key: cord-0891571-di7at6mm authors: Smith, Douglas M.; Simon, Jakub K.; Baker Jr, James R. title: Applications of nanotechnology for immunology date: 2013-07-25 journal: Nat Rev Immunol DOI: 10.1038/nri3488 sha: 92c8c5e5a6f6e80841bbe460bd6f3ad18a790de4 doc_id: 891571 cord_uid: di7at6mm Nanotechnology uses the unique properties of objects that function as a unit within the overall size range of 1–1,000 nanometres. The engineering of nanostructure materials, including nanoparticles, nanoemulsions or nanotubules, holds great promise for the development of new immunomodulatory agents, as such nanostructures can be used to more effectively manipulate or deliver immunologically active components to target sites. Successful applications of nanotechnology in the field of immunology will enable new generations of vaccines, adjuvants and immunomodulatory drugs that aim to improve clinical outcomes in response to a range of infectious and non-infectious diseases. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The online version of this article (doi:10.1038/nri3488) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users. Small particles of non-biological origin typically with at least one dimension that is less than 100 to 1,000 nm; examples include diverse compounds such as dendrimers, carbon fullerenes, solid lipid nanoparticles, nanoemulsions and biodegradable poly(lactide-co-glycolide). Antigen-experienced CD8 + T cells that lack immediate effector functions but that are able to mediate rapid memory responses. They also rapidly develop the phenotype and the function of effector memory cells after re-stimulation with antigens. Central memory T cells retain the migratory properties of naive cells and therefore circulate through the secondary lymphoid organs. Several of the advantages of using VLPs and other nanoparticles in vaccines are related to the unique nanodimensional size, symmetrical shape, uniformity and stable structure of the assembled nanoparticles, which closely resemble native viruses. These nanoparticles have been used to enable the preferential uptake of vaccine antigens by antigen-presenting cells (APCs). Notably, smaller nanoparticles (25-40 nm in size) 6 penetrate tissue barriers and traffic to the draining lymph nodes more rapidly than larger nanoparticles (greater than 100 nm in size), which are typically retained by cells at the site of injection and which need to be taken up and trafficked by dendritic cells (DCs) to facilitate their transport to the lymph nodes 6,7 (FIG. 2) . As such, smaller nano particles might lead to more effective activation of adaptive immune responses 7-9 . In combination with specific cell-targeting strategies, nanoparticles also seem to be more effective than microparticles at enhancing antigen uptake by cells of the immune system; for example, when nanoparticles or microparticles were coated with DC-specific ICAM3-grabbing non-integrin (DC-SIGN; also known as CD209)-specific monoclonal antibody to target them to DCs, the DC-SIGN-coated nanoparticles were effectively targeted to DCs in a mixed population of human blood cells, whereas the DC-SIGN-coated microparticles were endocytosed in a nonspecific manner 10 . Furthermore, whereas most extracellular proteins that are taken up by DCs are processed and presented via the MHC class II pathway, the uptake of nanoparticles such as VLPs promotes DC activation and the presentation of antigens on both MHC class I and MHC class II molecules. Importantly, this leads to the priming of both antigen-specific CD4 + and CD8 + T cells 4, [11] [12] [13] [14] (FIGS 2, 3) . Two prophylactic VLP-based vaccines have been licensed worldwide: one prevents hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection and the associated risk of hepatocellular carcinoma [15] [16] [17] ; the other prevents human papilloma virus (HPV) infection and its sequela, cervical cancer 18 . The use of a recombinant protein engineered to self-assemble into a VLP in the recombinant HBV vaccine was a major advance in safety, and the plasmabased HBV vaccine has now been replaced 15 . However, this first generation of VLP-based vaccines requires adjuvants for optimal immunogenicity in healthy individuals and is not highly effective in high-risk populations such as immunosuppressed patients and elderly individuals. In addition, the HBV vaccines are highly effective as a prophylactic vaccine but ineffective as a therapeutic vaccine. The formulation of HBV vaccines with aluminium (alum) adjuvants is a major limitation with respect to the effective induction of T cellmediated immunity against chronic hepatitis B, as alum predominantly activates T helper 2 (T H 2)-type immune responses 19, 20 . The HPV vaccine that has more recently been developed uses monophosphoryl lipid A (MPL) added to alum as an adjuvant to induce a T H 1-type immune response and CTLs that are associated with antiviral immunity 19, [21] [22] [23] [24] [25] . Although current VLP-based vaccines are only prophylactically efficacious but have limitations for use in therapeutic applications, these vaccines have an excellent safety record 26 . Recombinant HBV vaccines have been licensed since 1986 and hundreds of millions of doses have been administered worldwide. Pitfalls of advancing any new technology, such as novel adjuvants that enhance the immune response, include the potential risks of inducing rare, but serious, adverse reactions that only become evident after the evaluation of hundreds of thousands of individuals. Concerns about the induction of autoimmune diseases, including multiple sclerosis, Guillain-Barré syndrome and rheumatoid arthritis, following VLPbased vaccination have been raised but have not been confirmed 27 . In a systematic review of the association between multiple sclerosis and hepatitis B vaccination, 1 out of 12 studies reported an association. The authors of that review concluded that there was insufficient evidence to modify vaccination schedules and called for additional studies to be carried out 27 . VLPs and other emerging nanoparticle-based technologies provide new strategies to enhance the induction of potent, long-lasting and potentially broadly reactive (multiclade neutralization) humoral and cellular immune responses that will be crucial to achieve protection and therapy against chronic infections, rapidly mutating pathogens such as influenza and HIV-1, and late-stage malignant diseases as discussed below. These benefits must be balanced against any real or perceived risks so that the use of the vaccine is high and a benefit to public health is achieved. 28 to enhance nanoparticle assembly and to stabilize the three-dimensional conformational structure of protein antigens provides an intriguing vaccine strategy to stimulate neutralizing antibodies against HIV-1. In contrast to enveloped HIV-1 VLPs, which are limited by low Env density per virion 4, 29, 30 , or to the self-assembling peptide nanoparticles (SAPNs) described below, the synthetic approach does not require recombinant DNA technology or the expression and the purification of the monomer proteins from producer cells. Lipopeptidebased synthetic VLPs (20-30 nm in size) have been used to repetitively display a peptide-mimetic epitope derived from the V3-variable loop of gp120 (REF. 31 ). This engineered epitope was designed by modelling the stable three-dimensional β-hairpin conformation that is formed after the binding of a broadly cross-neutralizing human monoclonal antibody to the gp120 antigen. This synthetic VLP also incorporated a universal T H cell epitope 32 (this immunogenic peptide promiscuously binds to multiple different MHC class II molecules to improve the induction of T H cells) and a tripalmitoyl-S-glyceryl cysteine (Pam3Cys) lipid moiety, which induces TLR2 activation. Interestingly, the immunization of New Zealand white rabbits with these synthetic VLPs alone induced the production of neutralizing antibodies against the envelope proteins of multiple HIV-1 strains 31 . Thus, structural vaccinology and other strategies for immunogen design 29, 33 , in combination with repetitive antigen display using nanoparticle-based technologies as a vaccine platform, might enable the induction of responses against poorly accessible but conserved neutralizing epitopes rather than against more readily accessible immuno dominant non-neutralizing epitopes expressed on the native gp120 spike 29 . Responses against these poorly accessible epitopes are required to overcome the extraordinary mutation rate and the diversification of HIV-1 during the course of infection and to prevent viral escape. The design of synthetic nanoparticles to incorporate lipid moieties for the conformational stabilization of protein antigens, such as the membrane-proximal external region of gp41, is also of great interest as certain Figure 1 | Examples of nanotechnologies applied to immunoregulation. Nanotechnologies that can be applied to immunoregulation include nanoparticles (parts a-c), nanoemulsions (parts d-f) and virus-like particles (parts g-h). Nanoparticles include dendrimers which branch out (part a), carbon molecules known as spherical fullerenes (part b) and cylindrical carbon molecules known as cylindrical fullerenes (part c). Nanoemulsions incorporate immiscible components such as oil and water that might form amphiphilic molecules such as micelles (part d), liposomes with a lipid bilayer (part e) and oil-in-water emulsions (part f). Virus-like particles are self-assembled structures composed of one or more viral capsid proteins (part g), whereas synthetic virus-like particles are self-assembled from chemically synthesized components (part h). Examples of the relationship between nanoparticle size and bioactivity are shown in (part i). Definitions of the exact size range that the field of nanotechnology covers have been determined on the basis of size as well as function. The US National Nanotechnology Initiative aims to expedite the discovery, the development and the deployment of nanoscale technology for public benefit, and defines nanotechnology on the basis of size alone, using the range of 1 to 100 nm 122 . Other groups, including the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA), define nanotechnology on the basis of scale and function, using the range of 1 to 1,000 nm, provided that the physical, chemical or biological effects of the material in question are attributable to its dimensions 123 . The European Medicines Agency (EMA) initially defined nanotechnology in the range of 0.2 to 100 nm in size but has broadened the definition to less than 1,000 nm in size 124 . Nature Reviews | Immunology The immunostimulatory activity of nanoscale materials has been attributed to diverse mechanisms: the delivery of antigens, including particle size-dependent tissue penetration and access to the lymphatics (part a); a depot effect, which promotes the persistence, the stability, the conformational integrity and the gradual release of vaccine antigens (part b); and repetitive antigen display in which the spatial organization of the antigens on the particle surface facilitates B cell receptor (BCR) co-aggregation, triggering and activation (part c). Additional mechanisms associated with innate immune potentiation include Toll-like receptor (TLR)-dependent and TLR-independent signal transduction (not shown); cross-presentation, which is a mechanism by which exogenously acquired-antigens are processed into MHC class I pathways, caused by the nanoparticle-mediated leakage of antigens into the cytosol after they have been taken up by the phagosome (part d); and the release of soluble mediators such as cytokines, chemokines and immunomodulatory molecules that regulate the immune response (not shown). APC, antigen-presenting cell; DC, dendritic cell; ER, endoplasmic reticulum; TCR, T cell receptor. have been extensively characterized in animal models and are widely used in clinical applications as a matrix to encapsulate, co-deliver and gradually release active drugs 38 . In vaccine development, pegylated PLGA (150-200 nm in size) has been used to encapsulate hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg), and it promotes the rapid uptake and the endosomal localization of vaccine antigens in DCs, as well as the subsequent production of high titres of antigen-specific antibodies 39 . A thermosensitive biodegradable hydrogel consisting of the monomethoxy form of pegylated PLGA (less than 100 nm in size) has recently been used in mice to achieve the subcutaneous delivery of HBsAg at the injection site at the same time as the local and sustained release of granulocyte/macrophage colony-stimulating factor (GM-CSF), which is a crucial cytokine for the survival, the differentiation and the maturation of DCs 40 . This vaccine enhanced the recruitment of DC precursor cells to the site of injection and promoted the maturation and the migration of CD11c + DCs to the local draining lymph nodes. This was followed by the strong induction of HBsAg-specific antibody and T cell responses, even in mice that do not normally generate immune responses against HBsAg or when low concentrations (≤2 μg) of HBsAg were used. Importantly, this suggests that this adjuvant could potentially be used in vaccines that incorporate poorly immunogenic antigens or in vaccines for individuals who have an impaired immune system. The ability to protect antigens or other bioactive mediators, to maintain the native conformation of these components at the site of immune challenge and to create a depot effect with the gradual local release of antigens over time is a key advantage for these types of nanoparticles. Biodegradable nanoparticles have also been shown to be safe and biocompatible for use in vaccine technology 38 . SAPNs. The unique properties of certain microbial pathogens and VLPs have inspired and guided the systematic modelling, design and manufacture of novel nanoparticles that use combinations of both naturally occurring and synthetically engineered biostructural motifs to optimize immune responses to vaccine antigens. SAPNs constructed from different protein oligomerization domains have been designed to achieve repetitive antigen display 41 (FIG. 2) . A customized recombinant construct, which is expressed in Escherichia coli, encodes a single polypeptide chain with two different linked protein oligomerization domains, each containing particular coiled-coil heptad repeat patterns that drive the self assembly of the purified monomers into nanoparticles approximately 16 to 25 nm in diameter; these nanoparticles have icosahedral symmetry that is analogous to viral capsids. Thus, SAPNs provide a repeating scaffold structure to enable the conformational presentation of inserted protein epitopes or domains in a highly exposed configuration that protrudes or extends from the surface of the particle after the assembly of the subunits 41 . Approximately 180 peptide chains are assembled into a single nanoparticle to form this icosahedral structure. This geometry enables the manipulation of nearly all of the parameters described above as being necessary for VLPs: a scaffold for antigen display and cellular activation that leads to substantial increases in the specific production of high-titre, high-affinity antibodies directed against the inserted linear or conformational antigen epitopes 42 . SAPNs have been produced with the insertion of a range of different antigens, including the hydrophobic loop-peptide epitope of actin, and can successfully induce the production of antibodies against poorly antigenic phylogenetically conserved determinants 43 . The incorporation of trimeric coiled-coil epitopes from the surface protein of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus (SARS-CoV) into SAPNs was shown to strongly induce the production of virus-specific neutralizing antibodies after the immunization of mice with these SAPNs 44 . In addition, the insertion of a tetrameric form of the immunogenic epitope from the external domain of the avian influenza virus matrix protein 2 (M2e) into SAPNs led to the high-density display of oligomeric epitopes in a native conformation and the subsequent reduction of H5N2 virus-shedding after the immunization of chickens with these SAPNs 45 . Furthermore, the integration of a tandem repeat of an immunodominant B cell epitope from the malaria parasite Plasmodium berghei circumsporozoite protein (CSP) into SAPNs induced the production of T cell-dependent high-avidity antibodies in mice without the use of an adjuvant. This protected mice against both primary and long-term secondary challenges with live sporozoites without causing parasitaemia 46 . Interestingly, modification of the SAPN vaccine to incorporate both B cell and T cell epitopes derived from the CSP of the human malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum induced the production of both high-titre antibodies and longlived polyfunctional interferon-γ (IFNγ)-producing central memory T cells, which protected mice against a lethal dose of a transgenic P. berghei malaria parasite that expressed the CSP from P. falciparum 14 . Finally, the α-helical domain located in the membrane-proximal external region of HIV-1 gp41 was incorporated into a SAPN scaffold to recapitulate the epitopes recognized by pre-existing HIV-1-neutralizing antibodies; however, this approach was unsuccessful in inducing HIV-1-neutralizing antibodies in immunized rats 47 . A measure of the magnitude of the electrostatic charge or potential (positive or negative) of any particle or nanoparticle, and it is typically expressed in millivolts. Nanoemulsions. Nanoemulsion adjuvants are oil-in-water emulsions that are composed of solvents and surfactants. An example of a nanoemulsion is MF59, which consists of squalene oil in combination with polysorbate 80 (Tween 80) and sorbitan trioleate (Span 85). MF59 has been licensed in Europe as a clinical vaccine adjuvant for influenza and has been intramuscularly administered to tens of millions of healthy adults, elderly individuals and children 48 . The adjuvant activity seems to involve a combination of mechanisms, including an increased cellular uptake of antigens, an enhanced release of cytokines and chemokines, a recruitment of monocytes and granulocytes to the site of intramuscular injection, and an augmented maturation and upregulation of CC-chemokine receptor 7 (CCR7) by antigen-primed DCs, which promotes their migration to the draining lymph nodes 49, 50 . MF59 has been shown to be a more potent adjuvant than alum for inducing broadly protective humoral and T H 1-type cell-mediated immune responses 48, 51, 52 . Furthermore, with respect to vaccination against pandemic influenza viruses (for example, H5N1), M59 promotes protective antiviral immune responses when delivered with relatively low doses of virus-derived antigens. By contrast, the delivery of similar antigen doses in combination with alum results in variable or ineffective antiviral immunity 48, 53 . The clinical experience of using MF59 has been documented in these clinical studies as well as in post-marketing surveillance. Increased reactogenicity, including injection site pain, has been described following administration of MF59 and has been attributed to the increased inflammation that is associated with the enhanced immune response. The ratio of the increased reactogenicity to the benefit of increased immunity remains favourable, especially if enhanced responses are needed, as is the case with pandemic influenza vaccines 54 . Early-stage clinical trials are currently in progress to study the efficacy of MF59 as an adjuvant for vaccines against other viral pathogens, including herpes simplex virus, HBV and cytomegalovirus 48 . Intranasal administration of MF59 enhanced serum antibody responses in naive mice but not in pre-infected mice 55 or in humans 56 . The nanoemulsion W 80 5EC is composed of soybean oil as opposed to squalene and has been shown, both in animal models and more recently in humans, to augment the targeting of vaccine antigens to the immune system and to safely induce potent mucosal, humoral and cellular immune responses after its intranasal administration 57 . The adjuvant activity of this nanoemulsion-antigen mixture is primarily dependent on the retention of a nanodroplet structure in the emulsion and on the positive charge that facilitates binding to negatively charged proteins such as mucin. The nanoscale size and positive ζ-potential of the emulsion enables the penetration of the mucous layer, the binding to cell membranes and the cellular uptake that together mediate the induction of the innate and the adaptive immune responses 58 . Cytokine secretion by ciliated epithelial cells in the nasal mucosa and by cells in the nasal-associated lymphoid tissues (NALT) is followed by the activation and the migration of antigen-primed DEC205 (also known as LY75) + DCs to the regional lymph nodes 59 . Interestingly, nanoemulsions have been shown to induce necrosis or apoptosis in epithelial cells and to simultaneously activate the surface expression of calreticulin, which is a signal for immunogenic cell death 60, 61 . These observations are consistent with a mechanism by which nanoemulsions rapidly facilitate the engulfment of dying antigenloaded epithelial cells by DCs and other phagocytic cells in the tissue 59 . Nanoemulsions have broad antimicrobial activity against enveloped viruses, bacteria and fungi [62] [63] [64] [65] and can be used to inactivate, as well as to provide adjuvant activity, for vaccine preparations involving intact viruses such as vaccinia virus 66 , respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) 67 and influenza viruses 68 . Single-antigen formulations, including the 17 kDa outer membrane lipid protein A (OmpA) polypeptide from Burkholderia cenocepacia 69 , the anthrax protective antigen 70 , the HIV-1 envelope protein gp120 (REF. 71) and the hepatitis B surface antigen 58 , can also be used as adjuvants. Nanoemulsions have shown little or no toxicity during extensive testing in multiple species 58, 66, 70, 71 and no serious adverse effects in humans, although intranasally administered nanoemulsions have only been evaluated in less than 200 individuals so far 57 . This is particularly relevant as the history of intranasally administered adjuvants includes an association of cranial nerve VII palsy (also known as Bell's palsy) with the nasal administration of influenza virosomes together with the E. coli heat labile toxin mucosal adjuvant 72 . Although there is no evidence that an intranasally administered nanoemulsion adjuvant undergoes retrograde transport or that it is associated with cranial nerve VII palsy, vigilant monitoring for this side effect and others will continue throughout the clinical development programme and after it has been licensed. Cationic liposomes (typically ranging in particle diameter from 200 to 1,000 nm depending on the formulation) have been used as vaccine adjuvants and delivery systems to encapsulate, protect and enable antigen uptake with the prolonged activation of professional APCs 73, 74 . The cationic charge and the composition of the lipid components is essential for efficient antigen adsorption to the nanoparticle during the preparation of the vaccine, for retention at the site of injection, for innate activation of immune accessory cells and for vaccine immunogenicity, including the induction of T H 1-type cellular responses 75, 76, 77, 74 . Different cationic lipids incorporated into these formulations have included quaternary ammonium compounds (for example, dimethyl dioctadecyl ammonium bromide (DDA) and 1,2-dioleoyl-3-trimethyl-ammoniumpropane (DOTAP)), cholesterol derivatives (for example, dimethylaminoethanecarbamoyl-cholesterol), imidazolium compounds (for example, 1-[2-(oleoyloxy)ethyl]-2-oleyl-3-(2-hydroxyethyl)imidazolinium chloride (DOTIM)), diC14-amidine-based compounds and other immunostimulants such as trehalose Decreased function or apoptosis of APCs dibehenate (TDB), which is a synthetic analogue of trehalose dimycolate that engages a TLR-independent pathway for innate activation 78 . These components have systematically been used to optimize adjuvant activity and to improve the type, the quality and the magnitude of the cellular and humoral responses in different disease models and applications. Cationic liposomes have also been shown to enhance the efficacy and to reduce the systemic toxicity of immunostimulators, including MPL and other TLR ligands [79] [80] [81] [82] . Different cationic liposomes that incorporate immunostimulators and vaccine antigens are currently under evaluation in human clinical trials to test for safety and efficacy against infectious diseases and cancer 74 . Taken together, these studies show the striking range of applications and the safety of diverse types of nanoparticles (FIG. 1) , such as the use of nanoemulsions, nanogels and liposomes to induce potent immune responses against different antigens, including microorganisms and tumour antigens (TABLE 2) . Nanoparticles induce a broad spectrum of immune responses, including T H 1, T H 2, and T H 17 cell responses, and they induce the development of IgG and IgA antibodies, both systemically and locally, depending on the formulation and the route of delivery (FIG. 2) . These studies indicate that different nanoparticle compositions can be engineered as desired to enhance the immune response through mechanisms associated with nanoparticle delivery, the controlled release of antigens or the entrapment of immunomodulators in the same location, in addition to the recruitment, the targeting and the uptake of antigens by accessory cells and professional APCs (TABLE 2) . In addition to stimulating and directing the immune response, nanotechnology can be therapeutically used to inhibit the detrimental immune responses that occur in allergy, autoimmunity and in transplant rejection. The immunosuppressive effects of nanotherapeutics are discussed in the following sections (FIG. 4; TABLE 3 ). Much of the work exploring the direct effect of nanoparticles on the immune response has come from the field of toxicology, in which fullerenes have been shown to have direct immunosuppressive effects 83 . Fullerenes are molecules that are exclusively composed of carbon and that are commonly used in nanotechnology in the development of items such as electronics, paints and polymer composites 84 . Fullerenes are globally produced in the order of hundreds of tonnes per year 85 . Spherical fullerenes are approximately 1 nm in diameter and can absorb electrons through the benzene rings on their surface, which enables them to function as scavengers for reactive oxygen species (ROS) 86 . When incubated with human mast cells and peripheral blood basophils, spherical fullerenes result in decreased IgE receptor-mediated signalling, decreased production of ROS and decreased degranulation. In a mouse model of anaphylaxis, fullerene treatment prevents histamine release and prevents the reduction in body temperature that normally occurs in mice after allergen challenge 87 . When fullerene-like structures are manufactured as cylinders they are called carbon nanotubules (CNTs) and they typically have a diameter of approximately 10 nm and a length that can be as much as several micrometres. These structures can be formed as singlewalled or multi-walled tubes, both of which have been shown to have direct immunosuppressive effects. Mice exposed to single-walled CNTs by pharyngeal aspiration had increased levels of inflammation in the lungs and enhanced recruitment of DCs, alveolar macrophages, polymorphonuclear cells and lymphocytes. Interestingly, when cultured with stimulatory DCs, both the proliferation and the expansion of splenic T cell populations were decreased in animals that had been exposed to single-walled CNTs. In co-culture experiments, DCs that had been exposed to both lipopolysaccharide (LPS) and single-walled CNTs were less capable of promoting the proliferation and the expansion of T cell populations than DCs that had been exposed to LPS alone 88 . Although the mechanisms responsible for the effect of single-walled CNTs on DC function have not been fully elucidated, more is known about the mechanisms by which multi-walled CNTs affect T cell function. Animals exposed to inhaled multi-walled CNTs for several weeks showed no increase in pulmonary inflammation but they showed systemic immune suppression in the form of decreased T cell proliferation and a lower production of T cell-dependent antibodies 85 . The gene expression of the enzymes cyclooxygenase 2 (COX2; also known as PTGS2) and prostaglandin E synthase 2 (PTGES2) was upregulated in the spleens of multi-walled CNT-treated mice -a response that was abrogated by the administration of a cyclooxygenase 1 (COX1) antagonist and in COX2-knockout mice. The overall immunosuppressive effect was shown to be mediated by transforming growth factor-β (TGFβ) produced by alveolar macrophages 89 . Fullerenes, which have direct immunosuppressive effects (discussed above), also have the capacity to store and to deliver active drug substances that have immunosuppressive properties. Although spherical fullerenes have not been efficient in the delivery of immunosuppressive drugs such as dexamethasone 90 , carbon nanotubules have been used to effectively deliver compounds such as the pro-apoptotic protein cytochrome c 91 . In addition to having direct immunosuppressive effects, nanotechnology can also be used to deliver drugs with known immunosuppressive activity; for example, nanocrystals are used to increase the water solubility and the bioavailability of immunosuppressive drugs that are used to prevent transplant rejection, such as sirolimus 92, 93 . Sirolimus is a triene macrolide that has immunosuppressive effects through the inhibition of IL-2 and other proinflammatory cytokines. Owing to its poor solubility in water, the initial formulations of sirolimus were oral solutions with solvent-water mixtures. The currently licensed oral tablet formulation was made available by the use of nanometre-sized crystals generated using nanoscale stabilizers 93 . Dendrimers are molecules that repetitively branch around a focal point. Similarly to nanocrystals, dendrimers can encapsulate active drugs and in this way they can deliver active drugs to target tissues. In addition, dendrimers and polymers can present targeting ligands 94 . Polyamidoamine (PAMAM) dendrimers are among the best known dendrimers and are composed of a diamine core reacted with methyl acrylate, followed by another diamine, which results in regular radially concentric layers or 'generations' that give rise to successively larger dendrimers. PAMAM dendrimers have Molecules that are capable of binding both the major histocompatibility complex (the first signal) and a co-stimulatory receptor (the second signal) on an antigen-presenting cell. been reported to deliver N-acetyl cysteine (NAC) across the blood brain barrier. NAC is an antioxidant and an anti-inflammatory agent that is commonly used to treat acetaminophen poisoning and as a mucolytic. On the basis of work showing PAMAM dendrimers to localize to activated microglia and astrocytes in rabbits with cerebral palsy, NAC has been conjugated to a PAMAM dendrimer and intravenously administered to rabbits with cerebral palsy. The administration of NAC with a PAMAM dendrimer but not NAC alone was reported to decrease neuroinflammation and to improve motor function 95 . Other examples of the use of PAMAM dendrimers in immunosuppression include the development of PAMAM dendrimer glucosamines that have been shown to inhibit TLR4-mediated inflammatory responses and scar tissue formation 96 . Mechanistic studies have shown that the PAMAM dendrimer glucosamine blocks the formation of the TLR4-MD2 (also known as LY96)-LPS complex 97 by interfering with the electrostatic binding of LPS to MD2 and by blocking the entry of the lipid chains of LPS into the hydrophobic pocket of MD2. On the basis of these findings, the dendrimer glucosamine has been tested in the rabbit ileal loop model of Shigella spp. infection and has been shown to decrease IL-6 and IL-8 production 98 and, as a proof of concept, to decrease inflammation in this model of gastroenteritis. The effects of dendrimers on TLR7 and TLR8 have also been studied using a dendrimer synthesized from the TLR7 and TLR8 agonist imidazoquinoline 99 . Interestingly, dendrimerization of the small molecule imidazoquinoline 99 results in a loss of TLR8 activity and a maintenance of TLR7 activity, with an initial dosedependent increase in cytokine production followed by a decrease. Although the mechanisms by which particular TLRs are 'turned on' and 'turned off ' by dendrimers is not fully understood, it highlights the possibility of molecular manipulation at the nanoscale level with respect to both elucidating and modulating the innate immune response for therapeutic use. PLGA has been formulated at the nanoscale level and has been used to deliver immunosuppressants including betamethasone 100 , bifunctional peptide inhibitors and leukaemia-inhibitory factor (LIF) 101 . The addition of betamethasone to PLGA resulted in a more sustained anti-inflammatory effect in two animal models of arthritis compared with betamethasone alone 100 . Bifunctional peptide inhibitors that simultaneously target MHC class II molecules and intercellular adhesion molecule 1 (ICAM1) have been effectively delivered using PLGA complexes, which results in decreased cytokine production and a suppression of disease in mice with experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis 101 . PLGA has also been used to deliver LIF, which results in the upregulation of forkhead box P3 (FOXP3) expression by T cells and an expansion of the regulatory T cell population in mice. This effect was not seen when LIF was administered to mice in the absence of PLGA 102 . The type of polymer and the route of administration might also influence whether there is an enhanced or a suppressed immune response. When negatively charged PLGA was compared to positively charged N-trimethyl chitosan (TMC) both nanoparticles increased the humoral immune responses to ovalbumin when intramuscularly administered; however, only the negatively charged TMC increased the humoral immune responses to ovalbumin when intranasally administered 103 . This is probably due to the electrostatic interaction of the positively charged carrier and the negatively charged mucous and has been shown to occur with other carriers, including liposomes 104 and nano emulsions. Interestingly, only the negatively charged intra nasally administered PLGA induced immuno regulatory responses, which were characterized by enhanced FOXP3 expression in NALT and cervical lymph nodes, by decreased delayed type hypersensitivity responses and by increased IL-10 expression 105 . These results show that the type of polymer, its charge and the route of administration can influence whether the resultant immune response is enhanced or suppressed 105 . Lipid-based nanotechnology includes solid lipid nanoparticles (SLNs), liposomes and micelles (FIG. 1) . SLNs are solid at room temperature and body temperature, whereas liposomes and micelles are liquid at these temperatures. Liposomes are vesicles composed of a lipid bilayer with a hydrophilic centre. Conversely, micelles are composed of amphiphilic molecules arranged as oil in water (a hydrophobic core) or water in oil (a hydrophilic core). An active drug is incorporated and delivered by the carrier, which is chosen on the basis of composition, size and charge 92, 106 . In addition, the carrier might be targeted to specific tissues using specific ligands 107 . Examples of liposomes that have been used as carriers to achieve immunosuppression include bisphosphonates, such as clondronate, to deplete pulmonary macrophages in acute lung injury 108 and arthritis 109 , as well as alendronate to deplete circulating monocytes in coronary artery stenosis 110 . Targeting of liposomes to specific cells is exemplified by the delivery of small interfering RNAs (siRNAs) to DCs by surrounding the liposome that is carrying the siRNA with a monoclonal antibody that is specific to DCs. This gene-silencing approach was used to specifically target CD40 expression by DCs and resulted in reduced levels of T cell proliferation in the liposome-treated mice 111 . Micelles have also been used to deliver agents that impair the immune response, including camptothecin 112, 113 . Camptothecin is a topoisomerase inhibitor that was originally used in the treatment of cancer and has more recently been applied to the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis. The formulation of camptothecin in sterically stabilized micelles (SSMs) improved its delivery and had anti-inflammatory effects in a mouse model of arthritis; in this study, vasoactive intestinal peptide was used to target the SSMs to T cells, macrophages and synoviocytes 112 . A final example of how nanotechnology can be applied to suppress an immune response is the use of nanoemulsions to deliver self antigens 114 . When the nanoemulsion W 80 5EC is combined with the self antigen thyroglobulin and is delivered to mice, the animals become tolerant to thyroglobulin; this response is characterized by a reduced humoral immune response to thyroglobulin, an upregulation of FOXP3 and TGFβ expression and increased T regulatory (T Reg ) cell activity. This is particularly interesting, as W 80 5EC administered with foreign antigens enhances immune responses by increasing antigen delivery as well as by increasing TLR2 and TLR4 activation 57, 115 . The signalling pathways that are activated after TLR4 stimulation include the myeloid differentiation primary-response gene 88 (MYD88) and the TIR domain-containing adaptor protein inducing interferon-β (TRIF; also known as TICAM1) pathways, which result in the production and the release of pro-inflammatory cytokines 116 . As too much inflammation is detrimental to the host 117 , the control of TLR4 stimulation is an important immunoregulatory function. Endotoxin tolerance is a mechanism by which immunosuppression occurs in the continued presence of LPS 118 . In addition, the immunoregulatory molecule TGFβ has been described as being increased in endotoxin tolerance, as well as in the aforementioned direct immunosuppressive effects of fullerenes 89 and in the indirect immunosuppressive effects of nanoemulsion delivery of self antigens 114 . Another similarity between the signalling mechanisms in nanotechnology-mediated immunosuppression and endotoxin tolerance is a relative increase in TRIF activation and a decrease in MYD88 activation 118 . This 'TRIF bias' has been described for particular TLR4 agonists such as MPL 119 , which is an LPS derivative that is used as an adjuvant in numerous vaccines, including licensed recombinant HPV bivalent vaccine 120 . Nanotechnology is currently being used to engineer specific immune responses for prophylactic and therapeutic effects. In the future, the use of nanoparticles that have unique immunological properties determined by their size, shape, charge, porosity and hydrophobicity will enable researchers to 'customize' immune responses in new and unexpected ways. Improved protection against the outbreak of pandemic viruses and other emerging or mutating pathogens will require the rapid activation of innate and adaptive immune responses, ideally within hours (for an innate immune response) or days (for an adaptive immune response) after a single priming dose of vaccine. This could be achieved through the absorption of nanoparticles that have unique combinations of antigens and cytokines. It is also possible that passive immunity through nanoparticle-delivered immunoglobulin genes could produce antibodies specific for pathogens and could provide immune replacement rather than simply immune manipulation by nanotechnology. In addition, the activation of CTL responses that can target tumours or virally infected cells can be accomplished in several ways using nanotechnology. Nanoparticles could be surrounded by antigens to augment CTL activity or they could be combined with immunomodulators, including cytokines such as GM-CSF, IL-12, IL-15 and FMS-related tyrosine kinase 3 ligand (FLT3L). As many co-stimulatory ligands are now known, multimerizing CD40 ligand (CD40L), glucocorticoid-induced TNFR-related protein (GITR; also known as TNFRSF18) or other activating and blocking ligands could turn lymphocytes on and off with greater precision than the antibodies that are currently being used to help to control autoimmunity and immune responses to allergens or even to transplanted organs. Using antigens with NOD-like receptors, TLR ligands and other microbial pattern recognition systems could induce CTL responses to antigens that normally do not produce this activity. It is also possible that 'suppressive nanoparticles' could be given to relatives of patients with specific autoimmune diseases in order to prevent disease development. Genetic screening for many immune diseases might enable the early correction of some immune defects using nanoparticle gene delivery methods rather than bone marrow transplantation. In addition to the potential therapeutic applications of nanotechnology, recent advances in nanotechnologybased screening strategies using silicon nanowires in combination with siRNA and transcriptional profiling over time have shown promise for the selective perturbation of the immune response. This therefore has facilitated the identification of crucial points in the molecular network that regulates the immune response 121 . These emerging nanotechnologies provide new ways to interrogate complex pathways that control the differentiation of immune cells, including the balance of T H 17 and T Reg cells. This approach might also enable the future design of more effective therapeutics to regulate the immune system and to potentially reduce side effects and inflammation. In summary, the field of nanotechnology will continue to provide remarkable insights into the nature of the immune response. The application of nanotechnology in immunology might also affect new strategies for the prevention or the treatment of human diseases. Molecular structure of nucleic acids; a structure for deoxyribose nucleic acid The dimensions of DNA in solution Immunodrugs: therapeutic VLP-based vaccines for chronic diseases Developments in virus-like particlebased vaccines for infectious diseases and cancer Nano-particle vaccination combined with TLR-7 and -9 ligands triggers memory malaria, activate long-lasting (>1 year) and high-affinity protective cellular and humoral immune responses in a mouse model The heritage of hepatitis B vaccine The preparation and safety of hepatitis B vaccine Translating tumor antigens into cancer vaccines Human papillomavirus vaccine: widening the scope for cancer prevention Different T helper cell subsets elicited in mice utilizing two different adjuvant vehicles: the role of endogenous interleukin 1 in proliferative responses Promotion of B cell immune responses via an alum-induced myeloid cell population The comparative selectivity of adjuvants for humoral and cell-mediated immunity. I. Effect on the antibody response to bovine serum albumin and sheep red blood cells of Freund's incomplete and complete adjuvants, alhydrogel, Corynebacterium parvum, Bordetella pertussis, muramyl dipeptide and saponin How) do aluminium adjuvants work? Vaccine Design: The Subunit and Vaccine Approach The role of macrophages in the induction and regulation of immunity elicited by exogenous antigens Mechanisms of adjuvancy: I-metal oxides as adjuvants The global impact of vaccination against hepatitis B: a historical overview Central nervous system demyelinating diseases and recombinant hepatitis B vaccination: a critical systematic review of scientific production This paper uses a lipopeptide monomer incorporating a coiled-coil self-assembly motif in which the lipid tails form a central core to stabilize the particle and enable the multivalent display of antigens in a nanometre-scale The role of antibodies in HIV vaccines Incorporation of high levels of chimeric human immunodeficiency virus envelope glycoproteins into virus-like particles This report shows that synthetic VLPs can be engineered by structural vaccinology to stimulate immune responses targeted against narrowlydefined and critically exposed regions of an antigen, as for the induction of HIV-1-neutralizing antibodies against gp120 Engineered synthetic virus-like particles and their use in vaccine delivery Human immunodeficiency virus-like particles with consensus envelopes elicited broader cell-mediated peripheral and mucosal immune responses than polyvalent and monovalent Env vaccines Aromatic residues at the edge of the antibody combining site facilitate viral glycoprotein recognition through membrane interactions Ablation of the complementaritydetermining region H3 apex of the anti-HIV-1 broadly neutralizing antibody 2F5 abrogates neutralizing capacity without affecting core epitope binding HIV-1 vaccine trials: evolving concepts and designs Application of nanotechnologies for improved immune response against infectious diseases in the developing world This article provides an overview of the concept and the importance of ordered and repetitive structural arrays expressed by VLPs and other nanoparticles for the optimal induction of B cell responses using the example of gp23 Novel nanoparticles for the delivery of recombinant hepatitis B vaccine Hydrogel-delivered GM-CSF overcomes nonresponsiveness to hepatitis B vaccine through the recruitment and activation of dendritic cells Structure-based design of peptides that self-assemble into regular polyhedral nanoparticles Repetitive versus monomeric antigen presentation: direct visualization of antibody affinity and specificity Peptide nanoparticles serve as a powerful platform for the immunogenic display of poorly antigenic actin determinants Peptide nanoparticles as novel immunogens: design and analysis of a prototypic severe acute respiratory syndrome vaccine A novel vaccine using nanoparticle platform to present immunogenic M2e against avian influenza infection A nonadjuvanted polypeptide nanoparticle vaccine confers long-lasting protection against rodent malaria Conformation-specific display of 4E10 and 2F5 epitopes on self-assembling protein nanoparticles as a potential HIV vaccine Emulsion-based adjuvants for influenza vaccines Vaccine adjuvants alum and MF59 induce rapid recruitment of neutrophils and monocytes that participate in antigen transport to draining lymph nodes The adjuvants aluminum hydroxide and MF59 induce monocyte and granulocyte chemoattractants and enhance monocyte differentiation toward dendritic cells Combination adjuvants for the induction of potent, long-lasting antibody and T-cell responses to influenza vaccine in mice Effects of adjuvants on the safety and immunogenicity of an avian influenza H5N1 vaccine in adults Safety of MF59 adjuvant The adjuvants MF59 and LT-K63 enhance the mucosal and systemic immunogenicity of subunit influenza vaccine administered intranasally in mice Safety and immunogenicity of adjuvanted and unadjuvanted subunit influenza vaccines administered intranasally to healthy adults Safety and immunogenicity of a novel nanoemulsion mucosal adjuvant W805EC combined with approved seasonal influenza antigens Pre-clinical evaluation of a novel nanoemulsion-based hepatitis B mucosal vaccine Nanoemulsion mucosal adjuvant uniquely activates cytokine production by nasal ciliated epithelium and induces dendritic cell trafficking This article provides an overview of immunogenic cell death as a concept used to describe signals produced by dying cells or expressed on the cell surface that lead to the activation of innate and adaptive immune responses rather than to the induction of unresponsiveness or tolerance Calreticulin exposure dictates the immunogenicity of cancer cell death A novel surfactant nanoemulsion with broad-spectrum sporicidal activity against Bacillus species Antimicrobial mechanism of action of surfactant lipid preparations in enteric Gram-negative bacilli A novel surfactant nanoemulsion with a unique non-irritant topical antimicrobial activity against bacteria, enveloped viruses and fungi Prevention of murine influenza A virus pneumonitis by surfactant nano-emulsions A novel, killed-virus nasal vaccinia virus vaccine A novel inactivated intranasal respiratory syncytial virus vaccine promotes viral clearance without Th2 associated vaccine-enhanced disease Development of immune response that protects mice from viral pneumonitis after a single intranasal immunization with influenza A virus and nanoemulsion Induction of immune response to the 17 kDa OMPA Burkholderia cenocepacia polypeptide and protection against pulmonary infection in mice after nasal vaccination with an OMP nanoemulsion-based vaccine Mucosal immunization with a novel nanoemulsion-based recombinant anthrax protective antigen vaccine protects against Bacillus anthracis spore challenge Nasal immunization with a recombinant HIV gp120 and nanoemulsion adjuvant produces Th1 polarized responses and neutralizing antibodies to primary HIV type 1 isolates Mucosal antibody response induced with a nasal virosome-based influenza vaccine A liposome-based mycobacterial vaccine induces potent adult and neonatal multifunctional T cells through the exquisite targeting of dendritic cells Cationic liposomes as vaccine adjuvants This study evaluates the biodistribution of separately radiolabelled lipids and antigens to show the gradual release or depot effect to be a crucial delivery mechanism, in combination with innate activation and monocyte infiltration Nʹ-Dimethylaminoethane)carbomyl] cholesterol (DC-Chol), and 1,2-Dioleoyl-3-trimethylammonium propane (DOTAP): prolonged liposome retention mediates stronger Th1 responses Cationic lipid DC-Chol induces an improved and balanced immunity able to overcome the unresponsiveness to the hepatitis B vaccine Adjuvanticity of a synthetic cord factor analogue for subunit Mycobacterium tuberculosis vaccination requires FcRγ-Syk-Card9-dependent innate immune activation Co-encapsulation of antigen and Tolllike receptor ligand in cationic liposomes affects the quality of the immune response in mice after intradermal vaccination Intranasal administration of CpG DNA lipoplex prevents pulmonary metastasis in mice Efficient immunization and crosspriming by vaccine adjuvants containing TLR3 or TLR9 agonists complexed to cationic liposomes Systemic administration of LPD prepared with CpG oligonucleotides inhibits the growth of established pulmonary metastases by stimulating innate and acquired antitumor immune responses Nanoparticles and the immune system In vivo biology and toxicology of fullerenes and their derivatives Pulmonary and systemic immune response to inhaled multiwalled carbon nanotubes Fullerene derivatives: an attractive tool for biological applications Fullerene nanomaterials inhibit the allergic response Direct effects of carbon nanotubes on dendritic cells induce immune suppression upon pulmonary exposure This work explores the mechanisms by which multi-walled carbon nanotubules have a direct effect on immunomodulation Research on the bioactivities of C60-dexamethasone Phosphatidylserine targets single-walled carbon nanotubes to professional phagocytes in vitro and in vivo Challenges and solutions for the delivery of biotech drugs -a review of drug nanocrystal technology and lipid nanoparticles Nanomedicines in renal transplant rejection -focus on sirolimus Association of chemotherapeutic drugs with dendrimer nanocarriers: an assessment of the merits of covalent conjugation compared to noncovalent encapsulation This article shows that the beneficial effect of the anti-inflammatory agent NAC is enhanced by polyamidoamine dendrimers and suggests that the enhanced Polyvalent dendrimer glucosamine conjugates prevent scar tissue formation Partially glycosylated dendrimers block MD-2 and prevent TLR4-MD-2-LPS complex mediated cytokine responses Preventing acute gut wall damage in infectious diarrhoeas with glycosylated dendrimers Potent adjuvanticity of a pure TLR7-agonistic imidazoquinoline dendrimer Treatment of experimental arthritis with poly(d, l-lactic/glycolic acid) nanoparticles encapsulating β-methasone sodium phosphate Vaccine-like controlled-release delivery of an immunomodulating peptide to treat experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis Modulation of CD4 + T lymphocyte lineage outcomes with targeted, nanoparticlemediated cytokine delivery Nasal vaccination with N-trimethyl chitosan and PLGA based nanoparticles: nanoparticle characteristics determine quality and strength of the antibody response in mice against the encapsulated antigen Induction of mucosal immune responses by administration of liposome-antigen formulations and interleukin-12 nanoparticles differentially modulate the outcome of nasal vaccination by inducing tolerance or enhancing humoral immunity Altering the immune response with lipid-based nanoparticles Recent developments in lipid-based pharmaceutical nanocarriers Prevention of acute lung injury in swine: depletion of pulmonary intravascular macrophages using liposomal clodronate Suppression of chronic streptococcal cell wall-induced arthritis in Lewis rats by liposomal clodronate Preparation of alendronate liposomes for enhanced stability and bioactivity: in vitro and in vivo characterization A novel in vivo siRNA delivery system specifically targeting dendritic cells and silencing CD40 genes for immunomodulation Actively targeted low-dose camptothecin as a safe, long-acting, disease-modifying nanomedicine for rheumatoid arthritis Nanomedicines for inflammatory diseases This study shows that nanoemulsion-enhanced uptake of self antigens results in a decreased humoral immune response, upregulation of FOXP3 and TGFβ expression Induction of Th17 cellular immunity with a novel nanoemulsion adjuvant Educating CD4 T cells with vaccine adjuvants: lessons from LPSsaccharide Current insights in sepsis: from pathogenesis to new treatment targets Endotoxin tolerance: new mechanisms, molecules and clinical significance The vaccine adjuvant monophosphoryl lipid A as a TRIF-biased agonist of TLR4 Adjuvants for cancer vaccines Dynamic regulatory network controlling TH17 cell differentiation needle-like shape and dimensions of vertical-oriented nanowires are used in a new way to penetrate the T cell membrane without cellular toxicity to introduce siRNA into the cytosol as a means to evaluate the network of genes regulating T H 17 cell differentiation US National Nanotechnology Initiative. What is nanotechnology? Considering whether an FDA-regulated product involves the application of nanotechnology: guidance for industry. FDA Characterization of polysaccharideprotein complexes by size-exclusion chromatography combined with three detectors Size and shape of protein molecules at the nanometer level determined by sedimentation, gel filtration, and electron microscopy Crystal structure of human toll-like receptor 3 (TLR3) ectodomain Examination of the contributions of size and avidity to the neutralization mechanisms of the anti-HIV antibodies b12 and 4E10 Structural characterization of the TCR complex by electron microscopy Vaccine delivery: a matter of size, geometry, kinetics and molecular patterns in Medical microbiology 4th edn Dendritic cells: immune regulators in health and disease Cell size of alveolar macrophages: an interspecies comparison Structure and function of the B cell antigen receptor Structure and function of the T cell antigen receptor Atlas of Blood Cells: Function and Pathology Eosinophils: structure and functions Co-delivery of cancer-associated antigen and Toll-like receptor 4 ligand in PLGA nanoparticles induces potent CD8 + T cell-mediated anti-tumor immunity Induction of anti-tumor cytotoxic T cell responses through PLGA-nanoparticle mediated antigen delivery T cell immunomonitoring and tumor responses in patients immunized with a complex of cholesterol-bearing hydrophobized pullulan (CHP) and NY-ESO-1 protein HER2-specific T-cell immune responses in patients vaccinated with truncated HER2 protein complexed with nanogels of cholesteryl pullulan Nanogel antigenic protein-delivery system for adjuvant-free intranasal vaccines A novel hydrophobized polysaccharide/ oncoprotein complex vaccine induces in vitro and in vivo cellular and humoral immune responses against HER2-expressing murine sarcomas Presentation of a major histocompatibility complex class 1-binding peptide by monocyte-derived dendritic cells incorporating hydrophobized polysaccharide-truncated HER2 protein complex: implications for a polyvalent immuno-cell therapy Comparison of vesicle based antigen delivery systems for delivery of hepatitis B surface antigen Phase 1 study of HPV16-specific immunotherapy with E6E7 fusion protein and ISCOMATRIX adjuvant in women with cervical intraepithelial neoplasia NY-ESO-1 protein formulated in ISCOMATRIX adjuvant is a potent anticancer vaccine inducing both humoral and CD8 + T-cell-mediated immunity and protection against NY-ESO-1 + tumors The presumptive phosphatidylserine receptor is dispensable for innate anti-inflammatory recognition and clearance of apoptotic cells The authors thank A. Myc and A. Bielinska, University of Michigan, USA, for helpful discussions of dendrimer-based technologies. The authors declare competing financial interests: see Web version for details. Michigan Nanotechnology Institute for Medicine and Biological Sciences: Douglas M. Smith, Jakub K. Simon and James R. Baker Jr Nature Reviews Immunology 13, 592-605 (2013) In the version of this Review that was initially published, the reference citations in Tables 1-3 were not accurate. This error has been corrected in the online HTML and PDF versions of the article. Nature Reviews Immunology apologizes for this error.