key: cord-0822018-f629amal authors: Aborode, Abdullahi Tunde; Corriero, Anna Chiara; Fajemisin, Emmanuel Adebowale; Hasan, Mohammad Mehedi; Kazmi, Syeda Kanza; Olajiga, Olayinka title: Dengue and Coronavirus disease (COVID‐19) syndemic: Double threat to an overburdened healthcare system in Africa date: 2021-09-14 journal: Int J Health Plann Manage DOI: 10.1002/hpm.3334 sha: f8f974db8f9976de920beab109117c915291c958 doc_id: 822018 cord_uid: f629amal Dengue fever (DF) is a significant public health problem in the African continent. The primary prevention strategy against the disease is vaccination and entomological control of vectors; however, implementing such a strategy in several countries in the continent is far below what is necessary to control the disease. The Coronavirus disease (COVID‐19) pandemic further aggravated this situation and negatively impacted these measures, mainly the coverage of vaccination campaigns, due to restrictive measures to control the disease. Therefore, the most significant risk is that the incidence of DF in the continent will increase even more in the coming years, as a reflection of the negative impact of the pandemic on the control of the disease. To prevent another public health crisis, immediate and multidisciplinary approaches are required to address the epidemiological control of DF in African countries. rashes. The current evidence also suggests that the virus is transmitted from person to person through respiratory droplets or aerosols, particularly when people cough, sneeze, speak and breathe. 2, 4 DF and COVID-19 have common clinical manifestations; hence, they can easily exist as co-infection. Without proper diagnosis and surveillance, the threat of underdiagnosis looms will hint towards a more complex situation regarding the true epidemiological extent of arboviruses than the available evidence. Furthermore, DF becomes undermined as global efforts are now centred on COVID-19 clearance, and the increased incidence and mortality due to dengue will rise because of low testing and inadequate surveillance. 5 COVID-19 potentiates the spread of many diseases such as zika, yellow fever, measles, mucormycosis, Lassa fever, HIV, as seen in many countries. [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] The COVID-19 induced lockdowns have also exacerbated DF cases, thus creating a syndemic. Indeed, COVID-19 and DF are two interacting epidemics. 5 The restrictions due to the COVID-19 pandemic led to the interruption of the vector control programs that contribute to the control of mosquitoes. Amongst these, there are indoor residual spraying and effective environmental spraying, which prevent further domination of mosquitoes' thus controlling the DENV. 14 Over time, lockdown-related disruption is also likely to lead to more abundant mosquito populations, as the existing breeding habitat treatments degrade and new breeding habitats are not wiped out. 15 The lack of scientific prudence among those that advise the politicians and other stakeholders in Africa has a significant reflection on how the outbreak is managed; submitting to the stakeholders without clarifying the reality of the epidemic complicate the state of things while Africa is stuck without quality disease surveillance. 19, 21 Furthermore, lockdowns are likely to influence the contact rate between human and mosquito populations due to close contacts and proximity between people during restrictions. There might be a detectable decrease in dengue transmission in areas where the mosquito populations usually thrive outside the home, like public spaces, places of work, or schools. These reductions are likely to be even more pronounced in areas where the importation of the DENV through the movement of people locally from an endemic region to a non-endemic region. 16 Conversely, in the setting of a town, residential areas serve as eminently favourable breeding sites. Hence, the good can congregate in and around the home. This, coupled with the increased availability of blood meals (the humans), lead to a substantial increment in exposure to mosquito bites and DENV contraction amongst people. 15 Moreover, lockdowns are also likely to disrupt the detection and reporting of dengue cases by routine surveillance systems. Lockdowns could reduce the proportion of dengue infections reported (underreporting). This hampers the timeliness and accuracy of minimised dengue data, particularly for non-severe cases. COVID-19 epidemics substantially reduce seeking treatments for DF. 17 Until the full extent of these issues is known, it is crucial to maintain and strengthen existing dengue control practices, particularly during the lockdown. During stay-at-home orders, community participation in mosquito control activities should be supported, including intradomicile-supported targeted indoor residual spraying, reduction in domicile water containers, and appropriate coverage of water storage tanks. Removing artificial containers that remove synthetic and personal protective measures such as impregnated clothing and using repellents during the day will also be helpful. 18 Public health messaging and community engagement in tropical and subtropical countries should address both COVID-19 and dengue. There is a need for adequate sensitisation, awareness, and other public health programs to enhance the public health response during the outbreak; this could be done through traditional mass media such as radio, newspapers, television, billboards, etc. There is a need to use the social press and other modern technologies for information dissemination to combat false news. There is a need to increase health knowledge through the voice of medical professionals, mainly in high-risk areas. There is especially a need for the national and international governments to improve the disease surveillance system around African countries for easy contact and tracing. 19 The healthcare system needs to educate the public about the impedance of sanitation to avoid the development of mosquitoes around. The public needs to take action to keep themselves neat and clean as possible. Conclusively, as the African continent struggles with the burden of the COVID-19 pandemic, 19 high-risk regions with endemic DF are facing the prospect of a dual pandemic that could overwhelm the healthcare services in Africa. The state of the African healthcare system is fragile, and responding to two concurrent outbreaks can be complicated, LETTER TO THE EDITOR mainly if there is no intervention and aid from other health institutions. 20 Therefore, the current epidemiological situation of dengue in Africa must be addressed with multidisciplinary health responses involving several stakeholders from the government to health agencies and even individuals. These responses should focus on public health strategies for prevention, epidemiological surveillance, early and more reliable testing/diagnosis, training of health professionals, and educational initiatives for the population. Overall, reflecting on these suggestions, it will be possible to lighten the burden of both epidemics in Africa. The dengue situation in Africa. Paediatr Int Child Health World Health Organization (WHO) Media Briefings on Coronavirus in Africa Dengue, measles, and COVID-19: a threefold challenge to public health security in Pakistan COVID-19 and Zika: an emerging dilemma for Brazil The spread of Yellow fever amidst the COVID-19 pandemic in Africa and the ongoing efforts to mitigate it Measles returns to the Democratic Republic of Congo: a new predicament amid the COVID-19 crisis COVID-19 and mucormycosis syndemic: double health threat to a collapsing healthcare system in India Drug resistant White fungus: another catastrophic fungus emergence amidst COVID-19 in India Lassa fever and COVID-19 in Africa: a double crisis on the fragile health system Viral infections amidst COVID-19 in Africa: implications and recommendations Mucormycosis, conflicts and COVID-19: a deadly recipe for the fragile health system of Afghanistan Vectorial capacity and vector control: reconsidering sensitivity to parameters for malaria elimination COVID-19 lockdown: impact assessment on Aedes larval indices, breeding habitats, effects on vector control programme and prevention of dengue outbreaks Quantifying the spatial spread of dengue in a non-endemic Brazilian metropolis via transmission chain reconstruction Barriers to seeking emergency care during the COVID-19 pandemic may lead to higher morbidity and mortality-a retrospective study from a Swiss university hospital Preventing dengue epidemics during the COVID-19 pandemic Impact of poor disease surveillance system on COVID-19 response in Africa: time to rethink and rebuilt SARS-CoV-2 pandemics: the lack of critical reflection addressing short-and long-term challenges The precariousness of political management of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic in the search for scientific answers: calling for prudence in public health emergencies No external funding was used in this study. The authors declare that there is no conflict of interests. The present study includes printed and published information; therefore, the formal ethical clearance was not applicable for this study. All authors have substantially contributed in this research.