key: cord-0909377-jd9rgafs authors: Lo, Van Thi; Yoon, Sun‐Woo; Noh, Ji Yeong; Kim, Youngji; Choi, Yong Gun; Jeong, Dae Gwin; Kim, Hye Kwon title: Long‐term surveillance of bat coronaviruses in Korea: Diversity and distribution pattern date: 2020-06-15 journal: Transbound Emerg Dis DOI: 10.1111/tbed.13653 sha: f28098050ef6335f4d543ab9924fcfbd5ee74b68 doc_id: 909377 cord_uid: jd9rgafs Bats harbour diverse coronaviruses (CoVs), some of which are associated with zoonotic infections, as well as inter‐species transmission. In this study, a total of 512 bat faecal samples from the bat habitats at different geographical locations in South Korea were investigated between 2016 and 2019. Seventy‐eight samples were positive for coronaviruses (15.2%), comprising 68 alphacoronaviruses (13.3%) and 10 betacoronaviruses (2.0%). The positive rates tended to increase during the awakening (April) period. Notably, betacoronaviruses were only found in the site where Rhinolophus ferrumequinum was the major species of bats, and were related to SARS‐ and MERS‐related CoVs identified in China and South Korea, respectively. No betacoronaviruses were closely related to SARS‐CoV‐2 in this study. Alphacoronaviruses were detected in the sites where Hypsugo alaschanicus, Miniopterus fuliginosus, Miniopterus schreibersii, Rhinolophus ferrumequinum, Myotis bombinus, Myotis macrodactylus and Myotis petax were found to be the major bat species. Furthermore, alphacoronaviruses had higher genetic diversity than betacoronaviruses and had a wider distribution in Korea. Considering that different bat species are co‐roosting in crowded conditions in the same habitat, the diverse coronaviruses in Korean bats are likely to undergo cross‐species transmission events due to the richness in host species. Therefore, continuous monitoring should be performed, especially at the awakening time of the hibernating bats in the habitats where diverse bat species co‐roost, to better understand the evolution of coronaviruses in bats. Bats, a diverse group of mammals in the order Chiroptera, are not only mammals with the capability of powered flight but also the second-largest order among mammals and distributed worldwide (Wang & Anderson, 2019) . Bats are known as the primary reservoir for viruses, such as lyssaviruses, paramyxoviruses and filoviruses. Bats are also recognized as a natural reservoir host of the coronaviruses (Allocati et al., 2016) . SARS-CoV and MERS-CoV are suggested to have originated from bats, as palm civets and dromedary camel are intermediate hosts, respectively (Azhar et al., 2014; Cui, Li, & Shi, 2019) . Swine enteric alphacoronavirus (SeACoV), also known as swine acute diarrhoea syndrome coronavirus (SADS-CoV), was genetically most closely related to HKU2-CoV and was found in bats. These viruses have originated from a common ancestor (Pan et al., 2017; Zhou et al., 2018) . The newly emerging coronavirus (also referred to as SARS-CoV-2) causing acute respiratory illnesses, such as pneumonia , was first identified in late December 2019 in Wuhan, China, and has emerged as a pandemic ( encie s/disea ses/novel -coron aviru s-2019). Bats were proposed as the most likely natural reservoir for SARS-CoV-2 even though the transmission from bats to human is still unknown (Zhou et al., 2020) . Since the emergence of SARS-CoV in 2003 and MERS-CoV in 2012 , several studies have shown that bat CoVs are found in North and South America, Europe, Africa, Australia and Asia (Gouilh et al., 2018; August, Mathews, & Nunn, 2012; Carrington et al., 2008; De Sabato et al., 2019; Dominguez, O'Shea, Oko, & Holmes, 2007; Lazov et al., 2018; Liang et al., 2017; Lin et al., 2017; Rizzo et al., 2017; Smith et al., 2016; Tang et al., 2006; Tao et al., 2012; Wacharapluesadee et al., 2015; Watanabe et al., 2010; Woo et al., 2006) . In South Korea, SARS-like and MERS-like coronaviruses were reported in bat faeces since 2015 (Kim et al., 2016) . Another group also conducted surveillance of coronaviruses in bats in 2016 and showed that these were genetically similar to bat betacoronaviruses identified in China (Lee et al., 2018) . However, long-term coronavirus surveillance has not been previously described in South Korea and the surrounding islands. The aim of the present study was to identify genetic characteristics of coronaviruses circulating in bats in South Korea. Furthermore, we also focus on describing the distribution and seasonal pattern of bat coronaviruses in Korea between 2016 and 2019. Here, we collected 512 samples of bat faeces from 2016 to 2019 in Korean bat species. Phylogenetic analyses were performed under a Bayesian statistical framework implemented in BEAST. To avoid animal disturbance, the study was focused on the analysis of guano collected beneath bat roosting sites/colonies in Korea. This sampling design did not require ethical approval for the study. The authors confirm that the ethical policies of the journal, as noted on the journal's author guidelines page, have been adhered to. Between 2016 and 2019, we obtained 512 faecal samples (n2016 = 135, n2017 = 108, n2018 = 108, n2019 = 161), which were collected from the bat habitats in 10 provinces and islands of South Korea (total of 111 sampling sites). The bat habitats were randomly chosen by the expert from the Korean Institute of Biospeleology among caves, abandoned mines, and under a bridge where bats inhabited. All the sampling locations were close to human settlements. We sampled faecal pellets directly on the cave floor with sterile swabs. Fresh faecal samples were preferred. The faecal sample (0.3 g of faeces) was immediately placed into transport medium (1:10 wt/vol)(Universal Transport Medium, Noble Biosciences™). The samples were transported to the laboratory and ultimately stored at −80°C until analysis. The accurate sampling locations were carefully recorded by noting the place name, latitude and longitude. Coronaviruses were detected by a pan-coronavirus nested PCR specific for the RNA-dependent RNA polymerase (RdRp) sequences, as described previously (Chu et al., 2011) . Briefly, the initial PCR reaction was made with 2 µl of cDNA, 2× AccuPower® PCR Master Mix (Bioneer, USA), 1 µM of each primer and nuclease-free water in a total volume of 20 µl. The first PCR used Chu-RdRp-N1-F (5′-GGKTGGGAYTAYCCKAARTG-3′) and Chu-RdRp-N1-R (5′-TGYTGTSWRCARAAYTCRTG-3′) primers. The PCR reaction mixture was made with 1 µl of the first PCR reaction, 2× AccuPower ® PCR Master Mix (Bioneer), 1 µM of each primer and nuclease-free water in a total volume of 20 µl. The second nested PCR used Chu-RdRp-N2-F (5′-GGTTGGGACTATCCTAAGTGTGA-3′) and Chu-RdRp-N2-R (5′-CCATCATCAGATAGAATCATCAT-3′) primers and amplified a 440 bp product within the first PCR. The same thermal conditions were applied for both PCR: 95°C for 10 min; then 40 cycles of 95°C for 30 s, 48°C for 30 s and 72°C for 40 s; followed by a final extension step of 72°C for 5 min. The PCR products were revealed by electrophoresis on 1.5% agarose gels and were gel purified using QIAquick Gel Extraction kit (Qiagen). The PCR products were submitted to the Cosmogenetech company in Seoul, Korea for sequencing. The geocoding of each sampling site was plotted using the Google Maps API (Application Programming Interface) with the 'ggmap' R package based on obtained latitude and longitude for each sample. For seasonal pattern analysis, the percentage of positive coronavirus samples were recorded by the month in each year. A box plot for each month in the year within the surveillance time frame was plotted using the 'boxplot' function. Both analyses were conducted in R software (version 3.5.1). Nucleotide sequences were aligned using ClustalW software im- As the faecal sample was collected from caves which harbours multiple bat species, total DNA extraction was performed only for PCR-positive samples starting from the original suspensions using the QIAamp DNA Mini kit (Qiagen), and following the manufacturer protocol. To confirm species identification, PCR was performed using specific primers for the Cytochrome b gene (Cytb) as previously described (Schlegel et al., 2012) . PCR products were visualized on 1% agarose gels, purified using the QIAquick Gel Extraction kit (Qiagen) and sequenced as above. Species identification was conducted by comparing the obtained sequences to available reference sequences (BLAST alignment, NCBI web site). Accession number(s). The sequence data have been submitted to the GenBank databases under accession numbers MK991901 to MK991951. In total, 512 samples were tested for the presence of coronavirus by nested RT-PCR detection of an RNA-dependent RNA polymerase (RdRp) gene fragment (Chu et al., 2011) . Coronaviruses were detected in 15.2% (78/512) of samples obtained from the bat habitats in 8 of 9 provinces and islands of Korea where the most prevalent bat species were found to be: Hypsugo alaschanicus (1), Minopterus fuliginosus (1), (18) A map showing sampling sites is presented in Figure 1 , based on the coronavirus-positive sampling locations. From the total of 111 sampling sites, there are six sites belonging to four mainland provinces where betacoronaviruses were found, whereas alphacoronaviruses F I G U R E 1 Map of geographical distribution of coronaviruses investigated in this study. Alphacoronavirus and betacoronavirus are depicted with red circle and green triangle, respectively. The map was built using ggmap and ggplot2 packages on R version 3.5.1 were detected at 25 sites in both mainland and island sites (Jeju Island and Island of Jeonam). The seasonal pattern of bat coronavirus distribution during the study period between 2016 and 2019 is shown in Figure 2 . Overall, the average and amplitude of the positivity rate fluctuated for each month over four years. Looking at the median, it seems clear that April exhibited relatively higher viral shedding rate, compared to winter (around January to March). Phylogenetic analysis based on the nucleotide sequences of the partial RdRp gene (279 nt Previous studies indicated that the season affects the percentage of coronavirus positivity, with a higher coronavirus prevalence in the dry season in comparison with the wet season in Africa and Asia (Anthony et al., 2017) . In addition, hibernating bats are a factor affecting the prevalence and diversity of coronavirus in the region during winter. Thus, it seems reasonable that during the awakening period (April), the average rate of coronavirus detection was higher than other months of the year, as observed in this study. By contrast, through the period of hibernation, the lower presence of coronavirus F I G U R E 2 Box plot of the coronavirus positivity rate by month. Each box plot was pooled monthly for the percentage of coronavirus-positive samples from 2016 to 2019. Data are presented as median and interquartile range; minimum and maximum values are shown by whiskers was observed. Especially in January, we did not find fresh faeces in the cave. Besides, the mean of positive rate was also high in August due to physical contact over the reproductive season. Thus, the physical contact and/or airborne transmission, and co-roosting of several bat species pre-and post-hibernation might lead to an increased viral transmission. From the prevalence of coronavirus in the studied sampling sites, it was assumed that coronaviruses are circulating in Korean bats throughout the country. Betacoronaviruses were only detected in the north (Gangwon and Incheon) and the southwest F I G U R E 3 Bayesian phylogeny of 279 nucleotides from the alphacoronaviruses detected in this study with 30 reference sequences. Statistical support (posterior probability) of nodes is depicted using a gradual colour code of the tree, red indicating significant posterior probability values (> 0.95). For clarity of presentation, only posterior probability values above 0.65 are shown and values at crown positions were removed. Sequence names and main information is provided in taxa labels. Viruses detected in this study are coloured in blue (Gyeonggi and Jeonnam), whereas alphacoronaviruses were more widely detected at both mainland and island sampling sites (Figure 1 ), and were detected at higher rates than betacoronaviruses. In our study, the prevalence of alphacoronaviruses was approximately seven times higher. It is likely that bats are more susceptible to-and wider hosts of-alphacoronavius than betacoronavirus (Anthony et al., 2017; Lazov et al., 2018; Lin et al., 2017; Wacharapluesadee et al., 2015) . To date, seven of twenty-four Korean bat species were found to be associated with alphacoronaviruses, and only four species were found to be associated with betacoronaviruses. Among these species, only Rhinolophus ferrumequinum was the major bat species from the site where both alphacoronaviruses and betacoronaviruses were found (Table 1) . Globally, the diversity and distribution of bat coronaviruses were indicated in association with biogeography and diversity of their host (Leopardi et al., 2018) . This hypothesis probably accounts for heterogeneous circulation of alphacoronavirus. Statistical support (posterior probability) of nodes is depicted using a gradual colour code of the tree, red indicating significant posterior probability values (> 0.95). For clarity of presentation, only posterior probability values above 0.65 are shown and values at crown positions were removed. Sequence names and main information is provided in taxa labels. Viruses detected in this study are coloured in blue It is especially important to explain the appearance and diversity of this putative new species of K1 clade (24 sequences) observed in four bat species (Table 2) . Despite this, most of these alphacoronaviruses identified in Korean bats were close to bat coronavirus found in China in the same as well as different bat species. The mechanisms of cross-species transmission or spillover and host switching are still unclear. However, these mechanisms are considered the dominant evolutionary events involving recombination between different viruses, associated with the expansion of viral host ranges or creation of a novel virus. It is widely accepted that cross-species transmission events have contributed to the genetic diversity and evolution of coronaviruses (e.g. SARS-CoV and HCoV) (Banerjee, Misra, Schountz, & Baker, 2018; Cui et al., 2019; Leopardi et al., 2018; Menachery, Graham, & Baric, 2017) . Several different bat species crowding, co-roosting and co-hibernating may increase the potential for intraspecies and inter-species transmission of viral infections. For instance, in the putative new K1 clade, three alphacoronaviruses (B19-36 in Miniopterus schreibersii, and B19-51 and B19-94 from Myotis macrodactylus) were detected in the same roost from different bat genera. In addition, B18-166 from Rhinolophus ferrumequium, B19-101 from Myotis petax, and B19-145 and B19-158 from Miniopterus schreibersii belonging to HKU7 clade were also found in the same cave. In HKU8 clade, B18-198 No. Clade/cluster There should be follow-up studies with direct sample collection from captured bats, and identification of the captured bat species based on genetic analysis. These findings lead us to believe that further studies are needed to better understand the diversity, circulation and evolution of coronaviruses in bats. Certainly, the long-term surveillance of bat CoVs should be maintained and expanded to include more geographical locations and bat species. H-GUARD_2013M3A6B2078954). The authors declare no competing interests. The sequence data that support the findings of this study are openly available in Genbank ( nk/) with the accession numbers MK991901 to MK991951. Sun-Woo Yoon Dae Gwin Jeong Hye Kwon Kim TA B L E 2 Potential sharing of the certain bat coronaviruses among the major bat species of the sample collection sites. 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