key: cord-0759583-05jicuce authors: Chen, Zhonglu; Ye, Yong; Li, Xiafei title: Forecasting China's crude oil futures volatility: New evidence from the MIDAS-RV model and COVID-19 pandemic date: 2021-11-13 journal: Resour Policy DOI: 10.1016/j.resourpol.2021.102453 sha: 726ac0ba1a9f238bed39e52a10476a75ace18e5a doc_id: 759583 cord_uid: 05jicuce In this study, we focus on the role of jumps and leverage in predicting the realized volatility (RV) of China's crude oil futures. We employ a standard mixed data sampling (MIDAS) modeling framework. First, the in-sample results indicate that the jump and leverage effects are useful in predicting the RV of Chinese crude oil futures. Second, the out-of-sample results suggest that jump has very significant predictive power at the one-day-ahead horizon while the leverage effect contains more useful information for long-term predictions. Moreover, our results are supported by a number of robustness checks. Finally, we find new evidence that the prediction model that considers the leverage effect has the best predictive power during the COVID-19 pandemic. China crude oil futures listed on the Shanghai Futures Exchange Shanghai International Energy Trading Center on March 26, 2018, were aimed at global investors and to facilitate convenient trading, settlement and delivery of crude oil futures. Both parties to the transaction can use RMB as the transaction currency to directly conduct related transactions and settlement, thereby simplifying the transaction process, improving transaction efficiency, and further promoting the development of China's crude oil futures. It is the first crude oil futures contract in China and the first in the world to be denominated in RMB. Ji and Zhang (2019) detail the characteristics of Chinese crude oil futures. An increasing number of industrial production companies, market participants and media are paying attention to Chinese crude oil futures. Volatility forecasts play an important role in risk management, asset pricing, and portfolios, and methods of improving the accuracy of volatility prediction represent an important and difficult issue (see, e.g., Ji and Guo, 2015; Rossi and Fantazzini, 2015; Wang et al., 2016; Degiannakis and Filis, 2017; Ma et al., 2017; Wang et al., 2018a; Ma et al., 2019; Zhang et al., 2019b; Bai et al., 2020; Liang et al., 2020a; Liang et al., 2020b; Wei et al., 2020; Zhang et al., 2020; Liang et al., 2021) . In addition, numerous studies have examined the factors that affect oil prices (see, e.g., Elder et al., 2013; Zhang and Cao, 2013; Sévi, 2014; Wang et al., 2016; Zhang, 2017; Jing et al., 2018; Wang et al., 2018b; Zhang et al., 2019a) . Following Buncic and Gisler (2017) , and they stress the importance of jumps and leverage in predicting global stock market volatility. However, relatively limited research has focused on the realized volatility forecasting of Chinese crude oil futures. This study mainly investigates the role of jumps and leverage in predicting the realized volatility of China's crude oil futures. First, we employ the MIDAS model of Ghysels et al. (2007) as a benchmark model to model and predict China's oil futures price RV, and the proposed model is referred to as MIDAS-RV. Second, we can obtain the MIDAS-RV-CJ and MIDAS-RV-L models by adding jump and negative returns to the MIDAS-RV model, respectively. Third, we employ prevailing evaluation methods of model confidence set (Hansen et al., 2011) to assess out-of-sample predictions. Finally, we perform a number of robustness checks, including different k max , out-of-sample R 2 , and alternative benchmark models. Our study contributes to the literature from three perspectives. First, our paper is closely linked to recent literature on the detection of China's crude oil volatility predictability. Wang et al. (2021) investigate the prediction ability of jump, jump intensity, and leverage effect for China's crude oil futures emplying different kinds of HAR-type models. However, we use a benchmark model that is better than HAR. We employ the MIDAS-RV and extension models to predict the RV of Chinese crude oil futures with high-frequency data. Second, we investigate the role of jumps and leverage in predicting the RV of Chinese crude oil futures. The empirical results indicate that the MIDAS-RV-CJ model exhibits more accurate forecasts at the one-day-ahead horizon while the MIDAS-RV-L model can perform better at long-term predictions. Third, we explore the economic value performance of the prediction models and find that the MIDAS-RV-CJ model has the highest average expected utility. Taking into account the particularity of the COVID-19 pandemic, we further use samples during the COVID-19 epidemic to conduct an out-of-sample prediction analysis and find that the leverage effect is the best predictor of the COVID-19 pandemic. Our conclusions have important applications for investment decisions during the COVID-19 pandemic. The remainder of the paper is organized as follows. We present the methodology and data in Section 2. Section 3 presents the full-sample estimation, out-of-sample prediction results and long-term prediction results. In Section 4, we perform robustness checks. Section 5 shows the economic value test, the empirical results of the use of an expanded sample and the out-of-sample forecasting performance during the COVID-19 pandemic. Finally, Section 6 concludes the paper. In this study, we utilize the standard MIDAS model proposed by Ghysels et al. (2007) as the benchmark model. The MIDAS-RV model can be expressed by the following equation: where RV t = ∑ F j=1 r 2 t,j , r t,j indicates the jth intraday return at Day t and F indicates the number of observations. RV t− k− 1 represents the lags t-k-1 of RV. In this paper, we choose k max that is equal to 22. The weight b(k, θ RV ) can be written as follows: , . ( where According to the studies of Santos and Ziegelmann (2014) and Conrad and Loch (2015) , we assign the parameter θ 1 of the weighting scheme to 1. Therefore, the weighted values are only dependent on the parameter θ 2 , which should be larger than 1 to ensure nonnegative volatilities. To investigate the role of jumps, we design the MIDAS-RV-CJ model, defined as follows: We also consider the leverage effect of the MIDAS-RV model to design the MIDAS-RV-L model, which is given as follows: where r − t− k = min(r t− k , 0), which includes the leverage effect and is helpful to explore the impact of lagged negative returns on future China crude oil RV. We collect the 5-min high-frequency data of China's crude oil futures main contract from the Shanghai International Energy Exchange. The whole sample period is from March 26, 2018, to January 21, 2020, and contains 431 observations. We report the standard descriptive statistics for all variables in Table 1 . Based on the statistical results, we find that all the time series of these variables are stationary. In addition, we plot the evolution of 5-min crude oil futures daily RV, jump, and negative return over the full sample in Fig. 1 . We report the full-sample estimation results of all prediction models in Table 2 . It is evident that the values of β 0 for the three prediction models are negative and significant at the 1% level, and the values of β 1 for the three models are significantly positive. We find that the estimated result of β CJ is positive and significant at the 1% level, implying that the jump will lead to high fluctuation of the next day. Second, from the estimation results of the MIDAS-RV-L model, the estimated value of β L is − 37.679 and significant at the 5% level, suggesting that the leverage effect also has a significant impact on Chinese crude oil futures volatility. Therefore, the in-sample results indicate that the jump and leverage effects are useful in predicting the RV of Chinese crude oil futures. In this paper, we employ the rolling window approach to generate out-of-sample predictions, while the out-of-sample prediction length is 130. To assess the forecasting quality. we use the following two loss functions: where m and q denote the length of the in-sample estimation period and out-of-sample evaluation period, respectively. It is well known that the MCS test of Hansen et al. (2011) is widely used in many studies of forecasting volatility (see, e.g., Wei et al., 2010; Rossi and Fantazzini, 2015; Gong and Lin, 2017) . The MCS test is very useful for determining whether the forecasting model used has a statistically significant difference in out-of-sample prediction performance without specifying a benchmark model. 1 We select a 25% significance level to ascertain the best model set. Namely, a prediction model will pass the MCS test if its MCS p value is larger than 0.25. Instances in which the MCS p value is greater than 0.25 are highlighted in bold. Instances in which the MCS p value is equal to 1 are highlighted in bold and underlined, implying that this prediction model exhibits the best forecasting performance. We report the MCS p values in Table 3 . We find that the MIDAS-RV and MIDAS-RV-L models cannot survive in MCS because their p values are less than 0.25 at one-day-ahead predictions. Obviously, only the MIDAS-RV-CJ model can pass the MCS test and yield the largest p values of 1 under the two loss functions of QLIKE and MSE, implying that the MIDAS-RV-CJ model exhibits the best predictions. These results provide evidence that a jump is very important at one-day-ahead predictions. The possible reason is that some news of international crude oil price is closely related to the volatility of Chinese crude oil futures price, and investors will make investment portfolios based on the news of international crude oil. Investors are also more sensitive when markets take big jumps. As a result, models that take into account jumps perform better when predicting volatility over the next day. Some market participants may focus on long-term prediction performance. However, we report the long-term prediction results in Table 4 . We consider three horizons: 5-day-ahead (one week), 10-dayahead (two weeks), and 22-day-ahead (one month). First, for 5-dayahead predictions, we observe that the MIDAS-RV-L model yields the largest MCS p values under QLIKE and MSE; however, the MIDAS-RV and MIDAS-RV-CJ models perform poorly. Second, for 10-day-ahead predictions, we find that the MIDAS-RV model can pass the MCS test under the loss function of MSE, and the MIDAS-RV-L model still yields the largest MCS p values under QLIKE and MSE. Third, for 22-day-ahead prediction, the MIDAS-RV-L model has the best predictive power. Therefore, we can conclude that the leverage effect is more useful for long-term predictions. To ensure that our results are robust, we perform many tests in this section, including different k max , out-of-sample R 2 , alternative benchmark model, and direction-of-change test. In addition, these robustness test methods are also widely used in financial forecasting research (see, e.g., Yang et al., 2015; Tian et al., 2017; Wen et al., 2020; Zhang et al., 2020; Lu et al., 2021; Zhang et al., 2021) . In the previous empirical analysis, we set k max to 22. Different k max values may lead to completely different results. Therefore, we additionally consider two k max values of 44 and 66. Notes: This table shows the parameter estimation results from an in-sample perspective. All variables take the natural logarithm. We define the asterisks as above. Notes: Instances in which the MCS p value is greater than 0.25 are highlighted in bold. Instances in which the MCS p value is equal to 1 are highlighted in bold and underlined, and they imply that this prediction model exhibits the best forecasting performance. The out-of-sample prediction length is 130. In this subsection, we use alternative evaluation of out-of-sample R 2 (R 2 OOS ), defined as: where RV m+k , R V m+k and R V m+k,bench are the actual RV, forecast RV, and benchmark RV of Day m + k, respectively, and the definitions of m ands q are consistent with those in the loss functions QLIKE and MSE. Positive R 2 OOS values indicate that this prediction model exhibits superior predictive power than the benchmark model of the MIDAS-RV model. From the results of Table 6 , we find that the R 2 OOS value of the MIDAS-RV-CJ model is 3.384% and significant at the 5% level, while the R 2 OOS value of the MIDAS-RV-CJ model is negative. In other words, our results are robust based on the out-of-sample R 2 test. In this subsection, we employ the heterogeneous autoregressive realized volatility model of Corsi (2009) as an alternative benchmark model. Mathematically, the HAR-RV model is defined as follows: where RV t− 1 , RV t− 5:t− 1 , and RV t− 22:t− 1 indicate the daily, weekly, and monthly HAR components, respectively. Naturally, we can obtain the HAR-RV-CJ and HAR-RV-L models by adding jump and negative return to the HAR-RV model. Table 7 shows the MCS p values when we use an alternative benchmark model of HAR-RV at one-day-ahead predictions. It can be seen that under two loss functions of QLIKE and MSE, the MIDAS-RV-CJ model has the largest MCS p values of 1. However, other competing models fail to enter the MCS with a significance level of 25%. In summary, when we consider HAR-type models, our MIDAS-RV-CJ model can still considerably improve the prediction accuracy of Chinese crude oil futures volatility at a one-day-ahead horizon (see Table 7 ). In this subsection, we further use the direction-of-change (DoC) ratio to evaluate the ability of the forecasting models to forecast the direction of change in China's oil futures volatility. We assume that p t is a dummy variable. If the predictive direction of volatility of the model is correct at Day t, then take 1; otherwise, 0: Notes: This table summarizes the MCS p values for long-term predictions (i.e., H = 5, H = 10, and H = 22). Instances in which the MCS p value is greater than 0.25 are highlighted in bold. Instances in which the MCS p value is equal to 1 are highlighted in bold and underlined, and they imply that this prediction model exhibits the best forecasting performance. The out-of-sample prediction length is 130. Mathematically, the DoC rate can be computed as 1/ q ∑ m+q t=m+1 p t . Then, the nonparametric test of Pesaran and Timmermann (1992) is used to examine the null hypothesis that the DoC ratio of a target model is smaller than that of a random walk. Obviously, the direction prediction accuracy of all models is very good, exceeding 65% (see Table 8 ). Moreover, the MIDAS-RV-CJ model can produce the best directional prediction accuracy, reaching more than 73%. In this section, we first explore the economic value performance of the prediction models, and second, we conduct an empirical test using an expanded sample. Finally, we study the prediction performance of the prediction models during the COVID-19 pandemic. In this subsection, we further evaluate the economic value of each forecasting model using a mean-variance utility method introduced by Bollerslev et al. (2018) . We follow the influential study of Bollerslev et al. (2018) , which relies exclusively on volatility forecasts to quantify utility benefits. Mathematically, the reported utility is defined as follows: where the definitions of m and q are consistent with those in the above loss functions. Following the work of Bollerslev et al. (2018) , the annualized Sharpe ratio and coefficient of relative risk aversion are set to SR = 0.4 and γ = 2, respectively. The results of the averaged expected utility are shown in Table 9 . We find that the MIDAS-RV-CJ model has the highest average expected utility at 3.3307, 3.3472, and 3.3453 when k max is equal to 22, 44, and 66, respectively. This evidence also tells market participants of China's crude oil futures that more consideration of the impact of jumps can bring good economic value performance. The outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic has severely affected the operation of the global economy, and all walks of life have been severely impacted. Financial or energy-related research during the COVID-19 pandemic has become an important hot topic (see, e.g., Ashraf, 2020; Goodell, 2020; Sharif et al., 2020) . Therefore, we use samples that include this period for further analysis. The expanded sample period is from March 26, 2018, to April 30, 2021, and contains 751 observations. Table 10 shows the in-sample estimation results using an expanded sample. We find that all parameters are significant, which is basically consistent with the conclusions in Table 2. Table 11 shows the MCS p values using an expanded sample. Obviously, even if our sample period includes the period of the COVID-19 pandemic, the MIDAS-RV-CJ model is still the best model. Therefore, our results are robust to the use of an expanded sample. Notes: In this portfolio exercise, the constant Sharpe ratio is 0.4, and the risk aversion coefficient is 2. In-sample analysis using an expanded sample. In this subsection, we focus on investigating the prediction performance of the prediction model during the COVID-19 pandemic. Table 12 reports the MCS test results during the COVID-19 pandemic. We observe that when K is equal to 22, 44, and 66, the MIDAS-RV-L model can generate the largest MCS p values of 1 under the two loss functions of QLIKE and MSE, implying that this prediction model is the best model during the COVID-19 pandemic. Why is the predictive power of the leverage effect stronger during the COVID-19 pandemic? This is an interesting question. The possible reasons are that during the period of economic prosperity or stability, a continuous bad market rarely occurs. Normal and moderate leverage is considered by investors to be normal price volatilities most of the time. Investors are more sensitive to abnormal jumps because they may contain more impact information. Second, during the COVID-19 pandemic, instability increased, the economy regressed, and the continuous bad market had a great impact on investors, causing investors to panic. At this time, the volatility jump information is second because the negative return corresponding to the leverage is more intuitive. Table 13 shows the out-of-sample R 2 results during the COVID-19 pandemic. We observe that regardless of the value of K, the MIDAS-RV-L model can produce a significantly positive R 2 OOS value. This result reaffirms that the leverage effect is the best predictor of the COVID-19 pandemic. This study mainly investigates the role of jumps and leverage in predicting the realized volatility (RV) of China's crude oil futures. We employ the MIDAS-RV model as a benchmark model and design the MIDAS-RV-CJ and MIDAS-RV-L models. We collect the 5-min highfrequency data of China's crude oil futures main contract from the Shanghai International Energy Exchange. First, the in-sample results indicate that the jump and leverage effects are useful in predicting the RV of Chinese crude oil futures. Second, based on the QLIKE and MSE loss functions, the MCS test results suggest that jump has very significant predictive power at one-day-ahead horizon out-of-sample predictions while the leverage effect contains more useful information for long-term predictions. Finally, our results are supported by a number of robustness checks, including different k max values of 44 and 66, out-of-sample R 2 , alternative benchmark model of HAR-RV, and Direction-of-Change test. In addition, we explore the economic value performance of the prediction models and find that the MIDAS-RV-CJ model has the highest average expected utility. Taking into account the particularity of the COVID-19 pandemic, we further use samples during the COVID-19 epidemic to conduct an out-of-sample prediction analysis and find that the leverage effect is the best predictor of the COVID-19 pandemic. The relevant empirical results of the paper have important applied economic significance. First, investors, market participants, and policy-makers can use the useful predictors found in this study when predicting the RV of China's crude oil futures. More importantly, by investigating the predicted performance during the COVID-19 epidemic, the new evidence provided has good guiding significance for investors and market participants. The factors found in this article can be used to predict the volatility of China's crude oil futures more effectively, reduce investment risks, and achieve better returns. The authors declare that they have no known competing financial interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence the work reported in this paper. Out-of-sample R 2 results during the COVID-19 pandemic. Stock markets' reaction to COVID-19: cases or fatalities? 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