key: cord-0834395-ixfrp8ub authors: Tan, Ming; Jiang, Xi title: Recent advancements in combination subunit vaccine development date: 2017-01-02 journal: Human Vaccines & Immunotherapeutics DOI: 10.1080/21645515.2016.1229719 sha: 43e165a782295ab6c95843d80d8406960bc1f2b5 doc_id: 834395 cord_uid: ixfrp8ub Viral structural proteins share a common nature of homotypic interactions that drive viral capsid formation. This natural process has been mimicked in vitro through recombinant technology to generate various virus-like particles (VLPs) and small subviral particles that exhibit similar structural and antigenic properties of their authentic viruses. Therefore, such self-assembled, polyvalent, and highly immunogenic VLPs and small subviral particles are excellent subunit vaccines against individual viruses, such as the VLP vaccines against the hepatitis B virus, human papilloma virus, and hepatitis E virus, which have already been in the markets. In addition, various antigens and epitopes can be fused with VLPs, small subviral particles, or protein polymers, forming chimeric mono-, bi-, or trivalent vaccines. Owing to their easy-production, un-infectiousness, and polyvalence, the recombinant, chimeric vaccines offer a new approach for development of safe, low-cost, and high efficient subunit vaccines against a single or more pathogens or diseases. While the first VLP-based combination vaccine against malaria has been approved for human use, many others are under development with promising future, which are summarized in this commentary. Unlike the traditional live-attenuated or inactivated/killed virus vaccines that needs a cultivation of infectious virions, the recombinant protein-based, non-replicating subunit vaccines do not involve in an infectious agent in their production processes and therefore, are considered to be safer than the traditional vaccines. In fact, many viruses, such as human noroviruses (huNoVs), cannot be cultivated efficiently to date, 1 making vaccine development against huNoVs difficult and therefore, subunit vaccines the only choice. In other cases, highly virulent viruses, such as poliovirus and variola virus, are risky to cultivate in large scale, making the subunit vaccine approach a safer choice. Other scenarios, in which the subunit vaccine approach is helpful, include the development of vaccines against malaria caused by a large protozoan parasite and other non-infectious diseases caused by certain protein factors of humans, such as hypertension and cancer. In these circumstances, a self-assembled, polyvalent, and highly immunogenic viral particles or protein polymers are used as a platform to increase the immunogenicity of the specific antigens of pathogens or the protein factors that cause the diseases. These chimeric vaccines are combination subunit vaccines that can be designed and used as mono-, bi-, or even trivalent vaccines against one or more pathogens and/or diseases. Development and productions of subunit and combination subunit vaccines through a well-established expression system, including recombinant bacteria, yeast, baculovirus in insect cells, and/or various viral or plasmid vectors in mammalian, avian, or plant cells, are considered to be more cost-effective compared with those of traditional live-attenuated or inactivated/killed virus vaccines. Thus, the subunit vaccine approach would help to extend vaccine distribution more widely to developing countries and remote areas, where the vaccines are usually highly demanded. Homotypic interactions of viral capsid proteins and subviral particle and polymer formation Over the long-course of evolution, viruses have developed a common feature to assemble themselves efficiently during viral replication, in which the viral structural proteins are able to spontaneously assemble into spherical or rod-shaped capsids after the viral capsid proteins are produced in host cells. The basic driving force behind these self-assembled capsids is homotypic interactions of the viral capsid proteins. In many cases, heterotypic interactions are also required to assemble more complex capsids that are composed of more than one viral structural proteins. These unique features of viral structural proteins have been utilized to generate various virus-like particles (VLPs), small subviral particles, and/or protein polymers in vitro (Figs. 1 and 2) through one of the well-established recombinant protein expression systems. To date, at least 30 different VLPs, small subviral particles and/or polymers representing more than 20 viral families have been generated (for reviews see Refs. [2] [3] [4] . Generally, production of a single major viral capsid protein through an appropriate expression system leads to the formation of corresponding VLPs. For example, expression of the major huNoV capsid protein (VP1) via recombinant baculoviruses in inset cells formed huNoV VLPs. 5 Most of currently generated VLPs are made by a single capsid protein (for a review see [2] [3] [4] ). However, in some cases, more than one capsid proteins are required to assemble more complex VLPs. For instance, double-layered VLPs of rotavirus (RV) can be made by co-expression of VP2 and VP6 proteins using the baculovirus expression system, 6 while triple-layered RV VLPs can be generated through constitutive co-expression of VP2, VP6, and VP7 in stably transfected high-5 insect cell lines. 7 The most complex recombinant VLPs are the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus (SARS-CoV) VLPs that were made by co-expression of 4 structural proteins, including the spike (S), envelope (E), membrane (M), and nucleocapsid (N) proteins, simultaneously using the baculovirus system. 8 These data suggest that VLPs of other viruses may also be generated based on the same self-assembly principle and appropriate expression approaches. By contrast, small subviral particles can also be constructed by generating truncated viral structural proteins. For example, 3 different huNoV protruding (P) particles self-assembled, when modified P domains of huNoV capsid protein (VP1) were generated via the bacterial expression system, including the 24mer P particles, 9,10 the 12mer small P particles, 11 and the 36mer large P particles. 12 The stability of these P particles can be further enhanced by artificially introducing disulfide bonds into the core of the P particles via an end-linked cysteine-containing peptide to the P domain. [9] [10] [11] Similarly, expression of the truncated P1 and P2 domains of hepatitis E virus (HEV) VP1 forms 23 nm-particles, named E2 particles. 3, 13 In addition, the homotypic interaction feature of viral structural and other proteins have also been employed to generate different protein polymers through DNA recombinant technology (Fig. 2) . These include 1) lineage polymers through fusion of 2 dimeric proteins together; 14 2) network polymers via fusion of 3 dimeric proteins covalently; 14 and 3) agglomerate polymers through fusion of an oligomeric protein with a dimeric protein (Fig. 2) . 15 The driving forces behind these protein polymer formation are the intermolecular dimerization and/or oligomerization among the homologous proteins. These different VLPs, small subviral particles, and protein polymers have been further studied as vaccine candidates (see below). The artificially made VLPs, small subviral particles, and viral protein polymers maintained the basic molecular patterns and the major B-and T-cell epitopes of their parental viruses which are highly immunogenic because of their polyvalence nature, and thus are able to elicit potent innate, humoral, and cellular immune responses. 3, 16 Among these different particles and polymers, VLPs are the first to be developed and characterized into subunit vaccines (reviewed in [2] [3] [4] . So far several VLP-based vaccines have been commercially available for human use globally. These include 2 human papillomavirus (HPV) VLP vaccines consisting of L1 protein, the major capsid protein of HPV16, 17 for prevention of cervical and anogenital infection and diseases 21, 22 In addition, a small subviral particle vaccine that is formed by truncated P1 and P2 domains of the HEV capsid protein has recently been developed as an HEV vaccine for humans in China (HEV 239/Hecolin1, Xiamen Innovax Biotech, Xiamen, China). 23 These successful VLP and small subviral particle vaccines have endowed the feasibility and usefulness of the subunit vaccine approach. In addition to these 5 subunit vaccines that have been approved for commercial use, many others are under development, among which some, such as huNoV VLP vaccine 24 and parvovirus VLP vaccine, 25, 26 have reached the stage of clinical trials. In addition to being used as vaccines against individual viral pathogens, the self-assembled, highly stable, and highly immunogenic VLPs, small subviral particles, and protein polymers are also excellent vaccine platforms for combination vaccine development against one or more pathogens or diseases. Foreign antigens or epitopes can be incorporated onto these VLPs, small subviral particles, or protein polymers for immunogenicity enhancement, 2,27-31 resulting in chimeric combination subunit vaccines against both pathogens that provide the platform and the inserted antigens or epitopes (Fig. 1B) . 27, 30, 32 The vaccine RTS,S/AS01 or Mosquirix (GlaxoSmithKline, London, UK) against malaria is one of such combination vaccines that has reached the market. It consists of the HBV HBsAg VLPs 21 containing a portion of Plasmodium falciparum-derived circumsporozoite protein (CSP) with a liposome-based adjuvant. 30, [33] [34] [35] It should be noted that, although the Mosquirix has been approved by the European Medicines Agency (EMA) for active immunization of children aged 6 weeks to 17 months against malaria, the World Health Organization (WHO) did not recommend inclusion of this vaccine in the Expanded Programme of Immunisations (EPI) due to the rapidly decline of the vaccine protection, particularly in infants and the potential risk of meningitis as adverse effects. [33] [34] [35] [36] Other combination vaccines based on the same principle have also been developed and reached the stage of clinical trials. For example, the vaccine CYT006-AngQb (Cytos Biotechnology AG, Schlieren, Switzerland) that consists of VLPs covalently coupled with angiotensin II epitope for therapeutic treatment of hypertension has reached phase II clinic trial. 37 Another example is the vaccine NicVax (Nabi Biopharmacetuicals, Rockville, Maryland) that is composed of nicotine in form of hapten 3 0 -aminomethylnicotine conjugating to the exoprotein A complex of Pseudomonas aeruginosa 38, 39 to reduce or eliminate physical dependence to nicotine has reached the phase III clinical trial (http:// Article&ID=1586001&highlight). A further example is the vaccine VAX102Q (VaxInnate, Cranbury, New Jersey), a recombinant flagellin protein (a TLR5 ligand) with 4 tandem copies of M2e epitope of influenza virus fused at the C-terminus. [40] [41] [42] A phase II clinical trial is ongoing to test the efficacy of the vaccine as a universal vaccine against influenza virus ( Based on the same principle, small subviral particles can also be used as platforms for combination vaccine development. For example, NoV P particle contains 3 surface loops that has been shown to be able to hold a foreign antigen or epitopes without compromising the stability of the chimeric P particles. 27, 32 The RV neutralizing antigen VP8 Ã , 27 the M2e epitope 30 and the HA2 antigen 43 of influenza virus, the 4E10 and 10E8 epitopes of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), 44 and the VP3 epitope of enterovirus 71 (EV71) 45 were inserted onto the surface loops of the P particles as chimeric P particle vaccines. Preclinical animal trials of these vaccine candidates revealed high antibody titers specific to the inserted antigen/epitopes and the P particle platform, respectively, and protected the vaccinated mice against infection of RV, 27 influenza virus, 30, 43 and EV71. 45 These data indicated that the huNoV P particle is an excellent platform for combination vaccine development. Other combination vaccines under development include the 3 types of viral protein polymers (Fig. 2, see above) . 14, 15 For example, fusion of the dimeric P domains of huNoV and HEV, the major neutralizing antigens of the 2 viruses (Fig. 3) , formed lineage polymers (Fig. 2) , resulting in a bivalent vaccine against the 2 viruses. 46 Similarly, fusion of the P domains of huNoV, HEV, and astrovirus (AstV), the major neutralizing antigens of the 3 viruses (Fig. 3) , formed network polymers (Fig. 2) , leading to a trivalent vaccine against the 3 viruses. 47 Furthermore, the huNoV P domain can be modified into a oligomeric protein via an end-linked cysteine-containing peptide 9,10,48 and fused with a dimeric proteins forming agglomerate polymers, leading to a combination vaccine against huNoV and a selected pathogen. 15 In fact, a monomeric antigens, such as the RV VP8 Ã antigen or the M2e epitope of influenza virus, can also be incorporated into these 3 polymers for enhanced immunogenicity for combination vaccine development. 14, 15, 49 Preclinical animal trials of these viral polymer-based combination vaccines showed good immune responses and neutralization activity against huNoVs, HEVs, and RVs., 14, 15, 46, 47, 49 as well as protection of vaccinated mice against infection of influenza virus. 14, 15 Challenge and future direction Development of effective, non-replicating subunit vaccines based on many known neutralizing antigens or epitope faces a common issue of low immunogenicity due to relative small sizes and low valences of these antigens/epitope. This issue can be solved by fusing these antigens or epitopes onto a large, polyvalent, and highly immunogenic VLP, small subviral particle, or protein polymer platform for improved immunogenicity as combination vaccines. While successful combination vaccines have been reported, challenges have also been encountered. Generally, while larger antigens contain more authentic antigenic features and are more immunogenic, they are less compatible with viral particle-based platforms compared with smaller epitopes that are easier to be incorporated onto the viral particles without compromising the stability of resulting chimeric vaccines. Therefore, a balance between the 2 factors need to be considered for the best vaccine outcomes. Among different vaccine platforms, VLPs and small subviral particles usually form more unified particles after incorporation of the foreign antigens or epitopes 27, 30 for better quality control compared with the protein polymer platform. 14,15 However, these viral particle-based platforms generally have limited surface space for foreign antigen/epitope insertions (Fig. 1B) , which may lead to instability of the chimeric vaccines. On the other hand, the protein polymers themselves are made by different antigens (Fig. 2) and thus exhibit a much larger capacity and flexibility to incorporate larger antigens, however, the resulted polymer sizes may be dispersed, which may need better quality control for unified vaccine outcomes. In summary, further development of different vaccine platforms with favorable features and continual identification of new effective antigens and epitopes will facilitate the advancement of combination subunit vaccines against different human diseases. No potential conflicts of interest were disclosed. Laboratory efforts to cultivate noroviruses Subviral particle as vaccine and vaccine platform Virus-like particle-based human vaccines: quality assessment based on structural and functional properties Virus-like particles as a highly efficient vaccine platform: diversity of targets and production systems and advances in clinical development Expression, self-assembly, and antigenicity of the Norwalk virus capsid protein Characterization and replicase activity of double-layered and single-layered rotavirus-like particles expressed from baculovirus recombinants Formation of self-assembled triple-layered rotavirus-like particles (tlRLPs) by constitutive co-expression of VP2, VP6, and VP7 in stably transfected high-five insect cell lines Efficient assembly and release of SARS coronavirus-like particles by a heterologous expression system Noroviral P particle: Structure, function and applications in virushost interaction The p domain of norovirus capsid protein forms a subviral particle that binds to histo-blood group antigen receptors Terminal modifications of norovirus P domain resulted in a new type of subviral particles, the small P particles Structure, stability and dynamics of norovirus P domain derived protein complexes studied by native mass spectrometry A bacterially expressed particulate hepatitis E vaccine: antigenicity, immunogenicity and protectivity on primates Polyvalent complexes for vaccine development Branched-linear and agglomerate protein polymers as vaccine platforms Viral nanoparticles and virus-like particles: platforms for contemporary vaccine design Papillomavirus L1 major capsid protein self-assembles into virus-like particles that are highly immunogenic Vaccination with multimeric L2 fusion protein and L1 VLP or capsomeres to broaden protection against HPV infection Efficacy of a bivalent L1 virus-like particle vaccine in prevention of infection with human papillomavirus types 16 and 18 in young women: a randomised controlled trial Prophylactic quadrivalent human papillomavirus (types 6, 11, 16, and 18) L1 virus-like particle vaccine in young women: a randomised doubleblind placebo-controlled multicentre phase II efficacy trial Human hepatitis B vaccine from recombinant yeast Summary of clinical findings on Engerix-B, a genetically engineered yeast derived hepatitis B vaccine First HEV vaccine approved Norovirus vaccine against experimental human Norwalk Virus illness Generation of a parvovirus B19 vaccine candidate Safety and immunogenicity of a candidate parvovirus B19 vaccine Norovirus P particle, a novel platform for vaccine development and antibody production Norovirus P particle: a subviral nanoparticle for vaccine development against norovirus, rotavirus and influenza virus Nanoparticles of Norovirus A candidate dual vaccine against influenza and noroviruses From the circumsporozoite protein to the RTS, S/AS candidate vaccine Norovirus P Particle as a Platform for Antigen Presentation The future of the RTS,S/AS01 malaria vaccine: an alternative development plan Efficacy and safety of the RTS,S/AS01 malaria vaccine during 18 months after vaccination: a phase 3 randomized, controlled trial in children and young infants at 11 African sites Efficacy and safety of RTS,S/AS01 malaria vaccine with or without a booster dose in infants and children in Africa: final results of a phase 3, individually randomised, controlled trial A phase 3 trial of RTS,S/AS01 malaria vaccine in African infants Success and failure of vaccines against renin-angiotensin system components A vaccine against nicotine for smoking cessation: a randomized controlled trial A therapeutic vaccine for nicotine dependence: preclinical efficacy, and Phase I safety and immunogenicity A universal influenza A vaccine based on the extracellular domain of the M2 protein The universal influenza vaccine M2e-HBc administered intranasally in combination with the adjuvant CTA1-DD provides complete protection Universal M2 ectodomain-based influenza A vaccines: preclinical and clinical developments Evaluation of the immunogenicity and protective effects of a trivalent chimeric norovirus P particle immunogen displaying influenza HA2 from subtypes H1, H3 and B Elicitation of HIV-1 neutralizing antibodies by presentation of 4E10 and 10E8 epitopes on Norovirus P particles A new EV71 VP3 epitope in norovirus P particle vector displays neutralizing activity and protection in vivo in mice A dual vaccine candidate against norovirus and hepatitis E virus A trivalent vaccine candidate against hepatitis E virus, norovirus, and astrovirus The formation of P particle increased immunogenicity of norovirus P protein Development and evaluation of two subunit vaccine candidates containing antigens of hepatitis E virus, rotavirus, and astrovirus The research of the authors was supported by the National Institute of Health, the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (5R01 AI089634-01 to X.J. and R21 AI092434-01A1 to M.T.) and an institutional Innovation Fund of Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center to M.T.