key: cord-0875644-u4fffur0 authors: Sirohiya, Prashant; Ratre, Brajesh title: COVID-19 pandemic and limited palliative care response: “Lack of comfort care” date: 2020-07-09 journal: Anaesth Crit Care Pain Med DOI: 10.1016/j.accpm.2020.07.002 sha: 3aaff37db46f8ffc59aafee670a6700155693b23 doc_id: 875644 cord_uid: u4fffur0 nan India too and authorities should make a specific plan to take further steps in this direction. As India is trying to contain the spread of COVID-19, we must be ready for the possibility that measures to prevent the spread of the virus might fail. Integrating palliative care to COVID-19 care is a step forward to ensure the palliative care needs of the patients and their family members. Palliative care can prevent health care workers from the physical burden and mental health issues that might be aggravated when ethically difficult decisions are needed in the rationing of intensive care. Faced with an unprecedented challenge, how is India faring? The Economic Times A COVID-19 palliative care pandemic plan: An essential tool All Patients Must Be Cared For Palliative Care guidelines for COVID19 Pandemic palliative care: beyond ventilators and saving lives