key: cord-0922999-clbvmx9g authors: Karimi, Mehrdad; Zarei, Azadeh; Soleymani, Samaneh; Jamalimoghadamsiahkali, Saeidreza; Asadi, Asmaa; Shati, Mohsen; Jafari, Mohieddin; Rezadoost, Hassan; Kordafshar, Gholamreza; Naghizadeh, Ayeh; Mardi, Raefeh; Namiranian, Parva; Khamechi, Seyed Peyman; Ansari, Narges; Adel Mehraban, Mohammad Sadegh; Aliakbarzadeh, Hananeh; Khanavi, Mahnaz; Esmaealzadeh, Niusha; Moravveji, Alireza; Salahi, Mehrdad; Khoi, Maryam; Razzaghi, Reza; Banafshe, Hamid Reza; Alizadeh, Mostafa; Akhbari, Marzieh; Atharizadeh, Mina; Izadikhah, Akram; Elsagh, Mahin; Hossein Zade Ghahnavieh, Mahdi; Eghbalian, Fatemeh; Vanai, Azam; Izadi, Hossein; Moravej, Seyed Ali Al‐hadi; Jazayeri, Seyede Ferdos; Bayat, Houman; Emadi Koochak, Hamid; Zargaran, Arman title: Efficacy of Persian medicine herbal formulations (capsules and decoction) compared to standard care in patients with COVID‐19, a multicenter open‐labeled, randomized, controlled clinical trial date: 2021-10-04 journal: Phytother Res DOI: 10.1002/ptr.7277 sha: aedea2b18f746eef5e52e4670f268fe927be4055 doc_id: 922999 cord_uid: clbvmx9g Persian medicine has recommended clinical experiences and proper herbal remedies for prevention and treatment of microbial infections and respiratory diseases. An open‐label, randomized, controlled, multicenter trial was conducted at five hospitals in Tehran and Isfahan provinces of Iran on 358 hospitalized adult patients. A total of 174 patients received standard care and 184 received herbal remedies (polyherbal decoction every 8 hr and two herbal capsules every 12 hr) plus standard care for 7 days. The primary clinical endpoint was the duration of hospital stay, and secondary outcomes were clinical improvement of symptoms based on self‐assessment questionnaire. Results demonstrated that these natural decoction and capsules treatment plus routine care significantly decreased duration of hospital dyspnea (3.291 day vs. 6.468 days), accelerated clinical improvement, and decreased symptoms such as dry cough, dyspnea, muscle pain, headache, fatigue, anorexia, chills, runny nose, sputum cough, and vertigo in the treatment group compared with standard‐care group. Significant effects of these polyherbal formulations on improving the symptoms of COVID‐19 could be incredibly promising for managing this pandemic with acceptable tolerability. Since December 2019, a novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19) has caused outbreak of pneumonia in Wuhan, Hubei province, China (Guan et al., 2020) . The rapid spread of COVID-19 was identified as a pandemic and public health emergency of international concern (PHEIC) by the World Health Organization (WHO, 2020) on March 11, 2020 (Huang, Wei, Hu, Wen, & Chen, 2020) . Shi et al explained that bats are natural hosts of COVID-19, and full sequence of the COVID-19 genome in an infected patient is 96% similar to coronavirus in bats (Zhou et al., 2020) . This strain of coronavirus also belonged to the same family of viruses that lead to Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS) and severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) (Yang, Islam, Wang, Li, & Chen, 2020) . The most common symptoms related to COVID-19 infection are fever, fatigue, loss of appetite, dry cough, and dyspnea, whereas less common symptoms are diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, rhinorrhea, chest pain, congestion, malaise, arthralgia, myalgia, headache, and sore throat (Abebe, Dejenie, Shiferaw, & Malik, 2020) . Since the beginning of the spread, more than 57,639,631 confirmed COVID-19 patients have been identi- . Natural products, their derivatives, and herbal extracts have potential activities in the viral infections therapy (Rosales-Mendoza, 2020). Significant antiviral activity of glycyrrhizin in Glycyrrhiza glabra against SARS coronavirus has been confirmed in various studies (Ahmad, Rehman, & Alkharfy, 2020) . In this regard, usage of traditional, complementary, and alternative medicine to reach new approach for treatment is promising. Persian medicine is one of the oldest traditional medical system in the world that dates back to more than 7,000 years ago (Soleymani & Zargaran, 2018) . Persian medicine has obtained important clinical experiences, as well as efficient and proper herbal formulations based on patients' symptoms on the prohibition and treatment of microbial infections and respiratory diseases (Walsh, 2021; Yingwen, 2021) . Thus, it could be an alternative strategy to overcome viral transmission and prevention and treatment of . Regarding this strategy, this multicenter open-labeled, randomized, controlled, clinical study was designed to evaluate the efficacy of three herbal formulations (polyherbal decoction and two capsules) based on Persian medicine in hospitalized patients with COVID-19. This is a multicenter open-labeled, randomized, controlled clinical trial and five centers participated in this trial from March 2020 to July 2020 (Table 1) . Patients with COVID-19 based on CT scan, oxygen saturation, and RT-PCR test as well as visit of an infectious disease specialist were enrolled in the study. To reach a formulation based on Persian medicine principals, all the monographs (about 1700 monographs) in the book of Makhzan al-Advieh (the Storehouse of Medicaments) were studied to find someones most likely to have been influential on COVID-19 based on Persian medicine principals (Aghili khorasani Shirazi, 2006) . This book is a comprehensive Persian encyclopedia of materia medica, which was written in the 19th century. It is available in a database called Universal Natural Product Resource (UnaProd, 2020) ( Initially, a list of 101 diseases and symptoms that resembled COVID-19 infection were selected from Iranian traditional medicine General Ontology (IrGO, 2020) knowledge base ( Additionally, a list of 77 drug actions that included those effective on the selected diseases, or associated with reinforcement of the body, and tonifying of lung and its functions were prepared. Subsequently, monographs that were effective on one or more of the selected diseases and actions were extracted via text mining methods in R. Also, scientific names of these herbs were extracted from UnaProd and then searched in PubMed in combination with relevant keywords to find mechanism of actions according to current science. Finally, by meeting Persian medicine and current medical science, two capsules and one decoction were formulated for this study. In the next step, adequate amount of several plants was purchased from a traditional herbal market in Tehran. These plants were identified and approved by botanists at the Herbarium Center of the School of Pharmacy, Tehran University of Medical Sciences (Table 2) . For preparation of capsule 1, first, rhizome of Rheum palmatum L., root of G. glabra L., and fruit peel of Punica granatum L. were mixed in a ratio of 0.5:1: 1 and pulverized with an electric mill. They were then extracted by maceration using 4 L of 70% of hydroethanolic solution (70:30 vol/vol ethanol: water) every 48 hr for three times. Then, the extract was separated and concentrated using rotary evaporator as much as possible. It was put in a vacuum oven until maximum drying. Afterward, lyophilized powder was prepared via a freeze dryer. The final product was mixed with starch (Merck, Germany) as filler and was packaged in 500-mg capsules. It was determined that every capsule has lyophilized powder of hydroalcoholic extract of one-gram raw material of G. glabra and P. granatum and 0.5-g raw material of R. palmatum, and the rest of each capsule was filled by starch as filler. To prepare capsule 2, seed of Nigella sativa L. was powdered and packaged in 500-mg capsules. Another remedy was prepared as a polyherbal decoction. Each package contains 7 sachets of a mixture of 10 g of each following powdered herbs (each sachet for one day): Matricaria chamomilla L., Zataria multiflora Boiss., G. glabra L., Ziziphus jujuba Mill., Ficus carica L., Urtica dioica L., Althaea officinalis L., and Nepeta bracteata Benth. Every day, one sachet was decocted for 1 hr in 900 cc of water and then filtered and used three times a day (each time about 300 cc). Total phenolic content was determined via spectrophotometer based on the Folin Ciocalteu's method, and absorbance was evaluated against the prepared blank at 765 nm. The calibration curve was plotted using standard gallic acid. The total phenolic content was represented as mg gallic acid per gram of product (Marinova, Ribarova, & Atanassova, 2005) . Quercetin was applied as standard to construct the standard curve. Total flavonoid content was expressed as mg quercetin equivalent per gram of product (Beketov, Pakhomov, & Nesterova, 2005 After explaining the study procedure to eligible patients and obtaining their informed consent, 358 hospitalized patients were selected (161 women and 197 men) who were positive on RT-PCR, had pneumonia confirmed by chest imaging and had an oxygen saturation of 93% or lower on room air. The patients were randomly assigned into two groups of treatment and control by a third person through a computer program with block randomization method with four size blocks. The random sample number is generated and each patient will be assigned a number. As many as 174 patients received routine interventions according to the instructions of the Iranian Ministry of Health (2020) such as azithromycin, hydroxychloroquine, KALETRA ® (lopinavir/ritonavir), and 184 received herbal remedies (decoction every 8 hr and capsules every 12 hr) plus routine interventions for 7 days. Demographic information of the patients is explained in more details at baseline in Table 3 . Patients were assessed on days 0, 3, and 7 by physicians who were specialists in Persian medicine. Inclusion criteria are age range of 18 to 75 years in both genders with one or more of the following symptoms: acute respiratory disease (ARI); RR > 30; oxygen saturation < 93%; pulmonary infiltration in were expired. Six patients in standard care group were discharged from the hospital with personal consent and did not continue the treatment. Primary endpoint Significant statistical differences were detected in terms of duration of hospital stay between the two groups (p < .001, hazard ratio = 0.3). Patients in the treatment group had a shorter stay in the hospital than those in the standard-care group (median, 3.291 days vs. 6.468 days, respectively). Seven days after the onset of interventions, fever reduction was sta- Figures 3 and 4) . However, the decrease in chest pain, laryngeal pain, sore throat, diarrhea, and cramp were not significant at day 7 between the two groups (Table 4 and (Hamauzu, Yasui, Inno, Kume, & Omanyuda, 2005) . In a study con- PFT indices in sulfur mustard-exposed patients (Khazdair, Ghorani, Alavinezhad, & Boskabady, 2020) . Major constituents of the flowers of M. chamomilla, once called chamomile, include flavonoids (apigenin, luteolin, and quercetin) and essential oils (chamazulene and α-bisabolol) (Gupta, Mittal, Bansal, Khokra, & Kaushik, 2010) . Several studies showed that chamomile possessed strong anti-inflammatory activity. The freeze-dried extracts of chamomile repressed leukocyte infiltration and inflammatory effect (Al-Hindawi, Al-Deen, Nabi, & Ismail, 1989) . Efficacy of α-bisabolol on the inflammatory response was evaluated by affecting on leukocyte activity and NO production in systemic infection experimental model in mice (Cavalcante et al., 2020) . Immunomodulatory effects of chamomile heteropolysaccharides are attributed to the activation of immunoregulation cells of peripheral blood, initiation of immunostimulatory effects of erythrocytes (macrocytes), and heightened sensitivity of helper cells (Gupta et al., 2010) . Also, using chamomile essential oil topically improved patients with genital herpes (Koch, Reichling, Schneele, & Schnitzler, 2008) . According to various studies in folk medicine of different countries, chamomile is used to treat respiratory diseases such as treatment of influenza, colds, and cough (Kültür, 2007 (Joseph, Aravind, Varghese, Mini, & Sreelekha, 2012) . In a study of ethnomedicine in Pakistan, it was regarded as an effective plant for respiratory problems, especially cough and fever caused by colds (Aziz et al., 2016) . Therapeutic effects of pomegranate juice in various inflammatory diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, IBD, and in animal models of respiratory diseases, suggesting its usage in the treatment of chronic inflammatory diseases (Danesi & Ferguson, 2017) . Moreover, pomegranate extract has dem- (Xu, Li, & Cong, 2005) . Luo et al. in 2009, demon- strated that hydroethanolic extract of 70% Chinese rhubarb can strongly function against SARS-CoV 3CL protease (Luo et al., 2009) . In another study, anthraquinone emodin and kaempferole glycosides in Chinese rhubarb considerably reduced the symptoms of SARS-CoV by inhibiting 3a-channels (Schwarz et al., 2012) . Moreover, with block SARS-CoV spike protein and angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE-2) in a dosedependent manner, emodin showed anti SARS-CoV activity (Ho, Wu, Chen, Li, & Hsiang, 2007) . In another study conducted by Song et al. in 2018, emodin effectively subsided airway inflammation and activated macrophages in murine asthma model (Song et al., 2018) . Triterpenic acids isolated from jujube aqueous extract have shown inhibitory effects on inflammatory cells such as proliferation of splenocytes stimulated by prostratin and nitric oxide that is produced by macrophages (Yu et al., 2012) . Another study showed a strong protective role of jujube fruits against acute and chronic inflammatory reactions in rats by reducing nitric oxide expression (Goyal, Sharma, & Singh, 2011) . In this study, polysaccharides significantly raised spleen indexes, improved serum hemolysin formation, increased phagocytic activity of macrophages, and inhibited edema in mice (Zou, Chen, Sun-Waterhouse, Zhang, & Li, 2018) . Akbay, Basaran, Undeger, and Basaran (2003) . Nettle extract significantly prevented eosinophilia, leucocytes, and lymphocytes levels in serum and effectively suppressed inflammatory cells in the asthmatic rat model. Also, lipid peroxidation generated by allergen was significantly reduced in lung tissue (Zemmouri et al., 2017) . Gudej, 1990) . Mucilage polysaccharides of marshmallow administered intraperitoneally to mice revealed anti-inflammatory activity by enhancing phagocytic activity of macrophages in the carbon-clearance test (Naqvi, Khan, & Vohora, 1991) . In another study, hypolaetin 8-glucoside (flavonoid in marshmallow) repressed the acute phase of adjuvant carrageenan-induced inflammation, more even than phenylbutazone (Al-Snafi, 2013) . Marshmallow polysaccharides that contain the highest proportion of the uronic acid component, displayed statistically significant cough-repressing activity than non-narcotic drugs applied in clinical practice to treat coughing (Sutovska, Nosalova, Franova, & Kardosova, 2007) . Also, combination of the extracts of Zingiber officinale and A. officinalis diminished severity of acute bronchitis-induced coughs (Roohi Broujeni, Ganji, & Roohi Broujeni, 2009 ). In a double-blind clinical study, the effect of marshmallow on cough associated with angiotensin-converting enzyme F I G U R E 5 Comparison of secondary outcomes including (a) chest pain, (b) cramp, (c) diarrhea, (d) laryngeal pain, and (e) sore throat in two groups on days 0, 3, 7 inhibitors was evaluated. Sixty patients received marshmallow (40 mg, three times daily, for four weeks). The severity of the cough in the group that has been treated by marshmallow had a significant reduction. Eight patients in the marshmallow group demonstrated almost complete cough abolition (Rouhi & Ganji, 2007) . Treatment strategies for treating COVID-19 patients include corticosteroids, a combination of wide-ranging antiviral medicines, healing plasma, some antibiotics, and supportive care (Jahan & Onay, 2020) . Moreover, lopinavir-ritonavir treatment beyond standard care was not efficient for hospitalized adult patients with severe COVID-19 (Cao et al., 2020) . Also, intravenous remdesivir did not significantly improve mortality, time to clearance of virus, and clinical improvement in patients with serious COVID-19 compared with placebo . Thus, any supplements or treatments that can help alleviate symptoms and enhance tolerance against COVID-19, even using traditional medicinal knowledge seem promising. Medicinal herbs used in this study might not be regarded a complete treatment, but the results show that they can be beneficial for the patients in this critical situation. Open-label design of this study due to the COVID-19 pandemic was main limitation of this study. The present study demonstrated that these natural decoction and capsules treatment plus routine care significantly decreased duration of hospital stay, accelerate clinical improvement, and alleviated symptoms such as fever, dry cough, anorexia, muscle pain, and runny nose. Ghaderi, and Razieh Eshaghian helping us in this project. Effect of Nepeta bracteata Benth. On chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: A triple-blinded, randomized clinical trial The newly emerged COVID-19 disease: A systemic review Makhzan al-Advieh An alternative approach to minimize the risk of coronavirus (Covid-19) and similar infections A review on the prosperous phytochemical and pharmacological effects of Ficus carica Physical and chemical properties of pomegranate (Punica granatum L.) fruit in maturation stage In vitro immunomodulatory activity of flavonoid glycosides from Urtica dioica L The effect of Zataria multiflora and carvacrol on wheezing, FEV1 and plasma levels of nitrite in asthmatic patients Anti-inflammatory effect of seeds and callus of Nigella sativa L. extracts on mix glial cells with regard to their thymoquinone content Antiinflammatory activity of some Iraqi plants using intact rats The pharmaceutical importance of Althaea officinalis and Althaea rosea: A review Effect of Nigella sativa and bee honey on pulmonary, hepatic and renal function in Sudanese in Khartoum state Anti herpes simplex-1 activity of a standard extract of Zataria multiflora Boiss Ethno-medicinal survey of important plants practiced by indigenous community at Ladha subdivision, South Waziristan agency Improved method of flavonoid extraction from bird cherry fruits The possible prophylactic effect of Nigella sativa seed extract in asthmatic patients Caprine herpesvirus 1 (CpHV-1) vaginal infection of goats: Clinical efficacy of fig latex A trial of Lopinavir-ritonavir in adults hospitalized with severe Covid-19 Effect of (À)-α-Bisabolol on the inflammatory response in systemic infection experimental model in C57BL/6 mice A comprehensive review on the stinging nettle effect and efficacy profiles. Part II: Urticae radix Glycyrrhizin, an active component of liquorice roots, and replication of SARS-associated coronavirus Potential effects of medicinal plants and secondary metabolites on acute lung injury Could pomegranate juice help in the control of inflammatory diseases? Screening of pharmacological uses of Urtica dioica and others benefits Ethnobotany study of medicinal plants used in the treatment of respiratory diseases in the middle region of Oum Rbai Simultaneous determination of ten anthraquinones in Rheum palmatum L. from different habitants by HPLC Urtica dioica extracts inhibit dengue virus serotype 2 replication in vitro Black cumin (Nigella sativa) and its constituent (thymoquinone): A review on antimicrobial effects The jujube (Ziziphus jujuba mill.) fruit: A review of current knowledge of fruit composition and health benefits The effect of aqueous extract of glycyrrhiza glabra on herpes simplex virus 1 Antioxidant activity of pomegranate juice and its relationship with phenolic composition and processing Possible attenuation of nitric oxide expression in anti-inflammatory effect of Ziziphus jujuba in rat Clinical characteristics of coronavirus disease 2019 in China Determination of flavonoids in leaves, flowers and roots of Althaea officinalis L. Farm Polska Pharmacological potential of Matricaria recutita-a review Pomegranate (Punica granatum) purified polyphenol extract inhibits influenza virus and has a synergistic effect with oseltamivir On allergic rhinitis symptoms: A randomized double-blind clinical trial Phenolic profile, antioxidant property, and anti-influenza viral activity of Chinese quince (Pseudocydonia sinensis Schneid.), quince (Cydonia oblonga mill.), and apple (Malus domestica mill.) fruits Emodin blocks the SARS coronavirus spike protein and angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 interaction Antitussive effect of thymoquinone, a constituent of Nigella sativa seeds Clinical features of patients infected with 2019 novel coronavirus in Wuhan Epidemiology and clinical characteristics of COVID-19 Iranian traditional medicine General Ontology (IrGO) Potentials of plant-based substance to inhabit and probable cure for the COVID-19 Short-course administration of a traditional herbal mixture ameliorates asthma symptoms of the common cold in children Evaluation of antioxidant, antitumor and immunomodulatory properties of polysaccharide isolated from fruit rind of Punica granatum The effect of house dust mite immunotherapy, probiotic and Nigella sativa in the number of Th17 cell and asthma control test score Effect of Zataria multiflora on serum cytokine levels and pulmonary function tests in sulfur mustard-induced lung disorders: A randomized double-blind clinical trial Inhibitory effect of essential oils against herpes simplex virus type 2 Medicinal benefits of Nigella sativa in bronchial asthma: A literature review Nigella sativa supplementation improves asthma control and biomarkers: A randomized, double-blind, placebocontrolled trial Nigella sativa l. as a potential phytotherapy for covid-19: A mini-review of in-silico studies Medicinal plants used in Kırklareli province (Turkey) In vitro cytotoxic and antiviral activities of Ficus carica latex extracts Anti-inflammatory and antiproliferative prenylated isoflavone derivatives from the fruits of Ficus carica The antiinflammatory NHE-06 restores antitumor immunity by targeting NF-κB/IL-6/STAT3 signaling in hepatocellular carcinoma Anti-SARS coronavirus 3C-like protease effects of Rheum palmatum L. extracts Total phenolics and total flavonoids in Bulgarian fruits and vegetables Efficacy of stronger neo-Minophagen C compared between two doses administered three times a week on patients with chronic viral hepatitis Labiatae family in folk medicine in Iran: From ethnobotany to pharmacology Anti-bacterial, anti-fungal and anthelmintic investigations on Indian medicinal plants Antiasthmatic potential of Zizyphus jujuba mill and Jujuboside B.-possible role in the treatment of asthma Natural products as potential leads against coronaviruses: Could they be encouraging structural models against SARS-CoV-2? A review: Medicinal importance of Glycyrrhiza glabra L.(Fabaceae family) The effect of combination of Zingeber and Althea officinalis extracts in acute bronchitis-induced cough Will plant-made biopharmaceuticals play a role in the fight against COVID-19? Effect of Althaea officinalis on cough associated with ACE inhibitors Simultaneous HPLC analysis, with isocratic elution, of glycyrrhizin and glycyrrhetic acid in liquorice roots and confectionery products Efficacy and safety of liquorice extract in asthmatic patients Effect of Nigella sativa supplementation on lung function and inflammatory mediators in partly controlled asthma: A randomized controlled trial Protective effect of black seed oil from Nigella sativa against murine cytomegalovirus infection Coronaviral ion channels as target for Chinese herbal medicine Essential oil composition of four Iranian Nepeta species (N. cephalotes, N. bornmuelleri, N. mirzayanii and N. bracteata) Clinical study of unani formulation 'Sharbat Zoofa Murakkab' in the management of sual ratab (productive cough) Zataria multiflora essential oil reduces replication rate of avian influenza virus (H9N2 subtype) in challenged broiler chicks A review study on punica granatum l Spectrophotometric determination of the total phenolic content, spectral and fluorescence study of the herbal Unani drug Gul-e-Zoofa (Nepeta bracteata Benth) A historical report on preparing sustained release dosage forms for addicts in medieval Persia, 16th century AD Emodin alleviates alternatively activated macrophage and asthmatic airway inflammation in a murine asthma model Molecular docking and ADMET study of bioactive compounds of Glycyrrhiza glabra against Main protease of SARS-CoV2 Immunity: Plants as effective mediators Computational study of pomegranate peel extract polyphenols as potential inhibitors of SARS-CoV-2 virus internalization The antitussive activity of polysaccharides from Althaea officinalis l., var. Robusta, Arctium lappa L., var. Herkules, and Prunus persica L., Batsch Effectiveness of Chinese herbal medicine and Persian medicine against viral infections: A systematic review Inhibition of asthma in OVA sensitized mice model by a traditional uygur herb Nepeta bracteata benth. Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine Remdesivir in adults with severe COVID-19: A randomised, doubleblind, placebo-controlled, multicentre trial. The Lancet An overview of antiviral research of Chinese medicine rhubarb Effects and cost of glycyrrhizin in the treatment of upper respiratory tract infections in members of the Japanese maritime selfdefense force: Preliminary report of a prospective, randomized, double-blind, controlled, parallel-group, alternate-day treatment assignment clinical trial Traditional Chinese medicine in the treatment of patients infected with 2019-new coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2): A review and perspective Chinese, European and Persian medicine recommendations for the prevention of pandemics (COVID-19) related to the respiratory system: A systematic review Bioactive components in the fruits of Ziziphus jujuba mill. Against the inflammatory irritant action of euphorbia plants Urtica dioica attenuates ovalbumin-induced inflammation and lipid peroxidation of lung tissues in rat asthma model Analysis of ellagic acid in pomegranate rinds by capillary electrophoresis and high-performance liquid chromatography A pneumonia outbreak associated with a new coronavirus of probable bat origin Immunomodulatory acidic polysaccharides from Zizyphus jujuba cv. Huizao: Insights into their chemical characteristics and modes of action Efficacy of Persian medicine herbal formulations (capsules and decoction) compared to standard care in patients with COVID-19, a multicenter open-labeled, randomized, controlled clinical trial The authors declare no potential conflict of interest. The data that support the findings of this study are available from the corresponding author upon reasonable request. Samaneh Soleymani Jafari Namiranian Zargaran