key: cord-0806423-7p8mw6e6 authors: Chiu, Christopher; Openshaw, Peter J title: Antiviral B cell and T cell immunity in the lungs date: 2014-12-18 journal: Nat Immunol DOI: 10.1038/ni.3056 sha: db3e25fcf0c4192d5f0f580a64dd4bfb69052de6 doc_id: 806423 cord_uid: 7p8mw6e6 Respiratory viruses are frequent causes of repeated common colds, bronchitis and pneumonia, which often occur unpredictably as epidemics and pandemics. Despite those decimating effects on health and decades of intensive research, treatments remain largely supportive. The only commonly available vaccines are against influenza virus, and even these need improvement. The lung shares some features with other mucosal sites, but preservation of its especially delicate anatomical structures necessitates a fine balance of pro- and anti-inflammatory responses; well-timed, appropriately placed and tightly regulated T cell and B cell responses are essential for protection from infection and limitation of symptoms, whereas poorly regulated inflammation contributes to tissue damage and disease. Recent advances in understanding adaptive immunity should facilitate vaccine development and reduce the global effect of respiratory viruses. Respiratory viruses are frequent causes of repeated common colds, bronchitis and pneumonia, which often occur unpredictably as epidemics and pandemics. Despite those decimating effects on health and decades of intensive research, treatments remain largely supportive. The only commonly available vaccines are against influenza virus, and even these need improvement. The lung shares some features with other mucosal sites, but preservation of its especially delicate anatomical structures necessitates a fine balance of pro-and anti-inflammatory responses; well-timed, appropriately placed and tightly regulated T cell and B cell responses are essential for protection from infection and limitation of symptoms, whereas poorly regulated inflammation contributes to tissue damage and disease. Recent advances in understanding adaptive immunity should facilitate vaccine development and reduce the global effect of respiratory viruses. The lungs and gut are open doors to the environment, which puts them at special risk of attack by pathogens. Respiratory infections are second only to cardiovascular disease in their effect on global health and especially affect people at the extremes of age. Respiratory viruses cause a spectrum of illness, ranging from an asymptomatic state to lifethreatening multi-organ failure, and impose a vast socioeconomic burden [1] [2] [3] [4] . The convergence of over 200 serologically distinct viruses into one ecological niche demonstrates both the unique vulnerability of the respiratory tract and the difficulty in making progress against such a diversity of pathogens. Around 50% of hospital admissions for children and 22% of hospitalizations of adults with community-acquired pneumonia are associated with respiratory viruses, most commonly respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) and influenza virus, respectively 5 . In addition, rhinoviruses (the classic common cold virus), human metapneumovirus, parainfluenza virus, adenoviruses and coronaviruses can sometimes cause serious disease both in healthy people and in those with underlying cardiorespiratory conditions [6] [7] [8] . Viral infections can both precipitate and exacerbate asthma and chronic bronchitis, each of which are top-ranking noncommunicable disease of children and adults, respectively. Despite an intensive and sustained research effort over many decades, respiratory viruses continue to decimate respiratory health. In addition to causing repeated sporadic and seasonal disease, they constantly threaten to emerge as epidemic or pandemic outbreaks that stretch the social and medical resources of even wealthy nations. This was clearly demonstrated by the pandemic of influenza A virus p(H1N1)09, as well as by zoonoses such as severe acute respiratory syndrome and Middle East respiratory syndrome [9] [10] [11] . The only currently licensed and generally available vaccines against respiratory viruses are for influenza virus, and even these are suboptimal 12 . The paucity of vaccines is due in part to the only limited understanding of immune responses that can provide protection against respiratory viral infection: in many cases, even fundamental correlates of protection have yet to be accurately defined, and the most appropriate antigens to which vaccines should be targeted remain unknown 13 . Animal models are generally imperfect guides to human disease, and the populations at highest risk of severe infections (i.e., young children and elderly adults) are the most difficult to study. In addition, vaccines are often less effective in those with immature or senescent immune systems 14, 15 . Immunological protection against specific strains of influenza virus can persist for many years 16 , and infections with rhinovirus also confer durable serotype-specific protection 17 . Respiratory viruses have evolved diverse strategies to evade control by the immune system, including vast antigenic variation. However, infections with RSV recur throughout life despite its relatively stable antigenicity, which suggests impairment of durable protective immune responses by mechanisms that are yet to be fully elucidated 18 . Further understanding of the mechanisms underlying adaptive immunity and the ways in which they interact with respiratory viruses therefore continues to be an urgent priority. Effect of the lung environment on adaptive immunity The lungs have very large mucosal and gas-exchanging surfaces that are constantly exposed to the environment 19 . The exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide depends on preservation of the delicate anatomical structures of the lungs that are relatively intolerant of physical or inflammatory damage. Lung tissues therefore maintain a fine balance, tolerating nonpathogenic environmental encounters but mounting a vigorous and effective response to harmful organisms. Mechanisms that prevent over-exuberant responses to environmental antigens include expression Centre for Respiratory Infection, National Heart and Lung Institute, Imperial College London, London, UK. Correspondence should be addressed to P.J.O. ( or C.C. ( interplay between innate immunity and adaptive immunity improves, knowledge of tissue-specific factors and local sampling will become increasingly important in defining determinants of infection risk and in vaccine development. The specialized needs of the pulmonary environment dictate that highly compartmentalized and sequential immune responses are essential for minimizing loss of function during the inflammatory processes of antiviral defense. Respiratory viruses enter via the respiratory epithelium and need to circumvent intrinsic mechanisms of protection, including mucus and antiviral peptides, that can prevent initial attachment and viral entry 29, 30 (Fig. 1) . If these defenses are breached, epithelial cells have a central role in initiating the immune response by recognizing viral components via PRRs such as TLRs and intracellular sensors, including RIG-I-like receptors 31 . Ligation of these leads to a signaling cascade that results in the upregulation of type I and III interferons that trigger the inflammatory response, contribute to the differentiation of cells of the adaptive immune system and promote an antiviral state locally 32 . Alveolar macrophages and dendritic cells (DCs) that patrol and probe the respiratory lumen sample their surroundings, picking up microbial components and contributing to secretion of the cytokines and chemokines that maintain or 'step up' immune responses 33 . PRR ligation and cytokine signaling promote DC maturation that enables the induction of adaptive immune responses via antigen presentation and of the 'do not eat me' signal molecule CD200, the mucin MUC-1 and surfactant proteins, along with the reduced expression of pattern-recognition receptors (PRRs) such as Toll-like receptors (TLRs) [20] [21] [22] . In the event of infection, mechanisms to restore epithelial integrity and lung function are also rapidly engaged. For example, innate lymphoid cells are involved not only in the generation of proinflammatory cytokines but also in airway remodeling and tissue repair following infection with influenza virus 23 . Although it was long believed to be essentially sterile, it is now clear that the lower respiratory tract is colonized by a variety of relatively fastidious organisms that are generally innocuous but may be necessary for the maintenance of mucosal defences 24 . It is well known that in the gut, the intestinal microbiota influences local and systemic immunity, and it is becoming increasingly clear that this is also the case in the lungs [25] [26] [27] . Although inflammation in response to commensal respiratory flora is tightly restrained, bacterial products maintain the basal activation state of lung epithelial cells through stimulation via PRRs. Furthermore, the types and abundance of bacterial and fungal species may well differentially influence the immune responses that are triggered by pathogens 28 . Since cells of the immune system do not traffic equally between peripheral blood and the lungs, such local factors confer additional levels of complexity on attempts to understand mucosal immune responses. This is especially true for humans, in whom direct sampling of respiratory tissues can be difficult or impossible and extrapolation from studies of peripheral blood may be misleading. As understanding of the Figure 1 The roles of adaptive T cells and B cells in respiratory viral infection. During acute respiratory viral infection, humoral and cell-mediated immunity act at different points in time to limit disease. Mucosal IgA generated during previous encounter with virus can prevent or limit infection. IgG in the lungs can limit more severe disease. T cells are beneficial in terms of eliminating virus-infected cells; they coordinate a regulated immune response and, as T FH cells, promote high-affinity durable antibodies. Failure to control viral dissemination can lead to severe disease. T reg cells restrain effector responses through various mechanisms, including suppressive cytokines (IL-10, IL-35 and TGF-b) and possibly active killing via perforin and granzyme B (GzmB). An overexuberant or poorly regulated immune response can also lead to damaging immunopathology. Kim Caesar/Nature Publishing Group may also confer some cross-reactive protection against different strains of influenza virus 49 , but rapid mutation of viral HA and neuraminidase (NA) proteins allows this virus to evade the immune system. Although titers of circulating antibodies can correlate with protection against infection, this may be because they reflect local protective IgA; IgG also is thought to have a direct role in defense of the lower respiratory tract, where it is more abundant than in the nasal mucosal fluid 50 . In RSV disease, this is illustrated by the clinical efficacy of the humanized mouse monoclonal IgG1 antibody palivizumab, the administration of which reduces hospitalization of premature infants by up to 78% but does not reliably prevent nasal infection 51 . The virus-specific B cell response is generated mainly in lymphoid tissues, either in regional draining lymph nodes or in mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue in the nose or bronchus 52 . Tertiary lymphoid aggregates such as inducible bronchus-associated lymphoid tissue form during respiratory infection of mice; these aggregates 'preferentially' promote IgA + B cells and can be responsible for more persistent responses but have been difficult to demonstrate in the human airways 53 . Early antibody production does occur locally under the influence of the B cell-trophic factors BAFF and APRIL, produced by DCs, but B cells generated in this way are short-lived and do not undergo affinity maturation 54, 55 . The classic differentiation pathway of B cells is T cell dependent and results in the production of high-affinity antibody-secreting cells and memory B cells. Mature DCs migrate to secondary and tertiary lymphoid tissues, carrying virus-derived antigens, which are presented to B cells that migrate through the nodal tissue (Fig. 2) . The recognition of antigen begins a program of differentiation that causes migration to the edge of the lymphoid follicle and proliferation. Contact with CD4 + helper T cells, which recognize cognate antigen presented by the B cell via major histocompatibility complex class II, leads to immunoglobulin isotype class switching from IgM to IgG or IgA and proliferation 56, 57 . This occurs through interactions of the costimulatory receptor CD40 costimulation 34, 35 . Furthermore, inflammatory mediators recruit innate cells, including neutrophils and, critically, natural killer cells. These have the ability to kill virus-infected cells via perforin-granzyme-dependent mechanisms, and the type II transmembrane protein cytokine FasL via its receptor Fas (CD95), as well as the production of interferon-g (IFN-g), with its various immunostimulatory effects and polarization of incoming T cells to a more antiviral, cytolytic T helper type 1 (T H 1) response 36 . The responsiveness of airway epithelial and myeloid cells to the initial stages of viral infection is therefore of critical importance to the subsequent development of adaptive immunity. They not only are responsible for the recruitment of primary and secondary cells of the adaptive immune system to the site of infection 37 but also provide the costimulatory signals needed to induce a program of proliferation and differentiation into mature B cells and T cells 38 , which enables the early control and clearance of infection, followed by contraction and the establishment of durable memory that protects against future infections. The best defined correlate of protection in almost any infectious disease is antibody 39 . Although correlation is not proof of causation, it is highly plausible that antibodies at appropriate sites have a direct role in protection against both infection and systemic dissemination. Antibodies can neutralize infectivity directly by binding to viral surface proteins that are essential for entry of the virus into host cells ( Figs. 1 and 2) . This property underlies the most commonly used serological measure of immunity to influenza virus: hemagglutination inhibition. This detects hemagglutinin (HA)-specific antibody by its ability to block the HA receptor-binding site, which prevents the clumping together of red blood cells after exposure to influenza virus in vitro 40 . Functional neutralizing antibodies to respiratory viruses (including influenza virus and RSV) can be measured by plaque-reduction assays, although such methods require standardization [41] [42] [43] . In addition to neutralizing viruses, antibodies can also act through the ligation of Fc receptors to enable triggering of the complement cascade and antibody-dependent cell-mediated cytotoxicity 44, 45 (Fig. 2) . The importance of these mechanisms is less well defined than is the importance of virus neutralization, but these mechanisms may be important adjuncts for viral clearance and can also be quantified. The different aspects of antibody-mediated effector function that these assays measure are therefore important considerations in determining correlates of protection. Most antibody-mediated correlates of protection have been defined for serum, in which the main immunoglobulin isotype is IgG. However, peripheral blood is probably not the site at which antibodies are most important in preventing infection with respiratory viruses. Instead, exclusion by the immune system occurs mainly at the respiratory mucosa, where virus-specific antibodies act in concert with the physical barriers and antiviral substances secreted by respiratory epithelium 46 (Fig. 1) . Mucosal antibodies, particularly those in the upper respiratory tract, are mainly in the form of locally produced dimeric secretory IgA 47 , and IgA-deficient mice are highly susceptible to influenza virus 48 RSV and the short half-life of RSV-specific antibodies remain unknown but probably explain the lifelong susceptibility to recurrent infection with this virus 73 . T FH cells T FH cells were first described as a CD4 + T cell subset in the tonsils specialized to help the generation and maintenance of high-affinity B cells and antibody responses 58 . T FH cells express a characteristic set of markers, including the chemokine receptor CXCR5 (to allow homing to the GCs, where they chiefly reside), PD-1, ICOS, CD28, CD40L, SAP and their lineage-specifying transcription factor Bcl-6. Their localization in GCs allows close contact with proliferating B cells and follicular DCs. T FH cells can deliver signals to promote 'preferential' selection, with further differentiation allowing B cells to out-compete low-affinity suboptimal clones 74 . As well as participating in direct cell-to-cell signaling, T FH cells produce IL-21, which promotes isotype switching to IgA and enhances Bcl-6 expression in B cells, thus augmenting memory generation 75 . T FH cells are therefore essential for durable protective antibody responses and are potentially key to the efficient generation of vaccineinduced antiviral immunity. In some respiratory infections, such as infection with RSV, impairment of antigen presentation to T cells or inhibition of type I interferon signaling can have a role in modulating T FH cell responses 18 . Although there are as yet no data on T FH cells in human infection with RSV, it is possible that a defect in T FH cell help (such as impaired IL-21 signaling) might contribute to the poor longevity of RSV-specific antibody responses. The differentiation pathways of T FH cells are not fully understood. In common with GC B cells, T FH cells express Bcl-6, and expression of this factor in both cell types is required for the GC reaction to occur. Bcl-6 expression in T FH cells suppresses the expression of other lineagespecific transcription factors and removes the effect of microRNAs that suppress ICOS, PD-1 and CXCR5, thus promoting the T FH cell phenotype 76 . However, the key triggers for differentiation into the T FH cell phenotype remain controversial. CD4 + T cells exhibit a high degree of plasticity, and conversion between T FH cells and other subsets of helper T cells (including T H 1, T H 2 and T H 17 cells) has been described in various systems depending on the environmental context, cytokine milieu and infection type. In vitro, T FH cells can be induced to express type 1, 2 and 17 cytokines with the appropriate polarizing signals and, in some animal models, can also be shown to express these in vivo 77 . However, several studies suggest that the lineage 'decision' between T H 1 cells and T FH cells occurs early during the activation of naive CD4 + T cells and that the T FH cell phenotype is maintained stably into the memory phase 78 . This may be due to persistent antigen availability, with longer engagement of the T cell antigen receptor promoting the T FH cell fate over the T H 1 lineage fate 79 . Conversely, in a mouse model of infection with influenza virus, IL-2 has been shown to polarize CD4 + T cells to a T H 1 phenotype and away from the T FH cell phenotype, with defective GC B cell responses when systemic IL-2 is administered 80 . In human studies, limitations on accessing lymphoid tissue have driven a search for T FH -like cells in peripheral blood. In subjects receiving the inactivated influenza vaccine, CXCR5 + CD4 + T cells, when cultured with autologous B cells in vitro, help the differentiation of plasmablasts and production of influenza virus-specific antibodies 81 . These T FH -like cells also express ICOS, CXCR3 and IL-21 and seem to represent an early population in peripheral blood that correlates with subsequent response to vaccination 82, 83 . Their exact relationship to T FH cells in GCs remains unclear; they do not express Bcl-6, and their function in vivo is unknown. Therefore, the type and quality of interactions between T FH cells and B cells probably have an important role in supporting plasma cell with its ligand CD40L and cytokine signaling via interleukin 4 (IL-4), IFN-g and (particularly in the case of IgA) transforming growth factor-b (TGF-b). Short-lived plasmablasts are formed at this stage, while some B cells progress to participate in the germinal center (GC) reaction, where somatic hypermutation and affinity maturation occur, promoted by specialized CD4 + follicular helper T cells (T FH cells) that express the costimulatory receptor ICOS, the costimulatory molecule PD-1, IL-21 and other markers driven by the transcriptional repressor Bcl-6 (refs. 58-60). Following multiple rounds of selection, high-affinity antibody-secreting cells are generated, as are non-antibody-secreting memory B cells. The former are responsible for the abrupt increase in antibody titers that occurs relatively early during infection, but this population contracts following antigen clearance, leaving a small number of long-lived plasma cells 61 . These cells migrate to survival niches that include the bone marrow and respiratory mucosa, and they are responsible for the maintenance of long-term antibody titers 62 . TLR signaling is crucial in this process, with TLR9 and TLR10 on B cells potentially directly promoting immunoglobulin production 63 . Adjuvants can enhance antibody production via similar B cell-intrinsic mechanisms, with 'imprinting' of B cells leading to upregulation of the Bcl-6 homolog Zbtb20 and promoting the long-term survival of plasma cells 64 . The number and persistence of plasma cells are thus determined by a sequence of fate 'decisions' that depends on the integration of a variety of signals: the immediate 'choice' between the proliferation or death of perifollicular B cells in the first 3 days after antigen encounter; differentiation into shortlived extra-follicular plasma cells or participation in the GC reaction; positive selection of the affinity of the B cell receptor for viral antigen (rather than self antigen) for the generation of B cell clones of increasingly higher affinity; and the long-term survival versus death of the resultant antibody-secreting cells 65 . Memory B cells are poised to generate a greater and more rapid secondary response on reencounter with antigen. The secondary activation of memory B cells leads to early proliferation and the production of antibodies, whereas a subset of these cells go on to participate once again in the GC reaction for further affinity maturation and replenishment of the memory pool. The fate of these memory B cells is probably determined at an early stage, with markers (including CD80 and PD-L2) defining subsets that are to undergo early differentiation into plasmablasts or those that reenter the GC 66 . B cell memory is particularly important for responses to respiratory viruses, to which people are commonly exposed multiple times throughout their lives. Classically, recurrent encounter with viral antigens should lead to boosting of antibody titers that ultimately leads to complete protection. However, respiratory viruses have evolved diverse ways of evading host immunity. These strategies include the aforementioned mutation of genes encoding the surface antigenic determinants HA and NA of influenza virus, or the reassortment of gene segments that leads to wholesale replacement of these by variants from zoonotic strains to which human populations have no preexisting immunity 67 . Similarly, rhinoviruses have diversified into over 150 distinct serotypes against which cross-protection is weak or nonexistent 68 . In contrast, RSV is relatively well conserved, with only the attachment G glycoprotein displaying substantial antigenic diversity 69 . Despite the fact that the other major RSV surface antigen, F protein, is more highly conserved across RSV strains and F protein-specific antibodies are easily detected in all adults, recurrent infection with RSV occurs throughout life even in the absence of any immunological defect 70 . This might be explained by the expression of various proteins with immunomodulatory potential that can affect immunological memory, including the nonstructural proteins that interfere with type I and III interferons and a fractalkine-like motif in G protein 71, 72 . The reasons underlying the remarkably rapid decrease in protective immunity after infection with Following clearance of virus, the effector T cell populations contract, leaving long-lived memory T cells that, like memory B cells, are ready to combat secondary infection. Diversity of signal intensity, antigen availability, costimulatory signaling and the cytokine milieu leads to a heterogeneous population of memory T cells that can be categorized into functional subsets in both animal models and humans according to their expression of surface markers 100 . Until recently, two major subsets of memory T cells had been recognized: central memory T cells that express the lymph node-homing receptor CD62L and chemokine receptor CCR7, which allows them to circulate between blood and lymphoid tissues; and effector memory T cells that do not express those receptors and display heightened effector ability. Together, these populations have the ability to self-renew and, on reencountering their cognate antigen, proliferate rapidly while upregulating cytotoxic and other effector molecules. Although some memory T cells circulate through peripheral tissues, adoptive transfer and parabiosis studies indicate that many T cells in nonlymphoid organs do not regularly appear in the blood or lymphoid tissues. Initially described in gut, this additional memory T cell subset, 'resident memory T cells' (T RM cells), is also found at other sites 101 . Unlike central memory and effector memory T cells, T RM cells seem to be restricted to tissues, including the gut, genital mucosa, skin and lungs (Fig. 3) . These sites are major portals of pathogen entry at which specialized memory T cells might provide early innate-like cell-mediated protection. Certainly, T RM cells are capable of rapid upregulation of effector molecules, have innate-like sensing functions and can contribute to protection and heterosubtypic immunity against infection of mice with influenza virus [102] [103] [104] . T RM cells share similarities with effector memory T cells, which suggests that both might be derived from a common precursor. However, T RM cells from various sites share a transcriptional profile that distinguishes them from other memory T cell subsets, which suggests that these cells are programmed by local anatomical or environmental cues 105 . Most commonly, they express the C-type lectin CD69 (normally a marker of recent activation) and the integrin a E b 7 (identified by antibodies to a E (CD103)). In addition, the collagen-binding integrin VLA-1 is important in retaining CD4 + T RM cells in the lungs 106 . The developmental pathway for lung T RM cells remains to be elucidated but seems to require a sequence of differentiation steps. In the draining lymph nodes, antigen presentation by CD103 + DCs predisposes CD8 + T cells to effector differentiation, with the ability to enter inflamed tissues via the expression of such receptors as CCR5 and downregulation of CD62L 107 . This contrasts with CD11b hi DCs, which 'preferentially' prime central memory T cell-like cells. In addition, effector T cells destined for the lungs can express a combination of chemokine receptors, including CXCR3 and CCR4 (refs. 108,109) . In the genital mucosa of mice, macrophages make the chemokines CCL5 and CXCL9, which attract and retain T RM cells 110 . Following the migration of T RM cells to sites of infection, the strength of signaling via the T cell antigen receptor and availability of additional signals via costimulatory receptors and cytokines (such as IL-12) drive differentiation toward a terminally differentiated short-lived effector state or (later in the course of infection) toward memory precursor cells 111 . Environmental cues probably govern commitment to the T RM cell phenotype; for example, CD103 is not expressed on herpes simplex virus-specific CD8 + T cells until they have been present in infected skin for a certain length of time 105 . Important among local signals is TGF-b, produced by regulatory T cells (T reg cells) and, to a lesser extent, activated CD4 + T cells in the respiratory epithelium. Upon recognition of antigen presented by DCs, CD4 + T cells secrete the 'latent' form of TGF-b1; this dimer of TGF-b1 and the latency-associated protein LAP interacts with integrin a V b 8 on DCs (or longevity and antibody persistence. Although studies investigating this in humans are limited, the potential translational effect of understanding the role of T FH cells is clear. Additionally, novel intracellular pathways are increasingly recognized as regulating the differentiation and function of T FH cells and therefore affecting B cell fate. For example, the microRNA cluster miR-17~92 is required for the differentiation of T FH cells and their migration into B cell follicles. Moreover, inactivation of miR-17~92 impairs the differentiation of T FH cells, the formation of GCs and the secretion of high-affinity antibodies, while T cell-specific transgenic expression of miR-17~92 enhances the generation of T FH cells and leads to fatal autoimmunity 84, 85 . This is an area of innovative research that shows particular promise for the improvement of vaccine design. Tissue-resident memory T cells As well as contributing to protection through helping the B cell response, cell-mediated immunity may directly contribute to viral clearance. T cells are abundant at the lung mucosa, with an estimated 1 × 10 10 T cells in the uninflamed human lung (comparable to the total number in blood). Virus-specific T cells increase in frequency and number during infection [86] [87] [88] , and mice with T cell deficiencies show delayed virus elimination and impaired generation of antibodies to influenza virus and RSV 89, 90 . Children with T cell immunodeficiencies are also unable to clear some respiratory viruses 91 . Since T cells recognize mainly relatively conserved internal viral proteins, they can potentially mediate cross-protection against secondary infections with serologically distinct virus strains. This has been demonstrated in experimental human models of infection with influenza virus, in which preexisting CD4 + T cells in peripheral blood correlate with diminished susceptibility to natural or experimental infection with influenza A virus under circumstances when specific antibody is absent 92 . Preexisting cross-reactive CD8 + T cells have also been shown to reduce the severity of symptoms during natural infection with influenza virus 93 . However, although live attenuated vaccines against influenza virus can induce CD8 + T cells directed against conserved epitopes, there is little clinical evidence that they confer substantial heterosubtypic protection 94 . Less is known about the role of T cells in protection against other respiratory viral diseases, but there are probably many commonalities 17, 95, 96 . It is not clear that these circulating cells themselves protect against viral disease; they correlate with protection, possibly because they reflect local pulmonary T cells that actually mediate viral clearance. Paralleling the initiation of B cell responses, T cells are primed by antigen carried to draining lymph nodes by activated DCs 97 . Following engagement of the T cell antigen receptor and appropriate costimulatory signals, T cells undergo a program of differentiation that rapidly commits them to the formation of an enlarged effector pool. CD8 + T cells acquire cytolytic activity and upregulate chemokine receptors that allow them to migrate to inflamed sites, where they detect virus-infected cells by binding to viral peptides presented in the context of major histocompatibility complex class I. CD4 + T cells recognize viral peptides presented by major histocompatibility complex class II-bearing cells and differentiate, depending on the environmental context and strength of interaction, into a variety of helper T cell subsets that make specific cytokine combinations. Although in certain circumstances T H 2 cells and T H 17 cells can be induced (and potentially have a role in immunopathology), the protective response to respiratory viruses is typically dominated by IFN-g and is therefore biased toward a T H 1 response, which promotes cytolytic activity and viral clearance 18, 98, 99 . It is notable that the rapid proliferation of cells occurs in the local nodes rather than the lung itself, possibly to remove intense activation of the immune system from the delicate respiratory structures. In the 1960s, a formalin-inactivated vaccine against RSV (FI-RSV) was assessed in trials of children and not only failed to induce protective immunity but also caused vaccine-enhanced disease on subsequent natural exposure to RSV. Several mechanisms may have contributed to this effect, including the generation carbonyl side chains on viral antigens 126 , low-affinity and poorly neutralizing antibodies 127 that caused the deposition of inflammation-promoting immunocomplexes 128 , aberrant skewing of CD4 + T cells toward a T H 2 response 128, 129 , and a lack of induction of T reg cells and their recruitment to the lungs 130 . Inappropriate generation of helper T cell subsets might also be a factor in neonates, whose adaptive immunity tends toward type 2 responses, and in bronchiolitic children, in whom it has been suggested that T H 17 cells and cytokines have a role in immunopathology 129, 131, 132 . As well as the various intrinsic mechanisms by which the lungs restrain inflammation, T cells themselves regulate the adaptive immune response so that a balance between tissue damage and clearance of the virus is achieved. Following migration to an inflamed site, effector CD8 + T cells upregulate IL-10, which leads to overall dampening of the adaptive response through a negative feedback mechanism 133 . T cells also upregulate inhibitory receptors such as PD-1; signaling through these receptors suppresses effector function and, once antigen has cleared, rapid contraction of B cell and T cell populations occurs by apoptosis. In addition, specialized T reg cells are now well recognized as important modulators of multiple immune mechanisms that prevent autoimmunity as well as immunopathology in response to viral infection 18 . Interestingly, they have also been found to promote T FH cell differentiation by limiting the availability of IL-2, which can suppress T FH cells 134 (Fig. 1) . T reg cells are characterized by expression of the transcription factor Foxp3 and make up 5-10% of all CD4 + T cells. T reg cells that specific microbial proteases such as influenza virus neuraminidase 112 ), which triggers release of the active form of TGF-b1. This acts on naive CD4 + T cells to inhibit the differentiation of high-affinity T H 1 or T H 2 cells and (with IL-2 and retinoic acid) promotes the differentiation of induced T reg cells. In the presence of IL-6, TGF-b drives the differentiation of regulatory T H 17 cells 113 (Fig. 3) . The lungs of influenza virus-infected mice contain abundant T RM cells that are responsible for heterosubtypic immunity and are present for up to 7 months 114 . The mechanisms underlying the subsequent decrease in the frequency of T RM cells are unclear but might possibly include the insufficient constitutive expression of TGF-b in the respiratory tract. It is also intriguing that lung T RM cells selectively express the interferon-induced transmembrane protein IFITM3, which is defective in some cases of severe infection with influenza virus 115 . Lung T RM cells that lack IFITM3 are more susceptible to infection by influenza virus and undergo selectively depletion during subsequent infections, which suggests that IFITM3 expression promotes the survival of T RM cells 116 . Although respiratory viruses can have direct cytopathic effects on lung tissues, disease can also be attributable to overexuberant immune responses that cause tissue damage while destroying virus-infected cells 117 . This has been described as an immunological or cytokine 'storm' , in which abundant cells or inflammatory mediators contribute to disease 118, 119 . In viral bronchiolitis (most often due to RSV), infiltration of inflammatory cells, edema and tissue necrosis are thought to lead to respiratory failure due to airflow obstruction and alveolar collapse (atelectasis) 120, 121 . Following infection of mice with RSV, depletion of either CD4 + T cell populations or CD8 + T cell populations typically leads to a reduction in disease severity but also impairment in the clearance of virus 90 (Fig. 1) . However, in severe respiratory viral infection, it seems likely that runaway activation of adaptive immunity (either through dysregulation of the immune system or driven by reduced viral control by host immunity) is a major component. For example, highly pathogenic strains of influenza virus, including recently emerged avian H5N1 strains that have crossed over into human populations, encode NS1 proteins that not only interfere with type I interferon activity but also are associated with increased release of inflammatory cytokines 122 . RSV also encodes an NS1 that suppresses type I interferons, and there is evidence that RSV G protein contains a region that has structural similarity to the chemokine fractalkine and thus promotes inappropriate inflammatory responses 72, 114, 123, 124 . Although it has long been assumed that immunological factors have a central role in the pathogenesis of RSV and influenza virus disease, this assumption has been challenged by the findings that severe disease is characterized by inadequate (rather than excessive) adaptive immune responses and robust viral replication 125 . How viral and host factors interact to predispose certain people to these aberrant responses and why the normal regulatory mechanisms fail has been discussed elsewhere 18 . Figure 3 Maintenance of the tissue localization and function of T RM cells in the mucosa. Mucosal lymphocyte clusters (MLCs) are formed by T RM cells after viral infection and act as sensory cells as well as early effector cells during reencounter with pathogens. They are maintained by upregulation of IFITM3, which allows T RM cells to resist apoptosis during viral infection. Basal levels of IFN-g production by T RM cells activates tissue macrophages that release CCL5 and CXCL9, which keep the T RM cells in situ and prevent the migration of cells from the mucosal lymphocyte clusters into the lumen of the airway. 'Polyfunctional' production of IL-2 by T RM cells activates granzyme B production in natural killer (NK) cells and lymphocytes, whereas tumor-necrosis factor (TNF) activates DCs that carry antigen to regional nodes, thereby initiating the activation of T cells. T CM cell, central memory T cell; T EM cell, effector memory T cell. Kim Caesar/Nature Publishing Group responses in high-risk populations (such as young children and elderly adults). However, techniques that allow direct sampling of the respiratory tract are constantly improving, which provides hope that the rational development of vaccines and therapeutics will continue to accelerate. differentiate in the thymus act mainly to maintain tolerance to self antigens. In contrast, inducible T reg cells are generated following exposure to cognate antigen in the context of cytokines such as TGF-b. Following infection with RSV, activated T reg cells accumulate in the mouse lungs and reduce disease severity, suppressing antigen-specific effector CD8 + T cells 135 . They also have a role in controlling vaccine-enhanced disease following vaccination with FI-RSV, for which transfer of conventional CD4 + T cells augments disease, whereas recruitment of T reg cells to the lungs ameliorates it 130 . Thus, the unregulated promotion of proinflammatory adaptive immune responses by vaccination may not be wholly desirable, and the role of immunomodulatory mechanisms in other respiratory viral infections will need to be considered in more detail. Vaccines and specific therapies against respiratory viral pathogens are essentially limited to influenza virus, although vaccines against adenovirus are available for military use in the USA. Although inactivated vaccines (IIV) and live attenuated vaccines (LAIV) against influenza virus are well established in most vaccination programs, they remain suboptimal in terms of both immunogenicity in many populations and the requirement for regular re-vaccination to overcome variation in influenza virus strains. Both IIV and LAIV must be reformulated each year, and unexpectedly poor matching of vaccine with circulating strains of influenza virus can reduce efficacy to less than 50% even in those with healthy mature immune systems 136 . While LAIV is delivered intranasally and has been shown to induce a mucosal immune response more akin to natural infection, there is no demonstrated effect of LAIV on heterosubtypic immunity. Furthermore, LAIV is generally ineffective in older adults in whom preexisting immunity blocks local infection and the vaccine-induced immune response 137 . For RSV, vaccine development has been slowed by concerns about vaccine-enhanced immunopathology and inadequately defined correlates of protection, as well as the specific difficulties of inducing appropriate immune responses in infants. Candidate vaccines for other respiratory viruses, including parainfluenza virus, have been held back for both scientific reasons and economic reasons 138 . Therefore, a substantial clinical need remains for the development of vaccines, antiviral agents and immunomodulatory therapeutics based on increased understanding of immune and pathological responses of the respiratory tract. Advances in defining critical protective epitopes have revitalized some areas of the development of vaccines against respiratory viruses. The finding of cross-reactive HA stem-binding antibodies following infection with influenza virus and vaccination suggests that heterosubtypic immunity might be achieved via antibody-mediated mechanisms as well as via T cells 139 . Elucidation of the structural conformations of the RSV F protein have revealed novel epitopes that might allow better targeting of antibody responses to infectious virions 140 . Further understanding of linear and conformational epitopes of respiratory viruses is necessary so that both cellular immunity and humoral immunity can be brought into vaccine-induced protection. Immune responses are tightly regulated in the respiratory tract. The distinction between adaptive immunity and innate immunity is increasingly blurred; not only do local innate signals profoundly influence the pattern and intensity of acquired responses, but also T cells and B cells can assume functions classically associated with innate immunity. Mucosal immune responses are highly localized, and the direct study of lung cells, tissues and fluids (rather than the finding of correlates in the peripheral blood) is therefore essential. This is particularly problematic in humans, for whom much remains to be learned about immune The common cold Clinical and socio-economic impact of influenza and respiratory syncytial virus infection on healthy children and their households Global burden of acute lower respiratory infections due to respiratory syncytial virus in young children: a systematic review and meta-analysis Medical burden of respiratory syncytial virus and parainfluenza virus type 3 infection among US children. Implications for design of vaccine trials Viral pneumonia Clinical severity of rhinovirus/enterovirus compared to other respiratory viruses in children Update on rhinovirus and coronavirus infections Clinical aspects of pandemic 2009 influenza A (H1N1) virus infection The severe acute respiratory syndrome Clinical features and viral diagnosis of two cases of infection with Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus: a report of nosocomial transmission Effectiveness and harms of seasonal and pandemic influenza vaccines in children, adults and elderly: a critical review and re-analysis of 15 meta-analyses Complex correlates of protection after vaccination Immunology of viral respiratory tract infection in infancy Understanding immunosenescence to improve responses to vaccines Immunity to influenza in man Cross-serotype immunity induced by immunization with a conserved rhinovirus capsid protein Protective and dysregulated T cell immunity in RSV infection Anatomical features of anti-viral immunity in the respiratory tract Organ-specific regulation of innate immunity A critical function for CD200 in lung immune homeostasis and the severity of influenza infection Anti-inflammatory effect of MUC1 during respiratory syncytial virus infection of lung epithelial cells in vitro Innate lymphoid cells promote lung-tissue homeostasis after infection with influenza virus Microbes and mucosal immune responses in asthma The role of the immune system in governing host-microbe interactions in the intestine The microbiome and regulation of mucosal immunity Significance of the microbiome in obstructive lung disease Bacterial colonization dampens influenza-mediated acute lung injury via induction of M2 alveolar macrophages Lung epithelial cells are essential effectors of inducible resistance to pneumonia Antiviral potential of cathelicidins The airway epithelium: soldier in the fight against respiratory viruses Control systems and decision making for antibody production CD80 and PD-L2 define functionally distinct memory B cell subsets that are independent of antibody isotype Viva la Revolución: rethinking influenza A virus antigenic drift Proposals for the classification of human rhinovirus species A, B and C into genotypically assigned types Phylogeny and population dynamics of respiratory syncytial virus (Rsv) A and B Immunity to and frequency of reinfection with respiratory syncytial virus Respiratory syncytial virus interferon antagonist NS1 protein suppresses and skews the human T lymphocyte response Respiratory syncytial virus G protein CX3C motif impairs human airway epithelial and immune cell responses Serum antibody decay in adults following natural respiratory syncytial virus infection Control of TFH cell numbers: why and how? B cell priming for extrafollicular antibody responses requires Bcl-6 expression by T cells Bcl6 mediates the development of T follicular helper cells T follicular helper cell diversity and plasticity Bcl6 dependent T follicular helper cell differentiation diverges from effector cell differentiation during priming and depends on the gene Icos Single naive CD4 + T cells from a diverse repertoire produce different effector cell types during infection Interleukin-2 Inhibits germinal center formation by limiting T follicular helper cell differentiation Human blood CXCR5 + CD4 + T cells are counterparts of T follicular cells and contain specific subsets that differentially support antibody secretion Induction of ICOS + CXCR3 + CXCR5 + TH cells correlates with antibody responses to influenza vaccination Human circulating influenza-CD4 + ICOS1 + IL-21 + T cells expand after vaccination, exert helper function, and predict antibody responses The microRNA cluster miR-17~92 promotes TFH cell differentiation and represses subset-inappropriate gene expression MicroRNAs of the miR-17~92 family are critical regulators of TFH differentiation Resident memory T cells (TRM) are abundant in human lung: diversity, function, and antigen specificity High levels of virus-specific CD4 + T cells predict severe pandemic influenza A virus infection Dynamics of human respiratory virus-specific CD8 + T cell responses in blood and airways during episodes of common cold Profound protection against respiratory challenge with a lethal H7N7 influenza A virus by increasing the magnitude of CD8 + T-cell memory Role of T lymphocyte subsets in the pathogenesis of primary infection and rechallenge with respiratory syncytial virus in mice Cellular response to respiratory viruses with particular reference to children with disorders of cell-mediated immunity Preexisting influenza-specific CD4 + T cells correlate with disease protection against influenza challenge in humans Cellular immune correlates of protection against symptomatic pandemic influenza Memory T-cell immune response in healthy young adults vaccinated with live attenuated influenza A (H5N2) vaccine. Clin. Vaccine Immunol Virus-specific memory CD8 T cells provide substantial protection from lethal SARS-CoV infection Pulmonary infection of mice with human metapneumovirus induces local cytotoxic T-cell and immunoregulatory cytokine responses similar to those seen with human respiratory syncytial virus Regulating the adaptive immune response to respiratory virus infection Viral infection of the lung: host response and sequelae Division of labor between lung dendritic cells and macrophages in the defense against pulmonary infections Accelerated migration of respiratory dendritic cells to the regional lymph nodes is limited to the early phase of pulmonary infection Lymph node dendritic cells control CD8 + T cell responses through regulated FasL expression Natural killer cells in infection and inflammation of the lung Interferons regulate cytolytic activity of memory CD8 + T cells in the lung airways during respiratory virus challenge Immunomodulatory functions of type I interferons Correlates of vaccine-induced immunity Validation of the modified hemagglutination inhibition assay (mHAI), a robust and sensitive serological test for analysis of influenza virus-specific immune response Comparison of hemagglutination inhibition assay, an ELISA-based micro-neutralization assay and colorimetric microneutralization assay to detect antibody responses to vaccination against influenza A H1N1 2009 virus An improved respiratory syncytial virus neutralization assay based on the detection of green fluorescent protein expression and automated plaque counting Microneutralization assay for the measurement of neutralizing antibodies to human metapneumovirus Influenza-specific antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity: toward a universal influenza vaccine Affinity-purified respiratory syncytial virus antibodies from intravenous immunoglobulin exert potent antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity Role of IgA versus IgG in the control of influenza viral infection in the murine respiratory tract Mucosal IgA responses in influenza virus infections; thoughts for vaccine design Protection against influenza virus infection in polymeric Ig receptor knockout mice immunized intranasally with adjuvant-combined vaccines Secretory IgA antibodies provide cross-protection against infection with different strains of influenza B virus Receptor-mediated immunoglobulin G transport across mucosal barriers in adult life functional expression of FcRn in the mammalian lung The IMpact-RSV Study Group. Palivizumab, a humanized respiratory syncytial virus monoclonal antibody, reduces hospitalization from respiratory syncytial virus infection in high-risk infants The who, how and where of antigen presentation to B cells Persistence and responsiveness of immunologic memory in the absence of secondary lymphoid organs Dendritic cells, BAFF, and APRIL: innate players in adaptive antibody responses Respiratory syncytial virus infection of airway epithelial cells, in vivo and in vitro, supports pulmonary antibody responses by inducing expression of the B cell differentiation factor BAFF The regulation of IgA class switching Molecular programming of B cell memory Follicular helper CD4 T cells (TFH) Germinal center B and follicular helper T cells: siblings, cousins or just good friends? Pulmonary infection with influenza A virus induces site-specific germinal center and T follicular helper cell responses The establishment of the plasma cell survival niche in the bone marrow Nasal-associated lymphoid tissue Is a site of longterm virus-specific antibody production following respiratory virus infection of mice Toll-like receptor 9 signaling acts on multiple elements of the germinal center to enhance antibody responses The BTB-ZF transcription factor Zbtb20 is driven by Irf4 to promote plasma cell differentiation and longevity Animal model of respiratory syncytial virus: CD8 + T cells cause cytokine storm that is chemically tractable by sphingosine-1-phosphate 1 receptor agonist therapy Cytotoxic T cells clear virus but augment lung pathology in mice infected with respiratory syncytial virus Virulence determinants of pandemic influenza viruses Respiratory syncytial virus mechanisms to interfere with type 1 interferons CX3C chemokine mimcry by respiratory syncytial virus G glycoprotein Severe human lower respiratory tract illness caused by respiratory syncytial virus and influenza virus is characterized by the absence of pulmonary cytotoxic lymphocyte responses A potential molecular mechanism for hypersensitivity caused by formalin-inactivated vaccines Lack of antibody affinity maturation due to poor Toll stimulation led to enhanced RSV disease A role for immune complexes in enhanced respiratory syncytial virus disease Immunization of macaques with formalin-inactivated respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) induces interleukin-13-associated hypersensitivity to subsequent RSV infection Defective immunoregulation in RSV vaccine-augmented viral lung disease restored by selective chemoattraction of regulatory T cells IL-17-induced pulmonary pathogenesis during respiratory viral infection and exacerbation of allergic disease Local IL-17A potentiates early neutrophil recruitment to the respiratory tract during severe RSV infection Effector T cells control lung inflammation during acute influenza virus infection by producing IL-10 FoxP3 + regulatory T cells promote influenza-specific Tfh responses by controlling IL-2 availability Regulatory T cells expressing granzyme B play a critical role in controlling lung inflammation during acute viral infection Comparing influenza vaccine efficacy against mismatched and matched strains: a systematic review and meta-analysis Correlates of immune protection induced by live, attenuated, coldadapted, trivalent, intranasal influenza virus vaccine Progress in respiratory virus vaccine development Cross-reactive humoral responses to influenza and their implications for a universal vaccine Structure-based design of a fusion glycoprotein vaccine for respiratory syncytial virus Early infection with respiratory syncytial virus impairs regulatory T cell function and increases susceptibility to allergic asthma Th17 lymphocytes in respiratory syncytial virus infection Two subsets of memory T lymphocytes with distinct homing potentials and effector functions Guarding the perimeter: protection of the mucosa by tissue-resident memory T cells Resident memory CD8 T cells trigger protective innate and adaptive immune responses Sensing and alarm function of resident memory CD8 + T cells Cutting edge: tissue-retentive lung memory CD4 T cells mediate optimal protection to respiratory virus infection The developmental pathway for CD103 + CD8 + tissue-resident memory T cells of skin The collagen binding a1b1 integrin VLA-1 regulates CD8 T cellmediated immune protection against heterologous influenza infection Distinct dendritic cell subsets dictate the fate decision between effector and memory CD8 + T cell differentiation by a CD24-dependent mechanism Lung airway-surveilling CXCR3 hi memory CD8 + T cells are critical for protection against influenza A virus Lung dendritic cells imprint T cell lung homing and promote lung immunity through the chemokine receptor CCR4 A local macrophage chemokine network sustains protective tissue-resident memory CD4 T cells Inflammation directs memory precursor and short-lived effector CD8+ T cell fates via the graded expression of T-bet transcription factor TGF-b: a master of all T cell trades Transforming growth factor-b: activation by neuraminidase and role in highly pathogenic H5N1 influenza pathogenesis Lung-resident memory CD8 T cells (TRM) are indispensable for optimal cross-protection against pulmonary virus infection IFITM3 restricts the morbidity and mortality associated with influenza Enhanced survival of lung tissue-resident memory CD8 + T cells during infection with influenza virus due to selective expression of IFITM3 Cellular immunity and lung injury in respiratory virus infection Fatal outcome of human influenza A (H5N1) is associated with high viral load and hypercytokinemia The authors declare no competing financial interests.Reprints and permissions information is available online at reprints/index.html.