus acidocaldarius (vide supra) is shared between the archaeal and the bacterial (prokaryota) ancestors of hyperthermophiles, Thermotogales and Aquificales. These genes have been widely dispersed between archaea and bacteria through routes of horizontal transfers [322] . The Thermotogales genomes reflect well to events predating the Darwinian threshold. The composition of the genomes of Thermotoga maritima (Ttm) and Aquifex aeolicus (Aa) (vide supra) places them together at the base of the bacterial tree, in the era when the construction of a phylogenetic tree based on strictly vertical transmission of genes was invalidated by pervasive horizontal gene transfers. So far no prophages were found in the Ttm and Aa genomes. Some remnants of phage gene sequences in the thermotogales genome were discovered when sequences related to an E. coli phage showed up within two thermotogales genomes. Thermotogales bacteria were already armed with the antiviral related CRISPR elements (vide supra). Hyperthermophilic archaea (Thermococcales and Pyrococcus furiosus) horizontally exchanged their CRISPR elements [330] . In the absence of phages, horizontal gene transfers in thermotogales were not likely to be virally mediated. The genes securing life at high temperatures are shared with hyperthermophilic archaea. All thermotogales share closely related rRNA genes; rRNA analysis proves monophyly for Ttm and Aa. The operon for the membrane-associated proton-pump ferredoxin oxidoreductase is an archaeal feature; a derivative of it shows up in Pyrococcus furiosus. A derivative of the thermotogales ruBisCO gene, or rubisco-like proteins (vide supra) are operational in Bacillus subtilis. Derivatives of the thermotogales genes for the methionine salvage pathway are present in some deep sea bacteria. The first protocells might have been thermophilic and later life forms lost thermophily, even in some thermotogales with a change from ancestral to later 16S rRNA variations [331] . Thermotogales genomes show incongruent evolutionary history dating back to the pre-Darwinian threshold era. The aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases secure the fidelity of protein synthesis as specified by the mRNAs. The aminoacetylated amino acids are attached to the 3 -ends of cognate tRNAs. The anticodons of the aminoacyl-tRNAs specifically react with the trinucleotide codons of the mRNA. The recognition of amino acids (aa) is quite specific. The anticodon GUC for aspartate is different from anticodon GUU for asparagine in the crenarchaeon Sulfolobus [332] . These ancient enzymes converted the RNA world into the protein world. These sequences of the aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases (aaRS) evolved by gene duplications, horizontal gene transfers and genetic recombinations. It appears that some aaRS genes readily crossed between Archaea, Eubacteria (Bacteria) and Eucarya (Eukaryota). Other aaRSs are individually analyzed and their phylogeny reconstructed. Duplications, fusions, recombinations and horizontally executed exchanges of the aaRS genes exhibit great diversity. While the majority of aaRS genes can be fitted into the phylogenetic pattern of vertical transmission within the three domains of life, some individual aaRS genes defy the rules of vertical transfers. For example, the yeast mitochondrial PheRS is related to that of H. influenzae and Synecoccus [333] . Crystallographic studies of the Pyrococcus horikoshi tyrosyl-tRNA (TyrRS) and tryptophanyl-tRNA synthetase (TrpRD) indicate that the original TyrRS was the ancestor of TrpRS in archaea, and that from archaea the TrpRS was horizontally transferred to bacteria [334] . A phototrophic filamentous microbial community existed in the Buck Reef Chert along what is now the South African coast 3.4 billion years ago. This population fixed CO 2 in the Calvin cycle and received electrons from atmospheric hydrogen [335] . These microorganisms were the ancestors of cyanobacteria already practicing anoxygenic photosynthesis. Their reaction center 1 (RS1) reduced nicotinamid adenine dinucleotide phosphorylated (NAD(P) + to NAD(P)H. In starvation these cells fixed nitrogen. Upon acquisition of photosystem II (PSII) and RS2 (able to oxidize water) over the pre-existing PSI and RS1, these procyanobacteria transgressed the Darwinian threshold and evolved into oxygenic photosynthesis conducting extant cyanobacteria. Cyanobacterial photosynthetic genes (gene clusters and gene product proteins, the core cyanobacterial clusters of orthologous groups of proteins, core CyOGs) spread either by horizontal transfers in the contemporaneous living world: into the green sulfur bacterium Chlorobium tepidum, the green nonsulfur bacterium Chloroflexus aurantiacus, the Gram-positive phototrophic bacterium firmicute Heliobacillus mobilis, and the purple α-proteobacteriun Rhodopseudomonas palustris. Endosymbiotic cyanobacteria in plastid-carrying eukaryotes, the apicomplexans, the vestigial plastid-carriers (Plasmodium falciparum), diatoms (Thalassiosira psudonana), and algae (Cyanidioschyzon merolae), and from algae transferring eventually into plants occupying dry land (Arabidopsis thaliana, Oryza sativa, etc), propagated further the chlorophyll-and phycobilin-based photosynthetic genome. Protective chlorophyll-binding proteins dissipate excess light energy and thus secured the survival of cyanobacteria [336, 337] . Beneath the Darwinian threshold, and later transgressing it, pro-cyanobacteria and their phages coexisted. Phages form the bacterial "mobilomes." The oceanic prototroph, Prochlorococcus, carries myo-, podo-and siphoviruses (named after their morphology; for example the member of tailed phages, Caudovirales, Siphoviridae possess long noncontractile tails). The myo-and podoviruses propagated their structural genes to T4/T7 coliphages. In addition, these Prochlorococcus phages carry cyanobacterial photosynthesis genes. In contrast, the siphovirus lacks the cyanobacterial photosynthetic genes, but exhibits 14 other cyanobacterial homologue genes. Lytic cyanobacterial phages replicate in the bacterium and egress by bursting it. Temperate phages insert their DNA genome into the host bacterial chromosome and as prophages replicate with the host genome. Temperate phages carry out horizontal gene transfers, including those genes that encode pathogenicity islands and toxin genes (vide infra). However, most cyanobacterial isolates are devoid of prophages (and pathogenicity islands and toxins) [338, 339] . Cyanobacteria of the genus Synecoccus are infected by the phage, cyanomyovirus S-PM32. This phage shares some of its structural proteins with coliphage T4, its other structural proteins are unique and unrelated to other phages [340] . Phage homing endonucleases encoded by the endonuclease genes perform site-specific DNA cleavage. The cyanobacteriophage S-PM2 endonuclease is homologous to the resolvase of coliphage T4. Group I introns (inteins) can disrupt the DNA recognition site of the endonuclease. Otherwise the endonuclease makes a specific double strand cut of the DNA. The endonuclease can not cleave the introns-containing core photosynthesis reaction center gene (psbA). Mobile introns in the same target sequence that the endonuclease attacks, protects the host cell genome. Collaborative homing introns protected the photosynthetic genes [341] . Ancient bacteriophages are the ancestors of all viruses [342] . Some archaeal prophages (Sulfolobus turreted icosahedral virus in a crenarchaeal host; and others integrated into the tRNA of euryarchaeal hosts) are the ancestors of eukaryotic adenoviruses [343] . While temperate phages are accepted, even welcome for the useful genes they might insert, lytic phages are opposed for the life of the host. In this most ancestral virus-host relationship, the host genomes arranged the clustered regularly interspersed short palindromic repeats (CRISPR), the small RNA-guided defense system in archaea and prokaryota. The system prevails in eukaryotic genomes as well. Halophilic archaea defended themselves against lytic phages by a highly conserved CRISPR mechanism [344] . The first use of this defensive system must have occurred beneath the Darwinian threshold. In prokaryota the use of the system transgressed the threshold [345] [346] [347] [348] . Bypassing vertical inheritance, the valuable gene clusters of the CRISPR system were acquired by horizontal transfers mediated by phages and plasmids [349] . Beyond the Darwinian threshold, prokaryotic genera widely accepted the horizontal transfer of, and applied the CRISPR defensive system against phages and plasmids, including the universal cas 1 gene. Same in eukaryotic cells, the system targets the nucleic acid of the invaders in a sequence-specific manner. In response, point-mutated viral genomic sequences escape recognition by the CRISPR system; a massive viral invasion of a cell could overwhelm the CRISPR system [350] . Salmonella typhimurium and E. coli acquired multiple virulence genes through horizontal transfer mediated by phages and plasmids [351] . These gene product proteins enabled ancient bacteria to thrive under "adverse circumstances," The sites of residence for these genes are the "pathogenicity islands." When the bacteria infect a host and thus encounters "adverse circumstances," it is the activation or acquisition of "pathogenicity islands" that secures the new life style of the invader. These complex gene cluster transfers appear to have developed after speciation occurred above the "Darwinian threshold." These gene clusters are transferred by conjugation or by phage transduction. However, intruding phages and plasmids encounter the CRISPR/CAS defensive system (vide supra). The CRISPR/CAS system can eliminate horizontal gene transfers conducted either by conjugation or phage transduction. While it protects bacteria from lytic phages, it may deprive them from the acceptance of genes beneficial to them in "adverse circumstances." A CRISPR system prohibits the acceptance of staphylococcal conjugative plasmids in clinical isolates of Staphylococcus epidermidis [352] . Most of the virulence genes of E. coli were acquired during the last 100 million years through horizontal transfers [353] . The uropathogenic E. coli acquires its pathogenicity island genes (fimbria, adhesins, LPS, toxins, hemolysins, siderophores) through horizontal transfer and in its biofilms and within bacteria-loaded epithelial cells it commonly overcomes both innate and adaptive immune reactions of the host [354, 355] . In the Netherlands, Enterobacter strains (E. cloacae, E. hormaechei) may be one of the sources of the pathogenicity island genes of uropathogenic E. coli strains [51] (vide supra). The high pathogenicity island (HPI) gene cluster may be transferred also to Klebsiella pneumoniae strains. Yersiniabactin (from Y. pseudotuberculosis) is such a HPI. The HPIs contain integrases, an iron uptake system (a catecholate siderophore) and an integrative and a conjugative element (ICE) with genes producing enzymes for excision and integration for DNA conjugative transfer. Some ICEs do, others do not contain helicase encoding DNA [51] . In Hungary, Klebsiella pneumoniae strains acquired plasmids up to 230 kb in size. The ciprofloxacin-resistant VTX-M-15-producing K. pneumoniae strains (VTX, from verocytotoxigenic E. coli) spread in an epidemic fashion in six nosocomial outbreaks [356] . In Galveston, TX, fluoroquinolin-resistant uropathogen E. coli emerged to infect renal transplant patients; these "virulent appearing" E. coli strains remained susceptible to 3rd generation cephalosporins [357] . The EMBO conference on prokaryotic genomic evolution and gene expressions [328] , dealt with the noncoding regulatory RNAs of E. coli, one of which, a sRNA, suppresses the synthesis of toxic peptides [358] . Could this mechanism neutralize toxin production in a HPI? Acquisition of HPIs is usually combined with antibiotic resistance. The genes for antibiotics production in streptomyces fungi, for antibiotics resistance and for pathogenicity island acquisition in bacteria are received through horizontal transfer by plasmids or by bacteriophages. Enterococcus faecium existed as an avirulent commersal until after it developed a new surface antigen Esp, and acquired a collagen adhesion gene and gene product protin, It has become a multidrug-resistant pathogen [359, 360] . Some strains of E. faecium received a large pathogenicity island containing the virulence genes esp (enterococcal surface protein), hyl (hyaluronidase), acm (collagen adherence) and genes for cytolysin and exotoxin. E. faecium and E. faecalis acquire these genes from "another common source." The CRISPR-CAS system (clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats, C; C-associated) is non-functional in these enterococci. Siphoviridae bacteriophages enter the bacterial genome uninhibited [361] . Thus, these genes circulate now in colonies of streptomyces fungi and bacteria. Just when the original genes were generated in the ancient communities shared by the ancestors of prokaryotes and streptomyces, or after these taxa and genera diversified, remains to be resolved. The mobile genetic elements (DNA transposons), plasmids and phages serve as vectors of the virulence genes of pathogenicity islands; repeated insertions may unite individually transferred genes into the whole of a pathogenicity island. The virulence gene-product proteins (rpsl genes, ribosomal protein subunits L) reside in the donors' ribosomes. Among others, Streptococcus agalactiae and Serratia marcescens possess such rpsl (rplS) genes. At the dawn of combination chemotherapy, patients with acute leukemia succumbed to Pseudomonas aeruginosa septicemia in 8-24 h. The pseudomonas pathogenicity island (PAP) of 115 genes is first excised from the donor's chromosome. Then a 10 gene cluster (related to an enterobacterial plasmid) with the help of a prepillin peptidase conjugation system, transfers through a type IV pilus to another P. aeruginosa strain [362] . The antibiotics resistance-encoding genes are transferred either by conjugation (STX, vide supra), or by means of horizontal transfer by plasmids or phages. Conjugative plasmids transfer bacteriocins. Circular bacteriocins are linked at their N-and C-terminal ends. Could the Enterococcus faecalis circular bacteriocin, enterocin [363] [364] [365] be used to kill HPI-expressing enterococci (vide supra)? All these transfers, especially those of bacteriocins, show species-specificity. Thus, the genes encoding these systems (antibiotics production; antibiotics resistance; HPI acquisition; bacteriocin production) must have evolved above the Darwinian threshold, after speciation, when rigidly controlled vertical inheritance established itself 2 . Mycobacterium marinum is a close relative of M. tuberculosis in that they derive from a common ancestor. M. marinum possesses a 6,636,827-bp circular chromosome with 5,426 coding sequences of which 23 are nonribosomal peptide synthases and 18 are of unknown function and without orthologous genes in other mycobacteria. The early secreted exported antigenic targets (ESX1-6; SX-A/B; ESAT) ATP-dependent system is encoded from 29 esx genes; this gene number is reduced to 23 in M. tuberculosis. The ESX expressions relate to virulence, intercellular spread, induction of granuloma formation and to the ability to grow in vitro. The ESX proteins activate inflammasomes through induction of IL-1β and IL-18 secretion. The ESX-5 protein suppresses the production of IL-12, TNFα, and IL-6. The mel2 locus (mel loci confer enhanced infection; mrl loci confer repressed infection) encodes proteins protecting M. marinum in infected macrophages from reactive oxygen and reactive nitrogen species (ROS; RNS). Bacterial cell wall lipooligosaccharides suppress TNFα production in infected macrophages. These data derive from M. marinum-infected mouse and human macrophages, not from infected fish [367] [368] [369] [370] . M. marinum harbors the genomes of 10 prophages, and a 23-kb mercury-resistance plasmid. Some of the large repertoire of non-ribosomal peptid synthase genes of M. marinum were acquired horizontally. M. marinum and M. tuberculosis share 3,000 orthologs with amino acids identity of 85%. The large genome of M. marinum provides for its extensive host range and its ability to survive in its aquatic environment. The downsized genome of M. tuberculosis restricts its host range; it is adequate for its intracellular life style; the acceptance of horizontally acquired genes provides for its survival in an immunologically active host [371] . There are 695 coding sequences (CDS) present in M. marium and missing from M. tuberculosis. Of the remaining CDS, 80% are orthologs between M. marinum and M. tuberculosis. Native M. marinum, the causative agent of fish tank granuloma in the human host, can be eliminated by healing and can be effectively treated with antibiotics (rifampin, ethambutol, clarythromycin and others). This author wonders if patients with healed fish tank granulomas acquire some immunity against M. tuberculosis? The virulence operon Rv0986-8 of M. tuberculosis was transferred by a plasmid of gammaproteobacterium derivation [372] [373] [374] . Laterally (horizontally) acquired genes in M. tuberculosis are in loci encoding sulfolipid metabolism, lipid glycosylation, adhesins, pilin development, fumare reductase synthesis in anaerobiosis, molibdopterin synthesis for nitrate respiration in reduced oxygen tension, such as within granulomas. M. tuberculosis engages 250 of its genes in fatty acid metabolism. Some of these genes (gene families) originated from actinobacteria [375] . The direct repeat region (DR) of M. tuberculosis contains 30-bp repetitive sequences and spacers with genes encoding proteins of unknown function. These sequences are absent in micobacteria (M. smegmatis; M. avium) that are philogenetically older than M. tuberculosis, therefore these segments were not vertically inherited, but horizontally acquired from an unknown source [376] . Thus, the DR including the CRISPR locus for providing resistance to bacteriophages, is another horizontally acquired operon. The original CRISPR in prokaryota were synthesized by the bacteria as modified phage genomic sequences placed as "spacers" in the bacterial genome [377] . The PE/PPE (PE = Pro-Glu; PPE = Pro-Pro-Glu) acidic glycine-rich subgroups of recombinant proteins (PGRS) are encoded by a family of genes to occupy positions on the bacterial surface. There, they induce host B cell-(the ORF Rv2430c derivative) and T cell-(the Rv2608 gene product) mediated immune reactions [378] [379] [380] . The PPE gene regions are hypervariable [381, 382] , that is able to alter surface antigens under the pressure of the immunoreactive host. The M. bovis-derived Bacille Calmette Guérin (Pasteur Institute BCG; BCG Denmark; BCG Tice & Glaxo USA) has been distributed around the world as far as to Russia and to the Orient (BCG Russia; BCG Beijing; BCG Tokyo). BCG Tokyo retained its full size of 4,371,711 bp containing 4,033 genes, of which 3,950 encode proteins. Retention versus losses of the original genes varies in the foreign passage lines of BCG strains. For example, BCG Tokyo/Japan retained its trehalose 6,6 dimycolate (TDM) production, and thus induces strong IL-12, IFN-γ, TNF-α response, whereas the BCG Connaught lost parts of its TDM production and therefore is a weak inducer of Th1-type immune reactivity. In India, weak cytokine-inducer BCG treatment of bladder cancer resulted in higher rates of relapses. Some BCG strains induce more the tolerizing cytokine IL-10, than the Th1-type cytokine IFN-γ [383] [384] [385] [386] [387] . A mutated narK2X promoter in its 110 region deprives M. bovis of the nitrate reductase enzyme. This enzyme in M. tuberculosis is vital for bacterial survival under hypoxic/anaerobic conditions, which prevail within granulomata [388] , thus reducing BCG's pathogenicity. Horizontal gene implants (perfringolysin; MUC1 mucin and granulocyte-macrophage colony stimulating factor, GM-CSF) into the genome of BCG strains intensifies the vaccines immunogenicity [389, 390] . The multiple drug-resistant Beijing M. tuberculosis strain emerged as "an evolutionary response to BCG vaccination against, and antibiotic therapy for" tuberculosis [391] . Ancient records of paleopathology reveal that human tuberculosis predated that of domesticated animals (bovine tuberculosis) [392] Tuberculosis decimated mankind 35,000 years ago (or much longer). The strictly intracellular parasite, M. leprae enters Schwann cells through α-dystroglycan-laminin cell surface complex. The same entry site is used by some arena viruses (Lassa virus, lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus). The Schwann cell invaded by M. leprae either dies in apoptosis, or proliferates. Cell proliferation is induced by the activated p56Lck (lymphoid cell kinase), a Rous sarcoma virus-related kinase (src) gene-product proteins. In surviving Schwann cells, NFκB translocates into the nucleus. These cells release solubilized receptors of TNF-α, but infected myelinating Schwann cell can not produce myelin. If myelin protein P0 (Pzero) is produced, M. leprae binds to it [393] . Activated macrophages surround the lesions and phagocytose, but fail to kill the bacteria. In Lucio's phenomenon, extensive vascular endothelial cell necrosis occurs, numerous skin ulcers develop and contain large foamy macrophages loaded with bacteria (M. leprae). Leprosy becomes a chronic ailment in patients with Th2-type immune reactions (producing IL-10 and TGF-β). Patients with lepromatous leprosy generate regulatory T cells (T regs ) suppressing Th1-type immune reactions (reviewed in [213] ). The intracellular NOD system (nucleotide-binding oligomerization domain) activates the first innate immune reaction in the host; single nucleotide polymorphisms render the NOD system deficient, increase the susceptibility upon exposure and direct the disease to advance into the multibacillary stage instead of the paucibacillary stage [394] . Lectins of M. leprae and M. tuberculosis activate in DCs the signaling pathway of proto-oncogene raf-1 (rat fibrosarcoma) and the Raf-1 protein acetylates NFκB subunit p65 after NFκB was already induced IL-10-mediated Th-2 type environment [395] . Thus, M. leprae activates proto-oncogenes (src-p56lck, raf-1) to induce host cell proliferation, or host immunosuppression, but without malignant transformation of the invaded cells. Mycobacteria (M. tuberculosis, BCG, M. leprae) induce immune T cell-(CD4 + /CD8 + -) mediated reactions in the human host. The immune T cells are polyfunctional secreting more than one lymphokines/cytokines (IFN-γ, TNF-α, CD107a, macrophage inflammatory protein-1β). Patients with sarcoidosis produce similar immune lymphocytes responding to M. tuberculosis antigens ESAT-6 and katG (Elispot-associated antigens; catalase-peroxidase) [396, 397] . In contrast to the variability of BCG strains maintained in laboratories worldwide, the naturally dispersed strains of M. leprae originally penetrating Europe through the Silk Road from the Orient and remained stable. Brazilian, Indian, USA (Mexican) and Thailand strains of M. leprae share 99.995% sequence identity [398] . Single nucleotide polymorphisms were interpreted as resistance to gene mutations and to horizontal gene insertions. Variable number of tandem repeats (VNTR) distinguishes four genotypes of M leprae based on single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) [399] . While M. leprae lacks the ability to grow in laboratory media, it can infect the nine-banded armadillos in the Southeastern USA from Texas to Florida [400] . In the laboratory M. leprae can be grown in the foot pads of nude rats. M. leprae DNA/RNA extracted from such tissues so far did not reveal the acquisition of host cell genes; instead, M. leprae eliminated many of its resident genes by silencing them, and converting them to nonprotein encoding pseudogenes. Patients with leprosy yield large numbers of bacteria from their nasal smears. The M leprosy genome contains 1,514 ORFs and 1,133 pseudogenes; the M. tuberculosis genome contains 278 pseudogenes [401, 402] . A new isolate from a patient with lepromatous leprosy significantly differs from M. leprae; it is a new species by detailed genetic analysis. M. lepromatosis is closely related to M. leprae. The divergence of M. leprae and M. lepromatosis is estimated to have occurred 10 million years ago. M. lepromatosis was being isolated and studied at M. D. Anderson Hospital, Houston, TX [403] . In this hospital, patients with leprosy usually coming from Mexico [404, 405] are periodically encountered and attended, either granulomatous diseases were mistakenly considered to be malignant tumors, or Lucio's phenomena erupted when a patient with a bona fide malignant tumor (a sarcoma) and latent leprosy received chemotherapy [406] . In the course of the mycobacterial speciation, the strictly intracellular parasites (M. leprae; M. tuberculosis) constrict their genomes rather than expanding them by horizontally acquired new genes. M. ulcerans, the causative agent of the devastating Buruli ulcer in Africa, is responding to rifampin and streptomycin therapy [407] . M. ulcerans diverged recently (in evolutionary terms) from the M. marinum lineage to become a "niche-adapted specialist;" as such, it is undergoing continuous genomic reduction [408] . By variable number tandem repeats (VNTR) typing. M. ulcerans strains diverged further into substrains [409] . M. ulcerans now exists in two distinct lineages. The ancestral lineage emerged and spread from South East Asia (China and Japan) to South America including Mexico. The classical lineage emerged and spread in South East Asia, Australia and Africa. Genome reduction is more advanced in the classical lineage [410] . In Australia, Aedes mosquitoes and other carnivorous insects (Naucouris sp.) harbor M. ulcerans bacteria [411] [412] [413] . A mycobacterium isolated from frogs (MU128F) produces mycolactone toxin slightly different from the toxin produced by human-pathogen M. ulcerans (MUAgy99) [414] . The M. ulcerans 5,632 kb chromosome contains 771 pseudogenes. The 174 kb virulence plasmid produces the polyketide toxin mycolactone [415] . Mycobacteria producing the ulcerogenic and immunosuppressive mycolactone (MPMs) originally deriving from laterally moving virulence plasmids (from M. marinum to M. ulcerans), by now due to shared common ancestry, preserve the gene by vertical inheritance [416] . The plasmids, the 174 kb pMUM001 and the megaplasmid of the 190 kb pMUM002 of M. ulcerans contain three mls genes. Non-mycolactone-producer M. marinum strains accept artificially created shuttle vector-mediated transfer of these genes, which encode polyketide synthetases and the toxin [417, 418] . M. marinum-derivatives M. ulcerans strains producing mycolactones (MPMs) infect fish and frogs in marshlands of the USA, and in the Red and Mediterranean seas. It is highly possible that the ancestral M. marinum acquired the original mycolactone genes from one of its ancient hosts (an amphibian, a frog). The genes encoding the toxins reside in horizontally spreading plasmids [419] . Natural horizontal gene gains occurred in M. avium paratuberculosis from soil dwelling proteobacteria and actinobacteria. Three mycobacterial genes, one of them the sigma factor regulator, show sequence similarity with some eukaryota genes [420] . M. abscessus gained horizontally transferred genes (phospholipase C; ABC Fe 3+ transporter) from actinobacteria (Rhodococcus) and streptomyces sp. Non-mycobacterial genes of M. abscessus were acquired from Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Burkholderia cepacia in co-infected patients with cystic fibrosis [421] . The innate immune system is based on antiviral (iRNA, siRNA, CRISPR, vide supra) and antibacterial defensive mechanisms, to which protection against invasion by foreign cells was added (like the first NK cells in the Botryllus) [422, 423] . The system consists of Toll-like cell surface, and NOD-like (nucleotide-binding oligomerization domain) intracellular receptors; phagocytes, monocytes and macrophages, the ancestors of dendritic cells, residing in coeloma cavities, or circulating in the hemolymph. Chemokines and cytokines work with the Toll-like signaling receptors, while it is not clear just exactly when the first alpha-beta interferons (IFN-αβ) were produced. Humoral immunity was, and still is, practiced in the lamprey and hagfish by the generation of antigen-reactive leucine-rich repeats in the variable lymphocyte receptors. The variable lymphocyte receptors (VLR) are hypervariable and occupy the concave surface of the structure. The secreted hypervariable receptors appear in dimers, tetramers and pentamers to bind highly specifically the targeted antigens in the extracellular spaces [424] [425] [426] [427] . In cyclostomata fish (hagfish and lamprey), the VLR genecarrier lymphoid cells undergo clonal expansion in response to antigenic stimulation, and encode a great diversity of leucine-rich repeats (LRR), which react with different antigens. The LRRs are not immunoglobulins. The second system of adaptive immunity emerged in ancestral sharks hundreds of million years ago. One of the basic doctrines of the adaptive immune system is the preservation of the faculties of the entire innate immune system and cooperation with them in a mutually dependent fashion. This principle manifests itself best in the fundamental functions of the innate dendritic cells and natural killer (NK) cells in the adaptive immune system. Inhibitory NK cell receptors recognize the self major histocompatibility complex (MHC) molecules and the NK cell remains silent. Cells with downregulated MHC molecules (virally infected cells; malignantly transformed cells) are recognized by the killer receptors (KIR) of NK cells and are attacked. In mammals, inhibitory and killer NK cell receptors are encoded from different chromosomes. Human KIRs are encoded from the leukocyte receptor complex (LRC) of genes [428] . In the adaptive immune system, histocompatibility antigens are recognized; antigen-presenting cells educate T lymphocytes for the induction of Th1-, Th2-, Th17-type inner immune environment in the host. The most intricate specific antibody production (immunoglobulins, Igs) by B (bursal) lymphocytes maturing into plasma cells is the exclusive property of the adaptive immune system. T lymphocytes release most of the interleukins and cytokines; B lymphocytes through processes of somatic hypermutations construct the antigen-specific light chains of the immunoglobulin molecules. See original research [429] [430] [431] and reviews [431, 213] . Ancestral elements of the adaptive immune system existed singly, the V (variable), J (joining) and C (constant) regions in the protochordates, and an ancestral complement and both RAG1,2 elements (recombination activating genes) in the amphioxus (Branchiostoma floridae) but certainly in the sea urchin (Strongylocentrotus purpuratus) [432] [433] [434] . The VJ elements are the distant precursors of the B-and T-Lymphocyte receptors. These dispersed elements found each other in the placoderm sharks and in their descendants and started to work for the first time in a strongly regulated unison (reviewed in [213] ). The genetic recombinations of the V(D)J (variable, diversity, joining) elements and the single constant (C) region lead to specific antibody production. The system is activated by the rag1 and rag2 → RAG1,2 gene product proteins and regulated by the 9 bp (nonamer), 7 bp (heptamer) RSS recombination signal sequences. Recombinations of 12 and 23 bp take place between the heptamer and nonamer subsequences of RSSs; spacers separate the heptamer and nonamer RSS subsequences. The V and J segments recombine into a light chain coding region. The rearranged VJ segment is transcribed into a mRNA. Splicing of RNA removes the introns and the native J region. The light chain protein is arrived at by translation of the mRNA [435, 436] . Before the appearance of jawed sharks (chondrichthyes, gnathostomata), no creatures of the sea possessed this system working in unison. The sea urchin (Strongylocentrotus), sea anemone (Nematostella), lancelet (Branchiostoma), the mollusks, sea slug (Aplysia) and the hydra (Hydra) all possess and operate rag1 genes, but not for V(D)J somatic hypermutation activation. However, in the sea urchin, rag1 and rag2 already co-exist with the zink finger domain in rag1 fully operational. Some innate immunological function is assigned to RAG1,2 in the sea urchin, inasmuch as these gene product proteins are expressed in coelemocytes, the sea urchin's defensive cells. Coelomocytes respond to LPSs. The responding coelomocyte receptors 185/333 are capable of nucleotide sequence variations as the 185/333 genes encode similar proteins, but with a high level of sequence diversity [437] . These are the first immunological diversity (D) responses so far recorded (but these proteins are not immunoglobulins). Sea urchin coelomocytes also express the vertebrate complement components B and C3; these opsonize targets for phagocytic engulfment. In contrast, all other elements of the adaptive immune system are absent in sea urchins: there are no lymphocytes, no immunoglobulins and no B or T cell receptors. Crystallographic studies show structure similarities between sea urchin and vertebrate RAG1, 2. These findings may be interpreted so, that the rag1, 2 sequences were not newly inserted into the ancestors of he sharks, they might have been acquired at the sea urchin level. However, evolutionary inheritance lines in one direction toward echinodermata and the other line toward cartilaginous fish (chondrichthyes) diverged 400 million years ago. Insect (drosophila, anopheles) transposases (transib transposases) are also similar in structure to the Rag1 proteins [438] . Mobile DNA elements have inverted terminal repeats (TIRs) similar to RSS and encode DNA-reactive enzymes [439] . The transposon N-RAG-TP of the sea slug (mollusk) Aplysia californica encodes a protein with its N terminal part being similar to that of the vertebral RAG protein. Transposon N-RAG is distinct from the transposons transib of other invertebrate species. The other transposon, similar to rag1 is transposon Chapaev [437] . Some bacterial integrases are related to rag gene product proteins. The inverted repeat structure and the left/right asymmetry of the RSS elements are like the end structures of terminal repeats of the insertion sequences in bacterial genomes, when mobile DNAs encode transposases. A rag gene passage from Bacteroides to Porphyromonas has just recently been recognized [440] . The recombination of RSS-flanked DNA sequences is brought about by the rag gene pair encoding recombinases. These recombinases excise the RSS-flanked DNA and catalyze its transposition in a "cut and paste" manner. The rag1 and rag2 genes have a tight genomic linkage. Probably they had to travel together. The structure of the rag2 gene differs from that of the rag1 gene. The rag2 is a eukaryotic gene. RAG2 may be an activator of RAG1. Indeed, RAG2 switches the catalytic center of RAG1 into its active conformation [441, 442] . The somatic hypermutations create millions of new genes encoding the antigen-specific immunoglobulin light chain molecules, or the configurations of the T cell receptors. Since there is no straightforward vertical inheritance lineage recognized between the lower sea animal-carriers of the RAG/RSS elements and the sharks, unless their common deuterostome ancestor already possessed the rag1,2 genes, these events of specific immunoglobulin synthesis and T cell receptor conformation in the sharks and above suggest that retrotransposons inserted through a horizontal route the V(D)J/RAG/RSS elements in unison or sequentially into the genome of ancient sharks. The aplysia (vide supra) rag1 gene resembles the N-terminal part of the vertebrate rag1 gene. Therefore, the transposon this gene is associated with is a N-RAG-TP. It unites the transib and N-RAG-TP elements. It may be an ancient recombinant from which all rag1 genes derived. These elements might have traveled a long way from prokaryota to primitive and very complex eukaryota phyla. While the sea urchin RAG1,2 fail to work in the human V(D)J system, its RAG2 binds histone tails as the vertebrate RAG2 does. The distance shortens between the shark and human RAG1: the shark and human RAG1 aa identity is 65% and their similarity is 77% [443, 442] . Immunoglobulin M appears first in jawed cartilaginous fish. B cell receptors and immunoglobulin light (L) chain molecules were synthesized first in cartilaginous fish (chondrichthyes, gnathostomata) [444] . IgG developed from IgY that appeared first in amphibians (frogs). IgA appeared first in reptiles. The original Ig gene cluster in cartilaginous fish includes the single V, D, J and C genes. The heavy (H) chain class switch gene appeared first in amphibians and preserved its basic structure up to its mammalian gene. The αβ T cell receptors (TCR) recognize the peptides presented to them in class I or II major histocompatibility complex (MHC) molecules with restrictions. The β loci contain the D and J segments. The γδ T cell receptors are encoded from the γ gene for the J segments and from the δ gene for the two D segments. This T cell receptor interacts with free antigens without restriction. BCRs, TCRs and MHC appear first in cartilaginous fish. Some innate natural killer (NK) cell receptors are connected with some MHC genes and this connection is preserved up to mammals [445] . The whole genome duplications one and two of the vertebrate genomes occurred in the common ancestor of all vertebrates after the appearance of urochordates and before the out-branching radiations of the jawed vertebrates [446] . The amphioxus (Branchiostoma floridae) contains only one MHC-like region and no class I and II genes (the proto-MHC), whereas from the cartilaginous fish upward to mammals, MHCs are represented by large clusters of gene families [447, 448] . The predecessor NK cell receptor and leukocyte receptor genes were already represented in the proto-MHC. Endogenous intronic retroviruses persist within the gene clusters of human MHC class II, as remnants of prior proviral DNA insertions. In multigenic regions (as in MHC gene clusters) these retroviral DNA insertions promote the generation of diversity [449] . The evolution of the immune system in deuterostomes extends from echinoderms (sea urchins) through hemichordates (acorn worms), cephalochordates (amphioxus) and urochordates (sea squirts) to cyclostomata (hagfish and lamprey), where it culminates. Then, from the placoderms to cartilaginous fish (sharks), bony fish, amphibians, reptiles, the extinct dinosaurs, birds and mammals, not in a straight line, but in several divergences, another second adaptive immune system emerges. The first adaptive immune system culminated its course in cyclostomata fish (agnatha), but without B and T lymphocytes, no immunoglobulins and without antigen presentation in the grooves of MHC molecules. If genetically re-arranged antigen receptors are the first signs of adaptive immunity, these appear firmly installed in cyclostomata. If the sea urchin coelomocytes posses such a receptor (vide supra), then echinodermata exhibited the first sign of direction of development from innate toward adaptive immunity. Echinodermata appear to have possessed in their germ line the rag2 element to which through horizontal gene insertion the rag1 element joined. The donor of the rag1 element might have been a prokaryota, and its vector a transposon [450, 451] . Indeed, the inverted RSS repeats are like those of a transposon. From sea urchins to sharks, from fish to mammals, the span of evolution is estimated to be close to 900 million years. The span from first cartilaginous fish to mammals is placed at approximately 500 million years. If the distance in time is some 3 billion years from prokaryotes to mammals, then the rag1 gene is a champion biological space traveler. The end product of the long evolutionary line of HHV-4, the Epstein-Barr virus (EBV), is an inducer of autoimmunity (suspect in systemic lupus erythematosus, SLE; in myelolytic encephalopathies represented by multiple sclerosis), and in lymphomagenesis (suspect in Reed-Sternberg cells of Hodgkin's disease; African Burkitt's lymphoma; B-lineage brain lymphomas in patients with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome, AIDS; NK cell lymphomas of the facial sinuses and mediastinum; in body cavity lymphomas with effusions). As to solid tumors, EBV is active in Chinese lymphoepitheliomas, co-infects with human papillomaviruses nasopharyngeal squamous cell carcinomas, detectable in Japanese stomach adenocarcinomas, and probably co-pathogenic in childhood leiomyosarcomas. In many pathological entities (SLE, multiple sclerosis, malignant lymphomas), EBV co-exists with reactivated latent endogenous retroviruses, or with the pathogenic retrolentivirus, human immunodeficiency virus-1 (HIV-1). Association of EBV with these pathological entities has been repeatedly reviewed, biochemically documented [452, 453] and illustrated [213] . One of the most significant biochemical documentations consists of the interactions of EBV gene product proteins BZLF-1 with crucial pro-and anti-apoptotic cellular elements, p53 and NFκB (and the common, but by now diverged evolutionary lineage of p53 and NFκB is also well documented) [454] [455] [456] [457] [458] . Recombinases of diverse derivation are Mg 2+ -dependent enzymes expressing a magnesium ionbinding site, DDE (D, aspartic acid; E glutamic acid). The enzymes with DDE sites are the transposases, retroviral integrases, innate antiviral-response enzymes RNase H and RNA-induced silencing complexes (RISC), and the RAG recombinases. It was pointed out that paradoxically the pathogenesis of HIV-1 depends on its DDE enzymes (which can be inhibited therapeutically), whereas mutations or inhibitions of the rag gene-product proteins, RAG, result is immunodeficiencies and severe illnesses (Omenn syndrome) [459] . Dreyfus found similarities of the structures and functions of the DDE proteins and the EBV DNAbinding protein (DBP), the product of the BALF-2 gene. Thus EBV BALF-2 gene product proteins could interact with the V(D)J recombination process [460] The presence of a rag-1-like sequence in EBV genome may be the remnant of an ancient acquisition. A scenario can be envisioned in which the ancestor deuterostomes at an early stage of the line that led to sea urchins, acquired a rag1-like sequence from prokaryotes and carried that gene in their germ lines inserted next to their genuine eukaryotic rag2 gene. That RAG1/RAG2 complex did not interact with the V(D)J gene cluster, which is non-existent in the echinodermata genomes. As sea urchins and placoderms coexisted in the postcambrian sea, a herpesvirus infecting the echinoderm sea urchins might have excised the rag1 gene from its host's genome and incorporated it into its own viral genome. Host gene acquisition by herpes (and other) viruses has been and remains a common practice referred to as gene drain, usurping and expropriating host cell genes. The deuterostome lines leading to echinoderms (sea urchins) and sharks (placoderms, carcharine sharks; gnathostomata chondrichthyes) diverged into these two directions hundreds of million years earlier, but preserved the germline rag2 gene. The herpesvirus, a probable ancestor of extant EBV and carrier of the rag1 gene, infected the placoderms and/or carcharine sharks and inserted into their germ line the rag1 sequences. There the rag1rag2 genes encoded their gene product proteins the RAG1/RAG2 recombinase-mediating enzymes interacting with the V(D)J and RSS complexes. Were the V(D)J RSS complexes arriving into the same hosts from other sources (as transposons)? The G/C content of the termini (terminal repeats, TR) of the EBV genome is enriched up to 70%, like the V(D)J RSS A/T rich nonamer region. One of the EBV TR nonamer sequences is adjacent 5 to a sequence with V(D)J RSS similarity. In this aspect EBV termini resemble transposon termini. The intracellular herpesviral genomes are either circular in latent episomal position, or replicative linear form inserted in the host cell's genome. The transition of the herpesviral genome from circular to linear form is initiated by transcription factor BZLF-1 gene product protein. In EBV's replication cycle sequences resembling V(D)J RSS are produced [460] . Adjacent to EBV's DNA-binding protein, the product of EBV gene BALF-2, lie response elements AP-1 and SP-1 (activating protein-1; specificity protein). AP-1 is involved in cell proliferation, differentiation and migration and it interacts with the jun proto-oncogene (vide supra) [461] . The jun proto-oncogene disallows cell survival in the autophagic state under distress; it induces apoptotic death of autophagic cells [462] . The SP transcription factors regulate those genes that encode neoangiogenesis factors, and invasiveness of malignantly transformed cells. When the SP factors active in tumor cells (ovarian carcinoma; pancreatic carcinoma) are targeted with antibiotics (mithramycin and its derivatives) or with chemotherapeuticals, overexpressed SP-1 becomes downregulated with cessation of tumor growth resulting [463, 464] . Both AP-1 and SP-1 interact with the RAG proteins, probably indirectly by elevating cyclic AMP. The binding sites of the EBV BZLF-1 protein are similar to those of AP1; these binding sites are located within 2 kb of the BALF-2 ORF. EBV infection of T lymphocytes results in a robust stimulation of RAG activity. The structures of the RAG1 and EBV's DBP show similarity in their N-terminal regulatory domain and in their C-terminal DNA-binding domain. Both proteins display Mg 2+ -dependent DDE residues (vide supra). Both proteins express a zink finger in similar regions. This suggests that these two proteins descended from a common ancestor proto-RAG recombinase, imitating a transib insertion (but for proof more primary sequence similarity would be required). Dreyfus concludes that insertions of DDE recombinase of ancient herpesviral origin occurred adjacent to primordial rag2 genes in ancestors of sea urchins or in ancient sharks and the remnants of this RAG1 protein are still expressed in the BALF-2 protein and its promoter in extant EBV particles [460] . What could be the value of rag sequences in the genome for a herpesvirus? Since structural and functional similarity is evident between the RAG and DDE/RNase H family nucleases and the dimethyl arginine argonaute protein component of RNA-induced silencing complex (RISC), such sequences may serve within the defensive mechanisms of the virus within its host cell. Both RAG1 and RISC enzymes utilize Mg 2+ ions at their DDE site, as another herpesviral DNA-binding protein, infected cell protein-8 (ICP-8). Argonaute and RISC are RNA-silencing elements; argonaute was operational in archaea (Thermus thermophilus). The argonaute gene family members underwent extensive horizontal transfers from Aquifex aeolicus through archaea and eukaryota [465] . The targets of RISC and argonaute are double-stranded mRNAs. Both EBV and HHV-8 (Kaposi sarcoma-associated herpesvirus) produce large numbers of micro-RNAs (miRNA). The targets of viral miRNAs and interfering RNAs (iRNA; RNAi) are the ds mRNAs translating host cell proteins that are encoded for anti-viral defense. Viral miRNAs form complexes with RISC and argonaute in order to effectively attack targeted ds mRNAs. The small regulatory RNAs (sRNA) are small interfering siRNAs, miRNAs, and piRNAs (pi, piwi, P-element-induced wimpy testis discovered in infertile males of drosophila and mouse colonies). PIWI-RNAs protect the germline genome by eliminating alien retrotransposons of invasive intent [466] [467] [468] [469] [470] [471] . Dreyfus writes: "Obviously, it will not be possible to revisit the origins of the acquired immune system, except through empirically testable hypotheses" [458] . Maybe it is possible to simulate the ancient events. Can an experiment be designed in which a herpesvirus devoid of the rag1 sequence infects sea urchin caelomocytes to see if it can pick up the sea urchin rag1 sequence? If the herpesvirus becomes a carrier of the rag1 sequence and it infects deuterostome-derived cells, preferably cells from a primitive cartilaginous fish in lack of rag1 sequences (but carrying germline rag2 sequences), can the herpesvirus insert its rag1 sequence into the genome of the fish cell, and if so, next to the germline rag2 sequence [213] ? In its May 1, 2009 issue volume 324, pages 580-581 Science published a science writer's assessment "On the origin of the immune system." Of the letters the editors received in reply to this article, they published only one [472] , and well deservedly so. It was D. H. Dreyfus' letter entitled "Immune system: success owed to a virus?" One of the other letters submitted to Science, but not published, is printed here 3 . In Borna, Germany, a strange neurological disease ("die Bornasche Krankheit im Bereich Borna/Leipzig, der Kreisstadt Borna in Sachsen, die bereits seit über 200 Jahren bekannt") of horses was observed over 200 years ago ("Gehirn und Rückenmarkentzündung der Bornaschen Krankheit beim Pferd"). In 1885 in Saxony, Germany, next to the township Borna, the German cavalry lost many horses to a disease of unknown causation ("als Verursacher einer tödlichen Hirnerkrankung bei Pferden"). Intranuclear eosinophilic Joest-Degen inclusion bodies in brain cells of horses afflicted with the disease [473] , lymphocytic infiltrates of involved brain tissue, and transferability of the disease with cell free extracts to rabbits, rats and mice strongly suggested a viral causative agent for Borna disease. The causative agent was replicated in tissue cultures including human cells. The Borna disease virus (BDV) was identified as a ssRNA virus consisting of 8,910 bp; it is a unique member of the Mononegavirales group, which possess an RNA genome with a sequence opposite to a mRNA. The viral nucleoprotein gene encodes a viral structural protein for the packaging of the viral RNA genome in the nucleocapsid. BDV is not explicitly cytopathic as infected cell may survive, but the immune reaction thus elicited may kill infected cells ("BDV verursacht die Bornasche Krankheit, eine virus-induzierte, immunvermittelte Entzündungsreaktion des zentralen Nervensystems"). In addition to horses, the pathogenicity of BDV is quite broad, both by experimental transfer of the disease to rabbits, rats, mice (rat brain virus transferred by intracerebral injection into newborn mice) [474] , tree shrews, cats, rhesus monkeys, and by its natural infections through unknown routes to sheep, birds 3 THE FABULOUS TOPIC OF JOHN TRAVIS' ESSAY continues to excite biologists, geneticists, immunologists, retro-and herpesviral virologists and even oncologists. It was in the belly of the chondrichthyes gnathostomata sharks, where the elements of the adaptive immune system, previously existing in primordial forms dispersed in the amphioxus, ascidian tunicates (the Botryllus), mollusks, anemones and sea urchins, united to work together for the first time. The system withstood the challenge of placentation in mammals, but fails to promptly control epidemics. The malignant cell masquerading as "self" manages to recruit both the innate and the adaptive immune faculties of its host for its own advantage. The innate natural killer (NK), and the adaptive immune T cells can recognize and kill cancer cells. However, the subverted cancer-bearing host mobilizes CD4 + CD25 + FoxP3 + regulatory T cells and induces an armada of innate chemokines to efficiently antagonize NK and immune T cells within the tumor. In a desperate effort, clones of interferonγ-producer ICOS hi -expressor (inducible costimulator) CD4 + T cells rise under the effect of CTLA4 blockade (cytotoxic lymphocyte antigen) to react to cancer antigens and to outnumber the regulatory T cells. Another overstimulated TGFβproducer and ILEI + (interleukin-like ETM-inducer) CD8 + T cell clones emerge to initiate the process of ETM (epithelial to mesenchymal transition) in parenchymal stem cells, and in enlisting the ras proto-oncogenes, promote the malignant transformation of these misled stem cells. These T cells commit high treason against their host. This author proposes that these clones be referred to as those of traitor/transforming T (T/T T) cells. However, ras-transformed tumor cells can not produce interferons. Thus, these transformed stem cells succumb to infection with oncolytic viruses. The purpose of this brief note is to direct the attention to a recent lavishly illustrated and referenced monograph and to articles elaborating on these issues in great detail. The title of the last article is "Horizontal gene transfers and cell fusions in microbiology, immunology and oncology." Joseph Sinkovics. (from psittacine birds to ostriches) and to human patients ("vom Tier auf den Menschen übertragbare Erkrankung"). The first proposal that BDV infects human beings and that it causes neuro-psychiatric disorders was entirely unacceptable to learned retrovirologists of the highest rank. The laboratory documents that anti-BDV antibodies and antibody-virus antigen immune complexes have been identified in the blood of patients with neuro-psychiatric disorders ("dass Menschen Antikörper haben können") were rejected as experimentally erroneous and thus unacceptable (unconfirmable). The authors of such publications were silenced (ordered to refrain from such publications and lectures) by executive orders from the institute director. However, the laboratory documentation of antibody production in human patients with neuro-psychiatric disorders was repeatedly confirmed by independent investigators and on occasions BDV isolates from human patients were reported. The German Institute of Laboratory Medicine held a conference in Berlin in January 2008 on BDV infections in animals and in human patients and published the material of the entire conference in the Acta Pathologica Microbiologica et Immunologica Scandinavica in 2008 [473] . In this volume, B. Norrild, the author of the Introduction, and H. Ludwig, the author of the Epilog refer to the authoritativeness of the institute director declaring that such dictatorial orders are peremptory to the freedom of medical research (cited in [473] ). The author (L. Bode), who was ordered to refrain from presenting data from her laboratory and clinics concerning the human pathogenicity of BDV, spoke at the congress under the protection of a disclaimer: "this article reflects the author's but not the institutions opinion" (cited in [473] ). This valuable volume discusses the biology of bornavirus (H. Ludwig, , the neuropathology and pathogenesis of bornavirus diseases (G. Gosztonyi, pp. 53-57); other authors' presentations concern the worldwide distribution of bornavirus diseases from Scandinavia to Australia and Japan, and very extensively the human pathogenicity of the disease in children and adults (cited in [473] ). Even in the era when inadequate laboratory tests could not equivocally prove the validity of "Koch's postulates" as to the etiological role of BDV in human neuro-psychological diseases, the freedom of publication of new ideas prevailed in several editorial offices [475] [476] [477] [478] [479] [480] [481] [482] [483] [484] [485] . The classical publications on persistent infection by Borna virus in the central nervous system, including the human brain, are those of Bode, Gosztonyi and Ludwig [484, [486] [487] [488] . Borna virusexposure, as documented by antiviral antibodies is the serum, and its connection with psychiatric (cyclic affective) disorders was first claimed by Rott et al. in 1985 [475] . It has now been firmly established that the non-segmented, negative sense ssRNA BDV establishes a persistent infection in brain cells preferring for its host cells those residing in the limbic systems of the brain. In mammalian brain cell nuclei even without active viral replication, sequences of the viral nucleoprotein (N) gene may persist. These are endogenous borna-like N elements (EBLN) inscribed in the germ line genome of the cells. Some EBLN elements display ORFs and their mRNAs; thus, the sequences may encode proteins of unknown physiological function in their hosts. The human EBLNs express ORFs suggestive of protein encoding capacity. Could this activity be psychogenicpathopsychogenic in the human brain? Several ancient insertional events for EBLNs can be detected in the genomes of mammalian cells beginning in primates, dating back to pre-human hosts (40 million years ago), and in squirrels with more recent (10 million years ago) acquisition. Some EBLNs lost sequences and exist as inert pseudogenes. The in vivo events of natural insertion of EBLN elements into the genome of brain cell nuclei could be duplicated in vitro in tissue cultures of human cells infected with BDV [489] . These authors state: "Our results provide the first evidence for endogenization of non-retroviral virus-derived elements in mammalian genomes. . ." [489] . However, the genome of the exogenous negative sense ssRNA virus, the lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus of the Arenavirus class, performed an illegitimate recombination event with the genome of the endogenous intracisternal A-type retrotransposon, which reverse-transcribed the entire recombined genome of both viruses into a cDNA and integrated it into the host cell's genome [490] . Thus, most anything can happen between viruses co-infecting a host cell. The BDV intragenomic sequences are retropositioned probably by LINEs (long interspersed nucleotide element); LINEs are mobile DNA elements (their RNA retrotranscribed into DNA) that copy themselves and excise and reinsert themselves in host cell genomes. Promiscuous LINEs can act upon non-self LINE templates [491] . and being especially hyperactive in the human brain [492] , possibly can retrotranscribe BDV RNA into a DNA strand [493] . Further, non-retroviral RNA viruses, the dsRNA totiviridae, are able to horizontally transfer and integrate their genomes into fungi (candida, penicillium, uromyces) [494] (vide infra). The phylogenetic comparison of herpesviral genomes show overlap between alpha (equine HV-1, human HSV-1, 2, varicella-zoster VZV, Aujeszky HV) and beta (human CMV, HHV-6) herpesviruses, while gammaherpesviruses (HHV-4 EBV, marmoset HV saimiri, bovine HV-4) are diverse, but without overlap with the αβ-classes. HHV-6 is an ancient human herpesvirus; its genome is the closest to the human progenitor herpesviruses [495] . HHV-6AB are closely related to human CMV and HHV-7 [496] . The overall nucleotide sequence identity of HHV-6A and HHV-6B is 90%. HHV-6AB, especially HHV-6A, are opportunistic pathogens in immunocompromised patients. While HHV-6B causes exanthem subitum (Roseolavirus) in children, HHV-6AB association with Stevens-Johnson's syndrome or with Langerhans cell histiocytosis [497, 498] does not prove etiological role of these viruses in these pathological entities. HHV-6AB act as co-factors in lymphomagenesis (including Hodgkin's disease) and in the etiology of multiple sclerosis. Indeed, HHV-6 co-infects CD4 T lymphocytes and promotes HIV-1 replication in AIDS [499] . A HHV-6 genomic sequence encodes a 490 aa polypeptide REP protein), which is homologous to the human adeno-associated virus type-2 (AAV-2) rep (replication) gene product protein. This gene in HHV-6 probably was horizontally acquired in a eukaryotic host cell co-infected by both HHV-6 and AAV-2. In such an association, HHV-6 mediates the replication of the helper virus-dependent parvovirus AAV-2 [500, 501] . A 1,473 bp genomic sequence of HHV-6A encodes the transformation suppressor protein (ts → TS). The TS displays 24% identity and 51% similarity to the Rep protein of AAV-2. Both HHV-6A TS and AAV-2 REP suppressed Harvey-ras gene-induced transformation of NIH 3T3 cells, but not when ras-mutated Finkel murine osteosarcoma retrovirus induced sarcomagenesis. When tested against HIV-1 LTR promoter, REP and TS inhibited it, but the retrolentiviral transactivator response (TAR) element reversed the inhibition [502] . The first proof for the integration of HHV-6 genomic sequences into the genome of a human cell was provided in Japan by the hematology team of Professor Isao Miyoshi 4 . By FISH technique and PCR, the HHV-6 genome was shown to be integrated in the long arm of chromosome 22 (22q13) of an EBV -Burkitt's lymphoma cell line. The integrated viral genome could be activated to replicate by phorbol acetate and calcium ionophore [503, 504] . That genomic segments of HHV-6 integrate into human chromosomes other than chromosome 22, the chromosome 17 (17q13.3), was immediately confirmed [505] . Transmission of integrated HHV-6 genomic segments from parent to child by vertical inheritance was reported [506] . The chromosomally integrated and vertically transmitted HHV-6 genome is present in every cell of the body. In a most peculiar way, the HHV-6 genomic segments integrate most frequently within the telomere region of the targeted chromosome. These ribonucleoprotein (reverse transcriptase) holoenzymes maintain the telomere lengths of chromosomes. HHV-6 integration sites were 9q34.3, 10q26.3, 11p15.5, 17p13.3 and 19q13.4. Integration actually within chromosome was best documented for the 9q34.3 site [507] . In sequencing the HHV-6A genomic integration sites in patients with families of integrated and inherited HHV-6, at chromosomal sites 17p13.3, 18q23, and 22q13.3, the telomeric repeats TTAGGG were found to be the integration loci. In chromosomes with integrated HHV-6A genomic sequences, no circular episomal viral genomes were found and the integrated viral genomes could be chemically activated to replicate [508] . Patients harboring integrated HHV-6 genomic segments become immunosuppressed, when latent viral genomes switch to replicative state. HHV-6 not only attacks lymphocytes representing adaptive immunity, it also blocks signaling from TLRs. In HHV-6-infected DCs, LPS-stimulated TLR4 do not generate immune reactivity [509] . Telomerases are regulated by transcription factors acting on their promoters. Herpesviruses express attractions to telomeres. The HHV-8/KSHV evolved in Africa from the rhesus retroperitoneal fibromatosis herpesvirus (RFHV) to be a human pathogen, Both RFHV and KSHV use identical strategies to parasitize their target cells, to induce their proliferation without killing them, and to reduce the expression of their MHC surface antigens to render them invisible to host T cells [510] . In Kaposi sarcoma cells, it is the latency-associated nuclear antigen of the HHV-8 Kaposi sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (KSHV) that transactivates the telomerase promoter [511] . The product protein of ORF12 of HHV-8 is kaposin, the KSHV's transforming "oncogene-oncoprotein," the unique property of HHV-8/KSHV [291] . HHV-8 is not known to integrate into its host cell genome in its tumor, the Kaposi's sarcoma, which is a "breeding ground of herpesviridae." This tumor harbors in lymphocytes infiltrating it HHV-4 (EBV) and HHV-6, and in the tumor cells CMV, and HHV-8 and an activated endogenous retrovirus (Fig. 2.3a,b) [213, 512] . The first eukaryotes constructed their genomes by adding to their vertically preserved gene repertoire genes horizontally transferred from cells with which the "last eukaryotic common ancestor" (LECA) fused. The first chimeric eukaryotes built their nucleus, cytoskeleton and locomotion (cilia) from horizontally acquiesced donated genes [513] [514] [515] [516] . However, it might not have been acquiescence from the part of LECA in tacitly complying with the invasion of its genome by exogenous genes. It might have been a voracious engulfment of alien genes and genomes for the achievement of superiority over other cells in competition for niche and nutrients. LECA was a "conscious cell" with microtubules that were evolving into neurotubules [517, 518] . Beneath the Darwinian threshold (vide supra) widespread distributions and exchanges of archaeal and prokaryotic/eubacterial genes occurred admixed with vertical inheritance. The repeated lateral transfers of the archaeal reverse gyrase into thermophilic bacteria (Thermotogales; Aquificales) by plasmids and transposases [519] exemplifies the promiscuous life style of the early proto-spheroplasts. The era of speciation above the Darwinian threshold favored the events of organelle acquisition by endosymbiosis. Excised and re-inserted "genomic islands" carrying virulence and antibiotic resistance gene clusters traveled between related species [520] . The photosynthetic protist, Euglena gracilis, acquired its transketolase nuclear genes and other genes from multiple endosymbiotic events, most prominent being the one with cyanobacterial plastids [521] [522] [523] . The eukaryotic organelles, plastids, derived from cyanobacteria through endosymbiosis, as protists captured and engulfed green and red algae. The early eukaryota experienced primary, secondary and tertiary endosymbiotic events resulting in the horizontal movements of the plastids. Most of the plastid genes ended up in the nuclei of the host cells [524, 525] . The apicoplasts, the remnants of engulfed red algae, remain either as relics, or as functional chloroplast-like organelles in some apicomlexan unicellular eukaryotic parasites (Eimeria, Plasmodia, Theileria, Toxoplasma sp.). Ciliates diverged into dinoflagellates and apicomplexan parasites. Plasmodia at one time possessed both chloroplasts and mitochondria, both much reduced in size and function in the extant host. In P. falciparum proteins encoded in the nucleus (endoplasmic reticulum-associated protein degrading enzymes) communicate with the apicoplast [526] [527] [528] . Both plasmodia and toxoplasma express special nuclear genes (pfprex) to encode proteins (DNA helicase, polymerase and primase) with affinity to the apicoplast. In response, the apicoplast contributes encoded proteins to host cell metabolism (the pyruvate dehydrogenase complex). The plasmodium apicoplast gene tufA encodes a translation elongation factor (EF-Tu), which, however, renders the red cell-parasite host susceptible to the chemotherapeutic drug thiostrepton [529] [530] [531] . The presence of horizontally transferred genes of mitochondrial origin within apicoplasts strongly suggests that these two organelles of the same host cell co-operate in the interest of their host [532] . First, parasitic chlamydiae gained genes of important enzymes from free-living actinobacteria [533] [534] [535] . Then, the transferosomes of chlamydiae transferred genes through the routes of "endosymbiotic gene transfer" to their unicellular eukaryotic hosts [536] . This paper gives a spectacular view of the details of this ancient association. Among the laterally acquired gene winners are human parasites (entameba, trichomonas) and the free-living amoeba, Dictyostelium [537] [538] [539] . Some horizontally transferred genes travel via transposons, "the most abundant, most ubiquitous genes in nature" [540] . Marine invertebrate crustaceans yield some of the most ancient mariner-like elements (transposons); for example the Bytmar1 transposon in the hydrothermal crab Bythograea [541] . Some transposons find their way to the nucleus with the help of (attachment to) DNA-binding proteins [542] ; some are transferred by viruses or plasmids (by phages in bacteria and by their descendants, all the eukaryotic viruses). Cyanophages (cyanomyovirus related to T4 coliphage) operate with 64 genes. Of these, there is a highly conserved hyperplastic region containing inserted genes of host cell-like sequences encoding enzymes (plastoquinol, plastocyanin, 6-phosphogluconate and glucose 6-phosphate dehydrogenase) [543] . The Rhodothermus marinus RM378 phage encodes a polynucleotide kinase with some sequence similarities to the same enzyme of coliphage T4. These enzymes work to counter the anti-phage miRNA defense of the bacterial hosts [544] . The T4 coliphage (phi1) encapsidates small circular host cell DNAs for horizontal transfer to new host cells [545] . Even rickettsiae release plasmids to communicate with their host cell, ranging from those of arthropod vectors to that of mammalian hosts [546] . Genes and gene product proteins now recognized as proto-oncogenes and oncoproteins appeared first to perform physiological functions, that they preserved (reviewed in [213] ). The origin of the Ras family of widely multifunctional proteins (Kirsten and Harvey rat sarcoma oncogenes, ras, in multicellular eukaryotic hosts) could be traced back to prokaryotes. The prokaryotic MgIA proteins of eubacteria, and one archaea (after E. coli methylgalactoside transport operon) appear as analogues of the Ras proteins showing the five characteristic motifs of their guanosine GDP/GTP-binding pattern [547] . Genes not part of the hosts' vertically maintained ancestry are those of prolyl-tRNA and alanyl-tRNA in diplomonads and parabasalia. The origin of these genes could be traced back to the hyperthermophile Nanoarchaeum equitans. It is unsettled if there is a common archaeal ancestor for Nanoarchaea (diverging from Crenarchaeota and Euryarchaeota) and the diplomonads and parabasalia, the first independent eukaryota to appear after the divergence of the archaeal lineages [538] . Protochordate ascidian larvae utilize cellulose synthetases (CesA) of prokaryotic origin for the formation of the long cellulose fibrils along the larval tail. In CesA knockout larvae, the notochord cells were misaligned and the tail failed to elongate. The CesA gene was inserted from a prokaryotic donor into the early lineage of the tunicates. Extracellular cellulose microfibrils started the morphogenesis of the notochord and tail in the larvae of Oikopleura dioica [548] . The yeast cells Candida parapsilosis and C. tropicalis use the CTG codon to translate leucine, as if it were serine. These yeast cells might have acquired this anomaly from an ancient proteobacterium. C. parapsilosis lost its phenazine superfamily (PhzF) gene cluster, but re-acquired it through horizontal transfer from proteobacteria [549] . Bacterial genes encoding arsenite reductase, catalase, racemases and peptidoglycan metabolism enzymes show up in fungi [550] . [551] . Fungal pathogens of plants include the basidiomycetes Moniliophthora perniciosa attacking cacao plants causing the "witches' broom" and "frosty pod rot" diseases. These fungal species horizontally acquired genes from oomycetes (the necrosis inducing proteins), from actinobacteria (the metallodependent hydrolase) and from firmicutes/bacteriodetes (the mannitol phosphate dehydrogenase) rendering them pathogenic [552] . Interspecies horizontal gene transfers render saprophytic fungi pathogenetic [553] . In the genome of Aspergillus fumigatus segments containing 214 alien genes were detected. These genes were of bacterial (40%), fungal (25%) and viral (22%) origin [554] . A tobacco plant plastid inserted its DNA into the soil of Acinetobacter sp. The inserted sequence consisted of a leucyl-tRNA encoded by tobacco gene trnL, and an anchor sequence of an antibiotic-resistance (to spectinomycin and streptomycin) gene cluster [555] . Angiosperms resist horizontal gene insertions from fungi, but in rice plant (Oryza sativa) genomes five fungi-to-plant and 4 plant-to-fungi horizontal gene transfers are documented. Such gene exchanges are very rare (14 in 3,177 gene families examined), but may result in phenotypic changes of the recipients [551] . Plant pathogenic Fusarium spp. possess pathogenicity-related chromosomes and by horizontal transfer render non-pathogenic fungal strains pathogenic [556] . Flowering plants may increase their beauty by the acquisition of horizontally transferred mitochondrial genes encoding ribosomal and respiratory proteins [557] . In rice, maize and sorghum, a LTR-retrotransposon (Route66) transfers horizontally genomic sequences [558] . However, from transgenic rice, the trehalose phosphate synthase and phosphatase genes were not (as yet) transferred to soil microorganisms in paddy rice fields [559] . Crown gall disease and hairy root disease are caused by the phytopathogenic bacteria Agrobacterium tumefaciens and A. rhizogenes [560] . Interkingdom horizontal ssDNA transfers between plants are mediated by agrobacteria. The T-DNA of plant-transforming A. tumefaciens travels to the targeted plant cell nucleus via the ssDNA-binding VirE2 protein; the phosphorylated VirE2 interacting protein VIP1 accomplishes the nuclear targeting of the agrobacterial T-DNA [561] . Plasmids and their vectors (A. tumefaciens) for expression of heterologous genes in transgenic plants by horizontal transfer are commercially available [562] [563] [564] [565] . The alpha-and beta-proteobacteria, Rhizobia, form nodules on the roots of legumes, within which they enter plant cells to fix atmospheric nitrogen. Symbiotic plasmids of rhizobia horizontally transferred to the pathogenic Ralstonia solanacearum converted its pathogenicity to mutualism (symbiosis). It was the inactivation of the hrcV structural gene that allowed nodulation and the inactivation of the hrpG master virulence regulator gene product protein (HrpG) and hypersensitive response and pathogenicity (hrc = hrp conserved). This process allowed the intracellular entry of the bacteria, which then accomplished nitrogen fixation, thus modulating the transformation from pathogenicity to symbiosis [566] . Extensive horizontal exchange of genetic material occurs between plant cells in the process of grafting [567] . The plant-parasitic "root-knot nematode" Meloidogyne sp. acquired genes (L-threonine aldolase; glutamine synthetase; N-acetyltransferase) from sympatric rhizobia, A. tumefaciens (also called Rhizobium radiobacter) and R. leguminosarum [568] . Some diplomonad protists do not have mitochondria, but very likely, after transferring mitochondrial genes from a symbiont proteobacterium, got rid of the original structure. Two anaerobic intestinal parasites, one in the salmon (Spironucleus salmonicida), one in the human gut (Giardia lamblia, G. intestinalis, G. duodenalis) diligently collected (84 of them) horizontally transferred genes. Most of the horizontally transferred genes originated from prokaryotes, but some of them were recognized as of eukaryotic derivation. A glucose-6-phosphate isomerase (G6PI) gene was donated by the cyanobacterium Nostoc [569, 570] . The common ancestor of these diplomonads was aerobic; the acquired genes helped the development of anaerobiosis in the intestinal tracts. Cystein-rich surface proteins serve as virulence factors; nineteen lineage-specific gene acquisitions distinguish the two lines of the diplomonads, as to their host selection [539] . Bacteria acquired alpha2-macroglobulins for colonization factors by horizontal transfers from metazoa. The yfhM/pbpCV tightly linked genes (named in E. coli) encode α2-macroglobulins and peptidoglycan transglycosylase (for abbreviations of yfhM/P76578 and yfaS/P76464, and further explanations as to donor metazoan: [571] . The non-coding RNA-1 for heat shock response (HSR1), the stimulation of heat shock factor-1 (HSF1) in eukaryota (mammalians) derives from bacteria. The mammalian HSR1 consists of 604 nt; there is only 4 nt difference between hamster and human HSR1. However, the amino terminal regions of the bacterial chloride channel proteins (in Burkholderiales) and the ORF of HSR1 are close to identical. This suggests the horizontal acquisition of the original eukaryotic HSR1 sequence [572] . The sponge species Reniera, the sea anemone species Nematostella, the amoeba species Dictyostelium discoides possess very similar α-amylases. Does this mean horizontal gene transfers between these eukarya? [573] . The small spore-forming obligately intracellular pathogenic eukaryota microsporidium, Encephalitozoon cuniculi, lacks protein kinases (MAP kinase cascades, AMP-activated protein kinase, stress-response, ion homeostasis, nutrient signaling protein kinases) in comparison to those in Saccharomyces yeasts. E. cuniculi and the yeasts shared a common ancestor that lived 800 million years ago. The E. cuniculi genome lost its old ancestral yeast meiosis kinases, but retained core cell machinery kinases (Aurora, Polo, etc); its kinome consists of only 32 protein kinases [574] . E. cuniculi depends on its host cell's metabolism, yet it is not a symbiont, but a lethal pathogen. Tandem repeat DNA regions in different isolates of E. cuniculi indicate that sex by recombination occurs between E. cuniculi individuals. Further, E. cuniculi managed to receive genes by horizontal transfer from co-intracellular resident Chlamydia. The zygomycete Rhizopus oryzae shares germ line genes with E. cuniculi. These two microsporidia might have shared a common ancestor [575] . The eukaryotic phylum, Apicomplexa, includes among others plasmodia, toxoplasma, and cryptosporidia (vide supra). The intracellular endosymbiont and pathogen, C. parvum, is the recipient of horizontally transferred genes. Deprived of its plastid (apicoplast), it depends on genes coming from other apicomplexan parasites, or from bacteria. The gene for leucine aminopeptidase from cyanobacteria is present in the genomes of cryptosporidia, plasmodia and toxoplasma. Other enzyme-encoding genes derive from proteobacteria. Description of the mode of acquisition does not mention viral transfer. However, algal or cyanobacterial endosymbionts of cryptosporidia are possible sources. There is no explanation for a leucine aminopeptidase plant-like gene in the cryptosporidium (and plasmodium). The "plethora of prokaryotic genes" might have derived from the mitochondria, but their acquisition time is much more recent, than that of the acquisition of mitochondria [569] . The Entamoeba histolytica genome encodes an endonuclease that was transferred from a bacterial source (EhLINE1) [576] . In reverse, the intra-amoebal Legionella drancourtii (vide supra) acquired its sterol reductase gene from its eukaryotic host [577] . Prokaryotic enzyme-coding gene donations show up in E. histolytica and Trichomonas vaginalis [578] . The sea slug, Elysia chlorotica, feeds on the alga Vaucheria litorea. The algal cells are digested, but the algal plastid (chloroplast) remains intact and continues its photosynthetic activity in the sea slug. There may be a virus involved in the incident by transferring to the sea slug the algal gene(s) that encode(s) photosystem complex substances needed to keep the chloroplast functional [579] . Prominent intracellular bacteria are Anaplasma, Ehrlichia and Wolbachia. Wolbachia are alpha proteobacteria. Wolbachia A infects drosophila, WO-B infects insects other than drosophila, including mosquitos, and WO-D infects nematodes. The horizontal transfers range from less than 500 bp to the entire wolbachia genome (>1 Mb) and involve 4 insect and 4 nematode species as recipients [580] . The α-proteobacterium, in the order of Rickettsiales, Wolbachia pipientis, interferes with reproduction, kills male insects, or feminizes them. Wolbachia genomes express up to 1,386 coding sequences [581] . The one-way crossing incompatibility between infected males and uninfected females is the event of "cytoplasmic incompatibility". The male testicles are infected, but the sperm cells do not carry live wolbachia; female egg cells are infected with wolbachia. The infected paternal chromosomes are lost, while the uninfected female chromosomes segregate properly yielding haploid male progeny. When an infected male fertilizes an infected egg cell, and the infecting wolbachia strains are identical, embryonic development proceeds unimpeded. Some Wolbachia sp. infects filarial nematodes. The wolbachia genes transferred into the insect beetle several million years ago, were found now to be disrupted, rendered transcriptionally inactive and turned into pseudogenes [582] . At least some of the wolbachia genes transferred into the mosquito Aedes sp. remained functional after an extended period of their horizontal transfer. In mosquitoes, the transferred wolbachia genes encoded receptors for malaria plasmodia in the insects' salivary glands. These wolbachia genes appear to have been originally acquired by the wolbachia genome from another insect host through lateral (horizontal) transfer [583] . The mosquito gene AAE-L004181 shows 50% aa identity with two wPip genes WP1348 and WP1346. Which one is the gene donor and to whom? Wolbachia-to-host transfer was proven [584] . The outer membrane proteins of wolbachia cells are inducers of innate immune reactions in insects, and are also apoptosis-inducers [585] . In drosophila sp., horizontally acquired transposons/retrotransposons abound, but not of wolbachia derivation. Insertins of LTR retrotransposons are the most frequent (90%), whereas non-LTR retroelements seldom (6%) succeed at their self-insertion [586, 587] . Almost the entire wolbachia genome is inserted in the bacteriome of the bedbug (Cimex lectularius). The wolbachia genome is vertically transmitted within the oocytes; bugs deprived of the wolbachia genome become infertile [588] . The wolbachia genomes inserted into the genome of insect hosts carry their prophages. Wolbachia phage WO-A is a pyocyaneus-like element. Wolbachia phage WO-B matures into particles, which spread horizontally between different strains of wolbachia within their insect hosts. The WO-B phage expresses genes that influence the biology of the insect host (virulence function gene; sex-specific expression genes). Wolbachia genomes are in the insects' sperm cysts and in the egg cells. The bacteriophage WO-B in the maternally inherited wolbachia genome is most active (replicative, temperate) in the larval stage of the insect hosts. Lytic phage activity may kill (lyse) the endoparasitic wolbachia [584, [589] [590] [591] [592] . Whatever happened between wolbachia and the arthropod hosts millions of years ago, it is the scenery of a past mortal combat between host and parasite what is replayed today (as the Hubble telescope shows what happened in the universe milliards of years ago). In another relationship, the arthropod Antarctic springtail (Cryptopygus antarcticus) acquired from bacteria its endo-β-1,3-glucanase gene [593] . The parasite of legume hosts, the pea aphid (Acyrthosiphon pisum) appears to have acquired a functional gene from a wolbachia; the gene product protein serves the aphid's endosymbiont, the Buchnera aphidicola [594] . The red-green colored carotenoids are encoded in pea aphids by genes of fungal derivation; after integration of these alien genes, the aphid genome duplicated them [595] . The 464 Mb genome of the pea aphid A. pisum shows extensive gene duplications, gene losses and new gene acquisitions. The expanded genes are set for chromatin modification, miRNA synthesis and sugar transport. Lost genes are those of the urea cycle and purin salvage and selenoprotein utilization, and some of the innate immune system, may be to be able to accommodate the bacterial endosymbiont Buchnera aphidicola (a gamma proteobacterium), which the aphid maternally transmits to its progeny. With this endosymbiont, the aphid shares aa synthetic purine metabolic pathways. The aphid possesses the aa synthetic and degrading genes and shares the products with the endosymbiont. In turn, the endosymbiont provides the purin metabolic pathway (purine nucleoside phosphorylase, adenosine desaminase: adenosine to inosine) for the salvage of purine nucleotides, except for guanosine, which is rendered by the aphid [596] [597] [598] . At least 12 genes in the aphid's genome are of bacterial origin (named in the article), but most of these genes are not of Buchnera, but are of wolbachia origin [594] . Buchnera and Hamiltonella are facultative symbionts to aphids; this type of endosymbiosis protects the aphids against pathogenic fungi, parasitoid wasps (vide infra) and heat strokes [599] . Female wasps use ichnoviruses to immunosuppress the caterpillars so, that in the caterpillars' body the wasp eggs may hatch and their larvae may develop. The caterpillars' immune reaction to the injected foreign bodies (eggs) would consist of activated Toll-like receptors and phenolooxidase production. The ichnoviruses derive from ascoviruses (polyDNAviruses); descendants of iridoviruses. Ascoviruses injected into caterpillars would kill these hosts, but the ichnoviruses are attenuated and non-pathogenic. Ichnoviruses are restricted to replicate only in the female wasp's calyx cells. Ichnoviral genomes exist in the form of multiple circular DNA molecules. Ichnoviral particles assemble in the female wasps' genital tract. In the caterpillar host, the ichnoviruses do not replicate. The ichnoviral genes are not for encoding new viral particle structural proteins; the ichnoviral genome in the caterpillar encodes a number of proteins, which derive from wasp's genes inserted in the ichnoviral genome. In the female wasp's genome, most ascoviral genes were eliminated from the ichnoviral genome. The only one strain of ascovirus, which is able to replicate both in the wasp and in the caterpillar hosts is the DpAV4 (from Diadromus pulchellus). The DpAV4 is more of a symbiotic, than of a pathogenic virus. Symbiotic virus-host relationships promote reciprocal passive lateral transfers of genes between viral and host cell genomes. The viral genome undergoes recombination-primed replication in an environment, where an abundance of DNA sequences float freely. In the amoeba, the large dsDNA viruses (NCLDV, vide supra) chose this mode of genome replication. There, bacterial genomes are released from the microorganisms, which amoebae and their unicellular symbiotic algae feed on. The recombination-primed genomic replication promotes the integration of very short DNA segments (12 bp) with sequence homology to the amoebic or viral genomes. In these intracellular environments, passive lateral transfers of DNA segments to and from viral, host cell and bacterial chromosomes readily occur. In contrast, active lateral gene transfers show elements of dedication to conclude the selected process. Wasps' genomes carry integrated sequences of ascoviral and ichnoviral genomes. In the female wasp's genome, the ascovirus loses its virulence genes and acquires somatic genes from its host. The non-replicating a-virulent ichnovirus encodes the wasp's proteins within its new host, the caterpillar. The wasp's proteins suppress the innate immune reactions of the caterpillar and render this host tolerant toward wasp proteins. The exact mechanisms of this symbiogenesis are not known. Endosymbiogenesis repeatedly occurred in the earliest stages of evolution, when proteobacteria became mitochondria and cyanobacteria became chloroplasts in the cells that engulfed them. The endosymbionts became domesticated servants (or slaves) of their host cells, as the cell nucleus expropriated the symbionts' genes one by one [600] . Female wasps domesticated the ascovirus: the servant's name is ichnovirus. In conclusion for a most complex issue. Horizontal gene transfers are not limited to the sub-Darwinian threshold era, only the intensity of the events declines. Neither is the process confined to the transfer of one single gene. Insect genomes readily accommodate full rickettsial size genomes. The eukaryotic microalga, E. huxleyi (vide supra), harbors a large dsDNA virus, the EhV. The alga donated its entire sphingolipid/ceramide biosynthetic gene apparatus (seven genes) to its viral guest [158] . The biflagellated photoautotrophic protist, Cyanophora paradoxa, and Euglena gracilis (vide supra) acquired their transketolases from endosymbiotic green algae [522] . The cryptic viruses of beets and carrots are close to be identical with fungal partitiviruses. Naturally transmitted between related plants by seeds and pollens, the transmission of the entire genomic packages of these viruses, and whatever additional plant host cell genes the viral genomes might have picked up, to phylogenetically distant hosts occurs by horizontal transfers mediated by fungi [601] . Rice, maize, sorghum cells accept horizontally transferred genes by the 280,000 year old gag-pol retrotransposons called "Route66." Route66 was discovered in the genome of Japanese rice plants (Oryza sativa) in two copies residing on chromosomes 2 (nt 1 767 933 -1772 818) and chromosome 6 (nt 26 706265 -25 701 456) [602] . Pea aphids readily accept bacterial, genes (but not from their symbiont Buchnera aphidicola, it is from bacteria other than Buchnera) [603] . Three billion years after transgressing the Darwinian threshold: "are lateral gene transfers between prokaryotes and multicellular eukaryotes ongoing and significant?" [603] . Yes, they are, and very much so. Bacteria acquire and transfer their virulence factors (toxins, adhesins, invasins, etc) through transposons, plasmids and bacteriophages (vide supra). Bacterial virulence factor genes are clustered in "pathogenicity islands" PI, Pais) (vide supra). Bacteria may delete, or amplify, or duplicate their pathogenicity island genes [604] . Gram-negative bacteria harbor distantly related PIs (E. coli, Salmonella, Shigella, Vibrio cholerae Helicobacter pylori). The toxin-coregulated type IV pilus (TcpA) may be encoded by cooperating phages CTXϕ and VPIϕ. The PI contains the phage genome that encodes the toxin-coregulated pilus (TCP). TCP functions as a colonization factor and as the receptor for phage CTXϕ [63a,b] (vide supra). The toxin-coregulated type IV pilus (TCPA) expresses the coat protein of the VPIϕ phage [63a,b, 605] . Helicobacter pylori (Hp) strains seldom succumb to phages; probably effectively eliminate them. The first isolation and photographic depiction of a lytic H. pylori phage (HP1) was certainly a sensational occasion. It is worthwhile to look up the original publications to view the electron microscopic depiction of the Hp phages [606, 607] . Genetically modified non-replicating phages lyse Hp, yet clinical phage therapy has not materialized [608] . In the mouse, the lytic filamentous phage M13 prevents the colonization of gastric mucosa by Hp [609] . Some stain of Hp release "rolling-circle replicating" highly promiscuous plasmids [610] . This author reviewed the human pathogenicity of H. pylori in the context of "the host confronting pathogens attacking lymphoid tissues" [213] . This bacterium accompanied mankind through its evolution, at least in the last stages of it: it was present 5,000 years ago in the stomachs of the ancient Egyptians. In its extraordinary variability, genomic segments of H. pylori strains readily recombine and exchange genes through horizontal transfer [611] . Major subpopulations of Hp are those of hpEurope, hpAfrica (subdivided to hpSAfrica and hpWAfrica), and hpEAsia. The subpopulation hpAmerind parasitizes native Americans. The genomes of the Amerindian (Venezuela) Hp and hpEurope were compared and revealed characteristics of the human Hp strains following the migration of the human race out of Africa, the population of Europe by H. sapiens (no information on Homo neanderthalensis), but the material from excavated graves would be available), and the movements of human populations through Asia and through the Bering passage-way to the Americas. Even human and murine Hp strains could be compared in an evolutionary scale [612] . The core genome of Hp substrains operates with 1,111 genes, but the gene number may increase to 1,531. The cag PI gene clusters may be acquired or deleted. Each Hp strain produces by recombinations highly individualized variants in each of their hosts. In cases of multiple subspecies H. pylori infections, interspecies horizontal gene transfers occur [613] . There are conserved and mobile regions in the Hp genome. Gene replacements and horizontal gene transfers directed the evolutionary changes within Hp strains [614] . Practically all infected persons harbor their own individual Hp strain [615] . The pathogenicity of H. pylori extends from the epithelial cell linings of the stomach to the reactive lymphocytes infiltrating it, as if it were carcinogenesis in the soil (the epithelium) and seed (the lymphocytes). The cytotoxin-associated gene product protein cagA → CagA is phosphorylated by a Src kinase. CagA inhibits E-cadherin and β-catenin complex formation resulting in the transfer of β-catenin from the cytoplasm into nucleus. The cells in which these events take place undergo the precancerous process of "intestinal metaplasia", with goblet cell mucin production in the gastric epithelial cells. When H. pylori acquires metazoan α2-macroglobulin genes through horizontal gene transfer, it uses the gene product proteins to suppress anti-bacterial immune reactions of the host [616] . Allelic diversity and extreme genetic variability of H. pylori creates individually modified substrains of the bacterium in their hosts [615] . In a "chronic inflammation-induced cancer" scenario, cell nuclear DNA suffers oxidative damage [617] . In these cells, K-ras mutations occur (Kirsten rat sarcoma oncogene). In response, there is first a polyclonal lymphoid cell proliferation. Monoclonally proliferating lymphoid cells emerge overexpressing the anti-apoptotic bcl-2 gene cluster and undergoing the translocation t(14;18)(q32;q21) [618] [619] [620] . While Hp eliminates innate immune reactions by killing macrophages (vide infra), it disrupts adaptive immune reactions by generating CD4 + CD25 + FoxP + regulatory T cells for the elimination of immunoreactive immune T cells (CD8 + T cells) [621] . The c-myc proto-oncogene is activated in the nucleus of Hp-infected gastric mucosal cells by ERK (extracellular signal-regulated kinase) and the c-Myc proto-oncogene (avian myelogenous leukemia oncoprotein) is phosphorylated in the cytoplasm. The chain reaction continues with the phosphorylation of c-Fos (Finkel mouse osteosarcoma oncoprotein). The c-Jun proto-oncoprotein (vide supra) joins in, resulting in the activation of a specific activator protein, AP-1. These proteins form cytoplasmic complexes, for example, the phosphorylated c-Fos/c-Jun complex binds the c-Myc promoter. The c-Fos/c-Jun complex translocates into he nucleus for further gene activations and gene silencing. The end result is polyamine gene activations with the production of ornithine decarboxylase (ODC), an apoptosis-inducer in macrophages [622] . The macrophages to be killed were lured on the site first by monocyte chemoattractant protein production (MCP-1) by the gastric mucosa [623] . When H. pylori's CagA protein translocates into lymphocytes, it assumes the role of an oncoprotein (vide infra) ( Table 2 .1). The Hp cag PI by epigenetic mechanisms hypermethylates CpG (cytosine-post-guanine) islands in the genome of gastric mucosal cells resulting in translocation of NFκB from cytoplasm to nucleus for inflammatory reaction gene activation, AP-1 generation, activation of the PI3K (phosphatidyl inositol 3 kinase) pathway and proto-oncogenic, epithelial-to-mesenchymal transformation-inducing Wnt/β-catenin signaling [624, 625] . Pro-oncogenic and anti-oncogenic but not yet clearly identified microRNAs vie for superiorityin the gastric mucosal cells [626] . In the Spanish coastal town Ubrique the rate of Hp infection is high (54%) with Hp-antibody production shown in blood tests; these tests also showed high incidence (81%) of mutated p53 protein and ceruloplasmin levels in the blood of Hp-seropositive individuals. The mortality rate for gastric cancer exceeded twofold (20/100,000) that of communities with low Hp-related parameters [627] . Helicobacter DNA is present in pancreatic cancer tissue and helicobacter bacteria (but not other gastrointestinal bacteria) appear in hepatocellular carcinoma tissue samples [628] . Pyrosequencing and PCR reveal Hp Dna in liver tissue of patients with chronic cholestatic liver diseases and in gallstones [629a,b, 630a,b] . Since the observation of cytoplasmic vacuolization in gastric mucosal cells by Hp toxin to the documentation of oncogene mutations in these cells only 13 years went by [631] [632] [633] . In some patients with idiopathic thrombocyopenic purpura (ITP) and Hp antigens in their stool samples, antibodies to the Hp anticytotoxin-associated gene A product protein were found. After Hp eradication, the platelet levels returned to normal [634] . The association of Hp infection with certain types of ITP occurs world-wide [635] [636] [637] [638] . The eradication of H. pylori is entirely possible with a combined antibiotics regimen (amoxicillin, clarythromycin or azithromycin, and metronidazole given with an omeprazole-like proton pump inhibitor) [639, 640] . Metronidazole-and tetracycline-resistant Hp stains are emerging in Iran [641] . This author recently reviewed work initiated at Johns Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore, for the Weekly Hungarian Medical Journal (Orvosi Hetilap) concerning the contribution of enterotoxigenic strains of Bacteroides fragilis to colon carcinogenesis [642a,b] . A comparison was suggested between the carcinogenic effect of H. pylori in the stomach and that of the enterotoxigenic B. fragilis in the colon. Dysregulated NFκB pathway [736] Helicobacter virulence gene/gene-product protein CagA: CagA translocates (is horizontally transferred) into gastric epithelial cells and into B lymphocytes. Recipient cells phosphorylate (activate) CagA protein. CagA activates ERK and Bcl-2/Bcl-XL anti-apoptotic proteins. CagA is an oncoprotein [737a,b] Helicobacter-reactive host immune T cells: Are armed with FasL (ligand) and perforin cross-react in an autoimmune fashion with host cell ATPase autoantigens, kill mucosal cells causing atrophy of gastric mucosa. Immune T cells mobilized against MALT lymphoma B cells are defective in FasL and perforin expression and fail to eradicate B lymphoma cells. In a murine model of Helicobacter-induced gastric lymphoma, CD4 + CD25 + FoxP3 + Treg cells were attracted into the tumor by chemokines CCL17/CCL22. The regulatory T cells eliminated immune T cells and promoted tumor growth [738, 739] Eradication of H. pylori: Antibiotics sensitive. Treatment results in lymphoma remission [640, 740] Commensal bacteria (Bacteroides vulgatus, Fusobacterium varium) Commensal bacteria adhere to, and enter the cytoplasms of colonic epithelial cells. In response, the cells produce IL-6, IL-8, TNF-α, macrophage/monocyte chemoattractant protein-1. The intranuclear NFκB p65 is phosphorylated (activated). These reactions occur in UC cells in vitro and in vivo, as illustrated [741] Bacteroides fragilis enterotoxin activates the REL protein (vide supra) heterodimer, NFκB. In response, chemokine (CCL2, chemoattractant for monocytes; CXCL1, growth-related oncogene-α (GRO-α); CXCL8/IL-8) gene overexpression induce neutrophil transmigration [742] Comments: Not addressed in this article is the strong possibility that bacteroides enterotoxin-stimulated colonic epithelial cells express FasL, with which they kill Fas receptor-positive host immune T cells. It is well documented that FasL-expressing tumor cells attract granulocytic infiltrations. Genetically engineered immune T cells from patients with metastatic colon cancer express bispecific cytotoxicity to CEA + /CD3 + colon cancer cells [743] [744] [745] [746] [747] [748] [749] [750] [751] [752] [753] [754] In the cancer hospital M. D. Anderson in Houston, B. fragilis infections were severe and frequent [642a,b, 643] and in general continue to carry high morbidity and mortality [644] . The B. fragilis enterotoxin cleaves E-cadherin and activates the β-catenin/Wnt cascade. The enterotoxin induces neoangiogenesis and epithelial cell proliferation. The cell proliferation is driven by the STAT and MAPK cascades (signal transducer activation of transcription; mitogen-activated protein kinase). In mice the enterotoxin failed to induce Toll-like receptor or dendritic cell activations. Instead anti-apoptotic factors (NFκB and c-IAP2) are activated. Epithelial cells of the colon produce IL-8, an NFκB activator. The toxin-exposed colonic epithelial cells exude cyclooxygenase and prostaglandin (PGE2). Reactive lymphoid cell infiltrates appear expressing IL-17 and the receptor for IL-23. Of the T cell factors, TCF-1 promotes, TCF-4 inhibits Wnt proto-oncogene activation [645] [646] [647] [648] [649] . Consequential to unopposed Wnt activity is the upregulation, amplification, or even mutation of the BLC9 (B cell lymphoma) and K-ras genes and overexpression of the EGFR in epithelial cells [650] [651] [652] [653] [654] . In contrast to H. pylori, B. fragilis is a phage-sensitive bacterium [655, 656] and responds to various antibiotic regimens [644] . In bacteria, and very prominently in Bacteroides spp., antibiotic-resistance is mediated by efflux pump P-glycoprotein-encoding genes, which are transferable by plasmids [657a,b, 658a,b] . The same mechanism is operational in chemotherapy-resistant cancer cells. This author could not find comparative studies for bacterial and eukaryotic (protozoal; cancer cells of vertebrates) efflux pump genomics and proteomics, but the mechanisms of action of these entities by ATP-binding cassettes, as well as their inhibition by selected compounds (phenothiazides, chlorpromazine, verapamil) are very similar in bacteria and in tumor cells [659] [660] [661] [662] [663] [664] . The bacterial flora in the intestinal tract of gypsy moth larvae rapidly acquires and/or endogenously expresses efflux pump proteins for the mediation of multiple antibiotics resistance (but without any exposure to such antibiotics). Insect guts are environmentally rich in antibiotic resistance genes; there is a high potential for dissemination of such genes from host to bacterial symbionts, and in between members of the bacterial flora [665] . Disiloxanes (SILA-409, SILA-421) excelled as efflux pump inhibitors both in bacteria, where they also suppress plasmid-traffic of resistance genes (vide infra) and in multidrug resistant cancer cells [666] [667] [668] . The multidrug and toxic compound extrusion (MATE) family efflux transporter gene bexA was cloned from Bacteroides thetaiotaomicron. The BexA protein sequence is homologous to that of Vibrio parahaemolyticus. The bexA construct transferred cipro-and norfloxacin resistance to E. coli [669] . Most of the antibiotic-resistance genes of Bacteroides spp. have been recognized [670-674a,b ]. The genes (tetQ, for tetracycline, gyrA for quinolone resistance, ermF for erythromycin resistance, cfiA for encoding a lactamase/carbopenemase for carbapenem, imipenem and metronidazole resistance, cepA for encoding cephaloporinase, nimB for nitroimidazole resistance) are transferred by conjugative transposons (CT, integrative and conjugative elements, ICE), plasmids, and phages, pHag1 and pHag2 [658] . The most prominent conjugative transposons for horizontal transfer of tetracycline and erythromycin resistance-encoding genes (tetQ, ermF) are the closely related CTnERL and CTnDOT integrases, especially the TcrEmrDOT (dot-blot hybridization, dot-plot) [675] [676] [677] [678] [679] [680] [681] . The promiscuous bacteroides conjugative transposons, CTnGERM, carrier of the erythromycin-resistance gene ermG, picked up the macrolide efflux pump gene mefA from Streptococcus pyogenes [682] . Vertically transmitted germ line mutations-induced carcinogenesis in the human colon is very well documented and the oncogenes are cloned and characterized. There are deleted tumor (colon cancer) suppressor genes (DCC from chromosome 18, p53 from chromosome 17p, MCC mutated colorectal caner gene from chromosome 5q), amplified, mutated or translocated oncogenes (c-myc, K-ras), unique mutated colon cancer-inducer gene (adenoma-polyposis coli, APC) and the Lynch syndrome I-inducer genes (named after yeast genes: PMS, postmeiotic segregation; MSH, Mut(mutated) S homolog; MLH, Mut L homolog, missense mutations). These are the hereditary colon cancer syndromes, the adenoma (polyposis) to carcinoma sequences, and the hereditary nonpolyposis colorectal cancers [683] [684] [685] [686] [687] . Colorectal cancers termed "sporadic" in stages II and III (without and with regional lymph node metastases) present with different genetic signatures in the Affimetrix array [688] . Carcinogenic somatic mutations generated in the colonic inflammasomes are not inherited, and as such their inducers may be subject to horizontal acquisitions. The Lancet gave credit to Rudolf Virchow for proposing in 1863 that bacteria and the chronic inflammation they induce (leukoreticular infiltrates: "Phlogose und Thrombose im Gefäßsystem") may induce cancers [689] . The high pathogenicity and persistence of endo-and enterotoxigenic strains of B fragilis were recognized in the 1990s [690, 691] . The molecular pathogenesis of the bacteroides enterotoxin creates an environment highly conducive to malignant transformation of the mucosal cells of the colon (vide supra) [646] [647] [648] [649] [650] [651] [652] [653] [654] . The enterotoxin can re-arrange cellular cytoskeletons [692) . It activates protooncogenes (c-myc; K-ras [693] [694] [695] and the human relative of drosophila mutated gene "legless," the BCL9 gene/gene-product protein (B cell lymphoma)). This gene-product protein stimulates the proto-oncogenic β-catenin/Wnt cascade, whose inhibitor is the dickkopf protein (DKK), which is often eliminated in the course of malignant transformation. This pathway of colon cancer oncogenesis may be shared between hereditary (APC tumor suppressor gene mutation) and inflammatory colon cancers [696] . It is not entirely clear what role DKK1-4 proteins may play in colon carcinogenesis. DKK-1 may be epigenetically inactivated and down-regulated, thus loosing its inhibitory effects on tumor cell growth [697, 698] . DKK2, 3, 4 may be upregulated; DKK-3, 4 are neo-angiogenic; DKK-4 inhibits host T cell enhancement and promotes tumor cell invasion [699] [700] [701] . In contrast, DKK-4 was found not to activate, but to inhibit β-catenin signaling, colon cancer cell cycle progression and growth [702] . Vitamin D3 (1α, 25-dihydroxyvitamin D) activates the gene of the Wnt/β-catenin antagonist DKK-1, thus inducing differentiation in human colon cancer cells; at the same time, the vitamin D compound inactivates the gene of the tumor promoter Wnt/β-catenin signaling pathway [703, 704] . Enterotoxic bacteroides further activates NFκB; induces IL-6, IL-8, IL-10 and TGF-β production; inhibits apoptosis, and induces neo-angiogenesis [646] [647] [648] [649] [650] [651] [652] [653] [654] 705] . In the inflamed colon, ectopic activation of cytidine deaminase (AID) by TNF-α via NFκB induction and/or by cytokines IL-4 and IL-13 results in p53 mutation [705] , thus removing a major obstacle to colon carcinogenesis. Mutations of the p53 gene in colonic mucosal cells in ulcerative colitis (UC) may be contributory to carcinogenesis [706] . Colon cancer cells overproduce cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2), a tumor cell growth promoter [707] . The causative factors of UC could not as yet be identified. High expression of heat shock protein (HSP47) in cancer cells in that condition is considered to be a unique feature [708] . The expression of RhoGDIα, the inhibitor of Rho-GTPases, disorganizes intestinal epithelial cells and is a known promoter of progression of breast and inflammatory colon cancers (rhomboid proteins; guanine triphosphatase; guanine nucleotide disassociation inhibitor; guanosine diphospho-(D-mannose)) [709, 710] . The gene "Wiskott-Aldrich (WA) syndrome protein and FKBP-like" (WAFL, tacrolimus-FK-binding protein) is overexpressed in the colon in inflamed colonic mucosa in UC; normally, it is a membrane traffic protein, whose role in carcinogenesis is unknown [711a,b] . Prominent role is ascribed to IL-6 and STAT3/SOC3 signaling pathway in UC-related carcinogenesis [712] . The activator of STAT2 signaling is IFN-αβ. STAT2 acted as a promoter of chemically-induced colorectal carcinogenesis; deletion of STAT2 was inhibitory to these processes. Thus, the proinflammatory mediator, STAT2 is now recognized as an uncovered co-carcinogenic secret agent [713] . Extracellular, cell-surface installed and intracellular innate immune faculties (Toll-like receptors, chemokines and cytokines; macrophages, dendritic cells, natural killer cells and Nod-like receptors) participate in colonic inflammatory and carcinogenic processes, either in a promotional, or in an inhibitory manner. Two extremely well referenced articles review the field with the conclusions that Nod-like receptors (nucleotide-binding oligomerization domains) protect against inflammatory carcinogenesis [714] and that innate and adaptive immune reaction cooperate in the intensity of the immune reactions, but divaricate in matters of pro-and anti-tumor reactions [715] . Homozygous mutations in IL-10 receptor genes increased the propensity in patients to the development of colitis; thus, removal of a tolerogenic cytokine's actions promoted fulminant immune reactions to the intestinal bacterial commensals [716, 717] . These reports have avoided giving reference to carcinogenesis; there, not IL-10-mediated host tolerance, but intense immune reactions are needed, like in the IL-10Rmutated patients, or mice. An excellent tabulation lists innate immune responses, the IL-23/Th17-type pathway and other genes involved in inflammatory reactions of the human intestinal tract (chromosomal locations of the involved genes given). Two most impressive cartoons depict the interactions between the arms of innate and adaptive immune faculties. The article closes with therapeutic recommendations, as to the severe inflammatory reactions, but without. mentioning any favorable or adverse effects of the anti-inflammatory therapeuticals on the incidence of carcinogenesis [718] . In contrast, adaptive immune reactions mediated by CD4 + T lymphocytes are mobilized in UC against dysplastic colonic mucosa, but not against normal mucosa [719] . The anti-inflammatory reactions that may promote or suppress the incidence of inflammatory carcinogenesis are the inhibitors of prostaglandins and cyclooxygenases (celecoxib) [707] . The pro-inflammatory transcription factor NFκB is inhibited by fluoro-and tribromsalans, sunitinib, lestaurtinib, ectinascidin, chromomycin and bortezomib [720] . The nuclear receptor PPAR (peroxisome proliferatory-activated receptor gamma) is an antagonist of NFκB upon its transfer from the cytoplasm to the nucleus in order to activate inflammatory reactions-encoding genes [721] . In mice with PPAR-positive colonic epithelial cells and lymphocytes, oral intake of conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) ameliorated inflammatory bowel disease and inhibited chemical carcinogenesis; CLA was ineffective in PPARγ-null mice. Successfully responding PPAR-positive mice had no macrophage infiltrations in the mesenteric lymph nodes; expressed low levels of TNF-α mRNA, and mobilized increased numbers of regulatory T cells [722] . In inflammatory bowel disease, IL-6 and its solubilized receptor (IL-6R) form complexes; these complexes react with CD130 of mucosal T cells (IL-6 transsignaling). In the epithelial cells, IL-6 induces STAT3 signaling (vide supra). Myeloid cells in the inflamed colonic mucosa also secrete IL-6. Both anti-IL-6 and anti-IL-6R monoclonal antibodies and other IL-6 inhibitors are available for the suppression of IL-6-mediated pro-and anti-inflammatory reactions [723] . As to stem cells in the colonic mucosa, in response to the proper cytokines and growth factors, normal differentiation ensues. Inflammatory cytokines are genotoxic and mutagenic; the stem cells so treated emerge as cancer stem cells. The expression of CD133 is a clue for such a transformation [724] [725] [726] . Inflammatory rectal fistulous tracts could be cured by stem cell transplantation (bone marrow transplant from HLA-matched sibling to alemtuzumab-and fludarabine-preconditioned, gutdecolonized patient, whose graft-versus host disease was treated with prednisone). Full chimerism was established without GvHD [716] . From Russia comes a favorable report on improved clinical course of patients with UC treated with allogeneic bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells [727] . In Hungary, regeneration of the inflammatory damage in the colonic mucosa by stem cells migrating to the lesions was observed. As yet unidentified lymphocytic aggregates and the migrating stem cells appeared to have cooperated in the process [728] . If the thesis stands, that certain inflammatory cytokines may be genotoxic to stem cells embedded in the colonic mucosa [725] , it is then essential to recognize those cytokines and cellular elements (Paneth cells) that sustain the integrity and the healthy homeostasis in the bowel mucosa [724, 729] (Table 2.1) . Inflammatory carcinogenesis was recognized long ago as a unique event in the induction of squamous cell carcinomas in Marjolin ulcers (Jean-Nicolas Marjolin, 1828). The concept now has been extended to prostate and breast carcinomas without an identified inflammationinducer pathogen. Some colon adenocarcinomas may be generated by the inflammatory cascades induced by the B. fragilis enterotoxin. In gastric carcinoma-and lymphomagenesis, the H. pylori CagA gene product protein initiates the well defined cascade terminating in lymphomaand/or adenocarcinoma induction [737a,b] . Cag A (cytotoxin-associated protein/antigen) may induce cell senescence or carcinogenesis in the gastric mucosa. In the carcinogenic pathway, c-Myc induces microRNAs miR-17 and miR-20a for the suppression of p21 cyclin-dependent kinase leading to epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition [737a,b] (vide infra). Epithelial-to-mesenchymal transformation (EMT) of cancer cells is a complex act in the interest of increased virulence of the malignant pheno-genotype. The Ras oncoprotein activates TGF-β (transforming growth factor) production, which activates the snail genomic sequences followed by lymphoid enhancer factor (LEF) activation. The Bcl-3 protein translocates into the nucleus to react with N-cadherin DNA; in the cytoplasm, cyclin D is inactivated. When the WNT-induced signaling protein (WISP) is inhibited, E-cadherin expression is reduced in tumor cells, which gain invasiveness. The Snail and Twist proteins collaborate with ras and inactivate p53 and Rb (retinoblastoma) proteins, an anti-apoptotic event: tumor cells are now protected from apoptotic death. The SPARC protein (secreted protein acidic rich in cystein) promotes the nuclear translocation of β-catenin, which further increases the activation of LEF. This is the environment in which a subclass of tumor-promoter T-Lymphocytes is generated. This lymphocyte population induces (either in a causative, or in a coincidental manner) ras gene point-mutations in human breast cancer cells. These breast cancer cells metastasize to the regional (axillary) lymph nodes [755] . Sinkovics proposed the term of traitor/transforming T cells (T/T T cells) for this class of host T lymphocytes [756] . The generation of T/T T lymphoid cell clones have nor as yet shown in B. fragilis enterotoxin-exposed colon cells, but it is documented in the microenvironment of human breast cancer that a subpopulation of reactive T lymphocytes (T/T T cells) with upregulated ILEI genes (interleukin-like epidermal-to-mesenchymal transition inducer) produce TGF-β [755] . Colon cancer cells (vide supra) undergo EMT and express the molecular signatures of up-regulated vimentin, E-cadherin, Slug and Claudin protein families, forkhead transcription factors, and WNT signaling with down-regulated dickkopf (vide supra) [757] . This author proposed that ras-mutated colon cancer cells were induced by T/T T-like lymphocytes, which promote their metastases in the regional lymph nodes [642] . Tumor cells (pancreatic carcinoma cells) expressing FoxP3, thus imitating T reg cells, neutralize, and protect themselves from the attack of, immune T cells [758] . While tumor cells undergo EMT, the tumor stroma (the extracellular matrix) either plays the role of the initiator, or changes in response. Non-coding RNAs (miR-200; miR-205) interact with vimentin in the stroma and with E-cadherin within the tumor cells. TWIST protein induces miR-10b, which drives breast cancer cells' invasiveness, whereas miR-335 antagonizes the process [759] . The mammalian cell microRNA, miR-146a, emerges as an inhibitor of innate immune reactions and a multiple tumor growth promoter; it is activated by NFκB [760] The tumorpromoting events of EMT are open to study, if the cascade of gene activations occurs within the tumor cell, or if a fusion of the epithelial tumor cell with a mesenchymal cell (as well documented in the case of melanoma and macrophages) resulted in the transfer of activated mesenchymal phenotype-inducer genes into the tumor cell from a mesenchymal cell of the stroma. When human epithelial cancer cells express immunoglobulins (RAG1, 2; VDJ; IgA) [761] , is it in the cells' own genome, where the genes that are usually kept silenced were activated in a germline fashion, or is it the result of a "natural hybridoma" (NH) formation that has had occurred? In the process of the original natural hybridoma (NH) formation, antibody-producing plasma cells fused with lymphoma cells [213, [762] [763] [764] [765] [766] , a mesenchymal-to-mesenchymal cell fusion. Epithelial cells may fuse with lymphocytes or monocytes to gain pre-activated genes for a mesenchymal transition. The original NH formation occurred in a murine lymphoma. The NH phenomenon was discovered by this author in the mid-1960s, understood clearly and reported in explicit terms that a mouse leukemia virus-carrier lymphoma cell fused with a plasma cell secreting antibody specific to the lymphoma cell as the lymphoma cell expressed retroviral envelope antigens. This cell line (Fig. 2.4a,b) Tumor Virology & Immunology, M. D. Anderson Hospital, Houston, TX. The retrovirally transformed lymphoma cells showed budding retroviral particles (retroviral envelopes) in their cell membrane. The immune B (plasma) cells produced immunoglobulins specifically reacting with structural proteins of the virus particles budding from the lymphoma cells. The immunoglobulins neutralized infectious retrovirus in a spleen focus assay. The lymphoma cells and the immune plasma cells adhered to one another and fused. The fused products were tetra-or polyploid, grew in suspension cultures for over 10 years (a) and in the peritoneal cavity of mice, secreted the specific immunoglobulin, and were attacked by macrophages inducing the "starry sky" phenomenon (b). [767] The native spontaneous cell fusion event was duplicated in the peritoneal cavity of mice. Co-inoculated mixtures of lymphoma cells and immune plasma cells fused and produced bi-nucleated cells (b) [762] [763] [764] [765] [766] [767] [768] [769] [770] [771] [772] . In his first report on these fused cells, the author wrote in Lancet: "Tetraploid immunoresistant lymphoma cells in the mouse emerge by fusion of the diploid virus-producing lymphoma cell with a plasma cell producing virus-specific globulins. The resulting tetraploid cell will retain malignant growth potential and the genetically determined committedness of both parent cells -to produce leukemia virus, as coded for by the viral genome within the neoplastic cell, and to synthesize virus-specific globulins, as coded for by the genome of the plasma cell" [213, 765] . The USA National Cancer Institute replied in the mid-1970s to the author's grant applications: "approved without funding, due to low priority." The circumstances of this work were investigated, validated and credited for priority by Professor Milton Wainwright, University of Sheffield, Sheffield, England [819, 820] . Permission to re-publish is from Schenk Buchverlag, Passau and Budapest was maintained in suspension cultures and as more ascites tumors for over 10 years, while it continued making the specific antibody [213, [762] [763] [764] [765] [766] [767] [768] [769] [770] [771] [772] . This author promptly proposed that the Reed-Sternberg cells of Hodgkin's disease may be B-cell natural hybridomas, and the Sézary cells of mycosis fungoides are T cell natural hybridomas [765, 769] . Molecular biology of RS cells so far provided no support for this theory, but there remains room for further reasoning in favor of natural hybridoma formation mediated by a fusogenic retrovirus (with or without EBV) in these pathological entities [213, [768] [769] [770] . When epithelial cells fuse with mesenchymal cells (EMT), the mechanism of fusion is not an explicit antigen-antibody reaction. The entire process of transdifferentiation of bone marrow stem cells may occur within the stem cell genome without fusion, by gene re-programming. In inflamed tissues, transdifferentiation of the stem cell may take the direction toward a malignant geno-phenotype [773] . In treated cancers, new stem cell type emerges; these are the "recurrent cancer stem cells" (rCSCs). The rCSCs display strong resistance toward external chemo-radiotherapy by gaining strong anti-apoptotic faculties, and toward internal host immunity, thus practicing "oncogenic resistance." The phenotypic heterogeneity of these newly emerged rCSCs gives them the propensity to fuse with mesenchymal cells (monocytes) for their further advantage to invasiveness and metastasis formation [774] . Peyton Rous at the Rockefeller Institute in New York City in 1908-1912 discovered tumor-induced neoangiogenesis, a monumental discovery, but not remembered, because of his another monumental discovery, that is, the Rous sarcoma virus. In 1908, the rapid reproducibility of lymphocytes upon stimulation caught Rous' attention [775] . In 1910 Rous wrote: "The fate of implanted tumor depends directly on whether it elicits from the host a vascularizing stroma. So, too, it is with implanted embryo" [776] . In 1910-1911, Rous transferred with cells and with filtrates a sarcomatous tumor in chickens (hens): the transmissible avian neoplasm, a sarcoma of the common fowl [777] . In 1912, Rous and Murphy observed lymphocytic activity in response to the transplanted sarcomatous tumors in the inoculated hens [778] . The Rous sarcoma virus and its sub-strains were the teachers of tumor retrovirologists world-wide for decades to come. It was the three editions of Ludwik Gross' textbook that provided the basic foundations of tumor virology for the early decades of that discipline [779] . Hidesaburo Hanafusa of the Rockefeller University, New York City, found the oncogenic genome of the Rous sarcoma virus (v-src) and the phosphorylated tyrosine kinases that it encodes in order to build the structural proteins of the virus particle; especially the env/Env gene and protein that was immunogenic. He realized that a cellular homologue of the viral oncogene existed (c-src) in the hosts of these tumors [780] . However, ahead of him at the University of California, San Francisco, the team of J. M. Bishop and H. E. Varmus, D. Stehelin and P. K. Vogt, established the DNA identity of the Rous sarcoma (and other avian sarcoma) proviruses in the cells of healthy hosts with that of the mature virions [781, 782] . The enzyme, the reverse transcriptase, which transcribes an RNA viral genome into a DNA provirus, was discovered by D. Baltimore and H. M. Temin and S. Mizutani [783] . Here is the most ostentatious (éclat!) example of gene switching: a host cell gene becomes incorporated into the DNA proviral genome of a retrovirus. It may remain independent within, or it may be fused with, a genomic sequence of the retrovirus, but when the retroviral genome is transcribed and translated, the usurped host gene and its gene product protein remain incorporated in the retroviral particle and expressed in the cell, respectively, that the virus transformed. If the usurped host gene encodes a growth factor, the retrovirus replicating in a malignantly transformed cell will overproduce that growth factor. Viral oncogenes and oncoproteins have been generated by gene transfer from a cellular genome into a viral genome. While from fish to mammals (gibbon ape; woolly monkey) acute leukemias and sarcomas are caused by retroviruses, in the human host only one such retroviral pathogen could be isolated: the human T cell lymphotropic leukemia virus (HTLV) [784, 785] . In the 1970s, this author was engaged at the M. D. Anderson Hospital, Houston, TX. in efforts to isolate human sarcoma retroviruses. Cell free human sarcoma extracts and culture fluids could induce cell foci and antigenic conversions in human embryonic fibroblast cultures with occasional retroviral particles sighted, but up to this date no established human sarcoma virus could be isolated and identified. Human sarcoma cells certainly express "neoantigens" thus attracting cytotoxic lymphocytes (Fig. 2.2a,b) . It is a matter of speculation how the hominoid genera and species (from Australopithecus afarensis to Homo sapiens) during their evolution succeeded in suppressing the leukemogenic and sarcomagenic retroviruses of their distant ancestors [213] . However, in Kaposi's sarcoma next to its causative herpesvirus (HHV-8) buds a reactivated endogenous retrovirus (Fig. 2.3a,b) [213] . Retrotransposons and the permanently inscribed genomic sequences (reversely transcribed DNA proviruses) of endogenous retroviral elements permeate the entire human genome, as relics of retroviral infections subdued in the distant and recent past. These are the viral genomes that may incorporate, propagate and horizontally spread genuine host cell genomic segments. The results of past and present endogenous retroviral activates extend from the evolution of the placenta and the telomeres, through the induction of autoimmunity and the reactivation and expression of certain endogenous retroviral elements in certain human cancers, the invocation of RNA interference and the tumor suppressor protein p53, to the ultimate primate evolution, including the development, present and future activities of the human brain [786] [787] [788] [789] [790] [791] [792] [793] [794] . The gene therapy of cancer was initiated by the replacement of the mutated or eliminated tumor suppressor genes (or whose gene product proteins were ubiquitinylated) by horizontal insertion of the wild-type genes. First, severe combined immunodeficiency (SCID) could be treated with bone marrow transplants. Haploidentical donor bone marrow transplants often induced graft-versus-host disease (GvHD) and failed to completely restore the function of B lineage lymphocytes. In clinical trials, children (infants) with adenosine deaminase deficiency (X-SCID) receive infused autologous bone marrow progenitor stem cells, which were transduced by a retroviral vector in vitro replacing the deficient gene. Restoration of the immune system occurs without GvHD [795] . In X-SCID the gamma c chain of the IL-2R is mutated (γ-c null) and is not signaling after stimulation with EBV. The cells with mutated IL-2R could be restored to function with a retroviral vector (G1γcSvNa) transducing the wild-type γ-c gene (c for common, because the IL-4R and IL-7R are also involved). In the transduced cells, the IL-2Rs signaled normally and phosphorylated the Jak1/Jak3 (janus kinase) tyrosine kinases [796] . However gene re-insertions by a murine leukemia retroviral vector carried a not foreseen major risk. Five of 20 patients developed acute T cell leukemia (first reported as "clonal T cell proliferation") after retrovirally vectored gene insertion. The vector retrovirus inserted its genome carrying the correct gene next to the T cell proto-oncogene LMO2, and thus activated it by the mechanisms of "insertional oncogenesis" [797] [798] [799] . The proto-oncogene LMO2 stands for "LIM only protein 2" and LIMs are mesenchymal (muscle, etc) proteins encoded by a family of genes (lin/isl/mec). The LMO2 gene is involved in T cell generation and in its activated state transforms from a proto-oncogene into an oncogene [800] . A single chain Fv antibody fragment was developed to specifically inhibit LMO2 [801] , but its clinical usefulness is not yet known. The Max Delbrück Institute of Molecular Medicine, Berlin, Germany, has taken the directives toward nonviral delivery approaches in human gene therapy. A plasmid expressing a transposase in trans position and a donor plasmid containing the DNA (gene) to be integrated are to be used in combination. The DNA to be integrated is flanked in cis position by the terminal repeat sequences of the transposase. The candidate transposons are the Tc1/mariner-type Sleeping Beauty (SB), the Tol2 (both originally fish transposons) and the piggybac (PB). In order to increase the activity of SB, the transposase had to be reconstructed by exchanging its aa composition. Thus arriving at the hyperactive SB100X transposon/transposase, its increased activity in its integration process is over one hundred-fold elevated. The nonmariner-type Tol2 transposon can carry genes as large as 11 kb. While excess transposase could inhibit SB by "overproduction inhibition," Tol2 works better with more transposase at its disposal. The PB transposon is of insect origin (deriving from the lepidopteran noctuid, the cabbage moth, Trichoplusia ni). It was discovered because it inserted itself into the genome of the nuclear polyhedrosis virus, the baculovirus Autographa californica [802] [803] [804] . PB can transpose inserts of 14 kb (too large for any retroviral vector). While SB has no human relatives, PB has its related sequences dispersed in human chromosomes. It is a concern how these endogenous human PB elements would react to the insertion of an exogenous PB transposons. The LTR sequences of SB100X are inert when it comes to activating host cell genes at the transposons integration site. This inactivity has been reinforced by adding an insulator sequence to the expression cassette of the transposons. In contrast, N-terminal DNA-binding domain fused with the transposon PB rendered the transposase more permissive as to its acceptance of DNA (gene sequences) for integration. Silent pluripotent stem cells also accept genes integrated by transposons for the re-programming of these cells. In induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells, the c-myc× c-Myc activation carries the potential danger of oncogenesis. Some called c-myc "the oncogene from hell." Therefore activation of c-myc should be avoided (especially in the case of retroviral vectoring). The PB transposon could already safely deliver genes into mouse fibroblasts and thus reprogram them into iPS cells of endodermal, mesodermal and ectodermal lineages. The natural transposons/transposases become "designer transposases" opening up avenues toward regenerative medicine and cancer therapy by horizontally inserted genes [805] . After proving in mice that SB100X-inserted reporter gene-carrier hematopoietic stem cells function impeccably, human clinical trials have been initiated. In the first human clinical trial, SB100X will encode a chimeric T cell receptor for adoptive immune T cell therapy in patients with CD19 + B lymphocyte lineage malignancies (malignant lymphomas). The new T cell receptor will consist of a specific CD19-reactive single chain v fragment linked to the CD28 endodomain which is fused with the cytoplasmic CD3-zeta (ζ) domain. It was already proven that T cells so reconstructed are cytotoxic to CD19 + B lymphoma cells. The cytotoxic T cell clone will be expanded in vitro on irradiated CD19 + lymphoma cells constantly stimulating it. Genetically engineered T cells will be infused during the period of recovery from myeloablative chemotherapy and autologous stem cell rescue [805] [806] [807] [808] [809] [810] [811] [812] [813] [814] [815] [816] . The once believed accidental, and exceptional horizontal (lateral) gene transfers and cell fusions have become accepted as one of the absolute rules of Nature. So much so, that when some vertically inherited genes have been mistakenly claimed to be horizontally acquired; the matter was quickly corrected [817] . Excessive exchange of genes outside of the vertical route by whatever other means (protocell fusions; protocell fusions fusogenic bacteriophage-mediated, naked DNA transfers; plasmid-, phageand virus-mediated transfer) were the fundamental attributes and inherent characteristics of the living matter. The voracious acquisitions of alien genes in protocells, and in their immediate descendants prohibit a firm rooting of the Tree of Life below the Darwinian threshold. To this author, the genome of the neoplastic cells resembles most the ancient wild-type premordial DNA: aggressive, an eager host (predator) of engulfed genes, and a most willing partner in gene fusions. It is immortal: it divides before its senescence (telomeric loss) and death could set in. Whereas the DNAs serving in multicellular hosts must have undergone through several "taming mutations" resulting in the acceptance of differentiation, service to the cell community, then senescence and death. However, within the stem cell compartments, silent remnants of the ancient wild-type DNAs prevail. In a blind rebellion, the stem cell DNA may divest itself from its superimposed role to differentiate and serve. Instead, it initiates a rebellious attempt at regaining its ancient immortality. The clinicians at the bed side diagnose the formidable disease: "cancer." However, the clinicians are not observing a "disease" as such. The inherent archaic DNA is rising to re-occupy its native territory, expand in the oceans and land as long as nutrients are provided and wastes are eliminated. If the environment freezes in the absolute temperature of the outer space, the DNA waits a milliard years until after it reaches another environment appropriate to its divisions, mutations, fusions and expansions. In another Cambrian sea, the tamed DNA-derivatives begin their service within multicellular organisms, while harboring in their sequences some silent remnants of their wild-type ancestry. "Cancer" is not a disease as such; it is the ancient wild-type DNA's inscribed and inherent faculty for its immortality in any shape or form under any circumstances. The explosive evolution culminating in the armada of creatures in the Cambrian sea, slowed down horizontal gene transfers under the newly installed rules and regulations of vertical inheritance, in which the retention of point-mutated, amplified, recombined and duplicated genes represent the driving force. From this point on, there is a clearly recognizable Tree of Life. Even those highly disciplined cells that form the Tree of Life would not refrain from accepting a useful alien gene whenever a rare opportunity still arises. In other instances, an uninvited retrotransposon or a virus will intrude and implant a new gene into a rigidly organized genome. The host, its defenses overcome, tries to reduce these sequences to pseudogenes, or actually takes use of them as new useful genes; other inserted sequences remain inert for millenia. F. Bushman provided a tabulated list of human genes potentially derived from transposable elements (including telomerase, human endogenous retroviruses, placental syncytins and rags 1 and 2) [435] . Provoke the genomes of plants, domesticated animals and human beings living on Mars: the discipline of the rigidly regulated genomes will melt. In response to the challenge, the genomes will re-open the gates for the acceptance of mutations, gene duplications and new genes. That would be the course of natural evolution. However, gene therapists will intervene to produce a heavy set human race on a planet with low gravitational force, with allowances to anaerobic (Warburg) glycolysis, and with the lipid metabolism of the arctic (polar) bear, the seal (or the penguin). Processes of the lateral (horizontal) gene transfers from archaea and prokaryota to eukaryota and from eukaryota to multicellular eukaryota, substantially restricted, but remaining active, will continue as long as cells evolve on Earth (or on Mars). Voracious lateral (horizontal) exchanges of alien genes between the ancestor proto-spheroplasts of archaea, prokaryota and the first unicellular eukaryota, occurring below the Darwinian threshold, render the rooting of the Tree of Life close to be impossible. A fusogenic phage might have mediated the primordial fusion between crenarchaeal and prokaryotic protoplastic cells to form the first ancestral eukaryotic cell(s). Descendants of fusogenic mycoplasma phages and extant proto-spheroplasts of crenarchaeota and prokaryota may be able to repeat this seminal experiment of Nature in the laboratory. If not by free-swimming DNA retrotransposons encoding the genes for the enzymes that carried out insertions and excisions, horizontal gene transfers were mediated by viruses. Plasmids and bacteriophages served as ancient vehicles of laterally transferred genes. The ancestors of the large dsDNA cytoplasmic viruses (the mimivirus and its relatives) contributed to eukaryogenesis in the "Virus World." These very large viruses remain in existence through some 3 billion years as parasites and/or symbionts to the descendants of the first unicellular eukaryotes. Above the Darwinian threshold, as speciation and the rules of vertical inheritance established themselves, horizontal gene transfers gained another route: the cell fusions, whether hostile or symbiotic, promoting the exchange of alien genes. Some of the most important genes encoding the adaptive immune system in the first chondrichthyes sharks in the Cambrian sea were acquired through horizontal insertions The reticuloendothelial retrovirus inserted its genome into Marek's herpesvirus, or into the fowl pox virus. There is a "criminal collusion" between herpes-and retroviruses dating back to tens of millions of years of co-evolution in the same hosts (simians, primates, Australopithecines, hominoids and Homo) in Africa. How did the original cholera vibrio acquire its cholera toxin genes? What is the oceanic or estuarial environment from which the cholera vibrio and its phages emerged? The donor of the cholera toxin genes (blooming zooplanktons; a dinoflagellate; a crustacean) swims free and unrecognized, while the cholera vibrio spreads around the globe. Of ancient marine mycobacteria, the genes that encode the mycolactone toxin that causes the Buruli ulcer might have been acquired from an ancient amphibian (a frog) by the ancestor of M. marinum and passed by plasmids from it to the later becoming human-pathogen M. ulcerans. The genes encoding antibiotics and antibiotic-resistance, and those of "pathogenicity islands" appear to have emerged after speciation evolved, above the Darwinian threshold. Nevertheless, these gene clusters remain the subjects of horizontal transfers between prokaryota. Eukaryotic cells, including those of the human brain, accept horizontally inserted genes (viral genes, such as those of the Bornavirus). A review with selected references is provided on horizontal gene transfers from archaea and prokaryota to eukaryota and from eukaryota to eukaryota. The genes (operons) of photosynthesis were transferred from cyanobacteria to algae through lateral routes (from engulfed cytoplasmic chloroplasts to the host cell nucleus) and from there to terrestrial plants by vertical inheritance, or into the apicoplasts of plasmodia and other apicoplexan unicellular eukaryota from red algae by horizontal transfers. The female wasps demonstrate superb ingenuity in converting pathogenic ascoviruses into, non-pathogenic in-the-wasps, ichnoviruses, which are immunosuppressive in the caterpillars. There, the hatching of the wasps' fertilized eggs after their insertion culminates without immune rejection. Some insect cell nuclei carry from generation to generation the entire genomes of rickettsia-like bacteria (Wollbachia) and exchange genes with them. The insertion of cellular proto-oncogenes into retroviral genomes (proviral DNAs) is the most ancient form of natural oncogenesis. Inflammation-induced carcinogenesis is analyzed against the backgrounds of chronic bacterial infections with Helicobacter pylori and Bacteroides fragilis, and that of epithelialto-mesenchymal transformation of pre-cancerous stem cells and of cancer cells. In cancerous tissues "natural hybridoma" formations may occur by fusion between lymphoma cells and antibody-secreting plasma cells (first observed, understood and reported in 1970 by this author), or between epithelial cancer cells and mesenchymal (lymphocytes, monocytes) cells. Of these, fusion of human melanoma cells with host monocytes/macrophages the most ostentatious example; here again, a reactivated endogenous retrovirus in the melanoma cell may be the fusogen. Gene therapy with horizontally transferred tumor suppressor genes utilizing transposons as vehicles may induce remissions in, or even cure of, human cancers. Conservation of the chitin utilization pathway in the Vibrionaceae Comparative genomic analysis of Vibrio cholerae: genes that correlate with cholera endemic and pandemic disease Distribution of genes for virulence and ecological fitness among diverse Vibrio cholerae population in a cholera endemic area: tracking the evolution of pathogenic strains The Vibrio cholerae cytolysin promotes chloride secretion from intact human intestinal mucosa Molecular analysis of antibiotic resistance gene clusters in vibrio cholerae O139 and O1STX constins Genomic and functional analyses of SXT, an integrating antibiotic resistance gene transfer element derived from Vibrio cholerae Molecular characterization of Vibrio cholerae O1 strains carrying an SXT/R391-like element from cholera outbreak in Kenya Vibrio chromosomes share common history Clinical recognition and treatment of endotoxinemia N-terminal extension of the cholera toxin A1-chain causes rapid degradation after retrotranslocation from endoplasmic reticulum to cytosol Activation of pro-inflammatory response in human intestinal epithelial cells following Vibrio cholerae infection through PI3K/Akt pathway Cholera toxin inhibits IL-12 production and CD8alpha+ dendritic cell differentiation by cAMP-mediated inhibition of IRF8 function Mucosally induced immunological tolerance, regulatory T cells and the adjuvant effect by cholera toxin B subunit Role of cholera toxin-induced apoptosis in alteration of macrophages in mice Antigen-specific memory B-cell responses to Vibrio cholerae O1 infection in Bangladesh Cholera caused by Vibrio cholerae O1 induces T-cell responses in the circulation Cholera vaccines: WHO position paper Reactogenicity of live-attenuated Vibrio cholerae vaccines is dependent on flagellins Oral cholera vaccines: a call for action Development of antitumor immunity by oral vaccination with tumor antigen and cholera vaccine Peru-15 (AVANT) Peru-15, a live attenuated oral cholera vaccine, is safe and immunogenic in Bangladesh toddlers and infants Development of Peru-15 (CholeraGarde), a live attenuated oral cholera vaccine Chloroplast-derived vaccine antigens confer dual immunity against cholera and malaria by oral or injectable delivery Bicarbonate induces vibrio cholerae virulence gene expression by enhancing ToxT activity Resveratrol, a natural polyphenolic compound, inhibits cholera toxininduced cyclic AMP accumulation in Vero cells Structure of Vibrio cholerae ToxT reveals a mechanism for fatty acid regulation of virulence genes Molecular analyses of a putative CTXphi precursor and evidence for independent acquisition of distinct CTX(phi)s by toxigenic Vibrio cholerae Lateral gene transfer of O1 serogroup encoding genes of Vibrio cholerae A putative integrase gene defines the distal end of large cluster of ToxR-regulated colonization genes in Vibrio cholerae Coordinated regulation of virulence by quorum sensing and motility pathways during the initial stages of Vibrio cholerae infection Quorum-regulated biofilms enhance the development of conditionally viable, environmental Vibrio cholerae The virulence transcriptional activator AphA enhances biofilm formation by Vibrio cholerae by activating expression of the biofilm regulator VpsT Emergence and evolution of Vibrio cholerae O139 Cloning and sequencing of the genes downstream of the wbf gene cluster of Vibrio cholerae serogroup O139 and analysis of the junction genes in other serogroups Examination of diverse toxin-coregulated pilus-positive vibrio cholerae strains fails to demonstrate evidence for Vibrio pathogenicity island phage Serogroup conversion of vibrio cholerae in aquatic reservoirs Cholin toxin, a novel ADP-ribosylating factor from Vibrio cholerae Three-dimensional structure of different functional forms of the Vibrio cholerae hemolysin oligomer: a cryo-electron microscopic study Mechanistic structural insights into the proteolytic activation of Vibrio cholerae MASRTX toxin Structural and molecular mechanism for autoprocessing of MARTX toxin of Vibrio cholerae at multiple sites Isolation of a bacteriophage specific for CS7-expressing strain of enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli The Longus type IV pilus of enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli (ETEC) mediates bacterial self-aggregation and protection from antimicrobial agents Carbohydrate binding specificities and crystal structure of the cholera toxin-like B-subunit from Citrobacter freundii Longus, a type IV pilus of enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli, is involved in adherence to intestinal epithelial cells Complete genomic sequence of bacteriophage phiEcoM-GJ1, a novel phage that has myovirus morphology and a podovirus-like RNA polymerase Evaluation of bacteriophages for prevention and treatment of diarrhea due to experimental enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli O149 infection Transduction of enteric Escherichia coli isolates with a derivative of Shiga toxin 2-encoding bacteriophage phi3538 isolated from Escherichia coli O157:h7 Grazing protozoa and the evaluation of the Escherichia coli O157:H7 Shiga toxin-encoding prophage Characterization of eukaryotic-like tyrosine protein kinase expressed by the Shiga toxin-encoding bacteriophage 933 W Evolution in quantum leaps: multiple combinatorial transfers of HPI and other genetic modules in Enterobacteriaceae Regulation of hemagglutinin/protease expression by the VarS/VarA-CsrA/B/C/D system in Vibrio cholerae Three pathogenicity islands of vibrio cholerae can excise from the chromosome and form circular intermediates Pathogenicity islands and phages in Vibrio cholerae evolution Replicating function of the RS1 element associated with Vibrio cholerae CTX phi prophage RS1 element of Vibrio cholerae can propagate horizontally as a filamentous phage exploiting the morphogenesis genes of CTXphi CTXphi-independent production of the RS1 satellite phage by Vibrio cholerae Classical RS1 and environmental RS1 elements in Vibrio cholerae O1 El Tor strain harbouring a tandem repeat of CTX prophage: revisiting Mozambique in 2005 Molecular evidence favouring step-wise evolution of Mozambique Vibrio cholerae O1 El Tor hybrid strain Induction of the lysogenic phage encoding cholera toxin in naturally occurring strains of toxigenic Vibrio cholerae O1 and O139 Molecular characterization of a new ribotype of Vibrio cholerae O139 Bengal associated with an outbreak of cholera in Bangladesh Transfer of cholera toxin genes from O1 to non-O1/O139 strains by vibriophages from California coastal waters Genomic sequence and receptor for the Vibrio cholerae phage KSF-1phi: evolutionarty divergence among filamentous vibriophages mediating lateral gene transfer Satellite phage TCLϕ enables conversion by CTX phage through dif site alteration Phages and the evolution of bacterial pathogens: from genomic rearrangements to lysogenic conversion Marine phage genomics The marine viromes of four oceanic regions New genera of RNA viruses in subtropical seawater, inferred from polymerase gene sequences Metagenomic analysis of viruses in reclaimed water New dimensions of the virus world discovered through metagenomics Functional viral metagenomics and the next generation of molecular tools Metagenomics for the discovery of novel human viruses CRISP/Cas, the immune system of bacteria and archaea Assessment of the evolutionary origin and possibility of CRISP-Cas (CASS) mediated RNA interference pathway in Vibrio cholerae O359 A study of the prevalenve of regulatory genes controlling virulence gene expression among Vibrio cholerae El Tor biovariant strains varying in their pandemic potential Aerobic microorganisms associated with free-ranging bottlenose dolphins in coastal Gulf of Mexico and Atlantic Ocean waters Isolation and experimental infection with vibrio alginolyticus in the sea horse Genomic diversity of vibrios associated with the Brazilian coral Mussismilia hispida and its sympatric zoanthids Molecular evidence for the existence of lipopolysaccharideinduced TNF-alpha factor (LITAF) and Rel/NF-kB pathways in disk abalone (Haliotis discus discus) Molecular cloning, characterization and mRNA expression of two antibacterial peptides: crustin and anti-lipopolysaccharide factor in swimming crab Portunus trituberculatus Neuraminidase activity, hemolysin, permeability factor and lethal toxin in filtrates of halophilic sea vibrios Contamination of community water sources by potentially pathogenic vibrios following sea water inundation Complete nucleotide sequence of a plasmid pVAE259 from vibrio alginolyticus and analysis of molecular biological characteristic of the plasmid Putative spawner-isolated mortality virus associated with mid-crop mortality syndrome in farmed Penaeus monodon from northern Australia Detection of shrimp infectious myonecrosis virus by reverse transcription loop-mediated isothermal amplification combined with a lateral flow dipstick Hypothesis for heritable, anti-viral immunity in crustaceans and insects RNA interference-based therapeutics for shrimp viral diseases Role of anti-lipopolysaccharide factor from the white spot syndrome virus infection Bioassay evidence for the transmission of WSSV by the harpacticoid copepod Nitocra sp Association of Vibrio cholerae O1 El Tor and O139 Bengal with the copepod Acartia tonsa and Eurytemora affinis Inferring the evolutionary history of vibrios by means of multilocus sequence analysis Luminous vibriosis in rock lobster Jasus verreauxi (Decapoda: Palinuridae) phyllosoma larvae associated with infection by Vibrio harveyi Bacterial flora from the gut of the wild and cultured banana prawn, Penaeus merguiensis Vibrio harveyi: a significant pathogen of marine vertebrates and invertebrates Vibrio comitans sp., nov., Vibrio rarus sp. nov. and Vibrio inusitatus sp. nov., from the gut of the abalones Haliotis discus discus, H. gigantea, H. madaka and H. rufescens Vibrio splendidus biotype 1 as a cause of mortalities in hatchery-reared larval turbot, Scophthalmus maximus (L) Ulcerative enteritis in Homarus americanus: case report and molecular characterization of intestinal aerobic bacteria of apparently healthy lobsters in live storage Shrimp pathogenicity, hemolysis, and the presence of hemolysin and TTSS genes in Vibrio harveyi isolated in Thailand Critical factors influencing the occurrence of Vibrio cholerae in the environment of Bangladesh Development of a real-time PCR assay for detection of monodon baculovirus (MBC) in penaeid shrimp A real-time PCR for the detection of hepatopancreatic parvovirus (HPV) of penaeid shrimp Shrimp hepatopancreatic parvovirus detection by combining loop-mediated amplification with a lateral flow dipstick A quick fuse and the emergence of Taura syndrome virus Improved sensitivity of Taura syndrome virus immunodetection with a monoclonal antibody against the recombinant VP2 capsid protein Characterization of a Taura syndrome virus isolate originating from the 2004 Texas epizootic in cultured shrimp A virulent isolate of yellow head nidovirus contains a deformed envelope glycoprotein gp116 Evidence for a novel coding sequence overlapping the 5 -terminal approximately 90 codons of the gill-associated and yellow head okavirus envelope glycoprotein gene Analysis of the VP19 and VP28 genes of white spot syndrome virus in Korea and comparison with strains from other countries White spot syndrome virus: an overview on an emergent concern Three tetraspanins from Chinese shrimp, Fenneropenaeus chinensis, may play important role in WSSV infection Loose shell syndrome of farmed Penaeus monodon in India is caused by a filterable agent Antiviral immunity in crustaceans Evolution of gene orders in genomes of cyanobacteria Intraphylum diversity and complex evolution of cyanobacterial aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases Comparative gene expression in toxic versus non-toxic strains of the marine dinoflagellate Alexandrium minutum Ma-LMM01 infecting toxic Microcystis aeruginosa illuminates diverse cyanophage genome strategies Genomic foot prints of a cryptic plastid endosymbiosis in diatoms Evaluation of the production of paralytic shellfish poisoning toxins by extracellular bacteria isolated from the toxic dinoflagellate Alexandrium minutum Growth characteristics of Heterosigma akashiwo virus and its possible use as a microbiological agent for red tide control Structure and absolute configuration of karlotoxin-2, an ichthyotoxin from the marine dinoflagellate Karlodinium veneficum Diverse responses of the bivalve-killing dinoflagellate Heterocapsa circularisquama to infection by a single-stranded RNA virus Remarkable sequence similarity between the dinoflagellate-infecting marine girus and the terrestrial pathogen African swine fever virus Adaptive eukaryote-to-eukaryote lateral gene transfer: stressrelated genes of algal origin in the closest unicellular relatives of animals An icosahedral algal virus has a complex unique vertex decorated by a spike Chlorella viruses encode most, if not all, of the machinery to glycosylate their glycoproteins independent of the endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi A unicellular algal virus, Emiliania huxleyi virus 86, exploits an animal-like infection strategy The "Cheshire Cat" escape strategy of the coccolithophore Emiliania huxleyi in response to viral infection Viral glycosphingolipids induce lytic infection and cell death in marine phytoplankton Horizontal gene transfer of an entire metabolic pathway between a eukaryotic alga and its DNA virus Life-cycle and genome of OtV5, a large DNA virus of the pelagic marine unicellular green alga Ostreococcus tauri Evolutionary genomics of nucleo-cytoplasmic large DNA viruses Taxonomic distribution of large DNA viruses in the sea Virus-encoded aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases: structural and functional characterization of mimivirus TyrRS and MetRS Proteomic analysis of the EHV-86 virion Phylogenetic evidence for extensive lateral acquisition of cellular genes by nucleocytoplasmic large DNA viruses Identification of multiple independent horizontal gene transfers into poxviruses using comparative genomic approach Poxviruses as possible vectors for horizontal transfer of retrotransposons from reptiles to mammals Giant Marseillevirus highlights the role of amoebae as a melting pot in emergence of chimeric microorganisms Genome analysis of microorganisms living in amoebae reveals a melting pot of evolution Structure of A197 Sulfolobus turreted icosahedral virus: a crenarchaeal viral glycosyltransferase exhibiting the GT-A fold Structure of an archaeal virus capsid protein reveals a common ancestry to eukaryotic and bacterial viruses Evolutionary genomics of archaeal viruses: unique viral genomes in the third domain of life ORF157 from the archaeal virus Acidianus filamentous virus 1 defines a new class of nuclease Structural studies of the giant mimivirus Structural, biochemical, and in vivo characterization of the first virally encoded cyclophilin from the Mimivirus Mimivirus and its virophage Mimivirus and Mimiviridae: giant viruses with an increasing number of potential hosts, including corals, and sponges The first virally encoded cytochrome p450 Involvement of nucleotide excision repair (NER) system in repair of mono ADP-ribosylated dG adducts produced by pierisin-1, a cytotoxic protein from cabbage butterfly Cap analog substrates reveal three clades of cap guanine-N2 methyltransferases with distinct methyl acceptor specificities Die Grundlagen der Virusforschung. Verlag der Ungarischen Akademie der Wissenschaften mRNA deep sequencing reveals 75 new genes and a complex transcriptional landscape in Mimivirus Dissecting the unique nucleotide specificity of mimivirus nucleoside diphosphate kinase The virophage as a unique parasite of the giant mimivirus Structural studies on the sputnik virophage Evidence that the intra-amoebal Legionella drancourtii acquired a sterol reductase gene from eukaryotes Ameba-associated microorganisms and diagnosis of nosocomial pneumonia Amoebal pathogen mimivirus infects macrophages through phagocytosis Clinical significance of a positive serology for mimivirus in patients presenting a suspicion of ventilator-associated pneumonia Seuchenhafte Hirnrückenmarks-Nervenentzündung der Hühner. Neuroencephalomyelitis gallinarum Studies on the etiology of Marek's disease. II. Finding of a herpesvirus in cell culture Preliminary studies on cell cultures infected with Marek's disease agent Marek's disease herpesvirus: in vivo and in vitro infection of kidney cells of different genetic strains of chicken Interactions between Marek's disease herpesvirus and avian leucosis virus in tissue culture Biological and biochemical evidence for an interaction between Marek's disease herpesvirus and avian leukosis virus in vivo Adult human sarcomas. I. Basic science An avian, oncogenic retrovirus replicates in vivo in more then 50% of CD4 + and CD8 + T lymphocytes from an endangered grouse Isolation, identification, and complete genome sequence of an avian reticuloendotheliosis virus isolated from geese Different localization of the product of the v-rel oncogene in chicken fibroblasts and spleen cells correlates with transformation by REV-T CAPERalpha is a novel Rel-TAD-interacting factor that inhibits lymphocyte transformation by the potent REL/NF-kappaB oncoprotein v-Rel MicroRNA-26a-mediated regulation of interleukin-2 expression in transformed avian lymphocyte lines A jumonji (Jarid2) protein complex represses cyclin D1 expression by methylation of histone H3-K9 Reticuloendotheliosis virus strain T induces miR-155, which targets JARID2 and promotes cell survival Phylogeny and recombination history of gallid herpesvirus 2 (Marek's disease virus) genomes Marek's disease virus EcoRI-Q gene (meq) and a small RNA antisense to ICP4 are abundantly expressed in CD4 + cells and cells carrying a novel lymphoid marker, AV37, in Marek's disease lymphomas The RNA subunit of telomerase is encoded by Marek's disease virus Genomics and Marek's disease virus Latency of Marek's disease virus (MDV) in a reticuloendotheliosis virus-transformed T-cell line. II: Expression of the latent MDV genome Interaction of MEQ protein and C-terminal-binding protein is critical for induction of lymphomas by Marek's disease virus Syngeneic and allogeneic cell-mediated cytotoxicity against Marek's disease lymphoblastoid tumor cell lines Syngeneic lysis of reticuloendotheliosis virus-transformed cell line transfected with Marek's disease virus genes by virus-specific cytotoxic T cells Syngeneic Marek's disease virus (MDV)-specific cell-mediated immune responses against immediate, early, late and unique MDV proteins Adoptive immunotherapy for human cancers: Flagmen signal first "open road" then "roadblocks Cytolytic immune lymphocytes in the armamentarium of the human host. Products of the evolving universal immune system Human natural killer cells: a comprehensive review Characterization of reticuloendotheliosis virus-transformed avian T-lymphoblastoid cell lines infected with Marek's disease virus Reticuloendotheliosis virus long terminal repeat elements are efficient promoters in cells of various species and tissue origin, including human lymphoid cells Retrovirus insertion into herpesvirus in vitro and in vivo Augmentation of retrovirus-induced lymphoid leukosis by Marek's disease herpesviruses in white Leghorn chickens Transactivation of the Rous sarcoma virus long terminal repeat promoter by Marek's disease virus Trans-activation of the human immunodeficiency virus long terminal repeat sequence by DNA viruses Marek's disease virus-mediated enhancement of avian leukosis virus gene expression and virus production Interaction between Marek's virus encoded or induced factors and the Rous sacoma virus long terminal repeat promoter Retroviral insertions into a herpesvirus are clustered at the junctions of the short repeat and short unique sequences Retroviral insertional activation in a herpesvirus: transcriptional activation of US genes by an integrated long terminal repeat in a Marek's disease virus clone Retroviral insertional activation of the c-myb proto-oncogene in a Marek's disease T-lymphoma cell line Retroviral insertional mutagenesis of a herpesvirus: a Marek's disease virus mutant attenuated for oncogenicity but not for immunosuppression or in vivo replication Molecular and biological characterization of a Marek's disease virus field strain with reticuloendotheliosis virus LTR insert Functional evaluation of the role of reticuloendotheliosis virus long terminal repeat (LTR) integrated into the genome of a field strain of Marek's disease virus Field isolates of fowlpox virus contaminated with reticuloendotheliosis virus Detection and differentiation of re-emerging fowlpox virus (FWPV) strains carrying integrated reticuloendiotheliosis virus (FEPV-REV) by real-time PCR Full genome sequences of two reticuloendotheliosis viruses contaminating commercial vaccines Integration of the reticuloendotheliosis virus envelope gene into the poultry fowlpox virus genome is not universal Quantitative PCR as a tool to determine the reticuloendotheliosis virus-proviral load of fowlpoxvirus Activation of human immunodeficiency virus by herpesvirus infection: Identification of a region within the long terminal repeat that responds to trans-acting factor encoded by herpes simplex virus 1 Activation of the human immunodeficiency virus by herpes simplex virus type 1 Herpes simplex virus ICP0 and ICP4 immediate early proteins strongly enhance expression of a retrovirus harbored by a leptomeningeal cell line from a patient with multiple sclerosis Bidirectional enhancing activities between human T cell leukemia-lymphoma virus type 1 and human cytomegalovirus in human term syncytiotrophoblast cells cultured in vitro Epstein-Barr virus permissively infects human syncytiotrophoblasts in vitro and induces replication of human T cell leukemia-lymphoma virus type I in dually infected cell Human herpesvirus 6 variant a infects human term syncytiotrophoblasts in vitro and induces replication of human immunodeficiency virus type I in dually infected cells Primary effusion lymphoma cells undergoing human herpesvirus type 8 productive infection produce C-type retrovirus particles Acyclovir and transmission of HIV-1 from persons infected with HIV-1 and HSV-2 Was dinosaurian physiology inherited by birds? Reconciling slow growth in archaeopteryx Plumage color patterns of an extinct dinosaur Paleontology. Bird-dinosaur link firmed up and in brilliant Technicolor Structural coloration in a fossil feather Fossilized melanosomes and the colour of Cretaceous dinosaurs and birds Exceptional dinosaur fossils show ontogenetic development of early feathers The mitochondrial genomes of the iguana (Iguana iguana) and the caiman (Caiman crocodylus): implications for amniote phylogeny Timing of organogenesis supports basal position of turtles in the amniote tree of life RT-PCR detection of the expression of the polymerase gene of a novel reptilian herpesvirus in tumor tissues of green turtles with fibropapilloma The Ozoranchus leech is a candidate mechanical vector for the fibropapilloma-associated turtle herpesvirus found latently infecting skin tumors on Hawaiian green turtles (Chelonia mydas) Sequencing and characterization of the full-length gene encoding the single-stranded DNA binding protein of a novel Chelonian herpesvirus Distribution of Chelonid fibropapillomatosis-associated herpesvirus variants in Florida: molecular genetic evidence for infection of turtles following recruitment to neritic developmental habitats Genomic variation of the fibropapilloma-associated marine turtle herpesvirus across seven geographic areas and three host species Early fibropapillomas in Hawaii and occurrences in all sea turtle species: the panzootic, associated leeches wide-ranging on sea turtles, and species of study leeches should be identified Use of baculovirus-expressed glycoprotein H in an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay developed to assess exposure to chelonid fibropapillomatosis-associated herpesvirus and its relationship to the prevalence of fibropapillomatosis in sea turtles Two herpesviruses associated with disease in wild Atlantic loggerhead turtles (Caretta caretta) The order Herpesvirales Phylogenetic relationships in the family of Alloherpesviridae Integrating reptilian herpesviruses into the family of herpesviridae Topics of herpesvirus genomics and evolution Lymphoid follicular cloacal inflammation associated with a novel herpesvirus in juvenile alligators (Alligator mississippiensis) Detection of psittacid herpesvirus 1 in Amazon parrots with cloacal papilloma (internal papillomatosis of parrots, IPP) in an aviary of different psittacine species Complete mitochondrial DNA sequences of the green turtle and blue-tailed mole skink: statistical evidence for archosaurian affinity of turtles A comparison of reptilian and avian olfactory receptor repertoires: species-specific expansion of group gamma genes in birds Complete sequence and expression of a cDNA encoding a chicken 115-kDa melanosomal matrix protein Evolution of chicken repeat 1 (CR1) elements: evidence for ancient subfamilies and multiple progenitors Patterns of vertebrate isochore evolution revealed by comparison of expressed mammalian, avian, and crocodilian genes Hard cornification in reptilian epidermis in comparison to cornification in mammalian epidermis Cytochemical and molecular characteristics of the process of cornification during feather morphogenesis Beta-keratins of turtle shell are glycin-proline-tyrosine rich proteins similar to those of crocodilians and birds The first cytogenetic map of tuatara, Sphenodon punctatus Different origins of bird and reptile sex chromosomes inferred from comparative mapping of chicken Z-linked genes A bacterial artificial chromosome library for the Australian saltwater crocodile (Crocodylus porosus) and its utilization in gene isolation and genome characterization Origin and evolution of avian microchromosomes Molecular characterization profiles in response to bacterial infection of Chinese soft-shelled turtle interleukin-8 (IL-8), the first reptilian chemokine gene Salmonella enteritis-induced alterations of inflammatory CXCL chemokine messenger-RNA expression and histologic changes in the ceca of infected chicks Innate immune gene expression differentiates the early avian intestinal response between Salmonella and Campylobacter Differential cytokine expression in Chlamydophila psittaci genotype A-, B-or D-infected chicken macrophages after exposure to Escherichia coli O2:K1 LPS Campylobacter jejuni invade chicken LMH cells inefficiently and stimulate differential expression of the chicken CXCLi1 and CXCLi2 cytokines IgD in the reptile leopard gecko Gene structure evolution of the Na + -Ca 2+ exchanger (NCX) family Expression of the dentin matrix protein 1 gene in birds Retroviral diversity and distribution in vertebrates The morphogenesis of feathers Extended mitogenomic phylogenetic analyses yield new insight into crocodylian evolution and their survival of the Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary Paleogenomics of pterosaurs and the evolution of small genome size in flying vertebrates Genome evolution in Reptilia: in silico chicken mapping of 12,000 BAC-end sequences from two reptiles and a basal bird Gamma herpesviruses: pathogenesis of infection and cell signaling Kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus Lana-1 is a major activator of the serum response element and mitogen-activated protein kinase pathways via interactions with the mediator complex Identification of kaposin (open reading frame K12) as a human herpesvirus 8 (Kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus) transforming gene Characterization of the human herpesvirus 8 (Kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus) oncogene, kaposin (ORF K12) Kaposi's sarcoma associated herpes virus (KSHV) induced COX-2: a key factor in latency, inflammation, angiognesis, cell survival and invasion Epigenetic regulation of Kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus replication Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 Tat accelerates Kaposi sarcomaassociated herpesvirus kaposin A-mediated tumorigenesis of transformed fibroblasts in vitro as well as in nude and immunocompetent mice Definition of an optimal cytotoxic T lymphocyte epitope in the latently expressed Kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus kaposin protein Identification of cytotoxic T lymphocyte epitopes of human herpesvirus Acquired immune deficiency syndrome: speculations about its etiology and comparative immunology Lectures and symposia of the 14th International Cancer Congress Contradictory concepts in the etiology and regression of Kaposi's sarcoma. The Ferenc Györkey memorial lecture Identification of a herpesvirus saimiri cis-acting DNA fragment that permits stable replication of episomes in transformed T cells Herpesviruses saimiri and ateles: their role in malignant lymphomas of monkeys The ancient Virus World and evolution of cells On the origin of cells and viruses: primordial virus world scenario The complexity of the virus world The precelluler scenario of genovirions The not so universal tree of life or the place of viruses in the living world Viruses and the evolution of life The source of self: genetic parasites and the origin of adaptive immunity Eukaryotic large nucleo-cytoplasmic DNA viruses: clusters of orthologous genes and reconstruction of viral genome evolution An evolutionary analysis of lateral transfer in thymidylate synthase enzymes Margulis) L (1967) On the origin of mitosing cells An overview of endosymbiotic models for the origins of eukaryotes, their ATP-producing organelles (mitochondria and hydrogenosomes), and their heterotrophic lifestyle Darwinian evolution in the light of genomics Viruses in the revolving cyclorama of the living matter (in Hungarian with English summary and literature) The place of viruses in the "tree of life Part I. Basic science. Magyar Epidemiologia (Hungarian Epidemiology) V/2-3:237-255 A unique cell division machinery in Archaea The archaebacterial origin of eukaryotes On the evolution of cells The archaeal concept and the world it lives in: a retrospective Molecular signatures of ribosomal evolution The origin and evolution of Archaea: a state of the art Genomics of bacteria and archaea: the emerging dynamic view of the prokaryotic world How clonal are bacteria? Population structure and evolutionary dynamics of pathogenic bacteria Search for a 'Tree of Life' in the thicket of the phylogenetic forest Lateral gene transfer and the origins of prokaryotic groups Recent advances in the expression, evolution, and dynamics of prokaryotic genomes Rapid pathway evolution facilitated by horizontal gene transfers across prokaryotic lineages CRISPR elements in the Thermococcales: evidence for associated horizontal gene transfer in Pyrococcus furiosus On the chimeric nature, thermophilic origin, and phylogenetic placement of the Thermotogales Structure of the nondiscriminateing aspartyl-tRNA synthetase from the crenarchaeon Sulfolobus tokodaii strain 7 reveals the recognition mechanism for two different tRNA anticodons Evolution of genes, evolution of species: the case of aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases Crystal structure of Pyrococcus horikoshii tryptophanyl-tRNA synthetase and structure-based phylogenetic analysis suggest an archaeal origin of tryptophanyl-tRNS synthetase Photosynthetic microbial mats in the 3,416-Myr-old ocean The cyanobacterial genome core and the origin of photosynthesis Regulation and evolution of chlorophyll metabolism The Sorcerer II Global Ocean sampling expedition: metagenomic characterization of viruses within aquatic microbial samples The genome and structural proteome of an ocean siphovirus; a new window into the cyanobacterial "mobilome A proteomic approach to the identification of the major virion structural proteins of the marine cyanomyovirus S-PM2 A free standing homing endonuclease targets an introns insertion site in the psbA gene of cyanophages The origins and ongoing evolution of viruses Archaeal proviruses TKV4 and MVV extend the PRD1-adenovirus lineage to the phylum Euaryarchaeota Comparative analysis of clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats (CRISPRs) loci in the genomes of halophilic archaea Assessment of the evolutionary origin and possibility of CRISPR-Cas (CASS) mediated RNA interference pathway in Vibrio cholerae O395 CRISPR/Cas system and its role in phage-bacteria interactions The CRISPR system: small RNA-guided defense in bacteria and archaea CRISPR interference: RNA-directed adaptive immunity in bacteria and archaea Intervening sequences of regularly spaced prokaryotic repeats derive from genetic elements Comparative analysis of CRISPR loci in lactic acid bacteria genomes Molecular evolution of Salmonella enterica serovar typhimurium and pathogenic Escherichia coli: from pathegenesis to therapeutics CRISPR interference limits horizontal gene transfer in staphylococci by targeting DNA Adaptive evolution of bacterial metabolic networks by horizontal gene transfer Award: Host-pathogen interactions in community-acquired urinary tract infections Virulence plasmid harboured by uropathogenic Escherichia coli functions in acute stages of pathogenesis Expansion and countrywide dissemination of ST11, ST15, and ST147 ciprofloxacin-resistant CTX-M-15-type beta-lactamase-producing Klebsiella pneumoniae epidemic clones in Hungary in 2006: the new 'MRSAs Escherichia coli sequence type ST131 as an emerging fluoroquinolone-resistant uropathogen among renal transplant recipients A small RNA regulates multiple ABC transporter mRNAs by targeting C/A-rich elements inside and upstream of ribosom-binding sites A functional collagen adhesion gene, acm, in clinical isolates of Enterococcus faecium correlates with the recent success of this emerging nosocomial pathogen Enterococcal surface protein contributes to persistence in the host but is not a target of opsonic and protective antibodies in Enterococcus faecium infection Pyrosequencing-based comparative genome analysis of the nosocomial pathogen Enterococcus faecium and identification of a large transferable pathogenicity island The Pseudomonas aeruginosa pathogenicity island PAPI-1 is transferred via a novel type IV pilus Heterologous expression of enterotoxin AS-48 in several strains of lactic acid bacteria Characterization of linear forms of the circular enterocin AS-48 obtained by limited proteolysis Genetic features of circular bacteriocins produced by Gram-opositive bacteria Untersuchungen über die Wechselwirkung nicht-antibiotischer Pilze und Bakterien A Mycobacterium marinum mel2 mutant is defective for growth in macrophages that produce reactive oxygen and reactive nitrogen species The ESX-5 secretion system of Mycobacterium marinum modulates the macrophage response Mycobacterium marinum lipooligosaccharides are unique caryophyllose-containing cell wall glycolipids that inhibit tumor necrosis factor-alpha secretion in macrophages Host-detrimental role of Esx-1-mediated inflammasome activation in mycobacterial infection Insights from the complete genome sequence of Mycobacterium marinum on the evolution of Mycobacterium tuberculosis Horizontal transfer of a virulence operon to the ancestor of Mycobacterium tuberculosis Signature-tagged transposon mutagenesis identifies novel Mycobacterium tuberculosis genes involved in the parasitism of human macrophages Contribution of horizontally acquired genomic islands to the evolution of tubercle bacilli Fatty acid biosynthesis in Mycobacterium tuberculosis: lateral gene transfer, adaptive evolution, and gene duplication A fragment of 21 ORFs around the direct repeat (DR) region of Mycobacterium tuberculosis is absent from the other sequenced mycobacterial genomes: implication for the evolution of the DR region CRISPR provides acquired resistance against viruses in prokaryotes Regions of high antigenicity within the hypothetical PPE major polymorphic tandem repeat open-reading frame, Rv2608, show a differential humoral respone and a low T cell response in various categories of patients with tuberculosis Expression and characterization of Rv2430c, a novel immunodominant antigen of Mycobacterium tuberculosis Mycobacterial PE, PPE, and ESX clusters: novel insights into the secretion of these most unusual protein families Frequent homologous recombination events in Mycobacterium tuberculosis PE/PPE multigenic families: potential role in antigenic variability Evidence for a rapid rate of molecular evolution at the hypervariable and immunogenic Mycobacterium tuberculosis PPE38 gene region Cytokine gene polymorphisms are associated with risk of urinary bladder cancer and recurrence after BCG immunotherapy A comprehensive study of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) across Mycobacterium bovis strains and M. bovis BCG vaccine strains refines the genealogy and defines a minimal set of SNPs that separate virulent M. bovis strains and M. bovis BCG strains Comparable studies of immunostimulating activities in vitro among Mycobacterium bovis bacillus Calmette-Guérin (BCG) substrains Identification of Mycobacterium tuberculosis-specific genomic regions encoding antigens inducing protective cellular immune responses Whole genome sequence analysis of Mycobacterium bovis bacillus Calmette-Gueérin (BCG) Tokyo 172: a comparative study of BCG vaccine substrains A single-nucleotide mutation in the -10 promoter region inactivates the narK2X promoter in Mycobacterium bovis and Mycobacterium bovis BCG and has an application in diagnosis Novel recombinant BCG expressing perfringolysin O and the over-expression of key immunodominant antigens; pre-clinical characterization, safety and protection against challenge with Mycobacterium tuberculosis Effective anti-tumor responses induced by recombinant bacillus Calmette-Guérin vaccines based on different tandem repeats of MUC1 and GM-CSF Possible underlying mechanisms for successful emergence of the Mycobacterium tuberculosis Beijing genotype strains Tuberculosis and leprosy in perspective Comparative proteomics of the Mycobacterium leprae binding protein myelin P0: its implication in leprosy and other neurodegenerative diseases Genomewide association study of leprosy C-type lectin DC-SIGN modulates Toll-like receptor signaling via Raf-1 kinase-dependent acetylation of transcription factor NF-kappaB Mycobacterial ESAT-6 and katG are recognized by sarcoidosis CD4 + T cells when presented by the American Sarcoidosis Susceptibility Allele, DRB1 * 1101 Expanded polyfunctional T cell response to mycobacterial antigens in TB disease and contraction post-treatment Comparative genomic and phylogeographic analysis of Mycobacterium leprae Genetic diversity of Mycobacterium leprae isolates from Brazilian leprosy patients Is leprosy spreading among nine-banded armadillos in the southeastern United States? Whole-genome tiling array analysis of Mycobacterium leprae RNA reveals high expression of pseudogenes and noncoding regions Implications of high level pseudogene transcription in Mycobacterium leprae Comparative sequence analysis of Mycobacteriun leprae and the new leprosy-causing Mycobacterium lepromatosis Various genotypes of Mycobacterium leprae from Mexico reveal distinct geographic distribution The elusive diagnosis of leprosy Recent advances in leprosy and Buruli ulcer (Mycobacterium ulcerans infection) Ongoing genome reduction in Mycobacterium ulcerans Analysis of the Mycobacterium ulcerans genome sequence reveals new loci for variable number tandem repeats (VNTR) typing Evolution of two distinct phylogenetic lineages of the emerging human pathogen Mycobacterium ulcerans Mycobacterium ulcerans in mosqitoes captured during outbreak of Buruli ulcer, southeastern Australia First cultivation and characterization of Mycobacterium ulcerans from the environment First isolation of Mycobacterium ulcerans from an aquatic environment: the end of a 60-year search? Structure elucidation of a novel family of mycolactone toxins from the frog pathogen Mycobacterium sp. MU128FXT by mass spectrometry Reductive evolution and niche adaptation inferred from the genome of Mycobacterium ulcerans, the causative agent of Buruli ulcer Large sequence polymorphisms unveil the phylogenetic relationship of environmental and pathogenic mycobacteria related to Mycobacterium ulcerans Deciphering the genetic basis for polyketide variation among mycobacteria producing mycolactons Transfer, stable maintenance and expression of the mycolactone polyketide megasynthase mls genes in a recombination-impaired Mycobacterium marinum Evolution of Mycobacterium ulcerans and other mycolactone-producing mycobacteria from a common Mycobacteriun marinum progenitor Lateral gene transfer in Mycobacterium avium subspecies paratuberculosis Non Mycobacterial virulence genes in the genome of the emerging pathogen Mycobacterium abscessus Urochordates and the origin of natural killer cells: identification of a CD94/NKR-P1-related receptor in blood cells of Botryllus Recognition strategies in the innate immune system of ancestral chordates The development of immunological capacity in phylogenetic perspective The evolution of the immune response. VII. Antibody to human "O" cells and properties of the immunoglobulin in lamprey Variable lymphocyte receptors in hagfish Structure and specificity of lamprey monoclonal antibodies Report from the killer immunoglobulin-like receptor (KIR) anthropology component of the 15th International Histocompatibilty Workshop: worldwide variation in the KIR loci and further evidence for the co-evolution of KIR and HLA Proceedings: Determination of the number of antibody structural genes by DNA-RNA hybridization Evidence for somatic rearrangement of immunoglobulin genes coding for variable and constant regions Cytolytic lymphocytes and complement: effectors of the immune system The ancestral complement system in sea urchins Novel genes dramatically alter regulatory network topology in amphioxus Immunology: immunity's ancient arms Lateral DNA transfer A functional analysis of the spacer of V(D)J recombination signal sequences Macroarray analysis of coelomocyte gene expression in response to LPS in the sea urchin. Identification of unexpected immune diversity in an invertebrate RAG1 core and V(D)J recombination signal sequences were derived from Transib transposons Molluscan mobile elements similar to the vertebrate recombination activating genes The rag locus of Porphyromonas gingivalis might arise from Bacteroides via horizontal gene transfer An ancient evolutionary origin of the Rag1/2 gene locus The origin of the Rag genes: from transposition to V(D)J recombination Origin and evolution of the adaptive immune system: genetic events and selective pressurs Immunoglobulin light chain class multiplicity and organizational forms in early vertebrate phylogeny Genetic and functional relationship between MHC and NK receptor genes Evolution of gene function and regulatory control after wholegenome duplication: comparative analyses in vertebrates The amphioxus genome illustrates vertebrate origins and cephalochordate biology The amphioxus genome and the evolution of the chordate karyotype Impact of endogenous intronic retroviruses on major histocompatibility complex class II diversity and stability Primordial emergence of the recombination activating gene 1 (RAG 1) sequence of the complete shark gene indicates homology in microbial integrases Antibodies of sharks: revolution and evolution Epstein-Barr virus infection of T cells: implications for altered T-lymphocyte activation, repertoire development and autoimmunity Role of T cells in EBV-infected systemic lupus erythematosus patients Epstein-Barr virus replicative gene transcription during de novo infection of human thymocytes: simultaneous early expression of BZLF-12 and its repressor Raz EBV infection of T cells: potential role in malignant transformation Inactivation of NF-kappaB by EBV BZLF-1-encoded ZEBRA protein in human T cells Stable expression of Epstein-Barr virus BZLF-1-encoded ZEBRA protein activates p53-dependent transcription in human Jurkat T-lymphoblastoid cells Modulation of p53 activity by IkappaBalpha: evidence suggesting a common phylogeny between NF-kappaB and p53 transcription factors The DDE recombinases: diverse roles in acquired and innate immunity Paleo-immunology: evidence consistent with insertion of a primordial herpesvirus-like element in the origins of acquired immunity AP-1: the Jun proteins: oncogenes or tumor suppressors in disguise Jun proteins inhibit autophagy and induce cell death Methyl 2-cyano-3,12-dioxyooleana-1,9-dien-28-oate (CDDO-Me) decreases specificity protein(SP) transcription factors and inhibits pancreatic tumor growth: role of microRNA-27a Inhibition of Sp1-depenedent transcription and antitumor activity of the new aureolic acid analogues mithramycin SDK and SK in human ovarian cancer xenografts Prokaryotic homologs of Argonaute proteins are predicted to function as key components of a novel system of defense against mobile genetic elements Systematic analysis of viral and cellular microRNA targets in cells latently infected with human gamma-herpesviruses by RISC immunoprecipitation assay Making RISC How to slice: snapshots of Argonaute in action ) miRNA, siRNA, piRNA and argonautes: news in small matters How does the royal family of Tudor rule the PIWI-interacting RNA pathway Expression of the Argonaute protein PiwL2 and piRNAs in adult mouse mesenchymal stem cells Immune system: success owed to a virus? The international Berlin symposium on Bornavirus infections: from animals to man: 50 years of development Adaptation of Borna virus to the mouse Detection of serum antibodies to Borna disease virus in patients with psychiatric disorders Borna disease virus infection in animals and humans No association of borna disease virus with psychiatric disorders among patients in northern Kyushu disease: virus-induced neurobehavioral disease pathogenesis Borna disease virus Borna disease virus: does it infect humans and cause psychiatric disorders? Borna disease virus and neuropsychiatric disease -a reappraisal High-avidity human serum antibodies recognizing linear epitopes of Borna disease virus proteins Borna disease virus and infection in humans Borna disease virus infection, a human mental-health risk Borna disease virus and the evidence for human pathogenicity: a systematic review Borna disease: a persistent virus infection of the central nervous system The biology of bornavirus Human bornavirus infection: towards a valid diagnostic system Endogenous non-retroviral RNA virus elements in mammalian genomes Recombination of retrotransposon and exogenous RNA virus results in nonretroviral cDNA integration The impact of retrotransposons on human genome evolution L1 retrotransposition in human neural progenitor cells Bornavirus enters the genome The evolution of novel fungal genes from non-retroviral RNA viruses Molecular evolution of herpesviruses: genomic and protein sequence comparisons Molecular biology of human herpesvirus 6A and 6B Persistent long-term human herpesvirus 6 (HHV-6) infection in a patient with Langerhans cell histiocytosis High-level human herpesvirus-6 viremia associated with onset of Stevens-Johnson syndrome: report of two cases Human herpesvirus 6 Acquisition of the human adeno-associated virus type-2 rep gene by human herpesvirus type 6 Human hepesvirus 6 (HHV-6) is a helper virus for adenoassociated virus type 2 (AAV-2) and the AAV-2 rep gene homologue in HHV-6 can mediate AAV-2 DNA replication and regulate gene expression Human herpesvirus 6A suppresses both transformation by H-ras and transcription by the H-ras and human immunodeficiency virus type 1 promoters Integration of human herpesvirus 6 in a Burkitt's lymphoma cell line Inheritance of chromosomally integrated human harpesvirus 6 DNA Fine mapping of an apparently targeted latent human herpesvirus type 6 integration site in chromosome band 17p13 Human herpesvirus 6 (HHV-6) is transmitted from parent to child in an integrated form and characterization of cases with chromosomally intergrated HHV-6 DNA Human herpesvirus 6 integrates within telomeric regions as evidenced by five different chromosomal sites The latent human herpesvirus-6A genome specifically integrates in telomeres of human chromosomes in vivo and in vitro Human herpesvirus 6 infection impairs Toll-like receptor signaling Characterization of the rhesus fibromatosis herpesvirus MARCH family member rfK3 The latency-associated nuclear antigen of Kaposi's sarcomaassociated herpesvirus transactivates the telomerase reverse transcriptase promoter Kaposi's sarcoma: breeding ground of herpesviridae: a tour de force over viral evolution Archaeal-eubacterial mergers in the origin of eukarya: phylogenetic classification of life The chimeric eukaryote: origin of the nucleus from the karyomastigont in amitochondriate protists The last eukaryotic common ancestor (LECA): acquisition of cytoskeletal mobility from aerotolerant spirochetes in the proterozoic eon Spirochete attachment ultrastruucture: implications for the origin and evolution of cilia Centrioles and kinetosomes: form, function and evolution The conscious cell Widespread distribution of archaeal gyrase in thermophilic bacteria suggests a complex history of vertical inheritance and lateral gene transfers Genomic islands: tools of bacterial horizontal gene transfer and evolution Origin of plant chloroplasts and mitochondria based on comparisons of 5S ribosomal RNAs Transketolase from Cyanophora paradoxa: in vitro import into cyanelles and pea chloroplasts and a complex history of a gene often, but not always, transferred in the context of secondary endosymbiosis The chloroplast genomes of the green algae Pyramimonas, Monomastix, and Pycnococcus shed new light on the evolutionary history of prasinophytes and the origin of the secondary chloroplast of euglenids Ancient recruitment by chromists of green algal genes encoding enzymes for carotenoid biosynthesis Role of horizontal gene transfer in the evolution of photosynthetic eukaryotes and their plastids Analysis of 5 -leader regions in protozoa type apicomplexa and red algae plastids An unusual ERAD-like complex is targeted to the apicoplast of Plasmodiun falciparum Mitochondrial evolution and functions in malaria parasites The apicoplast of Plasmodium falciparum is translationally active The malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum has only one pyruvate dehydrogenase complex, which is located in the apicoplast The toxoplasma gondii plastid replication and repair enzyme complex Phylogenic analyses suggest lateral gene transfer from the mitochondrion to the apicoplast Lateral transfers of serine hydroxymethyl transferase (glyA) and UDP-Nacetylglucosamine enolpyruvyl transferase (murA) genes from free-living actinobacteria to the parasitic chlamydiae Chlamydiae have contributed at least 55 genes to plantae with predominantly plastid function Genomic footprints of a cryptic plastid endosymbiont in diatoms The transferome of metabolic genes explored: analysis of the horizontal transfer of enzyme encoding genes in unicellular eukaryotes Gene transfers from nanoarchaeota to an ancestor of diplomonads and parabasalia Evolution of four gene families with patchy phylogenetic distributions: influx of genes into protist genomes A genomic survey of the fish parasite Spironucleus salmonicida indicates genomic plasticity among diplomonads and significant lateral gene transfer in eukaryote genome evolution Transposases are the most abundant, most ubiquitous genes in nature Species sympatry and horizontal transfers of mariner transposons in marine crustacean genomes Finding a way to the nucleus Comparative genomics of marine cyanomyoviruses reveals the widespread occurrence of Synecoccus host genes localized to a hyperplastic region: implications for mechanisms of cyanophage evolution Characterization of a 5 -polynucleotide kinase/3 -phosphatase from bacteriophage RM378 Mobile regulatory cassettes mediate modular shuffling in T4-type phage genomes Wide dispersal and possible multiple origins of lowcopy-number plasmids in rickettsia species associated with blood-feeding arthropods Homologs of eukaryotic Ras superfamily proteins in prokaryotes and their novel phylogenetic correlation with their eukaryotic analogs Functional specialization of cellulose synthase genes of prokaryotic origin in chordate larvaceans Evidence of recent interkingdom horizontal gene transfer between bacteria and Candida parapsilosis Acquisition of prokaryotic genes by fungal genomes Phylogenomic analysis demonstrates a pattern of rare and ancient horizontal gene transfer between plants and fungi Genes acquired by horizontal transfer are potentially involved in the evolution of phytopathogenecity in Moniliophthora perniciosa and Moniliophthora roreri, two of the major pathogens of cacao Recent fungal diseases of crop plants: is lateral gene transfer a common theme Whole genome evaluation of horizontal transfers in the pathogenic fungus Aspergillus fumigatus Transfer of plastid DNA from tobacco to spoil bacterium Acinetobacter sp. by natural transformation The genomic organization of plant pathogenicity in Fusarium species Widespread horizontal transfer of mitochondrial genes in flowering plants Evidence of multiple horizontal transfers of the long terminal repeat retrotransposon RIRE1 within the genus Oryza Investigation of possible horizontal gene transfer from transgenic rice to soil microorganisms in paddy rice field Crown gall disease and hairy root disease: a sledgehammer and a tackhammer Plant proteins involved in Agrobacterium-mediated genetic transformation Effective vectors for transformation, expression of heterologous genes, and assaying transposons excision in transgenic plants An efficient method for the production of marker-free transgenic plants of peanut (Arachia hypogaea L) Efficient Agrobacterium tumefaciens-mediated transformation and regeneration of garlic (Allium sativum) immature leaf tissue Agrobacterium tumefaciens-mediated transformation of Cleome gynandraL: A C4 dicotyledon that is closely related to Arabidopsis thaliana Experimental evolution of a plant pathogen into a legume synmbiont Exchange of genetic material between cells in plant tissue grafts Horizontally trnsfered genes in plant-parasitic nematodes: a high-throughput genomic approach Phylogenomic evidence supports past endosymbiosis, intracellular and horizontal gene transfer in Cryptosporidium parvum Proteomic analyses of the photoauto-and diazotrophically grown cyanobacterium Nostoc sp Bacterial α2-macroglobulins: colonization factors acquired by horizontal gene transfer from the metazoan genome Evidence for bacterial origin of heat shock RNA-1 Where do animal alpha-amylases come from? An interkingdom trip The complement protein kinases of the microsporidium Encephalitozoon cuniculi in relation to those of Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Schizosaccharomyces pombe Generation of genetic diversity in microsporidia via sexual reproduction and horizontal gene transfer Characterization of the restriction enzyme-like endonuclease encoded by the Entamoeba histolytica non-long terminal repeat retrotransposon EhLINE1 Evidence that the intra-amoebal Legionella drancourtii acquired a sterol reductase gene from eukaryotes Horizontal gene transfer in eukaryotic parasites: a case study of Entamoeba histolytica and Trichomonas vaginalis Horizontal gene transfer of the algal nuclear gene psbO to the photosynthetic sea slug Elysia chlorotica Widespread lateral gene transfer from intracellular bacteria to multicellular eukaryotes Genome evolution of Wolbachia strain wPip from the Culex pipiens group Wolbachia genome integrated in an insect chromosome: evolution and fate of laterally transferred endosymbiont genes An ancient horizontal gene transfer between mosquito and the endosymbiotic bacterium Wolbachia pipientis Horizontal gene transfer between Wolbachia and the mosquito Aedes aegypti Accelerated microevolution in an outer membrane protein (OMP) of the intracellular bacteria Wolbachia Widespread evidence for horizontal transfer of transposable elements across Drosophila genomes Hosimary: a new hAT transposons group involved in horizontal transfer Wolbachia as a bacteriocyte-associated nutritional mutualist Wolbachia and bacteriophage WO-B density of Wolbachia A-infected Aedes albopictus mosquito The tripartite associations between bacteriophage, Wolbachia and arthropods Bacteriophage WO-B and Wolbachia in natural mosquito hosts: infection incidence, transmission mode and relative density Lateral phage transfer in obligate intracellular bacteria (wolbachia): verification from natural populations Molecular and biochemical characterization of a novel arthropod endobeta-1,3-glucanase from the Antarctic springtail, Cryptopygus antarcticus, horizontally acquired from bacteria Bacterial genes in the aphid genome: absence of functional gene transfer from Buchnera to its host Lateral transfer of genes from fungi underlies carotenoid production in aphids Genome sequence of the pea aphid Acyrthosiphon pisum Genomic evidence for complementary purine metabolism in the pea aphid, Acyrthosiphon pisum, and its symbiotic bacterium Buchnera aphidicola Genomic insight into the amino acid relations of the pea aphid, Acyrthosiphon pisum, with its symbiotic bacterium Buchnera aphidicola Facultative symbionts in aphids and the horizontal transfer of ecologically important traits Molecular evidence for the evolution of ichnoviruses from ascoviruses by symbiogenesis The genome of beet cryptic virus 1 shows high homology to certain cryptoviruses present in phylogenetically distant hosts Whole genome surveys on rice, maize, and sorghum reveal multiple horizontal transfers of the LTR-retrotransposon Route66 in Poaceae Lateral gene transfers between prokaryota and multicellular eukaryotes: ongoing and significant? Pathogenicity islands of virulent bacteria: structure, function and impact on microbial evolution A bacteriophage encoding a pathogenicity island, a type-IV pilus and a phage receptor in cholera bacteria Bacteriophage in Helicobacter (Campylobacter) pylori Characterization of a Helicobacter pylori phage (HP1) Bacteriophage therapy: a revitalized therapy against bacterial infectious diseases Helicobacter pylori-antigen-binding fragments expressed on the filamentous M13 phage prevent bacterial growth Rolling circle-replicating plasmids from gram-positive and gramnegative bacteria: a wall falls Gain and loss of multiple genes during the evolution of Helicobacter pylori Host-interactive genes in Amerindian Helicobacter pylori diverge from their Old World homologs and mediate inflammatory responses Inter-species horizontal transfer resulting in core-genome and niche-adaptive variation within Helicobacter pylori A variable gene in a conserved region of the Helicobacter pylori genome: isotopic gene replacement or rapid evolution Helicobacter pylori evolution and phenotypic diversification in a changing host Bacterial alpha2-macroglobulins: colonization factors acquired by horizontal gene transfer from the metazoan genome? Helicobacter pylori, inflammation, oxidative damage and gastric cancer: a morphological, biological and molecular pathway Relationship of Helicobacter pylori to Bcl-2 family expression, DNA content, and pathological characteristics of gastric cancer Gastric MALT lymphoma with t(14;18)(q32;q21) involving IGH and BCL2 genes that responded to Helicobacter eradication K-ras mutation and cell kinetics in Helicobacter pylori associated gastric intestinal metaplasia: a comparison before and after eradication in patients with chronic gastritis and gastric cancer Role of regulatory T-cells in H. pylori-induced gastritis and gastric cancer Helicobacter pylori induces ERK-dependent formation of a phosphoc-Fos c-Jun activator protein-1 complex that causes apoptosis in macrophages Monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 is generated via TGFbeta by myofibroblasts in gastric intestinal metaplasia and carcinoma without H. pylori infection Helicobacter pylori infection, oncogenic pathways and epigenetic mechanisms in gastric carcinogenesis Influence of IL1B polymorphism on CpG island hypermethylation in Helicobacter pylori-infected gastric cancer Helicobacter pylori and gastric cancer: possible role of microRNAs in this intimate relationship Concurrent overexpression of serum p53 mutation related with Helicobacter pylori infection Potential role of Helicobacter pylori in hepatocarcinogenesis Detection of Helicobacter in the liver of patients with chronic cholestatic liver disease Helicobacter species ribosomal DNA in the pancreas, stomach and duodenum of pancreatic cancer patients Inreased prevalence of seropositivity for non-gastric Helicobacter species in patients with autoimmune liver disease Multiple displacement amplification of isolated DNA from human gallstones: molecular identification of Helicobacter DNA by means of 16S rDNA-based pyrosequencing analysis Helicobacter pylori toxin VacA induces vacuole formation by acting in cell cytosol Helicobacter pylori and gastric cancer Helicobacter pylori: gastric cancer and beyond Platelet response to Helicobacter pylori eradication therapy in adult chronic idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura seems to be related to the presence of anticytotoxin-associated gene A antibodies Association of Helicobacter pylori infection with idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura Infectious causes of chronic immune thrombocytopenia Anti-Helicobacter pylori treatment in patients with idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura Helicobacter pylori infection and autoimmune disease such as immune thrombocytopenic purpura Ten-day sequential therapy as first-line treatment for Helicobacter pylori infection in Korea: a retrospective study A randomized controlled trial: efficacy and safety of azithromycin, ofloxacin, bismuth, and omeprazole compared with amoxicillin, clarithromycin, bismuth, and omeprazole as second-line therapy in patients with Helicobacter pylori infection Increase in resistance rates of H. pylori isolates to metronidazole and tetracycline -comparisone of three 3-year studies Stem cells in the colonic mucosa Septicemia with bacteroides in patients with malignant disease Bacteremia caused by non-sporulating anaerobes in cancer patients. A 12-year experience Clinical significance of and outcomes for Bacteroides fragilis bacteremia Enterotoxigenic Bacteroides fragilis A Wnt kinase network alters nuclear localization of TCF-1 in colon cancer Induction of persistent colitis by a human commensal enterotoxigenic Bacteroides fragilis, in wild-type C57BL/6 mice Enterotoxigenic Bacteroides fragilis: a rogue among symbiotes Postoperative intra-abdominal infection increases angiogenesis and tumor recurrence after surgical excision of colon cancer in mice Mitogen-activated protein kinase and activator protein-1 dependent signals are essential for Bacteroides fragilis enterotoxin-induced enteritis Inhibition of apoptosis in Bacteroides fragilis enterotoxin-stimulated intestinal epithelial cells through the induction of c-IAP-2 Bacteroides fragilis enterotoxin induces intestinal epithelial cell secretion of interleukin-8 through mitogen-activated protein kinase and a tyrosine kinase-regulated muclear factor-kappa B pathway A human colonic commensal promotes colon tumorigenesis via activation of T helper type 17 T cell response BCL9 promotes tumor progression by conferring enhanced proliferative, metastatic, and angiogenic properties to cancer cells Genome sequence of the Bacteroides fragilis phage ATCC 51477-B1 Bacteroides fragilis BmeABC efflux systems additively confer intrinsic antimicrobial resistance Clinical significance of overexpression of multiple RND-family efflux pumps in Bacteroides fragilis isolates Genetic analysis of mechanisms of multidrug resistance in a clinical isolate of Bacteroides fragilis BmeRABC5 is a multidrug efflux system that can confer metronidazole resistance in Bacteroides fragilis Inhibition of the transport function of membrane proteins by some substituted phenothiazines in E. coli and multidrug resistant tumor cells Structure and function of efflux pumps that confer resistance to drugs Since phenothiazines alter antibiotic susceptibility of microorganisms by inhibiting efflux pumps, are these agents useful for evaluating similar pumps in phenothiazine-sensitive parasites? Antimicrobial activity of phenothiazines Comparison of multidrug resistant efflux pumps of cancer and bacterial cells with respect to the same inhibitory agents A novel ATP-binding cassette transporter, ABCG8 is involved in chemoresistance of Leishmania Functionality of drug efflux pumps in antimonial resistant Leishmania donovani field isolates Resident microbiota of the gypsy moth midgut harbors antibiotic resistance determinants Effect of SILA-409, a new organosilicon multigrug resistance modifier, on human pancreatic cancer xenografts Sila 421, an inhibitor of efflux pumps of cancer cells, enhances the killing of intracellular extensively drug-resistant tuberculosis (XDR-TB) Elimination of plasmids by SILA compounds that inhibit efflux pumps of bacteria and cancer cells A MATE family multidrug efflux transporter pumps out fluoroquinolones in Bacteroides thetaiotaomicron Occurrence of metronidazole and imipenem resistance among Bacteroides fragilis group clinical isolates in Hungary The place of molecular genetic methods in the disgnostics of human pathogenic anaerobic bacteria. A minireview Molecular investigation of genetic elements contributing to metronidazole resistance in Bacteroides strains Examination of cfiA-mediated carbapenem resistance in Bacteroides fragilis strains from a European antibiotic susceptibility survey Coincidence of bft and cfiA genes in a multi-resistant clinical isolate of Bacteroides fragilis Genetic determinants for cfxA.expression in Bacteroidees strains isolated from human infections Gene context and DNA rearrangements in the carbapenemase locus of division II strains of Bacteroides fragilis Characterization of a new type of Bacteroides conjugative transposon, Tcr Emr7853 Location and characterization of the transfer region of a Bacteroides conjugative transposons and regulation of transfer genes Characterization of a Bacteroides mobilizable transposon, NBU2, which carries a functional lincomycin resistance gene Evidence for extensive resistance gene transfer among Bacteroides spp. and among Bacteroides and other genera in the human colon Tetracycline-associated transcriptional regulation of transfer genes of the Bacteroides conjugative transposon CTnDOT CTnDOT integrase interactions with attachment site DNA and control of directionality of the recombination reaction Homology-dependent interactions determine the order of strand exchange by IntDOT recombinase A newly discovered Bacteroides conjugative transposon, CTnGERM1, contains genes also found in gram-positive bacteria Genetic alterations in the adenoma-carcinoma sequence Cloning, characterization and chromosomal assignment of the human genes homologous to yeast PMS1, a member of mismatch repair genes Mutations of two PMS homologues in hereditary nonpolyposis colon cancer Hereditary nonpolyposis colorectal cancer and related conditions The adenoma carcinoma sequence: an indoctrinated model for tumorigenesis, but is it always a clinical reality Transcriptional census of 36 microdissected colorectal cancers yields a gene signature to distinguish UICC II and III Inflammation and cancer: back to Virchow? Meisel-Mikolajczyk F (1997) Detection of endotoxins and enterotoxins of Bacteroides fragilis in culture media Prevalence of enterotoxigenic Bacteroides fragilis strains (ETBF) in the gut of chidren with clinical diagnosis of antibiotic associated diarrhoea Bacteroides fragilis toxin rearranges the actin cytoskeleton of HT28/C1 cells without direct proteolysis of actin or decrease in F-actin content Bacteroides fragilis enterotoxin induces c-Myc expression and cellular proliferation Assessment of K-ras mutation: a step toward personalized medicine for patients with colorectal cancer The role of KRAS mutation testing in the management of patients with metastatic colorectal cancer The function of BCL9 in Wnt/beta-catenin signaling and colorectal cancer cells Epigenetic inactivation of the Wnt antagonist DICKKOPF-1 (DKK-1) gene in human colorectal cancer Frequent epigenetic inactivation of DICKKOPF family genes in human gastrointestinal tumors DICKKOPF-4 is induced by TCF/beta-catenin and upregulated in human colon cancer, promotes tumour cell invasion and angiogenesis and is repressed by 1alpha Dickkopf-2 as a new potential marker for neoangiogenesis in colorectal cancer: expression in cancer tissue and adjacent non-cancerous tissue Dickkopf-4 and -2 genes are upregulated in human colorectal cancer Dickkopf-4 is frequently down-regulated and inhibits growth of colorectal cancer cells The Wnt antagonist DICKKOPF-1 gene is induced by 1alpha,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 associated to the differentiation of human colon cancer cells Vitamin D and Wnt/beta-catenin pathway in colon cacer: role and regulation of DICKKOPF genes Activation-induced cytidine deaminase links between inflammation and the development of colitis-associated colorectal cancers Alteration of p53 gene and microsatellite instability in ulcerative colitis and ulcerative colitis-associated colorectal cancer Label-free global serum proteomic profiling reveals novel celecoxibmodulated proteins in familial adenomatous polyposis patients High expression of HSP47 in ulcerative colitis-associated carcinomas: proteomic approach Differential proven expression profile in the intestinal epithelium from patients with inflammatory bowel disease Rho GDP dissociation inhibitor alpha expression correlates with the outcome of CMF treatment in invasive ductal breast cancer Identification of a new WASP and FKBP-like (WAFL) protein in inflammatory bowel disease: a potential marker gene for ulcerative colitis The ulcerative colitis marker WAFL interacts with accessory proteins in endocytosis Disease-related expression of the IL6/STAT3/SOCS3 signaling pathway in ulcerative colitis and ulcerative colitis-related carcinogenesis STAT2 contributes to promotion of colorectal and skin carcinogenesis The innate immune receptor Nod1 protects the intestine from inflammation-induced tumorigenesis Mucosal biomarkers in inflammatory bowel disease: Key pathogenic players or disease predictors? Inflammatory bowel disease and mutations affecting the interleukin-10 receptor Interleukin-10 in inflammatory bowel diseae Inflammatory bowel diseae Evidence for immunosurveillance in intestinal premalignant lesions Identification of known drugs that act as inhibitors of NF-kappaB signaling and their mechanism of action A gut feeling of the PXR, PPAR and NF-kappaB connection Conjugated linoleic acid ameliorates inflammation-induced colorectal cancer in mice through activation of PPARgamma Interleukin-6 trans-signaling and colon cancer associated with inflammatory bowel disase Inflammation and stem cells in gastrointestinal carcinogenesis Intestinal mucosal inflammation leads to systemic genotoxicity in mice The cancer stem cell marker CD133 has high prognostic impact but unknown functional relevance for the metastasis of human colon cancer Transplanation of allogeneic mesenchymal stem cells from the bone marrow increases duration of remission and reduces the risk of ulcerative colitis relapse Appearance of bone marrow derived stem cells in healthy and regenerating colon epithelium Role of antimicrobial peptides (AMP) and pattern recognition receptors (PRR) in the intestinal mucosa homeostasis Early low grade gastric MALToma rarely transforms into diffuse large cell lymphoma or progresses beyond the stomach and regional lymph nodes A complexomic study of two Helicobacter pylori strains of two pathological origins: potential targets for vaccine development ad new insight into bacteria metabolism Array-based hybridization of Helicobacter pylori isolates to the complete genome sequence of an isolate associated LT lymphoma Concerns about the predictive factors for tumor regression, definition, and management of nonresponders, and relapse of gastric mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue lymphoma related to Helicobacter pylori Helicobacter pylori and gastric mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue (MALT) lymphoma: updated review of clinical outcomes and the molecular pathogenesis Differential expression of NF-kappaB target genes in MALT lymphoma with and without chromosome translocation: insights into molecular mechanism Gastric MALT lymphoma: a model of chronic inflammationinduced tumor development Translocation of Helicobacter pylori CagA into human B lymphocytes, the origin of mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue lymphoma Conversion of Helicobacter pylori CagA from senescence inducer to oncogenic driver through polarity-dependent regulation of p21 Cytotoxic T cells in H. pylori-related gastric autoimmunity and gastric lymphoma B-cell receptor signaling and CD40 ligand-independent T cell help cooperate in Helicobacter-induced MALT lymphomagenesis Treatment of gastric marginal zone lymphoma of MALT type Commensal bacteria can enter colonic epithelial cells and induce proinflammatory cytokine secretion: a possible pathogenic mechanism of ulcerative colitis Nuclear factor-kappa B activation pathway in intestinal epithelial cells is a major regulator of chemokine gene expression and neutrophil migration induced by Bacteroides fragilis enterotoxin The Fas counterattack: Fas-mediated T cell killing by colon cancer cells expressing Fas ligand Expression of Fas ligand in liver metastases of human colonic adenocarcinoma APO-1Fas)-mediated apoptosis in colon epitelial cells; a possible role in ulcerative colitis Evidence for Fas counter attack in vivo from a study of colorectal cancer Fas ligand expression is correlated with metastasis in colorectal carcinoma Human colorectal cells induce T-cell death through release of proapoptotic microvesicles: role in immune escape Fas ligand expression in colon cancer: a possible mechanism of tumor immune privilege Role of cytokines in promoting immune escape of FasL-expressing human colon cancer cells Vaccination against human cancers The effects of FasL on inflammation and tumor survival are dependent on its expression levels Neutrophil-dependent tumor cell rejection and priming of tumoricidal T cell response induced by dendritic cells overexpressing CD95L Metastatic colorectal cancer cells from patients previously treated with chemotherapy are sensitive to T-cell killing mediated by CEA/CD3-bispecific T-cell-engaging BiTE antibody Immune-induced epithelial to mesenchymal transition in vivo generates breast cancer stem cells Horizontal gene transfers and cell fusions in microbiology, immunology and oncology Molecular signature for epithelial to mesenchymal transition in a human colon cancer cell system is revealed by large-scale microarray analysis Foxp3 expression in pancreatic carcinoma cells as a novel mechanism of immune evasion in cancer Transitions between epithelial and mesenchymal states: acquisition of malignant and stem cell traits Role of miRNA-145a in the regulation of the innate immune response and cancer Expression and secretion of immunoglobulin alpha heavy chain with diverse VDJ recombinations by human epithelial cancer cells A notable phenomenon recapitulated. A fusion product of a murine lymphoma cell and a leukemia virus-neutralizing antibody-producer host plasma cell formed spontaneously and secreting the specific antibody continuously The first observation (in the late 1960s) of fused lymphoid cells continously secreting specific antibodies The earliest concept of the "hybridoma principle" recognized in 1967-1968 Immunoresistant tetraploid lymphoma cells In: Leukemia-Lymphoma. A collection of papers presented at the fourteenth annual clinical conference on cancer An immunological explanation for the starry sky histological pattern of a malignant lymphoma Hodgkin's disease: the involvement of viral agents in the etiology Hodgkin's disease Hodgkin's disease revisited. Reed-Sternberg cells as natural hybridomas Viral expressions in Reed-Sternberg cells Immunocompetence of leukemic murine lymphoblasts: ultrastructure, virus and globulin production Carcinogenesis driven by bone marrow-derived stem cells Recurrence cancer stem cells: made by cell fusion? An inquiry into some mechanical factors in the production of lymphocytes An experimental comparison of transplanted tumor and a transplanted normal tissue capable of growth A sarcoma of the fowl transmissible by an agent separable from te tumor cells The histological signs of resistance to a transmissible sarcoma of the fowl Oncogenic viruses 1979-1980) Cellular origin of transforming genes of RNA tumor viruses DNA related to the transforming gene(s) of avian sarcoma viruses is present in normal avian DNA Purification of DNA complementary to nucleotide seuquences required for neoplastic transformation of fibroblasts by avian sarcoma viruses RNA-directed DNAthesis and RNA tumor viruses Isolation of a new type C retrovirus (HTLV) in primary uncultured cells of a patient with Sézary T-cell leukemia History of the discoveries of the first human retroviruses: HTLV-1 and HTLV-2 The viruses in all of us: characteristics and biological significance of human endogenous retrovirus sequences Expression of the human endogenous retrovirus-K transmembrane envelope, Rec and Np9 proteins in melanomas and melanoma cell lines Species-specific endogenous retroviruses shape the transcriptional network of the human tumor suppressor protein p53 Identification of putative endogenous retroviruses actively transcribed in the brain Reconstitution of the ancestral glycoprotein of human endogenous retrovirus K and modulation of its functional activity by truncation of the cytoplasmic domain Endogenous retroviruses in trophoblast differentiation and placental development Human-specific subfamilies of HERV-K (HML-2) long terminal repeats: three master genes were active simultaneously during branching of hominid lineages Functional analysis of retroviral endogenous inserts in the human genome evolution Differential expression of human endogenous retrovirus K transcripts in primary human melanocytes and melanoma cell lines after UV irradiation Gene therapy in infants with severe combined immunodeficiency Correction of interleukin-2 receptor function in X-SCID lymphoblastoid cells by retrovirally mediated transfer of the gamma-c gene LMO2-associated clonal T cell proliferation in two patients after gene therapy for SCID-X1 The role of LMO2 in development and in T cell leukemia after chromosomal translocation or retroviral insertin Insertional oncogenesis in 4 patients after retrovirusmediated gene therapy of SCID-X1 Identification of a high incidence region for retroviral vector integration near exon 1 of the LMO2 locus An antibody inhibitor of the LMO2-protein complex blocks its normal and tumorigenic functions Transposon mutagenesis of baculoviruses: analysis of Trichoplusia ni transposon IFP2 insertion within the FP-locus of nuclear polyhedrosis viruses Gene organization and transcription of TED, a lepidopteran retrotransposon integrated within the baculovirus genome Molecular evolutionary analysis of the widespread piggyBac transposon family and related "domesticated" sequences Emerging potential of transposons for gene therapy and generation of induced pluripotential stem cells Sleeping Beauty, a wide host range transposon vector for genetic transformation in vertabrates Transposable elements for transgenesis and insertional mutagenesis in vertebrates: a contemporary review of experimental strategies Sleeping Beauty transposition: biology and application for molecular therapy Technology transfer from worms and flies to vertebrates: transposition-based genome manipulation and their future perspectives Molecular evolution of a novel hyperactive Sleeping Beauty transposase enables robust stable gene transfer in vertebrates The ancient mariner sailes again: transposition of the human Hsmar1 element by a reconstructed transposase and activities of the SETMAR protein on transposons ends Genomic parasites and genome evolution Transposons-mediated genome manipulation in vertebrates Efficient stable gene transfer into human cells by the Sleeping Beauty transposon vectors Stable gene transfer and expression in cord blood-derived CD34+ hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells by a hyperactive Sleepong Beauty transposons system Comparative analysis of transposable element vector systems in human cells Much ado about bacteria-to-vertebrate gene transfer Studies on the infectivity of influenza virus multiplying in the mouse ling The Sinkovics hybridoma. The discovery of the first "natural hybridoma History of microbiology The author appreciates it and is grateful for the ready access to information on research projects carried out at marine biological and citrus tristeza virus research institutions in Florida and Texas.