key: cord-0794518-hk1q7exw authors: Filho, Dr. Wellington Alves title: Authors’ reply to: Comment on the article by Dr. N. Shakrawal: Barrier device prototype for open tracheotomy during COVID-19 pandemic date: 2020-10-26 journal: Auris Nasus Larynx DOI: 10.1016/j.anl.2020.10.013 sha: 5aeba32ef491e60b3beb67e8e87868fc6d5428dd doc_id: 794518 cord_uid: hk1q7exw nan Auris Nasus Larynx xxx (xxxx) xxx Auris Nasus Larynx j o u r n a l h o m e p a g e : w w w . e l s e v i e r . c o m / l o c a t e / a n l Authors' reply to: Comment on the article by Dr. N. during COVID-19 pandemic" [1] . It has been an honor to 7 see our device being studied and even replicated elsewhere, 8 especially in developing countries such as Brazil and India. 9 We strongly believe that barrier devices could enhance PPEs 10 efficacy, although further tests may be necessary. Some points 11 were asked to be addressed, therefore we will try to answer 12 them sequentially. 13 Regarding the possibility of hyperthermia, we have not ex-14 perienced such event yet. Even still, the use of convective 15 warming blankets could be helpful, as suggested [2] . Also, Box and plastic goggles without any difficulties. 30 The length of the operation is not affected by the use of 31 the COVID-Box in our experience. However, proper setting 32 of the device takes around five to ten minutes prior to the 33 operation itself. 34 Finally, we try to place the tracheotomy tube as well as all 35 connections within the device boundaries before the beginning 36 of the procedure. This minimize the risk of exposure and 37 environment contamination. 38 In light of the pandemic, the continuous search for more 39 affordable means of protecting health care workers is of high 40 importance. Brazil and India share many common aspects re-41 garding health issues, and devices like ours may contribute on 42 helping surgeons to keep performing necessary tracheotomies, 43 without jeopardizing safety. 44 Sincerely, 45 Barrier device prototype for open tra-48 cheotomy during COVID-19 pandemic COVID-19): anesthetic concerns, including 51 airway management and infection control ncerns-including-airway-management-and-infection-control) pressure aerosol cover for COVID-19 tracheostomy