key: cord-0924776-zblh2qhl authors: Guo, Xu; Miao, Zhongrong title: Advances in mechanical thrombectomy for acute ischaemic stroke from large vessel occlusions date: 2021-07-20 journal: Stroke Vasc Neurol DOI: 10.1136/svn-2021-000972 sha: 884e35a666d8109adda1724bef7b7a9ae07d9d8a doc_id: 924776 cord_uid: zblh2qhl Advances in endovascular treatment of acute ischaemic stroke from intracranial large vessel occlusions have continued in the past decade. Here, we performed a detailed review of all the new trials and studies that had the highest evidence, the guidelines for mechanical thrombectomy, the selection of the particular population outside the guidelines and endovascular therapeutic strategies for acute ischemic stroke from occluded intracranial arteries. Stroke remains the second-leading cause of death and leading cause of the disabilityadjusted life-years (DALYs) globally. 1 In China, stroke and ischaemic heart disease were the leading causes of death and DALYs in 2017. 2 Ischaemic stroke accounted for 71% of all strokes globally and 81.9% in China, of which 20% were acute ischaemic stroke (AIS) from large vessel occlusions (LVOs). 3 With technological advances in new thrombectomy devices and interventional therapy, endovascular thrombectomy (EVT) with stent retrievers and/or reperfusion catheters has recently become the standard treatment for AIS-LVO of the anterior circulation. 4 The number needed to treat (NNT) to achieve a 90-day functional independence of patients with AIS-LVO from the mechanical thrombectomy (MT) was 2.8-7.4 (figure 1), while the NNT from medical therapies was higher (figure 1). 5 6 It is estimated that about 30% of AISs are due to LVO in the USA, and that 30-40 pts/100 000/year have clot locations (ICA/M-1, M-2, basilar) eligible for EVT. 7 8 About 35%-40% of all AIS were from a proximal LVO in China, but only 28.1‱ of patients with AIS-LVO received intracranial intra-arterial thrombectomy according to the data from the Hospital Quality Monitoring System in 2018. 9 This major gap remains a challenge and suboptimal for those patients with AIS who may benefit. Therefore, a more practical and evidence-based AIS-LVO thrombectomy system needs to be established in the new era. 10 In addition, patients with AIS-LVO presented between 6 and 16 hours with a neuroimaging finding of a mismatch (the mismatch defines a smaller infarct core with a larger ischaemic penumbra in the DEFUSE 3 trial (Endovascular Therapy Following Imaging Evaluation forIschemic Stroke)) (Grade IIa recommendation, Grade B-R evidence) should receive endovascular treatment. The stent retriever has been the firstline thrombectomy device used in five randomised controlled trials (RCTs) treating patients with AIS-LVO within 6 hours of onset (MR CLEAN, 11 ESCAPE, 12 REVASCAT, 13 SWIFT PRIME 14 and EXTEND IA, 15 and also in DAWN 16 and DEFUSE 3 17 trials that treated patients with AIS-LVO between 6 and 24 hours of onset). A major revision in the 2019 update of the guideline was that the use of aspiration was not inferior to stent retriever thrombectomy as a first-line approach for AIS-LVO (Grade I recommendation, B-R grade Evidence). [18] [19] [20] [21] Open access SHORTENING ONSET TO PUNCTURE TIME MAY IMPROVE OUTCOME We also reviewed recent real-world or observative studies, single-centre or multicentre trials in detail to discuss MT performed beyond the guideline recommendations. Direct transfer to angiosuite EVT is strongly time-dependent, with 20% decreased probability of 90-day functional independence for each 1-hour delay to reperfusion. 22 Minimise the delay from the onset-to-puncture time is the first step of endovascular procedure for patients with AIS-LVO. 23 24 Previous retrospective observational studies and a casecontrolled study suggested that the median door-togroin time and onset-to-groin times were significantly shorter if an patient with AIS-LVO was directly transferred to an angiosuite (DAS). [25] [26] [27] A recent report demonstrated improved outcomes but with only 13 min faster onset to puncture. 28 Moreover, DAS will lead to patients being taken for catheter arteriography who do not have LVO and requires an angiography room and team to be rapidly available, which may not be possible in many hospitals. Additional WE-TRUST trial (Workflow Optimization to Reduce Time to Endovascular Reperfusion for Ultrafast Stroke Treatment, NCT04701684) will be running in 16 sites to enrol 506 patients globally from February 2021 to December 2023. For patients with AIS-LVO with early onset of symptoms (≤6 hours), skipping multimode CT or MR could significantly reduce the workflow time and optimise patient preparation before surgery (figure 2). Most previous RCTs excluded patients with AIS-LVO with an ASPECTS <6. The previous Hermes study pooled five RCTs of MT and compared with the Best Medical Management (BMM). A favourable outcome from MT for larger cores could not be established. 22 The recent SELECT trial enrolled patients with a large-core infarction in the anterior circulation, or an ASPECTS of <5 on a non-contrast CT, or an ischaemic core volume of >50 cm 3 on CTP, or a relative cerebral blood flow of <30% at presentation. 29 This prospective cohort study indicated that patients had a favourable outcome (MT 31% vs BMM 14%, p=0.03), if their ASPECTS were between 3 and 5 and an ischaemic core volume was of <100 cm 3 . These results have been incorporated into the design of SELECT2 trial and other RCTs of MT for patients with a large-core infarction (table 1) . The decision to perform thrombectomy in patients with mild strokes (NIHSS 0-5) has been controversial. Analysis of a retrospective multicentre cohort study showed no improvement in functional independence in patients with AIS with mild stroke who underwent MT (63.3% MT vs 67.8% BMM), but rate of symptomatic intracranial haemorrhage (sICH) was increased (5.8% MT vs 0% BMM). 30 Another meta-analysis that pooled four international multicentre studies found that MT was not superior to BMM for patients with AIS with mild strokes (NIHSS <6). In unadjusted analyses, MT was associated with higher odds of sICH. 31 Seners et al indicated that the likelihood of early neurologic deterioration is correlated with more proximal and longer clot lengths, potentially Figure 1 The NNT for major RCTs of mechanical thrombectomy and other key medical therapies. 5 (A) Illustrating the NNT for seven RCTs. (B) The NNT for key medical therapies including decompressive haemicraniectomy for MCA infarction, defibrillation for cardiac arrest, thrombectomy for AIS (the DAWN Trial), goal-directed therapy for acute sepsis, thrombolysis for AIS <3 hours, ipratropium and beta-agonist nebulizer for childhood asthma, thrombolysis for AIS >3 hours and <4.5 hours, PCI for highrisk ST-elevation myocardial infarction, aspirin for ST-elevation myocardial infarction, antibiotics for the primary prevention of rheumatic fever and bariatric surgery on mortality in obese patients. AIS, acute ischaemic stroke; MCA, middle cerebral artery; NNT, number needed to treat; PCI, percutaneous coronary intervention; RCTs, randomised controlled trials. allowing selection for EVT of those patients more like to deteriorate. They have noted that if a patient deteriorates and then undergoes rescue MT, the outcome is worse than expected for primary MT. 32 Furthermore, the added value of MT may depend on whether or not the patient was able to receive intravenous alteplase, which may rapidly dissolve an LVO about 10% of the time, 33 with greater success over longer time durations (up to 44.9% of clots <8 mm dissolved). 34 Currently EXTREMIS-MOSTE (NCT04167527), Tempo-2 (NCT02398656) and ENDO-LOW Trials (NCT03796468) are testing a similar hypothesis of MT for patients with mild AIS-LVO. There is no Class IA evidence to support endovascular therapy in children with an AIS-LVO. A systematic review suggested that MT might be feasible and safe for paediatric patients with AIS-LVO (ICA terminus, M1, basilar artery). 35 Due to the unique features of anatomy, imaging parameters, and aetiology of stroke in children, decision on treating children with an AIS-LVO with MT or not should be made by a multidisciplinary approach. 36 Octogenarians were similarly underrepresented in major RCTs of EVT. However, more patients >80 years of age underwent MT from 2014 to 2016 (0.83% to 1.83%). In this age group, the rate of improved functional independence was low (9%), and the in-hospital mortality rate was high (19%). 37 One multicentre, retrospective study showed that age ≥80 independently predicted a high rate of success in recanalisation, but a higher rate of postoperative ICH. 38 Meta-analyses of the multiple randomised trials have shown that the elderly does have worse outcomes than younger patients but that the OR for benefit from MT is similar. 22 Even non-agenarians seem to benefit of reperfusion is successful. 39 Therefore, the current ESO/ESMINT recommendation is that age should not be used as an exclusion for MT in the elderly. 40 Posterior circulation Posterior circulation has these unique features: (1) the anatomy and variant of the posterior circulation vessels are often complex; (2) symptoms of posterior circulation stroke may be mild and difficult to identify; (3) symptoms may progress fast and increase the risks of disability and mortality; and (4) no adequate imaging tool to assess for its perfusion status. Basilar Artery International Cooperation Study (BASICS) showed that intra-arterial therapy did not provide superior clinical outcomes over intravenous thrombolysis (IVT) for patients with basilar artery occlusion. 41 The trial of endovascular treatment versus standard medical treatment for vertebrobasilar artery occlusion (BEST) was completed in China. The high crossover rate (13%) and progressive loss of equipoise of valid per-centre recruitment led to poor adherence to the designed trial. The trial was terminated early after recruiting 131 of the planned sample sizes of 344 participants. Consequently, there was no statistical significance in the primary endpoint (90-day mRS 0-3 score) between the in the MT group (32%) and control group (42%) in the intention-to-treat analysis. 42 In 2020, a real-world no-nrandomised cohort study from 47 comprehensive stroke centres in China indicated that BMM plus MT substantially improved the 90-day functional outcomes (adjusted cOR: 3.08, p<0.001) and reduced the rate of 90-day mortality (adjusted cOR: 2.93, p<0.001). In May 2020, BASICS reported its results of treating patients with an acute basilar artery territory stroke via a webinar during the ESO-WSO Conference. MT of occluded basilar artery only improved by about 6.5% and did not achieve a significant difference. 43 Basilar Artery Occlusion Chinese Endovascular Trial (NCT02737189) is currently ongoing. Goyal et al proposed the anatomical definition of MEVO that M2/3, A2/3 or P2/3, in addition, the functional definition includes NIHSS ≥5 or NIHSS <5 with disabling deficit. [44] [45] [46] These vessel occlusions are common but can be devastating clinically. Although emerging reports suggest that EVT may be safe and effective for MEVO, at present there is a lack of clear guideline recommendations. 22 47 48 Tandem lesion Tandem lesion indicates that extracranial internal carotid artery or vertebral artery stenosis/occlusion is associated with MCA or BA occlusion. The effect of EVT for AIS-LVO caused by the tandem lesion in anterior circulation was comparable to the non-tandem occlusion in the HERMES study. 22 But the procedure commonly is technically more difficult, time-consuming, and maybe need ICA stenting which is associated with risk of sICH due to more antiplatelet agents. 49 There is no statistical difference between the technique (the anterograde or retrograde method) used and the functional outcome. At present, EVT for tandem lesions has not been explicitly established as the standard of care. 10 COVID-19 pandemic has had an impact on overall stroke care globally. 50 51 Based on the silent transmission of the novel COVID-19, patients with acute stroke concurrent with or without COVID-19 have been forcing us to increase the delays of the screen and care for patients. 37 A consensus on prevention and management of COVID-19 Nevertheless, any intracranial haemorrhage was significantly lower in the direct MT group without intravenous tPA. 56 SKIP used lower dose of tPA (0.6 mg/kg). While the DIRECT-MT trial was conducted from 41 academic care centres in China, and first confirmed that patients who underwent MT were non-inferior to the bridging therapy with a standard dose of tPA as the currently highest evidence. But this study might be shown that insufficient evidence for successful reperfusion of tPA alone because of tPA infusion in 296 of 319 cases completed during the endovascular procedure but not before MT. Because of these two trials of generous non-inferiority design, the CI did not exclude about 20% of the benefit in the bridging therapy group. 57 DEVT study (Effect of Endovascular Treatment Alone vs Intravenous Alteplase Plus Endovascular Treatment on Functional Independence in Patients with Acute Ischemic Stroke) was recently completed in China. The trial had a prespecified non-inferiority margin of 10% of MT alone versus IVT plus endovascular treatment. 58 DEVT indicated that MT alone achieved the non-inferiority to bridging therapy when compared to the 90-day functional independence (MT group 54.3% vs bridging group 46.6%). Three other similar RCTs are in progress (table 2) . Alteplase or tenecteplase with MT Currently, alteplase and tenecteplase are the main thrombolytic agents to treat patients with AIS. Tenecteplase (TNK), a genetically modified variant of alteplase, is more fibrin specificity, and with a longer half-life, permitting bolus infusion. 59 60 In the Extend-IA TNK study, IV-TNK versus IV-Alteplase prior to arteriography for MT was associated with a higher rate of reperfusion >50% (22% vs 10%). The independent functional outcome of patients with AIS-LVO in the TNK group was better than those treated with alteplase within 4.5 hours of symptom onset (median mRS, 2 vs 3, p=0.04). 33 A post-hoc analysis Open access of the EXTEND-IA TNK trial concluded that TNK was also more cost-effective. 61 The EXTEND-IA TNK Part 2 RCT suggested that for patients with AIS-LVO, intravenous TNK 0.25 mg/kg showed the same benefit as of TNK 0.40 mg/kg before MT. 62 TNK might improve the rate of reperfusion for patients with AIS with basilar artery occlusion in comparison with alteplase prior to MT. 63 Moreover, improvements in revascularisation and clinical outcomes of intravenous TNK versus intravenous alteplase were confirmed in a meta-analysis. 64 First-pass effect and MT devices First-pass effect (FPE) is defined as achieving complete reperfusion on the first try with the thrombectomy device. An observational study suggested that the FPE was an independent predictor of good clinical outcome, with a 90-day mRS ≤2 in 61.3% in the FPE group versus 35.3% in the non-FPE group. 65 Currently stent retrievers and aspiration catheters are the two types of MT devices used to perform thrombectomy. In 2014, Turk et al reported the initial experience with the direct aspiration first-pass technique (ADAPT) using a large-bore aspiration catheter as the primary method for large vessel recanalisation. 10 However, the ASTER study and a 3-Dimensional Stent Retriever with Aspiration-Based Thrombectomy versus Aspiration-Based Thrombectomy Alone study did not suggest aspiration be superior to stent retriever. 19 66 In 2019, based on the result of the COMPASS study, the updated AHA/ASA Guideline on treating AIS recommended that direct aspiration as a first-pass MT to be non-inferior to stent retriever for patients with AIS-LVO 10 (table 3) . ADAPT technology has certain advantages. First, the time from groin puncture to revascularisation was shorter than those using a stent retriever (25 min vs 33 min, p=0.03). Second, a higher frequent distal aspiration was observed during the stent retriever thrombectomy (85%). Third, the cost of the devices used in the aspiration firstpass group was reduced by an average of US$5074. These findings were observed more in those treated with the larger luminal diameters aspiration catheters Ace 68 (Penumbra Inc, Alameda, California, USA) than the previous ASTER trial Ace 64 ((Penumbra Inc). 20 Consequently, in order to improve reperfusion rates in recent years of aspiration catheters, the larger lumen aspiration catheters (diameter between 0.64 and 0.71 inches) came on the market, and initial experience of using the catheters was reported, that is Sofia 6F (MicroVention, Aliso Viejo, California, USA), Catalyst 6 and 7 (Stryker Neurovascular, Fremont, California, USA), JET 7 (Penumbra, Alameda, CA, USA), Millipede 088 (Perfuze, Galway, Ireland) and Zoom 88TM (Imperative Care, Campbell, CA, USA). 4 67-70 These reports of initial experience using the new devices indicated the larger bore aspiration catheter may improve suction force and increasing the rate of FPE. However, an issue that deserves more attention is that ADAPT has required rescue stent retriever thrombectomy in about 30% of patients. 20 Combining balloon guide catheter (BGC) with stent retriever or/and reperfusion catheter is an effective thrombectomy technique for AIS-LVO. BGCs could temporarily stop the proximal flow and reduce embolic burden, that is treating ICA terminus occlusion, increase one-pass thrombectomy rate, decrease the rate of emboli in new territory and shorten the Open access procedure time. 65 71 A systematic review and metaanalysis of five non-randomised studies that included 2022 patients showed that using BGCs during MT had higher odds of first-pass recanalisation and lower mean number of total passes. 72 However, a study by the ETIS registry concluded that when combined stent retriever plus contact aspiration are used as a first-line strategy for AIS-LVO, there were no significant difference in achieving a modified thrombolysis in cerebral infarction 2c/3 on the first-pass and clinical outcomes with and without BGC. 73 New FlowGate2 (Stryker Neurovascular, Fremont, California, USA), Walrus BGC (Q'Apel Medical, Fremont, California, USA) and Cello (Medtronic Neurovascular, Irvine, California, USA) devices are BGCs with good trackability, greater aspiration power, higher first-pass reperfusion rate and less occurrence of distal emboli. 4 74 They will need to be tested for better outcome in clinical practice. Intracranial arterial atherosclerosis (ICAS)-related occlusion is a common cause of AIS, especially in the Asian population. [75] [76] [77] Hence, the differentiation between an ICAS-related occlusion (ICAS-O) or embolism in patients with a AIS-LVO is a challenge for selecting recanalisation strategies. Yi et al proposed a Microcatheter 'First-Pass Effect',"which was to withdraw the microcatheter immediately after it went through the segment of occlusion to allow for blood flow through the occluded site of a LVO. To distinguish ICAS-O from embolism, a series of 61 patients with LVO demonstrated that a positive Microcatheter FPE had a sensitivity of 90.9%, specificity of 87.2% and positive predictive values of 88.5%. At present, it is an accurate method to assess for an ICAS-O with LVO. 78 The optional endovascular treatment for an ICAS-O with an AIS-LVO is controversial. Many implies a combination therapy of stent retriever thrombectomy, direct aspiration, glycoprotein IIb/IIIa inhibitor infusion, balloon angioplasty and stenting. 77 A previous study of Endovascular Therapy for Acute Ischemic Stroke Trial in China concluded that compared with the embolic group, patients with AIS-LVO with ICAS who underwent standard rescue therapy could achieve a better functional independence at 90 days, but not statistically significant (63.8% vs 51.6%, p=0.169). 79 A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of the outcome of MT of an ICAS-O showed that the ICAS-O group had a significantly higher rate of intraprocedural intracranial vessel reocclusion than the non-ICAS-O group (36.9% vs 2.7%). Comparing to non-ICAS-O group, the ICAS-O group needed more rescue therapy via balloon angioplasty (9.0% vs 1.3%) and stenting (37.8% vs 2.6%) to achieve a similar rate of recanalisation as in patients with an AIS-LVO. However, there was no statistical difference in the rate of final reperfusion, functional independence, development of sICH and mortality between the two groups. 80 Transradial approach for intracranial thrombectomy A systematic review of 21 studies (n=1342 patients) of using the transradial access (TRA) for neuro intervention, including 46% cases for carotid artery stenting, 32% for aneurysm treatment and 9% for MT. 81 Compared with the transfemoral artery access (TFA), TRA may have several advantages: (1) lower risk of peripheral vascular complications (puncture site haemostasis, pseudoaneurysm vagal reflex, etc); (2) lower procedural cost without the need for a vascular closure device for femoral artery puncture sites; (3) shorter recovery time and earlier discharge; (4) less pain at the puncture site; (5) good collaterals for proximal radial artery occlusion during the procedure; and (6) greater patient satisfaction. 82 An analysis of 375 TRA cases versus TFA access for MT in the anterior circulation indicated similar median time from image to reperfusion (95 min vs 96.5 min), and 90-day functional independence (mRS 0-2 score) (67% vs 58%). Cross-over from TRA to TFA is higher than TFA to TRA (4.6% vs 1.6%, p=0.088), but without statistical difference. The major complication of the access site is significantly higher in the TFA group than in the TRA group (6.5% vs 0, p=0. 003). It suggests that using TRA for anterior circulation MT may be fast, effective, safe and not inferior to the TFA. 83 However, there are several limitations of TRA: (1) it may not use a larger diameter of neurointerventional access catheter or a BGC; (2) difficulty to navigate through sharp turns or anatomy, that is, the acute angle between the carotid artery and subclavian artery in the aortic arch, the occlusion of the subclavian artery and varies types of aortic arch; and (3) require addition training. At present, MT and intravenous tPA are the most effective reperfusion therapy for patients with AIS-LVO. Patient selection is vital for better functional outcome. Optimal thrombectomy strategy should be developed according to the pathophysiology of an AIS. Studies are ongoing on other issues relevant to the outcome of patients with AIS-LVO undergoing MT such as the use of general anaesthesia or conscious sedation, individualised multimodal neuroimaging, neuroprotection, remote ischaemic preconditioning and artificial intelligence. Contributors ZM conceived the project. XG wrote the initial draft of the manuscript. XG and ZM revised the manuscript. Competing interests None declared. Patient consent for publication Not required. Provenance and peer review Commissioned; externally peer reviewed. Open access This is an open access article distributed in accordance with the Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial (CC BY-NC 4.0) license, which permits others to distribute, remix, adapt, build upon this work non-commercially, and license their derivative works on different terms, provided the original work is properly cited, appropriate credit is given, any changes made indicated, and the use is non-commercial. See: http:// creativecommons. org/ licenses/ by-nc/ 4. 0/. Global burden of cardiovascular diseases and risk factors, 1990-2019: update from the GBD 2019 study Mortality, morbidity, and risk factors in China and its provinces, 1990-2017: a systematic analysis for the global burden of disease study 2017 China stroke statistics 2019: a report from the National center for healthcare quality management in neurological diseases, China national clinical research center for neurological diseases, the Chinese stroke association, National center for chronic and non-communicable disease control and prevention, Chinese center for disease control and prevention and Institute for global neuroscience and stroke collaborations Recent advances in devices for mechanical thrombectomy Mechanical thrombectomy -is time still brain? 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Medical management vs mechanical thrombectomy for mild strokes: an international multicenter study and systematic review and meta-analysis Prediction of early neurological deterioration in individuals with minor stroke and large vessel occlusion intended for intravenous thrombolysis alone Tenecteplase versus alteplase before thrombectomy for ischemic stroke The importance of size: successful recanalization by intravenous thrombolysis in acute anterior stroke depends on thrombus length Mechanical thrombectomy in pediatric stroke: systematic review, individual patient data metaanalysis, and case series Mechanical thrombectomy for acute ischemic stroke: considerations in children National trends in utilization and outcome of endovascular thrombectomy for acute ischemic stroke in elderly Outcomes of endovascular thrombectomy in the elderly: a 'real-world' multicenter study Impact of reperfusion for nonagenarians treated by mechanical thrombectomy: insights from the ETIS registry European Stroke Organisation (ESO)-European Society for Minimally Invasive Neurological Therapy (ESMINT) guidelines on mechanical thrombectomy in acute ischemic stroke Treatment and outcomes of acute basilar artery occlusion in the basilar artery international cooperation study (basics): a prospective registry study Endovascular treatment versus standard medical treatment for vertebrobasilar artery occlusion (best): an open-label, randomised controlled trial A randomized acute stroke trial of endovascular therapy in acute basilar artery occlusion A review of endovascular treatment for medium vessel occlusion stroke Thrombectomy for distal, medium vessel occlusions: a consensus statement on present knowledge and promising directions MeVO: the next frontier? Efficacy and safety of mechanical thrombectomy for M2 segment of middle cerebral artery: a systematic review and meta-analysis Medium vessel occlusion and acute ischemic stroke: a call for treatment paradigm reappraisal Stent-retriever thrombectomy for acute anterior ischemic stroke with tandem occlusion: a systematic review and meta-analysis Approaches to global stroke care during the COVID-19 pandemic Impact of COVID-2019 on stroke services in China: survey from the Chinese stroke association Consensus for prevention and management of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) for neurologists Comparison of stroke care parameters in acute ischemic stroke patients with and without concurrent Covid-19. A nationwide analysis European multicenter study of ET-COVID-19 Mechanical thrombectomy for acute ischemic stroke amid the COVID-19 outbreak: decreased activity, and increased care delays Effect of mechanical thrombectomy without vs with intravenous thrombolysis on functional outcome among patients with acute ischemic stroke: the SKIP randomized clinical trial Thrombolysis before Thrombectomy -To Be or DIRECT-MT? Effect of endovascular treatment alone vs intravenous alteplase plus endovascular treatment on functional independence in patients with acute ischemic stroke: the DEVT randomized clinical trial Ischaemic stroke Pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of tenecteplase in fibrinolytic therapy of acute myocardial infarction Cost-Effectiveness of tenecteplase before thrombectomy for ischemic stroke Effect of intravenous tenecteplase dose on cerebral reperfusion before thrombectomy in patients with large vessel occlusion ischemic stroke: the EXTEND-IA TNK Part 2 randomized clinical trial Tenecteplase vs alteplase before endovascular therapy in basilar artery occlusion Intravenous thrombolysis with tenecteplase in patients with large vessel occlusions: systematic review and meta-analysis First pass effect: a new measure for stroke thrombectomy devices Safety and efficacy of a 3-dimensional stent retriever with Aspiration-Based thrombectomy vs Aspiration-Based thrombectomy alone in acute ischemic stroke intervention: a randomized clinical trial Multicenter experience with the new Sofia plus catheter as a primary local aspiration catheter for acute stroke thrombectomy Mechanical thrombectomy of acute ischemic stroke with a new intermediate aspiration catheter: preliminary results Utilization of the large-bore penumbra jet 7 reperfusion catheter in thrombectomy for acute ischemic stroke: a single-center experience Preliminary experience with 088 large bore intracranial catheters during stroke thrombectomy Comparison of a balloon guide catheter and a Non-Balloon guide catheter for mechanical thrombectomy Impact of balloon guide catheter on technical and clinical outcomes: a systematic review and meta-analysis Balloon guide catheter is not superior to conventional guide catheter when stent retriever and contact aspiration are combined for stroke treatment Experience of the New FlowGate 2 Device as a Balloon Guide Catheter for Ischemic Stroke Intervention Immediate effects of first-line thrombectomy devices for intracranial atherosclerosis-related occlusion: stent retriever versus contact aspiration Prevalence and outcomes of symptomatic intracranial large artery stenoses and occlusions in China: the Chinese intracranial atherosclerosis (CICAS) study Diagnostic and therapeutic strategies for acute intracranial Atherosclerosis-related occlusions first-pass effect" predicts acute intracranial artery atherosclerotic disease-related occlusion Mechanical thrombectomy and rescue therapy for intracranial large artery occlusion with underlying atherosclerosis Thrombectomy outcomes of intracranial Atherosclerosis-Related occlusions Transradial approach for neurointerventions: a systematic review of the literature Mechanical thrombectomy in patients with acute ischemic stroke: a comparison of Transradial versus Transfemoral cerebral angiography Transradial versus Transfemoral access for anterior circulation mechanical thrombectomy: analysis of 375 consecutive cases