key: cord-0883345-vdfdcdv4 authors: Yang, Bin; Bao, Wenzheng; Wang, Jinglong title: Active disease-related compound identification based on capsule network date: 2021-11-20 journal: Brief Bioinform DOI: 10.1093/bib/bbab462 sha: 6cf668dfe5babbef891e76d33a071cfed12c41dc doc_id: 883345 cord_uid: vdfdcdv4 Pneumonia, especially corona virus disease 2019 (COVID-19), can lead to serious acute lung injury, acute respiratory distress syndrome, multiple organ failure and even death. Thus it is an urgent task for developing high-efficiency, low-toxicity and targeted drugs according to pathogenesis of coronavirus. In this paper, a novel disease-related compound identification model–based capsule network (CapsNet) is proposed. According to pneumonia-related keywords, the prescriptions and active components related to the pharmacological mechanism of disease are collected and extracted in order to construct training set. The features of each component are extracted as the input layer of capsule network. CapsNet is trained and utilized to identify the pneumonia-related compounds in Qingre Jiedu injection. The experiment results show that CapsNet can identify disease-related compounds more accurately than SVM, RF, gcForest and forgeNet. . The basic structure of capsule network. of prescription in treating disease through the research methods of system biology, which could use mathematical means such as statistics and complex network to better understand the behaviors of cells and organs at the molecular level, accelerate the identification of drug targets and find new biomarkers [12] [13] [14] . In the past two years, a large number of studies on the prevention mechanism of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) prescriptions treating pneumonia based on network pharmacology methods have been put forward [15] [16] [17] [18] [19] [20] . Liu et al. utilized network pharmacology and molecular docking technology to analyze the pharmacological mechanism of matrine in treatment of COVID-19 and liver injury [21] . Peng et al. investigated the pharmacological mechanism of Lianhua Qingwen Prescription for the treatment of COVID-19 and found some compounds in the prescription such as quercetin and kaempferol, which could play an important role in preventing COVID-19 [22] . Cheng et al. investigated Fufang Banlangen Keli (FBK) and found its pharmacological mechanism of treating COVID-19 and severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) [23] . Yan et al. constructed and analyzed QingfeiPaidu decoction components-targets-biological function network, and gave further explanation about the pharmacological effect of QingfeiPaidu decoction in the treatment of COVID-19 [24] . Liu et al. analyzed the active components and related targets of Chaihu Guizhi Ganjiang decoction and constructed 'drugdisease-target' network [25] . The results of molecular docking showed that this decoction could be utilized to treat COVID-19 with cold dampness depression in the early stage. Deep learning is a new field in machine learning research [26] . Its motivation is to establish and simulate the neural network of human brain for analytical learning [27, 28] . Because of its strong learning ability, wide coverage and strong adaptability, deep learning has been widely applied to solve the problems of a large number of fields, which promotes the rapid development of artificial intelligence [29] [30] [31] [32] . As the most classical deep learning model in the early stage, convolutional neural network (CNN) needs a large number of images for training, cannot deal with ambiguity well and could lose a large amount of information in the pool layer [33, 34] . Therefore, in order to deal with the shortcomings of CNN, Hinton proposed a novel deep learning model namely capsule network (CapsNet) [35] . It is considered that the brain is organized into a module called capsule. These capsules are especially good at dealing with the characteristics of object postures (position, size and direction), deformation, speed, albedo, tone, texture and so on. Compared with other advanced deep learning models, CapsNet performed better in many areas [36] [37] [38] [39] . Tao et al. presented wavelet multi-level attention CapsNet to solve texture classification [40] . Afshar et al. utilized CapsNet to identify brain tumor type [41] . Li et al. utilized five-layer CapsNet to identify the rice images in order to monitor the development of rice [42] . Fang et al. proposed inception capsule networks to improve protein gamma-turn identification [43] . Li et al. improved one-dimensional inception capsule network (IICN) to diagnose the bearing pitting errors, which performed better than other deep learning methods [44] . In the research process of network pharmacology, the active components with high degrees are screened according to the structural analysis of the 'drug-disease-target' network. Then, the active components with good binding to the target proteins are determined by molecular docking technology, and the pharmacological mechanism of the important components in treating the disease is analyzed further. This process is very cumbersome and difficult to analyze, especially when there are many traditional Chinese medicine components in the prescription. And manual analysis is prone to make errors, waste of time and arbitrariness. In recent years, some machine learning methods have been applied for network pharmacology to improve these problems. In this paper, an identification model of closely related active components in treating diseases based on capsule network is proposed. Taking pneumonia as an example, the prescriptions and active components closely related to the pharmacological mechanism of pneumonia are collected in order to construct training set. The features of each component are extracted as the input layer of capsule network. CapsNet is trained and utilized to identify the active components related to pneumonia in a new drug prescription. Capsule network (CapsNet) is a new neural network structure proposed by Hinton [35] . Its basic structure contains five layers: input layer, convolution layer, primary capsule layer, digital capsule layer and output layer, whose structure is shown in Figure 1 . Firstly, in the convolution layer, the convolution layer of traditional CNN is utilized to extract the low-level features. The primary capsule layer is one of the cores of capsule network, which could realize the transformation from scalar to vector. The convolution kernel is utilized for further feature extraction to obtain several capsules. In the next step, the specific process of the output using the capsule principle is given as follows: Compared with convolutional neural network, capsule network utilizes vector capsule to replace neurons, dynamic routing to replace pooling operation and squash function to replace ReLu activation function. The schematic diagram of capsule principle is shown in Figure 2 , where u i represents the output of the ith low-level capsule, W i|j represents the weight matrix between low-level capsule i and high-level capsule j and û j|i represents the predicted output of low-level capsule j. û j|i could be calculated as follows:û In the high-level capsule network, S j is the input of the high-level capsule network and V j is the output of the high-level capsule network. S j could be calculated as follows: where C ij represents the corresponding coupling coefficient of the prediction vector û j|i of the low-level capsule. CapsNet model utilizes activity vector to represent whether an entity appears and the attributes of the entity. The values of the vectors with different dimensions are utilized to represent different attributes, and then the modulus of the vector is utilized to represent the probability of the occurrence of the entity. In order to make the occurrence probability of the entity between 0 and 1, the vector is compressed and standardized through a nonlinear calculation. Squashing nonlinear function can be utilized, which could be calculated as follows: where V j represents the output vector of CapsNet. C ij is the coupling coefficient, which could be determined by dynamic routing iteration method. When C ij = 0, it means that there is no information transfer between low-level capsule i and high-level capsule j [45] . Coupling coefficient can be calculated as follows: where b ij represents the logarithmic probability of coupling between capsule i and capsule j, which is initialized to 0. b ij will be dynamically updated in the routing iteration as follows. In capsule network, the vector length of the high-level capsule represents the probability of the category, so in this layer, the category of high-level capsule with the maximum output length of vector is selected as the category predicted by the model. Except that the coupling coefficient C is updated through dynamic routing, other convolution parameters of the whole network and W in CapsNet need to be updated according to the loss function, which is defined as follows: where T j indicates whether the jth class exists; m + , m − and λ are super parameters that need to be specified in advance. In this paper, a novel disease-related compound identification model based on capsule network is proposed. The flowchart is shown in Figure 3 , which is introduced in detail as follows: I. Firstly, according to four search terms, pneumonia, new coronavirus pneumonia, COVID-19 and lung injury, the [46] . The decoys corresponding to the input compounds are generated as the control group. A certain number of decoys are randomly selected from the control group as negative samples, so that the ratio of positive samples and negative samples reaches 1:3. In order to train the CapsNet with positive and negative compounds, the molecular descriptor of each compound is obtained as the feature set of the compound. The collected data are input into the input layer of CapsNet model for training. This is a twoclass classification problem. The super parameters m + , m − and λ are set 0.9, 0.1 and 0.5, respectively. By the iterations, the optimal CapsNet model is obtained. In order to study whether a new prescription or medicament can prevent pneumonia-related diseases, the compounds are extracted from the prescription or medicament. And according to the properties, the important compounds are selected. The molecular descriptors of important compounds are also extracted as feature sets, which are input into the optimal capsule network model trained in the previous step in order to give the scores of each important compound. If the score of a compound is higher than 0.5, this compound can be identified to be related to diseases and can be used for the further analysis of network pharmacology. On the contrary, compounds with scores lower than 0.5 cannot be considered. Relevant and non-relevant compounds about pneumonia are collected to test the effectiveness of capsule network. The data contain 88 positive samples and 264 negative samples. The molecular descriptor is utilized to represent each compound. In order to reflect the effectiveness of CapsNet, SVM [47] , RF [48] , gcForest [49] and forgeNet [50] are also used to screen the effective compounds in traditional Chinese medicine prescriptions for treating diseases. ROC curve and AUC value are utilized to evaluate the performance of the classifiers. SN, SP, ACC, MCC and F1 are also utilized, which are defined as follows: where TP is the number of true related compounds identified, FN is the number of true related compounds identified as nonrelated ones, TN is the number of true non-related compounds identified and FN is the number of true non-related compounds identified as related ones. Using 4-cross validation, 6-cross validation, 8-cross validation and 10-cross validation methods, the ROC curves and AUC values identified by the five methods are shown in Figures 4-7 , respectively. From Figures 4-6 , it could be seen clearly that the ROC curves obtained by CapsNet and RF are very close, which are better than ones obtained by SVM, gcForest and forgeNet. From Figure 7 , we also see that the ROC curves of CapsNet, forgeNet, gcForest and RF are very close, which perform better than SVM. The ROC results could show that that CapsNet and RF have the higher accuracy and generalization ability. In order to compare the performances of these five methods more accurately, the AUC values of five methods with 4-cross validation, 6-cross validation, 8-cross validation and 10-cross validation methods could be also obtained. The AUC performances show that the AUC values obtained by the five methods are also very similar, but CapsNet performs best. SN, SP, ACC, MCC and F1 performances of disease-related compound identification by five methods with the above four kinds of cross-validation methods are depicted in Figures 8-11 , respectively. From the results obtained by 4-cross validation, CapsNet and gcForest could obtain the same SN performance, which is 2.4% higher than SVM, 7.4% higher than RF and 1.2% higher than forgeNet. The SN performance shows that CapsNet and gcForest could identify more true diseaserelated compounds than SVM, RF and forgeNet. In terms of SP, RF could obtain the best performance, which is 1.0. CapsNet and SVM could obtain the second best performances, which is 0.996 and very close to the performance of RF. In terms of ACC, CapsNet is 0.6% higher than SVM, 1.4% higher than RF, 5.7% higher than gcForest and 0.6% higher than forgeNet, which reveal that CapsNet could obtain the best accuracy among five methods. In terms of MCC, CapsNet is 1.6% higher than SVM, 4% higher than RF, 14.6% higher than gcForest and 1.6% higher than forgeNet. In terms of F1, CapsNet is 1.2% higher than SVM, 3.1% higher than RF, 10.7% higher than gcForest and 1.2% higher than forgeNet, which show that CapsNet performs best for disease-related compound inference overall. With 6-cross validation method, Figure 9 shows that it could be seen that CapsNet performs best, which is 3.5% higher than SVM, 4.8% higher than RF, 1.2% higher than gcForest and 1.2% higher than forgeNet in terms of SN. RF also obtains the best SP performance, and CapsNet could obtain the second best value, which is 0.996212. In terms of ACC, CapsNet is 2.3% higher than SVM, 0.9% higher than RF, 4.5% higher than gcForest and 1.2% higher than forgeNet. In terms of MCC, CapsNet is 6.5% higher than SVM, 2.4% higher than RF, 11.8% higher than gcForest and 3.1% higher than forgeNet. In terms of F1, CapsNet is 4.7% higher than SVM, 1.8% higher than RF, 8.6% higher than gcForest and 2.3% higher than forgeNet. From Figure 10 , it could be seen that CapsNet performs best, which is 2.3% higher than SVM, 8.6% higher than RF, 1.1% higher than gcForest and 2.3% higher than forgeNet in terms of SN. In terms of SP, CapsNet, forgeNet and RF could obtain the same performance, which is 0.4% higher than SVM and 6.1% higher than gcForest. In terms of ACC, CapsNet performs best, which is 0.8% higher than SVM, 2% higher than RF, 4.8% higher than gcForest and 0.6% higher than forgeNet. CapsNet has the best MCC performance, which is 2.4% higher than SVM, 5.8% higher than RF, 12.3% higher than gcForest and 1.6% higher than forgeNet. In terms of F1, CapsNet is 1.8% higher than SVM, 4.4% higher than RF, 9.1% higher than gcForest and 1.2% higher than forgeNet. From the results obtained by 10-cross validation, it could be seen that CapsNet performs best, which is 6.1% higher than SVM, 3.6% higher than RF, 1.2% higher than gcForest and 0.8% higher than forgeNet in terms of SN. The SN performance shows that CapsNet could identify more true disease-related compounds than SVM, RF, gcForest and forgeNet. In terms of SP, CapsNet and RF could obtain the same performance, which is 0.996212. These two methods are 1.12% higher than SVM and gcForest, and 0.7% higher than forgeNet. By comparison, it could be seen that CapsNet and RF could identify more true unrelated compounds. CapsNet has the best ACC performance, which is 2.3% higher than SVM, 0.9% higher than RF, 1.2% higher than gcForest and 0.9% higher than forgeNet. In terms of MCC, CapsNet is 6.6% higher than SVM, 2.4% higher than RF, 3.1% higher than gcForest and 2.3% higher than forgeNet. In terms of F1, CapsNet is 4.9% higher than SVM, 1.8% higher than RF, 2.3% higher than gcForest and 1.7% higher than forgeNet, which show that CapsNet performs best overall. In order to test the effectiveness of data collection and capsule network further, our proposed method is utilized to identify the pneumonia-related compounds in Qingre Jiedu injection. Qingre Jiedu injection contains 11 Traditional Chinese medicines, which are Anemarrhena asphodeloides, Radix Scrophulariae, Rehmannia glutinosa, Radix Isatidis, gardenia, gentian, forsythia, Scutellaria baicalensis, honeysuckle, Ophiopogon japonicus and viola. From TCSMP website ( [51] , according to the drug likeness (DL) and oral bioavailability (OB) criteria, 151 compounds are screened from the 11 medicines in Qingre Jiedu injection. The molecular descriptor of each compound is also obtained as the feature set of the compound. The collected data are input into the optimal CapsNet model and 59 compounds are identified to be closely related disease. By analyzing 59 compounds, six compounds quercetin, luteolin, kaempferol, baicalein, wogonin and stigmasterol have been confirmed in a large number of literatures to have clear antiviral, anti-inflammatory and lung, liver and cardiovascular protection and have potential therapeutic effects on lung injury, liver injury, cardiovascular disease and inflammatory response induced by COVID-19. Our method could also identify ent-Epicatechin, Chinoinin, flavanone, Baicalin, acteoside and Forsythiaside, which are the effective components of treating COVID-19. Ent-Epicatechin can regulate multiple signaling pathways by inhibiting the binding of SARS-CoV-2 protein and angiotensinconverting enzyme II (ACE2) in order to prevent COVID-19 [52] . Chinoinin can inhibit NF-κB signaling pathway to improve pneumonia induced by Staphylococcus aureus in mice [53] . Eriodyctiol (flavanone) can play an antiviral role by inhibiting virus replication and reducing cytokine production, which may play an important role in anti-SARS-COV-2 [54] . Acteoside can prevent lung injury by regulating COX-2 and 5-LOX in the lung and has a certain protective effect on the lung [55] . Forsythiaside can combine with MPRO to effectively inhibit the cleavage of virus precursor protein, so as to block virus replication and play the role of anti-COVID-19 [56] . The past researches have proved that many flavonoids have the characteristics of multi-target, multi-channel and multi-system regulation of diseases and can regulate viral inflammatory pathway and respiratory tract infection pathway [57] . Our method also identifies a variety of other flavonoids, such as 5,7,4 -Trihydroxy-8-methoxyflavone, 5,8,2 -Trihydroxy-7-methoxyflavone and 5,7,2,5-tetrahydroxy-8,6-dimethoxyflavone, etc. SVM, RF, gcForest and forgeNet are also used to screen important compounds in Qingre Jiedu injection. SVM could identify 22 compounds, but many important compounds were not identified, such as wogonin, baicalin, acteoside, stigmasterol, baicalein, chlorogenic acid, some other important flavonoids, etc. RF predicts that 151 compounds are not related with COVID-19. By sorting the predicted scores of 151 compounds, it is found that some important compounds such as forsythiaside, acteoside and luteolin, rank top. But some important compounds such as acacetin, baicalin and wogonin have lower ranks, which reveal that these important compounds are not closely related to COVID-19 disease. gcforest identified 40 compounds, but some important compounds such as stigmasterol, wogonin, acacetin and sitosterol were not identified. forgeNet identifies 126 compounds, and the most important compounds are identified, but a large number of false-positive compounds are also identified to be related to diseases, resulting in the identification results with low accuracy. By comparing the identification results of disease-related compounds obtained by five methods, it can be clearly seen that capsule network can identify disease-related compounds more accurately than the other four methods. In order to further compare the performance of the five methods, the ROC curves and AUC values of the prediction results are also shown in Figure 12 . Through the results, it can be seen that CapsNet can get the better ROC curve than other four methods. For AUC values, CapsNet is 12.9% higher than RF, 6.2% higher than SVM, 2.1% higher than forgeNet and 1.7% higher than gcForest. In order to identify disease-related compounds more accurately, this paper proposes a novel disease-related compound identification model-based capsule network. In this model, five-layer capsule network is utilized. According to pneumonia-related keywords, the prescriptions and active components related to the pharmacological mechanism of disease are collected and utilized to constitute training data. The compounds in Qingre Jiedu injection are collected and utilized as testing data. SVM, RF, gcForest and forgeNet are also utilized for compound identification. ROC curves and AUC performances show that CapsNet can get the better ROC curves than other four methods, which could also make the 1.7-12.9% improvement in terms of AUC compared with SVM, RF, gcForest and forgeNet. By analysis of the identification results, we could see that CapsNet performs best, which could identify disease-related compounds more accurately than the other four methods. • A novel disease-related compound identification model-based capsule network (CapsNet) is proposed. • According to pneumonia-related keywords, the prescriptions and active components related to the pharmacological mechanism of disease are collected and extracted in order to construct training set. • In the process of network pharmacology research, the active components with high degree are screened according to the structural analysis of the 'drugdisease-target' network. The data used to support the findings of this study are available from the corresponding author upon request. 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