key: cord-0926945-h6deitu6 authors: Lak, Azadeh; Maher, Ali; Zali, Alireza; Badr, Siamak; Mostafavi, Ehsan; Baradaran, Hamid R; Hanani, Khatereh; Toomanian, Ara; Khalili, Davood title: A description of spatial-temporal patterns of the novel COVID-19 outbreak in the neighbourhoods’ scale in Tehran, Iran date: 2021-10-04 journal: Med J Islam Repub Iran DOI: 10.47176/mjiri.35.128 sha: d2bdf2c9b012cfa1df7f18784c107a4d7f34b4e3 doc_id: 926945 cord_uid: h6deitu6 Background: Analyzing and monitoring the spatial-temporal patterns of the new coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic can assist local authorities and researchers in detecting disease outbreaks in the early stages. Because of different socioeconomic profiles in Tehran's areas, we will provide a clear picture of the pandemic distribution in Tehran's neighbourhoods during the first months of its spread from February to July 2020, employing a spatial-temporal analysis applying the geographical information system (GIS). Disease rates were estimated by location during the 5 months, and hot spots and cold spots were highlighted. Methods: This study was performed using the COVID-19 incident cases and deaths recorded in the Medical Care Monitoring Centre from February 20, to July 20, 2020. The local Getis-Ord Gi* method was applied to identify the hotspots where the infectious disease distribution had significantly clustered spatially. A statistical analysis for incidence and mortality rates and hot spots was conducted using ArcGIS 10.7 software. Results: The addresses of 43,000 Tehrani patients (15,514 confirmed COVID-19 cases and 27,486 diagnosed as probable cases) were changed in its Geo-codes in the GIS. The highest incidence rate from February to July 2020 was 48 per 10,000 and the highest 5-month incidence rate belonged to central and eastern neighbourhoods. According to the Cumulative Population density of patients, the higher number is estimated by more than 2500 people in the area; however, the lower number is highlighted by about 500 people in the neighborhood. Also, the results from the local Getis-Ord Gi* method indicate that COVID-19 has formed a hotspot in the eastern, southeast, and central districts in Tehran since February. We also observed a death rate hot spot in eastern areas. Conclusion: Because of the spread of COVID-19 disease throughout Tehran's neighborhoods with different socioeconomic status, it seems essential to pay attention to health behaviors to prevent the next waves of the disease. The findings suggest that disease distribution has formed a hot spot in Tehran's eastern and central regions. Involving a coronavirus d become a glo ered urgent fo egies for con quickly as po ed neighborh have pointed characterizes especially in areas (4) (5) (6) (7) . control strateg and prevent e cine or specif (8) . Numerous r potential COV tries and use tive measures potentially hig authorities to and control m issue has hard (5) . Because of prevalence of tan cities con stress (10). T patients to ide based on hot deaths from F study would First, the in cases of COV plicated and patients with nosis was fin using availab precision in t localized sys could also id Next, we turn that could be closest streets Incidence o and the incid lute numbers incidence rate with different are cumulativ to July 20, 20 ered accordin tics. To cons size of the are tion density opulation is 8 males), form individuals pe 1 to 7 is gen red to the othe detecting the n Iran, the Nat y was formed cation. This C analyzing, an data used in t centre (MCM (HIM) based orts on COVID ts with a posi dmitted and h ID-19 cases b ere studied. In ases, we also nd signs, inc ndings of the c who were diag zed. After ret ned above, th national identi e, personal da and the patien ally, after scre we analyzed th ed or probab 20. WHO WHO. C 91, 2020. 202 diseases/novel-2. WHO Y familial cluste coronavirus in family cluster Pourghasemi SR, Babaei S, and outbreak t between Febru Ghazaie M, patterns of div J Urban Int Re 14