key: cord-0819576-hzrg4uso authors: Urban, P.; Hanzelka, P.; Kr'al'ik, T.; Musilov'a, V.; Skrbek, L. title: Thermal Waves and Heat Transfer Efficiency Enhancement in Harmonically Modulated Turbulent Thermal Convection date: 2021-10-19 journal: Phys Rev Lett DOI: 10.1103/physrevlett.128.134502 sha: c83c620a8a3033409bd47862072f701d0f8db10f doc_id: 819576 cord_uid: hzrg4uso We study turbulent Rayleigh-B'enard convection over four decades of Rayleigh numbers 4E8 1 (as marked by an arrow in the bottom right panel of Fig. 2) . As already mentioned, another disagreement is that the differences between individual sensor's readings do not depend (at least for the sensors on the cell axis [16] ) on their position. Specifically, mutual differences in amplitudes and phases are at least by an order of magnitude smaller than those predicted by Eq. 1. On the whole, our results on detection and propagation of the thermal wave in modu- lated turbulent convective flow agree with measurements of Refs. [3, 4] at the middle-height of their G = 1 and G = 4 cells for moderate Ra of order 10 9 ; these data can be semi-quantitatively described by Eq. 1. On the other hand, this model is too crude for general description of the thermal wave in RBC, especially at higher Ra, and cannot accurately describe all observed details. Another motivation for our study was that while the experiments [3, 4] do not report any enhancement of the heat transfer efficiency by harmonically modulated turbulent RBC flow, another experimental study, of kicked thermal turbulence, does. Specifically, Jin and Xia [8] report a resonant Nu enhancement of up to 7%, found when the input pulse period was synchronized with half of the large-scale circulation (LSC) turnover time τ LSC = 1/f LSC . Moreover, the recent numerical 2D study (backed up by a 3D study for Ra = 10 8 ) of periodically modulated thermal convection by Yang et al. [6] predicts, for moderate Ra in the range 10 7 ≤ Ra ≤ 10 9 , an appreciable enhancement of Nu, of up to about 25%, occurring over a wide range of modulation frequencies lower or of order f LSC . We therefore decided to perform experiments aiming at bridging these apparently contradictory findings. Fig. 3 shows examples of the relative enhancement of the heat transfer efficiency, Nu f /Nu 0 , measured over four decades of Ra, plotted as a function of dimensionless harmonic temperature modulation 0 ≤ A T ≤ 1, applied at Fig. 3 . The corresponding steady-state RBC data for constant heat flux to the bottom plate and constant TT (red circles) [13] and 3D simulation data [6] are shown for comparison. frequencies 0.003 Hz and 0.01 Hz to the top plate. The enhancement grows slightly steeper with increasing Ra, roughly with A 2 T ; this perhaps explains why no enhancement was noticed for rather low values of A T ≤ 0.22 used in [3, 4] . We observe similar behavior of Nu f /Nu 0 when the same temperature modulation is applied to either the top or bottom plate. From an experimental point of view, however, it is easier to apply the temperature modulation to the top plate. Delivering the additional heat flux needed for fast enough harmonic heating of either plate by using our home-made PID control is relatively easy, as our plates are "thermally fast" [15] . That said, the bottom plate is cooled only via the convective heat flow in the cell, while the thermal connection of the top plate to the liquid helium bath above it via the heat exchange chamber is more efficient and can be set as needed [9] . As a result, the top plate faithfully follows a harmonic temperature modulation up to higher f m [20] . The top panel of Fig. 4 displays Nu f /Nu 0 as a function of f S . In contrast with the resonant enhancement synchronized with half of the LSC turnover time τ LSC = 1/f LSC found for the kicked turbulent convection [8] , the enhancement of the heat transfer efficiency in harmonically modulated turbulent convective flow occurs over several decades of f m , in fair agreement with numerical prediction of Yang et al. [6] for Ra = 10 8 and Pr = 1. The bottom panel of Fig. 4 shows the typical phaseaveraged dimensionless bulk temperature θ c . For A T and Ra as indicated it is defined via the bulk temperature T S (t) measured by sensors No 2, 6 and 8 as: , where ... hp denotes averaging over the half period of modulation when T T (t) is maximal (minimal). All the data series of this kind, measured at various Ra and A T and phaseaveraged over the top and bottom half-periods of the modulation, split around the maximum of the observed Nu f /Nu 0 (where f S ≈ 1 and the phase shift saturates to π/2) and display "forks", in qualitative agreement with numerical prediction -see Fig. 2f and relevant discussion in Ref. [6] . Again, for cryogenic helium gas of Pr ≈ 1 the situation is simpler thanks to the fact that thermal and kinetic BLs are of similar thicknesses. Fig. 5 illustrates the main result of our study: significant enhancement of heat transfer efficiency in harmonically-modulated convection (f m and A T applied to the top plate as indicated) in comparison with the steady-state RBC. We emphasize that all data were measured under identical experimental conditions and the very same basic corrections [13] , due to adiabatic gradient and parasitic heat leak, have been applied. A key result is that the enhancement of compensated Nu is robust, occurring over broad ranges of governing flow parameters such as Ra, f m and A T . We believe that our results will stimulate further work on the class of periodic buoyancy-driven turbulent convective flows. This would lead to deeper understanding of important natural flows such as Sun-driven planetary weather formation, especially on Earth, including ocean and tidal flows or ice melting with direct relevance to global warming. There is also a practical aspect of our results -their potential use in the design of more effective heat exchangers for various technical applications. Heat transfer and large-scale dynamics in turbulent Rayleigh-Bénard convection New perspectives in turbulent Rayleigh-Bénard convection Formation of the "superconducting" core in turbulent thermal convection Static and dynamic measurements of the Nusselt number in turbulent convection Effect of periodic bottom plate heating on large scale flow in turbulent Rayleigh-Bénard convection Periodically modulated thermal convection Dynamical and statistical phenomena of circulation and heat transfer in periodically forced rotating turbulent Rayleigh-Bénard convection An experimental study of kicked thermal turbulence Helium cryostat for experimental study of natural turbulent convection Efficiency of heat transfer in turbulent Rayleigh-Bénard convection Effect of boundary layers asymmetry on heat transfer efficiency in turbulent Rayleigh-Bénard convection at very high Rayleigh numbers Heat transfer in cryogenic helium gas by turbulent Rayleigh-Bénard convection in a cylindrical cell of aspect ratio 1 Reynolds number scaling in cryogenic turbulent Rayleig-Bénard convection in a cylindrical aspect ratio one cell The properties of critical helium gas In some cases, we observed that the sensor No 6, placed close to the sidewall, shows even slightly smaller phase shift than sensors No 2 and 8, although its distance from the top plate is larger Turbulent transfer in the lower atmosphere Heat transport and spectrum of thermal turbulence Ultimate State of Thermal Convection The case when the total temperature modulation is applied at any ratio in the antiphase to both plates simultaneously is different and will be discussed separately The authors thank M. Macek and K.R. Sreenivasan for stimulating discussions. This research is funded by the Czech Science Foundation under GAČR 20-00918S.