key: cord-0922700-tvqen8q3 authors: Mangara Tua Siahaan, Yusak; Jayantri Ketaren, Retno; Hartoyo, Vinson; Ivan Hariyanto, Timotius title: Epilepsy and The Risk of Severe Coronavirus Disease 2019 Outcomes: A Systematic Review, Meta-analysis, and Meta-Regression date: 2021-11-15 journal: Epilepsy Behav DOI: 10.1016/j.yebeh.2021.108437 sha: 0933725fbe47dca5042f9496c8e56138d5793cf3 doc_id: 922700 cord_uid: tvqen8q3 BACKGROUND: Patients with epilepsy experience seizures, which have been reported to increase and worsen during the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic. However, the association between epilepsy and COVID-19 outcomes remains unclear. The aim of this study was to analyze whether patients with epilepsy have an increased risk for poor COVID-19 outcomes. METHODS: We comprehensively evaluated potential articles extracted from the medRxiv, Europe PMC, and PubMed databases until June 30, 2021, using selected keywords. All published studies on epilepsy and COVID-19 were selected. We used the Review Manager 5.4 and Comprehensive Meta-Analysis 3 software for statistical analysis. RESULTS: Thirteen studies with 67,131 patients with COVID-19 were included in the analysis. Evaluation of the collated data revealed an association between epilepsy and increased severity of COVID-19 (OR, 1.69; 95%CI: 1.11 – 2.59; p=0.010; I(2) = 29%; random-effect modeling) and mortality from COVID-19 (OR, 1.71; 95%CI: 1.14 – 2.56; p=0.010; I(2) = 53%; random-effect modeling). The results also showed that the association between epilepsy and increased risk of developing severe COVID-19 is influenced by sex and neurodegenerative disease. CONCLUSIONS: The findings of this study suggest that patients with epilepsy are at risk of having poor COVID-19 outcomes. Patients with epilepsy need special attention and should be prioritized for administration of the COVID-19 vaccine. Registration details: PROSPERO (CRD42021264979). The outbreak of the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), which is caused by the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), is the most recent catastrophic global pandemic. Since the start of the pandemic, over 186 million confirmed cases have been recorded, with more than 4 million deaths as of July 13, 2021. [1] Although some patients with COVID-19 may develop mild, non-debilitating, self-limiting, upper-respiratory symptoms, a significant percentage of patients may also develop destructive and progressive symptoms that require hospitalization and intensive care treatment due to the threat of progression into acute respiratory distress syndrome, which may eventually advance to multi-organ failure. [2, 3] Recent studies have identified several comorbidities that can increase the probability of developing severe COVID-19. These comorbidities include chronic respiratory disease, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, obesity, and other immunocompromising conditions. [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] The findings of previous meta-analyses have also established that neurological comorbidities, such as stroke, dementia, and Parkinson's Disease, are risk factors for poor COVID-19 outcomes. [9] [10] [11] [12] Epilepsy is another a neurological comorbidity that needs special attention. It has been reported that patients with epilepsy are included in the populations at risk during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. Several reports have shown that most patients with epilepsy experience worsened seizures during this pandemic, which may lead to higher morbidity and mortality rates. [13] [14] [15] However, studies on the association between epilepsy and COVID-19 outcomes are scarce; thus, comprehensive evidence regarding this topic remains unestablished. Therefore, the purpose of this systematic review and meta-analysis was to determine whether patients with epilepsy are at risk of having poor COVID-19 outcomes. We conducted a systematic review and meta-analysis of observational studies. The study protocol was registered in PROSPERO (CRD42021264979). Append research in this systematic review and meta-analysis were chosen as most likely to attain the following criteria: studies that followed the PICO framework (P: Populations -hospitalized patients with COVID-19; I: Interventions -patients with a history of epilepsy or with active epilepsy as a comorbidity; C: Comparator/Control -patients without a history of epilepsy or without active epilepsy; O: Outcomes -severe COVID-19 or mortality), and cross-sectional, case-control, cohort, and caseseries studies were included. Studies besides original articles (correspondence or review articles), randomized or non-randomized clinical trials, case reports, studies reported in a language other than in English, and research that focused on pregnant women or populations younger than 18 years old were excluded. Systematic search of the medRxiv, Europe PMC, and PubMed databases was performed to identify relevant articles published in English language. The database search was conducted from December 2019 to June 30, 2021, using keywords, including "epilepsy" OR "epileptics" OR "epilepsia" OR "seizure disorders" OR "seizure syndrome" AND "SARS-CoV-2," OR "coronavirus disease 2019" OR "COVID-19," to identify potentially eligible studies for analysis. The details of the search strategy are outlined in Supplementary Table 1 . The initial step was the identification of eligible articles through screening of titles and abstracts. The references in the eligible articles were additionally evaluated to identify other potentially eligible articles that may have been missed in the database search. The Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses diagram shows the strategy employed in this study. Two authors conducted the data extraction. An extraction form was developed to collate information about the studies, such as population characteristics; data on hypertension, diabetes, and stroke; number of patients with a history of epilepsy; details of the control groups; and COVID-19 outcomes. We focused on the outcomes of severe COVID-19 and mortality. Severe COVID-19 outcomes were defined according to the Guidelines for the Diagnosis and Treatment of New Coronavirus Pneumonia (fifth edition) [16] . The guidelines stipulate that patients with severe COVID-19 outcomes are those who during disease progression (whether it was at the time of, during, or after admission) developed any of the following symptoms or features: (1) respiratory distress (defined as a respiratory rate ≥30 breaths per min); (2) resting oxygen saturation ≤93%; (3) ratio of partial pressure of arterial oxygen to fraction of inspired oxygen ≤300 mmHg; or (4) critical complications (respiratory failure, septic shock, or multiple organ dysfunction/failure) or admission to the intensive care unit. Mortality outcome was described as the number of patients with a history of positive SARS-CoV-2 infection who died during the follow-up period. Two authors independently conducted a quality assessment of each study to be included in the analysis. The Newcastle-Ottawa Scale (NOS) was used to evaluate the qualities of the casecontrol and cohort studies. The assessment process included review of the comparability, selection, and outcome of each study. Thereafter, each study was assigned a total score ranging from zero to nine. A study is considered to be of good quality if it scores ≥7. [17] Meanwhile, the qualities of the included case-series studies were assessed using the Joanna Briggs Institute (JBI) Critical Appraisal Tools For Case-Series Studies. [18] The meta-analysis was performed using the Review Manager 5.4 (Cochrane Collaboration) and Comprehensive Meta-Analysis version 3 software. The Mantel-Haenszel's formula with a random-effects model was used to calculate the odds ratios (OR) and 95% confidence intervals (95% CI) for severe COVID-19 and mortality outcomes. The I 2 statistic was used to assess the heterogeneity of the studies. A value <25% is considered to indicate a low degree of heterogeneity, 26%-50% indicates a moderate degree of heterogeneity, and >50% indicates a high degree of heterogeneity. Meta-regression with a random-effects model was performed using a restricted maximum likelihood for pre-specified variables, including age, sex, hypertension, diabetes, and stroke. Funnel plot analysis was utilized to assess the qualitative risk of publication bias, whereas Egger's regression method was used to assess the quantitative risk of publication bias. [19] 3. RESULTS A total of 3,136 articles were identified after the initial database search. After duplicate articles were removed, 2,138 articles remained. An additional 2,114 articles were removed after the titles and abstracts were screened and inclusion and exclusion criteria were matched. The full texts of the remaining 24 articles were then assessed for eligibility. Eleven article were excluded after the assessment because the outcomes outlined in seven of the articles did not meet the criteria of the present study, three articles had no information on a control group, and one article was not published in English. Thus, 13 studies [20] [21] [22] [23] [24] [25] [26] [27] [28] [29] [30] [31] [32] , which included a total of 67,131 patients with COVID-19, were included in the analysis ( Figure 1 ). Of the 13 studies, eight were retrospective cohort studies, three were case-control studies, and two were case-series studies. The details of the included studies are outlined in Table 1 . The NOS scale was used to evaluate the qualities of the cohort and case-control studies. The results indicated that all included studies are of good quality (Table 2) . Meanwhile, the Joanna Briggs Institute Critical Appraisal checklist was used for the evaluation of case-series studies (Table 3 ). The results also showed that all included studies were fit to be included in the metaanalysis. In eight studies (n = 47,199), severe COVID-19 was reported as the outcome of patients with epilepsy and COVID-19. Our pooled analysis revealed that epilepsy as a comorbidity was correlated with an enhanced risk of severe COVID-19 (OR, 1.69; 95%CI: 1.11 -2.59; p=0.010; I 2 = 29%; random-effect modeling) ( Figure 2A ). Mortality outcomes were reported in eight studies (n = 58,176). The pooled estimate indicated that epilepsy was associated with increased mortality from COVID-19 (OR, 1.71; 95%CI: 1.14 -2.56; p=0.010; I 2 = 53%; random-effect modeling) ( Figure 2B ). The results of the meta-regression suggested that the association between epilepsy as a comorbidity and severe COVID-19 outcomes was affected by sex (p=0.018) ( Figure 3A ) and neurodegenerative disease (p=0.018) ( Figure 3B We used funnel plot analysis to evaluate severe COVID-19 ( Figure 5A ) and mortality outcomes ( Figure 5B ). The results of the analysis showed a relatively symmetrical inverted plot, indicating no publication bias. The result of the Egger's regression test was not statistically significant for severe COVID-19 (p=0.897) and mortality outcomes (p=0.176), confirming the results of the funnel plot analysis, in which publication bias was not observed. In this systematic review and meta-analysis, we investigated whether patients with epilepsy have an increased risk for poor COVID-19 outcomes. After conducting pooled analyses, our results demonstrated that epilepsy as a comorbidity is associated with increased severity of COVID-19 and mortality from COVID-19. Sex was found to influence the association between epilepsy and severe COVID-19, whereas it had no influence mortality rate. In addition, age, hypertension, diabetes, and stroke were found to have no influence on association between epilepsy and both outcomes. 19 and epilepsy. Second, brain inflammation is thought to be involved in the epileptogenesis process. Findings from immunohistochemical and biochemical studies have firmly established that certain inflammatory mediators rapidly increase within local brain areas affected by proepileptogenic brain injuries, including trauma, infection, and status epilepticus (febrile or nonfebrile). [37] [38] [39] An experimental study showed that the inflammatory response caused by these injuries can last from several days to weeks and is often followed by the development of epilepsy. [40] C-reactive protein , interleukin (IL)-1 (IL-1), IL-6, and IL-8 are among the inflammatory markers that are increased in patients with epilepsy. [41, 42] According to the findings of several meta-analyses, patients with COVID-19 also have the increased levels of these inflammatory markers. [43, 44] Therefore, the pre-existing inflammatory state in patients with epilepsy (as evidenced by elevations of several inflammatory markers) will worsen if they are contracted with SARS-CoV-2 infection. Combination of these inflammatory conditions may not only lead into seizure exacerbation [35] , but may also lead into the development of cytokine storm and poor COVID-19 outcomes. [43, 44] Third, some anti-epileptic drugs (AEDs) taken by patients with epilepsy may interact with drugs commonly used to treat COVID-19 (e.g., the combination of eslicarbazepine/lacosamide and atazanavir/lopinavir/ritonavir), which may cause potentially fatal arrhythmias. Other AEDs, such as carbamazepine, phenytoin, and phenobarbital, have also been found to interact with remdesivir, a well-known medication used to treat COVID-19, when they are taken together. This interaction leads to decreased remdesivir levels in the body. Thus, caution should be applied when AEDs and remdesivir are used together in treatment. [45, 46] However, we must bear in mind that not all AEDs have interaction with antiviral agents. There are still many AEDs which can be safely used together and do not interfere with antiviral agents. Fourth, the COVID-19 pandemic may cause psychological distress among patients with epilepsy, resulting in more frequent and worsened seizures. [47] [48] [49] An increase in the frequency and severity of seizures signifies that patients will have an increased risk for hypoxemia. [50] [51] [52] Hypoxemia can be fatal in cases of COVID-19 where respiratory functions are already compromised. [53, 54] Therefore, patients with epilepsy are at risk of developing severe hypoxemia, which may result in higher disease severity and mortality from COVID-19. Finally, in attempts of controlling COVID-19 pandemic, several countries implement national lockdown and heavy restrictions of health care services. This policy may delay the diagnosis and treatment for the patients, including those with epilepsy because they must limit their hospital visit. [55] Monitoring of the patients' conditions and access into the AEDs may become impaired and these conditions will eventually lead into seizure exacerbations and worsening of epilepsy control during COVID-19 pandemic. [55, 56] This study has some limitations. Data regarding the duration of epilepsy, type of epilepsy, and AEDs used by patients were incomplete and not well-documented in the included studies, therefore making it unavailable for further analysis in the present study. Moreover, data regarding other potential confounders, such as motor disability, immunosuppressive conditions, obesity prevalence were lacking in the included studies therefore cannot be further analyzed into metaregression analysis. We also included some pre-print studies in our analysis. However, we ensured that meaningful research and several pre-print studies were included in the analysis to reduce publication bias risk. More studies with larger sample sizes that focus on the course of COVID-19 in patients with epilepsy are needed to confirm the results of the present study. This systematic review and meta-analysis demonstrated that patients with epilepsy are at higher risk of having poorer COVID-19 outcomes than controls, specifically in terms of disease severity and mortality rate. The associations between epilepsy and severe COVID-19 are further affected by gender and neurodegenerative disease. Considering the findings of this study, we propose that patients with epilepsy need special attention and should be considered a population at risk during the COVID-19 pandemic. Patients with epilepsy should also be prioritized to receive COVID-19 vaccines, along with patients with other comorbidities that have already been established as risk factors for COVID-19. Availability of data and materials: Data analyzed in this study were a re-analysis of existing data, which are openly available at locations cited in the reference section. (1) representativeness of the exposed cohort; (2) selection of the non-exposed cohort; (3) ascertainment of exposure; (4) demonstration that outcome of interest was not present at start of study b (1) comparability of cohorts on the basis of design or analysis, (maximum two stars) c (1) assessment of outcome; (2) was follow-up long enough for outcomes to occur; (3) adequacy of follow up of cohorts  Currently, the evidence regarding epilepsy and Covid-19 outcome is still unclear.  Epilepsy is associated with higher severity and mortality from Covid-19.  Patients with epilepsy should be prioritized to receive SARS-CoV-2 vaccine.. World Health Organization. Coronavirus disease (COVID-19): situation report Anosmia/Hyposmia is a Good Predictor of Coronavirus 6 Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Infection: A Meta-Analysis Coronavirus 9 disease 2019 and cardiovascular system: A narrative review Human immunodeficiency virus and 12 mortality from coronavirus disease 2019: A systematic review and meta-analysis. South Afr J 13 HIV Med COVID-19 and 15 comorbidities: a systematic review and meta-analysis Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) and outcomes from coronavirus 18 disease 2019 (COVID-19) pneumonia: a systematic review and meta-analysis Metformin use is associated with reduced mortality rate from 67 21 Incidence and case fatality rate of COVID-19 in patients with active 72 epilepsy Neurological Manifestations Among Patients Hospitalized With COVID-19-A Report for the 76 GCS-NeuroCOVID Consortium and the ENERGY Consortium. JAMA Netw Open Living 79 risk prediction algorithm (QCOVID) for risk of hospital admission and mortality from 80 coronavirus 19 in adults: national derivation and validation cohort study Neurological presentations of COVID-19: Findings from the Spanish Society of with COVID-19 114 Neuromechanisms of SARS-CoV-2: A Review. Front Neuroanat Status epilepticus 117 and COVID-19: A systematic review How does the COVID-19 cause seizure 120 and epilepsy in patients? The potential mechanisms Temkin NR. Preventing and treating posttraumatic seizures: the human experience Interleukin-1 system in CNS stress: seizures, fever, and neurotrauma Brain inflammation as a biomarker in epilepsy C-reactive protein levels in pediatric epilepsy patients with frequent, refractory generalized 136 motor seizures Inflammatory 138 and hematologic markers as predictors of severe outcomes in COVID-19 infection: A 139 systematic review and meta-analysis Coomes EA, Haghbayan H. Interleukin-6 in Covid-19: A systematic review and meta-analysis Management of COVID-19 in 144 people with epilepsy: drug considerations COVID-19 & antiepileptic drugs: Should we pay attention? 147 Seizure COVID-19 outbreak: The impact of stress on 149 seizures in patients with epilepsy Severe psychological distress among patients 152 with epilepsy during the COVID-19 outbreak in southwest China 159 Oxygen desaturations triggered by partial seizures: implications for cardiopulmonary 160 instability in epilepsy Hypoxemia 163 following generalized convulsive seizures: Risk factors and effect of oxygen therapy Ictal hypoxemia: A 166 systematic review and meta-analysis. Seizure Hypoxia in COVID-19: Sign of Severity or Cause for Poor Outcomes Proc. 2020 Hypoxia: A key feature of COVID-19 launching 171 activation of HIF-1 and cytokine storm Were the criteria for inclusion in the sample clearly defined? Yes Yes 2. Were the study subjects and the setting described in detail? Yes Yes 3. Was the exposure measured in a valid and reliable way? Yes Yes 4. Were objective, standard criteria used for measurement of the condition? Yes Yes 5. Were confounding factors identified? Yes Yes