key: cord-0807777-th4b1flj authors: Dhawan, Deepika; Sharma, Sheel title: Abdominal Obesity, Adipokines and Non-communicable Diseases date: 2020-08-18 journal: J Steroid Biochem Mol Biol DOI: 10.1016/j.jsbmb.2020.105737 sha: 3768027ef67cc0bebb6d3d8299d2b35738eacd57 doc_id: 807777 cord_uid: th4b1flj Abdominal obesity may be defined as excess deposits of fat in the abdominal region. It is a common health condition seen in South Asians and is positively related to non-communicable diseases (NCDs). It is independent of body mass index and measured by raised waist circumference for men≥90 cm and women≥80 cm. The reason for its prevalence being common in Indians finds its root from pregnancy, during fetal period and has emerged as a concept of ‘Thin Fat Indian’. Malnutrition in such a critical period of growth has consequences in the form of reduced basal metabolic rate (BMR), reduced blood flow to growing tissues, reduced functional ability of vital organs, endocrine changes and reduced capacity of primary adipose tissue. However, excess of visceral fat facilitates high dosage of adipokines in the portal vein to liver and other body tissues having serious implications seen in the form NCDs like diabetes, hypertension, heart diseases, non-alcoholic fatty liver diseases, kidney disorders, cancer and other health problems. Abdominal obesity should be addressed before it has progressed further to defined health issues by exercise and diet, so that people can live a quality life. Abdominal Obesity (AO) has seen a remarkable increase over the years and its consequences have been reported in the form of NCDs in many studies. However, AO has remained a neglected factor and studies show that even (body mass index) BMI <20Kg/m 2 may suffer from AO and NCDs. This makes it important to study about how AO is associated with pathogenesis of NCDs 1,2 . AO is observed to be an adverse form of obesity with serious implications 3 . It is the presence of excess fat deposits in the abdominal region 4 . The latest guidelines for South Asians define AO as large waist circumference (WC) ≥90cm in men and ≥80cm in women independent of BMI 5 . AO is an indicator of accumulation of triacylglycerols in the liver and muscles 6 . Hence, it has been strongly linked to given common NCDs in particular: cardiovascular diseases (CVDs), diabetes, hypertension, cancer, kidney diseases and non-alcoholic fatty liver diseases (NAFLDs) 3 . A literature review was done to obtain relevant information, searching the online databases-PubMed, Medline, Google scholar and NCBI (National Center for Biotechnology Information) and related books. Research articles such as crosssectional, prospective and longitudinal studies and reviews were identified. Following keywords: 'Abdominal Obesity', 'Non-communicable diseases', 'BMI norms', 'In utero malnutrition', 'Thin Fat Indian', 'Pathophysiology of visceral obesity', 'Cardiovascular diseases', 'Diabetes', 'Hypertension', 'Cancer', 'Liver Disorders', 'Kidney diseases' ', 'Diet' and 'Exercise' were used in search strategy. This review explains in detail about how abdominal obesity is related to non-communicable diseases. The international classification for BMI given by WHO (World Health Organization) is followed worldwide, though due to differences in proportion of lean body mass and fat mass in the ethnic groups; recommendations have been given to be used by researchers to understand the relation of obesity with NCDs. In the Malnutrition in India especially during pregnancy and fetal period has a long-term consequence and not just as low birth weight baby whose health may be improved through nutrition and medicine to achieve a normal weight. With urbanization and advancement, in undernourished infants, with affluences coming in later years may develop into unhealthy and overweight adults 11 . During fetal growth period, if there is deficit of nutrients; human body will adjust to a thrifty metabolism to save body's fuel and survive starvation condition. However, this same thrifty phenotype is programmed and is prevalent today. But the environmental conditions are not same now, having abundant food available despite low energy output as programmed in-utero save guarding the body's fat leading to obesity in Indians, such an individual is said to be "Thin Fat Indian" 12 . The thin fat Indian may or may not have normal BMI but as discussed, this phenomenon of under nutrition during critical growth period and an abundance later may have serious consequences as discussed in table 4.1. 12, 13 . Within the period of 1960-2000, there has been expansion in the size of waist circumference, especially in women. Also, AO has seen higher shift than generalized obesity owing to higher risk of NCDs, even in people within the normal BMI range 14 . WC is seen to be a better predictor of dyslipidemia, hypertension and metabolic syndrome as indicated in a study conducted by National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (2004). Abdominal obesity may be determined by WC, is seen to be a useful tool to forecast NCDs 15 . The question is how AO causes metabolic disorders and this may be unmasked by understanding the pathophysiology of it. White adipose tissue mass contributes to proinflammatory cytokines and their level may rise in excess adiposity implicated in the development of atherosclerosis, CVDs, insulin resistance and other NCDs. Studies show high level of proinflammatory cytokines in subjects suffering from abdominal obesity 16 . Adipose organ is about 20% of total body weight in a healthy human being. It has been neglected part of body since historic times. However, it contributes to the regulation of body's homeostasis, if disturbed for prolonged period may lead to severe illness and lifestyle disorders. Adipose organ has two types of tissues namely, white adipose tissue (WAT) and brown adipose tissue (BAT) performing different body functions. Function of WAT is to act as a reservoir of high energy molecules (fatty acids) and supply it as a fuel when the need arises. While BAT uses the same high energy molecules to produce heat in thermogenesis to maintain body temperature. Hence there should be a balance between the accumulated fatty acids in WAT and its usage in various metabolic functions. If this balance is altered, WAT metabolism will be disturbed. WAT, apart from being source of energy also plays important role in the regulation of lipid and glucose metabolism. Energy obtained from food is stored by WAT in the form triacylglycerol (TAG). Mobilization of fat stores and its storage are also regulated by WAT and various other hormones. This tissue also produces very important hormone-leptin, which controls food intake behavior 14 . Mesenteric fat consists of adipose tissues which attaches to the intestine covering posterior portion of abdominal wall and is formed by double folding of peritoneum. It allows storage of fat in the abdominal region and consists of a network of blood vessels for a constant flow of fatty acid and lipid molecules 17 . Studies demonstrate high lipogenic activity in mesenteric fat tissues than subcutaneous fat and other regions of the body, with high calorie diet and sedentary lifestyle. This portion of the body is metabolically very active and may have constant uptake of fat than any other part of the body. With excess fat deposition, there is a higher release of free fatty acids in circulation leading to atherogenesis, hyperlipidemia, hypertension and CVDs. Also, excess of free fatty acid level in blood may enhance lipid biosynthesis in the liver causing insulin resistance 18 . Adipose organ not just functions to store fat but possess endocrinal ability to produce, secrete and act as a receptor for metabolic compounds, responsible for homeostasis of the body. As discussed earlier, WAT perform various physiological functions which may help to understand the progression of abdominal obesity 19 . Proteins related to adiposity produced by adipose tissue and its health implications have been discussed as follows:  Leptin: It is an anti-obese hormone which reduces food intake and its deficiency is linked to obesity 20 .  TNF α (tumor necrosis factor alpha): Performs diverse cell signaling and its excess may be a cause of insulin resistance as it inhibits insulin signaling 21 .  IL-6 (interleukin 6): Elevated level of IL-6 produced by adipose cells has been reported in CVDs, diabetes in visceral obesity 22, 23 .  MCP-1 (monocyte chemoattractant protein-1): It is a chemokine produced by adipose cells, inducing increased level of monocytes. Large adipocytes (in obesity) in hypoxia and cellular stress cause inflammation leading to insulin resistance and development of atheroscelerosis 24 .  MIF (macrophage migration inhibitory factor): Expansion of adipose cells due to excess energy intake may cause release of MIF by adipose organ, resulting in J o u r n a l P r e -p r o o f inflammation and then progression of type 2 diabetes, NAFLDs and atherosclerosis 25 .  PAI-1 (plasminogen activator inhibitor-1): Level of PAI-1 is elevated in obesity and leads to formation of atherosclerotic plaque causing CVDs and is associated with diabetes 26, 27 .  Tissue factor: Elevated level of tissue factor secreted by adipose tissue (in obesity) is associated with inflammation and then, diabetes 28 .  Adipsin and ASP (acylation-stimulating protein): High level of adipsin and ASP has been linked to obesity and CVDs, as it enhances the uptake of glucose and fatty acids and activity of lipoprotein lipase 29 .  Adiponectin: Low level of adiponectin has been associated with prognosis of insulin resistance, CVDs, and atherosclerosis, whereas its level may balance with weight loss and improve insulin sensitivity 30 .  Adipophilin: It surrounds lipid molecule allowing storage of lipids, functions to increase uptake of fatty acids. Enhanced expression of this protein will lead to fatty liver, heart diseases and type2 diabetes 31 .  LPL (lipoprotein lipase): LPL is an enzyme which hydrolysis triglycerides to lipoprotein and is linked to NCDs 32 .  CETP (cholesteryl ester transfer protein): CETP is produced by adipose tissue transfers cholesteryl ester and triglyceride to lipoprotein. It is considerably important in progression of atherogenesis 33 .  Cytochrome P450-dependent aromatase: It is an enzyme responsible for conversion of androgens to estrogens and its level if elevated with relation to total adipose mass locally may lead to polycystic ovary syndrome, breast and other related cancers 34, 35 .  Angiotensinogen: One third of this protein is produced by adipose tissue and seen elevated in obesity and possible cause of chronic inflammatory diseases 36 .  Resistin: Another cytokine highly expressed in abdominal obesity, elevated level of resistin suppresses insulin signaling and induces hepatic injury. It may lead to insulin resistance and NAFLDs 37, 38 .  TGFβ (transforming growth factor beta): In obesity, level of TGFβ rises and it is related to diabetes and progression of cancer 39 .  IGF-1 (Insulin like growth factor 1): Abdominal obesity is linked to lower IGF-1 levels and increases the risk of metabolic disorders. As IGF-1 level rises with protein rich diet and improved body composition, better liver and mitochondrial function is seen which may reduce risk of CVDs and diabetes 40, 41 . Adipose organ has been regarded as a powerhouse of energy. It is now seen as an interactive unit of the body involved in inflammatory system and the vascular wall. It not only manages energy flux but also is involved in homeostasis of the body interplaying with sympathetic nervous system, rennin-angiotensin pathway, liver metabolic pathways and other vital organ systems. It has an easy access to liver via the portal circulation. In case of hyperlipolytic conditions in adipose tissue present in abdominal region (abdominal obesity), it may deliver excess amounts of non-sterified free fatty acids to the liver. Excessive uptake of free fatty acids by the liver leads to biosynthesis of VLDLs (very low density lipoproteins) and LDLs (low density lipoproteins). Hence, plasma concentrations of triglycerides, LDLs and VLDLs rises remarkably. If such conditions prevail in the body for long duration of time, it may lead to hyperlipidemia, insulin resistance, CVDs, hypertension and other related health problems. Also, people suffering from AO are seen to have low level of HDL (high density lipoprotein) cholesterol. Visceral adipose depots secrete large amount of interleukin-6, leading to production of Creactive protein (CRP) being strongly associated with heart diseases. Studies also show CRP levels are high in populations with AO with excess visceral adipose tissue, leading to athero-inflammatory processes 42 . About 50 years ago, central adiposity was linked to the increase in risk of diseases that are now profoundly known as NCDs 43 . Later, various population studies were aimed at delineating association of AO with hypertension, type2 diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, cancer, kidney, and liver diseases 1, 44-48 . Studies revealed that greater hip circumference means higher lean body mass reduces the risk of NCDs. Hence, solely BMI or body weight may not accurately predict health risk than what is done by WC. Hence, abdominal obesity seems to be positively related to risk of NCDs which need to be studied and controlled at population levels 15 . As discussed before, excess adipose tissues contribute to proinflammatory cytokines which pose high risk of CVDs. Meta-analysis done by C.M.Y. Lee et al supports abdominal obesity as an important factor for heart health 49 . Even distribution of fat in abdominal compartments is associated with markers of cardiovascular diseases. High deposits of VAT (visceral adipose tissue) is linked to high triglycerides and low HDL cholesterol levels, while high SAT (subcutaneous adipose tissue) is linked to high LDL and low HDL cholesterol levels 45 . Visceral fat deposits is considered the most baneful owing to greater supply of free fatty acids through portal vein to liver. Thus, increasing the risk of cardiovascular disorders. South Asians are seen to have thrifty phenotype-"Thin Fat Phenotype", i.e. increased body fat percentage specifically at abdominal region. Even in people falling in normal BMI ranges, become prone to J o u r n a l P r e -p r o o f cardio-metabolic stresses 50 . Deaths due to CVDs have been reported to be 24% in India (2008), while substantial increase is predicted by 2030 to be 35.9% 51 . Excess abdominal fat increases risk of insulin resistance, hyperinsulinemia and glucose intolerance 52 . Glucose intolerance is a state of unstable blood glucose levels (dysglycemia) often called pre-diabetic stage. Release of excess free fatty acids and adipokines cause oxidative stresses and abnormal endothelial function leading to preliminary stage of type2 diabetes 53 . High level of circulating adipokines from abdominal adipose tissue reduces expression of insulin receptors of body inhibiting insulin pathways and phosphorylation processes leading to insulin resistance 54 . While, Hyperinsulinemia is linked to excess free fatty acid release from abundant abdominal adipose tissue leading to reduced hepatic clearance of insulin in the body 55 . Many studies also report relationship of central obesity and prevalence of diabetes. Misra et al (2005) reported that people having central obesity had diabetes of about 10.1% (male) and 25.9% (female) in a study conducted in North India 56 . A study in urban population in New Delhi found out the prevalence of diabetes to be 50.2% (male) and 50.0% (female) in people suffering from abdominal obesity 57 . Another study in South India indicates the prevalence of abdominal obesity as well as diabetes at 32.4% (male) and 41.4% (female) levels 58 . Obesity is strongly linked to increase in sodium and water retention causing activation of rennin-angiotensin-aldosterone and sympathetic nervous system. Visceral obesity may also enhance cardiac output with continuous release of adipokines and cytokines into the bloodstream leading to hypertension and other related heart problems 59, 60 . Marker et al reported in a study conducted in Pune, India that abdominal obesity has link between hypertension, wherein prevalence of hypertension was found to be 25.6% while of abdominal obesity was 38.2% 61 . Another cross-sectional study found high blood pressure was related to raised waist circumference in young population 62 . Excess adiposity causes enhanced activity of fatty acid synthase and increased free fatty acids production. High amounts of free fatty acid sensitize oncogenic signals and act as fuel for cancer cells promoting tumor cell growth. Dysfunctional large adipose organ contains large amounts of penetrated immune cells with altered function and causes chronic inflammation with increased supply of pro-inflammatory cytokines which lead to tumor growth. Along with this, excess body fat may lead to constant supply of adipose tissue and tumor-related macrophages, abnormal levels of hormones like estrogen, adiposity related insulin-resistance factors and oxygen deprived tissues, and they all lead to an environment which initiates, promotes and regulates various types of cancer 63, 64 . Studies implicate that populations suffering from various types of cancer do have high fat deposits on the abdomen. The cancer research institute however, states that excess fat in the body may increase the risk of J o u r n a l P r e -p r o o f 12 types of cancers specific to its sites-stomach, esophageal, liver, pancreatic, gall bladder, colorectal, kidney, breast, ovarian, endometrial, prostate and mouth related cancers. Hence, raised WC pose a high risk for cancers 65 . NAFLDs refer to multiple disorders associated with liver including fatty liver, nonalcoholic steatohepatitis and with progression of liver damage, cirrhosis. The strong link between abdominal obesity and NAFLD points at the inclusion of this component among risk factors of metabolic syndrome 66 . With excess fat deposition at abdomen, there is a constant release of adipokines to the blood circulation which is harmful and causes liver damage leading to NAFLDs. Also, people with abdominal obesity have high deposit of fat in liver, due to persistent high cholesterol levels in the body 37 . Increased energy intake and excretory load in abdominal obesity may cause severe damage to kidney. These changes include glomerulosclerotic damage, hyperperfusion and hyperfiltration and eventually a gradual decline in glomerular filtration rate with time. This poses severe risk of renal injury, chronic kidney disease and end-stage renal disease 67 . Study also reported high fat intake causes structural changes in renal organ and it is evident that renal hypertrophy occurs before hyperglycemia in diabetes 68 . In this persisting communicable COVID-19 pandemic, amalgamated with obesity and Non-communicable Diseases, has put populations at higher risk of mortality. The pandemic has disturbed the current health infrastructure with delayed surgeries and poor delivery of health care facilities to non-COVID-19 patients. Individuals with obesity and other metabolic co-morbidities as discussed in the present article, if infected with novel COVID-19 require thorough health care facilities and hospitalization as they have a poor immune system and suffer from severe symptoms. Their health problems like diabetes, hypertension, cardio-vascular diseases and other NCDs also must be addressed along with this infection 69 . Health organizations have been targeting quantitative improvement in health to decrease the mortality rates, overlooking qualitative aspects of health. Today's trend in Asian Indians show fall in birth and death rates, while progressive aging goes on in populations owing to faulty lifestyle habits. This points to the need of more population-based studies so that these health factors can be identified and real time data about abdominal obesity and NCDs can be recorded. Hence, abdominal obesity should be further studied so that better kinetics of this endocrine organ can be acknowledged, and possible solutions can be drawn for the betterment of health of population. There is no conflict of interest. J o u r n a l P r e -p r o o f Lack of availability of essential nutrients may slow down BMR resulting in lowered cell division of tissues and growth of vital organs. This may have long term implications in later life. Brain being a larger and important organ for survival, in starvation condition growing body may maximize blood flow towards brain and not to other body tissues. Under nutrition may lead to low birth weight infant having lower abdominal circumference. This also may indicate impaired growth of liver during critical period of growth and as an adult may have reduced functional ability, hence liver and other metabolic disorders. Since vital organs are poorly developed due to under nutrition, there may be permanent programming of endocrine system affecting body homeostasis, leading to NCDs in later life. Reduced capacity of primary adipose tissue: "The adipose overflow hypothesis" Primary adipose is the first superficial adipose tissue to develop and mature present all over the body, in undernutrition, it has reduced capacity to store excess fat. So, this may cause higher storage of fat in secondary depot (deep subcutaneous and inta-abdominal tissue) which is more metabolically active and present majorly in abdominal area leading to abdominal obesity in adult life and along with other metabolic disorders. A correlation study between types of obesity and hypertension EASO SAB Working Group on BMI. Beyond BMI--phenotyping the obesities Treatment options for abdominal obesity in adults-a meta-analysis and systematic review of randomized controlled trials Consensus Statement for Diagnosis of Obesity, Abdominal Obesity and the Metabolic Syndrome for Asian Indians and Recommendations for Physical Activity, Medical and Surgical Management Prevalence of generalized and abdominal obesity: India's big problem Body Mass Index: Obesity, BMI, and Health: A Critical Review Appropriate body-mass index for Asian populations and its implications for policy and intervention strategies World Health Organization. The Asia-Pacific perspective: redefining obesity and its treatment Ethnic-Specific Criteria for Classification of Body Mass Index: A Perspective for Asian Indians and American Diabetes Association Position Statement Overweight and obesity prevalence among adult Pacific peoples and Europeans in the Diabetes Heart and Health Study (DHAHS) In utero programming of chronic disease Confessions of a thin-fat Indian Why might South Asians be so susceptible to central obesity and its atherogenic consequences? The adipose tissue overflow hypothesis Adipose tissue and adipokines in health and disease Waist circumference and not body mass index explains obesity-related health risk Normal-weight obese syndrome: early inflammation? The American journal of clinical nutrition Mechanisms of disease: Adipocytokines and visceral adipose tissue-emerging role in intestinal and mesenteric diseases Pathophysiology and pathogenesis of visceral fat obesity Biochemistry of adipose tissue: An endocrine organ Role of Leptin in Obesity Tumor necrosis factor-alpha induces skeletal muscle insulin resistance in healthy human subjects via inhibition of Akt substrate 160 phosphorylation The adipocyte: a model for integration of endocrine and metabolic signaling in energy metabolism regulation IL-6 in diabetes and cardiovascular complications Insulin resistance, inflammation, and obesity: Role of monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 (or CCL2) in the regulation of metabolism Role of macrophage migration inhibitory factor in obesity, insulin resistance, type 2 diabetes, and associated hepatic co-morbidities: a comprehensive review of human and rodent studies PAI-1 and TNF-α profiles of adipose tissue in obese cardiovascular disease patients Plasminogen activator inhibitor-1, adipose tissue and insulin resistance Tissue factor pathways linking obesity and inflammation Critical review of acylation-stimulating protein physiology in humans and rodents Adiponectin and cardiovascular disease Perilipin 2 and age-related metabolic diseases: a new perspective Lipoprotein lipase: Structure, function, regulation, and role in disease Relationship between cholesteryl ester transfer protein and atherogenic lipoprotein profile in morbidly obese women The correlation of aromatase activity and obesity in women with or without polycystic ovary syndrome Role of adipose tissue renin-angiotensin system in metabolic and inflammatory diseases associated with obesity Obesity and its metabolic complications: the role of adipokines and the relationship between obesity, inflammation, insulin resistance, dyslipidemia and nonalcoholic fatty liver disease Dyslipidemia in nonalcoholic fatty liver disease Transforming growth factor beta superfamily regulation of adipose tissue biology in obesity The insulin-like growth factor system in obesity, insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes mellitus Low protein intake is associated with a major reduction in IGF-1, cancer, and overall mortality in the 65 and younger but not older population Visceral obesity: the link among inflammation, hypertension, and cardiovascular disease The degree of masculine differentiation of obesities: a factor determining predisposition to diabetes, atherosclerosis, gout, and uric calculous disease A Study on Prevalence of Abdominal Obesity among Diabetics Abdominal fat distribution and cardiovascular risk in men and women with different levels of glucose tolerance Abdominal obesity and gastroesophageal cancer risk: systematic review and meta-analysis of prospective studies Metabolic syndrome, obesity and kidney stones Central obesity and nonalcoholic fatty liver disease risk after adjusting for body mass index Indices of abdominal obesity are better discriminators of cardiovascular risk factors than BMI:a meta-analysis Prevalence and risk factors for metabolic syndrome in Asian Indians: A community study from urban Eastern India Obesity, diabetes and cardiovascular disease in India: public health challenges Biology of regional body fat distribution: relationship to non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus Dysglycemia and abdominal obesity Central obesity, type 2 diabetes and insulin: exploring a pathway full of thorns Portal" adipose tissue as a generator of risk factors for cardiovascular disease and diabetes An evaluation of candidate definitions of the metabolic syndrome in adult Asian Indians High prevalence of abdominal, intra-abdominal and subcutaneous adiposity and clustering of risk factors among urban Asian Indians in North India Significant lipid, adiposity and metabolic abnormalities amongst 4535 Indians from a developing region of rural Andhra Pradesh Abdominal obesity and hypertension: a double burden to the heart Obesity-related hypertension: possible pathophysiological mechanisms Adiposity and hypertension associated risk factors in young (<40yr) urban industrial men from Pune Correlation of abdominal obesity indices with blood pressure in young adults: A cross-sectional study Mechanisms linking excess adiposity and carcinogenesis promotion Adipose tissue immunity and cancer Central body fatness is a stronger predictor of cancer risk than overall body size Obesity and nonalcoholic fatty liver disease: biochemical, metabolic, and clinical implications The renal pathology of obesity Obesity-initiated metabolic syndrome and the kidney: a recipe for chronic kidney disease? European Association for the Study of Obesity Position Statement on the Global COVID-19 Pandemic