key: cord-0761129-xsqj196r authors: Almubayedh, Hanine; Ahmad, Rizwan title: Ethnopharmacology, phytochemistry, biological activities, and therapeutic applications of Cedrela serrata Royle: A mini review date: 2020-01-10 journal: J Ethnopharmacol DOI: 10.1016/j.jep.2019.112206 sha: 258f2880d2fdcb0a006c1c21243838370ed9b334 doc_id: 761129 cord_uid: xsqj196r ETHNOPHARMACOLOGICAL RELEVANCE: Cedrela serrata Royle (C. serrata) is a medicinal plant not only used for constructions but also an important conventional medicine for the treatment of various diseases such as; diabetes, jaundice, liver diseases, diarrhea, fever, chronic infantile dysentery, intestinal worms, hypertension, skin and blood diseases. AIMS: This review article documents and critically assesses, for the first time; up to date categorized information about C. serrata including its reported pharmacological activities, cultural uses, active compounds, and botanical description. MATERIALS AND METHOD: s: All provided information about C. serrata was collected using the electronic databases (e.g. Google Scholar, Web of Science, Scopus, PubMed, Science Direct and Springer Link), books (e.g. Trees of Pakistan and Herbalism, Phytochemistry, and Ethnopharmacology) and thesis. RESULTS: Qualitative and quantitative phytochemical studies on C. serrata revealed the presence of important chemical constituents such as; flavonoids, phenolic acids, alkaloids, saponins, tannins, and cardiac glycosides. The phytochemicals showed various in vitro activities like antioxidant, anti-infective, antiglycation, cytotoxic activities. Major areas of research conducted on C. serrata are its antioxidant and anti-infective activities. Few historical uses of C. serrata are supported by modern in vitro pharmacological studies such as; antidiarrheal, antidiabetic, and leishmanicidal activity. CONCLUSION: There were convincing evidence in in vitro studies supporting C. serrata antioxidant, anti-infective, anti-diabetic, anti-glycating, and cytotoxic activities. Nevertheless, all reported pharmacological activities were carried out in vitro and a gap in research i.e. preclinical and clinical investigation still exists. The authors emphasize the need for future in-depth research and clinical trials to investigate C. serrata pharmacological activity, clinical efficacy and safety. The potential chemical compounds with suggestive classes may need to be isolated and pharmacological activities must be established for these compounds. The plant has very limited information about pharmacological activities and the data available for supportive cultural uses needs proper validation. C. serrata Royle (synonym; Toona sinensis (Juss.) M. Roem.) is locally known as Hill Toon, Meem and Daral in Pakistan. The plant belongs to mahogany family (Meliaceae) of flowering plants consisting of over 500 species and about 50 genera of trees and shrubs growing in the tropical and subtropical regions. ("Meliaceae." Britannica Academic) C. serrata hard bark served as fuelwood and is used in construction, roofing, fencing and utensils (Ahmad et al., 2009) . For agricultural purposes, this tree was the best to be intercropped in a bean/banana intercrop (Ouma, 2009) . Additionally, this plant is used customary for the treatment of various diseases such as; diabetes mellitus (Jan et al., 2011; Hamayun, 2005; Yaseen et al., 2015; Awan et al., 2011; Rashid et al., 2015) , diarrhea (Jan et al., 2012) , fever (Khan et al., 2015) and skin infections (Awan et al., 2011) . Moreover, its crude extract contains several phytochemicals, mainly Phenolics and flavonoids, having diverse pharmacological properties ranging from cytotoxic to anti-glycating activities. The plant does possess potential to be explored further, as the number of pharmacological activities and results reported for this plant may not be normalized and validated enough to consider the plant for further mechanistic and molecular level studies. Before any in-depth studies, a comprehensive data and pharmacological 1016/j.jep.2019.112206 Received 10 January 2019; Received in revised form 28 August 2019; Accepted 28 August 2019 reports along with toxicity profile must be studied and established for C. serrata. C. Serrata revealed some therapeutic potential that have been confirmed by several studies. However, no review is available until date, covering all-important aspects for C. serrata plant. This review covers its taxonomy, botanical description, distribution, conventional uses, ethnopharmacology, phytochemical components and scientifically proven pharmacological activities for its active compounds. This article aims to provide a foundation for any further studies and development of medicinal agents from this plant. All relevant information about the botanical description, ethnomedicinal uses, phytochemicals, pharmacological activities of C. serrata were collected from published literatures. The electronic databases used for the collection of relevant information include; Google Scholar, Summon (Imam Abdulrahman Bin Faisal University Portal), Web of Science, Scopus, PubMed, Science Direct and Springer Link. The key words; "C. serrata"; "Toona serrata"; "Meliaceae"; "Flavonoids"; "phytochemical"; "active constituents", "ethanopharmacology"; "ethnomedicinal"; "antioxidant"; "antiglycating"; "anti-infective"; "antimicrobial"; "antifungal"; "Leishmanicidal"; "anti-diabetic", were searched with no time limit. Books such as; "The Handbook of Naturally Occurring Insecticidal Toxins", "Trees of Pakistan" and "Herbalism, Phytochemistry, and Ethnopharmacology" along with thesis "Phytochemical studies of two plants Ziziphus oxyphylla and C. serrata" were studied for gathering the relevant information. Chemical structures were drawn using ChemDraw pro 8.0 software. PubChem database was used to check IUPAC names of phytochemicals reported for the plant. The literature searched revealed the synonyms for C. serrata Royle as; "Toona serrata (Royal) M. Roem" (Negi et al., 2011) , "Toona sinensis", (Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew., 2003) "Toon", "Hill Toon" (Chauhan et al., 2014) . The synonyms were mentioned in the eflora of Pakistan ( The authors searched extensively for the literature review regarding the plant. The search criteria included; any article in English language mentioning the word C. serrata, phytochemistry of C. serrata, ethnobiology, ethnobotany along with preclinical and clinical studies regarding C. serrata. Initially, broad terms were searched, for mentioned synonyms, to extract out the comprehensive record matching any of the mentioned names. The initial search was followed by filtration of the relevant data for review. At the end of the literature search, we found thirteen (13) relevant articles for C. serrata, eight (8) articles for Toona sinensis, four (4) relevant articles for Toona serrata (Royal) M. Roem and two (2) relevant articles for Hill Toon. 3.1. Botanical description C. serrata Royle, as shown in Fig. 1 , is a medium-sized tree reaching up to 20 m and its diameter ranges between 0.5 to 0.6 m. Its feathery, compound leaves are 35 to 80 cm long. Besides, the pink flowers of C. serrata are up to 0.5 m long and are in drooping bunches. The capsule, fruit, is 2.5 to 3 cm long. The seeds are winged at the upper end and are 1.5 cm long. The bark is rough and thick. (Trees of Pakistan, 1993). The species C. serrata is widely distributed in Pakistan, India, Burma, Nepal (Trees Of Pakistan, 1993) , Myanmar, Indonesia and Sri Lanka (Dusenge et al., 2015) . Nevertheless, it has been successively cultivated in the foothill areas of Murree, Swat, Azad Kashmir, and Hazara. (Trees of Pakistan, 1993). C. serrata Royle belongs to the family Meliaceae known as the mahogany family of flowering plants. Meliaceae family consists of over 500 species and about 50 genera of trees and shrubs. ("Meliaceae." Britannica Academic) The genus Cedrela comprise around 1600 species and 50 genera (Perveen and Zaib, 2013 4. Local and conventional medicinal uses of C. serrata C. serrata has widespread cultural uses in Pakistan. Several ethnomedicinal survey studies were conducted and highlighted the customary uses of C. serrata. Different parts of C. serrata are used for therapeutic purposes. The most common reported uses are of its leaves and bark (Hamayun, 2005) . An ethnobotanical survey was conducted in Kaghan valleys of Pakistan by Jan et al., on timber producing and fuelwood species. In this study, 10 people were picked randomly and interviewed from 10 different valleys of Kaghan and their ethnobotanical knowledge was evaluated. Regarding C. serrata usage, leaves were commonly used for the management of diabetes (Jan et al., 2011) . A four-year's survey study was conducted in Pakistan asking herbalists, selected informants and local people of Swat Kohistan, Pakistan, this study reported the use of C. serrata for the treatment of diabetes (Hamayun, 2005) . Similarly, Yaseen et al., and Awan et al., reported the management of diabetes by C. serrata leaves, bark and juice (Yaseen et al., 2015; Awan et al., 2011) . Another study conducted in the Himalayan region of Azad Jammu and Kashmir, Pakistan collected ethnobotanical data from local inhabitants regarding knowledge about established uses of C. serrata. The study revealed the usage of leaves, roots and stem decoction for the treatment of diabetes (Rashid et al., 2015) . Ethnobotanical knowledge of anti-diarrheal medicinal plants was collected by Jan et al., in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan. C. serrata bark was reported to be used for the management of chronic infantile dysentery (Jan et al., 2012) . Similarly, people of Kaghan Valley of Pakistan reported the use of C. serrata bark and leaves for the treatment of dysentery (Awan et al., 2011) . A survey was conducted in Tehsil Charbagh interviewing elderly people of the rural areas and local herbal practitioners, where the leaves of the plant were reported as a digestive aid (Khan et al., 2015) . In addition to its use in diabetes, the wood and stem bark of C. serrata is used by local people and herbalists of Pakistan for the treatment of roundworms (Hamayun, 2005) . Similarly, Rashid et al. reported the use of C. serrata leaves, roots and stem decoction for the treatment of intestinal worms by the local people of Azad Jammu and Kashmir (Rashid et al., 2015) . Pfoze et al. conducted an ethnobotanical study where the local inhabitants were interviewed regarding the plant. The root bark and leaves of C. serrata were reported to be used for the treatment of hypertension (Pfoze et al., 2012) . In Pakistan, an ethnobotanical survey study conducted by Shah et al., by asking local elderly people, reported the use of C. serrata for the treatment of liver diseases such as jaundice (Shah et al., 2006) . Beside all the reviewed uses, C. serrata leaves and bark is used as a cooling and antipyretic agent (Hamayun, 2005; Awan et al., 2011; Jan et al., 2011) . Its bark and leaves were also reported for the treatment of blood and skin diseases (Awan et al., 2011) . Interestingly, few studies reported that some people believe "the whole plant is toxic" (Haq, 2012) . Not only it is used for therapeutic purposes, C. serrata hard bark also served as fuelwood and is used in construction, roofing, fencing and utensils (Ahmad et al., 2009) . For agricultural purposes, this tree was the best to be intercropped in a bean/banana intercrop (Ouma, 2009) . The summary of the customary therapeutic uses reported for C. serrata is presented in Table 1 . 5. Therapeutically active phytochemicals present in C. serrata The main active chemical compounds of C. serrata are flavonoids glycosides, which are found predominantly in the leaves of the plant (Ahmad et al., 2013) . These flavonoids were isolated and identified for the first time by Ahmad et al. (2016) The compounds were isolated from ethyl acetate fraction of the crude 80% methanolic leaves extract. The identified flavonoid glycosides were hyperoside (Quercetin-3-O-βgalactoside), Quercitrin (quercetin-3-O-α-rhamnoside) and astragalin (Kaempferol-3-O-β-glucoside). Their structures are presented in Fig. 2 . These flavonoids exerted antioxidant and antiglycating activities. Among these isolated compounds, Quercetin-3-O-β-galactoside showed greater in vitro anti-oxidant activity as compared to Kaempferol-3-O-βglucoside, confirming the superiority of Quercetin glycosides over Kaempferol glycosides in terms of antioxidant potential. Besides, these compounds showed better antioxidant activity as a mixture than pure compounds suggesting synergistic effect of these flavonoids. Unlike antioxidant activity of flavonoids mixture, the mixture did not exhibit synergistic antiglycating effect. (Ahmad et al., 2016) . C. serrata contains high levels of phenolic compounds, especially in its bark (Ahmad et al., 2013) . Phenolic compounds exert many pharmacological activities as; antioxidant, anti-aging, cytotoxic, antiatherosclerosis and anti-inflammatory. Tandon and Sand tested C. serrata leaves extract for its phenolic content. The phenolic acids present in leaves extract were Ferulic acid, Caffeic acid, o-Coumaric acid, Vanillic acid, Chlorogenic acid, p-Hydroxybenzoic acid, Protocatechuic acid, Syringic acid and Gallic acid (Tandon and Sand, 2016) . Their structures are presented in Fig. 2 . Many phytochemicals are present in C. serrata, many of which exert pharmacological activities. Several Ethno-medicinal survey studies reported the classic uses of this plant including; anti-diabetic and cooling agent (Jan et al., 2011) , fever, nerve tonic and digestive agent (Khan et al., 2015) , Roundworms (Hamayun, 2005) , chronic infantile dysentery, ulcers, antiperiodic and astringent (Jan et al., 2012) , blood and skin diseases (Awan et al., 2011) , joint dislocation and hypertension (Pfoze et al., 2012) , jaundice and liver diseases (Shah et al., 2006) , intestinal worms and diabetes (Rashid et al., 2015) This part of the review will discuss the pharmacological studies reported for C. serrata extracts and of its active phytochemicals along with their ethnopharmacological relevance. 6.1. Antimicrobial, antiviral and antifungal activity C. serrata was proven by several studies to have antibacterial activities. Ahmad et al., using agar well diffusion method, tested methanolic extract of C. serrata leaves and bark. The methanolic fraction of the bark extract exerted in-vitro antimicrobial action against the grampositive organisms: Staphylococcus aureus, Proteus mirabilis and Bacillus subtilis, and the gram-negative organisms: Escherichia coli, Citrobacter spp and Salmonella typhi. The bark extract showed significant inhibition of Citrobacter spp growth with an inhibition zone of 22.33 ± 0.05 mm at the concentration (150 μg/ml). It is suggested that C. serrata antimicrobial activity is due to its high contents of phenols present in the bark (Ahmad et al., 2013) . Another study was conducted by Jan et al., evaluating the antibacterial effect of C. serrata crude extract at various concentrations (10, 20 and 30 mg/ml). Using agar well diffusion method, the crude extract of C. serrata showed an in-vitro inhibitory potential towards microbes; Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Salmonella typhi, Escherichia coli, Proteus vulgaris and Staphylococcus aureus. Zones of inhibition were measured for different concentrations of C. serrata crude extract. The minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) of C. serrata ethanolic fraction was 3 mg/ml for P. aeruginosa and 6 mg/ml for E. coli, S. typhi, S. aureus and P. vulgaris. According to Jan et al., antimicrobial activity might contribute to the presence of tannins, steroids and volatile oils or the presence of phenolic compounds (Jan et al., 2012) . Bibi et al., reported C. serrata methanolic leaves extract invitro antimicrobial activity at 20 mg/ml against Staphylococcus epidermidis and Pseudomonas spp with a maximum zone of inhibition of 16 mm and a minimum of inhibition Escherichia coli growth. However, it showed moderate inhibition of Staphylococcus aureus and Kelbsiella pneumoniae (Bibi et al., 2018) . S. aureus, S. typhi, E. coli and S. flexneri are the chief infectious agents causing diarrhea in humans (Anne and Geboes, 2002) . The use of C. serrata and various herbal remedies for the treatment of diarrhea is reported in different communities, especially in Pakistan (Jan et al., 2012) . C. serrata showed potent antimicrobial activities against various strains of bacteria causing diarrhea. Such activity may support its community use as an anti-diarrheal agent. Additionally, C. serrata exhibited antiviral activity against of the lifethreatening virus (i.e. severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus (SARS-CoV). Its crude tender leaf extracts exerted in vitro inhibition of SARS-CoV replication with EC 50 value of 30 μg/ml (Chen et al., 2008) . Although the activity the extract exhibited is considered significant, it is an old method used for establishing any antibacterial activity of plants and its extracts. More sophisticated and reliable methods i.e. dilution methods using spectrophotometer are available. The species studied in these reports are generally utilized by most of the authors, possibly due to its more sensitivity even at low doses of herbs or herbal extracts. Besides, the dose applied with claim to have significant result i.e. 3 and 6 mg/ml, is too high. To be considered as potent antibacterial, the extract and plant parts must possess activity at very low concentration and especially against emerging strains of bacteria where the world is endangered and posed with resistance phenomenon. The statistical tool used in the studies was improper. A proper ANOVA or t-test based data evaluation and analysis with P=0.05 should be reported to make the data reliable and significant. IC 50 was observed in none of the studies and there were no MIC or MEC value reported which is of prime importance for human clinical uses. The presence of phenolic compounds as well as tannins was mentioned as the source for antimicrobial property hence, further studies are ultimately needed to confirm the nature and structure of the specific phenolic compound or tannins with the mentioned property. More studies will confirm if the activity is imparted by phenolic, flavonoids or any other class of chemical entities. The compound may be explored for clinical trials so to produce drugs with unique properties in terms of treatment. The concentrations (MIC values) of extracts or dose applied seems to be quite high which may result in toxic effect during therapeutic interventions. Similarly, the effects were evaluated against some strains of microbes which are the most widely studied in almost all forms of antimicrobial research, hence further investigation against multi-drug resistant as well as emerging strains is needed. A possibility exists that the plant phytochemicals may exhibit cytotoxic effects in various tissues with a lack of antimicrobial effect at given concentrations. Probably, their use may be limited to mutated or genetically modified microbial strains. Hence, in-depth studies are needed to correlate invitro and in-vivo toxicity data and to develop or report models that allow a prediction of systemic toxicity in large-scale clinical trials. In addition to its activity against gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria, C. serrata showed its inhibitory activity against some strains of fungi. Using standard agar dilution method, Bibi et al., reported the invitro antifungal activity of C. serrata extract against Fusarium oxysporum. At 24 mg/ml, the chloroform fraction of C. serrata extract showed 34.91% inhibition of F. oxysporum growth whereas the methanolic fraction showed 23.38% inhibition (Bibi et al., 2018) . The methanolic fraction of C. serrata bark extract showed significant in-vitro antifungal activity against Candida albicans with a IC 50 value of 39.3 μg/ml, whereas the chloroform fraction of the leaves extract showed significant activity against Trichophyton rubrum with IC 50 value of 25.9 μg/ ml (Ahmad et al., 2013) . C. albicans is reported by Robert et al., to be attributed to diarrhea caused by certain antimicrobial medications (Robert et al., 2001) . Its anti-fungal activity against this strain of fungi may support the customary use of C. serrata for the treatment of diarrhea (Jan et al., 2012) . The supportive data from a particular group of people is not suffcient evidence to use these plants or extracts in any fungal infection. The antifungal study here seems to be a very preliminary data and for sure a gap for more research exists in terms of evaluating the effect of these extracts on resistant as well as commonly prevailed strains and to take this research till mechanistic level where the adverse effects may be reported too. The worriyng factor here is the dose as mentioned above, this may be potentially toxic at high concentration i.e. used for human treatmnets. Thus it is very critical to develop advanced models for antifungal potential including resistant strains, low doses, proper standards as well as statistical models for comparing the data. Overall, the antibacterial and antifungal studies reported exhibits a weak approach applied. A proper pharmacolgical model consisting of in vivo and cell culture studies are utmost needed in order to confirm the potential toxicity and therputic activity for the plant and its extract. The data presented may not be reproducible as it needs further in-depth research. The MIC values observed, dose applied, model for study used and contol applied in the study does not permit to claim the data for clinical uses. The authors suggest further exploration of these activities using in vivo models with low doses and toxicity reports which are reproducible and properly validated. Leishmaniasis is a parasitic infectious disease affecting 12 million people around the world (Takahashi et al., 2004) . Symptoms range from subclinical localized skin lesions to disseminated infection affecting mucous membranes and the viscera (Murray et al., 2005) . Formally, Cedrela spp. has been used for the treatment of Leishmania ulcers and other skin diseases (Arévalo-Lopé;za et al., 2018). C. serrata along with other plants' Myanmar timber extracts were examined by Takahashi et al., for their activity against Leishmania promastigotes. C. serrata timber extract showed potent in vitro leishmanicidal activity with MIC value of 12.5 μg/ml and MLC of 50 μg/ml (Takahashi et al., 2004) . Another study evaluating C. serrata leishmanicidal activity by Ahmad at al. showed a significant activity of chloroform fraction of bark extract with an IC 50 value of 32.4 μg/ml (Ahmad et al., 2013) . Besides its anti-parasitic activity against Leishmania spp., C. serrata exerts potent antiparasitic activity against other species of parasites including Trypanosoma spp. The n-hexane fraction of leaves extract showed potent in-vitro activity against T. brucei with IC 50 value of 8.17 μg/ml, whereas the chloroform fraction of the bark extract showed even more potent activity against T. cruzi with IC 50 value of 1.37 μg/ml. The n-hexane fraction of the leaves extract exhibited similar activity against T. cruzi with IC 50 value of 2.24 μg/ml (Ahmad et al., 2013) . The activity against parasites is interesting and significant here. However, what is the value of such extract in real practice for these parasites? This needs to be explored further. Mostly, these results vary up to a great extent when the model for treatment is changed. The same dose concentration may be easily applied in clinical trials especially in patients with leishmanial diseases. However, the risk-to-benefit ratio for the extract in terms of side effects, adverse effects, dose and therapeutic outcome is more important to make the plant as a useful and respective species in the market. It is worthy to add here, that leishmanial disease is an important field and scope of research for a number of laboratories and researchers, where they are utilizing every possible resource to find a significant and potent agent to eradicate leishmanial diseases. Despite, much work is needed to properly apply the plant in current disease. The very basic hindrance of using plant parts i.e. extracts which are treated with toxic solvents such as n-hexane and chloroform may be conisdered seriously. Most of the times it is the solvent and its resdiues which may play a cytotoxic or antiparasitic role. This may be overruled first. Literature reports suggest the very low dose of chloroform sufficient enough for death. Hence, microbes or parasites may be killed at a compratively more low doses. Likewise, none of the study reported the phytochemical or its class in the same plant responsible for such activity. More probably it may be a synergistic effcet exerted by the leaves or bark extract of the plant responsible for such activity. None of the positive or especially negative control were observed in the study in order to assure the effect was due to extract potential rather then the solvent itself. In the very case, even if these factors are overuled, still the same study needs to be applie din proper pharmcological models of cell culture techniques and in vivo models. Toxicity profile for the extracts with minimum dose selection have a key importance to apply the model in clincial studies. To overcome this, further research is essential in terms of isolation of the active chemical entity, structure elucidation and clinical trials at the level of multicenter and mutlifaceted studies. The model used for the activity with proper standards (positive and negative), underlying mechanisms, effective and safe dose, cytochrome P-450 enzymes utilized during metabolism and more importantly the interactions with other drugs needs to be defined. One of the hypotheses suggested for hyperglycemia-induced vascular pathologies and diabetic end complications is increased levels of advanced glycation products (AGEs). It is suggested that AGEs are produced in case of intracellular hyperglycemia, which triggers intracellular auto-oxidation of glucose into various reactive products, which react with intracellular and extracellular proteins forming AGEs (Brownlee, 2001) . Diabetic patients can be protected from glycationderived free radicals damage using antioxidants. Compounds having combined antiglycation and antioxidant activity are reported to be more effective anti-diabetic agents. C. serrata bark extract (200 μL extract at different concentrations) showed highest in vitro activity against AGEs formation with an IC 50 value of 0.61 ± 0.02 mg/ml. Similarly, the leaves extract showed significant in vitro antiglycation activity with an IC 50 value of 0.89 ± 0.03 mg/ml. As C. serrata contains the highest contents of phenols and flavonoids in its bark and leaves, respectively, this plant's antiglycating activity may be attributed to the presence of such compounds (Ahmad et al., 2013) . Additionally, the ethyl acetate fraction of C. serrata leaves extract showed significant in vitro antiglycating activity with IC 50 value of 0.62 ± 0.02 mg/ml. The extract was prepared by dissolving 1 mg in 3 ml as stock solutions and further three dilutions were prepared in a concentration of 1/2, 1/4, and 1/8 from stock solution (Ahmad et al., 2016) . Having antioxidant and antiglycating activity, C. serrata could be a useful for preventing diabetic complications in diabetic patients. As mentioned above, several ethnobotanical studies reported the cultural use of C. serrata in Pakistan for the treatment and management of diabetes (Yaseen et al., 2015; Hamayun, 2005; Jan et al., 2011; Awan et al., 2011) . The mentioned pharmacological studies support its use. The presence of phenols and flavonoids may indeed impart antioxidant and anti-glycation potential to a plant. However, more in general there seems to be a major drawback of being reported in vitro only. The model for such activity needs to be updated on advanced level. Its extract and dilutions must be tested in vivo, preliminary in cell culture techniques. Following the cell culture studies, the model may be effectively applied in human as clinical trials. The AGEs is an emerging domain where most of the researcher are on-the-way to find novel and effective source for treating glyoxal, methylglyoxal, fructose amine adducts etc. The extract of the bark from this plant may play a vital role to provide a source of AGEs inhibitors. The predictive model of its mechanism is very important to be elucidated in order to successfully utilize the plant and its chemical entities for AGEs and its related complications, especially in diabetic patients. The plant and its extract may be particularly studied for its hepatotoxicity potential as diabetic people may have co-morbidities, where the plant and its extract may not affect the liver conditions. Furthermore, the interaction of the plant extract or compounds may have lack of effect on the conventional drugs used for treating diabetes and AGEs related complications. Successively, the isolation of active chemical may be more interesting and helpful for health community and researchers to combat this disease. Concerning the level of disease, the reports provided here are very preliminary and without any proper evidence. The model used is very preliminary, with no mechanism and particularly with lack of any in vivo data. Likewise, no toxicity studies or cell culture related study is available for such report, where it may be confirmed if the plant extract have any risk or adverse effect at high doses. Besides, expanded studies in the shape of clinical trials are intensively needed to treat effectively the very emerging and prevalent disease of AGEs. With respect to antioxidant activity, a number of questions do exists. Generally, all the plants and its extracts possesses antioxidant activities due to commonly occurring flavonoids and phenolic compounds. First of all, the presence of an antioxidant potential does not guarantee a valid or authentic activity always. Especially for those studies where the protocols involves merely a competitive bleaching of probe (Crocin bleaching assay, ORAC assay), reaction with different probe (TOSC assay) or indirect methods for reduction or oxidation of persistent radicals (DPPH, TEAC, FRAP etc.). An extensive data is available where the researcher claims an antioxidant potential based on aforementioned protocols. In fact, these models are not reproducible pharmacologically when applied in vivo or in human models. Current study is one of such examples. It is very interesting to see the antioxidant and antiglycating potential for this plant, however, data at such level is very naïve and preliminary for any conclusion. The debate regarding antioxidant potential always exists as every plant and its extract have some phenolic and flavonoid moiety imparting antioxidant potential to plants. To be applied practically, more work is needed especially cell-based antioxidant assays where the antioxidant potential of a plant and its extract is proved alongwith the toxicity or cytotoxicity towards cells. Secondly, the molecular mechanisms for such extracts needs to be established hence active isolation of novel flavonoids and phenols from these plants is of prime importance. A few studies have reported even a role in mortality for some commonly used antioxidants of beta carotene, vitamin C and E. Thus care is required in order not to overload the immune system, containing common antioxidant from other food and vegetable source, with antioxidant from these plants and extracts. This may lead to un towards consequences. In addition, the clinical studies are required to look over the effect of commonly occurring antioxidant alone and in combination with antioxidant claiming plants and extracts. This issue is of prime importance to establish the positive or negative role of antioxidant in a pharmacologically and biologically reproducible models. In the view of current research on antioxidants, the authors do suggest to conduct synergistic studies for extracts and plants with commonly found antioxidants in food, drinks and vegetables. This will present a clear picture for using antioxidants as a treatment in any diseases. Overall, the use and potential of antioxidant is very debatable and needs careful attention as its excessive amount may lead to serious consequences including death and increased mortality ratio. The author suggests; proper biological and cell culture studies with sound positive and negative controls as well as synergistic studies for commonly occurring antioxidants. In addition, the duration and frequency of antioxidant usage may also be considered on priority basis as in most cases the people or patient uses vegetables and fruits alongwith drinks containing already a very high amount of antioxidants. The insecticidal potential of the plant was tested by Ahmad et al. (2014) . The methanolic extract of the plant applied against red flour beetle i.e. Tribolium castaneum, does not reveal any toxicity (Ahmad et al., 2014) . In contrast, Perveen and Khan, 2014 studied the effect of various polarity solvent for the mentioned insect where LD 50 value of 143, 18, 40 and 384 μl/cm 2 for methanol, n-butanol, ethyl acetate and aqueous fraction was observed for the plant. These studies confirm the positive effect of the plant in some species of insects. However, the genera of insects are diversified with complex genetic makeup. A possibility exists, where the insecticidal effects may be mediated via plant metabolites rather than the plant itself. The current data is advocating with very little scientific knowledge and may not be applied in practice. In addition, lack of bulk plant material and insufficient support from the government due to less available toxic data may pose difficulties for the plant to be used as an ideal insecticidal drug. Various studies regarding formulations are required to address the sustained effect, quality and stability of C. serrata. Besides, the dose unit used here is very confusing and terminologies, which are more common and comprehensive, may be applied in order to assess the potential of the plant or its extract as compared to any previous reports for insecticidal activity. The study reported here does not reflects a model which is pharmacologically reproducible and applicable to in vivo or clinical studies. The nature and genetic makeup for insects and humans do vary up to huge extent. In addition, no information are clearly provided for the duration and dose used of the extracts. Though the activity provides a preliminary information regarding the insecticidal activity and toxicity, still advanced studies using cell culture and in vivo toxicity studies in animal models with proper control, dose, and duration of extract needs to be tested for establishing any toxicity of the plant. In vitro cytotoxic studies has supported this plant's antiproliferative activity against various cell lines suggesting some preliminary potentials for treatment of various types of cancer including; lung, prostate, ovarian, leukemia, etc. C. serrata leaves and bark extract showed significant cytotoxic activity against MRC-5 cells. The chloroform fraction of the bark extract showed significant in-vitro cytotoxic activity with a CC 50 value of 23.78 μg/ml. Similarly, n-hexane fraction of the leaves extract showed significant cytotoxic activity with a CC 50 value of 23.99 μg/ml (Ahmad et al., 2013) . Gallic acid, a phenolic compound extracted from C. serrata leaves has also shown in vitro cytotoxic activity against prostate cancer. This compound has shown its activity against DU145 prostate cancer cells via different mechanisms including; mitochondria-mediated apoptosis, generation of reactive oxygen species and inhibition of DU145 cells growth at G2/M phase (Chen et al., 2009) . Additionally, C. serrata crude leave extract has shown in vitro cytotoxic activity against lung cancer. The crude leave extract induced the activation of caspase-3-like proteases enzymes leading to apoptosis of A549 cells. Also, the extract showed anti-proliferative activity through the interferance with cyclin D1 and cyclin E expression (Chang et al., 2002) . Similarly, the phenolic components of C. serrata leaves showed antiproliferative and apoptotic activity against human premyelocytic leukemia (HL-60 cells). Phenolic components of C. serrata exerted their apoptotic activity against HL-60 cells through various mechanisms including; caspase 3 activation, release of cytochrome c, specific proteolytic cleavage of PARP, also known as poly ADP-ribose polymerase, generation of reactive oxygen species (H 2 O 2 ) and reduction of Bcl-2 levels (Yang et al., 2006) (Kakumu et al., 2014) . Additionally, its in vitro and ex vivo activity against ovarian cancer cells has been established. C. serrata aqueous leaves extract has inhibited the growth of SKOV3 cells at G2/M phase, establishing its in vitro antiproliferative activity . Similar studies also established C. serrata in vitro cytotoxic activity against oral squamous carcinoma cells, cervical carcinoma (Chia et al., 2010) (Zhen et al., 2014) . The cytotoxicity model does not provide clear information. The very first gap here is the lack of supportive evidence for in vivo studies. Besides, the activity presented here is just an in vitro one and the cell lines i.e. MCF-7 breast cell lines, HeLa cell lines, prostate and ovarian cell lines, etc. may be studied for such extract to evaluate its potentials which may have a promising role in the list of cytotoxic drugs. Very limited information of cytotoxicity is provided for this plant. By no means, such data can provide satisfactory evidence to implicate the plant for any cancer or cancer-related complications. An extensive data consisting of proper in vitro and in vivo models, dose range, safety, mechanism of action and relevancy of target to be treated is much needed. As mentioned previously, first of all the role of solvent used may be sorted. Herein the solvent used fpor extraction is a toxic halogenated solvent i.e. chloroform. Halogenated solvents are well known for toxicity and death even at very low solvent ratio. Furthermore, cytotoxicity studies does not involve such solvent for data generation. It is better to perform such activities using DMSO in allowed and specified concentration. More importantly, molecular mechanism needs to be elaborated and a series of cell lines may be studies at various dose levels involving lowest to highest dose concentration. Proper pharmacological and toxicological guidelines are available where the toxicity potential is studied in in vitro experiments first. Following in vitro experiments the extracts are studied animal toxicity models using histological and immunohistochemistry studies. Hence, the plant needs much attention on this aspect as the data may not justify its cytotoxic and hence it's further use as an agent for the treatment of cancer. The very preliminary cell culture studies may decide a track for this plant extract, whether to utilize and study it for further anti-cancer studies. The simple cytotoxicity potential may not be sufficient to put the plant in the list of cancer treatment drugs. Although this plant demonstrated promising in vitro activities, C. serrata pharmacological activities were not tested on animal models or humans. The plant finds extensive custom uses for diabetes and hypertension as well as liver diseases and dysentery. Moreover, these studies were supported by the pharmacological activities performed for various parts of the plant in different solvents. These studies establishes a preliminary role for C. serrata as an antioxidant for liver diseases, antimicrobial for dysentery and inhibitor of advanced glycation products i.e. glyoxal, methylglyoxal and fructose amine adducts during diabetes. Although a potential role may be assumed for the plant at this stage, these activities lack a major gap before application into human systems. These gaps include; lack of data showing the confirmation of these pharmacological activities in human subjects i.e. volunteers or patient's models, unavailability of mechanistic study for pharmacological activities, absence of any phase-0 to V studies where the micro dose and therapeutic/sub-therapeutic dose, as well as the toxicity and adverse effects associated with plants use, may be concluded. Proper positive and negative controls alongwith duration and dose of extracts applied is required especially in the case of antioxidant assays as discussed in detail previously. Moreover, the active moieties isolated and reported are very few and mostly they are reported compounds. None of the novel hit or lead compound has been reported so far from this plant. In addition, the already isolated compounds were not further studied for any toxicity, or clinical studies so to make a proper dosage form of the drugs from the plant and market it for the availability of end user. There were no in vivo pharmacological studies or clinical trials held for C. serrata till date and correspondingly does not report any clinical trials for C. serrata or any of its parts, extract or isolated known compounds. Even, the secondary metabolites isolated, as reported, may be explored further for its pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics properties as well as side effects and toxicity in clinical trials, so that they may be converted into potential marketed drug moieties. An opportunity for numerous pharmacological activities such as anti-inflammatory, analgesic, diuretic, cardiovascular, skin infection, liver and jaundice, renal problems, digestive disorders and mental diseases still exists in the plant. This may be a good chance for researchers to apply the plant and its extracts in mentioned activities as well as to report the toxicity profile for the plant in animal models. Currently, very limited studies have reported these biological effects and detailed studies on toxicity, side effects at various doses as well as with long-term use are highly needed to address underlying mechanism for aborting inflammation, analgesia and CVS related disorders. There is a plethora of evidences where hepatic toxicity associated with the use of conventional or crude drugs is reported due to perturbation of the immune system. It is of vital interest to investigate the possibility of acute and/or chronic liver damage following ingestion of this plant extracts containing alkaloids and flavonoids in natural herbal extracts. For the very reason, anti-inflammatory, CVS, analgesic and therapeutic effect of this plant may be studied in chronic hepatitis, cholestasis, drug-induced autoimmunity, vascular lesions, and hepatic fibrosis animal models. Besides, lack of evidence exists for C. serrata extracts interactions with cytochrome P-450 enzyme i.e. in case the compounds in extract binds covalently with these enzymes, a possibility may exist whereby T-cells are activated and cytokines may release thus leading towards a complicated immune response. The foremost important phenomenon is to observe the effect with the conventional drugs available for the mentioned pharmacological activities or diseases such as NSAIDs, antihypertensive, diuretic, etc. The synergistic or antagonist effects for such drugs when used concomitantly with C. serrata extracts or its phytochemical are of prime importance for achieving a successful Pharmaceutical care model, hence further clinical trials with multicenter and multifaceted population are of key importance here. The therapeutic potential of a plant or isolated compound is considered worthy when there is an absence of toxicity or fatal adverse effects. Toxicity studies are of prime importance for herbal products and isolated compounds in particular. Although several pharmacological activities have been reported for C. serrata supporting the widespread historical use of the plants in diabetes, dysentery, hypertension and liver diseases, none of the authors carried out any toxicological investigation. Only one study by Ahmad et al., 2013) , performed cytotoxicity studies for the plant and it showed to have cytotoxicity, yet it was an in vitro study. Besides, there was no major study found which may report its toxicity. An in-depth focus is needed in terms of toxicity to be studied in in vivo systems as well as cell cultures. Studies, including the exposure of herbal extracts or isolated drugs, at various dose concentrations i.e. minimum to maximum highest dose, may be properly studied in vivo in animal models, followed by expanding the studies to cell culture and human subjects thereof. More importantly, oral toxicity may be determined for the safe use of the plant and its related parts or drugs. There still exists a gap to study the topical and in vivo toxicity profile for C. serrata to assess the risk-benefit profile for the plant prior to any clinical applications. The toxicity studies are very limited and insufficient to support the safety and efficacy of plant and its extracts/ fractions in various diseases, which may further delay the use for the therapeutic purpose. Likewise, the available literature lacks the scientific knowledge and toxicity of plant active constituents and herb-drug interactions. The extracts interaction with pharmaceutical drugs needs to be investigated at a systematic level i.e. metabolism by cytochrome P-450 liver enzyme system as well as with protease inhibitors. It is worthy to mention that pharmacokinetic (absorption, distribution, metabolism and elimination) and pharmacodynamics studies of plant extracts are not yet investigated in large clinical trials to translate it for the therapeutic purpose. 9. Future prospective and potential to be utilized It was observed in the first instance that the plant has widespread use as antidiabetic, antihypertensive, antimicrobial and for liver diseases. Similarly, few compounds were isolated and tested in respective diseases whereby they showed some basic mechanism of antioxidant, free radical entrappers, cytotoxic, bacteriostatic/bactericidal and glycation of products in diabetes. The mechanisms studied so far includes traditional basic level protocols involving merely a competitive bleaching of probe (Crocin bleaching assay, ORAC assay), reaction with different probe (TOSC assay) or indirect methods for reduction or oxidation of persistent radicals (DPPH, TEAC, FRAP etc.) . Advanced level with reproducible and valid results such as cell-based antioxidant assays are much needed to resolve the phenomenon of antioxidant potential in plants. C. serrata has enormous potential to be worked on further. The area of interest for researcher may include; isolation of lead compounds as well as the compounds due to which current plant have a potential respect in treatment of diseases in a number of communities, specific compounds to have establish role of being antidiabetic, antihypertensive as well as useful for liver disease, pharmacological activities with mechanistic potential in order to explore the proper mechanism of these extracts or pure compounds in treatment of diabetes, hypertension and liver diseases, toxicity determination of the herbal extract and isolated compounds in different preclinical and clinical in vivo systems, clinical trials for the herbal products and isolated compounds at various stages including Phase-0 to V as well as translating the pre-clinical data in to clinical studies and finally conversion into a suitable dosage form in order to be used in common population. The plant has the potential to be studied further and maybe an interesting species to attract researchers for future studies. The authors supported the presence of many pharmacological activities based on phenolic and flavonoids compound, present in this plant. In most of the cases, the phenolic and flavonoids compounds are reported with in vitro antioxidant, antibacterial and antidiabetic potential. It is mandatory to confirm the source and nature of such compounds, concerning structure, in C. serrata plant. The compound with mentioned activities may be previously reported in other species as well as advanced studies may be possibly being conducted by some other researchers. To decide regarding the ethnopharmacological and phytochemical relevance as well as the importance of the plant, such compounds may be isolated and reported whereas in case of novel compound more in-depth and molecular target-based studies are urgently needed to produce a new drug for health related purposes. The number of studies whether pharmacological, toxicity and safety studies, preclinical or clinical studies and the amount of data available for the plant may not be sufficient enough to favor the plant as a proper therapeutic or medicinal herb. The pharmacological activities reported for the plant are mostly based on preliminary assessments and the models used are lacking a proper standard used or dose applied. A discrete data is found for this plant regarding extract dose, nature of extract, the model of animal used, standard drug and statistical analysis applied. To normalize and evaluate the data as per guidelines as well as to obtain significant reliable results, animal models with plant extract properly standardized in terms of active principle, a comparative dose of standard as well as control drug, use of appropriate statistical methods to validate the data along with clinical trials are the major recommendation for the plant to be explored. C. serrata Royle is one of the famous plants in Pakistan and India. Many ethnobotanical studies reported the cultural uses of this plant in the south Asian communities. The most common customary uses reported of C. serrata were for the treatment of diabetes, digestive disorders (e.g. diarrhea and dysentery), parasitic worms and fever. The toxicity of C. serrata was reported by few ethno-medicinal surveys, yet no toxicity cases were reported. About 11 compounds were isolated from C. serrata ethyl acetate and methanolic extracts. Few quantitative phytochemical analysis studies were conducted exploring this plant's active phytochemicals. However, its flavonoids and phenolic compounds got several researchers' attention. The flavonoids predominantly existed in C. serrata leaves whereas the Phenolics predominantly existed in its bark. Two classes of flavonoids were identified; Quercetin and Kaempferol glycosides. Moreover, eight phenolic acid compounds were identified (e.g. Ferrulic acid, Caffeic acid, o-Coumaric acid, etc.). Many studies are available demonstrating these compounds' in vitro antioxidant activity. Other bioactive phytochemical classes were identified by qualitative phytochemical analysis studies including; Alkaloids, flavonoids, terpenoids, saponins, tannins, cardiac glycosides and steroids. This article explained the conventional uses of C. serrata and supported them with modern pharmacological studies. The most commonly reported use (e.g. treatment of diabetes) was supported by its in vitro anti-glycating and anti-oxidant activities for the prevention of diabetic vascular complications. Its use for diarrhea was supported by its antibacterial and antifungal activities against various strains associated with infectious diarrhea. It has been used historically for the treatment of Leishmania ulcers as well and this use was supported by its activity against L. promastigotes. Whereas it uses for the treatment of liver diseases were supported by its in vitro antioxidant activity as oxidative stress is highly associated with the propagation and initiation of liver diseases (e.g. Alcoholic and non-alcoholic liver diseases). Major areas of research conducted on C. serrata are on its in vitro antioxidant and anti-infective activities. These activities were evaluated by various tests. Its phenolic and flavonoids contents were mostly attributed to these activities. Its antiglycation activity got some of the researchers' attention as well. C. serrata bark extract showed the strongest inhibition of AGEs formation suggesting that C. serrata phenolic content is attributed to this activity as well. C. serrata in vitro cytotoxic activity has been an area of interest for many researchers and its activity was established on various types of cell lines. This article aimed to provide good insights for reviewers to understand C. serrata potentials to be studied further and explored in depth. As this plant showed some therapeutic potentials in modern in-vitro studies hence more in vivo and advanced studies with pharmacologically reproducible and valid models consisting of proper dose, duration and frequency of extract applied, controls used in study and molecular mechanisms are needed to enroute the plant towards isolation of active chemicals and establish their pharmacological activities for clinical trials. The more important and hot area of research nowadays is herb-drug interactions, as most of the people prefer to use natural products i.e. herbs while using conventional drugs. There remains a possibility of interactions, whether may be inductive or inhibitive. However, these effects need to be explored for any plant or its extract if they claim to possess pharmacological activity. In particular, the drugs from the same pharmacological class may be applied to study the cytochrome P-450 system effects. Very limited information is available regarding the plant. This review is short and abstractive information about the reported activities, toxicities and phytochemical reported for the plant. The authors do believe that the data regarding the plant is not sufficient to produce a comprehensive review. However, current mini-review about C serrata highlighted the reported data and the gaps in research, which exists for the plant to classify it as a valuable ethnopharmacological and medicinal plant. This article summarized the botanical description, ethnopharmacological uses, active phytochemicals and pharmacological activities of C. serrata. This plant showed interesting therapeutic potentials however, unfortunately, all of the pharmacological studies conducted were carried in-vitro. Until date, none of the preclinical or clinical studies has been performed to confirm these activities. Similarly, few quantitative phytochemical studies were done isolating monomolecular phytochemical compounds. These plants revealed therapeutic potentials as cytotoxic agent against various cell lines. Further studies must be conducted evaluating C. serrata cytotoxic activity through in vivo studies and clinical trials to prove its role as an anticancer agent in future. Its toxicity got no attention and lack of toxicological studies conducted on this plant was witnessed by this article. This article evidenced the huge gap in research done on C. serrata. Future in-vivo studies must be carried exploring their activities in-depth in animals to validate its invitro activities. Additionally, clinical trials must be held evaluating C. serrata safety and clinical efficacy in humans. Rizwan Ahmad (corresponding-author) conceived the idea, provided guidance, resources, reviewed the article, and structured the article as per journal guidelines. Hanine Al-Mubayedh, wrote the article, designed the graphical abstract, drew the chemical structures using ChemDraw pro software, and cited the references as per JEP guidelines. This research did not receive any specific grant from funding agencies in the public, commercial, or not-for-profit sectors. There was no conflict of interest between authors. 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Evid. Based Complement Altern Not applicable.