key: cord-0929536-sb7kgu24 authors: Yang, Hai-Jun; Zhang, Yan-Mei; Yang, Min; Huang, Xing title: Re: Predictors of mortality for patients with COVID-19 pneumonia caused by SARSCoV-2: a prospective cohort study date: 2020-08-03 journal: Eur Respir J DOI: 10.1183/13993003.02439-2020 sha: dafb70acf41584ec0d94dd563ced8011ce2faa61 doc_id: 929536 cord_uid: sb7kgu24 We found that there were several issues which are worth clarifying in Du R. H. et al.'s paper published in the European Respiratory Journal. with COVID-19 pneumonia were associated with increased risk of death from this disease [1] . They further identified that CD3+CD8+ T-cells ⩽75 cells·μL −1 and cardiac troponin I especially ⩾0.05 ng·mL −1 could be used as predictors for mortality of patients with COVID-19 pneumonia using matched case-control study [1] . With great interest, we have read the full text of the paper and found that there are several issues which are worth to clarifying. [2] . Taken together, the findings of the study reported by Du R et al are of great significance, though some possible error and inappropriate expression were found. We hope our comments will be helpful to improve the expression and increase the quality of the paper published by Du R et al. Predictors of mortality for patients with COVID-19 pneumonia caused by SARS-CoV-2: a prospective cohort study Methods for estimating the case fatality ratio for a novel, emerging infectious disease