key: cord-0778706-e6garvea authors: Sun, Feinuo; Matthews, Stephen A.; Yang, Tse-Chuan; Hu, Ming-Hsiao title: A spatial analysis of COVID-19 period prevalence in US counties through June 28, 2020: Where geography matters? date: 2020-07-28 journal: Ann Epidemiol DOI: 10.1016/j.annepidem.2020.07.014 sha: 14f67b5a1fd17a242532cf8f0bf6641478f8abb0 doc_id: 778706 cord_uid: e6garvea PURPOSE: This study aims to understand how spatial structures, the interconnections between counties, matter in understanding COVID-19 period prevalence across the US. METHODS: We assemble a county-level dataset that contains COVID-19 confirmed cases through June 28, 2020 and various sociodemographic measures from multiple sources. In addition to an aspatial regression model, we conduct spatial lag, spatial error, and spatial autoregressive combined models to systematically examine the role of spatial structure in shaping geographical disparities in COVID-19 period prevalence. RESULTS: The aspatial ordinary least squares regression model tends to overestimate the COVID-19 period prevalence among counties with low observed rates, but this issue can be effectively addressed by spatial modeling. Spatial models can better estimate the period prevalence for counties, especially along the Atlantic coasts and through the Black Belt. Overall, the model fit among counties along both coasts is generally good with little variability evident, but in the Plain states, model fit is conspicuous in its heterogeneity across counties. CONCLUSIONS: Spatial models can help partially explain the geographic disparities in COVID-19 period prevalence. These models reveal spatial variability in model fit including identifying regions of the country where fit is heterogeneous and worth closer attention in the immediate short term. Geography, referring to both an absolute location (i.e., specific place) and relative locations, matters in the outbreak of COVID-19. The dynamic data dashboards and news feeds clearly demonstrate great within-country spatial variations in the confirmed cases and deaths attributed to COVID-19 [1, 2] . However, little formal research has employed a spatial perspective to investigate the geographical disparities in the COVID-19 pandemic in the US. This study, based on data through June 28, 2020, aims to show how spatial analysis may shed light on this issue. Supplementing the long-standing focus on person and time of epidemiological research, place has been recognized as an essential dimension of disease processes [3, 4] . Previous studies show that the spatial heterogeneities of infectious diseases can result either from intrinsic population processes, including spatially aggregation of infected individuals and their non-random social interactions, or from environmental influences acting across different spatial locations [5, 6] . Public health scholars have called for attention on not only the role of place-based characteristics in the spread of diseases but also on the spatial relationships or interconnections between places [7, 8] . Doing so allows a comprehensive understanding of the potential determinants of the novel disease [9] [10] [11] . The embeddedness and connectedness of place is evident on a daily basis as much of the news cycle is driven by health, political, economic, and social issues based on the different geographies of the inter-dependent processes including data reporting, decision-making, and policy enactment (both the imposition of stay-at-home orders and their relaxation). Decision makers at all levels-mayors, state representatives and governors-must adapt to directives or guidelines from higher up the hierarchy because what matters to them is what is going on in their 'local' constituency and the surrounding areas. These local decision makers have internalized the importance of absolute and relative location as well as first-hand knowledge of population composition and other contextual variables about where they live. The current study is motivated by the need to understand local COVID-19 conditions within regional and national contexts. The purpose of this study is to first examine how COVID-19 period prevalence distributes as of June 28, 2020 with thematic mapping and then to investigate how different spatial econometrics modeling approaches can inform understanding of the possible outliers (in terms of model fit or residuals), which may shed light on the transmission pattern. Below we describe our data and measures, the methods used, and our findings. The conclusion and implications of our study are summarized as well as a discussion of measurement and modeling issues related to our findings. For this study we assembled a county-level data set for the contiguous US (N=3,106 counties) using the Coronavirus Live Map [12] , County Health Ranking and Roadmaps (CHRR) [13] , US Health Map from the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME) [14] , the Area Health Resources Files [15] , and Census Bureau GIS data [16] . Dependent variable: The dependent variable is COVID-19 period prevalence (number of cumulative confirmed cases per 100,000 population) in a county as of June 28, 2020 The data are provided by the Coronavirus Live Map that aggregates data from the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, state-and local-level public health agencies. As period prevalence is skewed, we log-transform this variable as the Yeo-Johnson transformation [17] suggests. Independent variables: Time is measured by the number of days since the first confirmed case in a county until June 28, 2020. To consider the non-linear nature of infectious disease, we include the square term of time to capture an acceleration rate. In light of the racial/ethnic disparities in confirmed cases and deaths [18] , we include racial/ethnic composition variables: the percentage of non-Hispanic blacks (hereafter blacks), non-Hispanic Asians (hereafter Asians), Hispanics and American Indian & Alaska Natives (hereafter Native Americans). In addition, we consider the percentage of elderly (people who are above 65 years old), unemployment rate and the logged median income to capture the age structure and socioeconomic conditions of a county. Furthermore, we consider the non-white/white residential segregation index (i.e. dissimilarity index), the percentage of the uninsured, the percentage of households with at least one severe housing problem (e.g., overcrowding or lacking major facilities), the percentage of people who work outside the county of residence, and life expectancy. These contextual variables are frequently used in social science research to capture fundamental conditions of and inequalities in society and the economy within an area. The availability of medical resources in a county is measured by the Health Professional Shortage Area (HPSA) code. We capture health provisioning through two dummy variables identifying "the whole county is at shortage" and "part of the county is at shortage" respectively, with counties that are "not at any shortage" as the reference group. Population density is calculated by dividing the total county population by the land area of a county (Census Bureau GIS data) and this variable is log-transformed. Population density has been known to be a factor for the transmission of infectious disease [19] . Most of the independent variables are drawn from 2018-2020 County Health Ranking and Roadmaps (CHRR), except for the life expectancy (US Health Map), the percentage of people who work outside the county of residence (American Community Survey 5-year estimates, 2014-2018) and the HPSA code (the Area Health Resources Files). We compare the ordinary least squares (OLS) model and three spatial econometric models [20] . A spatial lag model is a model that examines how the infection burden in a county is influenced by the infection burden in adjacent counties. The spatial lag parameter (ρ) refers to the estimate of how the average logged period prevalence in neighboring counties is associated with the logged period prevalence of a focal county. By contrast, a spatial error model estimates the extent to which the OLS residual of a county is correlated with that in its adjacent counties. The spatial error parameter (λ) measures the strength of the relationship between the average residuals/errors in neighboring counties and the residual/error of a given county. Finally, a spatial autoregressive combined (SAC) model is a combination of the previous two models, which simultaneously considers the spatial lag and spatial error parameters. In the analysis presented all spatial models are based on a first-order Queen spatial weight matrix, which defines a neighboring relationship between two counties when they share a common boundary or vertex (corner). The maps of the residuals generated for all four models are presented. These residual maps can inform our understanding of the spatial patterning of model fit predicting COVID-19 period prevalence. Table 1 presents the descriptive statistics of the variables and the last column includes the variance inflation factors (VIFs). In an average US county, there were 493.07 COVID-19 confirmed cases per 100,000 population and not surprisingly the distribution is positively skewed. The average number of days since the first confirmed case in a county was 88.30, with the maximum of 159 days (King county, WA). Regarding racial/ethnic composition, on average, 9.08 percent were blacks, 1.48 percent Asians, 9.69 percent Hispanics and 2.08 percent Native Americans. The average percentage of the population over 65 years old was 19.31. Unemployment rate was slightly over 4 percent and on average 11 percent of county population were uninsured. On average, 14.35 percent of households have at least one severe housing problem (e.g., no kitchen or plumbing facilities). As if to underline the spatial relationships between counties on average 30.80 percent of the adult population work outside their county of residence. The average life expectancy was 77.74, and only 10 percent of contiguous counties have no shortage of health professional shortage. We emphasize that multicollinearity is not a concern in our analysis as the VIFs are all less than 4. We show the original descriptive statistics in this table and emphasize that all continuous variables except for population density are standardized in our regression models. Table 1 . Descriptive statistics of variables used in this study, as of June 28, 2020 (N=3,106) Figure 1 shows the spatial distribution of logged COVID-19 period prevalence (by quintiles). Counties with high rates are clustered along the Boston-Washington corridor, in parts of the Rust Belt, the Black Belt with scattered high values found in the Mountain, Mexico/US border, and West. By contrast, counties with low period prevalence are concentrated in the Upper Great Plains, in Montana and Idaho, in west Texas, and in parts of central Appalachia. The OLS and spatial modeling results are summarized into Table 2 and several findings are notable. First, the number of days since the first confirmed case and its square term follow the expectation. Specifically, the negative association between the square term and COVID-19 period prevalence (β=-0.002) suggests that the acceleration rate decreases with time, yet the total number of confirmed cases continues to grow (β=0.349) since the first case. Second, racial/ethnic composition of a county is important in determining period prevalence, though the magnitude of the coefficients across models varies. The coefficients in spatial error model are closer to that in OLS model while spatial lag and SAC models tend to yield comparable estimates. For example, the OLS model estimates that every one percent increase in % of blacks is associated with 0.543 unit increase in logged period prevalence and the magnitude of this relationship is 0.51 in spatial error model; however, the value drops by 15 percent to roughly 0.45 in spatial lag and SAC model. The same pattern is observed for % of Asians, Hispanics, and Native Americans, respectively. Third, nonwhite-white segregation index, life expectancy, and population density are positively associated with period prevalence. These three associations are consistent across all models, and robust to the specification of spatial dependence. We test if the residuals of each model are spatially correlated with the Moran's I statistic. As shown in Table 2 , the OLS model has a Moran's I of 0.110, which is significant at the 0.001 level. Spatial lag model reduces Moran's I to 0.023 but it remains statistically significant. That being said, even after considering the average period prevalence of neighboring counties (i.e., the lag term), the spatially correlated errors suggest that this model omits variables that are not only related to COVID-19 period prevalence but also spatially correlated. This finding is confirmed as the Moran's I is non-significant when spatial error terms are included in the analysis. The residuals of all four models are visualized in Figure 2 . While these figures look similar, two major findings are worth noting. One is that spatial models improve the predicted values for counties with low period prevalence, especially those in Upper Great Plains (e.g., North/South Dakota, Wyoming, and Nebraska). Specifically, counties in Upper Great Plains tend to have large and negative residuals in OLS, suggesting that OLS model overestimates the period prevalence in these mostly sparsely populated counties. The other notable finding is that counties in the Great Plains (from Montana, North Dakota to southwestern Texas) show greater spatial heterogeneity (i.e. the pattern that neighboring counties have dissimilar values) in fit than those counties found along both coasts, even after considering the potential spatial autocorrelation in the analysis. Table 2 . OLS, spatial lag, spatial error and SAC model for period prevalence (logged), as of June 28, 2020 With respect to the values, "< -2" means less than -2 and "> 2" means greater than 2. Our findings suggest that there is great variability across the US in COVID-19 period prevalence and spatial models improve model fits especially for counties with low period prevalence. Our model specification seems to explain reasonably well why counties have high levels of period prevalence; that is, most counties with high period prevalence have relatively small residuals in our analysis. Nonetheless, it should be emphasized that some of the explanatory variables-such as the time since the first confirmed case, demographic composition, nonwhite-white segregation index, life expectancy, and population density-have significant impacts on the period prevalence of COVID-19, but they cannot fully account for the spatial pattern. Even with this caveat, the residual maps of spatial error and SAC models do help to shed some light on identifying other potential explanatory variables for use in future research. In addition, taking into account spatial structure improves the predicted values for the counties with low period prevalence. From the comparison across different spatial regression models, the variability or heterogeneity in residuals is interesting. Here the model may fit well in one county but fit poorly in neighboring counties. Similarly, we find counties where the COVID-19 period prevalence is severely underpredicted are often adjacent to counties where the model overpredicts. This checkerboard like pattern is most visible across the Plain States and offers a stark contrast with the good model fit across much of the Atlantic seaboard and South East. We also note that a recent study [21] on COVID-19 suggests that spatial heterogeneity is fairly common in US counties, which is supported by our findings. It should also be emphasized that while some scholars have noted the importance of spatial autocorrelation [21] [22] [23] , they did not consider the potential impact of time on the pandemic and little research has considered the spatial lag and error term simultaneously. Our study advances the rapidly evolving literature by filling these gaps. Given the array of demographic, social, economic, and health service related variables in our models coupled with controls for population density and time since the first COVID case and incorporating spatial dependence into the model, the heterogeneity in model fit underscores the complexity of COVID-19 infection rates. On the one hand, there is the behavior and mutations of the virus itself but there are also a host of modifiable social factors determined by federal, state and local governments and institutions, and the actions and behaviors of businesses and individuals vis-à-vis service provisioning, social distancing, and protection of the most vulnerable members of society. The complexity and levels of decision making that has influenced the spread and intensity of COVID-19 has yet to be unpacked. We do not yet fully understand the reasons behind the high variability in testing availability and the rates of testing per capita. In this study we looked at reported cases and that measure is subject to wide variability driven by both the need to test in identified disease hotspots and in clusters of highrisk populations but also by the lack of testing and/or delays in testing. It may be a coincidence or a measurement concern that our model fit is most variable in the Great Plain states, an area including many of the states not to implement stay-at-home orders, and there have been fewer tests for COVID-19 in these states [24] . Future research is necessary. We conducted several sensitivity analyses to assure the robustness of our findings. For example, we replaced the HPCA codes with other continuous measures, such as the number of hospital beds or physicians per 1,000 population, but the results were similar. We also applied the principal component analysis (PCA) to a set of socioeconomic variables and created a PCA score to indicate the level of socioeconomic status of a county. Using this PCA score did not alter our conclusions or findings. These results are shown in Appendix 1. Furthermore, we implemented spatial regimes models with different definitions of regime (e.g., stay-at-home vs. no-stay-athome order; metropolitan vs. nonmetropolitan) and found that the results were not changed. The results of these models are presented in Appendix 2. Finally, we visualized the residuals with different legend classifications (e.g., standard deviations, natural breaks, and quantiles) but the main visual patterns were consistent with the interpretation reported here. This study is subject to some limitations. First, treating the period prevalence as a linear dependent variable may mask the great variations across counties. To our knowledge, there are no readily available software program that allows us to conduct a spatial lag model with a dependent variable that follows a Poisson or Binomial distribution. As such, we chose to use the log transformed dependent variable with approximate normality. Second, our analysis relies on secondary data sources such as Coronavirus Live Map and County Health Ranking and Roadmaps, which also utilize the secondary data from federal agencies. Due to the lack of data, we are unable to incorporate the county-level testing rates into our models, which in an ideal scenario ought to be associated with the period prevalence. We can only partially address the issue via a proxy for medical service provisioning and infrastructure using HPSA codes. In addition, while we consider the number of days since the first case in the analysis, this study remains cross-sectional and this design may mask temporal trends of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. All COVID-19 researchers are working in a dynamic environment and we are all aware that findings may need to be revised by new data. Finally, there is a growing concern about asymptomatic cases [25] , which cannot be included in our data. Future research is warranted to understand the impact of undercounted cases on geographical disparity the COVID-19 crisis. We believe in the old adage that "some models are useful." This study goes beyond data dashboards and description to contribute to emergent research using spatial models to look at the correlates of COVID-19 cases. Our results are consistent with expectations and a spatially informed study. For example, the variables with statistically significant associations with countylevel COVID-19 cases include demographic variables (i.e., race/ethnicity), socioeconomic factors (i.e., income and housing conditions), and population mobility (i.e., the level of commuting ties between counties). The county-level analysis provides evidence on the embeddedness and connectedness of places and the importance of relative locations to local decision-makers. What matters in the spread of COVID-19 is not only the contextual factors of a specific place, but also the latent features of its neighbors. With additional data, that will inevitably be furnished, rigorous spatiotemporal analysis will play an important role. Our findings call for further efforts to help explain the spatial distribution and dynamics of this new infectious disease for prediction and prevention purposes. ----0.118 0.042 ρ (spatial lag parameter) 0.144 *** 0.134 *** λ (spatial error parameter) 0.115 ** 0.131 *** Level of significance: * p<0.05, ** p<0.01, *** p<0.001 Table A1 . Sensitivity analysis for period prevalence (logged) 15 Appendix 2. 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