key: cord-0803834-42asu7ig authors: Anderson, Micheline R.; Hardy, Erica J.; Battle, Cynthia L. title: COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy during the perinatal period: Understanding psychological and cultural factors to improve care and address racial/ethnic health inequities date: 2022-04-13 journal: Womens Health Issues DOI: 10.1016/j.whi.2022.04.001 sha: 9d0b955d3354cc6159e3065a4875b78cc48f7057 doc_id: 803834 cord_uid: 42asu7ig nan is crucial to understand psychological contributors to perinatal COVID vaccine uptake. 53 Vaccine hesitancy is a leading contributor to low vaccination coverage across a 55 range of diseases (Dubé et al., 2013) , contributing to as many as 1.5 million deaths 56 worldwide. Healthcare decision making models, such as the Theory of Planned 57 Behavior (Ajzen, 1991), Health Belief Model (Rosenstock, 1974) , and Behavioral Model approaches to addressing these issues will be challenging. 135 While the first step in improving rates of vaccine uptake is conducting research to 137 identify factors influencing vaccine hesitancy among perinatal womenincluding factors 138 developing and implementing evidence-based interventions that lead to vaccine uptake. 140 Interventions to promote vaccine acceptance across the perinatal period would be most 141 effective when using empirically informed targets; that is, psychological factors that are Villar, J., Ariff, S., Gunier, R. B., Thiruvengadam, R., Rauch, S., Kholin, A., Roggero, P., Prevalence of vaccine hesitancy among expectant mothers in Houston An analysis of 271 online pregnancy message boards: Mother-to-mother advice on medication 272 use Vaccine hesitancy: an overview Characteristics of women of reproductive age with 278 laboratory-confirmed SARS-CoV-2 infection by pregnancy status-United States Self-reported prenatal influenza vaccination and early childhood 281 vaccine series completion A postpartum vaccination promotion intervention using 284 motivational interviewing techniques improves short-term vaccine coverage Mistrust in biomedical 360 research and vaccine hesitancy: the forefront challenge in the battle against COVID-19 in Italy Pregnancy-Related Deaths -United States Why Black Women Are Rejecting Hospitals in Search 366 of Better Births. The New York Times Barriers and facilitators Associated with vaccine 369 acceptance and uptake among pregnant women in high income countries: a 370 mini-review The pipeline problem: barriers to access of Black patients and 372 providers in reproductive medicine The health belief model and preventive health 374 behavior A qualitative study 403 exploring the relationship between mothers' vaccine hesitancy and health beliefs 404 with COVID-19 vaccination intention and prevention during the early pandemic 405 months Factors associated with mothers' hesitancy to receive a COVID-408 19 vaccine The impact of COVID-19 410 on pregnancy outcomes: a systematic review and meta-analysis Understanding pregnant 413 women's attitudes and behavior toward influenza and pertussis 414 vaccination Perceptions 416 matter: beliefs about influenza vaccine and vaccination behavior among elderly Interventions to increase the 419 uptake of seasonal influenza vaccination among pregnant women: A systematic 420 review laboratory-confirmed SARS-CoV-2 infection by pregnancy status-United States