key: cord-0817151-oe2ws489 authors: Kalantari, Mahdi title: Forecasting COVID-19 Pandemic Using Optimal Singular Spectrum Analysis date: 2020-12-05 journal: Chaos Solitons Fractals DOI: 10.1016/j.chaos.2020.110547 sha: 9c25fa77070a89c84251f28ea115f7be9993b0dd doc_id: 817151 cord_uid: oe2ws489 Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is a pandemic that has affected all countries in the world. The aim of this study is to examine the potential advantages of Singular Spectrum Analysis (SSA) for forecasting the number of daily confirmed cases, deaths, and recoveries caused by COVID-19, which are the three main variables of interest. This paper contributes to the literature on forecasting COVID-19 pandemic in several ways. Firstly, an algorithm is proposed to calculate the optimal parameters of SSA including window length and the number of leading components. Secondly, the results of two forecasting approaches in the SSA, namely vector and recurrent forecasting, are compared to those from other commonly used time series forecasting techniques. These include Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average (ARIMA), Fractional ARIMA (ARFIMA), Exponential Smoothing, TBATS, and Neural Network Autoregression (NNAR). Thirdly, the best forecasting model is chosen based on the accuracy measure Root Mean Squared Error (RMSE), and it is applied to forecast 40 days ahead. These forecasts can help us to predict the future behaviour of this disease and make better decisions. The dataset of Center for Systems Science and Engineering (CSSE) at Johns Hopkins University is adopted to forecast the number of daily confirmed cases, deaths, and recoveries for top ten affected countries until October 29, 2020. The findings of this investigation show that no single model can provide the best model for any of the countries and forecasting horizons considered here. However, the SSA technique is found to be viable option for forecasting the number of daily confirmed cases, deaths, and recoveries caused by COVID-19 based on the number of times that it outperforms the competing models. until March 31, 2020 . A new hybrid model of discrete wavelet decomposition and ARIMA models have been developed in [23] to make one month ahead pre- 55 diction of death cases in Italy, Spain, France, the United Kingdom (UK), and the United States of America (USA). More information about other time series models used for forecasting COVID-19 disease can be found in [24] [25] [26] [27] [28] [29] . Despite many attempts to model COVID-19 pandemic, few researches to the best of our knowledge have utilized Singular Spectrum Analysis (SSA) tech- 60 nique to forecast COVID-19. We found that a modified SSA approach has been used in [30] to predict COVID-19 pandemic in Saudi Arabia. Also, the recurrent forecasting method of SSA has been applied in [31] to provide predictive modelling of COVID-19 cases in Malaysia. The SSA has been a rapidly developing method of time series analysis. This non-parametric technique is widely 65 used in a variety of fields such as signal processing, finance, economics, image processing, meteorology, engineering, medicine, biology and genetics. The main characteristics of SSA are neither a parametric model nor stationary condition have to be assumed for a time series. Whilst the review of all applications of SSA is beyond the scope of this paper, we refer interested readers to [32] [33] [34] [35] [36] [37] [38] [39] [40] [41] [42] [43] [44] [45] [46] [47] [48] [49] . 70 For a whole and detailed information on the theory and applications of SSA, see [50, 51] . A comprehensive review of SSA and description of its modifications and extensions can be found in [52] . Due to the great potential of SSA to forecast future data, we believe that this method can provide a reliable forecast for COVID-19 time series data and therefore, this motivates us to apply the SSA. 75 The number of confirmed cases, deaths, and recoveries caused by COVID-19 are the three main variables of interest that have been reported every day. Accurate forecast of these variables is crucial and it can allow us to better understand the global impact of corona virus and correct planning in the future, such as estimating the required number of hospital beds or changing the so- The SSA technique has various modifications and extensions, which some of them are explained in [53] . The most fundamental version of the SSA is called Basic SSA. Here, we briefly explain the theory underlying Basic SSA and in doing so we mainly follow [51, 53] . Also, two types of SSA forecasting meth-115 ods namely Recurrent forecasting (R-forecasting) and Vector forecasting (Vforecasting) are briefly reviewed. It is noteworthy that there are many software applications which are applied in SSA such as Caterpillar-SSA and SAS/ETS. In this research, we apply the free available R package Rssa to conduct SSA stages and to obtain recurrent and vector forecasting. More details on this 120 package can be found in [54] [55] [56] . The SSA technique consists of two complementary stages: Decomposition and Reconstruction. Each of these stages includes two separate steps. At the decomposition stage, a time series is decomposed into several interpretable com-125 ponents such as trend, seasonal and cyclical components, which enables us to signal extraction and noise reduction. At the reconstruction stage, interpretable components are reconstructed, which can be used to forecast new data points. In embedding step, the observed time series {x 1 , . . . , x N } is transformed 130 into the L × K matrix X, whose columns comprise X 1 , . . . , X K , where X i = (x i , . . . , x i+L−1 ) T ∈ R L and K = N −L+1. The matrix X is called the trajectory matrix. This matrix is a Hankel matrix in the sense that all the elements on the anti-diagonals i + j = const. are equal. This step has only one parameter L, which is called the window length. The window length is commonly chosen 135 such that 2 ≤ L ≤ N/2, where N is the length of the time series {x 1 , . . . , x N }. In Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) step, the trajectory matrix X is decomposed into X = UΣV T , where U and V are orthogonal and Σ is a diagonal matrix. The diagonal entries of the matrix Σ are called the singular values of X and denoted by σ 1 , . . . , σ L in decreasing order of magnitude (σ 1 ≥ · · · ≥ σ L ≥ 0). The columns of U are called left singular vectors and those of V are called right singular vectors. If d = max{i, such that σ i > 0} = rank(X) then the SVD of the trajectory matrix X can be written as follows: is defined as X I = X i1 + · · · + X ip , that is, summing the matrices within each group. With the SVD of X, the split of the set of indices {1, . . . , d} into the m disjoint subsets I 1 , . . . , I m corresponds to the following decomposition: The main goal of diagonal averaging is to transform each matrix X Ij of the grouped matrix decomposition (2) into a Hankel matrix, which can subsequently be converted into a new time series of length N . Let A be an L × K matrix with elements a ij , 1 ≤ i ≤ L, 1 ≤ j ≤ K. By diagonal averaging, the matrix A is transferred into the Hankel matrix HA with the elements a s over the anti-diagonals (1 ≤ s ≤ N ) using the following formula: where the number of elements in the set A s . By applying diagonal averaging (3) to all the matrix components of (2), the following expansion is obtained: X = X I1 + · · · + X Im , where X Ij = HX Ij , j = 1, . . . , m. This is equivalent to 145 the decomposition of the initial series {x 1 , . . . , x N } into a sum of m series: N } corresponds to the matrix X I k . In this paper, we denote the number of leading eigentriples corresponding to the signal (noise-free time series) by r. 3. The numbers z N +1 , . . . , z N +h are the h step ahead vector forecasts. The window length (L), which is used in the embedding step of SSA, plays a pivotal role in the SSA technique; because the whole procedure of SSA depends 170 upon this parameter. Another important parameter is the number of leading eigentriples (r) that is required to reconstruct and forecast the signal (noisefree time series). In order to find the optimal values of L and r, we apply a cross-validation procedure. This method of parameter choice is based on the minimization of Root Mean Squared Error (RMSE) within the validation 175 (test) period for a given forecasting horizon h (i.e. the number of periods for forecasting). In Algorithm 1, the details of finding optimal (L, r) are described: Algorithm 1 Calculation of optimal (L, r) Require: Time series {x 1 , . . . , x N }, forecasting horizon h; where N is equal to the time series length and x is the greatest integer less than or equal to x. where x j denotes the forecast of time series at time j. RMSEs across all test sets as follows: In this section, the other commonly used time series forecasting methods applied in this investigation are briefly explained. The ARIMA technique is one of the most established and widely used time series forecasting methods. A non-seasonal ARIMA(p, d, q) model is given by where {x t } is a time series, B is the backshift operator defined as Bx t = x t−1 , [57] . Also, the seasonal ARIMA(p, d, q)(P, D, Q) m model is written where m is equal to the number of observations per year, Φ(B m ) = 1 − Φ 1 B m − · · · − Φ P B P m and Θ(B) = 1 + Θ 1 B + · · · + Θ Q B Qm . Selecting an appropriate model order, that is the values p, d, q, P, D and Q, is a major task in ARIMA modelling. In this paper, we use the auto.arima 185 function from the forecast package of R software to find the best ARIMA model automatically and estimate its parameters. For more information on how this function works and examples of applications, see [58] . If the time series {x t } exhibits a long-range dependence, then the parameter 190 d can be allowed to have non-integer values in an ARIMA model, which is also called an ARFIMA model. We apply the arfima function from the forecast package to find automatically the best ARFIMA model. This function selects p and q and estimates the parameters of model using an algorithm proposed in [58] , whilst the algorithm provided in [59] is applied to estimate the parameters 195 including d. Exponential smoothing methods are among the most widely used forecasting procedures in practice. These were originally classified by Pegels' taxonomy [60] and later extended by Gardner [61] , modified by Hyndman et al. [62] , and 200 extended again by Taylor [63] , giving a total of fifteen methods. It has shown that the exponential smoothing family has good forecast accuracy over several forecasting competitions [64] [65] [66] and is especially suitable for short time series. Some of well-known methods such as simple (or single) exponential smoothing, Holt's linear method, additive and multiplicative Holt-Winters' methods 205 are special cases of exponential smoothing techniques. In order to refer to the three components error, trend, and seasonality in exponential smoothing methods; the notation ETS is proposed in [58] and we also use this notation. The ETS models can capture a variety of trend and seasonal structures (additive or multiplicative) and combinations of those. A detailed description of ETS can 210 be found in [67] and is therefore not repeated here. We apply the ets function from the forecast package to find automatically the best ETS model. This function implement the innovations state space modelling framework described in [67] for parameter estimation and forecasting. An innovations state space modelling framework has been introduced in [68] for forecasting complex seasonal time series such as those with multiple seasonal periods, high-frequency seasonality, non-integer seasonality, and dual-calendar effects. This model, which is called BATS, is an exponential smoothing state space model with BoxCox transformation, ARMA errors, trend and seasonal 220 components. This model is a generalization of the traditional seasonal innovations models to allow for multiple seasonal periods. The notation BATS is an acronym for BoxCox transform, ARMA errors, Trend, and Seasonal components. In TBATS model, the trigonometric representation of seasonal components based on Fourier transform is used and the initial T in the notation 225 TBATS stands for trigonometric. For more information on the theory and applications of TBATS, see [68] . The tbats function is made available through the forecast package to fit TBATS model to a time series. There has been an increasing interest in using neural networks to model and This is known as a multilayer feed-forward network, where each layer of nodes receives inputs from the previous layers. Let us here briefly present some details of Neural Network Autoregression (NNAR) model and in doing so we mainly follow [57] . In the NNAR model, the lagged values of the time series can be 240 used as inputs to a neural network. The notation NNAR(p, k) is used in [57] to indicate feed-forward networks with one hidden layer, p lagged inputs and k nodes in the hidden layer. In addition, a seasonal NNAR model has the notation . , x t−P m as inputs with k neurons in the hidden layer. The nnetar function in the forecast 245 package fits an NNAR(p, P, k) m model to time series data. In this function, the values of p and P are selected automatically if they are not specified. More details on NNAR model and its applications can be found in [57] . The accuracy of forecasting largely depends on the quality of data and re- This data has developed to a standard resource for researchers and the general audience interested in assessing the global spreading of the virus. The data is provided at country and sub-country levels. • European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) 270 The data is updated daily and contains the latest available public data on the number of new COVID-19 cases reported per day and per country. An alternative data source for governmental interventions. The data is provided by Apple at country and sub-country levels. • Google COVID-19 Community Mobility Reports data This data is available at the country, regional and U.S. county level. It presents data on the search volume for the term coronavirus. This data can be used to assess the public attention to COVID-19 across countries and over time within a given country. The data is available at the country, regional and city level but availability varies across countries. • World Bank These data contain country level information provided by the World Bank and allow researchers to calculate per capita measures of the virus spread. Also, these data can help researchers to assess the association of macroeconomic variables with the development of the virus. It is apparent from Figure 6 that the number of recovered cases in Russia In order to provide a better understanding on the nature of the confirmed cases data, some descriptive statistics of the number of confirmed cases are reported for ten countries in Table 1 In this section, the performance of R-SSA, V-SSA and other time series forecasting methods reviewed in Section 3 are evaluated by applying them 355 to confirmed cases, deaths, and recoveries described in Section 4. The accuracy of forecasting results are measured using RMSE. In order to compute the RMSE of each forecasting method corresponding to the forecasting horizon h (i.e. RM SE h defined in (6)), Steps 1-5 of Algorithm 1 are used. It is noteworthy that the optimal (L, r) is applied to produce R-SSA and V-SSA forecasting. In Table 5 , the optimal (L, r) are reported for confirmed, deaths, and recovered series of the ten countries. shown in Figure 7 indicate that there will be a dramatic increase in the number of confirmed cases of France, Spain, and UK. However, the rate of growth will be slower in Russia and Argentina. This increase will happen slowly in India, Brazil, Colombia, and Mexico. Also, this results reveal that the number of confirmed cases will be decreasing in USA. According to the forecasting results depicted in Figure 9 , the number of 405 recovered cases will rise in USA, Russia, France, and Argentina; however, there will be a decline in Brazil, and especially in India. This quantity will tend to a constant in Colombia and Mexico. In addition, the number of recovered cases in UK will fluctuate, but the trend will upward. In this study, we have evaluated the potential advantages of SSA for forecasting the number of daily confirmed cases, deaths, and recoveries caused by COVID-19. In order to calculate the optimal parameters of SSA including win- University has been adopted to forecast the number of daily confirmed cases, deaths, and recoveries for top ten affected countries until 29 October 2020. It should be noted that the dataset of CSSE has a considerable disadvantage. If 420 the cumulative data of confirmed cases, deaths, and recoveries are transformed into daily data, some negative data are obtained that are apparently irrational. In order to deal with this issue, first, we considered the negative values and outliers as missing data. Then, these missing values were imputed by Kalman Smoothing method. It is worth mentioning that the present study is unique with 425 regard to using optimal version of V-SSA and R-SSA, and comparing the results to those from ARIMA, ARFIMA, ETS, TBATS, and NNAR. The findings of this study can be summarised as follows: • No single model can provide the best forecast of the number of confirmed cases, deaths, and recoveries for all ten countries considered here. • Based on the number of times that R-SSA and V-SSA forecasting techniques outperform the other models across all horizons, these methods are viable options for forecasting the number of daily confirmed cases, deaths, and recoveries caused by COVID-19. • There will be a rapid rise in the number of confirmed cases of France, 435 Spain, and UK. However, the rate of increase will be slower in Russia and Argentina. This growth will occur slowly in India, Brazil, Colombia, and Mexico. The results of point forecasts reveal that the number of confirmed cases will be decreasing in USA. • The number of deaths of Russia and Argentina will increase dramatically; 440 however, it will be decreasing in India, France, Colombia, and UK. The number of deaths will fluctuate around an almost constant value in USA, Brazil, and Mexico. • There will be an increase in the number of recovered cases of USA, Russia, France, and Argentina; however, there will be a decline in Brazil, and 445 especially in India. This quantity will tend to a constant in Colombia and Mexico. Also, the number of recovered cases in UK will fluctuate, but the trend will upward. In this paper, we have used the optimal version of two forecasting techniques 450 of SSA, namely R-SSA and V-SSA, for forecasting the number of daily confirmed cases, deaths, and recoveries caused by COVID-19. In order to evaluate the performance of these approaches based on the RMSE criterion, the forecasting results have been compared to those from other commonly used time series forecasting methods including ARIMA, ARFIMA, ETS, TBATS, and NNAR. 455 We considered only the first ten countries in terms of the number of cumulative confirmed cases. These countries include USA, India, Brazil, Russia, France, Spain, Argentina, Colombia, UK, and Mexico. The evidence from this investigation shows that there is not a single model to provide the best model for any of the countries and forecasting horizons considered in this study. However, 460 we have found that the optimal SSA technique can provide a powerful tool for forecasting the number of daily confirmed cases, deaths, and recoveries caused by COVID-19 based on the number of times that it outperforms the competing models. Our study has an obvious shortcoming. The forecasting methods used in 465 this investigation may produce some negative point forecasts that are clearly meaningless as the number of confirmed cases, deaths, and recoveries. In order to make positive point forecasts, we suggest using count time series models. This work has gone some way towards enhancing our understanding of SSA capabilities for forecasting the COVID-19 pandemic. The results of this study 470 enable forecasters to choose the most appropriate model (from those considered here) based on the country and horizon for forecasting the number of confirmed cases, deaths, and recoveries caused by COVID-19. We hope that our forecasts will be a useful tool for governments towards making appropriate decisions to control the disease and prevent further damages. In terms of future research, 475 we will apply the multivariate version of SSA that employs the time-dependent correlations between several time series. 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