key: cord-0886464-bdrw4xg1 authors: von Bartheld, Christopher S.; Mathew, Dennis; Butowt, Rafal title: New study on prevalence of anosmia in COVID-19 implicates the D614G virus mutation as a major contributing factor to chemosensory dysfunction date: 2021-03-31 journal: Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol DOI: 10.1007/s00405-021-06759-9 sha: 8a0e99332cc8b8fdbbe95ca4583feae7e4851ea1 doc_id: 886464 cord_uid: bdrw4xg1 nan protein binds, has different variants, resulting in differing virus binding affinities and the frequency of such ACE2 variants is known to differ between ethnicities [4] . At the level of the virus, there are differences between virus strains. The D614G mutation, especially, is responsible for the enhanced cell entry or binding of the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein to the ACE2 protein [5] . Early in the pandemic, the D614 variant was predominant before it was rapidly replaced by the G614 variant [4, 5] . Geographically, the major holdouts of the D614 virus into the second half of 2020 were primarily in China and in Singapore (https:// cov. lanl. gov/ apps/ covid-19/ map/ [5] ). The most parsimonious explanation of why South Asians in Singapore had a very low prevalence of anosmia, early in the pandemic, but why the same ethnicity (Indians and Bangladeshis) has a much larger prevalence at a later time point in the pandemic, is that the virus type differed. The virus with the G614 mutation likely has enhanced binding to sustentacular cells and Bowman gland cells in the olfactory epithelium. This appears to be at least partially responsible for the increased prevalence of anosmia in COVID-19 patients, even within the same ethnic populations. This trend has been suspected [4] , but was difficult to prove in populations, because both SARS-CoV-2 variants coexisted in most regions [2, 5] . The study of Soh et al. [1] , with a relatively large cohort and at a location, where only one virus type (D614) was present at the time of data collection, provides a unique opportunity to demonstrate the relative contributions of virus and host factors for chemosensory dysfunction. To our knowledge, their study provides the most convincing argument for the D614G mutation leading to higher rates of anosmia. Whether populations of East Asian descent also have increased anosmia when they become infected with the G614 virus remains to be determined. Likewise, the new virus variants that have recently emerged may also cause altered anosmia prevalence. We are aware that Soh et al. [1] only asked subjects about anosmia, not hyposmia. Still, loss of smell accounts for about half of COVID-related olfactory dysfunction cases, and so it should capture a large fraction of patients. Other explanations for regional differences in smell dysfunction, response bias or initial lack of publicity, are unlikely in this study. At the time of data collection (May to July 2020), the COVID-related loss of smell was already widely publicized in the media [2] . Author contributions All authors contributed to the letter conception and design. Funding Supported by Grant GM103554 from the National Institutes of Health (C.S.v.B.), and the "Excellence Initiative-Research University" programme at the Nicolaus Copernicus University (R.B.). Prevalence of olfactory and taste dysfunction in COVID-19 patients: a community care facility study Prevalence of chemosensory dysfunction in COVID-19 patients: a systematic review and meta-analysis reveals significant ethnic differences Olfactory dysfunction in COVID-19 patients: findings from a tertiary rural centre Chemosensory dysfunction in COVID-19: integration of genetic and epidemiological data points to D614G spike protein variant as a contributing factor Tracking changes in SARS-CoV-2 spike: evidence that D614G increases infectivity of the COVID-19 virus This comment refers to the article available online at https:// doi. org/ 10. 1007/ s00405-021-06647-2. The authors have no conflicts of interest to declare.