key: cord-0831772-ety0sa70 authors: Umapathi, Thirugnanam; Li, Kelvin Zhenghao; Chin, Chee Fang; Vijakumar, Kalpana; Tan, Glorijoy Shi En; Ung, Peck Houy; Yeo, Tun Kuan; Agrawal, Rupesh title: Acute Isolated Near Vision Difficulty in Patients With COVID-19 Infection date: 2021-03-02 journal: J Neuroophthalmol DOI: 10.1097/wno.0000000000001120 sha: a4a8267b38784d0a48e3ee402f3e2c687b988177 doc_id: 831772 cord_uid: ety0sa70 nan days later. Pupillary reaction to light was sluggish compared with near stimulus. Near vision was N10 in the right eye and N6 in the left eye. Both were correctable to N5 with +1.00 glasses. Convergence and other eye movements were intact. There was no eye retraction on upgaze (Table 1) . On day 18 of illness his ocular findings remained the same, but he was reading comfortably using +1.00 glasses. More formal evaluations, including cyclorefraction, were planned on deisolation. He has yet to return for review. Case 3, a 28-year-old man, was diagnosed with COVID-19 when he presented with fever, sore throat, cough, anosmia, and dysgeusia. He developed near vision difficulty approximately 2 weeks later and was readmitted on day 33 for resultant headaches. He had no other neurologic, autonomic, or sudomotor symptoms. His pupils were symmetric, 5 mm, and reacted poorly to light but briskly to near stimulus. Near vision was N5 bilaterally but accommodation amplitude were reduced for age. Convergence was intact. Slit-lamp examination revealed subtle sectoral contraction of the left pupil, without iris atrophy. His ankle reflex was reduced, and tibial H-reflex was absent on nerve conduction studies. His autonomic function tests revealed postural tachycardia; the heart rate rose from 91 to 122 beats/min on standing and from 83 to 114/min during the tilt-table test without postural hypotension or other signs of dysautonomia (Table 1) . We describe 3 patients with COVID-19 infections who developed acute near vision difficulty with asymmetric accommodation defects. In Case 1, the pupils were of normal size and reacted better to light than near stimulusthe "inverse" Argyll Robertson pupil. Case 2 had the more typical Argyll Robertson pupils: small, slightly irregular pupils that reacted better to near stimulus than light. Case 3 had features of Adie's pupils and with reduced ankle reflex -the Adie syndrome. Convergence was intact; and accommodative convergence to accommodation ratio not significantly raised, suggesting that the near vision difficulty was independent of convergence. The patients had no signs of dorsal midbrain pathology, diffuse peripheral neuropathy, or generalized autonomic dysfunction. Isolated internal ophthalmoplegia, with combined pupillary and accommodation abnormalities, has been reported after chicken pox infection (1) . Tetanus can cause accommodation paralysis, usually in cephalic tetanus. Deficiency of near-reflex, similar to Case 1, was described in a 13-yearold boy about 3 weeks after onset of tetanus (2) . Near vision was N36 in both eyes, correctable with +2 diopter lens. Pupillary reaction was brisk to light but sluggish to near stimulus, with no other ocular or neurological deficits. The deficit did not recover after 5.5 years. Inverse Argyll Robertson pupils were reported in 1 patient recovering from botulism (3). Acute Corynebacterium diphtheriae infection and treatment with diphtheria antitoxin can cause accommodation paralysis and "inverse" Argyll Robertson pupil (4, 5) . Usually bilateral, it occurs up to 3 to 4 weeks postinfection. Recovery may be delayed by years. A seminal postmortem study demonstrated segmental demyelination of peripheral nerves (6) . The absence of dorsal midbrain signs, the nonuniform contraction of the iris in Case 3, and the development of an eccentric pupil in Case 2 support our localization to the ciliary nerves rather than dorsal midbrain. However, we do not think the pathology is neuronal degeneration at the ciliary ganglia, as is the case with idiopathic Adie's pupils. The 9:1 predominance of accommodation to light reflex neurons should cause more consistent affliction of the light reflex. Rather, we posit the patchy nature of segmental demyelination at the ciliary nerves, as in diphtheria (6), allows for more random involvement of the 2 functional sets of parasympathetic nerves. This would conceptually explain the isolated yet mixed deficits in our 3 patients. COVID-19 seems to have a predilection for dysimmune cranial mononeuropathies, Miller Fisher syndrome (MFS), and Guillain-Barre syndrome (GBS) (7) . In our patients with mild COVID-19 infection, we believe the ciliary nerve pathology is likely from analogous dysimmune segmental demyelination; although the short latency from onset of COVID-19 symptoms in 2 out of the 3 patients suggests direct viral injury. The classic localized autonomic disorders of the eye -Adie's syndrome, and its expansion, Ross syndrome-are also postulated to have postinfectious and dysimmune etiology. Unsurprisingly, Adie's pupil has been associated with GBS, MFS, and antiganglioside antibodies too (8, 9) . Besides Adie's pupils, loss of ankle and tibial H-reflexes, Case 3 had orthostatic tachycardia, all signs of patchy involvement of the autonomic and somatic peripheral nervous system. We also encountered another COVID-19 patient with restricted autonomic dysfunction; he developed sweating abnormalities and orthostatic tachycardia. He did not have any signs of ocular dysautonomia (10) . Interestingly, diphtheria is also associated with delayed, mainly cardiovagal, dysautonomia and hyperhidrosis (5, 11) . Near vision difficulty is a relatively innocuous symptom that may be under-reported. Whilst deployed to care for COVID-19 patients, we encountered approximately 8 young to middle-aged patients with similar complaints. From a combination of lack of suspicion and infection control restrictions, they were not evaluated carefully. We attributed one to hyperglycemia, another to early onset presbyopia, and 2 to anticholinergic effects of medications; and several cases were labeled as dry eyes. In conclusion, we would like to highlight the occurrence of accommodation and pupillary abnormalities in COVID-19 patients, as a manifestation of dysimmune localized dysautonomia. Internal ophthalmoplegia following chickenpox Accommodation failure following tetanus Inverse Argyll Robertson Pupil" in botulism: late central manifestation Paralysis of accommodation with recovery after 5 years Diphtheritic polyneuropathy: clinical analysis of severe forms Diphtheritic polyneuritis; a pathological study Miller fisher syndrome and polyneuritis cranialis in COVID-19 A case of anti-GQ1b antibody syndrome associated with pure bilateral adie's pupils Adie's tonic pupil and antiganglioside IgG antibodies Acute hyperhidrosis and postural tachycardia in a COVID-19 patient Autonomic dysfunction in diphtheritic neuropathy