key: cord-0912898-x2htgrrt authors: Leung, Janice M.; Yang, Chen Xi; Sin, Don D. title: COVID-19 and Nicotine as a Mediator of ACE-2 date: 2020-04-29 journal: Eur Respir J DOI: 10.1183/13993003.01261-2020 sha: 2c98c1722d475d45c5eac30a1925d929c42c87d6 doc_id: 912898 cord_uid: x2htgrrt α7-nAChR may upregulate ACE-2 We recently reported that current smokers and those with COPD had higher airway epithelial cell expression of the angiotensin-converting enzyme-2 (ACE-2) viral entry receptor [1] . We thus read with great interest the work of Russo et al. [2] which proposes a mechanism for this finding, namely that this upregulation is mediated by nicotine exposure specifically through the α7 subtype of nicotine acetylcholine receptors (α7-nAChR). While exposure to increasing concentrations of nicotine caused epithelial cells to increase ACE-2 levels, subsequent gene silencing of α7-nAChR appeared to significantly dampen this response. A secondary transcriptome sequencing analysis of our cohort (consisting of 42 subjects who underwent bronchoscopy for epithelial cell brushings [1] ) reveals evidence in support of this hypothesis. We found that airway epithelial cell expression of CHRNA7, encoding α7-nAChR, was significantly correlated with the expression of ACE2 (Figure 1 , Pearson r=0.54, p=2.31x10 -8 ). There was significantly higher CHRNA7 expression in those with COPD (2.75±0.73 vs. 2.14±0.43 in those without COPD, p=1.47x10 -4 ), with a trend towards higher expression in current smokers compared to former and never smokers (2.86±0.92 in current smokers, 2.35±0.57 in former smokers, and 2.27±0.45 in never smokers, p=6.16x10 -2 ). CHRNA7 was also negatively correlated with forced expiratory volume in 1 second percent predicted (Pearson r=-0.37, p=2.83x10 -4 ). Interestingly, CHRNA7 was positively if weakly correlated with body mass index (Pearson r=0.14, p=6.31x10 -3 ), raising the intriguing possibility that nicotine receptor mediation of ACE-2 may also be related to why obese individuals have made up a considerable proportion of COVID-19 cases [3] . Together, these data further help to characterize the connections between airway epithelial ACE-2, α7-nAChR, and the unique vulnerability of patients with COPD to severe COVID-19. α7-nAChR's widespread abundance in the human body, from neuronal tissue to immune cells to the lung and digestive tract, and its various roles in diseases such as schizophrenia [4] , Alzheimer's disease [5] , and Parkinson's disease [6] has meant that considerable work has already been done to target α7-nAChR as a therapeutic modality. As an example, α7-nAChR antagonists for the purpose of smoking cessation have long been proposed [7] and the idea of potentially repurposing these compounds for a pandemic with few therapeutic options currently available is certainly appealing. Whether α7-nAChRselective antagonists such as methyllycaconitine [8] and α-conotoxin [9] can meaningfully alter ACE-2 expression to prevent SARS-CoV-2 entry into the airway epithelium seems the next logical investigation in our furious pursuit for better therapeutics. ACE-2 Expression in the Small Airway Epithelia of Smokers and COPD Patients: Implications for COVID-19 COVID-19 and smoking: is nicotine the hidden link? Hospitalization Rates and Characteristics of Patients Hospitalized with Laboratory-Confirmed Coronavirus Disease 2019 -COVID-NET, 14 States Linkage disequilibrium for schizophrenia at the chromosome 15q13-14 locus of the alpha7-nicotinic acetylcholine receptor subunit gene (CHRNA7) Decreased protein levels of nicotinic receptor subunits in the hippocampus and temporal cortex of patients with Alzheimer's disease Cellular expression of alpha7 nicotinic acetylcholine receptor protein in the temporal cortex in Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease--a stereological approach Targeting the alpha4beta2-and alpha7-Subtypes of Nicotinic Acetylcholine Receptors for Smoking Cessation Medication Development Effects of methyllycaconitine (MLA), an alpha 7 nicotinic receptor antagonist, on nicotine-and cocaine-induced potentiation of brain stimulation reward Dimerization of alpha-Conotoxins as a Strategy to Enhance the Inhibition of the Human alpha7 and alpha9alpha10 Nicotinic Acetylcholine Receptors