key: cord-0910640-6i64mxa0 authors: Ghosh, Ritu; Jana, Pulak K.; Bhattacharya, Saikat; Mallik, Sarmila title: Understanding social problems during lockdown and its relationship to perceived stress - An online survey among adult residents of India date: 2021-11-05 journal: J Family Med Prim Care DOI: 10.4103/jfmpc.jfmpc_2519_20 sha: 871648e939b6f6d73876ae8ae14aa6c08936d2c9 doc_id: 910640 cord_uid: 6i64mxa0 CONTEXT: Nationwide lock down imposed due to Covid 19 might bring about various social problems, constraints in availing essential services, difficulty in taking care of morbid elderly persons and inaccessibility to health care which can lead to stress. AIMS: To identify social problems among adult Indian residents during lockdown period, to assess perceived stress among them and to identify the factors associated with it. SETTINGS AND DESIGN: The study was conducted through the online platform using a google form among adult residents of India. Perceived stress was assessed by Perceived Stress Scale 10. STATISTICAL ANALYSIS USED: Data were analysed using SPSS version 16.0., using chi square, Odd's Ratio and binary logistic regression. RESULTS: One fourth of the respondents faced economic problem, 11.7% of them had experienced some sort of violence and worsening of familial relationship. The problems encountered in seeking care were chi square test due to non availability of transportation facilities and health services. Overall 80.78% of the respondents were observed to have moderate and high levels of perceived stress. Multivariate analysis revealed single marital status, owing a debt and experiencing violence had 1.62, 1.8 and 9 times higher odds of having moderate to high perceived stress. Violence was identified as its chief correlate. CONCLUSIONS: The present study found negative economic and social consequences on the Indian population and also posed an enormous psychological stress due to sudden lock down in pandemic situation. The outbreak of Corona virus, COVID 19 which originated in Wuhan, China in December 2019 overwhelmed the entire world within a short span of two to three months. Thus this Public health Emergency of International Concern was declared as Pandemic by WHO on March 11 th 2020. The disease spectrum varies from mild influenza like illness to severe acute respiratory illness associated with considerable mortality and morbidity. [1] the rising epidemic curve. Social distancing is considered as a crucial strategy to curb the pandemic. [1] With imposition of lockdown, people were confined to their homes and movement was restricted. [1] Only essential services were in place. Educational Institutions, shops, restaurants, cinema and theatres were shut down. The government advised for 'work from home' as far as practicable. Such a situation might lead to various social problems like reduction in income, loss of work, domestic violence, and constraints in availing essential commodities and services, difficulty in taking care of morbid elderly persons due to absence of care givers, inaccessibility to health care which can lead to stress. Plethora of literature published during this period suggested that lockdown and the pandemic resulted in psychological challenges amidst the general population. [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] A study conducted in Spain noted that nearly one fourth of their subjects (24.7%) had moderate to severe psychological impact during the Covid 19 pandemic. [6] A review of existing literature by Rajkumar PR revealed that the proportion of symptoms of anxiety and depression varied from 16% to 28% and that of self-reported stress was 8%. [7] Studies conducted in India reported moderate to high level of perceived stress among adults with increased predisposition to Post traumatic stress Disorder (PTSD). [8, 9] However there is paucity of data on the social consequences of 'Lockdown' due to the Covid 19 pandemic and its relationship to perceived stress among Indian adults. Thus the current study was contemplated with the following objectives: i. To identify social problems among adult Indian residents during lockdown period ii. To assess perceived stress among the study subjects during that period iii. To determine the factors associated with perceived stress among them The present study was a descriptive, cross-sectional study conducted through the online platform among adult (18 years and above) residents of India. Within the 2 weeks of window period, a total of 647 adult persons above 18 years participated in the survey, while analysis was performed on 614 subjects who filled up the questionnaire completely. Majority of the study participants were in the age group of 18 to 29 years (51%), male (54.6%), residing in urban area (75.9%), unmarried (51.1%) and belonged to nuclear family (76.9%). Regarding educational qualification, 26.1% each were professional and passed higher secondary followed by Graduates (25.9%) and post graduates (21.7%). By occupation, 40.8% were students, 21.2% were Government service holders and 14.7% were professionals. As far as socioeconomic status was concerned, 72.4% belonged to class I according to B G Prasad scale 2018. About 57.1% participants had 1 to 3 elderly member in their family. [ Table 1 ] It is evident from Table 2 that out of 614 respondents, 51.4% were working. Nearly 60% went out for work; among them majority were service holders (57.1%) followed by professionals (30.3%). The proportion of subjects working from home was 28.8% most of whom were private service holders (45%) followed by Government employees (26.7%). Students were staying at home due to closure of their institutions. A little more than a fourth i.e 26.4% of the respondents reported reduction of family income during lock down while a similar proportion of them who owed loan were unable to repay it. Nearly 72.4% of the participants who reported some form of addiction were noted to have a change in their addiction behaviour with decrease in addiction pattern predominating over an increase [ Table 2 ]. More than one tenth of the participants i.e 11.72% (72/614) reported to have experienced some form of violence during the lockdown period. Most of the violence were faced from neighbours (41.67%) followed by family members (30.9%) and spouse (16.67%). The rest reported psychological violence from their workplace. Thus among those who experienced violence during the lockdown period ,domestic violence was the commonest form of violence with 47.6% of them encountering the same. Nearly 11.6% of the subjects positively responded to the statement, 'Famililal relationships have worsened during lockdown'. This figure is very close to the proportion of violence during this period. Interestingly the proportion of violence was four times higher among those who perceived that familial relationships have worsened compared to those who did not with the association being highly significant (28.2% vs 7.5% respectively; P < 0.001). Out of 614 respondents 29.9% of the respondents reported to have sought care either for themselves or their family members. The commonest problem encountered in seeking care was difficulty in reaching care due to non availability of transportation facilities followed by non availability of health services [ Table 3 ]. It is evident from Figure 1 A web based study was conducted among 614 adult subjects aged 18 years and above to identify the social, economic and psychological consequences of nationwide sudden lock down declared in India to curb the Covid 19 pandemic. During lock down period, it was observed that 26.4% of the participants in the present study had reduced income, 8.5% had no income while 1.3% had lost their jobs. Similar observation was made in China where 1.6% had lost their jobs. [11] It was apprehended in a leading newspaper of India that the youths would suffer from fear of uncertain future, academic years and job losses. [12] In the current study it was observed that, more than one third of study population (35.3%) had owed loans; out of them 26.7% were unable to repay same. Pillai DD et al. [13] in a review article also commented on the sudden adverse effects on jobs in India especially for the daily wage earners and unskilled labourers. The present study revealed 11.7% of the study population had faced some form of violence, mostly psychological followed by physical and same proportion had felt worsening of familial relationship during lock down period. Previous pandemic experiences had also shown a rise in intimate partner violence, divorce and separation rates in families. [12] All over the world, even in developed countries like Spain, France, USA a new public health crisis has appeared as a negative consequence of lockdown as Domestic Violence. National Commission of Women also reported the cases of violence against women from all parts of India with a 21% rise in domestic violence during the lockdown period. [14] Review conducted by Gopalan et al. [15] also indicated an increase in domestic violence during this period in India. The present study also observed an increase in addiction behaviour in 17% individuals, similar to a study in Belgium where people consumed more alcohol and cigarettes. [16] Boredom, lack of social contacts, loss of daily structure and loneliness might have attributed for change in this addiction behaviour. A large proportion of the respondents (57.7%) in the present study had one or more elderly members in the family who had to seek health care in the lock down period. The commonest problem they encountered in seeking care was due to lack of transportation facilities followed by non availability of health care services. The closure of private healthcare facilities in the lock down period that take care of a considerable proportion of the total healthcare burden had posed severe problem on the people suffering from chronic diseases. [12] Even in Government health care setting, mobility restrictions and excessive fear had also hit the attendance of frontline health workers to basic healthcare services during pregnancy, delivery and new-born healthcare in India. [12] In seven slums of Bangladesh, Kenya, Nigeria and Pakistan a reduction in access to healthcare services was reported including that of preventive services. [17] Main reasons were being cost of healthcare in case of reduction of household income, difficulty in reaching healthcare facilities and fear of being diagnosed with COVID-19. Similar was the observation regarding access to mental health care services in an Italian mental health outpatient service for migrants and individuals in socio-economic difficulties. [18] But in a longitudinal study in South Africa, there was no change in clinic visitation except for visit for child care which dropped down after lock down, but regained soon. [19] Psychological effect of lock down A rapid review of more than 20 studies by Brooks et al. [20] reported negative psychological effects of lock down including post-traumatic stress symptoms, confusion, and anger. Stressors included longer quarantine duration, infection fears, frustration, boredom, inadequate supplies, inadequate information, financial loss, and stigma. Though isolation helped in achieving the goal of reducing infections, but reduced access to family, friends, and other social support systems caused loneliness increasing mental issues like anxiety and depression as observed by. [21] Gopalan et al. in their review stated that the lockdown would push India on the verge of a mental health crisis with increase in chronic stress, depression, anxiety, substance abuse and suicides. [9] An online survey conducted in India by Grover et al., [8] noted that nearly three fourths of their subjects had (74.1%) had moderate to severe stress which is close to the Figure of 80.8% observed in our study. However severe perceived stress was slightly higher Figure 1 : Level of stress of the study participants in the current study compared to that reported by Grover (10% vs 4%). In yet another study by Dagli N, [9] the proportion of moderate stress was found to be 44% which is lower than the figure of 70.8% that observed in our study. However the findings of their study is not befitting the results of the present study given the difference in study tools used in assessment of stress. Nearly 28% of Indian adult population were afflicted with post traumatic stress disorder during lockdown. [9] A nationwide survey in China found psychological distress among 35% of the respondents which included anxiety, depression, specific phobias, cognitive change, avoidance and compulsive behaviour, physical symptoms and loss of social functioning. [22] Again a web based health related behaviour survey among Chinese population found the overall prevalence of generalized anxiety disorder, depressive symptoms, and poor sleep quality were 35.1%, 20.1%, and 18.2%, respectively. [23] The present study observed moderate stress among 71% of the study subjects and high level of stress in 10%, while 19% reported low level of stress. Multivariate analysis revealed being single, owing a debt and experiencing violence had 1.62, 1.8 and 9 times higher odds of moderate to high perceived stress during lockdown compared to those who did not experience the same. Violence was identified as the chief correlate influencing perceived stress. On the other hand, a study in China showed that age less than 35 years and time spent focusing on the COVID-19 in internet (≥3 hours per day) were associated with generalized anxiety disorder, and healthcare workers were at high risk for poor sleep quality. [23] Similarly another study conducted in China found worse mental and physical health conditions as well as distress among those who stopped working than who continued to work and the severity of COVID-19 in an individual's home city also predicted their life satisfaction. [11] A study in India had also found poor psychological and physical domains while assessing quality of life among the medical students during lock down period; more time spent on TV screen and less physical activity were predictors of lower psychological domain. [24] But in a study among college students in China found living in urban area, family income stability and living with parents were protective factors against anxiety, having relatives affected with Covid 19 was seen to be a risk factor for increasing anxiety among these students. [25] Qiu et al., 2020 rightly commented that in addition to various psychological problems like depression, anxiety, and panic disorder, the COVID-19 pandemic has caused severe threats to the lives and physical health of people around the globe. [21] An effective pandemic response demands a multi-pronged and multi-layered approach, comprising surveillance, containment, as well as various social and community measures by primary care physicians and family physicians as pointed out by. Lee et al. [26] These physicians working as a first point of contact of the community provides curative and preventive measures, but has the potential role for counselling these psychologically distressed population, when access to mental health care facility is restricted in this pandemic situation. The present study found negative consequences on the Indian population as far as social and economic issues are concerned and also revealed an enormous psychological stress due to sudden lock down in the pandemic situation. Eighty one percent of the study participants had moderate to severe stress and major stressors observed were marital status single, owing a loan and experiencing violence. Some potential methods for mitigation of these psychosocial effects during a public health crisis like Covid 19 include clear and regular communication from the Government, financial support for the lost wages, access to health care especially elderly and people with chronic illnesses. Special measures should be undertaken to address the issues of the elderly who usually suffer from anxiety and depression due to concern for food and medicine and lack of contact with dear ones. There is also an urgent need to combat violence during this period ,which is predisposing to psychological stress to a great extent. Provision of psychological services for those having already mental illnesses should be prioritized and nationwide strategic planning and coordination for psychological first aid during major disasters should be established through telemedicine. This underscores the importance of sensitizing the primary care physicians to screen, identify and manage patients reporting to primary care facilities with mental health problems given the reduced accessibility to higher levels of government and private facilities owing to the pandemic. Nil. There are no conflicts of interest. Covid-19 lock down: People psychology due to law enforcement What Share of the World Population Is Already on COVID-19 Lockdown? We're staying at home". Association of self-perceptions of aging, personal and family resources and loneliness with psychological distress during the lock-down period of COVID-19 Covid-19 outbreak in Italy: Are we ready for the psychosocial and the economic crisis? baseline findings from the psycovid study The psychological distress and coping styles in the early stages of the 2019 coronavirus disease (COVID-19) epidemic in the general mainland Chinese population: A web-based survey Covid-19: factors associated with emotional distress and psychological morbidity in spanish population COVID-19 and mental health: A review of the existing literature Psychological impact of COVID-19 lockdown: An online survey from India Perceived stress during lockdown due to corona pandemic in Indian urban population: A questionnaire-based study Unprecedented disruption of lives and work: Health, distress and life satisfaction of working adults in China one month into the COVID-19 outbreak Socio-economic impact of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) -An Indian outlook Examining the impact of lockdown (due to COVID-19) on Domestic Violence (DV): An evidences from India COVID-19 pandemic and challenges for socio-economic issues, healthcare and National Health Programs in India Self-reported alcohol, tobacco, and cannabis use during COVID-19 lockdown measures: Results from a web-based survey Impact of the societal response to COVID-19 on access to healthcare for non-COVID-19 health issues in slum communities of Bangladesh, Kenya, Nigeria and Pakistan: Results of pre-COVID and COVID-19 lockdown stakeholder engagements Negative impacts of COVID-19 lockdown on mental health service access and follow-up adherence for immigrants and individuals in socio-economic difficulties The psychological impact of quarantine and how to reduce it: Rapid review of the evidence COVID 19: Impact of lock-down on mental health and tips to overcome A nationwide survey of psychological distress among Chinese people in the COVID-19 epidemic: Implications and policy recommendations Generalized anxiety disorder, depressive symptoms and sleep quality during COVID-19 outbreak in China: A web-based cross-sectional survey 2020 Is coronavirus lockdown taking a toll on mental health of medical students? A study using WHOQOL-BREF questionnaire The psychological impact of the COVID-19 epidemic on college students in China Xiang Ng Q. The role of family physicians in a pandemic: A blueprint