key: cord-0826858-mkm2vkhi authors: Loomba, Rohit S.; Villarreal, Enrique; Flores, Saul title: COVID-19 and Kawasaki syndrome: should we really be surprised? date: 2020-05-15 journal: Cardiology in the young DOI: 10.1017/s1047951120001432 sha: 55eb94717551bfce018bc217f8eb81f73be2706a doc_id: 826858 cord_uid: mkm2vkhi A hyperinflammatory response to COVID-19 is being described in children. While this presents, and responds to management, similar to that of Kawasaki Disease it is being coined a new entity. But is it really? We explore how this phenomenon may be Kawasaki Disease with a new trigger. Recent reports have described a hyperinflammatory response to the novel, pandemic coronavirus, COVID-19. This entity has been described to resemble Kawasaki Disease with some of these children displaying coronary artery changes characteristic of Kawasaki Disease. 1 Though, this entity has generated large media attention, should the medical community be really surprised? While the aetiology of Kawasaki Disease has been considered elusive for some time, there is substantial data pointing to a likely viral aetiology. [2] [3] [4] [5] Many have hypothesised that some children may be genetically predisposed to a more robust inflammatory response to specific viruses. Once exposed to the specific virus, children then mount this exaggerated inflammatory response which clinically manifests as what is now defined to be Kawasaki Disease. Data from the Taiwanese national database have demonstrated the link of viral illness to Kawasaki Disease as have multiple other studies and case reports. 6 One study even was able to isolate novel, viral RNA from cytoplasmic inclusion bodies in children with Kawasaki Disease, further demonstrating a viral association. Viruses associated with Kawasaki Disease include Influenza, Enterovirus, Adenovirus, Parvovirus, Rhovirus, respiratory synctitial virus, Varicella, Epstein-Barr, measles, and dengue. [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17] [18] [19] [20] [21] Association with previous coronavirus has also been demonstrated. 22 With this in mind why should Kawasaki Disease with COVID-19 come as a surprise? Additionally, hyperinflammatory response to COVID-19 has been reported at length in adults. Elevated inflammatory and reactive markers include C-reactive protein, procalcitonin, ferritin, and D-dimer among others. In fact, these have prognostic value as more ill COVID-19 patients have higher values. In adults, accumulating evidence suggests that a subgroup of patients with severe COVID-19 have a "cytokine storm syndrome" in which a cascade of activated cytokines leads to harmful auto-amplifying hyperinflammatory cytokine production. 23, 24 Adult patients with worse illness and greater evidence of inflammation also had a higher incidence of cardiac findings such as troponin leak and ventricular dysfunction. Thus, these findings also may simply be inherent to more severe COVID-19 secondary to overall inflammatory response. This has been noted in viremia from other agents as well, particularly in the form of myocarditis. While characterising the effects of COVID-19 is important, we also must put these findings in context of what is previously known in relation to viruses and critical illness. We must be vigilant to not inappropriately create new clinical entities or exaggerate previous clinical entities simply because of association with COVID-19. For those meeting criteria of Kawasaki Disease or presenting like myocarditis, the diagnosis should be Kawasaki Disease and myocarditis, as appropriate, and not a new clinical diagnosis; and furthermore, clinical management should be as such. Future effort should continue to focus on determining the reasons for the coronary artery involvement and the virus tropism for the myocardium. Hyperinflammatory shock in children during COVID-19 pandemic Identification of viral signatures using high-throughput sequencing on blood of patients with Kawasaki disease Modelling seasonal variations in the age and incidence of Kawasaki disease to explore possible infectious aetiologies RNA-containing cytoplasmic inclusion bodies in ciliated bronchial epithelium months to years after acute Kawasaki disease Four cases with Kawasaki disease and viral infection: aetiology or association Viral infections associated with Kawasaki disease Incomplete Kawasaki disease induced by measles in a 6-month-old male infant Influenza infection and Kawasaki disease Denguetriggered Kawasaki disease: a report of 2 cases Kawasaki disease in a 2-year-old child with dengue fever: correspondence Acute respiratory distress syndrome in a child with human parvovirus B19 infection Adenovirus, adeno-associated virus and Kawasaki disease Influenza A (H1N1) pdm09 virus infection in a patient with incomplete Kawasaki disease: a case report A novel variant of torque teno virus 7 identified in patients with Kawasaki disease Kawasaki disease onset during concomitant infections with varicella zoster and Epstein-Barr virus Kawasaki disease triggered by parvovirus infection: an atypical case report of two siblings Positive serology for dengue viral infection in pediatric patients with Kawasaki disease in southern Thailand Concomitant respiratory viral infections in children with Kawasaki disease Enterovirus infection and subsequent risk of Kawasaki disease: a population-based cohort study Kawasaki disease in a 2-yearold child with dengue fever Primary cytomegalovirus infection, atypical Kawasaki disease, and coronary aneurysms in 2 infants Association between a novel human coronavirus and Kawasaki disease Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation in the treatment of severe pulmonary and cardiac compromise in COVID-19: experience with 32 patients COVID-19: consider cytokine storm syndromes and immunosuppression Financial support. This research received no specific grant from any funding agency, commercial or not-forprofit sectors.Conflicts of interest. None.