key: cord-0790476-i59r5oix authors: Thomas, Nishanth; Dionysiou, Dionysios D.; Pillai, Suresh C. title: Heterogeneous Fenton Catalysts: A Review of Recent Advances date: 2020-10-02 journal: J Hazard Mater DOI: 10.1016/j.jhazmat.2020.124082 sha: 647b6f301e4cf20a6b3a712bef8b9785e9c942a5 doc_id: 790476 cord_uid: i59r5oix Heterogeneous Fenton catalysts are emerging as excellent systems for applications related to water purification. In this review, recent trends in the synthesis and application of heterogeneous Fenton catalysts for the abatement of organic pollutants and disinfection of microorganisms are discussed. It is noted that as the complexity of cell wall increases, the resistance level towards various disinfectants increases and it requires either harsh conditions or longer exposure time for the complete disinfection. In case of viruses, enveloped viruses (e.g. SARS-CoV-2) are found to be more susceptible to disinfectants than the non-enveloped viruses. The introduction of plasmonic systems with the Fenton catalysts broaden the visible light absorption efficiency of the hybrid material, and incorporation of semiconductor material improves the rate of regeneration of Fe(II) from Fe(III). A special emphasis is given to the use of Fenton catalysts for antibacterial applications. Composite materials of magnetite and ferrites remain a champion in this area because of their easy separation and reuse, owing to their magnetic properties. Iron minerals supported on clay materials, perovskites, carbon materials, zeolites and metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) dramatically increase the catalytic degradation rate of contaminants by providing high surface area, good mechanical stability, and improved electron transfer. Moreover, insights to the zero-valent iron and its capacity to remove a wide range of organic pollutants, heavy metals and bacterial contamination are also discussed. Real world applications and the role of natural organic matter are summarised. Parameter optimisation (e.g. light source, dosage of catalyst, concentration of H(2)O(2)etc.), sustainable models for the reusability or recyclability of the catalyst and the theoretical understanding and mechanistic aspects of the photo-Fenton process are also explained. Additionally, this review summarises the opportunities and future directions of research in the heterogeneous Fenton catalysis. 4 of low cost, efficient, visible-light responsive materials for performing the Fenton reaction at around neutral pH is an active area of research in AOPs. [39, 40] There are different techniques employed for achieving this target. In the current review, various advanced materials developed for Fenton and photo-Fenton processes are discussed. The readers are redirected to other reviews for a detailed understanding of the reactor design, usage of chelates etc. [38, [41] [42] [43] [44] 2. Mechanism of reactive oxygen species (ROS) formation and disinfection Fig. 1 . Schematic illustration depicting the photo-assisted semiconductor action and heterogeneous photo-Fenton action of bacterial inactivation. Illumination of semiconductors such as iron oxides, TiO 2 , ZnO etc. with light having energy equal or higher than the bandgap of the material leads to the formation of electrons and holes. [45] Those photo-induced electrons (excited from the valence band to the conduction band) transfer to an acceptor molecule and the molecule undergoes reduction. At the valence band, the generated hole (electron vacancy) receives an electron from a molecule which is adsorbed to the system, and that molecule gets oxidised. In the O 2 atmosphere, generally O 2 acts as an acceptor molecule and generates the superoxide anion (O 2 • -). Also, the adsorbed hydroxyl groups (OH − ) capture the holes to produce hydroxyl radicals ( • OH). Similarly, many organic moieties will get oxidised to other smaller compounds. Various reactive oxygen species J o u r n a l P r e -p r o o f 5 (ROS) have different capacity for oxidation and selectivity. The • OH and O 2 •are the two dominant reactive oxygen species involved in the Fenton reaction. [46] [47] [48] The • OH with a half-life of 10 -9 s and high reduction potential (+2.80 V vs SCE, • OH/H 2 O; under acidic conditions) is the most reactive oxygen species involved. [49, 50] Since • OH are short-lived, it is generally produced in-situ by the illumination of UV light on H 2 O 2 or O 3 . [51, 52] It is also possible to generate the H 2 O 2 through the photo electrocatalytic mechanism, and that in-situ generated H 2 O 2 can take part in the Fenton reaction and produce • OH. The • OH, which is the most active ROS, also has the capacity to disrupt the cell wall of microorganisms and can perform disinfection of water. One of the hindrances associated with • OH based disinfection is the scavenging of • OH by natural organic matter (NOM) present in the wastewater, which may diminish the efficiency of wastewater disinfection. [53] Iron oxides are generally considered to be biodegradable, non-toxic and environmentally friendly. [63, [73] [74] [75] Usually, the physical properties of synthesised materials are dependent on their specific surface area, particle size, morphology etc. and these properties vary greatly based on their synthesis strategies. Some of the popular methods adopted for the synthesis of iron-based materials include solvothermal procedure, hydrothermal procedure, thermal decomposition, microemulsion process and co-precipitation method. [63] Until now, sixteen pure faces of oxides, hydroxides and oxy-hydroxides are reported in the literature [36, 76] Iron oxides have the potential to act as photo-catalysts because of their semiconducting properties. The possible semiconducting mechanism of iron oxides can be detailed as follows [46, 77] Iron Upon light irradiation, the heterogeneous Fenton reaction gets enhanced by the production of Fe(II) from the reduction of Fe(III) to Fe(II). Also on the particle surface, • OH is generated by the heterogeneous Fenton reaction between Fe(II) and H 2 O 2 (Eq. 1). Later the • OH reacts with organic matter leading to their degradation (Eq. 3). In the iron oxide systems, the ferrous ion is part of the crystal system of oxides. This feature enhances the stability of the catalyst towards the splitting of H 2 O 2, and thus the leaching of ferrous ions from the catalyst is reduced. Magnetite, [78] [79] [80] [81] [82] [83] ferrihydrite, [84] [85] [86] [87] [88] hematite, [89] [90] [91] [92] [93] goethite, [94] [95] [96] [97] [98] [99] schwertmannite, [100] [101] [102] lepidocrocite, [103, 104] and J o u r n a l P r e -p r o o f 9 maghemite [105, 106] are some of the classes of iron minerals utilised as Fenton-catalysts. The recent developments regarding these heterogeneous Fenton catalysts are discussed in the upcoming sections. Ferriydrite (Fh) is a naturally occurring iron oxyhydroxide mineral used as a Fenton catalyst because of its large specific surface area. [107, 108] Fig. 3 . Transition metal-doped iron oxides with a spinel structure are normally named as ferrites. The Fe 3 O 4 /MoS 2 was active at a broad pH from 3.5 to 9.5, and the catalyst could be separated magnetically owing to its saturation magnetization value of 40.6 emu g -1 . Similarly, a graphene composite of Fe 3 O 4 was successful in inhibiting the growth of Pseudomonas aeruginosa and S. aureus. [131] Wang and co-workers developed a therapeutic approach by combining the copper ferrite antibacterial therapy with photothermal therapy (PTT). [125] The hydrothermally prepared haemoglobin functionalized copper ferrite nanoparticle (Hb- There are various reports of the application of iron oxide family of materials for wastewater treatment and microbial inactivation. [134] [135] [136] Apart from directly employing various iron minerals as heterogeneous Fenton catalysts, iron minerals can be incorporated into numerous supporting materials like zeolites, [37, 63, 70] metal-organic frameworks (MOFs), [149, 150] clays, [151, 152] , graphene oxide (GO), [153, 154] silica [155, 156] etc. Some of the desirable properties needed for the supporting materials for holding the iron-based catalysts for photo-Fenton reaction can be their ability to perform the reaction for multiple cycles and the lesser leaching of the Fe ions. Moreover, they need to be durable against highly reactive radicals. In this section, recent reports on various supporting materials for heterogeneous Fenton processes and their desirable properties are discussed. The incorporation of iron into clays can be performed by pillaring, [157, 158] impregnation [159, 160] etc. Generally, inorganic supporting materials provide thermal stability, resistance to organic solvents and high mechanical strength. [161] Clay materials are abundantly present in the earth crust, but they may not be used as excellent ions. [162, 163] This process makes the interlamellar space accessible for the reactants and leads to a significant increase in the porosity and surface area of the material. Pillaring process also exposes some of the catalytic sites, and additional catalytic sites are added in case iron compounds make the pillars. [152] Since the crystal structures and other characteristic properties of the pure clay materials are well-defined, the difference in catalytic activity mainly arises from the pillars incorporated. [164] Further, the Fe(III) species can be considered as immobilised in the interlayer spacing of pillared clays. So, the ion species is stable against the differences in solution pH, and that results in limited leaching of iron. [165] There are various reports of the use of pillared clays for the degradation of dyes, [166, 167] pharmacologically important compounds, [168, 169] and phenolic compounds. [170, 171] However, the applications of pillared clay-based systems in more complex matrices, This catalyst exhibited excellent activity in degrading BPA. Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) was performed to understand the charge transfer resistance (CTR) and ease of separation of electron-hole pairs in the catalyst. In a three-electrode electrochemical system, 0.1 mol/L KCl was used as an electrolytic solution, and a glassy carbon electrode modified with prepared catalysts was employed as a working electrode. Several reports suggest that a lower charge transfer resistance can be correlated with facile separation of electrons and holes. [175] Here among the three catalytic systems studied, Ag/AgCl/Fe-S was reported with the lover CTR, and that corroborate the enhanced degradation of the BPA. Layered double hydroxides (LDHs) are a class of clay-based materials having brucite-like sheet structures made of metal hydroxides. [176, 177] Their intercalated anions/cations can be easily exchanged by cation exchange to alter their properties. [178, 179] The strong electrostatic interaction observed between the layers and interlayer anions provides a welloriented structure for the LDHs. [ Perovskites are a class of ABX 3 compounds in which the X anion is mainly O 2-. [188, 189] Perovskite compounds have a cubic geometry with A cation surrounded by 12 X anions, and B cation surrounded by 6 X anions. [190, 191] These compounds received their generic nomenclature from the mineral perovskite (CaTiO 3 ). In the last decade, ABO 3 perovskite family of oxides such as EuFeO 3 , [192] LaFeO 3 , [193] BiFeO 3 [194, 195] (Fig. 7) . In a recent effort, Cu-substituted LaFeO 3 perovskite was used for the degradation of BPA. [197] Using a citric acid complexation method, [198] Reproduced with permission from ref. [196] . Carbon-based materials namely carbon nanotubes (CNTs), [202, 203] activated carbon (AC), [204, 205] biochar, [206, 207] graphene oxide (GO), [153, 208] [248, 249] It is significant to note that, in the α-Fe 2 O 3 /g-C 3 N 4 system, H 2 O 2 was produced on the g-C 3 N 4 and the in-situ produced H 2 O 2 was decomposed to • OH on the α-Fe 2 O 3 surface. Also, the hole in the VB of hematite was capable of oxidising OHto • OH. These characteristics make the α-Fe 2 O 3 /g-C 3 N 4 a promising candidate for wastewater purification applications. [244] Metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) are a class of supramolecular assemblies formed from the interaction of various metal ions and organic ligands. In a recent report, distinct nano-architectures of road-like, spindle-like, and diamond-like MIL-88A-Fe were prepared and studied to examine the correlation of different exposed crystal facets towards catalytic performance. [292] The shape-selective synthesis of the catalyst was achieved by simply varying the water/DMF ratio during the solvothermal synthesis, and the contribution of (100) facet decreased upon increasing the quantity of DMF. The peak area analysis of XRD pattern showed that (100) facet has a ratio of 60%, 30% and 15% in the road-MIL-88A-Fe, spindle-MIL-88A-Fe and diamond-MIL-88A-Fe, respectively. Also, DFT studies revealed the easier activation of H 2 O 2 on the (100) crystal facet compared to (101) , and the rod-MIL-88A-Fe was chosen as the best catalyst for Fenton reaction. Over the past decade, ZVI was demonstrated for treating different varieties of organic and inorganic contaminants such as dyes, [293] phenolic compounds, [294, 295] antibiotics, [296] nitroaromatic compounds (NACs), [297] arsenic, [298] heavy metals, [299] chlorinated organic compounds, [300] nitrates etc. [300] The heavy metal iron content in wastewater poses significant challenges during its treatment. [301, 302] In the last decade, ZVI emerged as a catalyst for treating wastewater, having a large load of heavy metal content. [303, 304] . Li ). Carbon dioxide radical is known for transferring one of its electrons to chlorinated contaminants and performing the degradation by a reductive pathway. They studied the role of formic acid in the generation of CO 2 •and confirmed the presence of carbon dioxide radical by electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) analysis. The generalised mechanism for oxidative and reductive routes of degradation followed by ZVI is summarised in Fig. 12 . etc. [317, 318] . Therefore, ZVI is of interest since it will not result in the production of any DBPs. Two of the limiting factors that prevent the practical application of ZVI include poor dispersibility and its low disinfection efficiency. Because of the lower disinfection efficiency, a higher dosage of ZVI is required, and that adds to the cost of the process. The electrostatic and magnetic interactions between ZVI particles lead to its aggregation and poor dispersibility. Also, under aerobic conditions, the iron oxide layers formed over the ZVI decelerates the electron transfer from the ZVI core to the exterior. ZVI is an abundantly available, non-toxic, and comparably low-cost material that has also shown applications as heterogeneous Fenton catalyst. [64] It has successfully demonstrated the removal of microorganisms, heavy metals, and contaminants of emerging concern from drinking water, and it also functions without formation of toxic disinfection by-products (DBP).[61, 319, 320] Because of its versatility, it has great potential for future applications in large-scale water treatment plants. However, it is a challenging task to understand the complex mechanism of action of ZVI because its mechanisms of action may involve oxidation, reduction, co-precipitation, surface adsorption etc. Its mechanism also varies according to the contaminants which it reacts with. Also, ZVI treatment may result in the formation of smaller quantities of corrosion products such as Fe(OH) 2 , Fe(OH) 3 , Fe 2 O 2 etc. and they could be detrimental to the pipelines in water distribution channels. [64] Fenton reaction. [84, 88] LEDs have a longer lifespan compared to Xenon lamps, and they convert less amount of energy in the form of heat. [331, 332] Optimising [340, 341] Later the theoretical studies should be validated with necessary experimental evidence. The lack of standardised procedures for reporting the catalytic activity is a major concern in the heterogeneous photo-Fenton process. Different groups of researchers use various ratios of concentrations of catalyst: H 2 O 2 for performing the reactions. (See the catalytic activity summarised in Table. 1) Therefore, a standardised procedure for comparing the efficiency of the catalyst is inevitable. In many cases, even though the authors argue about carrying out the reaction at a neutral pH, the reaction pH changes during the experiment. Usually, the pH of the reaction mixture decreases due to the formation of smaller degradation products such as oxalic acid, formic acid etc. [342] Hence, use of buffers and/or continuous monitoring of pH is necessary while performing the reaction. Another challenge that needs to be addressed is the leaching of iron species from the catalyst and deactivation of catalytic sites by the adsorption of impurities from wastewater. So, more work is needed to understand catalyst stability and longevity as well as technologies that can use the catalyst in a sustainable way. Photo-Fenton treatment of wastewater is an evolving technology for removing organic, inorganic, and microbial contaminants from water. In comparison to the homogeneous in the inactivation of pathogenic microorganisms and destruction of contaminants of emerging concern in various types of wastewaters. Along these lines, there is potential for further enhancement of process performance when introducing catalysts of good selectivity, synergistic action, and versatility for the treatment of various types of source waters/wastewaters polluted with a variety of pathogenic microorganisms, organic and inorganic contaminants of concern. Fe-contained perovskites are seeing growing interest in Fenton-like processes, especially on aspects related to innovative strategies to dope or modify perovskites materials to achieve higher catalytic activity and better process performance. Engineering and has served as a UNESCO co-Chair Professor on "Water Access and Sustainability" at the University of Cincinnati. He teaches courses on drinking water quality, treatment and reuse, advanced unit operations for water treatment, advanced oxidation technologies, and physical-chemical processes for water quality control. Professor Dionysiou is leading several projects of local, state, national and international importance focused on water quality, treatment, reuse, and monitoring. His work encompasses surface water, groundwater, agricultural water, and industrial waters of complex mixtures. His research interests include (i) physical chemical processes for water treatment, (ii) urban water quality, (iii) advanced oxidation processes, (iv) UV and solar light-based remediation processes, (v) treatment of contaminants of emerging concern (i.e., pharmaceuticals and personal care products, biotoxins, heavy metals), (vi) remediation of Harmful Algal Blooms/cyanotoxins, (vii) environmental nanotechnology and nanosensing, (viii) water-energy-food (WEF) nexus, and (ix) water sustainability. Several of his current projects are focused on the treatment, sensing, and monitoring of cyanotoxins formed in freshwater aquatic systems such as Lake Erie and several inland lakes and rivers in Ohio. Reduced Graphene Oxide for Catalytic Oxidation of Aqueous Organic Pollutants Preparation and characteristics of a nano-PbO2 anode for organic wastewater treatment Homogeneous photo-Fenton processes at near neutral pH: A review Review on the main advances in photo-Fenton oxidation system for recalcitrant wastewaters Heterogeneous photo-Fenton oxidation with pillared clay-based catalysts for wastewater treatment: A review Degradation of chlorophenols by means of advanced oxidation processes: A general review A review on Fenton and improvements to the Fenton process for wastewater treatment A review on the visible light active titanium dioxide photocatalysts for environmental applications Review on modified TiO2 photocatalysis under UV/visible light: Selected results and related mechanisms on interfacial charge carrier transfer dynamics Degrading Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals from Wastewater by TiO 2 Photocatalysis: A Review Doped-TiO2: A Review The application of TiO2 photocatalysis for disinfection of water contaminated with pathogenic microorganisms: A review A review of solar and visible light active TiO2 photocatalysis for treating bacteria, cyanotoxins and contaminants of emerging concern Review of material design and reactor engineering on TiO2 photocatalysis for CO2 reduction Oxidationoftartaricacidinpresenceof iron REACTIONS OF LOW-VALENT TRANSITION-METAL COMPLEXES WITH HYDROGEN-PEROXIDE -ARE THEY FENTON-LIKE OR NOT .1. THE CASE OF CU+AQ AND CR-2+AQ The fenton reagents, Free Radic A Comparative study of Fenton and Fenton-like reaction kinetics in decolourisation of wastewater Indications of the reactive species in a heterogeneous Fenton-like reaction using Fe-containing zeolites Formation of the excited ferryl species following fenton reaction, Free Radic Why the Reactive Oxygen Species of the Fenton Reaction Switches from Oxoiron(IV) Species to Hydroxyl Radical in Phosphate Buffer Solutions? A Computational Rationale Trends in electro-Fenton process for water and wastewater treatment: An overview Bio-electro-Fenton processes for wastewater treatment: Advances and prospects Removal of organic micropollutants from drinking water by a novel electro-Fenton filter: Pilot-scale studies Effect of initial solution pH on the degradation of Orange II using clay-based Fe nanocomposites as heterogeneous photo-Fenton catalyst Degradation of 4-nitrophenol in aqueous medium by electro-Fenton method Comparative effect of simulated solar light, UV, UV/H202 and photo-Fenton treatment (UV Vis/H2O2/Fe-2+,Fe-3+) in the Escherichia colt inactivation in artificial seawater Electro-Fenton removal of Orange II in a divided cell: Reaction mechanism, degradation pathway and toxicity evolution Homogeneous photo-Fenton processes at near neutral pH: A review Solar disinfection is an augmentable, in situ-generated photo-Fenton reaction-Part 1: A review of the mechanisms and the fundamental aspects of the process Heterogeneous catalytic treatment of synthetic dyes in aqueous media using Fenton and photo-assisted Fenton process Photo-Fenton disinfection at near neutral pH: Process, parameter optimization and recent advances Synthesis of floriated ZnFe2O4 with porous nanorod structures and its photocatalytic hydrogen production under visible light ZnFe2O4 multi-porous microbricks/graphene hybrid photocatalyst: Facile synthesis, improved activity and photocatalytic mechanism A critical review of fundamental principles and application for water/wastewater treatment A review on Fenton-like processes for organic wastewater treatment A review on Fenton and improvements to the Fenton process for wastewater treatment Homogeneous photo-Fenton processes at near neutral pH: A review TiO2 photocatalyst for water treatment applications Visible light-assisted heterogeneous Fenton with ZnFe2O4 for the degradation of Orange II in water Interfacial mechanisms of heterogeneous Fenton reactions catalyzed by iron-based materials: A review Rapid toxicity elimination of organic pollutants by the photocatalysis of environment-friendly and magnetically recoverable step-scheme SnFe2O4/ZnFe2O4 nano-heterojunctions Metal-mediated oxidation of fluoroquinolone antibiotics in water: A review on kinetics, transformation products, and toxicity assessment Interfacial mechanisms of heterogeneous Fenton reactions catalyzed by iron-based materials: A review Challenges and prospects of advanced oxidation water treatment processes using catalytic nanomaterials Mechanisms of Escherichia coli inactivation by several disinfectants The use of zero-valent iron for groundwater remediation and wastewater treatment: A review Clays and oxide minerals as catalysts and nanocatalysts in Fenton-like reactions -A review Review on the application of modified iron oxides as heterogeneous catalysts in Fenton reactions Catalytic decomposition of hydrogen peroxide on iron oxide: Kinetics, mechanism, and implications Azo-dye Orange II degradation by heterogeneous Fenton-like reaction using carbon-Fe catalysts Novel NaY zeolite-supported nanoscale zero-valent iron as an efficient heterogeneous Fenton catalyst Wastewater treatment with heterogeneous Fenton-type catalysts based on porous materials Fenton Degradation of 4,6-Dinitro-o-cresol with Fe2+-Substituted Ion-Exchange Resin Fenton-Like Oxidation of 4-Chlorophenol: Homogeneous or Heterogeneous? Review on the application of modi fi ed iron oxides as heterogeneous catalysts in Fenton reactions Applied Catalysis : nvironmental Iron oxides semiconductors are efficients for solar water disinfection : A comparison with photo-Fenton processes at neutral pH Science of the Total Environment Use of iron oxide nanomaterials in wastewater treatment : A review Magnetite and Green Rust: Synthesis, Properties, and Environmental Applications of Mixed-Valent Iron Minerals Iron oxides semiconductors are efficients for solar water disinfection: A comparison with photo-Fenton processes at neutral pH Preparation of magnetite-based catalysts and their application in heterogeneous Fenton oxidation -A review The sacrificial role of graphene oxide in stabilising a Fenton-like catalyst GO-Fe3O4 Yolk-shell structured Fe3O4@void@TiO2 as a photo-Fenton-like catalyst for the extremely efficient elimination of tetracycline Mesocrystalline Zn-Doped Fe3O4 Hollow Submicrospheres: Formation Mechanism and Enhanced Photo-Fenton Catalytic Performance Magnetite as a heterogeneous electro Fenton catalyst for the removal of Rhodamine B from aqueous solution The role of M2+ species on the reactivity towards H2O2 reactions Visible-light Ag/AgBr/ferrihydrite catalyst with enhanced heterogeneous photo-Fenton reactivity via electron transfer from Ag/AgBr to ferrihydrite Mechanisms for the enhanced photo-Fenton activity of ferrihydrite modified with BiVO4 at neutral pH Fullerol modification ferrihydrite for the degradation of acid red 18 under simulated sunlight Mixed alpha-Fe2O3/Bi2WO6 oxides for photoassisted hetero-Fenton degradation of Methyl Orange and Phenol Ag nanoparticles/hematite mesocrystals superstructure composite: a facile synthesis and enhanced heterogeneous photo-Fenton activity Hematite facet confined ferrous ions as high efficient Fenton catalysts to degrade organic contaminants by lowering H2O2 decomposition energetic span Large scale preparation of Cu-doped alpha-FeOOH nanoflowers and their photo-Fenton-like catalytic degradation of diclofenac sodium Visible-light photo-Fenton oxidation of phenol with rGO-alpha-FeOOH supported on Al-doped mesoporous silica (MCM-41) at neutral pH: Performance and optimization of the catalyst Hydroxylamine Promoted Goethite Surface Fenton Degradation of Organic Pollutants Oxidation of a Dimethoxyhydroquinone by Ferrihydrite and Goethite Nanoparticles: Iron Reduction versus Surface Catalysis Oxygen Vacancy Promoted Heterogeneous Fenton-like Degradation of Ofloxacin at pH 3.2-9.0 by Cu Substituted Magnetic Fe3O4@FeOOH Nanocomposite FeOOH quantum dots coupled g-C3N4 for visible light driving photo-Fenton degradation of organic pollutants Degradation of nitrobenzene by Fenton-like reaction in a H2O2/schwertmannite system Degradation of phthalate esters and acetaminophen in river sediments using the electrokinetic process integrated with a novel Fenton-like process catalyzed by nanoscale schwertmannite Schwertmannite as a new Fenton-like catalyst in the oxidation of phenol by H2O2 Synthesis of ternary g-C3N4/Ag/gamma-FeOOH photocatalyst: An integrated heterogeneous Fenton-like system for effectively degradation of azo dye methyl orange under visible light Preparation of a novel gamma-FeOOH-GAC nano composite for decolorization of textile wastewater by photo Fenton-like process in a continuous reactor Photodegradation of 2-mercaptobenzothiazole in the gamma-Fe2O3/oxalate suspension under UVA light irradiation Facile synthesis of alpha-FeOOH/gamma-Fe2O3 by a pH gradient method and the role of gamma-Fe2O3 in H2O2 activation under visible light irradiation The microstructure of ferrihydrite and its catalytic reactivity RSC Advances synthesis , strong adsorption and excellent Fenton An endocrine disruptor with widespread exposure and multiple effects CNTs/ferrihydrite as a highly efficient heterogeneous Fenton catalyst for the degradation of bisphenol A: The important role of CNTs in accelerating Fe(III)/Fe(II) cycling Enhanced heterogeneous photo-Fenton catalytic degradation of tetracycline over yCeO2/Fh composites: Performance, degradation pathways, Fe2+ regeneration and mechanism Efficient degradation of cefotaxime by a UV+ferrihydrite/TiO2+H2O2 process: the important role of ferrihydrite in transferring photo-generated electrons from TiO2 to H2O2 Tailoring the photo-Fenton activity of spinel ferrites (MFe2O4) by incorporating different cations (M = Cu, Zn, Ni and Co) in the structure ZnFe2O4 multi-porous microbricks/graphene hybrid photocatalyst: Facile synthesis, improved activity and photocatalytic mechanism Manganese ferrite nanoparticles synthesized through a nanocasting route as a highly active Fenton catalyst Magnetic ordered mesoporous copper ferrite as a heterogeneous Fenton catalyst for the degradation of imidacloprid Magnetic iron oxide nanoparticles: Synthesis, stabilization, vectorization, physicochemical characterizations and biological applications Photodegradation of textile dye using magnetically recyclable heterogeneous spinel ferrites Phase and morphology evolution of bismuth ferrites via hydrothermal reaction route Enhanced visible-light-response photocatalytic activity of bismuth ferrite nanoparticles Photodegradation of textile dye using magnetically recyclable heterogeneous spinel ferrites Mixed iron oxides as Fenton catalysts for gallic acid removal from aqueous solutions 3D mesoporous CuFe2O4 as a catalyst for photo-Fenton removal of sulfonamide antibiotics at near neutral pH Multifunctional Magnetic Copper Ferrite Nanoparticles as Fenton-like Reaction and Near-Infrared Photothermal Agents for Synergetic Antibacterial Therapy Magnetic yolk-shell structure of ZnFe2O4 nanoparticles for enhanced visible light photo-Fenton degradation towards antibiotics and mechanism study Environmentally friendly synthesized and magnetically recoverable designed ferrite photo-catalysts for wastewater treatment applications Ciprofloxacin: An Updated Review of its Pharmacology, Therapeutic Efficacy and Tolerability Carbamazepine in manic-depressive illness: A new treatment The synthesis and magnetic properties of nanosized hematite (α-Fe2O3) particles Magnetic Fe3O4-deposited flower-like MoS2 nanocomposites for the Fenton-like Escherichia coli disinfection and diclofenac degradation Fe3O4/SiO2/C nanocomposites for the fenton-like disinfection of Escherichia coli in water Graphene/Fe 3 O 4 nanocomposite: Solar light driven Fenton like reaction for decontamination of water and inhibition of bacterial growth Virus removal and inactivation by iron (hydr)oxidemediated Fenton-like processes under sunlight and in the dark Photoinactivation of virus on iron-oxide coated sand: Enhancing inactivation in sunlit waters Use of iron oxide nanomaterials in wastewater treatment: A review Shape-selective synthesis and oxygen storage behavior of ceria nanopolyhedra, nanorods, and nanocubes Shape-selective synthesis of non-micellar cobalt oxide (CoO) nanomaterials by microwave irradiations Metallic-like stoichiometric copper sulfide nanocrystals: Phase-and shape-selective synthesis, near-infrared surface plasmon resonance properties, and their modeling Controlled synthesis of monodispersed hematite microcubes and their properties Onenanorod arrays α-Fe2O3 Nanorings Prepared by a Microwave-Assisted Hydrothermal Process and Their Sensing Properties Synthesis of stable burger-like α-Fe2O3 catalysts: Formation mechanism and excellent photo-Fenton catalytic performance High selectivity and effectiveness for removal of tetracycline and its related drug resistance in food wastewater through schwertmannite/graphene oxide catalyzed photo-Fenton-like oxidation Decolorization of organic dyes by zero-valent iron in the presence of oxalic acid and influence of photoirradiation and hexavalent chromium Magnetic nickel ferrite as a heterogeneous photo-Fenton catalyst for the degradation of rhodamine B in the presence of oxalic acid Heterogeneous photodegradation of pentachlorophenol with maghemite and oxalate under UV illumination Enhanced Generation of Reactive Oxygen Species under Visible Light Irradiation by Adjusting the Exposed Facet of FeWO4 Nanosheets to Activate Oxalic Acid for Organic Pollutant Removal and Cr(VI) Reduction Iron Containing Metal-Organic Frameworks: Structure, Synthesis, and Applications in Environmental Remediation Metal-organic frameworks for highly efficient heterogeneous Fenton-like catalysis Applied Clay Science Clays and oxide minerals as catalysts and nanocatalysts in Fenton-like reactions -A review Heterogeneous Fenton catalysts based on clays, silicas and zeolites Graphene-based materials supported advanced oxidation processes for water and wastewater treatment: a review A review of graphene-based nanomaterials for removal of antibiotics from aqueous environments Efficient removal of Rhodamine B using a rice hull-based silica supported iron catalyst by Fenton-like process Mesoporous silica iron-doped as stable and efficient heterogeneous catalyst for the degradation of C.I. Acid Orange 7 using sono-photo-Fenton process Pillared interlayered natural clays as heterogeneous photocatalysts for H 2 O 2 -assisted treatment of a winery wastewater Fe-pillared clay as a Fenton-type heterogeneous catalyst for cinnamic acid degradation Experimental design to optimize the oxidation of orange II dye solution using a claybased fenton-like catalyst Fe-clay as effective heterogeneous Fenton catalyst for the decolorization of Reactive Blue 4 Photocatalytic degradation of organic pollutants catalyzed by layered iron(II) bipyridine complex-clay hybrid under visible irradiation Catalysts based on pillared clays for the oxidation of chlorobenzene Catalysts based on clay and iron oxide for oxidation of toluene Synthesis and application of pillared clay heterogeneous catalysts for wastewater treatment: A review Heterogeneous photo-Fenton oxidation with pillared clay-based catalysts for wastewater treatment: A review Heterogeneous photo-Fenton decolorization of Orange II over Al-pillared Fe-smectite: Response surface approach, degradation pathway, and toxicity evaluation Treatment of anionic dye aqueous solution using Ti, HDTMA and Al/Fe pillared bentonite. Essay to regenerate the adsorbent Paracetamol mineralization by Photo Fenton process catalyzed by a Cu/Fe-PILC under circumneutral pH conditions Oxidative degradation of sulfanilamide catalyzed by Fe/Cu/Al-pillared clays Photo-Fenton oxidation of phenol over a Cu-doped Fe-pillared clay Degradation of 4-chlorophenol from wastewater through heterogeneous Fenton and photo-Fenton process Pillared interlayered natural clays as heterogeneous photocatalysts for H2O2-assisted treatment of a winery wastewater BiVO4/Fe/Mt composite for visible-light-driven degradation of acid red 18 Synthesis of Ag/AgCl/Fe-S light irradiation Heterogeneous electro-Fenton and photoelectro-Fenton processes: A critical review of fundamental principles and application for water/wastewater treatment Particleparticle interactions between layered double hydroxide nanoparticles Hierarchical Structures Based on Functionalized Magnetic Cores and Layered Double-Hydroxide Shells: Concept, Controlled Synthesis, and Applications Layered double hydroxide-supported carbon dots as an efficient heterogeneous Fenton-like catalyst for generation of hydroxyl radicals Improved chemiluminescence in Fenton-Like reaction via dodecylbenzene-sulfonate-intercalated layered double hydroxides Layered double hydroxidesbased photocatalysts and visible-light driven photodegradation of organic pollutants: A review A review of iron species for visiblelight photocatalytic water purification Design and engineering of layered double hydroxide based catalysts for water depollution by advanced oxidation processes: A review Efficient removal of nitrobenzene by Fenton-like process with Co-Fe layered double hydroxide Evolution of structure and performance of Cu-based layered double hydroxides Cu-Zn-(Mn)-(Fe)-Al layered double hydroxides and their mixed metal oxides: Physicochemical and catalytic properties in wet hydrogen peroxide oxidation of phenol Catalytic wet peroxide oxidation of phenol over Cu-Ni-Al hydrotalcite Effective degradation of phenol via Fenton reaction over CuNiFe layered double hydroxides Methane combustion on some perovskite-like mixed oxides Perovskite-type mixed oxides as catalytic material for NO removal Tuning the Luminescence of Layered Halide Perovskites Perovskites for Next-Generation Optical Sources Sol-Gel Synthesis and Photo-Fenton-Like Catalytic Activity of EuFeO3 Nanoparticles Enhanced Fenton-like degradation of refractory organic compounds by surface complex formation of LaFeO3 and H2O2 LaFeO3 and BiFeO3 perovskites as nanocatalysts for contaminant degradation in heterogeneous Fenton-like reactions Efficient removal of organic pollutants with magnetic nanoscaled BiFeO 3 as a reusable heterogeneous fenton-like catalyst Ligand-induced drastic enhancement of catalytic activity of nano-BiFeO 3 for oxidative degradation of bisphenol A Oxygen efficient decomposition of H2O2 Ni-Co alloy catalyst from LaNi1-xCoxO3 perovskite supported on zirconia for steam reforming of ethanol Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Heterogeneous photo-Fenton degradation of organics using highly ef fi cient Cu-doped LaFeO 3 under visible light Enhanced formation of sulfate radicals by metal-doped BiFeO 3 under visible light for improving photo-Fenton catalytic degradation of 2-chlorophenol Efficient removal of organic and bacterial pollutants by Ag-La0.8Ca0.2Fe0.94O3-Δ perovskite via catalytic peroxymonosulfate activation Iron encapsulated in boron and nitrogen codoped carbon nanotubes as synergistic catalysts for Fenton-like reaction Enhanced Fe(III)-mediated Fenton oxidation of atrazine in the presence of functionalized multi-walled carbon nanotubes Efficient removal of dyes using heterogeneous Fenton catalysts based on activated carbon fibers with enhanced activity Heterogeneous Fenton Catalysts Based on Activated Carbon and Related Materials, ChemSusChem Manipulation of persistent free radicals in biochar to activate persulfate for contaminant degradation Enhanced Fenton-like Degradation of Trichloroethylene by Hydrogen Peroxide Activated with Nanoscale Zero Valent Iron Loaded on Importance of Graphene in the Electro-Fenton Process Review on fabrication of graphitic carbon nitride based efficient nanocomposites for photodegradation of aqueous phase organic pollutants Recent advances in noble metal free doped graphitic carbon nitride based nanohybrids for photocatalysis of organic contaminants in water: A review Functionalization of graphene for efficient energy conversion and storage Effect of covalent chemistry on the electronic structure and properties of carbon nanotubes and graphene One-Step Hydrothermal Synthesis of 2D Hexagonal Nanoplates of α-Fe 2 O 3 /Graphene Composites with Enhanced Photocatalytic Activity Structural and functional investigation of graphene oxide-Fe 3 O 4 nanocomposites for the heterogeneous Fenton-like reaction Easy solid-phase synthesis of pH-insensitive heterogeneous CNTs/FeS Fenton-like catalyst for the removal of antibiotics from aqueous solution Structural evolution during the reduction of chemically derived graphene oxide Graphene-family nanomaterials in wastewater treatment plants Ammonia-modified graphene sheets decorated with magnetic Fe3O4 nanoparticles for the photocatalytic and photo-Fenton degradation of phenolic compounds under sunlight irradiation Degradation of sulfamethazine using Fe3O4-Mn3O4/reduced as Fenton-like catalyst One-Pot Solvothermal Preparation of Fe3O4-Urushiol-Graphene Hybrid Nanocomposites for Highly Improved Fenton Reactions Fabrication of a stable superhydrophobic film constructed by poly(vinylpyrrolidone)/poly(urushiol)-CuS through layer-by-layer assembly Anticorrosive ultrathin film derived from bio-based urushiol-Ti by layer-by-layer self-assembly Graphene Oxide as an Effective Barrier on a Porous Nanofibrous Membrane for Water Treatment Graphene oxide (GO) enhanced polyamide (PA) thin-film nanocomposite (TFN) membrane for water purification Multifunctional graphene oxide-TiO2 microsphere hierarchical membrane for clean water production Graphene oxide/Fe(III)-based metal-organic framework membrane for enhanced water purification based on synergistic separation and photo-Fenton processes Strategies for enhancing the heterogeneous fenton catalytic reactivity: A review Graphene modified iron sludge derived from homogeneous Fenton process as an efficient heterogeneous Fenton catalyst for degradation of organic pollutants Solar treatment (H2O2, TiO2-P25 and GO-TiO2 photocatalysis, photo-Fenton) of organic micropollutants, human pathogen indicators, antibiotic resistant bacteria and related genes in urban wastewater Review on various strategies for enhancing photocatalytic activity of graphene based nanocomposites for water purification TiO2-based photocatalytic disinfection of microbes in aqueous media: A review Ultra-effective integrated technologies for water disinfection with a novel 0D-2D-3D nanostructured rGO-AgNP/Bi2Fe4O9 composite Graphitic carbon nitride based nanocomposites: A review Polymeric Photocatalysts Based on Graphitic Carbon Nitride Polymeric graphitic carbon nitride for heterogeneous photocatalysis Functionalized graphitic carbon nitride for efficient energy storage Graphitic carbon nitride "reloaded": merging applications beyond (photo)catalysis Fe-g-C3N4/graphitized mesoporous carbon composite as an effective Fenton-like catalyst in a wide pH range In-situ Fe-doped g-C3N4 heterogeneous catalyst via photocatalysis-Fenton reaction with enriched photocatalytic performance for removal of complex wastewater Inactivation of E. coli in water employing Fe-TiO2 composite incorporating in-situ dual process of photocatalysis and photo-Fenton in fixed-mode Horizontal Gene Transfer in Prokaryotes: Quantification and Classification Mechanisms of, and barriers to, horizontal gene transfer between bacteria Inactivation of antibiotic resistance gene by ternary nanocomposites of carbon nitride, reduced graphene oxide and iron oxide under visible light A novel solar photo-Fenton system with self-synthesizing H2O2: Enhanced photo-induced catalytic performances and mechanism insights Synergistic effect and mechanism of catalytic degradation toward antibiotic contaminants by amorphous goethite nanoparticles decorated graphitic carbon nitride The crystal structure of melamine A novel α-Fe 2 O 3 @g-C 3 N 4 catalyst: Synthesis derived from Fe-based MOF and its superior photo-Fenton performance Carbon Nitride-Aromatic Diimide-Graphene Nanohybrids: Metal-Free Photocatalysts for Solar-to-Hydrogen Peroxide Energy Conversion with 0.2% Efficiency Eco-Friendly Photochemical Production of H2O2 through O2 Reduction over Carbon Nitride Frameworks Incorporated with Multiple Heteroelements Recyclable Fenton-like catalyst based on zeolite Y supported ultrafine, highly-dispersed Fe2O3 nanoparticles for removal of organics under mild conditions Zeolitic and Layered Materials Crystal structures of natural zeolites Recent advances in zeolite chemistry and catalysis NaY zeolite membrane for the pervaporation separation of methanol-methyl tert-butyl ether mixtures Ceramic-zeolite composite membranes and their application for separation of vapor/gas mixtures Zeolites as catalysts in oil refining Zeolite Shape-Selectivity in thegem-Methylation of Aromatic Hydrocarbons Isostructural Zeolite-Supported Rhodium and Iridium Complexes: Tuning Catalytic Activity and Selectivity by Ligand Modification Heterogeneous Fenton type processes for the degradation of organic dye pollutant in water -The application of zeolite assisted AOPs Fe-zeolites as catalysts for chemical oxidation of MTBE in water with H2O2 Wastewater treatment with heterogeneous Fenton-type catalysts based on porous materials Heterogeneous Fenton catalysts based on clays, silicas and zeolites Degradation of Acid Blue 74 using Fe-ZSM5 zeolite as a heterogeneous photo-Fenton catalyst Fe-exchanged zeolite as the effective heterogeneous Fenton-type catalyst for the organic pollutant minimization: UV irradiation assistance Immobilized Fe(III)-HY: an efficient and stable photo-Fenton catalyst Fezeolites as heterogeneous catalysts in solar Fenton-like reactions at neutral pH Removal of diclofenac from water by zeolite-assisted advanced oxidation processes Improvement of H2O2 Utilization by the Persistent Heterogeneous Fenton Reaction with the Fe3O4-Zeolite-Cyclodextrin Composite Cyclodextrin Inclusion Compounds in Research and Industry Beyond post-synthesis modification: Evolution of metal-organic frameworks via building block replacement Deconstructing the crystal structures of metal-organic frameworks and related materials into their underlying nets Chemical, thermal and mechanical stabilities of metal-organic frameworks Carbon dioxide capture-related gas adsorption and separation in metal-organic frameworks Fe-Based Metal-Organic Frameworks for Highly Selective Photocatalytic Benzene Hydroxylation to Phenol Potential applications of metal-organic frameworks Metal-organic frameworks for membrane-based separations State of the Art and Prospects in Metal-Organic Framework (MOF)-Based and MOF-Derived Nanocatalysis Metal-organic frameworks in biomedicine Selective gas adsorption and separation in metalorganic frameworks Water depollution using metal-organic frameworks-catalyzed advanced oxidation processes: A review Preparation of MIL-53(Fe)-reduced graphene oxide nanocomposites by a simple self-assembly strategy for increasing interfacial contact: Efficient visible-light photocatalysts Ultrathin graphene oxide encapsulated in uniform MIL-88A(Fe) for enhanced visible light-driven photodegradation of RhB TiO2@ZIF-8: A novel approach of modifying micro-environment for enhanced photo-catalytic dye degradation and high usability of TiO2 nanoparticles Noble-metal-free MoS2 co-catalyst decorated UiO-66/CdS hybrids for efficient photocatalytic H2 production Rational design, synthesis, purification, and activation of metal-organic framework materials MILs and more: Concepts, properties and applications for porous coordination networks (PCNs) TiO2 Nanoparticles Anchored onto the Metal-Organic Framework NH2-MIL-88B(Fe) as an Adsorptive Photocatalyst with Enhanced Fenton-like Degradation of Organic Pollutants under Visible Light Irradiation Yolk-shell structured Fe3O4@void@TiO2 as a photo-Fenton-like catalyst for the extremely efficient elimination of tetracycline Fe)@Fe3O4/CA magnetic nanophotocatalysts (MNPCs): Magnetically separable and Fenton-like degradation of tetracycline hydrochloride Fe-based metal-organic frameworks as Fenton-like catalysts for highly efficient degradation of tetracycline hydrochloride over a wide pH range: Acceleration of Fe(II)/ Fe(III) cycle under visible light irradiation Metal Organic Framework with Coordinatively Unsaturated Sites as Efficient Fenton-like Catalyst for Enhanced Degradation of Sulfamethazine Synthesis of (100) surface oriented MIL-88A-Fe with rod-like structure and its enhanced fenton-like performance for phenol removal Facile green synthesis of functional nanoscale zero-valent iron and studies of its activity toward ultrasound-enhanced decolorization of cationic dyes Single-step removal of Hexavalent chromium and phenol using meso zerovalent iron Degradation of ibuprofen and phenol with a Fenton-like process triggered by zero-valent iron (ZVI-Fenton) Applications of nanoscale zero-valent iron and its composites to the removal of antibiotics: a review Application of response surface methodology to optimize degradation of TNT using nano Fe-0-assisted fenton process Zero-Valent Iron Nanoparticles Reduce Arsenites and Arsenates to As(0) Firmly Embedded in Core-Shell Superstructure: Challenging Strategy of Arsenic Treatment under Anoxic Conditions Heavy metal removal using nanoscale zero-valent iron (nZVI): Theory and application Clay-supported nanoscale zero-valent iron composite materials for the remediation of contaminated aqueous solutions: A review Heavy metal adsorption onto agro-based waste materials: A review Removal of heavy metal ions from wastewaters: A review Nanomaterials application for heavy metals recovery from polluted water: The combination of nano zero-valent iron and carbon nanotubes. Competitive adsorption non-linear modeling Nanoscale zero valent iron and bimetallic particles for contaminated site remediation Heavy metal removal using nanoscale zerovalent iron (nZVI): Theory and application Assessing the use of zero-valent iron microspheres to catalyze Fenton treatment processes Heterogeneous photo-Fenton processes using zero valent iron microspheres for the treatment of wastewaters contaminated with 1,4-dioxane Removal of ciprofloxacin using modified advanced oxidation processes: Kinetics, pathways and process optimization Heterogeneous catalytic degradation of organic compounds using nanoscale zerovalent iron supported on kaolinite: Mechanism, kinetic and feasibility studies Utilization of formic acid in nanoscale zero valent iron-catalyzed Fenton system for carbon tetrachloride degradation Removal and inactivation of waterborne viruses using zerovalent iron Antimicrobial nanomaterials as water disinfectant: Applications, limitations and future perspectives Bactericidal effect of zero-valent iron nanoparticles on Escherichia coli Use of zero-valent iron nanoparticles in inactivating microbes Oxidative damage of antibiotic resistant E. coli and gene in a novel sulfidated micron zero-valent activated persulfate system Removal of bacteriophage f2 in water by Fe/Ni nanoparticles: Optimization of Fe/Ni ratio and influencing factors Chlorination disinfection by-products, public health risk tradeoffs and me Comparison of disinfection byproduct formation from chlorine and alternative disinfectants Rapid Aerobic Inactivation and Facile Removal of Escherichia coli with Amorphous Zero-Valent Iron Microspheres: Indispensable Roles of Reactive Oxygen Species and Iron Corrosion Products High-dispersion zero-valent iron particles stabilized by artificial humic acid for lead ion removal Visible light-assisted heterogeneous Fenton with ZnFe2O4 for the degradation of Orange II in water Influence of Peat on Fenton Oxidation Humic pH range Sources and sinks of hydroxyl radicals upon irradiation of natural water samples Simultaneous E. coli inactivation and NOM degradation in river water via photo-Fenton process at natural pH in solar CPC reactor. A new way for enhancing solar disinfection of natural water Iron redox cycling in surface waters: Effects of humic substances and light Photoreductive Dissolution of Colloidal Iron Oxides in Natural Waters ffect of sequestration on PAH degradability with Fenton's reagent: Roles of total organic carbon, humin, and soil porosity Inhibition of hydroxyl radical reaction with aromatics by dissolved natural organic matter Quantitation of hydroxyl radical during Fenton oxidation following a single addition of iron and peroxide Application of high intensity UVC-LED for the removal of acetamiprid with the photo-Fenton process Recent advances in application of UV light-emitting diodes for degrading organic pollutants in water through advanced oxidation processes: A review Impact of water matrix on the removal of micropollutants by advanced oxidation technologies Factorial experimental design applied to Escherichia coli disinfection by Fenton and photo-Fenton processes Degradation of organic compounds during of ZVI by hydrogen peroxide at neutral pH: Kinetics, mechanisms and effect of corrosion promoting and inhibiting ions Circular zero-residue process using microalgae for efficient water decontamination, biofuel production, and carbon dioxide fixation Circular chemistry to enable a circular economy DFT Study of the Active Intermediate in the Fenton Reaction Hydrothermal Carbon-Mediated Fenton-Like Reaction Mechanism in the Degradation of Alachlor: Direct Electron Transfer from Hydrothermal Carbon to Fe(III) Advancing Fenton and photo-Fenton water treatment through the catalyst design Fenton-like oxidation of 4-chlorophenol: Homogeneous or heterogeneous? A holy grail in chemistry: Computational catalyst design: Feasible or fiction? Nanomaterials and global sustainability Fernández-Ibáñez, Bacteria and fungi inactivation using Fe 3+/sunlight, H 2O 2/sunlight and near neutral photo-Fenton: A comparative study Inactivation of MS2 coliphage in Fenton and Fenton-like systems: Role of transition metals, hydrogen peroxide and sunlight Principal parameters affecting virus inactivation by the solar photo-Fenton process at neutral pH and μM concentrations of H2O2 and Fe2+/3+ Virus removal and inactivation by iron (hydr)oxidemediated Fenton-like processes under sunlight and in the dark Hepatitis A Virus Disinfection in Water by Solar Photo-Fenton Systems