key: cord-0849146-1cwg0vo2 authors: Yokoyama, Emilie; Udodaira, Kumiko; Nicolas, Alexandre; Yamashita, Eri; Maudet, Aurelie; Flament, Frederic; Velleman, Damien title: A preliminary study to understand the effects of mask on tinted face cosmetics date: 2021-03-02 journal: Skin Res Technol DOI: 10.1111/srt.13022 sha: 86c2a4c548a587891775fe9ea8d2333c39b46cdf doc_id: 849146 cord_uid: 1cwg0vo2 BACKGROUND: The recent COVID‐19 pandemic has generalized the use of face mask in public area, and it is now common to wear it for long hours. But face mask interfere with cosmetics, and key concerns for tinted products are staining of the mask and degradation on face. Consumers have modified beauty routine by a decrease of makeup, but are now expecting new products adapted to face mask. Little is known about the mechanisms that affect most the makeup under the face mask, so that further studies are needed to develop adequate evaluation methods and products. In this study, the color transfer on mask and makeup degradation on face are assessed through a mixed approach of consumer and instrumental evaluation. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Two tinted face products (A and B) were applied by half face on 11 Japanese women, who conducted real‐life activities with a face mask during 4 hours. Panelists evaluated the stain of their face mask by visual assessment, while the makeup degradation on face was evaluated by color measurement by instrumental method. RESULTS: No difference was observed between the two products for lasting on face, but consumer evaluation showed a better resistance of product A for color transfer on mask. CONCLUSION: The mix of instrumental and consumer evaluation is a promising way to evaluate the makeup degradation on face and color transfer on mask, which are two key factors to develop mask resistant makeup products. when exercising, 3, 4 along with the body thermoregulation as the heat loss from face skin and respiration is decreased. 5 The skin properties are also modified: higher skin temperature, 6 and an increase of skin problems reported by healthcare workers from irritation and itch to aggravation of underlying conditions of seborrheic dermatitis and acne vulgaris. 7, 8 Sweating and sebum secretion, skin barrier function, TEWL, pH seem also modified in Asian volunteers. 9, 10 Lastly, in a humid climate, skin hydration increases and the friction is twice as high as in a dry condition, 11 so that high skin friction can be expected under the face mask. The mask also affects the perception of beauty and makeup habits, as observed through international consumer analysis of COVID-19 impact. Makeup products can transfer to the mask, so that a soiled piece of cloth is kept on the skin for long hours. Consumers also report makeup degradation due to harsh conditions within the mask but also around the eyes as the humid air from the mask goes up. Makeup habits have been modified accordingly, with simplification of the routine with decrease of lipstick usage, switching from high covering face products to lighter finish ones to lessen color transfer, and more attention paid for eye makeup and hair, as they are the visible parts of the face. In parallel, consumers also notice higher skin troubles, increasing the need for product covering acne and pimples or blackhead. Those skin problems also To summarize, mask adapted products need the following properties: 1. No color transfer to face mask, keeping it clean through the day. 2. Long lasting: cosmetics stay true through the day 3. Covering and soothing skin problems (redness, acne, spots, oily skin, and dry skin) The lastingness of face makeup was already a key factor in product appreciation even before the COVID-19 pandemic. Past studies have described the interactions of face makeup and skin physiology. Without face mask, makeup foundation will degrade when interacting with sebum and sweat, leading to unwanted shine, patchy color effect, color modification, and decrease of covering properties. 12 In addition, skincare routine and the variability of sebum secretion among face areas leads to local degradation of foundation, 13 and face movements added to sebum that causes the product to fall or to agglomerate into skin creases. 14 With a face mask, the interacting system complicates, and makeup foundation will be exposed to a completely new set of strains, as sebum, sweat secretion are modified, but also the microclimate under the mask and cloth friction on the area of contact. Currently, studies on makeup transfer on masks are scarce. It is known that makeup can transfer on cloth as resistant stain, 15 and film-forming products have been already proposed on the market before the COVID situation to reduce this problem. 16 We can suppose that the high color transfer on mask reported by consumers is linked to the fact that the fabric is pressed closely on the skin for a long time, interacting with modified makeup and skin properties compared to no-mask conditions. Face movements may also intensify the friction of the mask on skin and makeup and affect the color transfer rate. In order to better understand the effect of mask on tinted makeup products, a mixed evaluation method of instrumental and cosmetic assessment in real-life condition is proposed to assess the resistance to mask wearing. Two tinted BB cream are tested: a technology with increased resistance to friction (Product A) and a market product as a bench In this test, the degradation of face makeup was evaluated by following the evolution of color on a region of interest situated on the cheek and covered by the mask. Color evaluation by Chromasphere® device (Monaderm), an in-house instrument, composed of a diffuse daylight lightning device coupled to a calibrated 3CCD digital cameras. [17] [18] [19] After the picture acquisition, color is measured on a software-selected area, Chromasphere® data were analyzed using Student t test for product comparison and paired one sample t test for time effect. Significant threshold is fixed at P < .05. Test panelists complete a self-questionnaire at two hours and an interview with a professional evaluator at four hours after the start of the test, to collect information on the type of activity they carried on. Then, the panelists remove their mask and observe the color darkness and tinted area, and evaluate the side with the highest product transfer. Test panelists wash their face with an oil cleanser followed by a foaming cleanser. Next, they apply cosmetic water and moisture lotion, and wait for 10 min to let the face dry before instrumental measurements (all products are provided by the experimenter). The tinted creams are applied on each side of the face, and the product is left 10 min for drying before instrumental measures. After Timm measures, panelists have a light meal for 30 min, then wear their face mask, and leave the testing facilities for 4 hours. They were requested to have physical activities, and they engaged into housekeeping activities (n = 9) and/or shopping (n = 9), and light outdoor activities (cycling n = 8 and/or walking = 7), with light or medium sweating on face (n = 7) to no sweating (n = 4). They are allowed to wipe the sweat and sebum of the forehead, drink with hanging an ear loop on one side, but must refrain from touching the cheek and lips or removing the mask. The weather condition was around 26℃, with 50%-60% RH (Relative Humidity). After 2 hours, panelists complete a self-questionnaire and evaluate color transfer on mask. After 4 hours, they return to the testing facilities for final measurements and interview. In our test conditions, for both products, significant color evolution is observed after 4 hours of mask wearing, with a calculated estimation of 1/3 of product removed compared to initial amount (28% for product A, 31% for product B). The ΔE94 between makeup (Timm) and bare skin (T0) was higher in tendency for product B compared to Product A, but there was no difference of makeup lasting between products. MeanΔE94 ± SD Color transfer on face mask was assessed at both T2h and T4h. Figure 2presents an illustration of the mask staining, and = 7) , because of the wider stained area (n = 3), and both darker and wider stain (n = 1). In order to deepen the analysis, consumers were asked for Product A whether this product would fit the "no color transfer" concept. As consumers observed staining, 7 out of 11 disagree to qualify the product as "no transfer" and 4 somehow agreed but would rather described the product as "low transfer." The level of staining was noted medium, low, or very low for the 4 panelists who reported not sweating, while for the 7 panelists who reported sweating on the face, staining was medium, high, or very high for 5 panelists, and medium to low for two panelists. Though the panel size is small, this may give a hint that sweating may increase the product transfer on mask. Therefore, in our study, the product with friction resistance technology brings improvement for product transfer on mask but not for product lastingness on face. Further development is needed to limit the degradation of makeup under the mask and match the mask friendly concept. The mix of instrumental and consumer evaluation in real-life con- In our study, the product A with friction resistance led to lower transfer on mask compared to bench product B, and sweating tended to increase the color transfer. Despite this difference, both showed the same makeup degradation level on the face. Therefore, transfer resistance and lastingness on face should be considered as two different properties. Resistance to friction may limit the mask staining but is not enough to improve the lastingness of makeup on the face. The high makeup degradation may also be explained by the modification of skin and microclimate under the face mask. Indeed, previous studies showed that wearing a face mask increases sebum secretion, 9,10 TEWL, pH, 9 and skin temperature up 1.6 degree C on the cheeks. 9,10 Hydration results showed increase 9 or area dependent results. 10 In addition to skin changes, the microclimate under a medical mask type 1 showed up to 4 degrees more than external temperature and close to 100% humidity (internal data, to be pub- Face mask also increases the redness of the skin, lasting after mask removal. 9, 10 In future studies, this phenomenon should be taken into account when evaluating the color evolution, such as increasing the waiting time between mask removal and evaluation timing. Lastly, along with the lastingness and mask stain, the evaluation of mask friendly face makeup could also integrate a skinsoothing aspect. As the mask irritates the skin, some consumers tend to decrease the amount of face makeup to lower the burden (internal consumer data, Japan, April 2020). Therefore, providing skin benefits through makeup with adapted evaluation methodology could also support the development of mask-friendly products. Next steps could be to complete the understanding of mask effect on makeup through other relevant evaluation method. Sensory panels could evaluate products resistance to mask with link to other sensorial aspects of the products. Another aspect to study is the test length: Here, the color evolutions were assessed after 4 hours, but consumers may wear the mask for whole daylong. The rise of connected, nomadic evaluation with AI-based automatic grading system on selfies is already used to evaluate skin conditions. [20] [21] [22] [23] This algorithm has been already applied with success to evaluate the sundamage on Japanese panel based on their selfies taken at home. 24 The same approach could provide dynamic evolution of makeup in real life through the day, with selfies taken by consumers when they remove their mask and check their makeup. In addition, miniature captors could provide a better understanding of temperature and humidity within the mask in various conditions, but also the evolution around the eyes to explore the effect to face mask on eye makeup. Those new methodologies would allow cosmetic companies to evaluate and develop new products adapted to face mask, with sincere consumer-centric claims. Now that the face mask is the new norm for undetermined time, mask resistance properties and claim may be valuable field for innovative products and communication. Lastly, a holistic approach of mask effect would also include other trends emerging from the COVID-19 situation. The use of mask as beauty attributes in Japan can give us hints for further studies. In Japan, the trend of non-medical use of face masks has emerged since 2010, to hide the face to cope with societal fear 25 but also as a beauty attribute. 26 Mask is worn to modify the perception of the size of the face, giving the impression of a smaller face as appreciated culturally, 27 to increase the attention on eyes area or add some mystery. Color of the mask also influence the face perception, negatively and positively. 28, 29 Those beauty effects should be considered with care, as unhealthiness perception linked to the sanitary mask may actually decrease the rating of an initially attractive face. 30 Therefore, the effect of mask on beauty is complex, and wearing a mask may be a constraint or a positive beauty attribute depending on the culture, trend, and individual. Lastly, the recognition of facial expression is impacted, 31 so that it is more difficult to read feelings of a masked person. It could be interesting to study the possible benefit of makeup to counterbalance this loss of non-verbal communication. Another new trend link to the COVID-19 is the increased of online discussion with tools such as Zoom® or Teams®. A study with eyetracking evaluation of models observed on monitor showed that makeup can influence the way we look at a face on a screen, especially lipstick. 32 The development of screen-adapted makeup could also be a new field of communication. In conclusion, as cosmetic industry we can answer to the COVID situation in multiple way to create new products and new claims to provide innovative proposals to consumers. the-use-of-masks -in-the-commu nity-durin ghome-care-and-in-healt hcare -setti ngs-in-the-conte xt-of-the-novel -coron aviru s-(2019-ncov)-outbreak World Health Organization internet site COVID-19 Emergency Committee highlights need for response efforts over long term, news release 1 Effects of wearing N95 and surgical face masks on heart rate, thermal stress and subjective sensations Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on sports and exercise Heat balance when wearing protective clothing Facial skin temperature and discomfort when wearing protective face masks: thermal infrared imaging evaluation and hands moving the mask COVID-19 Pandemic & skin care guidelines for health care professionals Seborrheic dermatitis and masks Short-term skin reactions following use of N95 respirators and medical masks Effect of face mask on skin characteristics changes during the COVID-19 pandemic Influence of surface roughness, material and climate conditions on the friction of human skin Development of aeropowder foundation Partial difference in facial sebum Development of an evaluation method for make up deterioration around the facial lines and application as a make up base Grouping of various stains to develop programs for a front-loading washer Prevention of color transfer through interaction of over-coating film and pigment layer Instrumental and clinical studies of the facial skin tone and pigmentation of Shanghaiese women. Changes induced by age and a whitening product Seasonal skin darkening in Chinese women: the shanghaiese experience of daily sun protection Seasonally-induced alterations of some facial signs in Caucasian women and their changes induced by a daily application of a photoprotective product A new procedure, free from human assessment, that automatically grades some facial skin structural signs. Comparison with assessments by experts, using referential atlases of skin ageing A new procedure, free from human assessment, that automatically grades some facial skin structural signs. A validation step through clinical assessments by dermatologists A new procedure, free from human assessment, that automatically grades some facial skin signs in men from selfies pictures. Application to changes induced by a severe aerial chronic urban pollution The continuous development of a complete and objective automatic grading system of facial signs from selfie pictures: Asian validation study and application to women of three ethnic origins, differently aged Japanese experiment of a complete and objective automatic grading system of facial signs from selfie pictures: validation with dermatologists and characterization of changes due to age and sun-exposures Effects of wearing the mask on the interpersonal communication. 81st Annual Convention of the Japanese Psychological Association, 3.Society, Culture The actual situation of wearing "Date-Mask(Mask for show)" and factors influencing wearing it. 79th Annual Convention of the Japanese Psychological Association 3. Society and Culture Effect of the hygiene mask on the perception of face size. 14th conference of the Japanese Society of Cognitive Science The effect of wearing a black sanitary-mask on the person perception and perceived facial attractiveness From internet site The sanitary-mask effect on perceived facial attractiveness Effect of mask wearing by health care worker on the recognition of facial expression Role of make-up in the context of Covid-19? HPC Today