key: cord-0917940-wm7e3cs4 authors: Tsai, Yi-Fan; Chen, Sung-Yun; Yen, Yung-Feng; Huang, Tsun-Cheng title: Taiwan Can Help- Community Protection Net: Preventive Effects of the Northern Taiwan Centralized Quarantine Center against SARS-CoV-2 date: 2021-04-27 journal: Public Health DOI: 10.1016/j.puhe.2021.04.010 sha: fc30a799a8c0166641beae861be5d6d4dbf4f54d doc_id: 917940 cord_uid: wm7e3cs4 nan The number of global deaths caused by coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is over 2 million, with a fatality rate of 2.218% 1 . In response to the SARS-CoV-2 outbreak, the Taiwanese government has implemented numerous policies, including border control, proactive testing, acquisition of sufficient supplies for COVID-19 prevention, constant provision of pandemic-related information to the public (via the LINE application, Facebook, news media, etc.), and promoting the wearing face masks, frequent hand washing, and social distancing. The Taiwanese government has also established the Central Epidemic Command Center (CECC), which cooperates with central and local government departments to coordinate resources. On January 31, 2020, centralized quarantine centers (CQCs) were established around Taiwan to assist in COVID-19 prevention 2,3 . CQCs primarily contain inbound travelers from countries affected by the pandemic. Upon their arrival in Taiwan, travellers sign a centralized quarantine declaration form at the airport, arrange a private vehicle to commute to a CQC, and are quarantined for a duration of 14 days. CQCs also accommodate those wishing to quarantine following close contact with confirmed cases, those who cannot quarantine at home, and work personnel who need to quarantine. As of January 2021, Taiwan had 35 CQCs with a total of 3,765 rooms located in Northern, Central, and Southern Taiwan. CQC task groups consist of security, logistics, and health workers 4,5 . The concept of prevention using CQC was combined with J o u r n a l P r e -p r o o f 2 TCB (Traffic Control Bundling) and and the public health three-stage prevention 6 . In Taiwan, in addition to self-protection measures, there are three additional layers of measures for community protection. The first layer was border control for inbound and outbound travelers, while the second layer was implemented for community control; wherein inbound travelers were directly quarantined in the CQC prior to entering the community. If symptoms appeared while quarantining in the CQC, the individual was evacuated for medical treatment. The third layer was hospital control, wherein measures such as patient diversion, visitor control, and personnel management were implemented. The CQCs in Northern Taiwan also have established a "3C" care model (careful, concern, and confidence). Wherein people under quarantine at the CQC can stay there at ease (careful), can pass the 2-week quarantine period under the attentive care of medical personnel (concern), and up on receiving a negative SARS-CoV-2 result on day 13 of quarantine, they will be discharged from the CQC the following day assured that they are free of infection (confidence). The CQCs in Taiwan not only provide individuals with a space to be quarantined, but their critical purpose is to ensure that Taiwan's limited acute medical resources are reserved for confirmed cases. This helps Taiwan successfully achieve the compartmentalization of quarantine and acute medicine. CQCs differ from general quarantine hotels mainly because they have medical personnel on site, and they serve as community pandemic prevention outposts. If quarantined individuals have medical issues, they can receive treatment while under quarantine, which ensures personal health and safety. And the J o u r n a l P r e -p r o o f biggest difference between CQC and mobile cabin hospital is that CQC takes care of quarantine persons, while mobile cabin hospital takes care of patients with mildly positive confirmed cases. Although SARS-CoV-2 vaccines have been invented, mass vaccination poses numerous, uncertain risks in the community. Therefore, other methods to reduce the spread of SARS-CoV-2 need to be implemented simultaneously. A systematic literature review concluded that quarantine can reduce the number of SARS-CoV-2 cases by 44-96% and the fatality rate can be reduced by 31-76%; therefore, quarantine is a critical and effective method to control SARS-CoV-2 7 . Taiwan's CQCs have been established for a year, and preliminary data from the 3 CQCs in Northern Taiwan have yielded the following results: When faced with a crisis, the government usually has to make the best decision rapidly under time constraints. We strongly believe that emerging communicable diseases will not be limited to COVID-19. We should therefore give importance to planning effective response strategies against future communicable diseases on a global scale. The results of Taiwan's pandemic prevention may indicate that in addition to pandemic prevention policies such as wearing face masks and maintaining social distancing, establishing CQCs may serve as a tight isolation net to stop the spread of contagious viruses in the community 9, 10 . COVID-19) pandemic. World Health Organization Fighting COVID-19 through government initiatives and collaborative governance: the Taiwan experience Response to COVID-19 in Taiwan: big data analytics, new technology, and proactive testing Prevention and Control of COVID-19 in Taiwan Use and Cost-Effectiveness of a Telehealth Service at a Centralized COVID-19 Quarantine Center in Taiwan: Cohort Study Seventeen years after first implementation of traffic control bundling COVID-19: a rapid review Prevalence of suicidal ideation and associated risk factors in the general population Masks and medical care: two keys to Taiwan's success in preventing COVID-19 spread The efficacy of social distance and ventilation effectiveness in preventing COVID-19 transmission