key: cord-0802265-mayydj50 authors: de Koning, Dirk-Jan; McIntyre, Lauren M. title: Back to the Future: Multiparent Populations Provide the Key to Unlocking the Genetic Basis of Complex Traits date: 2017-06-05 journal: G3 (Bethesda) DOI: 10.1534/g3.117.042846 sha: a309fbcf24f3b728a280f67805614ddffca0f8c7 doc_id: 802265 cord_uid: mayydj50 nan In the past decade, the ability to generate whole-genome sequences has provided geneticists with a view of the astonishing breadth of genetic variation. This, in theory, means we should be able to identify the specific differences in DNA sequence that lead to an inherited phenotype, including disease states. But this wealth of new information has revealed perhaps the most fundamental challenge for geneticists since Mendel. While we understand that phenotypes are influenced by genetic variation, we do not yet know how to interpret individual genome sequences and, therefore, we cannot predict which genetic variants are linked to which phenotypes. Indeed, the term "missing heritability" was coined to highlight the fact that in natural populations the genes or genetic elements associated with complex traits explain only a small proportion of the phenotypic variation in these traits. In stark contrast, controlled crosses of model organisms have generated a wealth of information about the genetic basis of phenotypes. From broad associations of genomic regions with traits to individual polymorphisms that act by well understood mechanisms, geneticists have been remarkably successful in revealing the impact of genetic variation on phenotype. Applications as diverse as targeted drug therapy and dramatic improvements in agricultural output have been enabled by our understanding of genetics. But it remains a significant challenge to transfer this understanding to natural populations. To bridge the gap between natural populations and experimental systems, experimental systems need to incorporate more of the complexity of natural populations. This has given rise to a burst of creativity in the design of genetic reference populations. The basic idea is simple: combine the strength of the experimental system, where the genetic composition can be replicated, with the genetic diversity of the target population. Rather than choose two inbred lines or two phenotypically divergent individuals as founders of a genetic reference panel (recombinant inbreds), choose eight, or 25. Using multiple lines as founders of a set of inbred lines whose haplotypes can be replicated has been referred to as Interconnected populations multiparent, advanced-generation intercross design, Complex Cross, and multiparental RIL. We are choosing to refer to this broad set of genetic reference panels as multiparent populations (MPP). Fifteen years ago, the mouse genetics community embraced the challenge of creating strains that would represent the diversity of natural variation in mice, thereby improving the utility of the organism for exploring complex human disease. Eight founder mouse strains were selected, and offspring populations with all eight haplotypes were developed in a funnel mating scheme (Figure 1 GENETICS and G3 are committed to fostering discussion about the genetic inferences made from MPPs as well as the best ways to analyze the data, and to extending inferences to natural populations. Projects that rely on a common set of germplasm (or set of strains) rely on data sharing. One of the benefits to working with a reference panel is the ability to leverage data collected in different ways, for different purposes. Our journals have long had policies for reagent and data sharing that reflect the values of our community, and this is evident in these articles on MPPs. Each MPP paper in these issues has the Data availability section that is standard for all GSA publications, as well as a one-page guide to the data that makes it easier to browse the data behind the papers. In recognition of the ongoing importance of MPPs for understanding fundamental questions in genetics, G3 and GENETICS have designed a special web resource for MPPs. Papers are organized in a special collections page with subheaders that help navigate the growing literature. Our journals have long partnered with model organism databases FlyBase, SGD, WormBase, and others, and we now incorporate news, blogs, tips, and protocols directly on our webpage to help geneticists interested in MPPs get a handle on this topic. Tweet your insights to #MPP #GSAjournals, and use MPP as a keyword of your MPP papers to enable text search engines to collate this literature. The GSA journals are committed to creating a community platform that spans species and disciplines yet remains focused on common research questions. We thank the authors, referees, and editors for making this resource a reality! Increased power to dissect adaptive traits in global sorghum diversity using a nested association mapping population Development of a 10,000 locus genetic map of the sunflower genome based on multiple crosses A genomic resource for the development, improvement, and exploitation of sorghum for bioenergy High-resolution mapping of complex traits with a four-parent advanced intercross yeast population Identification of nitrogen consumption genetic variants in yeast through QTL mapping and Bulk segregant RNA-seq analyses Meiotic consequences of genetic divergence across the murine pseudoautosomal region Allelic variation in mouse Ticam2 contributes to SARS-CoV pathogenesis Oas1b-dependent immune transcriptional profiles of West Nile virus infection in the collaborative cross Plethysmography phenotype QTL in mice before and after allergen sensitization and challenge The Beavis effect in next-generation mapping panels in Drosophila melanogaster Properties and power of the Drosophila synthetic population resource for the routine dissection of complex traits A multiparent advanced generation inter-cross to fine-map quantitative traits in Arabidopsis thaliana The Drosophila melanogaster genetic reference panel An Eight-Parent Multiparent Advanced Generation Inter-Cross Population for Winter-Sown Wheat: Creation, Properties, and Validation Pedigree-based analysis in a multiparental population of octoploid strawberry reveals QTL alleles conferring resistance to Phytophthora cactorum The evolutionary fates of a large segmental duplication in mouse Structural variation shapes the landscape of recombination in mouse Loci contributing to boric acid toxicity in two reference populations of Drosophila melanogaster Development and genetic characterization of an advanced backcross-nested association mapping (AB-NAM) population of wild ยท cultivated Barley The founder strains of the collaborative cross express a complex combination of advantageous and deleterious traits for male reproduction G3 (Bethesda Inbred strain variant database (ISVDB): a repository for probabilistically informed sequence differences among the collaborative cross strains and their founders Approaches in characterizing genetic structure and mapping in a rice multi-parental population Male infertility is responsible for nearly half of the extinction observed in the collaborative cross The genomes of the collaborative cross Genetic dissection of nutrition-induced plasticity in insulin/insulin-like growth factor signaling and median lifespan in a Drosophila multiparent population Identification of Ganoderma disease resistance loci using natural field infection of an oil palm multiparental population Epistatic networks jointly influence phenotypes related to metabolic disease and gene expression in diversity outbred mice Genetic design and statistical power of nested association mapping in maize