key: cord-0902377-gaxfdwl7 authors: Hamidian Jahromi, Alireza; Mazloom, Samira; Ballard, David H. title: COVID-19: The time for action is just now; It's still not too late date: 2020-04-17 journal: Travel Med Infect Dis DOI: 10.1016/j.tmaid.2020.101676 sha: d7e2a75f1fadfef8bda86717738d29efedb0985f doc_id: 902377 cord_uid: gaxfdwl7 nan 3 to walk-in centers away from the hospitals except in situations where patients need tertiary care, delivering medications, food and hygienic supply to patients while placing them at homequarantine, using a purpose designed "COVID-19 courier system" with trained drivers familiar with isolation principles, performing nasal swab, blood draws along with physical examinations either at home or purely at walk-in centers or at drive-through facilities, to prevent unnecessary exposure of the community and health-care professionals to the virus, and load the mounting pressure off from hospitals are some of the required steps. Educating the public, elite groups, health-care professionals, politicians and having the financial institutes and insurance companies on board, along with government financial support packages are the initial essential steps for a success, otherwise we should all prepare for a disastrous outcome. COVID-19: too little, too late? Lancet Preventing a COVID-19 pandemic Feasibility of controlling COVID-19 outbreaks by isolation of cases and contacts Virtually Perfect? Telemedicine for Covid-19 Judd E