key: cord-0840528-9ny9za7d authors: Stahl, Georges; Bagot, Jean-Lionel title: Beryllium metallicum date: 2020-04-11 journal: nan DOI: 10.1016/j.revhom.2020.04.012 sha: d8c9db65a61e3082748aa917029ffbd007eb6a2c doc_id: 840528 cord_uid: 9ny9za7d Abstract Acute viral respiratory epidemic diseases are more and more frequent, sometimes causing serious complications. What homeopathic treatment, used in addition to conventional treatments, could be indicated? The study of the Materia Medica of Beryllium metallicum reveals many clinical signs common to the symptoms presented by patients with acute viral respiratory disease. We invite you to discover or rediscover a drug the pathogenesis of which is particularly interesting in this period of epidemic acute viral respiratory disease. Berrylium metallicum, a little known homeopathic medicine with pulmonary tropism, deserves to be revisited in order to use its therapeutic properties in this type of pathology, by applying the principle of similitude. Lighter than aluminum, more resistant than steel, not much prone to corrosion, an excellent electrical and thermal conductor, Beryllium is a metal extremely useful in advanced metallurgical industries such as aeronautics, aerospace, nuclear and military industry. As Beryllium compounds have a sweet taste, it was sometimes also called glucinium. 1. Symptoms are similar to those of pneumonia or severe bronchitis. The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) indicates that high exposures to beryllium cause an irritant chemical phenomenon of the lung mucosa with lymphocytic alveolitis which can lead to acute respiratory failure [1, 2] . Secondarily, in subjects acutely exposed to Beryllium, there can appear so called non caseous lung granuloma lesions which can become chronic [3] . Skin and eyes can be subject to acute irritation in cases of contact. Chronic berylliosis disease is a granulomatous immune reaction. Captured by macrophages, beryllium is presented to CD4. Their proliferation contributes to the formation of immune granulomas and to the production of pro inflammatory cytokines [4] . The symptoms are essentially pulmonary and of variable evolution. Some people may present few symptoms, if any, for many years, only to see their breathing deteriorate. Among these symptoms are shortness of breath, cough, fatigue, weight loss, fever and night sweats. The symptoms are very similar to sarcoidosis [5] . If chronic berylliosis mainly affects the lungs, it can also affect other organs since beryllium can fix itself in many places. It may well settle on the liver (granulomatous hepatomegaly), the spleen, the kidneys (kidney stones), the heart (hypertrophy of the right heart), the nervous and lymphatic system. Beryllium is classified as being carcinogenic for lungs (Group 1) by IARC and probably carcinogenic by the European Union (Group 2). Studies do not agree on this subject [5] . The first proving was carried out by W. [14] . Julian reported that the pathogenesis of Templeton could have brought up some symptoms due to the presence of fluor, impure beryllium containing beryllium fluoride. Beryllium is in the second column of the second row of the periodic table of elements (Carbon line). We are mentioning here the main symptoms relevant to the field of acute respiratory pathologies as well as general signs and key symptoms which can lead to the prescription of Beryllium metallicum in acute cases. General signs: severe asthenia with drowsiness, feeling the cold, and weight loss. Psychological signs: anxiety with the fear of being seriously ill. Patient wants rapid therapeutic results. Cerebral Signs: occipital and/ or parietal headaches improved by fresh air, aggravated by coughing and movement. The pain goes from left to right (Lachesis), they are throbbing, with a feeling of bursting. ENT signs: coryza with obstruction making one think of Allium cepa, dry, cracked lips, redness of the mucous membranes of the mouth and pharynx. Ulcers of the tip of the tongue. Shiny appearance (as if vitrified) of the mucous membranes (keynote). Metallic taste, burning and cutting dysphagia improved by cold drinks and eating (Lachesis). Tinnitus. The national institute for occupational safety and health (NIOSH) Kreiss K A Reconsideration of Acute Beryllium Disease Environ Health Perspect Industries in the United States with airborne beryllium exposure and estimates of the number of current workers potentially exposed Bérylliose pulmonaire chronique (2e partie) Pathogénie, expression clinique, prévention et législation A mortality study of workers exposed to insoluble forms of beryllium Report on Beryllium proving Griggs WB Beryllium; toxicity, homeopathic proving and clinical confirmation Beryllium Composite picture from proving and toxic effects Materia medica of new homoeopathic remedies Matière médicale du praticien homéopathe. Kandern :Narayana Synoptic II, Matière médicale homéopathique, 339 remèdes complémentaires. Paris, CLV éd Pharmacologie et matière médicale homéopathique, Ed CEDH, 944p., 3 ème éd. 2003. Beryllium Metallicum Beryllium and pine pollen Br Homeopath