key: cord-0783418-efqf5e1i authors: Yamasaki, Yukitaka; Ooka, Seido; Tsuchida, Tomoya; Nakamura, Yuta; Hagiwara, Yuta; Naitou, Yoshiyuki; Ishibashi, Yuki; Ikeda, Hiroki; Sakurada, Tsutomu; Handa, Hiroshi; Nishine, Hiroki; Takita, Mumon; Morikawa, Daiki; Yoshida, Hideki; Fujii, Shuichi; Morisawa, Kenichiro; Takemura, Hiromu; Fujitani, Shigeki; Kunishima, Hiroyuki title: The peripheral lymphocyte count as a predictor of severe COVID-19 and the effect of treatment with ciclesonide date: 2020-07-03 journal: Virus Res DOI: 10.1016/j.virusres.2020.198089 sha: ec42cdaafbf98157714420e35ab41484a8d7e2eb doc_id: 783418 cord_uid: efqf5e1i We investigated whether reduced lymphocyte count, could predict the development of severe COVID-19. We also examined whether ciclesonide could prevent the development of severe COVID-19 among patients with the predictors. This was a retrospective cohort study. Of the 30 included patients, 12, 14, and 4 were allocated to severe pneumonia, non-severe pneumonia, and non-pneumonia groups, respectively. The group of the low level of lymphocyte counts of the sixth day after onset was significantly intubated approximately three days later. The incidence of the severe pneumoniae requiring intubation are significantly lower in the patients treated with ciclesonide than without it (11.18 % vs 83.33%, p = 0.0033). The lymphocyte count after ciclesonide treatment in the non-severe pneumonia group was significantly higher (p = 0. 0156) than before. The lymphocyte count could be used to identify patients that may develop severe COVID-19. Treatment with ciclesonide may prevent the development of severe COVID-19. Since first appearing in Wuhan, Hubei Province, China, in December 2019, a novel coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) has spread rapidly around the world. Many patients with coronavirus infection disease 2019(COVID-19) are subclinical, and it has been reported that people are J o u r n a l P r e -p r o o f contagious even when asymptomatic [1, 2] , which means preventing the spread of SARS-CoV-2 is challenging [3] . In addition, some patients have been reported to deteriorate rapidly in the early stages [4] . Therefore, early detection and preventing cases from progressing to a severe stage is essential. About 20% of COVID-19 cases progress to a severe stage, of which about 3% die. Risk factors of severe pneumonia include age, comorbidities, smoking, reduced lymphocyte count, elevated ferritin levels, and elevated C-reactive protein (CRP) levels [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] . However, it is unclear which of these risk factors are predictors of progression to severe COVID-19. As yet, no effective treatment has been found for COVID-19. There have been many medications suggested, including remdesivir [10] [11] [12] , lopinavir and ritonavir [13] , and chloroquine [14] , but their efficaciousness have yet to be verified. Ciclesonide is an inhaled corticosteroid that is approved to treat asthma. It has demonstrated antiviral effects in vitro [15] and has been reported to be effective in treating COVID-19 [16] . According to a report by Meehyun Koa et al., the infection inhibitory effect of ciclesonide was confirmed in the MERS-CoV strain isolated in South Korea [17] . Furthermore, because Ciclesonide is a local administration, there are few side effects, and administration is possible for a pregnant woman relatively safely. We believe that preventing the development of severe COVID-19 will help to reduce the mortality rate. We investigated whether any of the factors that have been reported to correlate with severe pneumonia could predict the development of severe COVID-19. In addition, we examined whether ciclesonide could prevent the development of severe COVID-19 among patients with these predictors. This was a retrospective cohort study. All the patients were hospitalized at our institution between February 16 and April 14, 2020, and had tested positive for SARS-CoV-2 using polymerase chain reaction testing of pharyngeal or nasopharyngeal swabs taken. For all patients, the date of onset was the day clinical symptoms appeared, such as fever, cough, runny nose, and dysgeusia. The presence of pneumonia was confirmed by chest computed tomography (CT). Patients who underwent intubation and respiratory management were defined as severe pneumonia group. Written informed consent for this study was obtained. The study was conducted with the approval of our hospital's institutional review board (approval number: 4712). Thirteen patients with COVID-19, hospitalized between February 16 and March 18, 2020, before treatment with ciclesonide starts, were enrolled in this study. Blood tests performed less than 14 days from the date of onset and before intubation were examined. If multiple blood tests were performed during the evaluation period, the minimum and maximum values were examined. The leukocyte count, lymphocyte count, platelet count, CRP, ferritin, D-dimer, and KL-6 were examined. Patients were divided into three groups: severe pneumonia, non-severe pneumonia, and non-pneumonia. For the lymphocyte count, the mean+1SD was used as the cutoff value of severe COVID-19 pneumonia. The cases at or below this cutoff value were evaluated, and patients who started ciclesonide after intubation were excluded. The treatment group received 2 inhalations of 400 µg ciclesonide once a day, for a daily total of 800 µg. The relationship between ciclesonide use and severe pneumonia were examined. In addition, the lymphocyte count prior to and approximately J o u r n a l P r e -p r o o f 7 days after starting treatment were compared. Data were analyzed with the Mann-Whitney U , Fisher's exact and Wilcoxon matchedpairs signed rank tests using GraphPad Prism ver.6.00 for Windows, GraphPad Software, San Diego California USA.. Of the 31 patients who were hospitalized during the observation period, 1 was excluded due to a lack of data before intubation. Of the 30 included patients, 12 were allocated to the severe pneumonia group, 14 to the non-severe pneumonia group, and 4 to the non-pneumonia group. The study design of this study was shown in figure1. Baseline characteristics Table 1 details the patients' demographic information. The mean age was 54.5 years, and 83.3% were male. Of the total and those with pneumonia, 53.3% and 57.7% had J o u r n a l P r e -p r o o f comorbidities, respectively. Blood tests were on average performed 5.8 days after onset (SD 2.72) and 12 days after treatment (SD 3.58). On average, patients developed severe COVID-19 and underwent intubation and respiratory management 9 days after onset (SD 2.43). Of the 13 patients with COVID-19 hospitalized between February 16 and March 18, 2020, before the start of ciclesonide therapy, there were 5 in the severe pneumonia group, 4 in the non-severe pneumonia group, and 4 in the non-pneumonia group ( Figure 2 ). Lymphocyte counts of approximately sixth days after onset were significantly lower in the severe pneumonia group compared to both the non-severe pneumonia group and the nonpneumonia group (p = 0.0159, 0.0016, respectively) ( Figure 2a) . The severe pneumonia group had a low mean lymphocyte count at 659 cells/mm 3 (SD 318.9). Patients in the severe pneumonia group were significantly older than those in the non-severe pneumonia group (p=0.0079), but not significantly different from those in the non-pneumonia group (Figure 2b ). Significant differences were not observed between the severe and non-severe pneumonia groups in relation to ferritin, CRP, and D-dimer. Regarding sex differences, there tended to be more males in the severe and non-severe pneumonia groups. However, there was no significant difference in sex for the pneumonia cases. While 57.7% of patients in the pneumonia groups had a comorbidity, the difference between the severe and non-severe pneumonia groups was not significant. (Table 2) , 12 patients had severe pneumonia, and 11 had non-severe pneumonia. Eleven patients from 23 with a lymphocyte count at or below the cutoff value could be treated with ciclesonide. Of these, 2 had severe COVID-19 pneumonia, and the incidence of the severe pneumoniae requiring intubation are significantly lower in the patients treated with ciclesonide than without it (11.18 % vs 83.33%, p=0.0033). Thus ciclesonide therapy is suspected to exhibit a significant correlation with the non-severe pneumonia group. Moreover, the lymphocyte count after ciclesonide therapy in the non-severe pneumonia group was significantly higher (p=0.0156) compared to before treatment (mean 6.14 days, SD 2.17) (Figure 3b ). Five patients with pneumonia were subsequently transferred to other hospitals, so their lymphocyte counts after treatment are unknown. There is currently no therapy that has been proven to be efficacious in treating COVID-19. As many COVID-19 cases are subclinical, it is challenging to track infected individuals, making it hard to prevent infections from occurring [1] [2] [3] . However, some patients with COVID-In the present study, 2 patients who received ciclesonide developed severe pneumonia. Patients with COVID-19 are known to deteriorate rapidly. Both of these cases began treatment with ciclesonide 2 days before intubation, which suggests that the drug may have been introduced too late. Previous research has found that age, comorbidities, lymphocyte count, ferritin, CRP, and D-dimer are associated with severe pneumonia. Of these, only the preintubation lymphocyte count appeared to be a possible predictor with counts in the nonpneumonia and non-severe pneumonia groups being significantly different from the severe pneumonia group. Regarding age, there was a significant difference between the severe and nonsevere pneumonia groups, but not with the non-pneumonia group. The 73 year old case in the non-pneumonia group accounts for the lack of significant difference. We believe that this case did not cause pneumonia because there is no underlying disease and there are no risk factors other than age. Significant differences were not observed for ferritin or D-dimer. There were cases with high ferritin and D-dimer levels in both the severe and non-severe pneumonia groups. In addition, there was a lot of missing data, making it difficult to accurately assess whether ferritin or D-dimer could be a predictor of severe COVID-19. While the presence of subclinical COVID-19 cases makes controlling infections difficult, death occurs suddenly in some cases [4] . COVID-19 is known to be contagious 2 days before onset, with increased viral loads in the respiratory tract. It has been suggested that cytokine storms are associated with the development of severe COVID-19. Therefore, the early administration of antivirals could be efficacious, similar to influenza. It is important to identify patients with COVID-19 as soon as possible and prevent it from progressing to a severe stage. The lymphocyte count could be used as an indicator for identifying patients that may develop severe COVID-19. Our results suggest that treatment with ciclesonide may prevent the J o u r n a l P r e -p r o o f development of severe COVID-19 in these circumstances. It is best to introduce the drug as soon as possible in patients with reduced lymphocyte counts and other predictors of severe COVID-19 [18] . This study had several limitations. This was a retrospective study with a small sample size. Therefore, the results need to be confirmed in a larger, prospective study. The viral load determination could not be mentioned because it was not measured in all cases. We showed treatment with ciclesonide as the candidate of the factor which inhibited severe COVID-19 in this study. We urgently need to establish a testing system that includes the antigen-antibody method, develop a vaccine, and find treatments that can prevent the development of and treat severe COVID-19. intubation, n(%) 12(40.0) a period to intubation, mean(SD), days 9.0(2.43) n: number, SD: standard deviation Asymptomatic and Presymptomatic Infectors: Hidden Sources of COVID-19 Disease Presymptomatic Transmission of SARS-CoV-2 -Singapore The reproductive number of COVID-19 is higher compared to SARS coronavirus Intensive Care Patients with COVID-19 On the alert for cytokine storm: Immunopathology in COVID-19. Arthritis Rheumatol Hematologic, biochemical and immune biomarker abnormalities associated with severe illness and mortality in coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19): a meta-analysis Neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio and lymphocyte-to-C-reactive protein ratio in patients with severe coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19): A meta-analysis Neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio as an independent risk factor for mortality in hospitalized patients with COVID-19 Correlation Between Relative Nasopharyngeal Virus RNA Load and Lymphocyte Count Disease Severity in Patients with COVID-19 Coronavirus Susceptibility to the Antiviral Remdesivir (GS-5734) Is Mediated by the Viral Polymerase and the Proofreading Exoribonuclease. mBio Arguments in favour of remdesivir for treating SARS-CoV-2 infections Broadspectrum antiviral GS-5734 inhibits both epidemic and zoonotic coronaviruses A Trial of Lopinavir-Ritonavir in Adults Hospitalized with Severe Covid-19 A systematic review on the efficacy and safety of chloroquine for the treatment of COVID-19 The inhaled corticosteroid ciclesonide blocks coronavirus RNA replication by targeting viral NSP15 Therapeutic potential of ciclesonide inahalation for COVID-19 pneumonia: Report of three cases Screening of FDA-approved drugs using a MERS-CoV clinical isolate from South Korea identifies potential therapeutic options for A mouse model for MERS coronavirus-induced acute respiratory distress syndrome We thank all medical staff who treated COVID19 with us.The authors have no conflicts of interest directly relevant to the content of this article.J o u r n a l P r e -p r o o f