key: cord-0860391-v52vxcbp authors: nan title: Index to volume 42, July–December 2003 date: 2003-12-31 journal: Annals of Emergency Medicine DOI: 10.1016/s0196-0644(03)01105-3 sha: 6dff6ef666429c493f508c750c4c2871c13cd114 doc_id: 860391 cord_uid: v52vxcbp nan The effect of bedside registration on patient care time intervals and patient satisfaction (Baumann et al Potential adverse interactions between prescription and complementary or alternative medications among emergency department patients (Kim et al) Research Forum abst.) Plethysmography Computerized strain gauge plethysmography, D-dimer, and clinical risk stratification as screening tools for deep venous thrombosis in the emergency department (DeFlitch et al) Pneumococcal infections, prevention & control Cost-effectiveness of an emergency department-based vaccine program (Cutro et al) Research Forum abst.) National study of pneumococcal and influenza vaccinations among adult emergency department patients Pneumonia Bacterial O-antigen promotes early bacteremia during gram-negative pneumonia in mice (Younger et al) Research Forum abst.) Pneumonia, prevention & control Cost-effectiveness of an emergency department-based vaccine program (Cutro et al) Immunization against Streptococcus pneumoniae in the emergency department: is there a need? (Stone et al) Pneumonia, therapy Compliance with Joint Commission core measures for community acquired pneumonia treatment in an academic emergency department (Kelly and Sorondo) Continuity of antibiotic therapy in patients admitted from the emergency department (Shah et al) Current susceptibilities of bacteria isolated from lower respiratory tract and central nervous system infections (Volturo et al) See also Overdose; specific substances Childhood poisoning: is there a greater role for emergency medicine? (Johnston et al) Does gastric lavage really push poisons beyond the pylorus? A systematic review of the evidence (Eddleston et al) senting complaints (Hong et al) Research Forum abst.) Impact on hospital resources of patients with severe congestive heart failure who use the emergency department for primary care (Jimenez et al) In the setting of nontraumatic illness, do patients contact their primary care physician before arrival in the emergency department? (Anannab et al) Is the nonurgent emergency department patient really "inappropriate"? (Bailey et al) The pediatric emergency department: a substitute for primary care? (Haltiwanger et al) Why patients with primary care physicians seek emergency department care (Liu and Thomas) diagnostic use Failure of progesterone as a predictor of ectopic pregnancy in patients with quantitative -human chorionic gonadotropin values below the ultrasonographic discriminatory threshold of 2,000 mIU/mL (Park et al) Propofol Assessment of the amnestic effects of propofol during procedural sedation (Miner et al) Propofol for deep procedural sedation in the emergency department: is there a learning curve? (Charles et al) Propofol for procedural sedation in children in the emergency department (Bassett et al) Propofol sedation by emergency physicians for elective pediatric outpatient procedures (Guenther et al) Brief research report) Protective devices. See also Air bags; Head protective devices; Seat belts Pediatric passenger restraints: what do parents say? (Arpilleda et al) Research Forum abst.) Protein-serine-threonine kinases High-dose insulin induces wortmannin-sensitive phosphorylation of Akt in vulnerable neurons after transient global brain ischemia (Sullivan et al) Research Forum abst.) ROC curve Interval likelihood ratios: another advantage for the evidence-based diagnostician (Brown and Reeves) The problem with sensitivity and specificity (Gallagher) Research Forum abst.) Rural health services Change in patient management with the use of a portable ultrasonography device in a remote setting (Reynolds et al) Research Forum abst.) Rural population A comparison of bicycle, moped, and motorcycle crashes in a rural setting: a three-year review (Hirshberg) San Diego County improved patient destination trial to decrease emergency department diversion hours and diverted patients (Vilke et al) Trauma severity indices. See also Glasgow Coma Scale Agreement of Canadian Triage and Acuity Scale with Emergency Severity Index (Stair et al) Including comorbidity in the assessment of trauma patients: a revision of the Trauma Injury Severity Score (Melniker et al) Interrater reliabilities of the Emergency Severity Index versus the Canadian Triage Acuity Scale: a randomized controlled trial (Worster et al) Triage of patients in the emergency department: evaluating the reliability and validity of a computerized triage tool (Dong et al) See also Decision support techniques; Risk assessment; Trauma severity indices Agreement of Canadian Triage and Acuity Scale with Emergency Severity Index (Stair et al) Application of topical local anesthetic at triage reduced treatment time for children with lacerations: a randomized controlled trial (Priestley et al) Do chest pain standing orders improve time to diagnosis, therapeutics, and disposition of emergency department patients with chest pain? (Bryant and Calkins) Interrater reliabilities of the Emergency Severity Index versus the Canadian Triage Acuity Scale: a randomized controlled trial (Worster et al) Is there a sixth sense for detecting patients with acute coronary syndrome before treating them? (Sanchez et al) On-the-stretcher 12-lead ECG at emergency department triage for patients with acute coronary syndromes: a survey of emergency medical technicians' views and attitudes (Cooley et al) Operational roles and use of triage and clinical protocols by disaster medical assistance teams (Hansen and Char) Pediatric wound triage protocols (Green) Physician extenders and lower acuity tracks in the emergency department Triage of patients in the emergency department: evaluating the reliability and validity of a computerized triage tool (Dong et al) Applying cardiac markers using a six-hour strategy (Nagurney et al) Research Forum abst.) Prevalence of pathologic emergency ultrasonographic scans over three years at an emergency medicine residency program Resident training in rapid bedside ultrasonographic evaluation of depressed skull fractures (Chang et al) Sonographic measurement of the inferior vena cava as a marker of blood loss (Lyon et al) Ultrasonographic confirmation of endotracheal tube placement in a porcine model (Broderick et al) Ultrasonography-guided estimation of bladder volume using a simplified derived formula (Lowenstein et al) Ultrasonography performed by the emergency physician in emergency paracentesis (Nazeer et al) Vaginal ultrasonographic probes as a potential vector for cross-contamination (Linett et al) nursing Emergency nurse training for ultrasonography-guided peripheral venous access using an inanimate arm model (Blaivas et al) Ultrasonography, prenatal Resident ultrasonography in symptomatic first-trimester pregnancy and department length of stay (Jang and Aubin) Research Forum abst.) Urban population Characteristics of out-of-hospital cardiac arrest victims in a large urban emergency medical services system: preliminary analysis of the Detroit Cardiac Arrest Registry (Compton et al) Risk factors for asthma relapse in a high-risk inner-city adult population (Tarsi et al) Sex differences in asthma precipitants in African Americans and Hispanic Americans in an urban emergency department (Singh et al) Urinalysis Association between serum bicarbonate and urinalysis findings in dehydrated children (Miner et al) Research Forum abst.) Urinary tract infections Does the WBC count predict which febrile children from 90 days to 36 months of age will have a positive urine culture? (Ryan et al) Multi-drug resistance in pediatric urinary tract infections (Gaspari et al) Can initial ECG predict peak troponin I? A biostatistical approach (Kurz et al) Is screening for myocardial infarction improved by the addition of the combination of creatine kinase and creatine kinase Index to the second generation troponin I? (Salen et al) The prognostic significance of serial myoglobin, troponin I, and creatine kinase-MB measurements in patients evaluated in the emergency department for acute coronary syndrome (McCord et al) Single set cardiac biomarker sampling and discharge from the emergency department: how prevalent a practice? (Lowenstein et al) Troponin I as diagnostic and prognostic marker of severe heart failure in heart failure care unit (Parenti et al) Research Forum abst.) Tuberculin test Emergency physician compliance with annual purified protein derivative testing (Morris and Jerrard) Tumor necrosis factor, diagnostic use Inflammatory cytokines provide limited early prognostic information in emergency department patients with suspected myocardial ischemia (Hillis et al) Specificity and sensitivity of automated external defibrillator rhythm analysis in infants and children (Atkinson et al) The effectiveness of an educational videotape on emergency department patients' stroke knowledge (Chan et al) The effectiveness of a scooter safety video as a teaching method in the emergency department (Wittels et al) Violence Development of a survey to differentiate at-risk youths in the emergency department (Zun et al) Injury prevention: intentional injury experiences of women aged 14 to 25 years (Davis-Moon et al) Editorial) Sex differences in the perpetrator-victim relationship among emergency department patients presenting with nonfatal firearm-related injuries (Wiebe) Suspected use of excessive physical force by law enforcement officers: a survey of academic emergency physicians (Hutson et al) Research Forum abst.) Workplace violence: a survey of Michigan College of Emergency Physicians (Kowalenko et al) Correspondence) Vomiting Antiemetic therapy in US emergency departments: findings from the year 2000 National Hospital Ambulatory Medical Care Survey database (Moreno et al Incidence of emesis in pediatric patients receiving oral prelone: can we predict those at risk for emesis? (Silverman et al) Research methods: beyond the clinical trial (Goodacre). Use of a radial artery compression device for noninvasive, near-continuous blood pressure monitoring in the emergency department (Thomas et al