key: cord-0906842-jbrdrxxx authors: Parbat, Debanjan; Chakraborty, onisha title: A Python based Support Vector Regression Model for prediction of Covid19 cases in India date: 2020-05-31 journal: Chaos Solitons Fractals DOI: 10.1016/j.chaos.2020.109942 sha: a925f71128aa0b04daf89a82090157de1c9af7df doc_id: 906842 cord_uid: jbrdrxxx The proposed work utilizes Support Vector Regression model to predict the number of total number of deaths, recovered cases, cumulative number of confirmed cases and number of daily cases. The data is collected for the time period of 1(st) March,2020 to 30(th) April,2020 (61 Days). The total number of cases as on 30(th) April is found to be 35043 confirmed cases with 1147 total deaths and 8889 recovered patients. The model has been developed in Python 3.6.3 to obtain the predicted values of aforementioned cases till 30(th) June,2020. The proposed methodology is based on prediction of values using support vector regression model with Radial Basis Function as the kernel and 10% confidence interval for the curve fitting. The data has been split into train and test set with test size 40% and training 60%. The model performance parameters are calculated as mean square error, root mean square error, regression score and percentage accuracy. The model has above 97% accuracy in predicting deaths, recovered, cumulative number of confirmed cases and 87% accuracy in predicting daily new cases. The results suggest a gaussian decrease of the number of cases and could take another 3 to 4 months to come down the minimum level with no new cases being reported. The method is very efficient and has higher accuracy than linear or polynomial regression. The spread of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) has become a global threat and the World Health Organization (WHO) declared COVID-19 a global pandemic on March 11, 2020 (Boccaletti, 2020) . As of April 30, 2020, there were 3,359,055 confirmed cases and 238,999 deaths from COVID-19 worldwide (Zhang, 2020) ( The COVID-19 pandemic has been greatly affecting people's lives and the world's economy. Among many infection related questions, governments and people are most concerned with (i) when will the COVID19 infection rate reach the maximum; (ii) how long the pandemic will take to stop spreading and (iii) What could be the total number of individuals that will eventually be infected (iv) what will be the toatl number of deaths (Li, 2020) . The questions are of primary concern in India also, a country with high population density and economic diversity. The lockdown is severely affecting the poor and migrant labours. Staying at home may not be a feasible option in the near future since a lot of people may die out of hunger and other ailments. Newsmedia reports all over the world is reporting about the crisis and how it is effecting the lives of people. Many research is being carried out at all levels to quickly gather information, develop mitigation tools and methods and implementation of the same. Therefore policy makers and authorities want to have an overall view of the current situation and want to visualize the extent at which it can spread in the near future for informed policy making and deciding the next course of action. The paper here discusses about the proposed prediction model of COVID19 spread in India using Support Vector Regression implemented in Python.3.6. The steps of the model is discussed in the methodology section wih subsequent analysis. The results are shown and discussed. The autors conclude the overall purpose of the work in Conclusion. In data preprocessing section, we have set the columns created above as the dependent variable column (y) and number of days starting from 1 st March as the independent variable (X). X column is basically a numpy array of elements 1 to 61. The X and y is then reshaped to be column vector of size 61 (i.e. 61 rows, 1 column) The dataset is split for Training (60%) and Test (40%) using train_test_split() function imported from class model_selection of sklearn python library.The training and testing variables are saved for further evaluation. The training and testing variables of both X and y are standardized using StandardScaler() object imported from class preprocessing of sklearn python library. Separate objects have been created for standardization of X and y data. The fit_transform() function is used to fit the object into the data and transform the values of X and y in standard form ranging from -3 to +3. The scaled data is now fit for regression application. Support Vector Regression is a popular choice for prediction and curve fiiting for both linear and non linear regression types. SVR is based on the elements of Support Vector Machine(SVM), where support vectors are basically closer points towards the generated hyperplane in an n-dimensional feature space that distincly seggregates the data ponits about the hyperplane. More discussions on the SVR and SVM can be found on (Hastie, 2008 ) (Drucker, 1997 ) (Sci-kit-learn, 2020). The SVR model performs the fitting as shown in Fig.1 . The generelized equation for hyperplane may be respesented as y = wX + b, where w is weights and b is the intercept at X = 0. The margin of tolerance is represented by epsilon ε. The SVR regression madel is imported from SVM class of sklearn python library.The regressor is fit on the training dataset. The model parameters as chosen here for analysis is shown below. SVR(C=1.0, cache_size=200, coef0=0.0, degree=3, epsilon=0.1, gamma='auto', kernel='rbf', max_iter=-1, shrinking=True, tol=0.001, verbose=False) The regression fitting of the data with predicted values of the test data is plotted using scatter plot function imported from matplotlib python library. The actual points and the predicted points are shown in Fig.2 The model performance parameters are then evaluated to check for the reliability in predicting the outcome. The mean square error (MSE) , root mean sqaure error (RMSE), R 2 score and percentage accuracy are calculated and shown in Table. 1. The prediction of the future values of the time series invloves few steps of data manipulation to obtain the cumulative trend so as to match the orignial dataset trend of the past. The past dataset is in cumulative form, but since we have implemented RBF kernel in our model, it is quite evident that the predicted time series would be decreasing gaussian trend. The decresing trend can be preserved by a transformation as discussed below. We have implemented few steps in the algorithm that could help us reach our objective. Here we have obtained the predicted time series for each case seperately for 60 more days that start just after 30 th April or 61 st day from the starting. Therefore, we wish to merge the 60 days prediction with the past 61 days. The predicted column consits of decreasing values. So, we have computed the difference of the time series and then used absolute values of the difference time series. The difference time series gets inverted and gives us a rising trend, which saturates after certain values. Then we performed cumulative sum of the elements of the time series and added the max value of the the past time series to it. This helps us in preserving the trend and visualizing it in cumulative form. The plots of the past and forecasting values are shown in fig.3 and fig.4 . This transformation is not required for prediction of time series of daily new cases analysis. All the necessary codes used in evaluation of the above mentioned steps is uploaded in GitHub repository for futher use and improvization. The link is Results and Discussion Fig.2 . The figures shown here are the plots of regression fit with the data for total deaths, total recovered, cumulative confirmed cases and daily confirmed cases (in clockwise direction) Moreover if more spikes are in daily deaths and daily new cases then the total number of infected person may rise and there could be more delay in attaining flatennig of the curve. The spikes induces non-stationarity in the dataset making it difficult for regression models to acccurately predict. But we can say, that if in near future the spikes are controlled with strict physical distancing and containment measures then the flattening of the curve can be achieved by the end of 2 nd week of June. The proposed methodolgy predicts the total number of COVID19 infected cases, total number of daily new cases, total number of deaths and total number of daily new deaths. The total number of recovered individuals is also predicted. Based on the recent trends, the future trends has been predicted using a robust machine learning model, the support vector regression. The SVR has been reported to outperform the consistency in predictabilty with respect to other linear , plynomial and logistic regression models. The variabilty in the dataset is addressed by the proposed methodolgy. The model has above 97% accuracy in predicting deaths, recovered, cumulative number of confirmed cases and 87% accuracy in predicting daily new cases. The disease spread is significantly high and if proper containment measures with physical distancing and hygeinity is maintained then we can reduce the spikes in the dataset and hence lower the rate of progression. V. Modeling and forecasting of epidemic spreading: The case of Covid-19 and beyond Support Vector Regression Machines The Elements of Statistical Learning : Data Mining, Inference, and Prediction Predicting turning point, duration and attack rate of COVID-19 outbreaks in major Western countries