key: cord-0901442-zvpew1cp authors: Douma, Matthew J.; Mackenzie, Ella; Loch, Tess; Tan, Maria C.; Anderson, Dustin; Picard, Christopher; Milovanovic, Lazar; O’Dochartaigh, Domhnall; Brindley, Peter G. title: Prone cardiopulmonary resuscitation: A scoping and expanded grey literature review for the COVID-19 pandemic date: 2020-07-21 journal: Resuscitation DOI: 10.1016/j.resuscitation.2020.07.010 sha: aa4f1c85907e7f11ef8353b7dbf069ba4894271b doc_id: 901442 cord_uid: zvpew1cp AIM: To identify and summarize the available science on prone resuscitation. To determine the value of undertaking a systematic review on this topic; and to identify knowledge gaps to aid future research, education and guidelines. METHODS: This review was guided by specific methodological framework and reporting items (PRISMA-ScR). We included studies, cases and grey literature regarding prone position and CPR/cardiac arrest. The databases searched were MEDLINE, Embase, CINAHL, Cochrane CENTRAL, Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, Scopus and Google Scholar. Expanded grey literature searching included internet search engine, targeted websites and social media. RESULTS: Of 453 identified studies, 24 (5%) studies met our inclusion criteria. There were four prone resuscitation-relevant studies examining: blood and tidal volumes generated by prone compressions; prone compression quality metrics on a manikin; and chest computed tomography scans for compression landmarking. Twenty case reports/series described the resuscitation of 25 prone patients. Prone compression quality was assessed by invasive blood pressure monitoring, exhaled carbon dioxide and pulse palpation. Recommended compression location was zero-to-two vertebral segments below the scapulae. Twenty of 25 cases (80%) survived prone resuscitation, although few cases reported long term outcome (neurological status at hospital discharge). Seven cases described full neurological recovery. CONCLUSION: This scoping review did not identify sufficient evidence to justify a systematic review or modified resuscitation guidelines. It remains reasonable to initiate resuscitation in the prone position if turning the patient supine would lead to delays or risk to providers or patients. Prone resuscitation quality can be judged using end-tidal CO(2), and arterial pressure tracing, with patients turned supine if insufficient. For patients to have the best chance of surviving sudden cardiac arrest, high quality chest compressions and defibrillation need to be initiated without delay. [1] Traditionally, cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) is taught and performed in the supine position, but even short delays-such as would occur if proned patients are first turned to the supine position -can be clinically detrimental. [2] The question of whether to supine patients before initiating resuscitation has long been relevant for out-of-hospital arrest patients found face down, and for intraoperative arrests during prone surgeries i.e. spine surgery, neurosurgery, retroperitoneal surgery. More recently, there has been an increase in prone mechanical ventilation in Intensive Care Unit (ICU) patients, since the 2013 Prone Positioning in Severe Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome trial. [3] Since the covid-19 pandemic, however, the issue of prone resuscitation has become especially important. [4] This is because, while we await robust evidence, prone J o u r n a l P r e -p r o o f positioning has been recommended in both confirmed and suspected cases, and in severelyill/sedated patients and less ill/awake patients. [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] 'Flipping' a patient from prone to supine, especially during an emergency, comes with potential risks to both patient and staff. [10] Other than time delay, there could be endotracheal tube dislodgement, disconnection of vascular lines, disconnection of ventilation tubing, and staff contamination. There is also the mechanical challenge of turning obese patients, and potential injury to staff and patients. Especially relevant during pandemics, rolling a patient means that extra people (often six in total) enter a potentially contaminated space. There means extra delays until all of these staff have appropriately donned protective equipment, and the cumulative risks associated with doffing. While almost all practitioners will supine patients before attempting an advanced airway, there is an initial period where compressions and defibrillation are performed before airway capture or supplementary breaths. Moreover, resuscitation guidelines have acknowledged that there are incidences where initiation of non-supine resuscitation is appropriate. [11] To date, most frontline clinicians have limited knowledge of the literature surrounding prone resuscitation. This is noteworthy now that proning is increasing. The goal of this scoping review is to assist clinicians forced to decide, in the midst of an emergency, whether CPR should be initiated with the patient 'proned', or whether the risks and delays of 'supine-ing' are unavoidable. More specifically, our objectives are: i) to examine the extent of research into prone resuscitation, ii) determine the value of undertaking a full systematic review, iii) summarize and disseminate research related to prone resuscitation, iv) and identify strategic gaps in the literature to aid future research, education and guidelines. Scoping review methods were selected (instead of systematic review) to identify available evidence types, clarify concepts, identify and analyse J o u r n a l P r e -p r o o f knowledge gaps. Furthermore a scoping review can determine if adequate research exists to undertake and systematic review, meta-analysis and risk of bias assessments that can inform guidelines and decision making. This scoping review followed the methodological framework of Arksey and O'Malley and the enhancements of Levac et al. [12, 13] It incorporated six steps: i) research question identification, ii) relevant study identification, iii) selection of studies, iv) charting the data, v) collate, summarize and report results, and vi) contributor provided references. Furthermore, this review adheres to the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses extension for scoping reviews (PRISMA-ScR). [14] Our findings are presented in tabular format, accompanied by narrative summaries. The search strategy aimed to locate published and unpublished primary studies, reviews and grey literature such as policy, procedure and social media. We constructed a minimallyrestrictive review question following the "PICO" format: for (p) patients (or manikins or cadavers) in the prone position in at the time of cardiac arrest (real or simulated), (i) who receive cardiopulmonary resuscitation, (c) no comparison criteria, and (o) any outcome. Full strategy is available in Appendix 1. Studies were eligible if they were peer-reviewed and examined or reported any characteristic or outcome of interest to prone CPR. Both qualitative and quantitative studies were eligible for inclusion. Studies using animal models of prone CPR were excluded. References were imported to Covidence [Vertias Health Innovation, Melbourne, Australia] for deduplication, title, abstract, and full text screening. Authors DA, MJD, DOD and LM independently screened titles, abstracts and full text articles against the selection criteria. Disagreements were resolved by discussion and consensus. Data were extracted by a single author (EM) and ratified by co-authors (TC and CP). Data were extracted into a Google Spreadsheet [Google, Mountain View California, USA]. An a priori data extraction table used to describe the characteristics of each study including: the authors(s), year of publication, study design, country, population, intervention and comparator (if applicable), major finding and outcome(s) examined. Data extracted from case reports/series included author, year, age, sex, diagnosis, type of surgery, initial rhythm, CPR quality and outcome (MJD and PGB). The search process retrieved 327 references from bibliographic databases. Once duplicates were removed, 202 references remained. An additional 126 references were identified from other sources as per the methods described above. A further 59 duplicates were identified and removed, resulting in a total of 269 items for title and abstract screening. After applying the inclusion/exclusion criteria to titles/abstracts, 46 articles underwent full text screening. Subsequently, 22 more articles were excluded for the following reasons: the patient was returned J o u r n a l P r e -p r o o f to the supine position prior to initiating resuscitation (n=6), cardiac arrest could not be confirmed (n=6), no new data was presented (n=4), data was from a pilot of a study already included (n = 2), no resuscitation was attempted (n=2), or we were unable to obtain a full text article (n = 2). See PRISMA flow sheet ( Figure 1 ) for more details. Overall, of 453 identified studies, 24 (5%) studies met our inclusion criteria and underwent extraction and narrative summary. Four original research studies met inclusion criteria: i) a feasibility study of blood pressure during supine versus prone compressions in six intensive care patients after prolonged cardiac arrest; [37] ii) a study of cadavers (n = 11) and healthy volunteers (n = 10) on blood pressures and tidal volumes generated by prone compressions; [38] iii) a prone compression quality manikin study; [39] and iv) a retrospective descriptive study of chest computed tomography scans of 100 patients to identify ideal prone compression hand position. [40] Refer to Twenty case reports/series describe 25 prone patients undergoing resuscitation including compressions. [17] [18] [19] [20] [21] [22] [23] [24] [25] [26] [27] [28] [29] [30] [31] [32] [33] [34] [35] [36] All but five occurred in an operating theatre. [22, 36] Over half involved pediatric patients (n=14). [19, 24, [26] [27] [28] 30, 32, 33, 35, 36] The arrest precipitant was incompletely described, but, five patients had air emboli, [26, 28, 29, 33] three had cardiac decompensation, [17, 25, 35] three had airway obstruction, [32, 36] two had excessive parasympathetic stimulation [27, 32] and one had cardiac tamponade. [31] The most common initial rhythm was pulseless electrical activity (n = 11, 44%), [17] [18] [19] [20] [21] [23] [24] [25] [26] 32] followed by asystole (n=4, 16%). [22, 29, 33] Refer to Table two for summary table of included with prolonged cardiac prone CPR was associated with improvements in both systolic (23±14 mmHg, p<0.05) and mean arterial blood pressure (14±11 mmHg, p<0.05) [37] In a fresh cadaver study, Wei et al (2006) found similarly greater systolic and diastolic blood pressures (SDP, DBP) in the prone (79 ± 20 /17 ± 10mmHg) versus supine (55 ± 20/13 ± 7mmHg ) position p=0.028). [38] In five cases, prone compressions generated SBPs over 80mmHg. [18, 22, 32, 35] In one case, SBP did not rise above 40mmHg in one case, [28] and in a cardiac arrest following air embolus, prone compressions produced a central venous but no arterial waveform. [33] During craniotomy for acute cerebellar hemorrhage in an octogenarian, an EtCO2 of 33mmHg was achieved during prone compressions for an arrest linked to right-sided cardiac decompensation. [25] During a microscopic discectomy in a 43 year old, an EtCO2 level of 28mmHg was achieved during prone compressions following cardiac arrest of unknown cause. [23] Two additional cases reported EtCO2 of 15 and <10, [24, 34] and AlHarbi reported lower EtCO2 in the prone position than supine. [17] Tidal volumes generated by prone compressions One study examined the effect of prone compressions on tidal volumes. [38] In healthy volunteers, external back compressions generated mean tidal volumes of 399 +/-110mL in five male and five female volunteers. [38] Landmarking and hand position In order to ascertain the best position for prone compressions, one study retrospectively reviewed chest computed tomography (CT) to correlate the surface landmarks overlying the left ventricle. [40] The largest left ventricle cross-section area was determined to be zero to two J o u r n a l P r e -p r o o f vertebral segments below the inferior angle of the scapula in at least 86% of patients in the prone position. [40] Survival Twenty of the 25 cases (80%) were associated with post-resuscitation survival, although few cases included long term outcome. [17, 18, [20] [21] [22] [23] [24] 26, [28] [29] [30] [31] [32] [34] [35] [36] The most commonly reported survival endpoint was alive at the end of surgery, [17] [18] [19] [20] [21] [22] [23] [24] [25] [26] [27] [28] [30] [31] [32] 34] followed by survival to hospital discharge, [18, 25, 28, 31] and seven cases reported full neurological recovery. [18, 24, 30, 31, [34] [35] [36] Despite growing interest in prone positioning, most healthcare professionals are unfamiliar with prone CPR. Accordingly, any practice change would need widespread education and practice. This, in turn, should be justified by robust evidence. Our review highlights that there may be more supportive literature than many clinicians realize, but also many important gaps. The first recommendation for prone CPR was over three decades ago (1989), [41] meaning the concept is not new. What has changed is its importance: because more patients will be 'proned' due to covid-19, and because this practice may continue henceforth. In short, an increase in proning could mean more cardiac arrests in the prone position. Presumably, the most pressing question is whether patients survive when resuscitated proned. After all, if universally unsuccessful then it should not be performed, or we need to accept/minimize the risks and delays associated with 'supine-ing' patients. The first concern is that the available guidance is predominantly from single cases or case series. Studies have also yet to widely encompass the sickest ICU patients. These ICU patients often have low post-arrest In terms of guidelines, and despite the dearth of data, the UK Resuscitation Council does recommend starting chest compressions without changing the position for adult patients who arrest during neurosurgery. [43] They added that the efficacy of CPR should be judged using the end-tidal CO2 monitor, and the arterial pressure waveform. Prudently, they advise that patients be turned quickly supine if feedback from these monitors is judged insufficient. The 2010 American Heart Association guidelines for cardiopulmonary resuscitation and emergency cardiovascular care are more circumspect but still recommended: 'when patients cannot be placed in the supine position, it may be reasonable for rescuers to provide CPR in the prone position, particularly in hospitalized patients with an advanced airway'. [11] The next issue concerns optimum technique for prone chest compressions. The Resuscitation Council and American Heart Association make no specific recommendations. However, the first two cases of successful prone chest compressions (in neurosurgical patients) J o u r n a l P r e -p r o o f were published in 1992 by Sun et al, using what they called 'reversed precordial compression'. [32] In everyday language, this means compressing over the mid-thoracic spine plus a hand under the lower sternum: for counter-pressure. [32] Similarly, Dequin et al. reported successful prone CPR in an ICU patient, in which they used two-handed mid-thoracic compression and a second person for sternal counter-pressure. [22] Gomes et al. reported successful prone CPR in a neurosurgical patient, using compression over the mid-thoracic level, but no sternal counter-pressure. [44] Kwon et al. reviewed 100 chest CTs to determine where to compress the largest left ventricular mass. Once again, it was mid-thoracic, below the inferior angle of the scapulae. [40] In 2020, guidelines were expedited by the UK's Faculty of Intensive Care Medicine and Intensive Care Society, spurred by the covid-19 pandemic. [10] These organizations jointly recommend a two-handed technique over the mid-thoracic spine, and between the two scapulae. The use of a second person to apply counter-pressure is optional. Given the added logistics, the contamination risk, and the overall recommendation to limit resuscitator in the room, we would recommend against this additional step. Clearly, our scoping review has limitations which limit its generalizability. These include a general lack of studies, a focus on operating theatre patients and a preponderance of witnessed arrests. The evidence is mostly from cases, and is therefore of comparatively low quality and predates the 2015 resuscitation guidelines. We also had to rely upon Google Translate for one French, one German and one Korean case report. Regardless, rather than prone resuscitation being as an area of niche interest, we believe our modest scoping review has highlighted an area of increasingly clinical relevance and research priority. Author Statement. Our writing team take responsibility for and approve the submitted manuscript. All authors meet ICMJE authorship criteria. The authors have no conflicts of interest relevant to this article to disclose. None of the authors involved in creating this manuscript have any actual or potential conflicts of interest, as listed in the ICMJE guidelines. No author has received: grants, consulting fees or honoraria, support for meeting travel, fees for participation in review activities such as data monitoring boards or statistical analysis, payment for writing or reviewing the manuscript, and/or provision of writing assistance, medicines, equipment, or administrative support of any kind. Continuous chest compression versus interrupted chest compression for cardiopulmonary resuscitation of non-asphyxial out-ofhospital cardiac arrest. Cochrane Database Syst Rev Guidance For: Prone Positioning in Adult Critical Care Prone positioning in severe acute respiratory distress Syndrome A need for prone position CPR guidance for intubated and non-intubated patients during the COVID-19 pandemic PulmCrit -Awake Proning for COVID-19 Early Self-Proning in Awake Response to the prone position in spontaneously breathing patients with hypoxemic respiratory failure Prone positioning combined with high-flow nasal cannula in severe noninfectious ARDS Prone positioning improves oxygenation in spontaneously breathing nonintubated patients with hypoxemic acute respiratory failure: A retrospective study The Faculty of Intensive Care Medicine, The Intensive Care Society. 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