key: cord-0778937-1avavlu3 authors: Anoop, Kohli; Charchit, Gupta; Shvet, Dutta; Chirag, Madan title: “Changes in Stroke Presentation in Neo-Covid Patients: A Case Study” date: 2020-10-02 journal: Interdiscip Neurosurg DOI: 10.1016/j.inat.2020.100949 sha: 3c1a3c584ec2355ac43abdfe1210f2543862e01b doc_id: 778937 cord_uid: 1avavlu3 A 35 year old male had a generalized seizure a week after symptoms of daily fever, rigors, and throat discomfort. He was hospitalized. Magnetic resonance imaging brain showed multiple bilateral scattered infarcts. COVID-19 swab test came positive. An elaborate panel of tests for young strokes, cardiac work-up was normal. At home, he complained of some visual blurring, slowing in thought processing, occasional loss of words. His face became significantly pigmented. A young male, COVID-19 positive, showed multiple scattered infarcts. Exaggerated pro-thrombotic activity of the nature of a cytokine storm, is the probable cause. was also normal. There were no lifestyle risk factors as smoking, alcohol intake, prior history of thrombosis in the lower limbs, diabetes, or hypertension or renal disease. The swab Covid-19 RT PCR report came positive. He had salient neurological deficits at discharge two weeks after hospitalization, in a COVID negative state. Chiefly, he complained of blurring of vision, reported he had slowed down in his "mental processing", (being a school teacher of mathematics), dysnomia, and occasional transient "blank outs" and felt a certain heaviness in his head. Mini mental state examination score was 20. He was oriented to time, place and person, intact memory but had delayed recall, less attentive, would speak less and was unable to follow complex commands. Frontal assessment battery was done which revealed normal conceptualization and mental flexibility but impaired motor programming, sensitivity to interference, inhibitory control, and environmental autonomy. The chief physical finding was a significant pigmentation of his face (Figure 3b ). He is presently on tab HCQ 200 mg, and a clopidrogel-aspirin (75mg, each) combination, Lamotrigine 100 mg, Clobazam 5mg, prednisolone 20mg/day with folic acid supplements. Anticoagulants were not considered appropriate in the absence of a thrombus besides they carried a small risk of hemorrhagic changes. Three weeks after discharge, his complaints of blurring of vision, "slowing in his thinking process, and frequent "blank outs" showed significant amelioration. "Blank outs" remained were possibly epileptogenic as came out in the Electroencephalogram (Figure 2 ). The novel SARS-Cov-2, perhaps the most appropriate terminology in terms of being the closest in series of Covid viruses [2] , and acute respiratory distress as the major presenting symptom. It is rather tragic that it has become pandemic beyond historical archives, and further spread its activity to other body systems. The mechanism at the core of this, is the propensity of the 'S' protein in its tentacles, to merge with the cell wall Angiotensin converting enzyme II receptors. These allow ease of entry into cells, where an RNA virus has the necessary environment to replicate a million times. So much for the acute inflammatory reactions in the lungs, resembling acute respiratory distress syndrome. [3] The prothrombotic activity, is the next formidable weapon, where it can spread to cause acute venous thrombosis, to the extent of spreading as thrombo-embolic phenomenon to add to what was understood as purely inflammation of respiratory tissue. This has led to cautious use of anticoagulants, in critical cases. [4] Amongst the neurological complications strokes is perhaps on the forefront, due to requirement of deft handling, basic and even secondary care. This has led to various comprehensive editorials [5] , American stroke association initiatives [6] , counselling bodies, webinars, support groups. The thrust presently, and rather appropriately is on collecting data, and basic, even secondary management in neo-COVID strokes. Certainly, to jump at the theme even at the basic science level of research, of pathophysiology, beyond what may be speculative in the stroke event, may be premature and non-commensurate. Amongst the noted studies [5] are, describing four cases, that had strokes, but actual images, that may give a speculative clue to the cause, are not fully represented, probably due to lack of publication space. A noted study by Avula et al [2] , mentions four cases with occlusion of an ICA, others with moderate tapering of MCA, where infarcts occurred. This was a collection of cases from various centers. All were above seventy years, and had at least two major risk factors for strokes. The article is well illustrated, and at this stage of collecting all possible COVID related stroke data, it records valuable information. Neo-Covid's ability to spread to different body tissues, including changes in antigenic behavior, one may expect, that stroke manifestations may differ too. Stroke pathology is not a single entity, and it is usual even in routine therapy, to get clues as to the possible mechanism by neuroimaging. Strokes can be embolic, thrombotic [7] , immune related as antiphospholipid antibodies [1] , major immunological vasculitis [8] , artery to artery embolism [8] , not to miss Miller Fisher's lacunar infarcts [9] . The case under discussion, had fever with rigors, and started HCQ once daily on his own, On the fifth day consulted his family physician for frequency of stools. Inj. Cefuroxime was given intravenously at home, during which he developed generalized tonic-clonic seizures. He was ventilated for a day, on account of the seizures. His respiratory system showed no abnormality. The COVID test came positive. Magnetic Resonance Imaging brain showed multiple bilateral hyperintense lesions on diffusion weighted images (Figure 1a ) with corresponding apparent diffusion coefficient changes, confirming infarcts. Intracranial MR angiogram was normal (Figure 1b) , showing no thrombosis or stenosis, thereby making thrombo-embolic phenomenon, a strong possibility. Visual evoked potentials, cervical MRI were done to rule out a faint chance of demyelinating overlap. They were normal. Such acute thrombotic events generally come under the umbrella term "cytokine storms" Simply put, these are events, when a local thrombotic event, has a sudden unexpected widespread effect, affecting various tissues. The term was first used in 1993, in a donor-host tissue reaction [10] . It has been widely used, but of relevance the article, is its use in various bird-flu reactions. [11] A noteworthy analysis is published in inflammation and influenza. [12] Another notable feature was the pigmentation of his face, the one at the time of discharge (Figure 3b ), compared to a photograph of Sept '19 ( Figure 3a ) and the last taken in follow-up this week (Figure 3c ). Hyperpigmentation is a known response to skin repair. Binding to Angiotensin converting enzyme II, is essential in to this reaction. Extending the speculation of widespread intracranial thrombotic emboli, embolization of extra-cranial vasculature cannot be ruled out. Initial hypoxia could have set in motion the Angiotensin converting enzyme II reparative reaction, leading to facial hyperpigmentation, including reparative fibrosis, leading to dysmorphic facial feature changes [13, 14] . Steroids given as a part of brain edema therapy, by suppressing inflammation, somewhat substantiates the mentioned hypothesis in leading to de-pigmentation. Besides the pigmentation, which is showing signs of reversal, there are morphological changes in his facial features, probably due to reparative fibrosis, is a skin complication not noted so far. He was discharged on HCQ 200 mg twice a week, aspirin, anti-epileptics, and prednisolone 20mg for ten days, now reduced to 10 mg. The blurring is better, "blank-outs" have stopped, and he does not feel dull as before. Pertaining to strokes in COVID, though the final theme is appropriately set for future analysis, appropriate data, including convincing neuro-imaging may not be ignored, as it may be crucial in the final analysis. A case of multiple embolic strokes, involving bilateral cerebral hemispheres is presented. This case is perhaps the first one that shows clear multiple thromboembolic stroke phenomenon, facial pigmentation, adding a new variant to neo COVID strokes. At the level of speculation, perhaps the "cytokine storm" flared up into a multiple thromboembolic phenomenon localized only to the brain. [10] Any association of a second order cephalosporin given intravenously in patient moderately symptomatic, is yet another aspect to note particularly in critical cases. [15] MANUSCRIPT DETAILS 1) We confirm that manuscript complies with all instructions to authors. 2) We confirm that authorship requirements have been met and the final manuscript was approved by all authors. 3) We confirm that this manuscript has not been published elsewhere and is not under consideration by another journal 4)We Confirm adherence to ethical guidelines and indicate ethical approvals from institutional committee and use of informed consent, as appropriate. Antiphospholipid Antibodies and Recurrent Thrombotic Events: Persistence and Portfolio COVID-19 presenting as stroke Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus (SARSCoV-2) and the Central Nervous System Incidence of thrombotic complications in critically ill ICU patients with COVID-19 Large-Vessel Stroke as a Presenting Feature of Covid-19 in the Young-Correspondence. NEJM Improving Stroke Care in Times of the COVID-19 Pandemic Through Simulation COVID-19-Related Stroke Neurological complications of coronavirus and COVID-19 Marlag 1941-44 Cytokine storm of graft versushost disease: a critical effector role for interleukin-1 Proinflammatory activity in bronchoalveolar lavage fluids from patients with ARDS-a prominent role for interleukin-1 Insights into inflammation and influenza Erythema Multiforme-Like Eruption in Patients With COVID-19 Infection: Clinical and Histological Findings Angiotensin II stimulates melanogenesis via the protein kinase C pathway Yuxiang Zhi. Cefuroxime-induced anaphylaxis