key: cord-0859709-6k4zthz2 authors: Azhar, S. M.; Nair, Anoop S.; Devi, Shyama; Jacob, Jaison; Jose, Sam title: Trends in pattern of communicable diseases during COVID-19 lockdown in Kerala date: 2021-07-30 journal: J Family Med Prim Care DOI: 10.4103/jfmpc.jfmpc_2390_20 sha: bdc9b9528746dba8e2173b52cb027e5edcb9c50d doc_id: 859709 cord_uid: 6k4zthz2 nan of 2019. Tuberculosis cases decreased by 19.4%, 35.77% and 19.41% during the study period in comparison with similar months in 2019 [ Table 1 ]. The incidence of H1N1, hepatitis A and typhoid cases decreased during the study period in comparison with similar months of 2019. There was a trend of increase in incidence of ADD cases during the month of May, but during 2020 the percentage increase was lowest among the last 4 years. Malaria and Chikungunya cases reported low but the incidence of dengue cases was slightly more in study period in comparison with similar period in 2019 [ Table 1 ]. The containment strategies against COVID-19 in Kerala prevent the interaction between the agent and host in a favourable environment which helps to contain communicable Letter to Editor Lockdown measures confined individuals at home which removed the possibility of food and water intake from contaminated environment and routine hand washing practices curtailed the intestinal diseases like hepatitis A, typhoid and acute diarrheal diseases. It was also noticed a decrease in malaria and chikungunya cases which may be due to the environmental sanitation measures underwent during the pandemic [ Table 1 ]. The response of health system to the pandemic, its containment strategies which was implemented through community participation and intersectorial coordination along with lifestyle and behavioral modification of people helped in control of other communicable diseases in the state. There may be some other reasons also for the decrease in the incidence of communicable diseases as people might have ignored slight manifestations of the disease because of the fear to go to hospitals. Health system is overwhelmed with COVID-19 cases which may result in less testing and under reporting of other communicable diseases. Control of infectious diseases is a difficult challenge for our public health systems; however, we believe that covid-19 response and strengthened containment strategies had an impact on the incidence of communicable diseases which need to be carried over. State Planning Board emergencies/health-emergency-information-riskassessment/surveillance-and-risk-assessment/nipah-virusoutbreak-in-kerala GoK Dashboard | Official Kerala COVID-19 Statistics Available from:/data-on-communicable-diseases Nikshay Reports The authors thank Dr. Binod Kumar Patro, Additional Professor, AIIMS, Bhubaneswar for his guidance and review of the article. Nil. This is an open access journal, and articles are distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 License, which allows others to remix, tweak, and build upon the work non-commercially, as long as appropriate credit is given and the new creations are licensed under the identical terms.