key: cord-0821222-qvzij2dp authors: Moriarty, Kristen; Yu, Mingfu; Hussain, Naveed; Zgutka, Kinga; Sanders, M. Melinda; Harigopal, Malini; Wang, Jianhui; Wang, Xi; Hui, Pei; Liu, Chen; Sink, David; Shields, Andrea title: COVID-19 & differential effects in twins: Insights from Placenta Pathology date: 2022-05-20 journal: Placenta DOI: 10.1016/j.placenta.2022.05.014 sha: 26cc19ef73354dc6089ab9ca2d8cd3957d1e9412 doc_id: 821222 cord_uid: qvzij2dp INTRODUCTION: COVID-19 has been associated with several adverse pregnancy outcomes, including perinatal loss. Differential effects of COVID-19 in a twin pregnancy may provide unique insights into virus-placental interactions. We present a case of perinatal loss of a female fetus with survival of the male co-twin in a pregnancy complicated by COVID-19 and premature delivery. METHODS: Viral detection methods recommended by the NICHD task force were used to identify SARS-CoV-2 and its viral receptors in the placentas and fetal tissue (Antoun et al., 2020) [1] RESULTS: Compared with the surviving twin, we found a more severe intervillous necrosis and a relatively low detection of ACE2 membranous expression in the syncytiotrophoblasts of the female twin that succumbed. DISCUSSION: The interactions of SARS-CoV-2 and ACE2 at the maternal fetal interface within the placenta may play a significant role in perinatal loss, and the effects of fetal sex and gestational age at time of infection need to be explored further. Unfortunately, she presented prior to the FDA authorization of monoclonal antibodies to treat 24 mild to moderate COVID-19 patients. Her cervical exam remained unchanged at 48 hours and 25 medical interventions were discontinued. Within four hours of discontinuing medical 26 interventions, a cesarean delivery under general anesthesia was performed due to rapid 27 progression in preterm labor, fetal malpresentation and systemic anticoagulation. The neonatal 28 intensive care unit (NICU) team was present for delivery. Twin A, a female, received positive 29 pressure ventilation (PPV), followed by intubation, chest compressions, endotracheal and 30 intravascular epinephrine doses, and normal saline boluses due to an absent heart rate. Heart 31 rate remained undetectable, and resuscitation was stopped at 23 minutes of life. She had no 32 signs of tissue maceration. At birth, twin B, a male, had poor respiratory effort, and received 33 PPV followed by intubation. After 24 hours of life, he was extubated and placed on non-invasive 34 PPV but required re-intubation 12 hours later. His SARS-CoV-2 PCR testing at 24 and 48 hours of 35 life was negative. His neonatal course was significant for ampicillin-resistant E-coli sepsis at 10 36 days of life and acquired cytomegalovirus infection at one month. He was discharged home 37 with moderate bronchopulmonary dysplasia and stage 1 retinopathy of prematurity. 38 The maternal postpartum course was uncomplicated. She recovered from her COVID-19 39 infection and was discharged on the second postoperative day. She was diagnosed with 40 postpartum adjustment disorder and referred for mental health counseling. Patient consent 41 was obtained for the presentation of this case. PCR results of all tissues tested were positive for SARS-CoV-2, which included 2 FFPE 104 blocks from twin placentas, and the fetal lung and heart of twin A. Cycle threshold (Ct) was 105 negatively associated with the viral load (Figure 3a to 3d) . B: Higher power shows trophoblastic necrosis (red arrows), Inflammatory cell infiltrates in intervillous spaces (green arrows), and fibrin (blue arrows). C: Immunohistochemistry with CD68 demonstrates histiocytic intervillositis (brown stain). D: Immunohistochemistry with antibody to COVID-19 nucleocapsid protein shows strong Immunoreactivity in syncytialtrophoblasts (brown stain). E: RNA ISH using probes for COVID-19 spike protein exhibits strong signals in syncytialtrophoblasts (brown granular Stains). F: Immunostain for ACE2 receptors illustrates positive staining within viable Syncytiotrophoblast (red arrows), while non-viable villi without apparent signal (green Arrow, background stain). B to F: 20x. Maternal COVID-19 infection, clinical 173 characteristics, pregnancy, and neonatal outcome: A prospective cohort study 176 Maternal respiratory SARS-CoV-2 infection in pregnancy is associated with a robust 177 inflammatory response at the maternal-fetal interface Pre-179 eclampsia-like syndrome induced by severe COVID-19: a prospective observational study New-onset 182 myocardial injury in pregnant patients with coronavirus disease 2019: a case series of 15 183 patients Coronavirus Disease in China Is SARS-CoV-2 Infection a Risk 187 Factor for Early Pregnancy Loss? ACE2 and TMPRSS2 Coexpression and Persistent Replicative 188 Infection in Primitive Trophoblast A standardized 190 definition of placental infection by SARS-CoV-2, a consensus statement from the National 191 Institutes of Health/Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Development SARS-CoV-2 Placental Infection Workshop Expression of SARS-CoV-2 receptor 195 ACE2 and the protease TMPRSS2 suggests susceptibility of the human embryo in the first 196 trimester Placental Tissue Destruction and Insufficiency from COVID-19 Causes Stillbirth and Neonatal 199 Death from Hypoxic-Ischemic Injury: A Study of 68 Cases with SARS-CoV-2 Placentitis from 12 200 Countries Molecular 202 Pathology Analysis of SARS-CoV-2 in Syncytiotrophoblast and Hofbauer Cells in Placenta from a 203 Pregnant Woman and Fetus with COVID-19 Placental Pathology of COVID-19 with and without Fetal and 205 Neonatal Infection: Trophoblast Necrosis and Chronic Histiocytic Intervillositis as Risk Factors 206 for Transplacental Transmission of SARS-CoV-2 Potential 208 SARS-CoV-2 interactions with proteins involved in trophoblast functions -An in-silico study High rates of stillbirth and preterm delivery in women with covid-19 and 211 the efficacy of ECMO in pregnancy Preterm Birth and Stillbirth During the COVID-19 Pandemic in Sweden: A Nationwide Cohort 214 Study Twins in a Pregnant Woman with COVID-19 in the Second Trimester Placental barrier against COVID-19 Consistent 221 localization of SARS-CoV-2 spike glycoprotein and ACE2 over TMPRSS2 predominance in 222 placental villi of 15 COVID-19 positive maternal-fetal dyads The protein expression 224 profile of ACE2 in human tissues Single-Cell RNA-226 seq Identifies Cell Subsets in Human Placenta That Highly Expresses Factors Driving 227 Pathogenesis of SARS-CoV-2