key: cord-0927518-cwdemk8k authors: Bartoli, Davide; Trotta, Francesca; Pucciarelli, Gianluca; Simeone, Silvio; Miccolis, Rosa; Cappitella, Carmen; Rotoli, Daniele; Rocco, Monica title: The Lived Experiences of Family Members Who Visit Their Relatives In Covid-19 Intensive Care Unit for The First Time: A Phenomenological Study date: 2022-03-21 journal: Heart Lung DOI: 10.1016/j.hrtlng.2022.03.012 sha: e50b107f6e58368f35c828888aa0b981d1b6c673 doc_id: 927518 cord_uid: cwdemk8k BACKGROUND: : COVID-19 patient experiences in the intensive care unit (ICU) are marked by family separation. Families understand the importance of isolation and hospital visiting policies, but they consider it necessary to visit their loved ones and use personal protective equipment. OBJECTIVE: : To describe the lived experiences of family members in their first contact with a relative in a COVID-ICU. METHODS: : A phenomenological study was conducted using Cohen's method. The subjects were interviewed using an open-question format to allow them full freedom of expression. Twelve family members were recruited between February and March 2021. RESULTS: : Analysis of the qualitative data resulted in five major themes: (1) fear of contagion related to donning/doffing procedures, (2) positive emotions related to first contact with the hospitalized relative, (3) concern for the emotional state of the hospitalized relative, (4) impact of the COVID-ICU and comparisons between imagination and reality regarding the severity of the disease, and (5) recognition of and gratitude toward healthcare professionals. CONCLUSIONS: : It has been confirmed that visits to the ICU reduce anxiety among family members. Our findings constitute an internationally relevant contribution to understanding of the needs of relatives who meet loved ones for the first time while wearing personal protective equipment. Medicine examined these issues and coined the term -post-intensive care family syndrome (PICS-F)‖ to better describe these symptoms among the family members of ICU patients 9 . The experiences of patients hospitalized in the COVID-ICU are characterized by separation from family members and loneliness associated with EOL assistance (provided by unknown caregivers) and environments 10 . A phenomenological study on the relatives of COVID patients hospitalized in the ICU described how the lack of contact and information between leaving home and hospitalization in the ICU generated fear among family members 11 . In a study by Akgun et al., fear and suffering among family members of COVID-19 patients, resulting from isolation regulations designed to manage infection rates, led to devastating realities and communication challenges for patients and their families, who were kept physically apart 12 . A study in Michigan, USA 13 analyzing several hospital realities showed how family remoteness may lead to problems during the COVID-19 pandemic, such as cancelation of the decision-making role, increased sedation of patients, limited access to technology, and barriers due to new communication styles. Moreover, family separation near the end of a patient's life was considered tragic, especially for members of some cultures and religions 14 . At this stage of the pandemic, the role of the nurse is fundamental in providing family-centered care by implementing interventions to reduce the effects of separation 15 . Family-centered care during the COVID-19 pandemic has three objectives: respect for the role of family members as care partners, collaboration between family members and the health team, and maintenance of family integrity (all implemented in compliance with precautionary physical distancing). The pandemic necessitates efforts to meet these goals and to adapt to a rapidly changing clinical environment 16 . Many studies have evaluated the experience of relatives entering the ICU [17] [18] [19] , but few have investigated families' access to COVID-ICU patients. Recently, methods to maintain relationships between families, patients, and COVID-ICU staff have been studied 16 . One study examined relatives' direct access to a virtual ICU (vICU) from home via an internet portal, which enabled them to communicate with the ICU and see what was happening 20 . Recent studies on the relatives of patients with COVID-19 in the ICU have shown that communication by telephone or video was considered insufficient compared to in-person interactions 21 and that relatives needed to stay close to their loved ones during the EOL period 22 . In addition, the authors, in a phenomenological study 23 , analyzed the lived experiences of family members of ventilated COVID-19 patients in the ICU and the findings suggested that the restrictions on visits should be more flexible. For these reasons, the aim of this study was to investigate the lived experiences of family members during their first visit to relatives confined to the COVID-ICU, and to describe the families' needs that emerged. This study was based on Cohen's method 24 . This method combines descriptive (Husserlian) and interpretive (Gadamerian) phenomenology. Phenomenology is a form of inductive qualitative research rooted in twentieth-century tradition 25 . As suggested by Husserl, the founder of this methodology, phenomenology suspends all suppositions, but it is related to consciousness and is based on the meaning of the individual's experience. In descriptive phenomenology, daily experiences are described, while preconceived opinions are set aside and bracketed 25 . Interpretative qualitative research is, in contrast, a qualitative approach that aims to provide detailed examinations of personal lived experiences. It is a particularly useful methodology for examining topics that are complex, ambiguous, and emotionally laden 24 . This method, used in a prior study 26 , was chosen because of its suitability in terms of gaining a deeper understanding of both lived experiences and the meanings attributed to such experiences by families. Convenience sampling was used, with participants recruited at Sant'Andrea University Hospital in the north of Rome, Italy, between February and March 2021. The sample was drawn from a larger study that evaluated the satisfaction of family members with the training they received prior to entering the COVID-ICU. Seventy-six participants were selected from the survey study and asked to participate in the phenomenological study. Initially, 13 participants agreed to participate, but one participant lost a family member after signing the consent form for the interview and was excluded according to the eligibility criteria. Before signing the consent form, the family members were informed of the purpose and nature of the study. Complete confidentiality was ensured at all stages of the study, and the collected data did not contain identifying information. All participants were given the opportunity to withdraw from the study at any time. The eligibility criteria are presented in Table 1 . The first step entailed bracketing by all of the researchers. This approach reduces the probability of researcher bias influencing the extrapolation of the themes that emerged from the interviews. The interviews should be performed in the participants' natural environments. Indeed, as suggested by the phenomenological method, conducting interviews in the participants' natural environments makes it easier for them to describe their experiences. Due to isolation and pandemic prevention and control requirements, the interviews in the present study were conducted by video calls through mobile phones. This study made use of voice over internet protocol technology. The Zoom app was used to interview family members; the app has been identified as the most useful in qualitative research 27 . The video interviews were conducted at appointed timeslots, typically in the afternoon when participants were at home and preferred to be alone, no later than 24 hours after entering the COVID-ICU, in order to collect relatives' initial impressions and to avoid the later processing of their thoughts and feelings. Indeed, previously, relatives had not had the opportunity to visit their patients. All had previously seen their loved ones only by videocall, and, in the majority of cases, they suffered watching their patients during non-invasive ventilation (NIV) therapy, with their face contracted, exhausted by labored breathing and not being able to speak through a telephone. The video interviews were conducted by the two authors, neither of whom knew the COVID-19 patients nor the patients' family members. To collect the demographic data, which were used to better understand the composition of the sample, the demographic data section of the Family Satisfaction-ICU (FS-ICU) was used 28 . For a more detailed view of the sample, data on the ICU patients were collected, such as the length of ICU stay, patient's state of consciousness (vigilant or sedated), and ventilation mode, i.e., invasive ventilation through endotracheal tube or tracheostomy or NIV. 24 : "Tell me about your experience after seeing your family member through the PPE [personal protective equipment]. How did you feel when you saw your relative in the COVID-ICU?" The interviewers maintained a cordial attitude 26 during the interviews in order to better facilitate conversation. As suggested by the phenomenological methodology, during the interviews, the interviewers wrote notes on the environment, the context of the interview, the body language of the participants, and their own reflections. The interviewers transcribed these field notes in an investigator's journal. Finally, when the participants stopped describing their experiences, the interviewers asked if they had more to say. The data collection process ended when data saturation had been achievedspecifically, a redundancy of themesand the 12 transcribed interviews were stored. Each interview was audio-recorded and was between 30 and 50 minutes in duration. The interviews, data analysis, and verification of the results were conducted in Italian. After having prepared the scientific report, translation processes and back translation were performed according to the World Health Organization (WHO) methodology for the validation of instruments in cultures and languages different from the source language 29 . The interviews were transcribed verbatim. The researchers (DB and FT) immersed themselves in the data, carefully reinterpreting the interviews and field notes. After this phase, the researchers reread the transcripts, line by line, and gave tentative names to various passages in the texts. To ensure credibility, the final structuring of the themes and subsequent content justifications were agreed upon by all members of the research team. This process, called -member checking,‖ is fundamental in Cohen's phenomenology 24 . Indeed, themes should be verified with participants to ensure that the themes appropriately capture the meaning that participants sought to convey. Disagreements in interpretation should send the researcher back to the field text for clarification. No discrepancies were detected during these procedures. To ensure dependability, the tentative extracted themes were then confirmed or corrected by each participant during a second virtual meeting with the researchers. During this meeting, the interviewers explained the tentative theme labels to each participant in order to confirm that the themes accurately captured their experiences. With the participants asked to confirm the accuracy of the interview excerpts, the validity of the results was guaranteed. The Lincoln and Guba criteria for qualitative research were met, thereby ensuring the scientific rigor of this study 30 . For this study, the IRB of the university hospital granted medical ethical approval, and the local hospital research protocol was provided with the following research number: 5773 of April 22, 2020. The study sample (Table 2) consisted of 12 relatives, 83% of whom were women. The degree of kinship of the sample consisted of six daughters, two sisters, two sons, a wife, and a partner, whose average age was 43.5 years. Two of the participants had previous experience in a general ICU as family members, but not in a COVID-ICU. The average level of education of the participants was medium-high. On average, patients were confined to the COVID-ICU for 27.83 days (SD = 17.714 days) before being transferred to a COVID sub-intensive area. Ten ICU patients were mechanically ventilated, and seven were sedated. From the analysis of the interviews, five themes emerged (Fig. 1) . Many interviews were characterized by fear related to donning and doffing procedures using PPE. Some family members were afraid of feeling sick during their visit inside the COVID-ICU because the presence of PPE would not allow them to breathe properly; others were afraid of the contagion related to the doffing procedure once outside the COVID area. The purpose of this study was to investigate the experience of the encounter between family members and patients in the COVID-ICU after a period of detachment because of the policy of restricting visits by family members to hospitals. The sample was mostly represented by women. These data reflect the literature, as it has emerged that 57% to 81% of all caregivers of elderly patients are women 31 , and they are also more likely to share their experiences in critical situations 32 . The main results were fear-related, in both the donning procedure, because of its side effects, such as claustrophobia and syncope, and the doffing procedure, as it was associated with fear of contamination. To date, these effects have all been described 33, 34 , but only for healthcare personnel. The current COVID-19 pandemic requires relatives to be trained in these procedures through just-in-time training, including the use of video training, which can be a mechanism to improve donning and doffing procedures, resulting in a secondary effect of reduced anxiety 35 . With regard to positive emotions about the first contact with the hospitalized relative, this was a constant component of this study. The encounter was described by family members with emotions of relief, joy, and comfort concerning the patient, who lived in isolation during the course of the illness. On this theme, the concept of the necessity of contact was strong. This concept confirmed the notion expressed in the literature 36, 37 about the loneliness that has characterized the pandemic because physical contact generates high levels of affection and positive emotions that cannot be realized through telephone contact alone. In some cases, seeing loved ones virtually on an ICU bed has generated feelings of suffering and upset relatives 23 . As observed in our findings, family members of intubated and sedated patients experienced positive emotions, as they had previously seen their loved ones suffer during NIV therapy, trapped inside the helmet during video calls, with their face contracted, exhausted by labored breathing and not being able to speak through a telephone-unlike the vision of their relative intubated and subjected to sedation, resulting in a state of rest in contrast to conscious suffering from the disease. This vision brought serenity to these family members. These new data contrast with findings in previous studies, specifically that family members are scared to see their loved ones intubated, sedated, and mechanically ventilated 38 . The emotional concern of family members toward their loved ones was generated by the fact that, inside the COVID-ICU with its open space structure, patients could see other people die if in a state of vigilance, or the fact of feeling alone to face the disease or die in solitude. The fear of dying alone is a universal feeling 39 ; in the COVID-ICU, this feeling was amplified because patients could not be near relatives, taking an emotional toll on both family members and patients 40 . The study sample showed that although their loved ones may be awake or sedated, intubated, tracheotomized, or in NIV, the encounter generated positive emotions. The theme of awareness of the severity of the disease acquired by entering the COVID-ICU was a concept common to all the interviews. The participants admitted that staying at home led them to search for information on the internet and to associate intubation and helmets with a violent and stifling event. On the contrary, entering the COVID-ICU with previous preparation made them aware of the criticality of their loved one as they connected all the information they had received from the doctor by telephone or had seen through means of telecommunication. All this has been confirmed in studies establishing a safer healthcare system that can protect both members (relatives and patients). It is necessary to specifically understand the problems and demands of family members for establishing a safe healthcare system that can respond effectively to their needs. In addition, our findings constitute an internationally relevant contribution to the understanding of the needs of relatives who meet their loved ones for the first time while wearing PPE. In this way, an opportunity is presented to contact relatives even if patients are intubated, sedated, or at EOL because it was previously found that video calls generate conflicting feelings in family members. The novelty of this study is the possibility of using its findings to improve nurses' and physicians' preparation to face extreme situations, such as COVID-19, and to help those who lived through it to explain the meaning they gave to it through the narration of their experience. The intent of this paper is to highlight the positive aspects of nursing such as advocacy, elevated responsibility of the role, and humanity towards relatives and parents, giving them the opportunity to be close to their patients in the most difficult moment. This study was conducted only in an Italian region (Lazio) and in a single hospital. First, there may be slight cultural differences, both between Italian regions and between countries. In addition, the interviews, as they were conducted by video call, limited the recording of the field notes, in particular description of the environment. Furthermore, the interviews were conducted after a few hours or the day after family members had entered the COVID-ICU because it was not possible to interview relatives in the waiting room, as doing so would have involved a longer stay in the ICU waiting room. Additionally, having a sample with a female majority could also be a limitation, one that could reflect a more feminineand thus less representativevision of the phenomenon. Also, it was not possible to differentiate between interviews with family members of a patient who was intubated, extubated, undergoing tracheostomy, or wearing a helmet. Finally, it was not permitted for persons over 70 years of age who had psychological, cardiological, or pulmonary disease to meet with their family members due to risks related to donning and doffing procedures. It has been confirmed that visits to the ICU reduce anxiety among family members. Our study strengthens this concept, as it demonstrates that such visits evoke positive emotions as well, specifically among family members in the context of the current COVID-19 pandemic. Restrictions on visits to hospitals can be guaranteed by maintaining an adequate influx, at a fixed time, for one or a maximum of two family members. None of the visitors tested positive for COVID-19 after visiting their relative. It is proposed that future research assess the satisfaction of visits to a COVID-ICU, differentiating between visits by family members with sedated patients from those to patients on mechanical ventilation, as well as those involving patients on NIV, always maintaining a balance between safety and family needs. Be a relative of a patient admitted to COVID-ICU; Patient who remains alive in the ICU during the study; Have a smartphone that allowed video calls to be made after visiting the COVID-ICU; Test negative for COVID-19 on a SARS-COV-2 molecular test; Carry a certification document confirming the negative test result on the day of admission to the COVID-ICU (the test was to be carried out no later than 48 hours before the day of the admission); Have undergone specific training by nursing staff on the donning and doffing procedures; Participants signed the informed consent form and had to be aware of the contraindications (psychological, cardiological and pulmonary diseases) to the donning and doffing procedures COVID-19) Dashboard Characteristics of and Important Lessons From the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Outbreak in China: Summary of a Report of 72314 Cases From the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention Intensive care management of patients with COVID-19: a practical approach Post-traumatic Stress Disorder and Complicated Grief are Common in Caregivers of Neuro-ICU Patients Family response to critical illness: postintensive care syndrome-family Post-Intensive Care Syndrome (PICS) and Strategies to Mitigate PICS. 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Trustworthiness and authenticity in naturalistic evaluation Gender differences in caregiving among family -caregivers of people with mental illnesses An Analysis of Prosodic Features in Emotional Expression. Griffith Working Papers in Pragmatics and Intercultural Communication Problems and solutions of personal protective equipment doffing in COVID-19 Prevention WHOI, Control R, Development Expert Group for C. 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