key: cord-0798519-hp886afm authors: Chopra, Muskaan; Singh, Dr. Sunil K.; Gupta, Anshul; Aggarwal, Kriti; Gupta, Brij; Colace, Francesco title: Analysis & Prognosis of Sustainable Development Goals using Big Data-based Approach during COVID-19 Pandemic date: 2022-03-08 journal: Sustainable Technology and Entrepreneurship DOI: 10.1016/j.stae.2022.100012 sha: f33f5eb18ddde171be959580baea4d6f5be8a4a4 doc_id: 798519 cord_uid: hp886afm The world has changed considerably in the previous two decades. Today, people are facing extreme poverty, global warming, and unwanted climate changes. The economic gap between countries is continuously growing. Moreover, with the expanding influence of technology, governance is getting more difficult. To address these issues, the UN announced Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), also called Global Goals, in 2015. These goals fill in as an overall source of inspiration to annihilate poverty, protect the environment, and guarantee that all individuals live in harmony and thrive by 2030. The 17 SDGs are interconnected in that they recognize that activities in a single region sway result in others and that improvement should adjust to social, monetary, and natural sustainability. The SDGs intend to kill poverty, hunger, AIDS, and gender discrimination against women and girls. The COVID-19 epidemic, on the other hand, has hampered attempts to accomplish the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. As a result, the impact of these SDGs must be thoroughly studied and analyzed. As a result, the purpose of this research is to examine the SDG before and after Covid-19, as well as how they have influenced various national and international markets. The research also assesses the 17 SDGs in each of India's 29 states in depth. Since SDGs have a larger scope, this paper predicts the SDG-9 scores of few countries like UAE, New Zealand, Japan, India, Germany, China, Bhutan, and USA. The United Nations established the Millennium Development Goals in 2000, a set of goals aimed at reducing poverty in the world. They aspired to alleviate severe poverty in all of its forms, including hunger, disease, gender inequity, an absence of schooling and admission to fundamental foundations, and ecological harm. According to the UN, the MDGs resulted in a drop in the number of individuals living in outrageous poverty by the greater part, to 836 million out of 2015, a drop in the pace of youngsters kicking the bucket before their fifth birthday celebration by the greater part beginning around 1990, a drop in maternal mortality of 45% around the world, over 6.2 million malaria deaths deflected and 37 million lives saved by tuberculosis anticipation and treatment, and access to further developed drinking water hotspot for 2.6 billion individuals somewhere in the range of 1990 and 2015. However, four major issues remain. To begin with, we are now closer than ever to ending severe poverty. Second, human cultures are wreaking more havoc on the world and its ecosystem than ever before. Third, inequity within and between countries is growing. Finally, with the expanding influence of technology, governance is getting more difficult (SDSN, Action Agenda Report 2014). To address these concerns, the UN General Assembly (UN-GA) established 17 Sustainable Development Goals in 2015, which are expected to be achieved by 2030. In their 17 global goals, the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) offer a "roadmap to a better and more sustainable future for all." [1] According to the UN, the SDGs go considerably further than prior objectives since they target the core causes of poverty and promise to abandon nobody, especially weak populaces. They additionally underscore the dire need to address environmental change and shield the climate by moving to sustainable utilization and creation. The SDGs are intended to be worldwide, including all nations rather than essentially those in poor countries. They recognize the private sector's critical role in seeking and funding sustainable advancement in collaboration with state-run administrations and common society. As a result, the current study discusses the importance and significance of SDGs in the modern-day. The writers also discuss in great detail the 17 SDGs and their aims. Furthermore, a significant reduction in these targets has been noted because of the COVID-19 pandemic in the year 2020. Thus, the essential objective of the research is to plan the impact of SDGs before and then afterward Covid-19 on the world's significant nations. The report thoroughly investigates all 17 factors for India's states. The overall description of the paper is as follows: First, Section 1 covers the introduction, terms and terminologies. Secondly, Section 2 confers about the literary work in SDGs. Next, Section 3 discusses the significance of SDGs followed by other important aspects such as spillovers. Section 4 ponders upon Big Data Insights on the data collected over years through Visual Analysis. Section 5 describes the effect of COVID-19 on SDGs. Section 6 concludes the paper. There are approximately 800 million people who live in extreme poverty and suffer from hunger, with delicate and conflict-torn nations experiencing the most profound neediness rates. Natural disasters displaced 144 million people between 2008 and 2012, a number that is expected to climb as the globe warms, bringing more harsh climate and rising oceans. Water lack impacts 40% of the overall people and is projected to increase. Open defecation is still practiced by 946 million people. Sex imbalance perseveres regardless of more portrayal for ladies in parliaments and more young ladies going to class. The United Nations says the SDGs go a lot further than the past objectives since they address the underlying drivers of poverty and vow to abandon nobody, including vulnerable groups. They additionally stress the importance of acting quickly to address environmental change and secure the climate by moving to sustainable utilization and creation. The SDGs are relied upon to be far and wide, applying to all countries rather than the causing situation. Education is widely acknowledged as a fundamental human right as well as a significant engine of advancement in areas such as economic development, wellbeing, richness, governmental issues, social strengthening, and human resources [1, 2, 3] . In the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), the international community identified educational attainment as a crucial advancement aim, and it became a focal point for a wide range of global players. Until 2015, the MDGs primarily aimed to expand primary education [4] , which led to a great deal of progress. In the SDGs, schooling was exceptionally focused once again, with a more extensive degree that highlighted reducing inequality. The inspiration for this work gets from long stretches of interdisciplinary work identifying with displaying high-dimensional data. The intricacy of SDG collaborations and elements, in particular, fits the issue of data randomness. Spatially and chronologically varying attributes can make it challenging to pinpoint what triggers the indicators across sectors and countries [5] . Over 178 nations endorsed Agenda 21, "a plan of action to establish a global partnership for sustainable development to improve human lives and protect the environment" at the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED) in June 1992. In September 2000, every one of the 191 part conditions of the United Nations endorsed the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) [6] . The MDGs enveloped eight unique objectives, and the principal objective was to destroy outrageous poverty and hunger by 2015. All part conditions to the United Nations accepted the Sustainable Development Goals and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development in 2015. The 17 undeniable levels of Sustainable Development Goals together fill in as a common plan for a manageable vision of things to come, and they are addressed by 17 famous images that address the objectives. These 17 objectives have 169 subgoals ("targets", from now into the foreseeable future alluded to as "SDG targets") that, thusly, can be separated into 231 interesting pointers. The objectives were embraced by all UN part states in 2015, building up a 15-year intend to accomplish them. Today, progress is being made, however, in general, activity to meet the objectives isn't yet progressing at the vital speed or scale [7] . The idea of sustainable development has been some way or another restored in the computerized age, by the UN's Agenda 2030. From time to time implied as "progression that resolves the issues of the current age without compromising the limit of individuals in the future to resolve their issues" as portrayed in an accomplishment report distributed in 1987 [8] , the current conceptualization of maintainable improvement has extended its extraordinary focus on the possibility of monetary advancement just, to even more comprehensively wrap the three components of financial development, social development and biological confirmation [9] . The 17 Sustainable Development Goals expand upon and consolidate the three mainstays of maintainability (environment, society, and economy) and lengthen a wide range of angles identified with supportability, for instance, social and regular effects of industry, poverty reduction, sexual orientation uniformity, ensuring admission to clinical consideration for all, assurance of biodiversity, etc. The SDGs work in the soul of association and logic to settle on the ideal decisions presently to further develop life, economically, for people in the future. They give clear standards and centers for all countries to take on according to their own requirements and the normal hardships of the world at large. The SDGs are a complete arrangement. They tackle the fundamental driver of destitution and combine us to carry out an improvement for the two people and the planet [10] . Taking effect on 1 January 2016, the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) improve upon the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) [11] . Millennium Development Goals focussed principally on the requirements of emerging nations building up a double perspective on rich and more unfortunate nations, of benefactors and beneficiaries and suggesting that the worldwide test is an issue of advancement which global guide can help address, rather than a bunch of shared issues which just aggregate activity universally can resolve [12] . Unlike the MDGs, the SDGs are more ambitious, more collaborative, and more specific, with a clear message that every nation must exert effort to achieve them. So, the 17 SDGs are formed in such a way as to: End poverty in the entirety of its structures wherever [14, 15] ; battle hunger, achieve food security, further foster food and advance sustainable farming; ensure sound lives and advance success for all at all ages; guarantee comprehensive and impartial quality training and advance long lasting learning openings for all; accomplish sexual orientation uniformity and engage all ladies and young ladies [16] ; ensure availability and reasonable organization of water and sterilization for all; ensure permission to sensible, trustworthy, legitimate, and momentum energy for all; advance kept up with, maintainable, and possible monetary turn of events, full and helpful business, and reasonable work for all; structure flexible structure, advance complete and conservative industrialization, and develop progression; lessen disparity inside and among nations; make urban communities and human settlements comprehensive, protected, strong, and economical; guarantee manageable utilization and creation patterns [18] ; take a critical action to fight natural change and its belongings; proportion and financially use the oceans, seas, and marine resources for viable development; guarantee, restore, and advance useful use of natural frameworks, monetarily administer woods, fight desertification, and end and banter land degradation and end biodiversity disaster; advance quiet and comprehensive social orders for practical turn of events, giving admittance to equity to all and building compelling, responsible, and sustainable organizations at all levels; reinforcing the method for execution and renewing the worldwide association for supportable turn of events. Sustainable Development Goals from 2016 to 2030 (adopted by the United Nations General Assembly in September 2015) are part of the UN's global plan called ‗Transforming our world; the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, an agenda defining policies, principles, and commitments that will lead to a more equitable and sustainable future [12] . The current 5P drive plans to use the strength of legislatures, the specialized and monetary benefits of the private area, and the socio-financial improvement interest of networks. People, Planet, Prosperity, Peace, and Partnership are the five pillars of the SDGs [19] . The SDGs are more comprehensive than the MDGs, which were set in 2000. As a result, the Inter-agency Expert Group on SDG Indicators' final proposal for indicators, due in March 2016, will need to be more comprehensive than the 60 indicators used to monitor and evaluate the MDGs. There is some arrangement that the overall number of indicators for the SDGs should be confined, as noticing and appraisal can introduce authentic limitations and difficulties for National Statistical Offices (NSOs) and other public bodies. That being said, a perception of the quantity of markers that qualify as "limited" isn't uniform: a couple of experts propose that every one of the 169 targets is designated a lone indicator, many acknowledge that 100 overall noticing pointers address a valuable cut-off, and others acknowledge there should be impressively less [20] . The major disbenefit to a far-reaching rundown of indicators is the test of complete and compelling information assortment, especially at the city level. To address this test, there is a developing push to configure cross-cutting, multifunctional indicators that, by estimating a solitary data point can illuminate progress on different objectives or targets. It is possible for an indicator to contain multiple data series, for example, if it is broken down by sex, location, or age [21] . The Sustainable Development Goals require a lot of data, analyses, and statistics. These are needed to make strategies and key decisions, and these data need to be valuable, insightful, timely, apropos, and adequate. Statistical volume still needs to be solidified, and data literacy needs to be developed at every stage of the decision-making process [17] . Getting to the point of sustainable development will take a lot of collaboration among data creators and users from various data solutions [34] . Generating and using data and statistics will also entail the use of innovative technologies. There are plenty of SDG indicators to review. With the help of Big Data, companies can keep a track of the development plans more smoothly because it supplements the customary data sources. The Sustainable Development Goals include specific, time-sensitive, and quantifiable objectives in relationship with the national development strategies. There are probably over 230 SDG indicators. However, a lot of these indicators require proper disaggregation by several parameters like age, gender, location, and more. National Statistical Systems (NSS) requires granular data. As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, sustainable development has taken a step back. The global average score for the SDG Index for 2020 decreased for the first time since the SDGs have adopted in 2015: After the outbreak of COVID19, poverty rates and unemployment have increased substantially. As a result of the time lags associated with international statistics this year, the decline in 2030 SDG performance worldwide is likely underestimated. Vaccine access must remain the number one priority of all governments through nonpharmaceutical interventions and other non-pharmaceutical interventions to slow the spread of this pandemic. When the pandemic is raging, it is impossible to develop sustainably and recover economically. The 2021 index has Germany has an index of 82.5 whereas some countries have an Index as low as 38.3. Figure 1 showcases some of the countries with their respective SDG index. Since the available data for SDG indicators of each country is very huge, so for the scope of this paper, authors have analyzed the forecast of SDG-9, Build resilient infrastructure, promote sustainable industrialization, and foster innovation's indicator Population Using Internet. Figure 2 shows the prognosis of SDG in UAE, India, New Zealand, Japan, Germany, China, Bhutan, and the United States over the next 2 years for the above indicator which shows that UAE, Japan, Germany and USA have a possibility to attain the SDG-9 by this time. As a result of each country's actions, it can negatively or positively affect the ability of other countries to achieve the SDGs. The Spillover Index analyzes these spillovers along three dimensions: economic and social effects in trade, economy & finance, and security. Scores of higher are indicative of more positive spillover effects and fewer negative ones. Figure 3 shows the spillover scores of countries worldwide, where Myanmar and Sudan have the best scores of 99.99 and Singapore has the worst scores of 20.55. This report presents an overview of India's Sustainable Development Dashboard for 2020 along with SDG Indexes and Dashboards, outlines the short-term impacts of COVID-19 on the SDGs, and discusses how to frame recovery around the SDGs. The report was prepared by NITI Aayog, Government of India. Urban local bodies (ULBs) in 56 cities were analyzed by the City's think tank on 77 indicators of SDG achievement [40] . This was part of an initiative to localize SDGs and ensure their effective monitoring. According to the SDGs Urban Index, Dhanbad, Jharkhand, was at the bottom of the list, while New Delhi was 20th along with Raipur (Chhattisgarh). Within the top 10, Nagpur, Pune, Chandigarh, Ahmedabad, and Coimbatore are the most advanced urban areas in terms of implementing sustainable development goals. The Sustainable Development Goals Urban Index placed Shimla at the top of the list. Kolkata came in at the 48th position among the bottom 10 cities, followed by Mumbai at 33rd and Chennai at 11th. The literature is demonstrated in figure 4 . The remaining 12 are capital cities with less than a million people and 44 have a population above one million. Under the Indo-German Development Cooperation umbrella, NITI Aayog-GIZ and BMZ prepared the index. The Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic has dominated formative exercises across the world. COVID-19 has been contained due to an array of governmental, financial, and specialized resources [13, 23] . SDGs were embraced by the worldwide local area in 2015 to work on personal satisfaction, everything being equal, and to convey forward the incomplete plan of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). The year 2020 launches the Decade of Action-a reaffirmation of the worldwide responsibility through sped up endeavors and supportable answers for the world's greatest difficulties, going from eradicating poverty and reducing gender inequality to addressing climate change [24] . The COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted attempts to achieve the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development in just a short period of time [25] . One year into the pandemic, this new UNDP research shows that the destitution hole between nations is set to rise. By 2030, roughly eight out of ten individuals who drove into neediness because COVID-19 will live in nations on the lower end of the human turn of events, with the heaviest weight falling on Africa. Under a 'COVID Baseline' situation, 41 million individuals in low and medium HDI nations could be driven into destitution by 2030. Be that as it may, the course of the pandemic is yet obscure, and upwards of 169 million individuals could be crashed into outrageous destitution in these nations by 2030, accepting a 'High Damage' situation. Strategy decisions made now could adjust this situation, yet the additional time that elapses, the harder it will be to shift direction. For one thing, the pandemic has made more separated financial aspects with the conclusion of boundaries and global relocation. Therefore, the SDG that takes all of this in and gradually self-destructs is #17 -Partnership for every one of the objectives. Unavoidably, the pandemic seriously influences SDG 3 (Good Health and Well-Being). As of November 2021, the infection has gotten clutch 262 billion individuals and has ended the existence of over 5.2 million people. As the world has assumed the standards of social removing and quarantine, we witness a weighty dependence on computerized availability. Be that as it may, the failure of being obliged in the virtual world will prompt difficulties in the value aspect of all-encompassing turn of events, causing more elevated levels of destitution, hunger and in this manner hampering SDGs 1, 2, 4, 6, and 10 (No Poverty, Zero Hunger, Quality Education, Clean Water, and Sanitation and Reduced Inequalities respectively) [26] . These SDGs are intertwined with SDG 5 (Gender Equality), SDG 13 (Climate activity), SDG 14 (Life submerged), and SDG 15 (Life on Land) which were additionally seriously affected [28] . Figure 5 illustrates the effect of Covid-19 on the SDGs. Based on four different scenarios, the following graph shows the predicted number of people living in poverty.  In 'Baseline COVID', poverty and hunger are increased significantly and the long-term consequences are considerable;  If there is more economic damage and recovery is delayed, then the ‗High Damage' scenario describes the future;  In the ‗SDG Push' scenario, targeted policy interventions are presented as one mechanism to accelerate progress towards a more equitable, resilient, and sustainable future.  The scenario called 'No COVID' describes a future in which COVID does not exist [29] . Contributing and helping the green economy ought to be one of the significant methods of beating the current circumstance. In India, the public authority previously pronounced appropriations and a venture of crores of rupees in agriculture. Aside from agriculture, a decrease in energy utilization by utilizing more sun-oriented energy, more open vehicles (rather than individual vehicles), and water collecting could be conceivable measures towards the practical development of the economy. One of the basic variables to advance SDG8 (good work and monetary development) is human resources and that has been shaken [30] . The equivalent goes for SDG 9 (industry, development, and foundation). Financial systems can assist with supporting recuperation and flexibility endeavors while advancing low-carbon improvement [31] . Maintaining work-from-home policies can assist in reducing air pollution and driving congestion [33] . Coronavirus is probably going to adversely affect most SDGs. I am focusing on the Sustainable Development The SDGs and the Six SDG Transformations should direct the recuperation from Covid-19 and assist work with support better. No nation will be protected from the pandemic except if all nations manage the infection. The report presents a point-by-point structure for how nations can work back better utilizing the SDGs. The current emergency, including threats among significant powers, raises the ghost of worldwide struggle rather than worldwide collaboration. Fortunately, the vast majority of the world direly needs multilateralism and collaboration. The awful news is that a few nations don't, while others are deadened by their own emergencies, spending plan shortfalls, and divisions of neighborhood legislative issues. The multilateral circumstance is hence laden and needs support. Under SDG 17 (Partnerships for the Goals), global collaboration can accelerate the fight against the pandemic. For sure, there could be no alternate method for succeeding. Figure 6 demonstrates how SDGs are linked inflow with the Covid crisis. As part of Agenda 2030, all UN member states are committed to achieving the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The accomplishment of this plan essentially relies upon whether humanity will A literature want to amplify collaborations and resolve existing compromises between the SDGs. The discussion of this paper lies in the analytics of SDG Indicators. In a country like India, the steps to be taken by the authorities as well as the population matter a lot towards Sustainable Development Goals. If India achieves the SDGs, it would mean a major portion of the world has achieved it. India presented its first urban dashboard in which Shimla topped the list. The authors also highlight the setback COVID-19 has proved to be on the attainment of SDGs by 2030. Measuring and forecasting progress towards the education-related SDG targets Quick Guide to Education Indicators for SDG 4 Policy: Map the interactions between Sustainable Development Goals The Millennium Development Goals Report A robust machine learning approach to SDG data segmentation A Decade of Sustainable HCI: Connecting SHCI to the Sustainable Development Goals How can a serious game be designed to provide engagement with and awareness of the plastic crisis as part of the UN's SDGs? 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Current Opinion in Green and Sustainable Chemistry, 30, 100497 Sustainable Development Goals and Their Incorporation in Urban Planning Measuring, Monitoring, and Evaluating the SDGs Sustainable Development Goals Diagnostics: An Application of Network Theory and Complexity Measures to Set Country Priorities Emerging Trends and Limitations in Technology and System of Ubiquitous Computing Impact of COVID-19 pandemic on health system & Sustainable Development Goal 3. The Indian journal of medical research Transforming our world: The 2030 agenda for sustainable development | department of economic and social affairs Impact of COVID-19 on SDG progress: a statistical perspective The Impact of COVID-19 and the Sustainable Development Goals Architectural Performance of WiMAX over WiFi with Reliable QoS over World Health Organization. WHO announces COVID-19 outbreak a pandemic Assessing COVID-19 impact on the Sustainable Development Goals. UNDP Data Futures Platform Impact of Covid-19 on Sustainable Development Goals The impact of COVID-19 pandemic on sustainable development goals -A survey Achieving High-Performance Distributed System: Using Grid Cluster and Cloud Computing‖ Lysimetric Studies to Estimate the Solute and Contaminant Transport in Hydrogeological Profile An Exploratory Analysis on the Unfold of Fake News During COVID-19 Pandemic Prediction and Spread Visualization of Covid-19 Pandemic Using Machine Learning The Decade of Action for the Sustainable Development Goals: Sustainable Development Report 2021 Sustainable Development Solutions Network Assessing Covid impacts on the sdgs. UNDP Data Futures Platform Sdgs and urban indices across states. NIUA. (n.d.). Retrieved