key: cord-0898941-bz0n1m7o authors: Ruiz-Mori, Enrique; Ayala-Bustamante, Leonor E.; Quispe-Silvestre, Edgar; Rivas-Flores, Rowel Rolando; Burgos-Bustamante, Jorge title: Cardio-Oncology in Peru: An Emerging Discipline date: 2020-11-17 journal: JACC CardioOncol DOI: 10.1016/j.jaccao.2020.10.004 sha: c2a0379787656437f9e054a64f657e4baa358166 doc_id: 898941 cord_uid: bz0n1m7o nan C ardiovascular disease and cancer are the first and second leading causes of death in Peru, respectively, as is the case in many countries in the region. In Peru, approximately 33,098 cancer deaths were reported in 2019, and 66,627 new cancer cases were detected, with 60% of such cases in women. Alarmingly, Peru's cancer rate has increased by 40% in the last 20 years, from 156 to 229 per 100,000 live births, which represents a public health crisis that demands greater attention. The most frequent cancer in men is prostate cancer (7, 598 new cases and 2,721 deaths), followed by stomach cancer (5,731 new cases and 4,606 deaths), whereas in women, breast cancer is the most frequent (6, 985 new cases and 1,858 deaths), followed by cervical cancer (4, There is now increasing knowledge regarding these potential acute, chronic, and late effects associated with certain cancer treatments, including 5fluorouracil, monoclonal antibodies, and tyrosine inhibitors (e.g., HER2 targeted therapies), chest radiation, and immune therapies (9, 10 El 2019 se cerrará con 66.000 casos nuevos de cáncer 2019 Plan Esperanza: a model for cancer prevention and control in Peru. Cancer control: cancer care in emerging health systems El Instituto Nacional de Enfermedades Neoplásicas en el control del cáncer en el Perú Perspectivas económicas de Repensando las instituciones para el Desarrollo Informe de actualización de proyecciones macroeconómicas 2019-2022. Lima Plan Esperanza. Lima content&view¼article&id¼14701:ministers-ofhealth-commit-to-reducing-cervical-cancer-casesand-deaths-by-30-in-the-americas-by-2030&Item-id¼1926&lang¼es Identification of the molecular basis of doxorubicininduced cardiotoxicity The cardiooncology program: a multidisciplinary approach to the care of cancer patients with cardiovascular disease An international survey of health care providers involved in the management of cancer patients exposed to cardiotoxic therapy