key: cord-0864873-5mdhgk1a authors: Leipzig, Jeremy; Nüst, Daniel; Hoyt, Charles Tapley; Ram, Karthik; Greenberg, Jane title: The role of metadata in reproducible computational research date: 2021-09-10 journal: Patterns (N Y) DOI: 10.1016/j.patter.2021.100322 sha: 9970275cbb9dd1ab145d43ad081f4897d4b9149f doc_id: 864873 cord_uid: 5mdhgk1a Reproducible computational research (RCR) is the keystone of the scientific method for in silico analyses, packaging the transformation of raw data to published results. In addition to its role in research integrity, improving the reproducibility of scientific studies can accelerate evaluation and reuse. This potential and wide support for the FAIR principles have motivated interest in metadata standards supporting reproducibility. Metadata provide context and provenance to raw data and methods and are essential to both discovery and validation. Despite this shared connection with scientific data, few studies have explicitly described how metadata enable reproducible computational research. This review employs a functional content analysis to identify metadata standards that support reproducibility across an analytic stack consisting of input data, tools, notebooks, pipelines, and publications. Our review provides background context, explores gaps, and discovers component trends of embeddedness and methodology weight from which we derive recommendations for future work. Digital technology and computing have transformed the scientific enterprise. As evidence, many scientific workflows and methods have become fully digital, from the problem scoping stage and data collection tasks to analyses, reporting, storage, and preservation. Another key factor includes federal 1 and institutional 2,3 recommendations and mandates to build a sustainable research infrastructure, to support FAIR principles, 4 and reproducible computational research (RCR). Metadata have emerged as a crucial component, supporting these advances, with standards supporting the research life cycle. Reflective of change, there have been many case studies on reproducibility, 5 although few studies have systematically examined the role of metadata in supporting computational reproducibility. Our aim in this work was to review metadata developments that are directly applicable to computational reproducibility, identify gaps, and recommend further steps involving metadata toward building a more robust infrastructure. To lay the groundwork for these recommendations, we first review reproducible computational research and metadata, examine how they relate across different stages of an analysis, and discuss what common trends emerge from this approach. Intended audience This review is designed primarily to bridge the metadata and reproducible research communities. The practitioners working THE BIGGER PICTURE A recent confluence of technologies has enabled scientists to effectively transfer runnable analyses, addressing a long-standing challenge of reproducible research. The implementation of reproducible research for in silico analyses requires extensive metadata to describe both scientific concepts and the underlying computing environment. This review covers the wide range of metadata standards relevant to reproducible computational research across an ''analytic stack'' consisting of input data, tools, reports, pipelines, and publications. Legacy and cutting-edge metadata support a wide range of data annotations, analytic approaches, and interpretation across virtually all scientific disciplines. This review is designed to bridge the metadata and reproducible research communities. We identify competing approaches of embedded and connected metadata, discuss gaps, and make recommendations with implications for the future of journals and peer review. in this area may be considered information scientists or data engineers working in the life, physical, and social sciences. Those readers most interested in the representation of scientific data and results will find sections on input and publication most relevant, while those most closely aligned with analysis and data engineering may be more interested in the sections on tools, reports, and pipelines. During the development of this article, it became evident that many important efforts that could be useful and applicable to other domains will wither in isolation if not discovered by a wider audience. Furthermore, many areas of research homologous are not identified as such simply due to differences in the use of terminology. Though much of the battle ground of reproducibility has involved the fields of bioinformatics and psychology, these are by no means the only affected areas. It should be mentioned that while the reproducibility crisis has played out on a public stage involving high-profile papers and journals and is often connected to challenges in peer review processes, the home front of reproducibility is borne by individuals working in smaller settings who need to reproduce analyses written by immediate colleagues, or even themselves. Reproducible computational research ''Reproducible research'' is an umbrella term that encompasses many forms of scientific quality, from generalizability of underlying scientific truth, exact recreation of an experiment with or without communicating intent, to the open sharing of analysis for reuse. Specific to computational facets of scientific research, RCR 6 encompasses all aspects of in silico analyses, from the propagation of raw data collected from the wet lab, field, or instrumentation, through intermediate data structures, computational hardware, to open code and statistical analysis, and finally publication. Here, our emphasis is on the scholarly record with results reported in a journal article, conference proceeding, white paper, or report, as a final reporting; although we clearly recognize the importance of reproducibility and full scope of scientific output including data, software, tools, and even data papers. 7 Reproducible research points to several underlying concepts of scientific validity -terms that should be unpacked to be understood. Stodden et al. 8 devised a five-level hierarchy of research, classifying it as reviewable, replicable, confirmable, auditable, and open or reproducible. Whitaker 9 described an analysis as "reproducible" in the narrow sense that a user can produce identical results provided the data and code from the original, and "generalizable" if it produces similar results when both data are swapped out for similar data ("replicability"), and if underlying code is swapped out with comparable replacements ("robustness") ( Figure 1 ). While these terms may confuse those new to reproducibility, a review by Barba disentangled the terminology while providing a historical context of the field. 11 One major conflicted use of terms (reproducible/replicable) has since then been harmonized. 12 A wider perspective places reproducibility as a first-order benefit of applying FAIR principles: Findability, Accessibility, Interoperability, and Reusability. In the next sections, we engage reproducibility in the general sense and use "narrow-sense" to refer to the same data, same code condition. The scientific community's challenge with irreproducibility in research has been extensively documented. 13 Two events in the life sciences stand as watershed moments in this crisis: the publication of manipulated and falsified predictive cancer therapeutic signatures by a biomedical researcher at Duke and subsequent forensic investigation by Keith Baggerly and David Coombes, 14 and a review by scientists at Amgen who could replicate the results of only 6 of 53 cancer studies. 15 These events involved different aspects: poor data structures and missing protocols, respectively. Together with related studies, 16 they underscore recurring reproducibility problems due to a lack of detailed methods, missing controls, and other protocol failures in inadequate understanding or misuse of statistics, including inappropriate statistical tests and/or misinterpretation of results, which also plays a recurring role in irreproducibility. 17 Regardless of intent, these activities fall under the umbrella term of "questionable research practices." It bears speculation whether these types of incidents are more likely to occur in novel statistical or computational approaches compared with conventional ones. Subsequent surveys of researchers 13 have identified selective reporting, while theory papers 18 have emphasized the insidious combination of underpowered designs and publication bias, essentially a multiple testing problem on a global scale. We contend that metadata have an undervalued role to play in addressing all of these issues and to shift the narrative from a crisis to opportunities. 19 In the wake of this newfound interest in reproducibility, both the variety and volume of related case studies increased after 2015 ( Figure 2 ). Likert-style surveys and high-level publication-based censuses (see Figure 3 ) in which authors tabulate data or code availability are most prevalent. In addition, lowlevel reproductions, in which code is executed, replications in which new data are collected and used, tests of robustness in which new tools or methods are used, and refactors to best practices are also becoming more popular. While the life sciences have generated more than half of these case studies, areas of the social and physical sciences are increasingly the subjects of important reproduction and replication efforts. These case studies have provided the best source of empirical data for understanding reproducibility and will likely continue to be valuable for evaluating the solutions we review in the next sections. Big data, big science, and open data The inability of third parties to reproduce results is not new to science, 21 but the scale of scientific endeavor and the level of data and method reuse suggest replication failures may damage the sustainability of certain disciplines, hence the term "reproducibility crisis." The problem of irreproducibility is compounded by the rise of "big data," in which very large, new, and often unique, disparate, or unformatted sources of data have been made accessible for analysis by third parties, and "big science," in which terabyte-scale datasets are generated and analyzed by multi-institutional collaborative research projects on specialized and possibly unique infrastructure. Metadata aspects of big data have been quantitatively studied concerning reuse, 22, 23 but not reproducibility, despite some evidence that big data may play a role in spurious results associated with reporting bias. 24 Big data and big science have increased the demand for high-performance computing, specialized tools, and complex statistics, with attention to the growing popularity and application of machine learning and deep learning (ML/DL) techniques to these data sources. Such techniques typically train models on specific data subsets, and the models, as the end product of these methods, are often "black boxes," i.e., their internal predictors are not explainable (unlike older techniques such as regression) though they provide a good fit for the test data. Properly evaluating and reproducing studies that rely on such algorithms presents new challenges not previously encountered with inferential statistics. 25, 26 Computational reproducibility is typically focused on the last analytic steps of what is often a labor-intensive scientific process that often originates from wet-lab protocols, fieldwork, or instrumentation and these last in silico steps present some of the more difficult problems both from technical and behavioral standpoints, because of the amount of entropy introduced by the sheer number of decisions made by an analyst. Developing solutions to make ML/DL workflows transparent, interpretable, and explorable to outsiders, such as peer reviewers, is an active area of research. 27 The ability of third parties to reproduce studies relies on access to the raw data and methods employed by authors. Much to the exasperation of scientists, statisticians, and scientific software developers, the rise of "open data" has not been matched by "open analysis," as evidenced by several case studies. 20, [28] [29] [30] Missing data and code can obstruct the peer-review process, where proper review requires the authors to put forth the effort necessary to share a reproducible analysis. Software development practices, such as documentation and testing, are not a standard requirement of the doctoral curriculum, the peer-review process, or the funding structure, and as a result, the scientific community suffers from diminished reuse and reproducibility. 31 Sandve et al. 32 identified the most common sources of these oversights in "Ten Simple Rules for Reproducible Computational Research": lack of workflow frameworks, missing platform and software dependencies, manual data manipulation or forays into web-based steps, lack of versioning, lack of intermediates and plot data, and lack of literate programming or context can derail a reproducible analysis. An issue distinct from the availability of source code and raw data is the lack of metadata to support reproducible research. We have observed that many of the findings from case studies in reproducibility point to missing methods details in an analysis, which can include software-specific elements such as software versions and parameters, 33 but also steps along the entire scientific process, including data collection and selection strategies, data processing provenance including hardware and statistical methods, and linking these elements to publication. We find the key concept connecting all of these issues is metadata. An ensemble of dependency management and containerization tools already exist to accomplish narrow-sense reproducibility 34 : the ability to execute a packaged analysis with little effort from a third party. But context to allow for robustness and replicability, "broad-sense reproducibility," is limited without endorsement and integration of necessary metadata standards that support discovery, execution, and evaluation. Despite the growing availability of open-source tools, training, and better executable notebooks, reproducibility is still challenging. 35 In the following sections, we address these issues, first defining metadata, defining an "analytic stack" to abstract the steps of an in silico analysis, and then identifying and categorizing standards both established and in development to foster reproducibility. Over the past 25 years, metadata have gained acceptance as a key component of research infrastructure design. This trend is The term "case studies" is used in a general sense to describe any study of reproducibility. 5 A reproduction is an attempt to arrive at comparable results with identical data using computational methods described in a paper. A refactor involves refactoring existing code into frameworks and reproducible best practices while preserving the original data. A replication involves generating new data and applying existing methods to achieve comparable results. A test of robustness applies various protocols, workflows, statistical models, or parameters to a given dataset to study their effect on results. A census is a high-level tabulation conducted by a third party. A survey is a questionnaire sent to practitioners. A case narrative is an in-depth firstperson account. An independent discussion uses a secondary independent author to interpret the results of a study as a means to improve inferential reproducibility. Patterns 2, September 10, 2021 3 Review defined by numerous initiatives supporting the development and sustainability of hundreds of metadata standards, each with varying characteristics. 36, 37 Across these developments, there is a general high-level consensus regarding the following three types of metadata standards 38,39 : 1. Descriptive metadata, supporting the discovery and general assessment of a resource (e.g., the format, content, and creator of the resource). 2. Administrative metadata, supporting technical and other operational aspects affiliated with resource use. Administrative metadata include technical, preservation, and rights metadata. 3. Structural metadata, supporting the linking among the components of a resource, so it can be fully understood. There is also general agreement that metadata are a key aspect in supporting FAIR, as demonstrated by the FAIRsharing project (, which divides standards types into "reporting standards" (checklists or templates, e.g., MI-AME), 40 "terminology artifacts or semantics" (formal taxonomies or ontologies to disambiguate concepts, e.g., Gene Ontology), 41 "models and formats" (e.g., FASTA), 42 "metrics" (e.g., FAIRMetrics) 43 and "identifier schemata" (e.g., DOI) 44,45 (see Table 1 ). Metadata are by definition structured. However, structured intermediates and results that are used as part of scientific analyses and employ encoding languages such as JSON or XML are recognized as primary data, not metadata. While an exhaustive distinction is beyond the scope of this paper, we define reproducible computational research metadata broadly as any structured data that aids reproducibility and that can conform to a standard. While this definition may seem liberal, we contend that metadata are the "glue" of reproducibility, and best identified by its function rather than its origins. This general understanding of metadata as a necessary component for research and data management and growing interest in reproducible computational research, together with the fact that there are few studies targeting metadata about the analytic stack that motivated the research presented in this paper. Our overall goal of this work is to review existing metadata standards and new developments that are directly applicable to reproducible computational research, identify gaps, discuss common threads among these efforts, and recommend next steps toward building a more robust infrastructure. Our method is framed as a state-of-the-art review based on literature and ongoing software development in the scientific Censuses like this one by Obels et al. measure data and code availability and reproducibility in this case over a corpus of 118 studies, 62 of which were psychology studies that had preregistered a Registered Report (RR). 20 community. Review steps included: (1) defining key components of the analytic stack, and functions that metadata can support; (2) selecting exemplary metadata standards that address aspects of the identified functions; (3) assessing the applicability of these standards for supporting computational reproducibility functions; and (4) designing the corresponding metadata hierarchy. Our approach was informed, in part, by the Qin LIGO case study, 46 catalogs of metadata standards such as FAIRSharing, and comprehensive projects to bind semantic science such as Research Objects. 47 Compilation of core materials was accomplished mainly through literature searches but also perusal of code repositories, ontology catalogs, presentations, and Twitter posts. A "word cloud" of the most used abstract terms in the cited papers revealing most general terms is available in the code repository. The RCR metadata stack To define the key aspects of reproducible computational research, we have found it useful to break down the typical scientific computational analysis workflow, or "analytic stack," into five levels: (1) input, (2) tools, (3) reports, (4) pipelines, and (5) publications. These levels correspond loosely to the CRISP-DM data science process model (understanding, prep, modeling, evaluation, deployment), 48 scientific method (formulation, hypothesis, prediction, testing, analysis), and various research lifecycles as proposed by data curation communities (data search, data management, collection, description, analysis, archival, and publication) 49 and software development communities (plan, collect, quality control, document, preserve, use). However, unlike the steps in the life cycle, we do not emphasize a strong temporal order to these layers, but instead consider them simply interactive components of any scientific output. In the course of our research, we found most standards, projects, and organizations were intended to address reproducibility issues that corresponded to specific activities in the analytic stack. However, metadata standards were unevenly distributed among the levels. Standards that could arguably be classified or repurposed into two or more areas were placed closest to their original intent. While we present the standards as a linear list of elements for the sake of clarity and comprehensibility, it is impossible to ignore their strongly intertwined nature. Pipelines, for example, also include data and code, journal articles, especially executable papers, and encompass metadata standards across many components. If communities are to embrace the RCR model, agreement is needed not just for individual metadata standards but also for elements that are used in concert. The synthesis below first presents a summary table (Table 2) , followed by a more detailed description of each of the five levels, specific examples, and a forecast of future directions. Input refers to raw data from wet lab, field, instrumentation, or public repositories; intermediate processed files; and results from manuscripts. Compared with other layers of the analytic stack, input data garner the majority of metadata standards. Descriptive standards (metadata) enable the documentation, discoverability, and interoperability of scientific research and make it possible to execute and repeat experiments. Descriptive metadata, along with provenance metadata, also provides context and history regarding the source, authenticity, and life cycle of the raw data. These basic standards are usually embodied in the scientific output of tables, lists, and trees, which take form in files of innumerable file and database formats as input to reproducible computational analyses, filtering down to visualizations and statistics in published journal articles. Most instrumentation, field measurements, and wet lab protocols can be supported by metadata used for detecting anomalies such as batch effects and sample mix-ups. Input metadata also serves to characterize gestalt aspects of datasets that may explain failures to replicate, such as a lack of population diversity in genomic studies, 91 or those that can quickly inform peer reviewers whether appropriate methods were employed for an analysis. While metadata are often recorded from firsthand knowledge of the technician performing an experiment or the operator of an instrument, many forms of input metadata are in fact metrics that can be derived from the underlying data. This fact does not undermine the value of "derivable" metadata in terms of its importance for discovery, evaluation, and reproducibility. Formal semantic ontologies represent one facet of metadata. The OBO Foundry 92 and NCBI BioPortal serve as catalogs of life science ontologies. The usage of these ontologies appears to follow a steep Pareto distribution, with the most popular ontologies generating thousands of citations, whereas the vast majority of NCBO's 883 ontologies have never been cited or mentioned. In addition to being the oldest, and arguably most visible of reproducibility metadata standards, input metadata standards serve as a watershed for downstream reproducibility. To understand what input means for computational reproducibility, we examine three well-established examples of metadata standards from different scientific fields. Considering each of these standards reflects different goals and practical constraints of their respective fields, their longevity merits investigating what characteristics they have in common. DICOM: An embedded file header. Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine (DICOM) is a medical imaging standard introduced in 1985. 93 DICOM images require extensive technical metadata to support image rendering, and descriptive metadata to support clinical and research needs. These metadata coexist in the DICOM file header, which uses a group/element namespace to designate public restricted standard DICOM tags from private metadata. Extensive standardization of data types, called value representations (VRs) in DICOM, also follow this public/private scheme. 94 The public tags, standardized by the National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA), have served the technical needs of both 2-and 3-dimensional images, as well as multiple frames, and multiple associated DICOM files or "series." Conversely, descriptive metadata have suffered from "tag entropy" in the form of missing, incorrectly filled, nonstandard, or misused tags by technicians manually entering in metadata. 95 This can pose problems both for clinical workflows as well as efforts to aggregate imaging data for data mining and machine learning. Advanced annotations supporting image segmentation and quantitative analysis have to conform to data structures imposed by the DICOM header format. This has made it necessary for programs such as 3DSlicer 96 and its associated plugins, such as dcqmi, 97 to develop solutions such as serializations to accommodate complex or hierarchical metadata. EML: Flexible user-centric data documentation. Ecological Metadata Language (EML) is a common language for sharing ecological data. 50 EML was developed in 1997 by the ecology research community and is used for describing data in notable databases, such as the Knowledge Network for Biocomplexity (KNB) repository ( and the Long Term Ecological Network ( The standard enables documentation of important information about who collected the research data, when, and how, describing the methodology down to specific details and providing detailed taxonomic information about the scientific specimen being studied ( Figure 4) . MIAME: A submission-centric minimal standard. Minimum Information About a Microarray Experiment (MIAME) 40 is a set of guidelines developed by the Microarray Gene Expression Data (MGED). society that has been adopted by many journals to support an independent evaluation of results. Introduced in 2001, MIAME allows public access to crucial metadata supporting gene expression data, i.e., quantitative measures of RNA transcripts via the Gene Expression Omnibus (GEO) database at the National Center for Biotechnology Information and European Bioinformatics Institute (EBI) ArrayExpress. The standard allows microarray experiments encoded in this format to be reanalyzed, supporting a fundamental goal of computational reproducibility: to support structured and computable experimental features. 99 MIAME (Box 1) has been a boon to the practice of meta-analyses and harmonization of microarrays, offering essential array probeset, normalization, and sample metadata that make the over 2 million samples in GEO meaningful and reusable. 100 However, it should be noted that among MIAME and other Investigation/Study/Assay (ISA) standards that have followed suit, 101 none offer a controlled vocabulary for describing downstream computational workflows aside from slots to name the Metadata for input is developing along descriptive, administrative, and structural axes. Scientific computing has continuously and selectively adopted technologies and standards developed for the larger technology sector. Perhaps most salient from a development standpoint is the shift from extensible markup language (XML) to more succinct Javascript Object Notation (JSON) and Yet Another Markup Language (YAML) as preferred formats, along with requisite validation schema standards. 102 The term "semantic web" describes an early vision of the Internet based on machine-readable contextual markup and semantically linked data using Uniform Resource Identifier (URI). 103, a consortium of e-commerce companies developing tags for markup and discovery, such as those recognized by Google Dataset Search, 104 has coalesced a stable set of tags that is expanding into scientific domains, demonstrating the potential for findability. can be used to identify and distinguish inputs and outputs of analyses in a disambiguated and machine-readable fashion. DATS, 56 a tag-suite describes fundamental metadata for datasets akin to that used for journal articles, especially to enable access to sensitive data. Combined with solutions for securely accessing analysis tools, 105,106 DATS can solve an often invoked impediment to reproducibility: that of unshareable data. The Open Research Knowledge Graph 107 (ORKG) aims to bring meaningfulness to scholarly documents in the same way as the semantic web for online documents. ORKG's structured semantic metadata on research contributions could not only improve findability and make scientific knowledge machine readable, but also mitigate reproducibility challenges. Of increasing interest to the life sciences is the representation of phenotypic data to accompany various omics studies, as primary variables for genotype-by-environment studies, to control for possible confounds and random effects, and as labels for machine learning efforts toward genotype-to-phenotype prediction. Phenotypic metadata for human studies, ranging from basic demographics (e.g., sex, age) to complex attributes, such as disease, is often crucial to interpreting and reusing omics data. However, a study of 29 transcriptomics-based sepsis studies revealed 35% of the phenotypic information was lost in public repositories relative to their respective publication. 108 Efforts to standardize phenotypic information for plants, such as Minimal Information About Plant Phenotyping Experiment (MIAPPE), are challenged by a highly heterogeneous landscape of species, data types, and experimental designs. 109 This has required the development of the Plant Phenotyping Experiment Ontology (PPEO) data model with elements unique to botany. Finally, the growing scope for input metadata describing and defining unambiguous lab operations and protocols is important for reproducibility. One example of such an input metadata framework is the Allotrope Data Format, an HDF5 data structure, and accompanying ontology for chemistry protocols used in the pharmaceutical industry. 110 Allotrope uses the W3C Shapes Constraint Language (SHACL) to describe which RDF relationships are valid to describe lab operations. Tool metadata refers to administrative metadata associated with computing environments, compiled executable software, and source code. In scientific workflows, executable and scriptbased tools are typically used to transform raw data into intermediates that can be analyzed by statistical packages and visualized as, e.g., plots or maps. Scientific software is written for a variety of platforms and operating systems; although Unix/Linux-based software is especially common, it is by no means a homogeneous landscape. In terms of reproducing and replicating studies, the specification of tools, tool versions, and parameters is paramount. In terms of tests of robustness (same data/different tools) and generalizations (new data/ different tools), communicating the function and intent of a tool choice is also important and presents opportunities for metadata. Scientific software is scattered across many repositories in both source and compiled forms. Consistently specifying the location of software using URLs is neither trivial nor sustainable. To this end, a Software Discovery Index was proposed as part of the NIH Big Data To Knowledge (B2DK) initiative. 1 Subsequent work in the area cited the need for unique identifiers, supported by journals, and backed by extensive metadata. 111 Examples The landscape of metadata standards in tools is best organized into efforts to describe tools, dependencies, and containers. CRAN, EDAM, and CodeMeta: Tool description and citation. Source code spans both tools and literate statistical reports, although for convenience we classify code as a subcategory of tools. Metadata standards do not exist for loose code, but packaging manifests with excellent metadata standards exist for several languages, such as R's Comprehensive R Archive Network (CRAN) DESCRIPTION files (Box 2). Recent developments in tools metadata have focused on tool description, citation, dependency management, and containerization. The last two advances, exemplified by the Conda and Docker projects (described below), have largely made computational reproducibility possible, at least in the narrow sense of being able to reliably version and install software and related dependencies on other people's machines. Often small changes in software and reference data can have substantial effects on an analysis. 113 Tools like Docker and Conda respectively make the computing environment and version pinning software tenable, thereby producing portable and stable environments for reproducible computational research. The EMBRACE Data And Methods (EDAM) ontology provides high-level descriptions of tools, processes, and biological file formats. 63 It has been used extensively in tool recommenders, 114 tool registries, 115 and within pipeline frameworks and workflow languages. 116, 117 In the context of workflows, certain tool combinations tend to be chained in predictable usage patterns driven by application; these patterns can be mined for tool recommender software used in workbenches. 118 CodeMeta 119 prescribes JSON-LD (JSON for Linked Data) standards for code metadata markup. While CodeMeta is not itself an ontology, it leverages ontologies to provide language-agnostic means of describing software as well as "crosswalks" to translate manifests from various software repositories, registries, and archives into CodeMeta (Box 3). Considerable strides have been made in improving software citation standards, 121 which should improve the provenance of methods sections that cite those tools that do not already have accompanying manuscripts. Code attribution is implicitly fostered by the application of large-scale data mining of code repositories, such as Github is the generation of dependency networks, 122 measures of impact, 123 and reproducibility censuses. 124 Dependency and package management metadata. Compiled software often depends on libraries that are shared by many Geographic and temporal EML metadata and the associated display on Knowledge Network for Biocomplexity (KNB) from Halpern et al. 98 programs on an operating system. Conflicts between versions of these libraries, and software that demands obscure or outdated versions of these libraries, are a common source of frustration for users who install scientific software and a major hurdle to distributing reproducible code. Until recently, installation woes and "dependency hell" were considered a primary stumbling block to reproducible research. 125 Software written in high-level languages such as Python and R has traditionally relied on language-specific package management systems and repositories, e.g., pip and PyPI for Python, and the install.packages() function and CRAN for R. The complexity yet unavoidability of controlling dependencies led to competing and evolving tools, such as pip, Pipenv, and Poetry in the Python community, and even different conceptual approaches, such as the CRAN time machine. In recent years, a growing number of scientific software projects use combinations of Python and compiled software. The Conda project ( was developed to provide a universal solution for compiled executables and script dependencies written in any language. The elegance of providing a single requirements file has contributed to Conda's rapid adoption for domain-specific library collections such as Bioconda, 126 which are maintained in "channels" that can be subscribed and prioritized by users. Fledgling standards for containers. For software that requires a particular environment and dependencies that may conflict with an existing setup, a lightweight containerization layer provides a means of isolating processes from the underlying operating system, basically providing each program with its own miniature Box 1. An example of MIAME in MINiML format JunShima FumikoTanaka AkiraAndo ToshihideNakamura HiroshiTakagi Gene Expression Omnibus (GEO) GEO NCBI NLM NIH GPL90 before fermentation 1 mRNA T128 Saccharomyces cerevisiae ll OPEN ACCESS operating system. The ENCODE project 127 provided a virtual machine for a reproducible analysis that produced many figures featured in the article and serves as one of the earliest examples of an embedded virtual environment. While originally designed for deploying and testing e-commerce web applications, the Docker containerization system has become useful for scientific environments where dependencies and permissions become unruly. Several papers have demonstrated the usefulness of Docker for reproducible workflows 125, 128 and as a central unit of tool distribution. 129, 130 Conda programs can be trivially Dockerized, and every Bio-Conda package gets a corresponding BioContainer 131 image built for Docker and Singularity, a similar container solution designed for research environments. Because Dockerfiles are similar to shell scripts, Docker metadata are an underutilized resource and one that may need to be further leveraged for reproducibility. Docker does allow for arbitrary custom key-value metadata (labels) to be embedded in containers (Box 4). The Open Container Initiative's Image Format Specification (https:// defines pre-defined keys, e.g., for authorship, links, and licenses. In practice, the now deprecated Label Schema ( labels are still pervasive, and users may add arbitrary labels with prepended namespaces. It should be noted that containerization is not a panacea and Dockerfiles can introduce irreproducibility and decay if contained software is not sufficiently pinned (e.g., by using so-called lockfiles) and installed from sources that are available in the future. Future directions Automated repository metadata. Source code repositories such as Github and Bitbucket are designed for collaborative development, version control, and distribution and as such do not enforce any reproducible research standards that would be useful for evaluating scientific code submissions. As a corresponding example to the NLP above, there are now efforts to mine source code repositories for discovery and reuse. 132 Data as a dependency. ''Data libraries,'' which pair data sources with common programmatic methods for querying them, are Box 2. R description An R package DESCRIPTION file from DESeq2. 112 Package: DESeq2 Type: Package Title: Differential gene expression analysis based on the negative binomial distribution Version: 1.33.1 Authors@R: c( person("Michael", "Love", email="", role = c("aut","cre")), person("Constantin", "Ahlmann-Eltze", role = c("ctb")), person("Kwame", "Forbes", role = c("ctb")), person("Simon", "Anders", role = c("aut","ctb")), person("Wolfgang", "Huber", role = c("aut","ctb")), person("RADIANT EU FP7", role="fnd"), person("NIH NHGRI", role="fnd"), person("CZI", role="fnd")) Maintainer: Michael Love