key: cord-0801309-xoj6318r authors: Muneer, Amgad; Mohamed Fati, Suliman; Arifin Akbar, Nur; Agustriawan, David; Tri Wahyudi, Setyanto title: iVaccine-Deep: Prediction of COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine Degradation using Deep Learning date: 2021-10-13 journal: Journal of King Saud University - Computer and Information Sciences DOI: 10.1016/j.jksuci.2021.10.001 sha: a0088a91aaed4e17ee21047ff7a79368c4af4a20 doc_id: 801309 cord_uid: xoj6318r Messenger RNA (mRNA) has emerged as a critical global technology that requires global joint efforts from different entities to develop a COVID-19 vaccine. However, the chemical properties of RNA pose a challenge in utilizing mRNA as a vaccine candidate. For instance, the molecules are prone to degradation, which has a negative impact on the distribution of mRNA among patients. In addition, little is known of the degradation properties of individual RNA bases in a molecule. Therefore, this study aims to investigate whether a hybrid deep learning can predict RNA degradation from RNA sequences. Two deep hybrid neural network models were proposed, namely GCN_GRU and GCN_CNN. The first model is based on graph convolutional neural networks (GCNs) and gated recurrent unit (GRU). The second model is based on GCN and convolutional neural networks (CNNs). Both models were computed over the structural graph of the mRNA molecule. The experimental results showed that GCN_GRU hybrid model outperform GCN_CNN model by a large margin during the test time. Validation of proposed hybrid models is performed by well-known evaluation measures. Among different deep neural networks, GCN_GRU based model achieved best scores on both public and private MCRMSE test scores with 0.22614 and 0.34152, respectively. Finally, GCN_GRU pre-trained model has achieved the highest AuC score of 0.938. Such proven outperformance of GCNs indicates that modeling RNA molecules using graphs is critical in understanding molecule degradation mechanisms, which helps in minimizing the aforementioned issues. To show the importance of the proposed GCN_GRU hybrid model, in silico experiments has been contacted. The in-silico results showed that our model pays local attention when predicting a given position’s reactivity and exhibits interesting behavior on neighboring bases in the sequence. The first announced case of a novel coronavirus disease was reported in December 2019 in Wuhan, China [1], which preceded the COVID 19 outbreak. Subsequently, the COVID-19 pandemic has had a continued immense impact on people's lives around the world [2] [3] [4] . At the time of writing this paper, the global death toll of COVID-19 is at a staggering 1.36 million deaths and more, not including excess morbidity from the pandemic itself. Furthermore, the number of new cases each day is increasing by 620,000 globally [7] . The global catastrophe has brought about an unprecedented effort to develop, approve, and distribute a vaccine against the novel virus in record time [5, 6] . Notably, the vaccination preparation process typically takes between 10-15 years [49] . However, in the case of COVID 19, it is being accelerated to a timeframe of a year. Great appreciation has been given for the extraordinary support and collaboration across industry, academia, and governments across the globe. Such accelerated efforts motivate researchers to participate in vaccine production that serves the entire world. Out of such initiatives to produce an effective vaccine, messenger RNA (mRNA) vaccines have taken the lead as the fastest vaccine candidates for COVID-19; currently however, it faces key potential limitations [31] . One major challenge is in designing stable mRNA molecules under appropriate conditions. Conventional vaccines (seasonal flu shots) are packed in disposable syringes and shipped under refrigeration worldwide, but this is quite impossible for mRNA vaccines. For instance, researchers have observed that RNA molecules tend to degrade spontaneously. For instance, a single cut can render the mRNA vaccine unusable, which is considered to be a severe limitation. Currently, little is known of the details of where the RNA backbone is most likely to be affected. Consequently, the current mRNA vaccines against COVID-19 must be prepared and shipped under intense refrigeration (Table 1) and are unlikely to reach more than a tiny fraction of human beings on the planet unless they can be stabilized. Particularly, the available knowledge on the stability profiles of the mRNA COVID-19 vaccine candidates in development is being updated regularly [32] . Table 1 shows the latest shelf-life and temperature storage conditions released by three vaccine manufacturers (Modera, Pfizer-BioNTech, and CureVac). At the time of writing this paper (March 22, 2021) , such information has been given solely by vaccine manufacturers, with no confirmation from regulatory authorities. However, the storage requirements during manufacturing, shipping, and at the end-user site are clearly essential characteristics of the mRNA vaccine drug product because they provide a competitive (dis)advantage. [38] [39] [40] Such candidates have been reported to be effective with a percentage of ≥ 90% [9] . In contrast to traditional vaccines, which are composed of inactivated or attenuated components of the pathogen itself, the mRNA vaccine provides a template for the cellular synthesis of a viral component. The mRNA molecules are structures, as illustrated in Figure 1 , wherein bases loop back on one another to form bonding interactions with linearly distant bases. The development of these RNA sequences is comparatively less costly and time-consuming because it avoids the challenging purification processes of proteins [11] . However, mRNA vaccines are a novel technology and encounter unique challenges because of their chemical structure. In particular, mRNA molecules are known to degrade spontaneously over time [12] . In a laboratory setting, RNA is generally stored in specialized freezers kept at -80 °C [13] . Thus, from a logistical perspective, this temperature preference poses a substantial hurdle in the successful administration of such an RNA-based vaccine. For instance, such freezers are not readily available, and the degradation of a single base could render the vaccine useless. Since Pfizer/BioNTech and Moderna's latest effectiveness announcements, the logistical challenges of distributing their vaccines at these requisite temperatures have been of great interest and concern [14] . Relatively little is known of the tendencies for specific bases to degrade [15] . Motivated by this problem, this study aims to improve the stability of mRNA vaccines during the shipping and transportation process by predicting the mRNA base-resolution degradation of RNA at each base of an RNA molecule through local characteristics using hybrid deep neural network (DNN) algorithms. Two types of deep hybrid neural network algorithms will be investigated and evaluated to achieve this aim. However, maintaining a continuous supply of high-quality, reliable, safe, and affordable medications is a critical component of a good health system [50] . The main contributions of this work are summarized as follows. In this study, the authors explored the hybridization of GCN and GRU models in the mRNA degradation field to predict the stability/reactivity and degradation risk of mRNA sequences. As per the authors' knowledge, there is no such works that use a hybrid GCN-GRU model in this field. Second, this study emphasizes on the efficiency and effectiveness of the hybrid GCN-GRU model by comparing the proposed model with GCN_CNN. An intensive experiment was conducted in this work based on the Stanford COVID-19 mRNA vaccine dataset. Third, we validated the proposed DL-based hybrid models of COVID-19 mRNA vaccine degradation through well-known evaluation metrics such as mean columnwise root mean squared error (MCRMSE) and Area Under the Curve (AUC). The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Section 2 gives an overview of the methodology and the dataset description. Results are discussed in Section 3, while model analysis and validation are given in section 4. The conclusion and the future work are provided in Section 5. Artificial intelligence and machine learning, particularly deep learning, have resulted in significant advances in a wide range of contexts of science and engineering due to their capacity to thoroughly understand features. The most profound impact has been on vaccine discovery [54] . Recent advances in deep learning techniques such as GCN, GRU and CNN have enabled the modelling of DNA and RNA sequences. AI can be used to combat the COVID-19 pandemic and generate solutions in a variety of fields, including drug research, vaccine development, public communication, and integrative medicine [55] . Recurrent neural networks (RNNs) were utilized in the early days of machine learning (or deep learning) to deal with data representations in directed acyclic graphs [56] . Later, as a generalization of RNNs, Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) [57] are developed to process general directed and undirected graphs. Convolutional neural networks (CNNs) are then designed to handle data representations from a spatial domain to a graph domain. Graph convolutional networks (GCNs) are the methods created in this regard, and they are divided into two categories: spectral approaches and non-spectral approaches. GCNs have shown cutting-edge performance in a variety of complex mining tasks (for example, semi-supervised node classification and sequence prediction) [58, 59] . Based on the extensive research conducted, only two similar studies have been done so far. Authors in [60] have proposed three single-DL methods (LSTM, GRU, and GCN) to predict mRNA vaccine degradation. The authors claimed that among the three methods developed GRU performed the best with an accuracy of 76%. The critical drawback of [60] work is that a single algorithm has limited accuracy and cannot capture the mRNA degradation features. Additionally, authors in [60] did not consider the stability of the vaccine, unlike our proposed study that suggested two-hybrid DNN models and conducted extensive experimentation to predict the RNA sequence degradation. Besides, the experiments that show a general reactivity score, degradation likelihood prediction after incubation at 10pH with magnesium, and degradation likelihood prediction at a temperature of 50 °C with magnesium were not provided. Similarly, authors in [61] proposed a bidirectional GRU integrating with the LSTM model. This model has been tested and evaluated with the same benchmark dataset provided by Stanford University scientists. However, only the MCRMSE score was reported, and no further experimentation was conducted on temperature storage conditions which is a vital element to evaluate the effectiveness of their model. This section provides the dataset description and the pre-processing techniques used. It also illustrates the proposed methodology and the deep learning algorithms utilized in this study. In September 2020, Das Lab at Stanford Biochemistry and Eterna partnered to sponsor a Kaggle competition focused on RNA degradation problems [15] . To achieve the goals of the current study, the authors used their published dataset of 3029 RNA sequences, which are annotated with base-wise information relevant to degradation. Each sequence in the training set comprises 107 bases. The data include base identities (A, G, U, C) and secondary structure information indicating which bases are paired with each other. This pairing is denoted by a string of opening and closing parentheses, where matching pairs indicate paired bases at those indices. Additionally, the data provide a prediction of the RNA loop structure type in a base resolution according to the local characteristics of the sequence structure, including bulge, hairpin loop, paired stem, etc. following the results of the bpRNA prediction algorithm in [16] . Figure 1 shows prototypical examples of these loop structures [17] , and Table 2 shows the three-input data used in this study. The labels of the dataset are a set of reactivity, and the degradation values are measured experimentally in different conditions at each base. Reactivity is measured using SHAPE-Seq and features the structural flexibility of the nucleotide [18] . The degradation rates are measured using MAP-Seq under four conditions and feature the likelihood of degradation in each condition [19] . The dataset includes five metrics of reactivity and degradation, as listed in Table 3 . However, this study focuses on evaluating the first three metrics, namely, reactivity, deg_Mg_ph10, and deg_Mg_50C, as ruled by the Das Lab competition. Motivated by this we focused on these three matrices to conduct a fair comparative analysis with the related works. Thus, this study will develop a multi-task network that takes the RNA sequence information as input and produces three predictions at each base: reactivity, deg_Mg_pH10, and deg_Mg_50C. The performance of the proposed model will be evaluated on two test sets, including a public test set and a private test set (defined by the original Kaggle competition). Moreover, the proposed approach performance will be evaluated using Mean Column-wise Root Mean Squared Error (MCRMSE), which has been used in "OpenVaccine: COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine Degradation Prediction" competition. The MCRMSE evaluation matrix is described in Equation (1). (1) where N t is the number of columns/tasks (i.e., reactivity/stability, deg_Mg_pH10, and deg_Mg_50C) and (yij, yˆij) ground-truth and predicted values for reactivity type and RNA sequence at a specific base, respectively. Table 3 . Reactivity labels and their descriptions. The first three metrics are the predicted outputs of our proposed models, while the last two are not evaluated. Both proposed hybrid model (GCN_GRU and GCN_CNN) model begins by extracting features using feature engineering, then uses a sequence input to predict the mRNA sequences responsible for degradation by predicting three reactivity values for each location in the sequence. Categorical features (sequence, structure, and predicted loop type) are the types of features extracted by features engineering. First, categorical features are stored, and an embedding layer is used to capture relationships in sequences that would otherwise be challenging to captured. Then, as shown in Figure 2 , feature extraction is used to extract categorical features utilizing statistical and mathematical calculations. Given the limited training data, the authors in [28] tried to use pseudo labeling to leverage additional, non-labeled data for training. Pseudo-labeling is a data augmentation technique that uses unlabeled and labeled data during the training; it is a semi-supervised learning algorithm. The process is shown in Figure 3 . We first train the network on the labeled data for 20 epochs. Then we introduced the unlabeled data by mixing training on unlabeled and labeled batches. The authors used two types of unlabeled data for pseudo labeling. First, we used the end of the sequences (bases 68 to 107) of the training set. After training the network on labeled data for 20 epochs, we started using unlabeled data. For each epoch, we compute the loss on the labeled and unlabeled parts using the pseudo labels. The pseudo labels were computed by a forward pass of the unlabeled data in the network at the state obtained from the previous epoch. This procedure is repeated for every epoch after the 20th. The exception is that for every 1 out of 10 epochs, we go back to training only on labeled data. Second, we used the private test set sequences as unlabeled data. After training the network on labeled data for 20 epochs, we trained the model for 2 epochs on unlabeled data alone, followed by 5 epochs on labeled data. Therefore, we used a "save and load" method to prevent the pseudo labeling from deteriorating the model performances too much. At the end of each pseudo labeling section, we compared the current model with the model right before the pseudo labeling. If the current loss is higher than the loss before pseudo labeling by 0.04, the authors did not accept the current model and reloaded the model's weights before the pseudo labeling section. Because there are various forms of aggregator functions in GraphSAGE, the need to evaluate such functions is urgent. Thus, an experiment was conducted to examine three aggregator functions (mean, convolution, and LSTM [23] ) whereby their performance was compared in RNA degradation prediction. The mean aggregator takes the average of neighboring nodes and concatenates it with the original node embedding. On the other side, the LSTM aggregator feeds the embeddings of the neighboring nodes sequentially to the LSTM and concatenates the final output with the original node embedding. For LSTM and mean aggregators, the node embeddings after concatenation are fed into a linear layer to reduce it to the original dimension. Lastly, the convolution operation aggregates over the neighboring nodes (including the node itself) and passes the result to a linear layer for the final embedding. Based on the comparison of different aggregate functions, the authors extracted the node embeddings from the GCN and then passed it to the Gated Recurrent Units (GRU) [24] , which is a variant of the Recurrent Neural Network (RNN). The output from the GRU is fed into a fully connected layer to make the final prediction. At the beginning, the authors implemented a simple baseline model that would give a lower performance bound. It consisted of a simple convolutional neural network (CNN) algorithm with two 1D convolution layers followed by two fully connected layers [51] . This model encoded small window size features (21) around each base in the sequence and predicted the three outputs: reactivity, deg_Mg_pH10, and deg_Mg_50C. Based on the observation, the authors noted that the performance of the first baseline model is sensitive to the selected window size. The model's prediction is limited to a local window of neighboring bases along the primary sequence. Thus, the authors designed a second baseline model, whereby the sequence and structure of the entire RNA molecule were encoded as input to the CNN algorithm. Thus, the model could leverage global sequencing information during the prediction process by considering the sequence, loop type, and base pairing of each base in the RNA sequence as one-hot encoded and concatenated final input. The inputs are passed to three convolution layers, which apply average pooling in windows of all three. All the layers apply batch normalization, rectified linear units, and dropout. The CNN's final output is passed to a linear layer to predict the RNA degradation rates at each base. As illustrated above, the proposed 1D convolution-based baseline only aggregates information from neighboring bases along the primary sequence of the molecule. However, the mRNA molecule structure holds bases that loop back on one another to form bonding interactions with linearly distant bases, as depicted in Figure 4 . To reflect a more realistic 3D structure, the RNA molecules can be represented as graphs, where the nodes represent the information of each base, and the edges represent bases adjacent or paired by bonding interactions [20] . Traditional CNNs cannot operate directly on graphs because of their irregular structure. Thus, a generalized form of the CNN called graph convolutional network (GCN) was developed for this specific purpose [21, 52] . According to [20] , GCN is an attractive architecture to infer RNA structures, and has been used several times in the literature. In the implementation stage, the sequence, loop type, and base pairing information are used to generate the embedding for each node after passing the integer encoded input to an embedding layer, as shown in Figure 4 . The edges are represented using adjacency matrices calculated from the secondary structure. We used a type of GCN architecture called GraphSAGE. GraphSAGE [22] is an instance of GCNs developed for representational learning. Instead of learning node embeddings directly, GraphSAGE learns the aggregator function and computes the node embeddings by applying the aggregator function to the neighboring nodes. In our application, we trained GraphSAGE in a supervised fashion. The node embeddings were extracted from the GCN and fed to another neural network to make the final prediction. The proposed hybrid model architecture is shown in Figure 4 . The graph embeddings generated by GCNs can be fed into a GRU, and we refer to this architecture as the GCN_GRU architecture. As an alternative, we also experimented by using CNNs on top of the graph embeddings and passed the CNN's output to a fully connected layer to make the prediction. This model is referred to as the GCN_CNN architecture, and we tried CNN architectures with and without residual connections [25] between layers. In addition to varying the model components, we also experimented with the number of GCN layers (K). The number of GCN layers, K, affects how the node embedding is generated. For instance, when K = 2, the node embedding is generated by aggregating all neighbors located at most two edges apart. However, this is issue considered a multi-task learning problem. We also experimented with weight loss by assigning higher weights for explicitly evaluated tasks (this will be further explained in section 3). The aggregator functions are also trained jointly with the RNA degradation prediction. Therefore, the node embeddings are a representation of the sequence and structure of each base. A GCN is used to compute a graph embedding for each node. The node embeddings are then passed through a GRU (or CNN) and a fully connected layer to make the final reactivity prediction. The size of the training set is relatively small. Only 2096 examples are used in training after filtering measurements with a low signal-to-noise ratio. Therefore, we also experimented on pretraining the node embedding in an auto-encoder [27] fashion using the sequences in the training set and the 3000 sequences in the test set. The node embeddings of the GCN layer were fed into a fully connected network to reconstruct the original sequences and structures (i.e., base pairing and loop types). The Mean Squared Error (MSE) between the input and the reconstruction was used as the auto-encoder loss function. After the auto-encoder converged, the node embeddings were extracted to initialize the node embeddings in the GCN_GRU architecture. Synthesizing the proposed model performance in terms of public and private test scores helps us quantify whether the proposed model will accurately assess the actual degradation rates of mRNA sequences in practice. However, as with many black-box methods, we are also interested in understanding the proposed model's behavior and interpretability. With relatively small data, we can implement statistical in silico mutagenesis (ICM) to probe our model's behavior. Given the computational costs of running a forward pass over many mutated inputs, we restricted our analysis to a sample of the sequences and perturbed the sequences at intervals of 5 rather than at every base. In implementing ICM, we perturbed the input data at every five positions in the sequence and measured the output predictions for each of the five different reactivity and degradation measures. Figure 5 portrays an example of this process for a perturbation on the first nucleotide of a given sequence. In Step 1, we select a sample of our original sequence and structure data to work with. We sampled 250 examples from the 2000 examples in the original public training dataset for the following analyses. In Step 2, we perturb the bases in the sequences: at every five base positions (0, 5, 10, etc.), we change the base value to each of the other three nitrogenous bases that can be used in an RNA sequence. In our example above, because base position 0 is "A", we change this base to each of "C", "G", and "U". With the perturbed sequence, the original secondary structure is no longer valid: perturbing even a single base can have ripple effects on the molecule's overall structure [29] . Thus, we must compute the secondary structure of the new perturbed sequence. The RNA.fold function from the Vienna RNA 2.0 package [15] is used to extract the predicted base pairing for the perturbed sequence. Then, we fed the perturbed sequence and the predicted base-pair data to bpRNA to predict the loop type of each base [30] . We repeated step 2 for each of the 250 sequences in the sample to have complete input data for each of the perturbed sequences. In step 3, we take these modified sequences and their secondary structure annotations and feed them into the proposed GCN_GRU model. The model outputs all five predicted reactivity and degradation values for each modified sequence (although, recall that the eventual evaluation is computed only using the first three reactivity and degradation values). Hence, these predicted values can be analyzed to understand the behavior of the proposed model better. We evaluated the proposed models based on two test sets: a public test set and a private test set (as defined by the Kaggle competition). The length of the RNA sequence in the public test is 107 while the length of the RNA sequence in the private test is 130. The measurement of RNA degradation rates does not cover the last 39 bases in the sequence because of technological challenges. Thus, the prediction length is 68 and 91 for the public, and private mean column-wise root mean squared error (MCRMSE) test, respectively. Because the test scores are MCRMSE between predictions and labels, a lower score represents better model performance. The results of the two baseline models are shown in Table 4 . Compared to the first baseline model that focuses only on the local structure, the second baseline model outperforms it by a large margin. This finding is within our expectation because the second model contains the structure and sequence information over the entire RNA molecule. The test results for GCNs with different aggregator functions are shown in Table 5 . The ability of GCNs to perform convolution on data with irregular structures helps to capture better and leverage the structure information of RNA molecules: neighboring bases in secondary structure (not just primary structure) can have an immediate effect on predicted reactivity. As expected, all GCN models outperformed our CNN-based baseline. The mean aggregator function achieved the best performance during test time. Thus, the mean aggregator was chosen for comparing different model architectures. The test results for GCNs with different model architectures are summarized in Table 6 . Replacing GRU only with a CNN does not boost our model performance. After adding residue connections between convolutional layers, the model's performance is comparable but still slightly worse than the original GCN_GRU architectures. One of the possible explanations for the performance of the GCN_CNN model is that the GCN is a generalized form of CNNs. Thus, GCN and CNN will have similar operations. On the contrary, combining GCNs with GRUs, which operate recurrently, will add more diversity to the model architecture and better capture sequential data. The test results for models with different GCN layers (K) are plotted in Figure 6b . As the number of GCN layers increases, the test loss also increases. We hypothesized that the small size of the graph causes this deterioration in performance. The graph representation of RNA molecules only contains roughly 100 nodes. When the number of GCN layers increases, the node embedding begins to capture more global information in favor of local information. As a result, the model's performance in predicting the degradation rate at the base resolution deteriorates. The test results for using weighted loss and pre-trained node embeddings are shown in Table 6 . As expected, assigning higher weights for tasks evaluated during test time improved the model performance. Pretraining, which refers to node embedding in an auto-encoder fashion, also improved the model on the public and private test sets. However, the improvement of the performance on the private test set is marginal. The test results for pseudo labeling on the GCN_GRU architecture are presented in Table 7 . We used the GCN_GRU model with the weighted loss but without pre-trained node embeddings as the pseudo labeling architecture. The end of the sequences and the private test set improved the model performances. However, pseudo labeling improvement using the private test set is smaller than that of pseudo labeling using the training set. This effect can be explained by the training set sequences following a distinct distribution compared to the private test set sequences. We discuss this observed effect in detail in Section 4.2. This difference in the distribution could make training the model using pseudo labels on the private test set less stable, making it more challenging for the model to converge to an optimal solution. The related works [53] have observed that measurement error increased for bases at the end of the RNA sequence because of technological challenges, and thus, only the measurements of the first 68 bases are reported. The predictions are truncated to the first 68 bases for all the models to calculate the loss, which is the mean squared error (MSE) between the predictions and ground truth. All models were trained using batch gradient descent with a learning rate adapted via Adam optimizer [26] . The proposed deep models were also trained with five-fold cross-validation, and the prediction was the average of all folds. The MSE performance evaluation of the GCN_GRU model during training and validation is shown in Figure 6a . The gap between training and validation loss does not indicate over-fitting because we stopped the model when the validation loss did not decrease for a certain number of epochs. Stopping the model earlier led to worse performance during test time. Additionally, it is often beneficial to summarize the ROC curve insights of a model to a single scalar value that indicates the model's output. One of these common techniques is the region under the ROC curve, known as the AUC. The AUC reduces the effects of the ROC curve to a single value and illuminates mathematical insights into the success of the model. AUC is equal to the probability that a randomly chosen positive sample will be classified higher than a randomly chosen negative instance by the classifier. The AUC values for the models built in this study are presented in Table 8 . The highest AUC value of 0.938 was achieved by the GCN_GRU pre-trained model, while the model developed with GCN_CNN with residue connection obtained the lowest ratings at 0.838. For three more DNN-based models, the scores obtained differed from the two performance values. The three models achieved an AUC rate of 0.928, 0.925, and 0.844 for GCN_GRU weighted loss, GCN_GRU, and GCN_CNN, respectively. The proposed model has been tested according to benchmark the different proposed model based on the conditions given in Table 1 . The proposed GCN_GRU model outperformed the GCN_CNN model by a large margin on both private and public tests. To better understand the model performance, we calculated the MSE and plotted the labels versus predictions for each task. The MSE for the reactivity, the degradation rate with Mg at pH =10, and the degradation rate with Mg at 50 °C are 0.087, 0.255, and 0.125, respectively. From the MSE scores, we observed that the proposed model performed much better in predicting reactivity than predicting degradation rate with Mg at pH =10. Thus, performing task-specific optimizations, such as stopping some tasks early or training a separate model to only predict degradation rates at pH =10, may be beneficial. As shown in Figure 7 , the GCN model generally underestimated the degradation rate and rarely predicted any degradation rate of more than 5. In the training example, bases with a degradation rate of more than 5 appeared with a low frequency (less than 0.2 %), which explains why the proposed model barely predicted any high degradation rate. During our experiment, a consistent performance gap between the public test set and the private test set was observed, similar to what was observed in the Kaggle competition models. The MCRMSE on the private test set is 0.12 higher than that on the public test set. The measurement of degradation rates is up to 91 bases in the private test set and is only up to 68 bases in the public and training sets. Thus, the authors hypothesized that bases 69-91 in the private test set would have a higher loss, contributing to the private test set's worse performance. We calculated the MCRMSE scores and plotted labels versus predictions for the first 68 bases and bases 69-91 in the private test set, respectively. Surprisingly, as shown in Figure 6 , our model performed better on bases 69-91 than in the first 68 bases. The MCRMSE for the first 68 bases is 0.405, and the MCRMSE for the bases 69-91 is only 0.317. Thus, the later bases do not contribute to the worse performance on the private test set. Therefore, the authors hypothesized that the sequences of the two test sets are distinct, which contributes to the gap in performance. We analyzed the training sequences, public test set, and private test set using dimension reduction techniques following the suggestions from the Kaggle posts. We encoded the sequences as an array of integers and performed t-SNE dimensionality reduction on them. The sequences of the private test set are truncated to 107 bases to ensure they have the same dimension as that in the training and public test sets. The result of the t-SNE reduction on sequences is plotted in Figure 9 . We found that the private test sequences were sequences that perform a completely different distribution compared to the training and public test sets. Although we truncated the sequences in the private test set, all sequences, including the training, public, and private test sets, are not complete RNA molecules and were truncated before they were released. Thus, we believe the distribution difference contributes to the worse performance on the private test sets. We believe that data augmentation techniques are necessary to further improve the model and help it generalize better on the private test sets. Additionally, a key important argument is that reducing the length of the poly(A) tail can have beneficial and significant roles in cell biology and vaccine production as observed in this study. Short poly(A) tails are needed in embryos to repress translation until the appropriate stage of development is reached [47] . Furthermore, short poly(A) tails that tend to denote mRNAs are essential for early development and may be used to control translation in a dose and time-dependent manner [48] . Thus, the optimal length of poly(A) was considered in this study and is reported to be 250. We can prove the model from several different angles to capture the model's behavior and understand where the model sees necessary signals for its prediction task and how bases at different positions can affect the model's attention. We break down our inference tasks into three buckets: point to point analysis, point to sequence analysis, and sequence to point analysis. We restricted our focus to a single reactivity metric (reactivity) from the overall five available in each analysis. Each of these analyses could be extended to the other reactivity metrics as well. In point-to-point analysis, we aim to understand the effect the original base at position B has on its reactivity. The effect is normalized by the predicted reactivity values that position B could have in all its perturbations. Once the proposed ICM has been run, we have a L x 4 x S x 5 x L multi-dimensional array, where L is the sequence length (107) and S is the number of sampled sequences (250). To understand the effects of base position B on its reactivity, we must compute the original normalized reactivity, which is the original reactivity normalized by the reactivities of all perturbed reactivities at position B. To put it more concretely, we compute the following mean: where µ is the vector of reactivity values, the B in superscript is the index of µ, the B in the subscript is the base position we have perturbed, and N is the modified base value perturb to. The original reactivity at position B is normalized as follows: where O is the original reactivity value at position B. We display a sampling of the sequence reactivity profiles produced using this method. The other sequences displayed similar behavior to the sequences displayed here. During the experiments, each sequence expressed noticeably different normalized effects across their bases. The effects for sequence 135, for example, oscillate between slightly below 0 to 0.4 for most of its positions, but position 75 expressed a large effect size, at around 1. Meanwhile, several base positions in sequence 20 have a noticeable effect size relative to 0, with position 20 and position 75 producing the most pronounced effects. Interestingly, the profiles of both sequences revealed a large effect size at 75. To investigate this behavior, we averaged the absolute normalized effect of each sequence, and the result is displayed in the "Average Absolute Normalized Effect" plot (bottom of Figure 10 ). The average absolute effect confirmed this pattern: position 75 appears to have an outsized effect on its reactivity value relative to other bases, whose averaged effect mellows below 0.4. Another noticeable pattern is the behavior between the 85th and 100th positions. In most of the sequences, position 80 has a low effect, position 85 has a slightly higher effect than does position 80, position 90 has more significant effect than does position 85, position 95's effect drops compared to position 90, position 100's effect drops to nearly 0, and finally position 105 has a very slightly larger effect size than position 100. Recall that in our training data, we do not have reactivity values for base positions higher than 68. Thus, the patterns that we see for position 75 and above may simply be artifacts of our model and our data construction. Upon further examination of position 75, we found that the original base pair was uracil (U) for all 2096 training sequences, which likely led to a more significant perturbation effect than that in other bases. In general, it appears that our model suggests that only a few positions have a large effect (in magnitude) on their reactivity values, while many of the positions in the sequence, especially near the middle, have minimal effect on their reactivity scores. In point to sequence analysis, we aim to understand the effect of changing the base value at position B on the rest of the sequence's reactivity values and how they vary by the base value we perturb B. To understand how perturbing base values at position B affects the whole sequence, we compute the average absolute base to sequence effect for every possible perturbation at position B. Specifically, for position B, we compute the 250 sequence reactivity profiles for all four possible perturbations. We average the absolute reactivity profile over the 250 sequences for each perturbation, and thus, we are essentially looking at the effect that perturbing position B to base value N has on average upon the reactivity values of the entire sequence. In concrete terms, the following for perturbation of position B to base value N was computed as follows: where i is the sequence number, B is the base position we are perturbing, N is the base value we perturb to, and j is the position in the sequence. Thus, Λ B, N is the vector of average absolute reactivity effect for perturbing base position B to base value N. We show a sampling of the results below. Each plot overlays Λ B, N for N = A, C, G, U for a select few positions B. Note that the positions for which we have selected plots show patterns similar to their relative neighbors' average absolute base to sequence profiles. Figure 10 shows that positions and the sequence have some similar features and some markedly different features. All positions have tapering effects; that is, the influence of a given position B on reactivity values of positions far away from B is negligible. Changing the base value of position 25, in particular, has steep effects on very close neighbors, with the effect tapering off very quickly as we move away from position 25 in either direction. position 100 reflects a similar pattern. However, position 85 appears to sustain its effect more sharply because it results in spikes of reactivity for bases more than 15 positions away. Generally, these patterns show the model does not appear to influence changing one base located very far. Interestingly, the effect size also differs. While positions 25 and 85 appear to have relatively similar effect sizes, around 0.3 to 0.4 absolute effect on reactivity, position 100 appears to much larger magnitude of effect size, reaching 0.8 when perturbed to U. For perturbations to other bases, however, its effect size is comparable to that of positions 25 and 85. This analysis suggests that the model has a "short-term" attention span; that is, the model does not tend to use information from positions far away from B when predicting the reactivity value of B. In sequence to point analysis, we aim to understand the effect of perturbing the sequence located some distance (offset) away from a given position in the sequence. Precisely, we measure the reactivity at position B after perturbing bases +/offset away from that position. The authors computed the effect of the perturbation by subtracting the non-perturbed (old) value from the perturbed (new) value. These relative effects were computed in a sliding window fashion across all base positions in a sequence. We group these effects by the offset and the base type (U, C, A, or G) that the base was perturbed. We can then compute the mean effect of perturbations at the offset for all base positions and sequences. The results are displayed in Figure 11 . As depicted in Figure 11 (left), the perturbations with small offsets have the most significant average absolute effect, with the maximum effect realized when perturbing the reference base itself (offset=0). The effect dissipates as the offset increases in magnitude, meaning that moving the perturbation further and further away corresponds to a decrease in the average effect. This makes sense intuitively because the chemical properties of a base distant in linear sequence will, on average, have a smaller effect on the chemical properties of the reference base. This result serves primarily as a sanity check that the model behaves as we might expect it. Figure 11 (right) depicts the mean raw difference in the predicted perturbation. We notice that the mean raw effects of perturbing bases beyond about +/-25 are near zero, which suggests that the absolute effect observed (left) at those offset values may simply be noise-amplified by the absolute value. However, within an offset of magnitude 10, we do see a noisy effect on the reactivity. Interestingly, we see a variable effect based on the perturbation type. On average, perturbations to U and A (red and purple traces) appear to have a local destabilizing effect (increase the base's reactivity), while perturbations to C and G appear to have local stabilizing effects. This finding confers a biological understanding of RNA base pairing. Bases G and C form a base-pair bond with three hydrogen bonds, whereas bases A and U form a base-pair bond with two hydrogen bonds. Thus, a perturbation to A or U nearby has the likely effect of decreasing the number of base pair bonds by one, which has a destabilizing effect. Conversely, a perturbation to G or C nearby has the likely effect of increasing the number of base pair bonds by one, which has a stabilizing effect. Although these observations are preliminary, it is encouraging, because it indicates that our model appears to understand these differences in base pairing despite never being "taught" the underlying chemistry of the base pair bonding. The recent success of neural networks has sparked renewed interest in sequence-based prediction and drug discovery research. Deep learning's success in a wide variety of fields is due to the rapid development of computational resources (e.g., GPU), the large training data availability, and the DL effectiveness in extracting latent representations from data (e.g., texts [62] , video, and image [63]). Encouraged by the CNNs success in the computer vision field, a wide number of methods are being developed concurrently that redefine the concept of convolution for graph data. These techniques are referred to as convolutional graph neural networks (ConvGNNs). ConvGNNs and recurrent graph neural networks (RGNN) are closely related. Rather than iterating over node states using contractive constraints, ConvGNNs address cyclic mutual dependencies structurally by employing a set number of layers with varying weights in each layer. Since GCN [64] overcame the barrier between spectral and spatial approaches, spatial-based methods have grown in popularity in recent years due to their remarkable efficiency, flexibility, and generality. To improve the ConvGNNs training efficiency, several methods have been proposed in the literature, such as GCN [64] is frequently essential to save the entire graph's data and intermediate transitions in memory. However, the full-batch training technique for ConvGNNs is greatly affected by the memory overflow problem, which is magnified when a graph has millions of nodes. GraphSage [58] presents a batch-training method for ConvGNNs in order to save memory. It samples a tree rooted at each node using a fixed sample size by recursively expanding the root node's vicinity by K steps. GraphSage calculates the root node's hidden representation for each sampled tree by hierarchically aggregating hidden node representations from bottom to top. A different work suggested by [65] uses CNN for structural analysis of proteins in molecule, and the network-based method takes less than 5 minutes to process the full training set and predict the appropriate eigenvalues on a single-core CPU. As shown in Table 9 , GCN [64] is the baseline that conducts full-batch training. GraphSage saves memory by sacrificing time efficiency as a cost. Meanwhile, when K and r increase, the time and memory complexity of GraphSage increases exponentially. However, in our suggested hybrid model, we used GraphSage, which requires significantly less computational memory than CNN. Complexity reduction is critical for deploying large CNNs models in mRNA sequence degradation with limited hardware and energy resources. Where n denotes the number of nodes in total. The total number of edges is denoted by m. The number of layers is denoted by K. The batch size is denoted by s. r is the number of neighbors that each node is sampled. For simplicity, the dimensions of the node's hidden features, represented by d, remain constant. To predict the COVID-19 mRNA vaccine degradation, we were unable to find any research contribution that has been evaluated, but we have compared our contribution with the two recently proposed models for mRNA reactivity prediction. However, authors in [60] have suggested three single-DL methods (LSTM, GRU, and GCN) to predict mRNA vaccine degradation. The authors reported that among the three methods developed GRU performed the best with an accuracy of 76%. However, the critical drawback is that a single algorithm has limited accuracy and cannot capture the mRNA degradation features. Additionally, the authors did not consider the stability of the vaccine and only showed the reactivity prediction, unlike our proposed study that suggested two hybrid DNN models and conducted extensive experimentation to predict the RNA sequence degradation and the stability affect was considered by analyzing B cell epitopes present in the mRNA with a different position. This proves the significance of the model from several different angles to capture the model's behavior and understand where the model sees necessary signals for its prediction task and how bases at different positions can affect the model's attention. Additionally, authors in [61] proposed a bidirectional GRU integrating with the LSTM model. This model has been tested and evaluated with the same benchmark dataset provided by Stanford University scientists. However, only the MCRMSE score was reported, and no further experimentation was conducted on temperature storage conditions and vaccine stability, which is a vital element to evaluate the model behavior and its effectiveness. This key limitation makes the model suggested in [61] not practical for accurately predicting the vaccine stability under real storage conditions and during temperature excursions. Therefore, a further comparison is conducted in the next section with the top state-of-the-art Stanford models. The mRNA dataset used in this study is derived from a Kaggle competition, which was launched on 11 September 2020 and lasted 26 days. However, we have conveniently compared our model's performance to others from the competition. Many of the top-performing competitors have released informal write-ups describing their approaches and general architectures. In Figure 12 , we compare the proposed best hybrid model's performance (the GCN with GRU model) against the top-three performing models based on MCRMSE measure to ensure fair comparative analysis since this measure was used in "OpenVaccine: COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine Degradation Prediction" competition. We observed that our best model outperformed the winning models from the Kaggle competition, although only by 0.04 MCRMSE on the private test set. Notably, many of the leading models achieved very similar loss scores (around 0.34 overall), and the difference from 1st to 10th place is marginal (0.00375). This observation suggests that the top-performing models maxed out their performance at around the same level. What might account for the gap in performance between our best model and the best models of the Kaggle competition would be interesting to explore. As a disclaimer, we observed that because we were not participating directly in the competition, we prioritized constructing and interpreting the proposed models rather than only improving the proposed scores on the Kaggle leaderboard. Nevertheless, a comparison of the different approaches is also useful. Many of the top competitors have reported basing their final models on an architecture released about midway through the competition: "AE pretrain + GCN + Attention." This architecture uses a graph convolutional network fit with attention modules. Its weights are pre-trained using an auto-encoderlike and unsupervised process wherein inputs are reconstructed. After random dropout in the sequence, we observed that this approach is similar to what we performed when pretraining the node-embedding in the GCN. Indeed, pre-training the model to recover details of the RNA sequence appears to benefit training. We also note the addition of attention in this architecture. Future work could investigate the benefits of using attention with our model architecture. Another general theme of the top-performing models is extensive and creative data augmentation. As mentioned earlier, the overall dataset is relatively small, and thus, data augmentation strategies would be essential to avoid pitfalls like overfitting. Figure 9 shows that the private test set is distributional distinct from the training and public test sets and thus, any methods that successfully augment training data to account for this difference would benefit model generalization to the private test set. Competitors have reported various data augmentation strategies such as pseudo labeling, inverting the sequence, and perturbing the RNA sequence at various base pairs. Future work could investigate robust and effective methods for data augmentation in RNA structure data. We investigated the utility and interpretability of hybrid deep neural network architectures for the relevant problem of predicting mRNA sequence degradation. We find that GCNs consistently outperformed standard CNN architectures for the task of base-wise reactivity prediction. However, in silico vaccine prediction and design had a high efficacy value and emphasized vaccine stability considering B-cell and T-cell epitopes. Two-hybrid DNN algorithms were proposed in this research. These algorithms used the AI-based approach to rapidly predict mRNA base-resolution degradation of RNA at each base of an RNA molecule, thereby implementing a new method for achieving much higher speed and efficiency in silico vaccine design. The aim is to predict the possible vaccine mRNA degradation directly without having to perform a large number of different predictions. We can avoid at least 95 percent of unnecessary predictions by allowing the machine to evaluate and predict the reactivity using this AI-based approach. Additionally, increasing the availability of ground truth data, rational data augmentation strategies, and a better understanding of distributional shifts across different datasets would be most beneficial in developing and training better models. Despite existing data and modeling challenges, inference and preliminary interpretation of the proposed trained model still provided valuable insights. When predicting a given position B, we found that the model focuses on the identity of relevant bases near B's vicinity. The proposed approach allows a researcher to predict base-wise reactivity, degradation at high temperature, and pH with magnesium for a new virus and verify its quality in less than an hour. Additionally, the model can recover without prior knowledge, the effects of physical and chemical differences or properties in base pair bonding characteristics (i.e., the H-bond count in G-C versus A-U). These preliminary investigations suggest a well-trained model with access to a representative dataset could provide valuable clues to researchers working to understand essential mRNA degradation factors. In future, we aim to incorporate the improved therapeutic efficacy of mRNA COVID-19 vaccine. Finally, a well-trained model may guide engineering insights into the process of developing synthetic mRNA molecules. 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Interface focus Acknowledgment: This research received no external funding. The proposed model source code is available on, and the dataset used in this study also available on We expect researchers to add new ideas to take this model in interesting directions. The authors declare no conflict of interest.